F R A N C E I N M A L T A Bonj(o)u(r) The glocal news magazine on France Monthly! France in the World Year 2011 marks France’s presidency of both the G8 and the G20 Page 2 Vol. 01.02 - January 2011 Where do we stand on piracy? Interview with Jack Lang, special advisor to the UNSG Page 3 Art Do the initials JR mean anything to you? Page 4 The year has already started and once more History appears to be accelerating its pace. It is always surprising how events come up and how they hang together in an implacable and relentless way. Only hundred miles from the Maltese coasts, Spring seems to be ahead of the calendar in the Arab region. Tunisians decided to breathe new air. The links between Malta, France and Tunisia are manifold and very Bonj(o)u(r) France and Malta Cultural and personal links that have built strong bonds across the ages. A quick look at the Mdina Page 5 ancient. A community of destinies exists between our three countries. The roads to Freedom are always steep and precipitous. Democracy is never offered. We wish the best of luck to all our friends from Tunis, Carthage, Sfax or elsewhere at the very moment their country is making a fresh start. The French National Center of Scientific Research decided to set up a branch in Malta, which will be hosted at the University of Malta. This is an important decision. There are a few CNRS offices outside French territory, all situated in powerful countries. In-depth French inspired fitness, le Mouvement Naturel Page 7 Calendar A quick look at what awaits us this year Page 9 gave birth to our civilization. Let’s not forget that Alexandria was the Silicon Valley of Antiquity. The decision to set up a branch of the CNRS in Malta, though modest at its creation, demonstrates a political choice. It means that we, French people, still consider that the Mediterranean is necessary for Europe, and that we place research and science at the centre of our European projects. Our future and independence rely on our will and our ability to master research in the coming years. We will keep you informed on the course of events. A bientôt! Malta is more than “the smallest Sincerely yours, European country” as the President of the European Parliament declared in his speech at the Grandmasters’ Palace while on visit in Valletta. Malta is full of history, in a symbolic Daniel Rondeau place in the middle of the sea which 1 N A T I O N !"#$%&'(#)&*'+,&'-&./'01'+,&'234'5"&*67&$%8 France formally assumed the G20 presidency in mid-November. C r e a t e d i n 1 9 9 9 a t Fr a n c e 's initiative, the G20 is an organisation of leaders and finance ministers from 19 countries plus the European Union, representing nearly 80 percent of the planet's wealth. To foster an international framework of strong, sustainable, and balanced economic growth, France proposes three major priorities for its presidency. The first relates to reform of the international monetary system: prevent excessive currency volatility, the accumulation of imbalances, and a lack of foreign exchange reserves for emerging countries. France advocates the strengthening of crisis management mechanisms, the fight against protectionism, the creation of an internationally administrated reserve asset, and better coordination of monetary policies between major economies. The second priority is to address volatility in the prices of raw materials, including agricultural products, oil, and gas, by limiting speculation, promoting market transparency, and regulating storage policies. The third objective for the French G20 presidency concerns global governance reform. Particularly, France supports the launch of a G20 secretariat to monitor the implementation of decisions, integrate new pertinent subjects — such as development and climate change — into the G20 agenda, and pursue broader reform of the World Bank, the IMF, and the UN. President Sarkozy held a press conference in January 2011 during which he elaborated on France's agenda for the G20 presidency. For more information, visit http://www.g20g8.com/g8-g20/g20/english/home.9.html 9+,'!"&$%,'5"&*67&$%8'01'+,&'2: France is chairing the G8 in 2011 for the sixth time. In the past, it has hosted Summits in Rambouillet in 1975, Versailles in 1982, Paris in 1989, Lyon in 1996 and Evian in 2003. Created at the initiative of France in 1975 to address the first oil crisis, the G8 is an informal group of advanced economies, which meets once a year at a Summit of Heads of State and Government. Over the past 30 years, the G8 has been the main international forum providing guidance and impetus in areas expanding over time: from the economy in the beginning to development, peace and security, environment and climate change. The G8 has made it possible to set up a collective framework for regulating globalisation. G8 members are France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada representing 15% of world population, 65% of GDP and two-thirds of international trade. The members strive to identify measures to take together, where they can make a diļ¬erence, with respect to major matters concerning the political issues of security and globalisation though the G8 lacks legal personality and does not take binding measures. Down memory lane : Photos of the first and the last G8 summits under French presidencies (Rambouillet and Evian). Courtesy AFP andG8.fr 2! 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The operation’s mandate is to protect vessels that deliver food aid to Somalis and the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery on vessels cruising off the Somali coast. For the record, along with numerous French ships, 12 Maltese soldiers participated in ATALANTA on a Dutch warship, Johan de Witt, last year. The French frigate Nivôse taking part in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he IMB was established in 1981 by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) with the support of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and is now the world’s foremost agency for exchanging and collecting information on maritime crime. 3 A R T French Street Artist Wins $100,000 and "One Wish" Anonymous French street artist JR rejuvenates resources and support to realise the wish. JR's buildings all over the world by posting immense wish will be revealed shortly. For more information, photographs of locals on them. For his work, which please visit: www.ted.com and www.jr-art.net/ has helped transform the idea of "street art" from graffiti to social polemic, he has been awarded the TED Prize, including $100,000 and "One Wish for G l o b a l C h a n g e . " T E D , o r Te c h n o l o g y, Entertainment, and Design, is a global non-profit organisation that connects innovative professionals in these three fields. Since the first TED conference in 1984, however, the organisation has expanded its focus to include business, the arts, science, and global issues. JR's story began when he found a camera in the Paris metro. Since 2001, he has been posting his mural-sized portraits on the oft-overlooked walls in France, Italy, Brazil, China, Africa and the Middle East. His work has gained such recognition that most of his 'exhibits' have been sent to London, New York, Berlin, and Amsterdam for further exposure. Additionally, JR continually works to build a legacy of crafting art among the locals in the cities where he exhibits. The prestigious distinction counts Bill Clinton and Bono among its past recipients. "The TED Prize is designed to leverage the TED community's exceptional array of talent and resources," explains the organisation's website. After preparing a presentation of his or her "One Wish" for several months, the prize-winner gets to share his or her proposal at the TED conference, where the TED community pledges different 4! All images courtesy www.jr-art.net/ Bonj(o)u(r) M A L T A & F R A N C E Top : Mondion’s Porta Reale in Mdina, a monument that occupies a prominent place in all tourist guides Bottom :Plan of the distinctly identifiable Maltese jewel, Fort Manoel French Connection A quick look at a Frenchman who created many of Malta’s treasures Charles Francois de Mondion was a talented French military engineer. He was born in Paris in 1681 and learned his profession under the guidance of the famous Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban, Marshal of France. The name of Mondion is first mentioned in a letter from King Louis XIV addressed to Grandmaster Fra Ramon Perellos y Roccaful, dated the 26th January 1715, in answer to the Order’s request for military assistance following the threat of an Ottoman invasion. Mondion was sent to Malta the same year with the objective of working on the reinforcement of the Maltese fortifications. He arrived as a deputy engineer in Brigadier René Jacob de Tigné’s mission, whose dominating presence somehow overshadowed his progression. Together, they built the Birgu bastions. Bonj(o)u(r)! Grandmaster Fra Antonio Manoel de Vilhena’s election at the Magistracy of the Order in 1722 represented a turning point in his career. An admirer of Mondion, he decided to launch a very ambitious building program. Mondion managed to extricate himself from the French army and to obtain the title of “Chevalier de Grâce” in the French Langue of the Order of the Knights of Saint John. He therefore became a permanent resident of the island and Vilhena named him the Order’s official military engineer. quality of the stones, being aware of the importance of making long-lasting works. In the town of Floriana, Valetta’s elegant suburb, he designed the Porte des Bombes, which has since been doubled. In Bormla, he built the St Helen’s gate, or Porta dei Mortari. The French engineer also supervised the final design and construction of Fort Manoel, then known as Isolotto, relying on René Jacob de Tigné’s work that had been refused because of the Knights’ financial situation at his time. In 1727, Mondion built the baroque St Anthony of Padua’s chapel to serve the religious needs of the garrison in Fort Manoel. This chapel was the highest building in Fort Manoel, offering an incomparable view of Valetta and Marsamxett Harbour. Under Vilhena’s patronage, Mondion actively contributed to the mutation of Malta into an eighteenth century Baroque jewel. Among his most brilliant achievements, are some of the most famous and still existing Maltese monuments, such as the Porta Reale of Mondion died on 25th December 1733. the medieval city of Mdina, for which He was buried in St Anthony’s he stipulated very precise and chapel’s crypt as requested in his will. demanding orders concerning the 5 C L P U O B T P S O É U Q R U RO I I A Lost in Francelation Franceguide.com is a website offering everything and anything English-speaking would-be travellers to France would want to know. Though tailor-made for the US audience, the website is a treasure trove that can hardly be missed for the information and deals that are offered. Alongside specific publications for special categories of travellers, there are a number of brochures to be downloaded. Another feature of noted interest on this website is a series of web documentaries called «Lost in Francelation» that take the viewer to famous getaways. In all the episodes, Dan, Jessica, Hillary and Kim stroll around picturesque French sites meeting authentic promoters of French tradition and terroir. Their reporting is marvellously informative to the English-speaking francophile. Please view the documentaries here. English online database available for the Louvre The Louvre museum in Paris has launched an English-language version of the online database that catalogues most of its works of art and antiquities. About 22,000 of the Paris-based museum’s 35,000 works are shown in high-resolution images. Online visitors can access the basic information displayed on labels accompanying works in the museum, together with commentary and analysis by the curators and staff. New items are constantly being added. The French version of Atlas has 26,000 items in its catalogue. Visitors can carry out simple or advanced searches by keyword, artist, title, inventory number, medium, technique, department or room. Recent acquisitions are also highlighted. Atlas allows visitors to create a personalised album. When printed, the selected works are grouped by location within the museum (wing and floor number). Please visit louvre.fr Art Spiegelman wins the Grand Prix at Angoulême American Art Spiegelman, creator of "Maus" that earned him in 1992 the only ever Pulitzer prize for a comic strip and which portrayed the Shoah through the souvenirs of his father earned the Grand Prix at the 38th Angoulême international comics festival, equivalent to the Oscars in the field of comics. He joins Robert Crumb and Will Eisner as only other American artists to win the Grand Prix. Speaking on the phone, Spiegelman joked, “Knowing my poor drawing skills, I feel a little bit like President Obama when he received the Nobel Peace Prize”. A major figure on the underground American cartoon scene in the 70s and the 80s, Art Spiegelman, who was born in 1948 in Stockholm, greatly influenced the cartoon scene in 1986 when he published "Maus" (‘mouse’ in German) a painful chronicle on the Shoah, translated into twenty languages, that retraces the life of his family during the Holocaust narrated by his father who was a Polish Jew. Unique Online film festival MyFrenchFilmFestival.com is the first entirely dematerialised film festival that will allow everyone, regardless of country, to have access to films in competition and vote for their favourites or leave their comments. 10 feature-length films and 10 shorts by young French creators are in competition. The films are available in 10 languages: German, English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian as VOD. The selection also includes a heritage film, not in competition, French Cancan by Jean Renoir. Three awards namely, The Internet User’s Award, Foreign Bloggers’ Award, and The International Press Award will be given for both films categories (feature-length and short) . The winning feature-length films will be shown onboard Air France flights starting next April for 6 to 9 months. Please visit http://www.myfrenchfilmfestival.com/en/ 6! 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Bonj(o)u(r) 2 0 1 1 : W H A T ’ S I N S T O R E ? A selection of events that will be the highlights of the New Year in Franco-Maltese relations For more information please visit www.ambafrance-mt.org January 29 Frigate CASSARD docks in at Grand Harbour for a four-day visit Feb 25 : Anti-submarine frigate, TOURVILLE calls at Valletta port February 8 : Cancer plan launched in Malta partly influenced by MalteseFrench 10-year cooperation in cancer studies ! March/April : Amphibious assault ship, MISTRAL in Malta Bonj(o)u(r) Editor-in-Chief Tudor Alexis Editorial team and contributors ! April 11-12 : Talk by Jean de Kervasdoué on public health care systems and on precautionary principles !"#$%&'"()*'+, -$./&$*#+, 0'"#/'(12+, 3$4&$*#+, 56#7&89#4#//, $42, :(49#"/$&8(4;,0'#/#,$"#,&'#,286#"#4&,7()"/#/,&'$&,<118$47#,="$4>$8/#,2#, ?$1&#,?@28&#""$4@#,/8&)$&#2,84,=1("8$4$,'$/,&(, (6#",&'8/,.#$",&(, A#(A1#, (4,&'#,8/1$42,B8/'84*,&(,8CA"(9#,&'#8",="#47',"#*$"21#//,(D,&'#8",1#9#1,84, ="#47';,=(",C("#,2#&$81/+,28$1,EFEG,HIJK,(",C$81,84D(L$118$47#D";("*;C&, Bonj(o)u(r)! Dana Pucarescu, Thomas Rottcher, Carine Brunet, Earmon O’Connor, Eleanor Warnock, Mary Kate Holman, Victoria Jones, Stephanie Joyal, Joseph Kessler, Aleksa Miskinis nnn To change your address, unsubscribe or simply contact us, please write to : ambafrance@maltanet.net 9