Optimal Reliable Crosstalk-Driven Interconnect Optimization Iris Hui-Ru Jiang , Song-Ra Pan , Yao-Wen Chang , and Jing-Yang Jou Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan huiru@athena.ee.nctu.edu.tw, jyjou@bestmap.ee.nctu.edu.tw Department of Computer and Information Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan gis87528, ywchang @cis.nctu.edu.tw Abstract As technology advances apace, crosstalk becomes a design metric of comparable importance to area and timing. This paper focuses mainly on the crosstalk issue, specifically on the impacts of physical design and process variation on crosstalk. While the feature size shrinks below , the impact of process variation on crosstalk increases rapidly. Hence, a crosstalk insensitive design is desirable in the ultra-deep submicron regime. In this paper, crosstalk sensitivity is referred to as the influence of process variation on crosstalk in a circuit. We show that the lower bound of crosstalk sensitivity grows quadratically, while that of crosstalk increases linearly. Therefore, designers should also consider crosstalk sensitivity, when optimizing other design objectives such as crosstalk, area, and delay. According to our modeling, these objectives are all in posynomial forms, and thus the multi-objective optimization problem can optimally be solved by Lagrangian relaxation. Experimental results show that our method is effective and efficient. For instance, a circuit of gates and wires is optimized using only minute runtime and MB memory on a SUN UltraSPARC II 300 workstation. In particular, by relaxing Lagrange multipliers to the critical paths, it takes only two iterations for all solutions to converge to the global optimal, which is much more efficient than related previous work. This relaxation scheme provides a key insight into the rapid convergence in Lagrangian relaxation. 1 Introduction As the feature size shrinks into the ultra-deep submicron (UDSM) regime, crosstalk is becoming a new design challenge of comparable importance to area and timing. This paper focuses mainly on the crosstalk issue, specifically on the impacts of physical design and process variation on crosstalk. In the UDSM era, the interconnect delay starts to dominate the delay in a circuit. Gate delay declines as technology progresses, but the intrinsic delay of interconnect remains the same. In addition, the growing coupling capacitance magnifies the effective loading of interconnect and induces noise to interfere signal propagation. The work of Iris Hui-Ru Jiang and Jing-Yang Jou was partially supported by National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant No. NSC89-2215-E-009-058. The work of Song-Ra Pan and Yao-Wen Chang was partially supported by National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant No. NSC89-2215-E-009-055. Moreover, interconnect may become a bottleneck of the continuation of Moore’s law, which has perfectly forecasted the legend of semiconductor industry so far [13]. This trend forces designers to endeavor after interconnect optimization. Recent literature intensively focuses on crosstalk, mainly depending on the coupling capacitance between wires. The typical techniques to reduce the coupling capacitance include wire permutation [5], perturbation [12], and shielding [11], etc. On the other hand, when technology shrinks below ! , designers have to consider the impact of subwavelength lithography, where the feature size becomes smaller than the wavelength of the light shining through the mask [8]. Subwavelength lithography could cause variations in the dimensions of components. This type of process variation may create considerable unexpected circuit behavior [11] and, in the worst case, could offset the optimization done by designers. Hence, a reliable design of insensitivity to process variation is desirable. Considering crosstalk and process variation together, this paper first raises an issue on crosstalk sensitivity, which reflects the influence of process variation on the crosstalk in a circuit. Crosstalk sensitivity is measured by the first derivative of crosstalk with respect to wire width, thus it could be considered during the wire sizing stage in post-routing optimization. In Section 3, we derive the formula for crosstalk sensitivity. Based on our formula, as technology scales down, the lower bound of crosstalk sensitivity increases quadratically, while the lower bound of crosstalk increases linearly. This fact shows that process variation affects crosstalk more than physical design does. Currently, most research attention is directed to crosstalk minimization; however, our work reveals that a reliable design with crosstalk insensitivity is also desirable in the UDSM technology. When technology advances apace, designers are simultaneously challenged by multiple objectives, including crosstalk, crosstalk sensitivity, area, and delay. Our modeling for these objectives shows that they can simultaneously be handled by gate and wire sizing in post-routing optimization. According to our modeling, these design metrics are all in posynomial forms [6], and thus the multi-objective optimization problem can optimally be solved by the Lagrangian relaxation method. Moreover, our method can easily be extended to other objectives, for example, energy in high-performance circuitry. The experimental results show that our method is effective and efficient. For instance, a circuit of gates and wires is optimized using only minute runtime and MB memory. We note that all solutions rapidly converge to the global optimal after only two iterations by relaxing Lagrange multipliers to the critical paths of the benchmark circuits. The relaxation scheme provides a key insight into the rapid convergence in Lagrangian relaxation. To the best knowledge of authors, this kind of efficiency has never been reported in related previous work. 2 Circuit Interpretation A digital circuit can be divided into combinational and sequential parts. After applying peripheral retiming [9], we can perform optimization on the combinational part to achieve our design objectives. Hence, this paper focuses on combinational circuits and interprets them in the way similar to that adopted in [2]. 1 D R1 (a) D R2 4 1 6 9 2 5 3 7 12 L C1 10 8 1 4 6 11 (b) 11 12 5 3 13 D R3 9 2 0 and all the nodes on its downstream paths. The Elmore delay [4] is used as the delay of a component; the delay v _ of node ? is `N_fT_ , where fT_ is the downstream capacitance. In the circuit graph % of a circuit, each node ? is associated with all the above parameters. Thus we can optimize a circuit through manipulating the corresponding circuit graph. 7 14 10 8 R1D 0 C2L Given a combinational circuit with " primary inputs, # primary outputs, and $ gates and/or wires as shown in Figure 1(a), we construct the corresponding circuit graph as depicted in Figure 1(b). Each primary input or primary output has a respective corresponding input driver or output load. A component is a circuit element that may be a gate, a wire, or an input driver. A circuit graph %'&)(*,+.-0/ is a directed acyclic graph. The set of nodes of gates, the *1&325476'49854;:" < =>47: #< = contains the set 2 set 6 of wires, the set 8 of input drivers, as well as two artificial nodes—the source <" and the sink # < . On the other hand, the set of edges represents the connections between nodes. An edge (?@+@A/ , an ordered pair, links node ? to node A if data flow from node ? to node A . Additional edges are added to connect " < to input drivers and link primary outputs to # < . The index of each node is done by the topological sort [3]. We set the indices of <" and # < as and B&5$!C>"C D respectively. In addition, ?E$FHGI#J(?K/L&M:NAIOP(QA+R?K/TSU-0= , and VGI#PFWGI#R(?K/X&Y:NAIOP(?@+@A/ZS[-0= . ci xi ci wire j ri xj r6 6 r9 r5 2 9 r11 11 r12 D R2 3 r7 5 7 r10 12 D R3 L C1 10 r13 r8 14 13 8 C2L C8 Figure 3: A circuit is transformed to an RC network. As an example, the delay wyx = zx{ux , where {ux is the sum of all the capacitors in the shaded area. 3 Crosstalk and Crosstalk Sensitivity In this section, we will discuss the formulas for crosstalk and crosstalk sensitivity. 3.1 Crosstalk—Coupling Capacitance xi wire i d ij lij cij xj wire j ^ f is the unit−length fringing capacitance between i and j ij Figure 4: Two neighboring wires has coupling capacitance. rj cj 2 4 13 Figure 1: (a) A combinational circuit, where the gate and wire sizes can be varied. (b) The corresponding circuit graph, where two artificial nodes, 0 and 14, are added. gate i r4 cj 2 Figure 2: A gate/wire is modeled as a combination of RC elements. A gate is the loading of its upstream, but the driver of its downstream. A wire is represented by the \ model. Figure 2 shows the analytical models for gates and wires used throughout this paper. We choose the ] model [11] to approximate wire behavior. For a gate ? of size ^W_ , the resistance `N_ is .a` _@b^H_ , and the capacitance c_ is ac _Q^W_ , where Na` _ and ac _ are its unit-size resistance and capacitance. For a wire A of size ^d , the resistance `Jd is Ja` db^d , and the capacitance c d is ac d ^ d C5e d CMfTg d , where a` d is its unitsize resistance, and hac d , eid , and f g d are its respective unit-size, fringing, and worst case coupling capacitance. We will detail the calculation of the coupling capacitance in Section 3.1. Later, by incorporating the coupling capacitance into the wire capacitance, we can directly consider the coupling effect on delay, and even on power. In addition, an input driver ?@+ND>jY?Xjk" , is treated as a gate whose ^W_ is always D and Na` _ equals 80_ l . With the circuit model, a combinational circuit is transformed into a network with resistors and capacitors, as illustrated in Figure 3. In the transformed circuit, for Dmj5?Zjn$ Co" , GFW"#@`Npqr(?K/ is the set of all the nodes except ? on ? ’s upstream paths; similarly, sVtu$W"#@`Npqr(?K/ is the set of ? In this paper, the coupling capacitance is used as the quantity of crosstalk. Figure 4 gives an instance where a coupling capacitance exists between two parallel wires segments ? and A probably belonging to different routing trees. The coupling capacitance c_ d between two neighboring wires ? of size ^ _ and A of size ^d is directly proportional to the overlap length |Q_ d but inversely proportional to the center-to-center distance s_ d . c _ d}& & ea _ d Q| _ d N s_ d~5KI ea _ d |Q_ d s_ d5 D ~ ^W_IC;^ d s_ d ! (R/ (1) As can be seen in Equation (1), wire sizing affects crosstalk, thus causing variation on delay and disturbance on signal integrity. The first term in Equation (1), e a _ dN| _ dbs _ d , is a constant extracted by technology files and design circuits, while the second term, (RD ~ (K^W_C;^ d /Rbs_ d / , could be varied by wire sizing. Let ^& , Y^;D . (K^ _ C9^d/Rbs _ d , the second term becomes (RD ~ ^W/ ! It can be seen that c_ d is a positive quantity, and its lower bound <c _ d is e a _ d.| _ dbs _ d . As a result, the crosstalk lower bound <c _ d is inversely proportional to wire spacing, thus increasing linearly with technology advancing. (RD ~ ^W/ can be expressed by Taylor series I ^ ½ . If (RD ~ ^W/ is approximated by the first terms in the series, then the p``NV`! `Nq @ # ?QV is ^W . When m&M , c_ dZ <c _ d s _ d Ê ac _ ^ _ C7e _ Cof g_ &ac _ ^ _ C7e _ C7B¤ & ac _Q^W_IC7e_CoB¤ i <c _ d DC ^ _ C;^d s_ d dN ¢¡ _P£ ¤ ¥¦uac _ C7 & c _d dN ¢¡ _P£ & C 4.1 The Objective and Constraints In order not to traverse total paths (that may grow exponentially in the graph size), each node ? , DjÌ?uj , is associated with its arrival time q_ . The objective function is to minimize the critical delay, and is equivalently to minimize the arrival time q¹ of sink. The timing relationship between components are subject to the timing constraints. Thus ac _ d.§¨©^ _ ¤ ¥¦ e_C7 s_ d dN ¢¡ _P£ s_ d §¨ (3) 3.2 Crosstalk Sensitivity As indicated in Figure 4, the influences of ^W_ and ^ d on c_ d are in the same direction: the larger ^W_ and ^ d , the larger ci_ d . Consequently, the crosstalk sensitivity «R_ d of c_ d is defined as the superposition of the first derivatives of c_ d with respect to ^W_ and ^ d . ® ­ ® c_ d ­ ® C ® c_ d by Å q ¹ j q _ +È"CkD0jk?!jY$mC9"+@AmSU?K$FWGÂ#J(?K/+ _Î& q_@+XD0jk?,jo" Ï & ^ _ C;^d Ï s_ d v ¹Tº ÅÇÆ _d j <c _ d Æ _d Å Å (5) Æ ½ÈÆ _d « _ dÐj Ï °<« _ d R<« _ d ^W_C7^ d ^ _ C7^d D ~ s_ d j5D ½ÈÆ _d j <« _ d ½ Æ _d ~oÑ (6) ½ Æ ^W_C;^ d s_ d ¯ (R7/ (4) A generic optimization problem in the gate and wire sizing stage is described as follows. ?K$µ?K¶?¸·p s _ d j5D ~ s _ d The Gate and Wire Sizing Problem ±³²´ ^H_C7^ d D ~ As can be seen, the crosstalk bound _ d must be larger than the crosstalk lower bound <c _ d . If technology is scaled down, <c _ d will increase in a linear fashion. On the other hand, for each pair of½ Æ adjacent wires ? and A , the crosstalk sensitivity is constrained by _ d . By Equation (4), Ï Equation (4) reveals that the crosstalk sensitivity «°_ d is also a pos itive quantity; moreover, its lower bound <« _ d is e a _ d.| _ dbs _ d . The crosstalk sensitivity lower bound °<« _ d is quadratically proportional to the inverse of wire spacing. Thus process variation affects crosstalk in a quadratic fashion. Crosstalk sensitivity should be an increasingly important design metric in the UDSM regime. 4 Æ _d Å c < _ dË<c _ d ®­ & +AÍS[?K$FWGI#R(/+ The crosstalk for each pair of adjacent wires ? and A is bounded Æ _ d . Hence, we have, by Equation (1), ­ ^W_ ^ d ­ ­ ® ­ i c _d c _d ­ ® C ® ^W_ ^ d ae_ d |Q_ d D ~ s _d j c _ dËj In Equation (3), we consider the worst case coupling capacitance f g@_ . If the switching behavior of wires is available, the worst case coupling capacitance fTg_ in wire capacitance c_ can be substituted by the effective coupling capacitance [7]. On the other hand, by incorporating the coupling capacitance into the wire capacitance, we can directly consider the coupling effect on delay, and even on power. Note that Equation (3) is posynomial (positive polynomial) [6], an important property to guarantee the optimality of our algorithm. « _ d}¬ _ v DTC +Èb»Tq`Npq0c.V$W"#@`Nq?K$µ#"X»b Problem tries to minimize the critical delay v ¹Tº under timing, crosstalk, crosstalk sensitivity, area, as well as sizing constraints. The following will detail the objective and these constraints. q d ^ d cNV$W"#@`Nq?K$W#@"T»Tb Ê0Æ j "?Q·?K$ÁËcNV$W"#@`Nq?K$W#@" qdCv ¹Tº +Àb¢»#?E¶?K$ÂÁÃ`Np|ªq#@?QV$W"NÄW? Fm»¢b ÅÇÆ +Èb»Xci`iV""#Kq|Q0cNV$µ"#`iq?K$W#@"»¢b ½ÈÆ +,b¢»Lc`NV""#Eq|Q>"Np$W"?K#?EÉ?K#¼ ± dN ¢¡ _P£ ea _ d |ª_ d j j (2) The neighborhood (?K/ of wire ? is defined as the set of its adjacent wires; the dominating index (?K/ of (?E/ of wire ? is defined as the set of adjacent wires with the indices greater than ? . For instance, if wires and are adjacent to wire , then (/L&M:+h= and (/T&:= . Hence, the worst case coupling capacitance f g_ between wire ? and its neighbors is dN ¢¡ _P£ c_ d . By Equation (2), the capacitance ci_ of wire ? is c _ v¿jkv Å ½ ^ _ C7^d DC G¾JApc##EV b»yq^>sp|Qq¼u»b The crosstalk sensitivity bound _ d needs to be greater than the crosstalk sensitivity lower bound <« _ d . As technology advancing, <« _ d thus increases in a quadratic fashion. In other words, the crosstalk sensitivity issue may become more significant than the crosstalk one in the UDSM era. By Inequalities (5) and (6), we have ^ _ C9^d s _ d Ï Ï joÒÍÓPÔ D ~ Å ^W_C9^ d jos_ d ÒÍÓPÔ ^W_C9^ d Æ j7Õ _ d D c< _ d Æ +ND _d ~ Å ~Ñ <c _ d Æ +.D _d <« _ d ½ Æ _d ~oÑ <« _ d ½ Æ _d Hence, in the gate and wire sizing stage, designers should pursue not only crosstalk minimization but crosstalk insensitivity also. Ö Although many objectives have to be attained, area is still an important design concern. The area occupied by each gate/wire ? is given by ×L_Q^W_ , where ×L_ is the quantity of unit size. Since the sizes of input drivers are fixed, we focus on theÊ remaining area occupied Æ . by gates and wires, which is restricted to !Ø ¤ _ Ê × _ ^ _ j Æ Wire Delay Ü Crosstalk Sensitivity Lower Bound Ý Area/ Device 1/U ß Ý¢Þ Sizing í ÙZåæ çæ è åæ çæ è (KáÈ+RäI/ü& ¥¦ D C q ¹ q d joq ¹ A S[?K$FHGI#J(¶/ _ j7q _ qdC7v "XCYD0jo?,jk$ÍCo"+ A v _W&Ûq_ Æ Ê Æ ?@+@A C ¤ ¤ _ ï ÙLÿæ çæ è S[6 ¤ C _ ×L_Q^W_ ~ !Ø ¤ (Ká/ & ¤ C _ ï ~ ¤ d _ (KqdCv êëì ¡ _î£ í dN _ N Ø Æ Õ _d / Ê0Æ / Ø "XCYD0jo?,jk$ÍCo" ¤ dJ¹Ã(Kqd £ í dN _ iêiëì ¡â¹ !Ø _ _ v _ _ q¹7C q_ We apply the Kuhn-Tucker theorem, õö÷º ø ùø ú (Ká,+°äI/ = , the theoõ ý rem follows. If we define þ = (K +N â ã â+@¹0/ and _ & d _ , under d. _ iêiëì ¡ _P£ the optimality conditions, Equation (7) can be rewritten así _ ~ C q _ / ¤ Æ Õ _d / _ d (K^W_C;^ d~ Ê Æ ô + (7) capacitance. where v _ &5` _ f _ and f _ is ? ’s downstream For any vector satisfying the optimality conditions in Theorem 1, the corresponding Lagrangian relaxation subproblem à of Problem is formulated as follows. q¹0/ dNðN¡ î_ £Nñ !Ø òÇó ¤ × _^ _ ~ _ Ø Lagrangian Relaxation à (KáÈ+häÂ/é& v _ d (K^H_IC;^ d~ !Ø òµ( ¤ _ As given in Problem , the objective and constraints are in posynomial (positive polynomial) forms [6]. This property guarà antees Problem can optimally be solved by the Lagrangian relaxation method. We relax the constraints into the objective function by introducing one Lagrange multiplier to each constraint. +N â ã â+^ / and ä = (Kq +N â ã â+@q ¹ / . As a result, the LaLet á = (K^ Ø !Ø grangian function is given by ¤ d _ §¨ êiëì ¡ _P£ í d. _ i ~ d.ðN¡ _P£ ñ C q¹ §¨ ¤ d _ §¨ êiëì ¡ _î£í dN _ i ¥¦ _ ÙTåæ çæ è = , we have , we have ¤ _ ë êëì ¡ _P£ í û ¥¦ ! Ø ¤ C D0jo?,jk" ^ _ 9 C ^dËjÕ _ d ×L_Q^W_Èj _ ÀØ Ù _,joÚL_ _Èj7Ø^W 5 S[?K$FHGI#J(?K/ õö÷º ø ù ø ú (KáÈ+RäÂ/ õ ¤ dh¹ dN _ iêiëì ¡â¹ £ í ~ !Ø ¤ We substitute the objective and constraints derived in the preced± ing subsection for those in Problem as follows. ?K$µ?K¶?¸·p (KáÈ+häI/ _ 4.2 Problem Formulation G¾RApci#µ#KV í Proof: Ù Rearranging terms for ½ Ê0ÆÈô Theorem 1 The optimality conditions on Lagrange multipliers are given by (1) dN _ Nêëì ¡î¹ £ dh¹ &MD í _ & (2) d _ +LeIV`¢D0jo?Èjo$ C7" û ëìPêëì ¡ _P£ dN _ Nêëì ¡ _î£ We summarize how the aforementioned design characteristics change as technology scales down U times. Table 1 reveals the profitable effects of scaling—the speed of gates increases in a linear fashion, while the area declines in a quadratic fashion. In contrast, the table also indicates the harmful impacts of scaling—the delay of wires does not decline; moreover, the crosstalk grows in a linear fashion, and the crosstalk sensitivity increases in a quadratic fashion. As shown in Table 1, crosstalk sensitivity should be a new comer after crosstalk which may play an even important role in the future technology. ಴ Æ Õ _d / _ d (K^W_C9^ dT~ By the Kuhn-Tucker theorem [14], Theorem 1. 1/U Table 1: Technology scaling down U times benefits gates but harms wires. q_K/ dNði¡ P_ £Nñ !Ø òÇó ¤ × _Q^W_ ~ L _ Ø Ø Crosstalk Lower Bound ¤ _ ï Gate Delay 1/U _ ~ í ¤ C C _Èj^W_!jkÚX_@+h"LCÛD0jo?ÈjY$>C" _J(v _ Given a technology file and circuit, the lower bounds of gate/wire sizes are always related to the feature size, and the upper bounds are limited by the performance concern. Thus we have the following constraints for all gates and wires. Ù Ø ¤ C ²´ ½ ?K$µ?K¶?¸·p G¾RApci#!#EV Ù Ù ÿæ çæ è (Ká/ _Èj7^W_,jkÚL_ "TCD0jk?Àjk$ C7" By õöø ùø ú (Ká/ = , we have the optimal sizing for each gate or õ wire as follows. Theor em 2 Let <á = (N<^ Ø $ C7" , the optimal sizing & ÒÍÓPÔÈ(ÚL_°+°Ò & Ñ ^ _ VFH#@_ C ò× _ + & ¤ ëê & C ºN¹¢¡ _î£ ª ac _ CoB¤ ¥¦ ac _ d §¨ + _ d+ g â ^W_ if ?,S[6 , otherwise. f _ Proof: f _ is the portion of downstream capacitance f _ which is independent of the size ^ _ . In terms of f _ , Equation (7) can be rewritten in the following. ÙLÿæ çæ è !Ø ¤ (Ká!/ü& C ¤ _ ` _ f _ _ ac _C _NN a` _ ac _ d dN ¢¡ _P£ _ ï C ¤ ~ Æ Õ _d / dNði¡ _î£ ñ C _ d(K^ _ C;^d ¤ _ ï ¤ òµ( _ !Ø sets and ò to arbitrary positive numbers and assigns an arbitrary positive vector in the optimality conditions to . In A2, þ is then ñ calculated with respect to . A3 solves the Lagrangian relaxation subproblem ! . Lagrange multipliers are then adjusted by the sub-gradient method in A4. A5 projects the new multipliers onto the nearest point in the optimality conditions; our projection scheme is relaxing Lagrange multipliers to the critical paths. It is shown in experimental results that this projection strategy leads to very fast convergence. A6 updates the iteration counter. We repeat the above process until the solution converges within the error bound (see A7). dN ¢¡ _P£ ñ g fT_ ~ & ` Idi`JdÂac _ dC ¤ dN ¢¡ _P£ f _ ì Ø be a solution. For "CDujk?!j Ù !_NNa` _f _ + & / ÀØ W( _@+RVhFW#_E/R/+Àt¢ÄÂp`Np + & +. ã â ã+<^ Ê0Æ ×L_Q^W_ ~ / Ø Subroutine: LRS (Lagrangian Relaxation Subroutine) Input: the circuit graph % and Lagrange multipliers þ¢+$#0+Lò ÙXÿæ çæ è Output: á = (K^ +N ã â â+@^ / which minimizes (Ká/ Ù Ø !Ø _ , '¯"LCÛD0jo?ÈjY$>C" . S1. ^ _&% S2. Compute f _ , ' "XCD0jk?,jo$ C7" by traversing % in the reverse topological order. S3. for ?!&Y"CkD to $ C7" do Ù ^W_ % ÒÍÓPÔÈ(ÚL_@+RÒW( _°+°VFW#_K/R/ . S4. Repeat S2-S3 until no improvement. Algorithm: OS (Optimal Sizing) Input: the circuit graph % ÙLÿæ çæ è Output: +(#Í+Àò which maximize Ò>ÓPÔ (Ká!/ A1. % D ; % an arbitrary vector in the optimality conditions; # % an arbitrary vector; an arbitrary positive number; ò % A2. þ = (K +N ã â â+@¹0/ , where _ & d _ . dN _ iêiëì ¡ _î£ í A3. Call LRS and compute q +N ã â q¹ . A4. Adjust multipliers d _ ’s, _ d ’s, ò by the sub-gradientí method. ñ A5. Project onto the nearest point in the optimality condition. A6. % >CYD . ÙTåæ çæ è A7. Repeat A2-A6 until (q¹ ~ (Ká/R/Xj error bound. We extract the terms dependent on ^W_ . ÙXÿæ çæ è (Ká/ _NNa` _f _ & Figure 5: The Optimal Sizing Algorithm. ^W_ C ¤ ëê C ºN¹¢¡ _P£ ì Ø ¤ a` (N ac _IC7B¤ d ` d ac _ d ^H_ICé¤ _ d ^W_ dN ¢¡ _P£ ñ d. ¡ _î£ C ac _ d /@^W_ dN ¢¡ _P£ ò× _ ^ _ Co#Ep`"T?K$IspRFIp$Isp$W#IVe>^ _ Ù ÿæ çæ è The minimum occurs when õö ø ùø ú (Ká/ =0; thus the theorem õ ý follows. It can be shown that there exists a vector of Lagrange multipliers such that the optimal solution of ! is also the optimal solution à of the original problem . The problem to find such a vector is the Lagrangian dual problem: !" àM²´ ½ q^W?K?Q·p G¾RApci#!#EV ÒÍÓPÔ Ù ÿæ çæ è 6 Extension to Other Objectives Our formulation can also be extended to other objectives such as energy in high-performance circuitry. We demonstrate how the energy constraint can be incorporated into our formulation in this section. Extensions to other objectives can be considered similarly. For a given technology file and circuit, energy is the product of power consumption and delay, which is generally a constant. This type of energy can thus reflect the energy consumed by the circuit per lowto-high or high-to-low transition. Let * beÆ the supply voltage. If lLl the overall energy in a circuit is subject to - , we have ¤ (Ká!/ ?K$y#KÄIpTVhFW#@?K¯q|K?K#@¼ucNV$Hs?K#?¸V$W" By Theorems 1 and 2, we propose the OS algorithm shown in à Figure 5 to solve Problem " optimally. At the beginning, A1 _ !Ø c_Q* lLl jo- Æ Ø This inequality is also in a posynomial form; thus, without loss of optimality, it can be incorporated into the optimization problem solved in the preceding section. Let ) be the Lagrange multiplier Ckt Name c432 c499 c880 c1355 c1908 c2670 c3540 c5315 c6288 c7552 Imprv (X) Ckt Size #W 408 491 714 1200 826 1736 2187 3694 5272 4344 - #G 217 253 390 650 390 924 1038 1778 2856 2247 Xtalk (fF) Initial Final 370.39 95.44 426.76 120.84 615.13 173.57 1064.46 283.12 742.84 195.93 1473.02 418.20 1915.42 506.60 3153.84 886.35 4567.58 1218.15 3698.97 1034.57 3.67 All 663 787 1166 1893 1251 2819 3277 5652 8162 6799 * Xtalk Sens. (fF/ m) Initial Final 1622.80 155.97 1809.51 208.06 2599.26 299.20 4640.17 469.55 3239.36 327.38 6154.96 700.62 8207.23 826.86 13351.34 1471.83 19453.80 1978.36 15557.38 1739.88 9.41 * Area (k m ß ) Initial Final 56.96 17.78 67.73 23.51 98.04 33.03 166.02 52.51 114.70 36.18 239.38 78.51 304.98 90.38 509.12 165.16 725.77 219.64 598.27 189.37 3.14 Delay (ns) Initial Final 386.45 31.04 314.58 24.01 337.47 26.27 359.35 28.38 376.44 29.80 464.04 38.62 435.16 35.75 386.35 39.43 689.87 64.50 675.42 59.64 11.97 ite 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 time (m:s) 00:13 00:23 00:43 02:17 00:55 04:14 06:26 19:54 46:28 29:25 - mem (MB) 1.12 1.22 1.21 1.39 1.30 1.59 1.76 2.29 2.80 2.39 Table 2: Experimental results on the MCNC93 benchmark circuits. for the energy constraint. Accordingly, the quantity of VhFW#@_ in Theorem 2 can be modified as follows. Ñ VhFW# _ + 7 & & )* lLl C C ¥¦uac _ C7 C ¤ +!+LtÄIp`ip ac _ d §¨ dN ¢¡ _P£ Experimental Results We implemented our algorithm and tested on the MCNC93 benchmark circuits on a SUN UltraSPARC II 300 workstation. The technology parameters used in our experiments are as follows. The supply voltage is P V. The resistance and capacitance of a unitwidth inverter are P k , and fF respectively, and the resistance, capacitance, and fringing capacitance of a unit-width wire are -, , fF, and DN fF respectively. The respective lower and upper bounds of a gate are Ë m and ¢ m, while those bounds of a wire are u m and D m. Table 2 lists the names (Ckt Name) of the circuits, numbers of gates (#G) and wires (#W) in the circuits, total numbers of components (All), crosstalk (Xtalk), crosstalk sensitivity (Xtalk Sens.), area (Area), delay (Delay), numbers of iterations (ite), runtimes (time (measured by minute:second)), and storage require _ ì _ ments (mem). The improvement Imprv (X) is calculated by ð 0 _ º/º/. . . The experimental results show that our method is effective and efficient. Table 2 reveals that while crosstalk is on average improved times, crosstalk sensitivity is on average improved 1 D times. The respective improvements on area and delay are ãD. and DD 1 times. Further, our method converges very fast and its storage requirement is quite small. For instance, a circuit of gates and wires is optimized using minute runtime and MB memory. We note that all solutions rapidly converge to the global optimal after only two iterations by relaxing Lagrange multipliers to the critical paths of the circuits. To the best knowledge of authors, this kind of efficiency has never been reported in related previous work. 8 Conclusion This paper has raised a new issue—crosstalk sensitivity, which is an important new design metric in the UDSM technology. We have optimally solved a multi-objective optimization problem by Lagrangian relaxation. 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