View Dr. McGinnis' full CV. - Institute of Medicine

Institute of Medicine, National Academies, 500 Fifth Street NW, Washington DC 20001, (202) 334-3963,
Highlights: Michael McGinnis is a physician and epidemiologist who lives and works in Washington DC. Through
his writing, government service, and work in philanthropy, he has been a long-time contributor to field leadership in
health and medicine. Currently Senior Scholar and Executive Director of the Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on
Value & Science-Driven Health Care, he previously served as founding Director, respectively, of the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Health Group, the World Health Organization’s Office for Health Reconstruction in
Bosnia, the federal Office of Research Integrity (interim), and the federal Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion. In a tenure unusual for political and policy posts, he held continuous appointment through the Carter,
Reagan, Bush and Clinton Administrations at the Department of Health and Human Services, with policy
responsibilities for disease prevention and health promotion (1977-1995). Programs and policies conceived and
launched at his initiative include the Healthy People process of setting national health goals and objectives (1979present), the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (1984-present), the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (with USDA,
1980-present), the multi-level Public Health Functions Steering Group and the Ten Essential Services of Public Health
(1994-present), the RWJF Active Living family of programs (2000-present), the RWJF Young Epidemiology Scholars
Program (2001-2012), the RWJF Health and Society Scholars Program (2002-present), and the current Learning Health
System initiative of the IOM. Internationally, he served in Bosnia (1995-6) as Chair of the joint World
Bank/European Commission Task Force on Reconstruction of the Health and Human Services Sector, and in India
(1974-5) as epidemiologist and state Director for the World Health Organization’s successful smallpox eradication
program. His research has been widely cited and focuses on the multiple determinants of health, population health,
and the rational allocation of social resources. He is an elected Member of the Institute of Medicine.
Programs and policies conceived and initiated by Dr. McGinnis (with key contributions from many individuals and
organizations) include several activities of importance to various arenas:
 In 2006, the IOM Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine (now the Roundtable on Value & ScienceDriven Health Care), to provide a trusted forum for key stakeholders to work together toward health and
health care that continuously learns and improves (key contributors: Dr. Denis Cortese, Dr. Harvey
Fineberg, Karen Ignagni, Dr. Mark McClellan, Dr. Jack Rowe, Susanne Stoiber, William Weldon);
 In 2002, the RWJF Health & Society Scholars Program, to build the field of population health by attracting
promising young professionals from multiple disciplines to interdisciplinary training, research and leadership
in improving the health of populations (key contributors: Dr. Pamela Russo, Dr. James Knickman);
 In 2002, publication of The Case for More Active Policy Attention to Health Promotion, presenting and assessing
the policy, program, training, and research implications of the five domain conceptual framework for the
determinants of health—genetic predisposition, social circumstances, physical environment, behavioral
patterns, and medical care (with Dr. Pamela Russo and Dr. James Knickman);
 In 2001, the RWJF Young Epidemiology Scholars Program, a national competition to engage talented high school
students—and their schools, families, and communities—in epidemiology, the basic science of public health
(key contributors: Dr. Pamela Russo, Dr. David Fraser, The College Board);
 In 2000, the RWJF Active Living family of programs, a national initiative to foster creative building and
community design to promote more physical activity in our lifestyles (key contributors: Dr. Katherine Kraft,
Dr. Tracy Orleans);
 In 1996, the first bilateral agreement (Ministers of Health of the Bosnian and Serbian entities) signed
outside the Dayton Accords, setting out principles and priorities for reconstruction of the health care
system (key contributors: Serge Heijnen, Dr. Jo Asval);
 In 1993-1994, town hall meetings held in each of the 50 state capitals on the importance of public health in
a reformed health system, leading to the development of the 10 Essential Services of Public Health (key
contributors: 50 state health commissioners, James Harrell, Dr. Edward Baker);
 In 1993, publication of Actual Causes of Death, a new analytic approach to identifying and quantifying the
central challenges and priorities for the health of Americans (with Dr. William Foege—key contributors:
Christina Wypijewski, David Stevenson);
 In 1988, the first Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health, drawing attention to diet and overeating as
influencing long-term health prospects more than any other controllable factor for non-smoking Americans
(key contributors: Dr. Marion Nestle, Public Health Service Nutrition Policy Board members);
In 1984, creation of the US Preventive Services Task Force to produce the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services,
now in its 4th edition (1st edition in 1989), prompting a focus on evidence-based medicine (key early
contributors: Dr. Robert Lawrence, Dr. Steven Woolf, Dr. Douglas Kamerow);
In 1980, the first HHS/USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, now in its 6th edition (1st edition co-produced
in 1980 with Dr. Mark Hegsted, then of USDA—key early contributors: Dr. Wayne Callaway, Carol Tucker
Foreman, Dr. Donald Fredrickson);
In 1979, the three decade long Healthy People process, setting national health goals and objectives for 1990,
decennially revised as Healthy People 2000 (1990) and Healthy People 2010 and the Leading Health Indicators
(2000) (key early contributors: Dr. Julius Richmond, Dennis Tolsma, Katherine Bauer Sommers, Dr.
William, Foege, Public Health Service agencies).
During his tenure in federal service, he also started the National Coordinating Committee on Worksite Health
Promotion (1979-1987) to catalyze employer commitment to healthier workforces; the National Coordinating
Committee on School Health (ongoing), now co-chaired by HHS, the Department of Education and USDA; and the
Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine, which in 1995 published guidelines for the conduct of
economic analyses of the returns to health investments.
Dr. McGinnis’ academic service includes faculty appointments at Duke University, Princeton, and George
Washington University; publication of numerous papers on health policy, public health, preventive medicine,
nutrition, and tobacco; and service on several journal editorial boards. He has testified frequently before Congress.
In addition to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, he is an elected Fellow of the American College
of Epidemiology and Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine. His board and committee service has
included: National Governors Association Commission on Childhood Obesity (co-chair), the Board of Directors of
the Nemours Foundation; the National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Panel on the Role of Multivitamins
in Chronic Disease Prevention (chair); the IOM Committee on Children’s Food Marketing (chair); the United Way
of the National Capital Area (chair, resource development); the NAS Board on Agriculture, Health and the
Environment; the IOM Food and Nutrition Board; the IOM Roundtable on Health and the Environment; the HHS
Nutrition Policy Board (chair); the HHS Working Group on Leading Health Indicators (chair); the HHS Task Force
on Health Risk Assessment (chair); the National Coordinating Committee on Clinical Preventive Services (chair);
and the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board.
Public service recognitions include the Distinguished Service Medal of the U.S. Public Health Service, the Surgeon
General's Medallion, the Arthur S. Flemming Award, the Wilbur J. Cohen Award, the 1996 Health Leader of the
Year Award, and 2013 Public Health Hero Award. He received his MD and an MA (political science/international
studies) degrees concurrently from the University of California, Los Angeles, an MPP (public policy) from the
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and BA (political science) from the University of California,
Berkeley. He was the student commencement ceremony speaker for each. Dr. McGinnis married Patricia Gwaltney
McGinnis in 1978, and they have two children, Brian (1979) and Kate (1985).
Evidence-based health and health care: Currently (2005 – Present) Senior Scholar and Executive Director of the
Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care, working with stakeholders to explore
ways to strengthen the development and application of evidence for effective medical care. Chair of the Health
Professionals Roundtable, Partnership for Prevention (1998-2008). Previously, Chair of the National Coordinating
Committee on Clinical Preventive Services (Washington DC, 1985 to 1995), Acting Director of the Office of
Research Integrity (Bethesda MD, 1992 to 1993). Contributions include:
• Establishment of the Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine (now the Roundtable
on Value & Science-Driven Health Care);
• Establishment of Roundtable Innovation Collaboratives, a novel Academies and IOM approach to steward
collaborative affinity group projects to accelerate progress in areas of field and national priority: best
practices, clinical effectiveness research, digital learning, evidence communication, value incentives, and
systems approaches to health;
Creation of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and oversight of its development of the first
comprehensive evidence-based clinical guidelines: Guide to Clinical Preventive Services (now in third edition);
Creation of the Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine, which in 1995 developed guidelines
for the conduct of economic analyses on the returns to health investments;
Oversight of restructuring of federal activities to safeguard the integrity of federally-sponsored health
research and to investigate allegations of scientific misconduct.
Philanthropy: Senior Vice President, Director of the Health Group, and Counselor to the President at the Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation (Princeton, NJ, 1999 to 2005). Member, Board of Directors of the Nemours
Foundation, dedicated to child health improvement. Contributions include:
• Initiation of new Foundation programs to build national capacity for population health—e.g. Health &
Society Scholars Program, Young Epidemiology Scholars Program, Public Health Informatics Institute;
• Initiation of new Foundation programs to promote the health and vitality of Americans, through particular
emphases on physical activity and nutrition—e.g. the Active Living family of programs, and stewardship of
the Foundation’s strategic initiative on childhood obesity;
• Stewardship and oversight of Foundation programs to improve human capital for health and health care—
e.g. Clinical Scholars, Minority Medical Faculty, Executive Nurse Fellows, Community Health Leaders;
• Stewardship and oversight of Foundation grants program to reduce the impact of addictive substances on
the health of Americans—e.g. Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids; SmokeLess States; Partnership for Drug
Free America; Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse; Join Together; Fighting Back; and Substance
Abuse Policy Research Program.
National policy in disease prevention: Assistant Surgeon General, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, and
founding Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (Washington, DC, 1977 to 1995). Chair of the Policy Committee of the Partnership for Prevention
(2006-2012). Contributions include:
• Initiation, design and implementation of the Healthy People process to establish and implement national
health goals and objectives (now in third decade);
• Chaired town meetings during 1993-4 in all 50 states, co-chaired by the respective State Health
Commissioners, to raise attention to the importance of public health as part of health care reform; primary
tangible result: development of the 10 Essential Services of Public Health (Public Health Functions Steering
• Chaired working group that developed approach and options for the first set of national Leading Health
• Chair of the first national committee on prevention priorities, developing the analytic approach to rank
services based the evidence of their effectiveness, impact, and value.
• Creation of National Coordinating Committee on School Health (ongoing), co-chaired initially by HHS and
the Department of Education, and now also USDA; and National Coordinating Committee on Worksite
Health Promotion (1979-1987), intended to foster awareness and expansion by corporations of worksite
wellness programs.
Nutrition policy: Chair of the Nutrition Policy Board at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(Washington DC, 1978 to 1995). Contributions include:
• Initiation and development (with USDA) of the first HHS/USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans (now in
fifth edition);
• Initiation and oversight of the development of the first Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health (1988).
• Chair of the Institute of Medicine Committee on Food Marketing to Children and Youth (report issued in
December 2005).
• Chair of the National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Panel on Multivitamins and Multiminerals in
Chronic Disease Prevention (report issued May 2006).
Tobacco control: Chair of the Secretary’s Task Force on Smoking and Health (Washington DC, 1977 to 1979).
Visiting expert for the Latin American Program on Smoking and Health (1982 to 1989). Contributions include:
Creation of a platform for revitalized national leadership on tobacco control, including raising the profile
for annual Surgeon General’s Reports and elevating the Office on Smoking or Health;
Conduct over an 8-year period, with colleagues from the U.S. and Latin America, of national tobacco
control workshops in each Latin American country.
Steward and overseer of the contributions of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to tobacco control,
International health: Chair of the World Bank/European Commission Sectoral Task Force on Health and Human
Services, and Senior Policy Advisor to the World Health Organization (Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1995 to 1996).
State Coordinator and field epidemiologist for World Health Organization Smallpox Eradication Program in India
(Uttar Pradesh, 1974 to 1975). Participation in various international panels and activities. Contributions include:
• Oversight of completion of smallpox eradication in India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, including
development and initial implementation of surveillance system for post-eradication monitoring.
• Formation and implementation of the task force to coordinate donor activities on post-war reconstruction
of health facilities and services destroyed in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
• Negotiation of the first bilateral agreement outside the Dayton Accords, on health reconstruction priorities,
between the Ministers of Health of the Serbian and Federation (Croat and Muslim) entities.
Population health field-building: Ongoing career work and interest. Relevant appointments as Scholar-inResidence at the National Academy of Sciences (Washington DC, 1995 to 1999), Senior Scholar at the Association
of Academic Health Centers (Washington DC, 1997 to 1999), various faculty appointments (1973 to present).
Contributions include:
• Development of conceptual framework for engaging prevention priorities (Healthy People);
• Co-chair, with each state health commissioner, of town hall meetings during 1994 in all 50 state capitals on
the importance of public health in health reform, leading to the Ten Essential Services of Public Health.
• Formulation of new perspective on key health priorities for Americans (Actual Causes of Death);
• Creation of programs to build the long-term capacity of the field (Health & Society Scholars, Young Epidemiology
USPHS/Harvard University, Residency (Preventive Medicine, 1972-1977)
Harvard University, M.P.P. (Public Policy, 1977)
Boston City Hospital, Internship (Internal Medicine, 1971-1972)
University of California at Los Angeles, M.D. (Medicine, 1971)
University of California at Los Angeles, M.A. (Political Science, 1971)
University of California at Berkeley, B.A. (Political Science, 1966)
Duke University, Visiting Professor of Public Policy Studies, 1999-2002
Princeton University, Visiting Lecturer in Public and International Affairs, 1996-1998
University of California at Los Angeles, Regents’ Lecturer, 1997
Duke University, Adjunct Professor of Public Policy, 1979-1981
George Washington University, Instructor in Medicine, 1973-1975
American Board of Preventive Medicine (GPM), 1982
District of Columbia (inactive), 1973
Massachusetts (inactive), 1972
California (inactive), 1972
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American College of Epidemiology (Fellow)
American College of Preventive Medicine (Fellow)
American Medical Association
American Public Health Association
Society for Behavioral Medicine
Commencement and other prominent lectureships:
Woodward Lecture, U.S. Navy, 2007
Katherine Boucot Sturgis Lecture, American College of Preventive Medicine, 2007
Texas A&M School of Rural Public Health, commencement, 2005
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, commencement, 2005
John P. McGovern Award Lectureship in Health Science, Ball State University, 2005
St. Louis University School of Public Health, commencement, 2004
Flemming Lecture, National Association of State Units on Aging, Washington, DC, 1999
Ebert Health of the Future Lecture, Kansas Health Foundation, Wichita, Kansas, 1999
Ogden Lecture, Society of Public Health Education/ASTDHPPHE, 1998
Royal College Lecturer, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 1997
Regents Lecturer, University of California, Los Angeles, 1997
French Lecture, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1996
University of Missouri, Allied Health Professionals, commencement, 1993
Long Lecture, National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1992
McGovern Lecture, American School Health Association, 1990
James Lecture, North Carolina State University, 1989
Breslow Lecture, University of California, Los Angeles, 1988
Delta Omega Lecture, Johns Hopkins University, 1988
Hunter Lecture, University of Utah, 1987
Lamb Lecture, East Tennessee State University, 1986
Switzer Lecture, Society of Allied Health Professionals, 1985
Foard Lecture, University of North Carolina, 1985
Other recognitions:
Public Health Hero Award, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, 2013
Excellence in Achievement Award, Alumni Association, University of California at Berkeley, 2013
Foundation Luminary, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2012
Award for Excellence in Health Promotion, Yale University, 2004
National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine (elected Member), 2000
Award for Excellence, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, 1997
National Health Leader of the Year Award, U.S. Public Health Service COA, 1996
Special Recognition Award, Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine, 1996
Award for Excellence, American Public Health Association, 1995
Health Promotion and Education Advocacy Award, CDC and ASTDHPPHE, 1995
Wilbur J. Cohen Award, U.S. Public Health Service, 1995
Surgeon General's Medallion, U.S. Public Health Service, 1995
Honorary Member Award, American Dietetic Association, 1994
Eta Sigma Gamma National Honor Award, 1993
Special Humanitarian Award, Latin American Committee on Smoking Control, 1990
Profile in Excellence Award, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1989
Distinguished Service Award, U.S. Public Health Service, 1989
Porter Prize, for leadership in health promotion, 1989
Surgeon General's Exemplary Service Award, 1989
Special Recognition Award, American College of Preventive Medicine, 1989
U.S. - Japan Leadership Fellow, Japan Society, 1988
Honorary Fellow Award, Society for Public Health Education, 1987
Distinguished Service Award, Association for Advancement of Health Education, 1984
Meritorious Service Award, U.S. Public Health Service, 1980
Arthur S. Flemming Award for Outstanding Public Service, 1979
Graduation speaker (chosen by dean/students), Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1977
Special Appreciation Award (Smallpox Eradication), Government of India, 1975
Graduation speaker (chosen by students), Medical School, University of California at Los Angeles, 1971
Graduation speaker (chosen by faculty), University of California at Berkeley, 1966
National Governors Association, Committee on Childhood Obesity (Co-Chair), 2008-2010
Partnership for Prevention, Board of Directors (Chair, Policy Committee), 2007-present
Friends of the National Library of Medicine, Board of Directors, 2006-present
Nemours Foundation, Board of Directors, 2006-present
Partnership for Prevention, Health Professionals Roundtable on Preventive Services (Chair), 2004-present
NIH State of the Science Panel on Multivitamins in Chronic Disease Prevention (Chair), 2004-2006
National Academies, IOM Committee on Children’s Food Marketing (Chair), 2004-2005
National Academies, IOM Committee on National Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking, 2004-2005
Food and Drug Administration, Food Advisory Committee, Subcommittee on Nutrition, 2003-2006
United Way of the National Capital Area, Board of Trustees (Chair, Resource Development), 2003-2007
National Academy of Sciences, Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, 2002-2005
National Academy of Sciences, Board on Agricultural Biotechnology/Health/Environment, 2000-2002
American Cancer Society, Advisory Committee to the Chief Executive Officer, 1998-2002
Committee on Clinical Preventive Service Priorities (Chair), 1997-2000
Committee for Changing Health-Related Behavior in Managed Care (Chair), 1997-1999
NHANES Scientific Review Panel, 1997-1998
HHS Work Group on Sentinel Objectives for Healthy People 2010 (Chair), 1996-7
Partnership for Prevention, Board of Directors, 1996-1999
Adventist HealthCare Prevention and Wellness Advisory Council (Chair), 1996-1999
The Health Project, Board of Directors, 1995-1999
Healthtrac Foundation, National Advisory Board on Prize for Improving Health, 1992-present
Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, 1996-1997
The Colorado Trust, National Advisory Board, 1992-1997
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Nutrition Policy Board (Chair), 1978-1995
National Coordinating Committee on Clinical Preventive Services (Chair), 1989-1995
National Health Management Foundation Award, National Advisory Board, 1992-1994
The Barker Foundation, Board of Trustees, 1989-1992
The Wesley Foundation, National Advisory Board, 1990-1991
National Academy of Sciences, Charles A. Dana Awards Board, 1989-1991
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, National Advisory Board, 1986-1990
U.S. Public Health Service, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Executive Task Force, 1985-1989
National Academy of Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), 1984-1989
American Cancer Society, Coordinating Committee on Tobacco-Related Research, 1983-1988
Secretary's Task Force on the Health of Blacks and Other Minorities (HHS), 1984-1986
National Academy of Sciences, FNB Committee on Nutrition in Medical Education, 1984-1986
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Task Force on Health Risk Assessment (Chair), 1982-1985
American Red Cross, Trilateral Committee on High Blood Pressure Control in Black Populations, 1982-1985
American Red Cross, Advisory Committee on Health Services, 1979-1984
Harvard University, Alumni Executive Council, Kennedy School of Government, 1979-1981
Departmental Task Force (HHS) on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Chair), 1978-1979
Secretary's Task Force (HEW) on Smoking and Health (Chair), 1977-1979
Secretary's Task Force (HEW) on Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (Chair), 1977-1979
World Health Organization, European Regional Office, Regional Health Development Advisory Council, 1997
World Bank/European Commission/International Management Organization Sectoral Task Force on Health and
the Social Safety Net (Chair), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1996
World Health Organization, European Regional Office, Expert Advisor, European Health Policy Conference,
Denmark, 1994
World Health Organization, European Regional Office, Expert Advisor, Health for All Strategies, Denmark, 1990
World Health Organization, European Regional Office, Expert Advisor, Project on Health Status Indicators,
Denmark, 1989
International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Latin American Program on Smoking and Health, Dominican
Republic, Guatemala, 1989
Japan Society Fellow, United States-Japan Leadership Program, 1988-1989
World Health Organization, European Regional Office, Expert Advisor, Project on Chronic Disease Control,
Denmark, 1987
World Health Organization, WHO Expert Advisory Committee on Occupational Health, Switzerland, 1987-2001
World Health Organization, Expert Advisor, Project on Occupational Health, 1986
International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Latin American Program on Smoking and Health, Costa Rica, 1986
World Health Assembly, United States Delegation, Technical Discussion Leader, 1985
International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Latin American Program on Smoking and Health, Argentina, Panama,
Paraguay, 1984
National Academy of Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board, Planning Committee for World Food and Nutrition
Study, 1984
International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Latin American Program on Smoking and Health, Bolivia, Columbia,
Mexico, 1983
International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Latin American Program on Smoking and Health, Brazil, Chile, Peru,
World Health Organization, Smallpox Eradication Program, Field Epidemiologist and State Coordinator, India,
Institute of Medicine, Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America, Washington,
D.C.: The National Academies Press (2012), 450 pp. (with M. Smith, R. Saunders, and L. Stuckhardt)
Institute of Medicine, Digital Infrastructure for the Learning Health System: The Foundation for Continuous Improvement in
Health and Health Care, Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press (2011), 320 pp. (with C. Grossmann
and B. Powers)
Institute of Medicine, Patients Charting the Course: Citizen Engagement in the Learning Health System, Washington, D.C.:
The National Academies Press (2011), 338 pp. (with L. Olsen and R. Saunders)
Institute of Medicine, Learning What Works: Infrastructure Required for Comparative Effectiveness Research, Washington,
D.C.: The National Academies Press (2011), 558 pp. (with L. Olsen and C. Grossmann)
Institute of Medicine, Redesigning the Clinical Effectiveness Research Paradigm: Innovation and Practice-Based Approaches,
Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press (2010), 442 pp. (with L. Olsen)
Institute of Medicine, Clinical Data as the Basic Staple of Health Learning: Creating and Protecting a Public Good,
Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press (2010), 342 pp. (with L. Olsen and A. Goolsby)
Institute of Medicine, Value in Health Care: Accounting for Cost, Quality, Safety, Outcomes, and Innovation, Washington,
D.C.: The National Academies Press (2010), 284 pp. (with P. Yong and L. Olsen)
Institute of Medicine, Engineering a Learning Healthcare System: A Look at the Future, Washington, D.C.: The National
Academies Press (2010), 340 pp. (with C. Grossmann, A. Goolsby and L. Olsen)
Institute of Medicine, Leadership Commitments to Improve Value in Health Care: Finding Common Ground, Washington,
D.C.: The National Academies Press (2009), 354 pp. (with L. Olsen and A. Goolsby)
Institute of Medicine, Evidence-Based Medicine and the Changing Nature of Health Care, Washington, D.C.: The National
Academies Press (2008), 202 pp. (with M. McClellan, E. Nabel and L. Olsen)
Institute of Medicine, The Learning Health Care System, Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press (2007), 354
pp. (with L. Olsen and D. Aisner)
Institute of Medicine, Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity? Washington, D.C.: The National
Academies Press (2006), 516 pp. (with J. Gootman and V.I. Kraak)
J.C. Bailar, J. Needleman, B. Berney, J.M. McGinnis, Assessing Risks to Health, Connecticut: Auburn House Publishing
Company (1993), 323 pp.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Healthy People 2000, Government Printing Office (1991), 702 pp.
(with J. Harrell, Steering Committee Chair)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health, Government
Printing Office (1988), 712 pp. (with M. Nestle, Managing Editor)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1990 Health Objectives for the Nation: A Midcourse Review, Government
Printing Office (1986), 253 pp.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Task Force on Health Risk Assessment, Determining Risks to Health:
Federal Policy and Practice, Massachusetts: Auburn House Publishing Company (1986), 410 pp. (with J.C. Bailar
and R.G. Tardiff).
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Prevention '80, Government Printing Office (1981), 143 pp.;
Prevention '82, (1982) 168 pp.; Prevention '84/'85, (1985), 160 pp.; Prevention '86/'87, (1987), 192 pp.; Prevention
'89/'90 (1990), 192 pp.; Prevention '91/'92, (1993), 190 pp.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation, DHHS
(PHS) Publication No. 80-33169999, Government Printing Office (1980), 102 pp.
U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Nutrition and Your Health:
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Home and Garden Bulletin No. 232, Government Printing Office (1980, 1st
edition), 20 pp. (with D.M. Hegsted, USDA).
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Healthy People: The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention, DHEW (PHS) Publication No. 79-55071, Government Printing Office (1979), 179 pp.
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Federal Programs and
Prospects, DHEW (PHS) Publication No. 79-55071B, Government Printing Office (1979), 203 pp. (with
Other Editorial activities
L. Breslow (Editor-in-Chief), Associate Editors: B.D. Goldstein, L.W. Green, C.W. Keck, J.M. Last, J.M. McGinnis,
Encyclopedia of Public Health (4 volumes), New York: Macmillan Reference USA (2002), 1393pp.
Editorial Boards
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, Editorial Board, 1994-present
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Editorial Board, 1988-present
American Journal of Health Promotion, Associate Editor for Health Policy, 1993-1996
The Journal of Medical Education, Association of American Medical Colleges, Editorial Board, 1975-1978
J.M. McGinnis, “Societal resolve and the health of children,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp.
355-6 (September 2011)
J.M. McGinnis, “Marketing, leadership, and the health of children,” Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Vol.
164, No. 9, pp. 878-9 (September 2010)
J.M. McGinnis, “Observations on incentives to improve population health,” Preventing Chronic Disease, Vol. 7, No. 5,
pp. 1-3 (September 2010)
J.M. McGinnis, “Evidence-based medicine - engineering the Learning Healthcare System,” in W.B. Rouse and D.A.
Cortese, Engineering the System of Healthcare Delivery, Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, pp. 145-157 (2010)
J.M. McGinnis, “Challenging our comfort levels: lifestyles, research, and the ongoing legacy of the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. 36, 2 Suppl, pp.S47-9 (February 2009)
J. M. McGinnis, L.Olsen, K. Bothner, D. O’Neill, and D. Aisner. 2007. Learning What Works Best: The Nation’s Need
for Evidence on Comparative Effectiveness in Health Care.
R.Z. Goetzel, D. Scechter, R.J. Ozminkowski, D.C. Stapleton, P.J. Lapin, J.M. McGinnis, C.R. Gordon, and L.
Breslow, “Can Health Promotion Programs Save Medicare Money?” Clinical Interventions in Aging, Vol. 2, No. 1,
pp. 117-112 (2007).
R.Z. Goetzel, K. Reynolds, L. Breslow, W.L. Roper, D. Shechter, D.C. Stapleton, P.J., Lapin, and J.M. McGinnis,
“Health Promotion in Later Life: It’s Never too Late,” American Journal of Health Promotion, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp.1-5
(March/April 2007)
National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Panel (Chair), “National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science
Conference Statement: Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements and Chronic Disease Prevention,” American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 257S-264S (Jan 2007)
National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Panel (Chair), “National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science
Conference Statement: Tobacco Use: Prevention, Cessation, and Control,” Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol. 145,
No. 11, pp. 839-844 (December 2006)
J.W. Rowe, D.A. Cortese, and J.M. McGinnis, “The Emerging Context for Advances in Comparative Effectiveness
Assessment,” Health Affairs (Millwood), Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. w593-w595 (November/December 2006)
J.M. McGinnis, “Can Public Health and Medicine Partner in the Public Interest?” Health Affairs (Millwood), Vol. 25,
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J.M. McGinnis, “Population Health and the Influence of Medical and Scientific Advances,” Louisiana Law Review,
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J.M. McGinnis, “With Both Eyes Open: The Guide to Community Preventive Services,” American Journal of
Preventive Medicine, Vol. 28, No. 58, pp. 223-225 (June 2005)
J.M. McGinnis, “Obesity: An American Public Health Epidemic,” Expert Voices, NIHCM Foundation (December
J. M. McGinnis and W.H. Foege, “The Immediate vs the Important,” Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol.
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J.P. Allegrante, D.A. Sleet, and J.M. McGinnis, “Mayhew Derryberry: Pioneer of Health Education,” American
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J.M. McGinnis, “Foreword,” Derryberry’s Educating for Health: A Foundation for Contemporary Health Education Practice,
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J.M. McGinnis, “A Vision for Health in Our New Century,” American Journal of Health Promotion, Vol. 18,
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R. Lavizzo-Mourey and J.M. McGinnis, “Making the Case for Active Living Communities,” American Journal of Public
Health, Vol. 93, No. 9, pp. 1386-1388 (September 2003)
J.M. McGinnis, “Toward Improved Quality of Life,” Issues in Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 29-31
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J.A. Grisso and J.M. McGinnis, “Convergence in Guidelines for Prevention of Chronic Diseases Dictates Lifestyle
Change for Americans,” Global Health and Environment Monitor, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 2003)
C.T. Orleans, M.K. Kraft, J.F. Marx, and J.M. McGinnis, “Why are Some Neighborhoods Active and Others Not?
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Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 77-79 (Spring 2003)
J.M. Last and J.M. McGinnis, “The Determinants of Health,” in F.D. Scutchfield and C.W. Keck, eds., Principles of
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J.M. McGinnis, “Health in America-The Sum of its Parts,” Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 287, No. 20,
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J.M. McGinnis, “Diabetes and Physical Activity: Translating Evidence into Action,” American Journal of Preventive
Medicine, Vol. 22, No. 4S, pp. 1-2 (May 2002)
J.M. McGinnis, P. Williams-Russo, and J.R. Knickman, “The Case for More Active Policy Attention to Health
Promotion,” Health Affairs, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 78-93 (March/April 2002)
A.B. Coffield, M.V. Maciosek, J.M. McGinnis, J.R. Harris, M.B. Caldwell, S.M. Teutsch, D.Atkins, J.H. Richland,
and A. Haddix, “Priorities among recommended clinical preventive services,” American Journal of Preventive
Medicine (July 2001)
A.B. Coffield, M.V. Maciosek, J.M. McGinnis, J.R. Harris, M.B. Caldwell, S.M. Teutsch, D.Atkins, J.H. Richland,
and A. Haddix “Methods for priority setting among clinical preventive services,” American Journal of Preventive
Medicine (July 2001)
J.M. McGinnis, “Does Proof Matter? Why Strong Evidence Sometimes Yields Weak Action,” American Journal of
Health Promotion (May/June 2001)
J.M. McGinnis, “A U.S. Perspective,” What Determines Health and Quality of Life? Health as Good Economics, Association
of Academic Health Centers Fourth Trilateral Conference (2001)
J.M. McGinnis and S.A. Schroeder, “Expanding the Focus of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,” To Improve
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J.M. McGinnis, "United States,” in C. Everett Koop, C.E. Pearson, & R. Schwarz, eds., Critical Issues in Global Health,
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J.M. McGinnis and W.H. Foege, "Guide to Community Prevention Services: Harnessing the Science,” American
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J.M. McGinnis, L.C. Leviton, and E. Snell, "Urban Issues in Health Promotion Strategies," American Journal of Public
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J.M. McGinnis and N.D. Ernst, “Historic Perspective and Future Economic Outlook,” Preventive Nutrition, Vol. II:
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J.M. McGinnis, J.O. Lanier, H. Sox and S. Weingarten, "Confronting the major killers," Patient Care, pp. 44-64
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J.M. McGinnis and L.D. Meyers, "Public Policy and Healthy Eating,” Food Policy, Vol. 24, Nos. 2-3, pp. 335-341
J.M. McGinnis and W.H. Foege, "Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Use of Addictive Substances in the United
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J.M. McGinnis, “Tithonus Revisited: Can Preventive Medicine Change the Aging Process in Our Society?,” Annals of
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J.M. McGinnis, “What Do We Pay For Good Health?” (editorial), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, Vol.
3, No. 3, pp. viii-ix (May 1997)
J.M. McGinnis, J.A. Harrell, L.M. Artz, A.A. Files, and D.R. Maiese, “Objectives-Based Strategies for Disease
Prevention,” in R. Detels, W. Holland, J. McEwen, and G. Omenn, eds, Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Third
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J.M. McGinnis and D.R. Maiese, "Defining Mission, Goals, and Objectives," in F.D. Scutchfield and C.W. Keck,
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J.M. McGinnis and H. Griffith, "Put Prevention into Practice: A Systematic Approach to the Delivery of Clinical
Preventive Services" (editorial), Archives of Internal Medicine (1996)
J.M. McGinnis, M.J. Deering, and K.M. Patrick, "Consumer Health Information and the New Media: A View from
the Public Health Service," New Media and Health Care Reform, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
J.M. McGinnis and L.D. Meyers, "Dietary Change and Health: Policy Implications," Behavioral Medicine,
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P.R. Lee and J.M. McGinnis, “Quality Improvement Issues: How They Affect Clinical Preventive Services”
(editorial), American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 381-382 (1995)
J.M. McGinnis and P.R. Lee, "Healthy People 2000 at Mid Decade," Journal of the American Medical Association,
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J.M. McGinnis, "Prevention Research and Its Interface with Policy: Defining the Terms and Challenges," Preventive
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J. M. McGinnis, "Assessing the Economic Imperative to AIDS Prevention (editorial)," American Journal of Preventive
Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 56-57 (January-February 1994)
J.M. McGinnis, "Payment for Smoking Cessation Services," Tobacco Control, Cambridge: University Press (December
J.M. McGinnis and W.H. Foege, "Actual Causes of Death in the United States," Journal of the American Medical
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J.M. McGinnis, "The Year 2000 Initiative: Implications for Comprehensive School Health," Preventive Medicine,
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J.M. McGinnis, "The Role of Patient Education in Achieving National Health Objectives," Patient Education and
Counseling, Vol. 21, pp. 1-3 (1993)
J.M. McGinnis, "Making It Work," Journal of School Health, Vol. 63, No. 1, p. 43 (January 1993)
J.M. McGinnis, "Disseminating Safety and Health Information through Education," in M.L. Myers, et al, eds., Papers
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No. 92-105, pp. 22-27 (1992)
J.M. McGinnis, "The Role of the Federal Government in Promoting Health Through the Schools," Journal of School
Health, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 131-134 (1992)
J.M. McGinnis, J.B. Richmond, E.N. Brandt, R.E. Windom, and J.O. Mason, "Healthy Progress in the United
States—Results of the 1990 Objectives for the Nation," Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 268,
No. 18, pp. 2545-2552 (November 11, 1992)
J.M. McGinnis, D.C. Girasek, C. Wypijewski, "Objectives for the Year 2000," Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 38, No. 8B,
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J.M. McGinnis, "The Role of Epidemiology in Public Health Policy," Investment in Health: National Strategies,
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J.M. McGinnis and R. Ballard-Barbash, "Obesity in Minority Populations: Policy Implications of Research,"
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J.M. McGinnis and L.D. Meyers, "Implications of The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health,” in J.E.
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J.M. McGinnis and C. DeGraw, "Healthy Schools 2000: Creating Partnerships for the Decade," Journal of School
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J.M. McGinnis, L. Kanner, C. DeGraw, "Physical Education's Role in Public Health," Research Quarterly for Exercise
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J.M. McGinnis, "Health Objectives for the Nation," American Psychologist, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 520-524 (May 1991)
J.M. McGinnis, "Investing in Health: The Role of Disease Prevention," in R.H. Blank and Andrea L. Bonnicksen,
eds., Emerging Issues in Biomedical Policy: An Annual Review, Volume I, pp. 13-26 (1991)
J.M. McGinnis, J.A. Harrell, and L.M. Artz, "Objectives-Based Strategies for Disease Prevention," in W.W. Holland,
R. Detels and E.G. Knox, eds., Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Second Edition, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 127-144 (1991)
J.M. McGinnis, "The Ten Commandments of Cancer Control Research: Summary Comments," Cancer Prevention:
An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 129-130 (1990)
J.M. McGinnis, J.A. Harrell, and L.D. Meyers, "Nutrition Monitoring: Interface of Science and Policy," The Journal of
Nutrition, Vol. 120, No. 11S, pp. 1437-1439 (November 1990)
J.M. McGinnis and S.H. Woolf, "Background and Objectives of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force," Journal of
General Internal Medicine, Supplement to Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. S11-13 (September/October 1990)
J.M. McGinnis, "Setting Objectives for Public Health in the 1990s: Experience and Prospects," in Annual Review of
Public Health, Vol. II, pp. 231-250 (1990)
J.O. Mason and J.M. McGinnis, "Healthy People 2000: An Overview of the National Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention Objectives," Public Health Reports, pp. 441-446 (September-October 1990)
J.M. McGinnis, "Communication for Better Health" (editorial), Public Health Reports, Vol. 105, No. 3,
pp. 217-218 (May-June 1990)
J.M. McGinnis, "Prevention in 1989: The State of the Nation," American Journal of Preventive Medicine
(January/February 1990)
J.M. McGinnis, "Nutrition and Public Policy," Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 65, No. 10, pp.
1164-1174 (December 1989)
J.M. McGinnis, "Implementation of the Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health," Currents, Vol. 4, No. 2,
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J.M. McGinnis, "The Surgeon General's Report on Health and Nutrition: A Call to Action," Journal of the Association
of Food and Drug Officials, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 5-13 (October 1989)
J.M. McGinnis, "Noncommunicable Disease Control in the United States," in S. Palmer, S. Eckhardt, F.M. Peter
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Hungary: Skala-Coop (1989)
J.M. McGinnis, "Nutrition and Public Health—New Dimensions," in Frontiers in the Nutrition Sciences. National
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J.M. McGinnis and M. Nestle, "The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health: Policy Implications and
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J.M. McGinnis, "National Priorities in Disease Prevention," Issues in Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 46-52
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J.M. McGinnis and J.A. Harrell, "The United States Public Health Policy: Managed by Objectives," Innovation
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J.M. McGinnis, "The Present and Future of Preventive Services," in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. 4,
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J.M. McGinnis and M.A. Hamburg, "Opportunities for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in the Clinical
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J.M. McGinnis, "Public Health Objectives for the Year 2000," American Pharmacy, Vol. NS28, No. 3, pp. 46-51
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J.M. McGinnis, "The Tithonus Syndrome: Health and Aging in America," in R. Chernoff and D. Lipschitz, eds.,
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J.M. McGinnis, "Suicide in America—Moving Up the Public Health Agenda," Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior,
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R.E. Windom, J.M. McGinnis, and J.E. Fielding, "Examining Worksite Health Promotion," Business and Health, Vol.
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J.M. McGinnis, D. Shopland, and C. Brown, "Tobacco and Health: Trends in Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco
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J.M. McGinnis, "A Healthy Campus—Forecasting from the 1990 Health Objectives for the Nation," Journal of
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J.M. McGinnis, "Future of Worksite Wellness," in Health Task '86, Health Insurance Association of America,
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J.M. McGinnis, "The 1985 Mary E. Switzer Lecture: Reaching the Underserved," Journal of Allied Health, Vol. 15,
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J.M. McGinnis, "Diet and Health: Trends and Outlook for the Future," Food Drug Cosmetic Law Journal, Vol. 41,
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J.O. Mason and J.M. McGinnis, "The Role of School Health," Journal of School Health, Vol. 55, No. 8, p. 299 (October
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J.M. McGinnis, Behavior Patterns in Health (monograph), National Institutes of Health Medicine-for-the-Layman
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J.M. McGinnis, "The Limits of Prevention," Public Health Reports, pp. 255-260 (May-June 1985)
J.M. McGinnis, "Recent History of Federal Initiatives in Prevention Policy," American Psychologist, Vol. 40, No. 2,
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E.N. Brandt and J.M. McGinnis, "National Children and Youth Fitness Study: Its Contribution to Our National
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J.M. McGinnis, "Pioneering in Health Promotion: Reaching the Elderly," in S.R. Moore and T.W. Teal, eds.,
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E.N. Brandt and J.M. McGinnis, "Nutrition Monitoring and Research in the Department of Health and Human
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J.M. McGinnis, "Occupant Protection as a Priority in National Efforts to Promote Health," Health Education
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J.M. McGinnis, "Arriving at the National Objectives: The Process and Implications," in Proceedings of the Texas
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J.M. McGinnis and J. Kavet, "Tracking the National Prevention Objectives," in National Center for Health
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J.M. McGinnis, "Allocating Resources for Health," in J.R. Gay and J.S. Jacobs, eds., The Technology Explosion in Medical
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J.M. McGinnis, "Targeting Progress in Health," Public Health Reports, Vol. 97, No. 4, pp. 295-307 (July-August 1982)
J.M. McGinnis, "The State Agenda in Prevention: A Federal Perspective," Proceedings—Governor's Conference on Health
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J.M. McGinnis, “Computer Utilization in Health Education: A Challenge for Health Education” (editorial), Health
Education, Vol. 14, No. 6, p. 5 (October 1982)
J.M. McGinnis, K. Moritsugu, and C.M. Roberts, "Prevention and Medical Education—Conference Summary and
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J.M. McGinnis, "National Prevention Objectives: The Role of Public Health Training," Proceedings: Workshop on
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J.M. McGinnis, "Recent Health Gains for Adults," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 306, pp. 671-673 (March 18,
J.M. McGinnis, "The Development of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Objectives for the Nation," the
Johns Hopkins University Continuing Education Course in Preventive Medicine, Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. 8-18 (plus tape)
J.M. McGinnis, "Future Directions of Health Promotion," in R.B. Taylor, ed., Health Promotion: Principles and Clinical
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J.M. McGinnis, "Nutrition and Health: Prospects for Prevention," in J.J. Hefferen, W.A. Ayer and H.M. Koehler,
eds., Foods, Nutrition and Dental Health, Park Forest South, Illinois: Pathotox/American Dental Association,
pp. 239-245 (1981)
J.M. McGinnis, "The Future and Healthy People: Political and Social Implications," Mobius, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 17-28
(July 1981)
J.M. McGinnis, "Analyzing the Moral Issues in Health Promotion" (editorial), Preventive Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 3,
pp. 379-381 (May 1981)
J.M. McGinnis, "Health Problems of Children and Youth: A Challenge for Schools," Health Education Quarterly,
Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 11-14 (Spring 1981)
J.M. McGinnis, "A Federal View of Local Health Departments," American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 71, No. 1,
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J.M. McGinnis, "Diet and Disease—The Decade Ahead," in J.J.B. Anderson, ed., Optimal Nutrition and Disease
Prevention, Chapel Hill: Health Sciences Consortium (1981).
J.M. McGinnis, "Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Tracking Progress in the Eighties", in U.S. Department
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Records--1980, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, DHHS (PHS) Publication No. 81-1214,
pp. 127-131 (December 1980)
J.M. McGinnis, "Prevention: Today's Dietary Challenges," Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol. 77, No. 3,
pp. 129-132 (August 1980)
J.M. McGinnis, "Prognosis for Prevention," Charting Graduate Education in Preventive Medicine: Report of the 1980
National Conference, Washington, D.C.: American College of Preventive Medicine, pp. 3-6 (April 1980)
J.M. McGinnis, "The Case for Prevention," in J. Katz and J.E. Fielding, eds., Health, Education and Promotion, Agenda
for the Eighties—A Summary Report. Health Insurance Association of America, March 1980.
J.M. McGinnis, "Trends in Disease Prevention: Assessing the Benefits of Prevention," Bulletin of the New York
Academy of Medicine, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 38-44 (January-February 1980)
J.M. McGinnis, "Improving Access to Health Care: Incentives, Regulations or Substitutions?" (editorial), Journal of
Medical Education, Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 691-693 (August 1977)
J.M. McGinnis, "The Rising Costs of Hospital Care: Mandate for Academic Introspection" (editorial), Journal of
Medical Education, Vol. 51, No. 7, pp. 602-604 (July 1976)
“Food Marketing to Children and Youth,” testimony before Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services
and Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C., September 23, 2008.
“The Medicare Preventive Benefit Improvement Act (H.R. 15),” testimony before the Subcommittee on Health,
Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., March 13, 1997.
"Poison Control Centers: Is There An Antidote For Budget Cuts?," testimony before the Subcommittee on Human
Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of
Representatives, Washington, D.C., March 15, 1994
"America's Diet: Are We Losing War Against Cancer?," testimony before the Subcommittee on Health Resources
and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C., September 13, 1993
"National Communications and Information Infrastructure, Focusing on Healthcare Applications," testimony
before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S.
House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., February 23, 1993
"Performance Measurement: Toward More Effective Government," testimony before the Committee on
Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., May 5, 1992
"Healthy Students-Healthy Schools," testimony before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C., March 19, 1992 "International Conference on Nutrition: Development of World Health
and Nutrition Policy," testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., March 11, 1992
"Review of Nutrition and Health: What Scientists and Consumers Know," testimony before the Subcommittee on
Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations, and Nutrition, Committee on Agriculture, U.S. Senate, Washington,
D.C., November 19, 1991
"Healthy Schools, Healthy Children, Healthy Futures: The Role of the Federal Government in Promoting Health
Through the Schools," testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management,
Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., November 14, 1991
"Reauthorization of Preventive Health Services Programs," testimony before the Subcommittee on Health and the
Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.,
September 13, 1991
"S.2056, Health Objectives 2000 Act," testimony before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S.
Senate, Washington, D.C., April 20, 1990
"Nutrition Monitoring," testimony before a joint hearing of the Subcommittee on Department Operations,
Research, and Foreign Agriculture and the Subcommittee on Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations, and
Nutrition of the Committee on Agriculture and the Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Technology of the
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., September
21, 1989
"H.R. 3028, The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act," testimony before Subcommittee on Health and the
Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., August
3, 1989
"S.253, The National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act," testimony before Committee on
Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, June 23, 1989
"Food Security and Methods of Assessing Hunger," testimony before Select Committee on Hunger, U.S. House of
Representatives, March 23, 1989
"National Academy of Sciences' Study, Designing Foods," testimony before the Subcommittees on Department
Operations, Research, and Foreign Agriculture, and Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry, Committee on Agriculture,
U.S. House of Representatives, June 14, 1988
"S. 1081, National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act of 1987," testimony before Committee on
Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, March 22, 1988
"The Role of Nutrition in Health and Disease," testimony before Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate,
March 1, 1988
"Federal Food Assistance Programs in Strategies to Reduce Infant Mortality," testimony before Select Committee
on Hunger, U.S. House of Representatives, April 29, 1987
"Programs for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention," testimony before Subcommittee on Health and the
Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, March 11, 1987
"Worksite Health Promotion," testimony before Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits,
Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., April 15, 1986
"Nutritional Information Labeling Act of 1985," testimony before Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S.
Senate, Washington, D.C., October 10, 1985
"Health Promotion, Disease Prevention for Medicare Beneficiaries," testimony before Subcommittee on Health,
Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, June 14, 1985
"PHS Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Activities," testimony before the Congressional Black Caucus,
April 1, 1985
"Nutrition and Nutrition Status Monitoring," testimony before Subcommittee on Nutrition, Committee on
Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate, April 6, 1983
"National Dietary Guidelines," testimony before Subcommittee on Agriculture and Related Agencies, Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. Senate, July 16, 1980
"Factors in Infant Mortality," testimony before Subcommittee on Fiscal Affairs and Health, Committee on the
District of Columbia, U.S. House of Representatives, May 7, 1980
"Research in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion," testimony before Subcommittee on Health and the
Environment, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, November 14,
"Human Nutrition Research," testimony before Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology, Committee
on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, September 26, 1979
"Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programs," testimony before Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and
Control, U.S. House of Representatives, May 31, 1979
"Legislation Related to Prevention," testimony before Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee
on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, March 21, 1979
"Recommended Dietary Allowances," testimony before Subcommittee on Domestic and International Scientific
Planning, Analysis and Cooperation, Committee on Science and Technology, and Subcommittee on Domestic
Marketing, Consumer Relations, and Nutrition, Committee on Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives, July
12, 1978
Columbia, Missouri (July 12, 1944)
San Mateo, California (1949-1962)
U.S.P.H.S. (1972-1995), Rear Admiral (ret.)
Patricia G. McGinnis (1978)
James Brian McGinnis (1979)
Katherine Baird McGinnis (1985)
March 2013