Fundamentals of Speech (SPC 1608) Syllabus In s tru c to r: T in a T a n , O ffice 1 -2 2 2 , P h o n e : (4 0 7 ) 5 8 2 -5 6 7 9 E-mail:; Blackboard email; Emails are generally answered within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, you can assume I may not have received it and should resend your email. Office Hours Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fridays 08:00 – 08:30am, 11:15am 08:00 – 08:30am, 11:15am 08:00 – 08:30am, 11:15am 08:00 – 08:30am, 11:15am (7:30am - 8:30am, email) – – – – 12:00pm (3:30 – 5:30pm, email) 12:00pm 12:00pm (3:30 – 5:30pm, email) 12:00pm Course Materials and Homework Submissions are mostly postings on Blackboard. C a ta lo g C o u rs e D e s c rip tio n This course explores oral communication principles common to speaking and listening. It emphasizes listening techniques as well as preparation and delivery techniques for extemporaneous speaking. R e q u ire d M a te ria ls 1) Textbook: O’Hair, D., Rubenstein, H. and R. Stewart (2013). A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking, 4th Edition. Publisher: Bedford/ St. Martin, MA. 2) USB/ Flash Drive – Speech presentations will be recorded and saved for self-evaluation assignments 3) 4 X 6 Note Cards S tu d e n t L e a rn in g O u tc o m e s 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Identify a specific speaking goal and articulate a thesis appropriate to audience and context Fully develop the central thesis with appropriate and adequate main points; use organizational pattern appropriate to speech purpose and context Evaluate quality of information (source, currency, accuracy, authenticity, bias), provide appropriate research documentation and effectively incorporate verbal citations in the speech Use correct, clear, concrete, and context-appropriate language to express ideas clearly and fluently Incorporate nonverbal communication (eye contact, facial expressions, posture, and gestures) to enhance the verbal message and speaker credibility Use visual aids to clarify, emphasize, and support main points relevant to speech thesis Use appropriate persuasive strategies to appeal to audience reasoning; construct valid arguments; recognize and avoid the use of fallacies of reasoning Use appropriate persuasive strategies to appeal to audience emotions in an ethical manner Appraise own and others’ reasoning and perspectives fairly and objectively; recognize implications and consequences of message on audience and society. A tte n d a n c e a n d C la s s P re p a re d n e s s Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn, which means you must (1) attend class on time, (2) complete assigned readings and homework prior to each class meeting, (3) listen attentively to others’ ideas, and (4) provide insightful responses or ask relevant questions from readings and class discussions as appropriate. Your class demeanor and behavior will have an impact on your credibility as a speaker. Attendance is important in this course. Absences and tardies can greatly affect your final grade. Please review the following carefully and make plans to successfully attend class: Absences 1 or 2 absences* (excused or unexcused) 3 absences* (excused or unexcused) 4 absences* No penalty incurred 2-point reduction from final grade Withdrawal from course * If you arrive 10 minutes after class has started (or leave 10 minutes before it ends), it will be counted as an absence. Tardies, Leaving in the middle of class (and returning), or Leaving Early (5 to 10 minutes) Arriving to class late is rude and disrespectful. You chose your schedule so please make sure you can fulfill your commitment to this course. Otherwise you should look at other class options. It is your responsibility to plan for your ride, traffic delays, parking issues and other complications. 1 or 2 tardies or leaving early** 3 or more tardies or leaving early** 5 tardies** No penalty incurred 1-point reduction per occurrence Withdrawal from course ** This includes leaving in the middle of class for more than five minutes Instructor: Tina Tan Fall 2015 1/5 If you are absent, tardy or leave early, you are responsible for the material covered & any announcements made. You may NOT make-up missed class activity, quiz, or assignment due to absences or tardies, unless official, written documentation of emergency is provided. You will not need your laptop or cell phone. Please silence them, keep them in your bag out of sight and do not use them during class. You would do the same in a professional environment. If you are expecting an emergency call/ text, please let me know before class starts. G ra d e d S p e e c h A s s ig n m e n ts Three extemporaneous speeches to an audience of peers during the term are required. Outlines submitted through SafeAssign*** (see information on SafeAssign on page 4). Speeches must be original work produced by you. Plagiarized speeches will result in a “0” and college policies for Academic Dishonesty will apply. Speech days will be assigned. If you are late to class on a scheduled speaking day, 10% will be deducted from your speech grade. S p e e c h M a k e -u p P o lic y You will be assigned a Speaking Day for each Speech assignment. The following applies to all speeches: If you walk in late on Speech Day, 10% will be deducted from your speech grade. If you miss your speech, you must contact your instructor within 24 hours of the scheduled speech time to be considered for a make up, and it will carry a 20% late penalty. You can only make up one speech during the term. Please do not assume you can make up a speech if you miss your scheduled speech time. Forgetting to bring a visual aid, bringing the “wrong” computer file…unable to open file, etc. will not excuse you from the late penalty. Only in extreme cases, you may make up the speech without the grade penalty. Official, written documentation of emergency (e.g., hospitalization documents, police report, court order) will be required to waive the grade penalty. Failing to give the "make-up" speech on make-up day (See Course Schedule for specific date) will result in a "0." If you miss two scheduled speeches, you will be withdrawn from the course. Speech grade appeal: You may request a conference (within one week of receiving disputed grade) with me to discuss/appeal a speech grade. You MUST make the recorded speech available. Q u iz z e s / T e s t There are six quizzes but only five quiz grades will be added (lowest grade dropped) and one test. No make-ups for quizzes and test unless there is written documentation of an emergency (20% penalty). P ro fe s s io n a l E tiq u e tte All assignments completed outside of class must be proofread and of college quality. The West campus has a Writing Center (Building 5-155) It is a free service. You just have to make an appointment in advance. S tu d e n t C o d e o f C la s s ro o m C o n d u c t Valencia’s Code of Classroom Conduct, According to College Policy 6Hx28:8-03,all forms of academic dishonesty and misconduct are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but it is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, and furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. All assignments must be the student’s original work. It is unethical to abstract a speech from an outside source and pretend it is your own work. Plagiarized speeches will result in a “0.” Disruptive or distracting activities such as "side discussions which are irrelevant to the subject matter of the class, distract from the learning process, or impede or hinder the ability of other students to obtain the full benefit of the educational presentation” may result in a grade reduction or, in extreme cases, a grade of "F" in the course (1006.60, FS). Disruptions during student speech presentations (including, but not limited to entering or leaving the classroom, cell phones, beepers, or any other electronic devices, or "side discussions which are irrelevant to the subject matter of the class, that distract from the learning process, or impede or hinder the ability of other students to obtain the full benefit of the educational presentation”) will result in a 3-point deduction from your own speech (per occurrence). Instructor: Tina Tan Fall 2015 2/5 Grade Tracking Sheet Maximum Possible Points Quizzes (5) Points Scored by Student 15 points __________ 2 points __________ 10 points __________ Speech 1, Self-Evaluation 2 points __________ Speech 2, Adapting to Audience 2 points __________ Speech 2, Prep/ Outline 2 points __________ 15 points __________ Speech 2, Peer Evaluation 2 points __________ Speech 2, Self-Evaluation 2 points __________ Speech 3, Adapting to Audience 2 points __________ Speech 3, Prep/ Outline 2 points __________ 20 points __________ Speech 3, Peer Evaluation 2 points __________ Speech 3, Self-Evaluation 2 points __________ Impromptu Speeches 3 points __________ Test 7 points __________ 10 points __________ 100 points __________ Speech 1, Prep/ Outline Speech 1, Narrative Speech Speech 2, Informative Speech Speech 3, Persuasive Speech In Class Assignments/ Homework TOTAL BONUS POINTS (Additional Assignments, if time permits) 90 80 70 60 59 1 - 3 points – 100 = A – 89 = B – 79 = C – 69 = D or less = F Withdrawal Policy You should familiarize yourself with Valencia College’s withdrawal policy (see college catalog). Nov 13 (Friday) is the withdrawal deadline to receive a “W” for this Fall 2015 session. Students with Disabilities Policy Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with me, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (West Campus, SSB). Counseling Services for Students Valencia College is interested in making sure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all Valencia s t u d e n t s a n d a v a i l a b l e 2 4 h o u r s a d a y b y c a l l i n g ( 8 0 0 ) 8 7 8- 5 4 7 0 . F r e e f a c e - t o - f a c e c o u n s e l i n g i s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . Instructor: Tina Tan Fall 2015 3/5 Fundamentals of Speech (SPC 1608) Course Schedule Fall 2015 (TR, 10:00 – 11:15am) Week 1 Tuesday, Sep 1 Thursday, Sep 3 Week 2 Tuesday, Sep 8 Thursday, Sep 10 Week 3 Tuesday, Sep 15 Thursday, Sep 17 Week 4 Tuesday, Sep 22 Thursday, Sep 24 Week 5 Tuesday, Sep 29 Thursday, Oct 1 Week 6 Tuesday, Oct 6 Thursday, Oct 8 Week 7 Tuesday, Oct 13 Review: Course Syllabus and Course Schedule Read: Chapter 1, Becoming a Public Speaker Read: Chapter 2, From A to Z: Overview of a Speech Read: Chapter 3, Managing Speech Anxiety Quiz 1 Read: Chapter 15, Developing the Introduction and Conclusion (Speech 1 Outline due in class) Read: Chapter 4, Ethical Public Speaking Read: Chapter 5, Listeners and Speakers Speech One – Narrative Speech Speech One – Narrative Speech Speech One – Narrative Speech Quiz 2 Read: Chapter 6, Analyzing the Audience Read: Chapter 7, Selecting a Topic and Purpose Read: Chapter 23, Informative Speaking Class meets in Room 6-220 Read: Chapter 8, Developing Supporting Material Read: Chapter 9, Locating Supporting Material Read: Chapter 10, Finding Credible Sources on the Internet Quiz 3 Read: Chapter 12, Organizing the Speech Read: Chapter 13, Selecting an Organizational Pattern Read: Chapter 14, Outlining the Speech Read: Chapter 11, Citing Sources in your Speech Read: Chapter 20, Speaking with Presentation Aids Read: Chapter 21, Designing Presentation Aids No Class – Faculty Work Day (Speech 2 Outline, Citation Page, Copies of Sources due in class) Quiz 4 In-Class Practice of Informative Speech Read: Chapter 17, Choosing a Method of Delivery Read: Chapter 18, Controlling the Voice Read: Chapter 19, Using the Body Thursday, Oct 15 Speech Two – Informative Speech Week 8 Tuesday, Oct 20 Speech Two – Informative Speech Thursday, Oct 22 Speech Two – Informative Speech Week 9 Instructor: Tina Tan Fall 2015 4/5 Tuesday, Oct 27 Speech Two – Informative Speech Thursday, Oct 29 Read: Chapter 24, Persuasive Speaking Week 10 Tuesday, Nov 3 Thursday, Nov 5 Week 11 Tuesday, Nov 10 Thursday, Nov 12 Week 12 Tuesday, Nov 17 Thursday, Nov 19 Week 13 Tuesday, Nov 24 Thursday, Nov 26 Week 14 Tuesday, Dec 1 Thursday, Dec 3 Week 15 Tuesday, Dec 8 Thursday, Dec 10 Instructor: Tina Tan Quiz 5 Read: Chapter 24, Persuasive Speaking Online Day 1 Read: Chapters 30 - 36, Speaking across the Curriculum Quiz 6 Read: Chapter 16, Using Language (Speech 3 Outline, Citation Page, Copies of Sources due in class) Read: Chapter 22, A Brief Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint Speech 3 Speech 3 Speech 3 Thanksgiving – No Class Online Day 2 Read: Chapter 25, Speaking on Special Occasions Make Up Speech Day - Outline, Citation Page, Copies of Sources due in cl Read; Chapter 27, Communicating in Groups Read: Chapter 28, Presentations in Teams Test Fall 2015 5/5