Condobolin High School SMARTER ~ STRONGER ~ PROUDER PO BOX 237 CONDOBOLIN NSW 2877 PH 02 68952333 Email: condobolin– FAX: 02 689531 http:// INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Important Dates 2 Principal’s Report 3 F1 Nationals 4-5 Learning & Support VET 6 NEWSLETTER Beacon Career News 7 Around the School 8 Sport 9 PO BOX 237 Anzac Day CONDOBOLIN 10 NSW 2877 PH: 02 68952333 Everyone2day FAX: 02 68953501 11 Compulsory 12-13 School Attendance Central West Sports 12-16 PBL Anzac Scholarship 17-18 VIVOs 19 CONGRATULATIONS TEAM SONIC Canteen Price List 20 Youth Services 21-22 Advertisements 23-25 Absentee Note 26 SCHOOL VISITORS, INLCUDING PARENTS AND CARERS, ARE REQUESTED TO SIGN-IN AT THE FRONT OFFICE All this info and more @ Page1 Important Dates Term 1—2015 Blue Polo Shirts Blue Polo Shirts are $30.00 School Jumpers are $55.00 can be purchased from the Front Office March 19-20 ASPIRE Workshop Year 10,11 & 12 March 23– 27 LAP HSC Half yearly Exams March 23 Formal Assembly—SRC Induction March 24 Snake Tails Excursion Year 11/12 Biology March 24 Year 11 & 12 Encore Excursion March 24 Meet the Teachers BBQ March 27 State Swimming Sydney April 23 Anzac Day Ceremony April 27—May1 Metal & Engineering Work Placement May 5 Tertiary Awareness Day Forbes CONDOBOLIN HIGH SCHOOL P&C GENERAL MEETING 24th March 2015 5.30PM Library All Welcome to Attend All this info and more @ Page2 Principal’s Report Welcome to our third edition of the school newsletter for 2015. Could I thank Michelle Whiley for her skills in editing and layout. Could I also thank our many contributors who help make the newsletter such an informative mean s of communi cat ion between the school and the wider community. You will have received for your child’s Progress Report for Term 1. This is a new initiative for 2015 designed to let you know how your child has settled into the 2015 school year. It is not designed to report on your child’s academic progress and needs in the classroom, this will come later in the year with the Semester 1 Reports. Staff have the opportunity on the progress report to let you know if they require an interview to discuss your child’s progress at this point in time. Please take them up on this offer. I will encourage staff to contact parents by phone should they wish to see you. On Tuesday the 24th March (next week) the school will be holding a Meet and Greet BBQ from 5.306.30pm to allow both the parents and staff to put a face to a name in an informal setting. I would encourage all parents and carers to come along. Quite often, potential issues are solved when we get to know each other. A new Principal has been appointed to Condobolin High School. His name is Mr Ward. Mr Ward comes to us from Crookwell High School and he is hoping to visit the school on the Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th March ie next Monday and Tuesday. At 11.20am on Monday 23rd the school has its Term 1 Formal Assembly in the high shelter and this will be followed by a morning tea. A key component of this assembly will the induction of our 2015 SRC members. Mr Ward has been invited and is hoping to attend. Please come along and make him feel welcome. I am very pleased with the way the school has settled in to the new school year. Students are mainly focussed and engaged in their learning and there have been excellent reports coming in from staff on how well students have represented the school. I believe that attendance has improved and we are getting better responses from parents and carers in terms of explained absences. Could I remind parents and carers of the need to contact the school when their child is running late or absent from school. The school is running lunchtime detentions for students who report late without explanation. Attached to the back of this newsletter are attendance slips that can be completed and returned to school. Recently the DEC released the updated attendance policy requirements. T hese changes have been summarised in the newsletter. clicking on the blue link in the email. I would like the new school plan to be representative of the whole school body and therefore encourage all parents and carers to take 5 minutes to tell us what they like about the school and what changes they would like to see. This is the last newsletter before Easter and the last I prepare as Relieving Principal. If travelling during the holidays please take care and keep safe. Students return to school on Tuesday 21st April. Clinton Mewburn Relieving Principal The school has been working on our 2015-2017 School Plan. Mr Heffernan has recently published an online survey through email. The survey can be accessed by All this info and more @ Page3 F1 Nationals Racing were even approached by engineers and industry leaders On the 10 – 16 of March Sonic Racing competed in the F1 in Schools National Finals held in Albert Park, Melbourne. The team consisted of Isabella Swadling (Yr 9), Madeleine Waller (Yr 9), Danielle Fogg (Yr 8) and Madison Jolliffe (Yr 9). from BOEING airplanes and Monash University who want to come on board and be mentors to the girls. Outside of the competition the girls got to experience many new things, from watching the F1 and V8 cars race around Albert Park, to sitting in a Defence Force Helicopter and seeing much of the culture Melbourne has to offer. Collaboration and placed 6th overall in the competition. Sonic Racing represented our School and town in the highest esteem and you would have been proud at what great ambassadors they were. Thank you to the parents and supporters that wished Sonic Racing well in their endeavours. Without your support we would not have made it this far. Sonic Racing had four great days of competing in different areas including, car racing, pit display and marketing judging, verbal presentations, engineering judging and portfolio judging. Outside of their judging schedule the girls were required to stand at their pit display and talk and network with future mentors and other spectators. It was estimated that around 30 000 people walked through the marquee and Sonic was always willing to talk and offer key rings, lollies, stamps and other marketing items. The girls were always at their pit display from 9am to 5.30pm and many judges made comment about this. Sonic At the end of the whole competition Sonic Racing came away with 1st place for Outstanding Industry All this info and more @ Remember Permission notes for excursions are now available online. Page4 F1 Nationals All this info and more @ Page5 Learning and Support Plans 2015 Condobolin High is proud to work in close partnership with parents and careers in developing detailed learning and support plans. Plans are developed and revised each year to ensure plans comprehensively support the needs of students and move them towards their career goals. Please feel free to make an appointment for an interview or phone conference to update and further develop your child / wards plan. Contact Mrs Cristina Coleman or the Year Advisor. Christina Coleman Assistant Principal Learning and Support/Head Teacher Learning and Engagement VET Thank you Barrick Cowal. Recently the VET (Vocational Education and Training) department applied for support from the Barrick Cowal’s Partnering Program to contribute to the cost of purchasing steelcapped boots and catering clogs. Barrick Cowal was happy to be involved in such a project. Students in Stage 5 this year have undertaken Automotive at the Condobolin TAFE with students from Ungarie and Tullibigeal and are required to wear steelcapped boots. Our students participating in Hospitality are also required to wear proper footwear for working in a kitchen area. The school was also able to obtain funding from Barrick Cowal for the Year 11 Hospitality class to purchase proper catering clogs. A huge thank you to Barrick Cowal for this wonderful contribution. Beacon Brandon Thompson commenced a traineeship with Maspro Engineering on the 9th February 2015 in CAD Drafting after completing his Year 10 Work Experience with Maspro in November 2014. working at Maspro are the people I work with and the new skills I am learning. We caught up with Brandon and asked him a couple of questions in regards to his new position at Maspro Engineering. Well done and good luck Brandon – thank you Maspro Engineering for providing a local career pathway for a local school leaver. How long is your traineeship for? 2-3 years. What do you miss about Condobolin High School? My friends and the social aspect of school. What's the best thing about working? The best thing about All this info and more @ Page6 Career News CSU has the following MyDay events coming up education/gapyear/ Communication and Creative Industries, 13 April - Bathurst. UMAT 2015 Clinical Science, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Physiotherapy, 13 April - Orange. Nursing and paramedics, April—Bathurst. 23 Account ing, Business and Information technology, 29 April—Wagga. Engineering will run for the first time next year at Bathurst CSU. There will be a MyDay event later in the year. TAFE is calling for expressions of interest for Cert I Engineering (welding). In the past students have regularly attended the welding course ran by TAFE in the evening. Funding has changed for TAFE and a substantial fee will be charged for students of the school age – around $2000. THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE (ADF) GAP YEAR The Australian Defence Force (ADF) Gap Year applications will be opening on Monday 2nd March 2015. Applications must be received online. The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians, who have finished Year 12 (or equivalent) and are aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training and lifestyle whilst gaining new skills and pay over their Gap Year. Gap Year opportunities are available in the Navy, Army and Air Force. For further details visit - http:// The UMAT is a test that is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on the website. Registrations for UMAT 2015 are now open and close 5:00pm (AEST) 5th June 2015. The test takes place nationally on Wed 29th July 2015. Visit - http:// B U S I N E S S A N D ENGINEERING & T E C H N O L O G Y CADETSHIPS. Professional Cadetships Australia offer cadetships to Year 12 students in both these areas. For Business, applications open 9 March and close 13 May; for Engineering and Technology cadetship applications open 28 A p r i l . V i s i t for more information. ST ANDREW’S COLLEGE, SYDNEY UNIVERSITY. The College has up to $1 million available in scholarships, bursaries and prizes for students for 2016. Scholarships information can be found at: current-students/scholarships-andprizes/ Bursary Assistance information c a n b e f o u n d : All this info and more @ St Andrew’s Scholars program has merit-based scholarships for five new students each year. The successful applicants have the capacity and commitment to realise their potential to become leaders in the university, the nation and the world. Applications are now open for the 2016 St Andrew’s Scholars i n t a k e . V i s i t : st andrews-scholars/ Applications close 30 June. LAND SURVEYING OPPORTUNITIES Students looking for work experience with a surveying firm can register at http:// student-work-experience/ secondary-students/. We will liaise with local firms to help source placements where capacity is available. Students with a strong aptitude in Maths, and an interest in Geography, IT and the Environment are encouraged to apply. Places limited. MACQUARIE IN A DAY 16 April 8.30am to 3pm Year 11 or Year 12 who wants to see what’s in store. This is your chance to get a taste of what a day in the life of a Macquarie student is really like. Register now at mqinaday Get in touch: T: (02) 9 5 0 7 2 5 0 E : Page7 Around the School Year 8 Science Year 11 Hospitality Year 11 Agriculture Sport Year 12 Senior Science WHS regulations require all staff, students and visitors wear endorsed footwear at all times on the school site. All this info and more @ Page8 Sport Touch Football Condobolin High School Boys and Girls Open Touch Football teams played Parkes High School and Forbes High School in a round robin format in their first round of the CHS Open Touch knockout at Parkes on Friday 6 March. Condo girls started strong, with a 4-2 win over Forbes in the their first game, while the boys were narrowly defeated 4-3 in a close game that was decided close to full time. After impressive performances in their first games, both teams carried some confidence into their second game against the favourites from Parkes. The girls were more competitive than their loss of 4-0 indicated, while the boys were ahead 2-1 early in their game against Parkes, finally going down 8-5 in a high scoring game. CHS State Finals Congratulations to players. history. the all Andy Hardy PDHPE Teacher Both teams performed very well against more experienced opposition sides whom both had state graded touch players and Western Swimming Congratulations to all swimmers who competed at Western Swimming Carnival in Dubbo on March 6th. Boys all age from 12—17 years all qualified for the 50m Freestyle; great effort Jed White, Damien Hocking, Ryan Harris, Jack May, Jarryd Walmsley and Alex Williams. Also qualifying were the open boys 4 x 50m Freestyle relay team consisting of Jessie Broad, Damien Hocking, Jed White and Lewis Goodsell. Maddie Cusack, Amelia Harris and Madison Jolliffe. Emma Kennedy was first in the 16yrs 100m Butterfly and will also represent in this race. 16 year girls 4 x 50m Freestyle relay including Emma Kennedy, All this info and more @ Page9 Anzac Day All this info and more @ Page10 Everyone2day EVERYONE2DAY Why is regular attendance at school important? Regular school attendance will help your child to succeed in later life. Attending school every day makes learning easier for your child and helps build and maintain friendships with other children. If your child misses learning the basic skills in the early years of primary or high school, they may develop learning problems in later years. 1 day off a week = 10 days a term (2weeks - gone!) 1 day off a week over the period of 1 year = most of 1 term - gone!! If this pattern starts in Kindergarten and continues through to Year 6 almost 1 and a half years of learning is gone!! If this pattern continues through high school students will miss nearly three years of learning. If students miss days of learning they reduce the chance of achieving to their academic potential. EVERYONE2DAY Primary Secondary Good attendance supports making good choices: For students, making the best choices involves: knowing yourself - what you like (your interests), what you are good at (your skills and abilities), what is important to you (values) All this info and more @ getting to understand the world of work - what’s out there learning how to make decisions finding out how to achieve objectives. Attending every day is critical in learning the skills and knowledge needed for making good choices in life. Page11 All this info and more @ Page12 All this info and more @ Page13 Central West Sports Volunteer Award Sport and Recreation are again holding the volunteer award to recognise the effort of volunteers in the sporting community. The Youth category (25years and under) is also open to recognise the efforts of young people volunteering in local sporting clubs. In 150 words or less tell us about your outstanding voluntee. Examples might be the extensive time they dedicate to the club, the positive attitude they bring to the sporting arena, being a positive role model, etc. Download nomination forms from the Sport and Recreation All this info and more @ website or call 6362 6623. Nominations close Friday 10th April 2015. Page14 All this info and more @ Page15 All this info and more @ Page16 PBL Condobolin High School is a PBL school and would like to positively reward students for their efforts in the school environment. Entering the classroom with respect Our focuses so far are: I wear my uniform with pride Out of Class with a pass Students are asked to carry a pass with them when out of class for any reason. I will speak nicely Students are asked to speak respectfully to both their peers and staff Right place right time Students have been taught how to enter the classroom Students wear their uniform with pride making them part of a bigger group Talking to your student about these focuses at home will assist us at school to reinforce the focuses and give all students a better school experience. Reward system V IVO rewards are continuing again this year with last years points rolling over. There will also be reward days held throughout the year for those students having a positive attitude towards school and following the school wide expectations. I would like to congratulate all those students and Carers who are taking a positive attitude towards their schooling. We would encourage students to be at school and in class on time. Bev Small Anzac Scholarships - Year 11 & 12 Anzac Scholarships – Year 11 & 12 only. Students in Year 11 & 12 are invited to apply for the Anzac Scholarships which are supported by the local community. They will be presented at Condobolin High School’s Anzac Assembly. Students need to complete the attached application form and return to the front office by Wednesday 1st April 2015. The top of the application needs to be completed by all applicants. The RSL Sub-branch Scholarships are only applicable to students who have a veteran relative. application form. Any questions, contact Mrs Davis. If students have/had a veteran relative, they need to also complete the bottom the All this info and more @ Page17 ANZAC Scholarship Application Form All this info and more @ Page18 Vivos Vivos 2015 Condobolin High School students will continue to be rewarded with Vivos during 2015. This involves encouraging good behaviour and attitude, giving recognition to students who are doing the correct thing and to motivate them to continue this. This also links with the school’s focus with Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). Students are rewarded by staff each week with Vivos. Extra Vivos can be achieved through extra activities e.g. Anzac March, SRC, sporting teams etc. Students can save their Vivos in their own personal account. Students can access their Vivo account through the Vivo app through their phone or the Vivomiles website. They can exchange their Vivos for a range of items available through the Vivo online shop. These items will then be delivered to the school for the student. A large number of students have already received their purchases. Students need to see Mrs Davis if there are any issues with their accounts or they have forgotten their password and see Mrs Small for their purchases from the Vivo shop. student subject data so we can accurately update the student information in the Vivo website so staff can access their new classes. the information sheet on the school website and return to school so we can set up a username and password. If parents would like to access the website, they can complete VIVO Parent Information Condobolin High School Parent Information Student 1 Name:_______________________________________ Student 1 Year: ________________________________________ Student 2 Name:_______________________________________________ Student 2 Year: ________________________________________ Student 3 Name: _______________________________________ Student 3 Year: _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Address: __________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Mobile Phone Number: _____________________________________________________ Fax Number: ___________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________ At present, we are finalising All this info and more @ Page19 All this info and more @ Page20 Youth Services Any students wanting to be part of the Sound Magazine could you please send through articles to be included in the magazine. Please send to Samantha Parr Kayaking is available for everyone to participate in, people to meet up at family support group at 3:30pm and they get taken out to the lake and return in at 5pm. Notes must be signed for anyone to participate All this info and more @ Page21 Youth Services Youth Services and Miss Norton will be going kayaking on Wednesday afternoons, starting on Wednesday 25th of February for 5 weeks. you will need to pick up a Consent Form from Family Support or the school office and have it signed by a parent/carer and bring it with you on the day. Everyone is to meet at Family Support (the old bowling club) straight after school and you will be bussed out to Gum Bend Lake and return to town by 5:30pm. Everyone is welcome to join in, All this info and more @ Page22 Advertisements All this info and more @ Page23 Advertisements All this info and more @ Page24 Advertisements The Condobolin Junior Rugby League Club wishes to announce that Training for 2015 season will start Monday 16th March 2015 at 6pm at Pat Timmins Oval. Players must be registered to train, click on the following link to register your child online. If you require assistance please contact one of the Committee members. Tullibigeal Football & Netball Club are looking for junior players for this season. We hope to have 16’s, 13’s & 10’s netball sides and under14 football & Auskick. If you are interested please call Leanne on 0427729320 or 69729125 for more information Condobolin High 10 am Tuesday 24th March to nity u t s, or hon t y Opp p ds live e l zar i d L n d ha s an e l t tur $7.00 Pay at Front Office Learn bush awareness and bush first aid All this info and more @ See Aus tral mos ia’s t de 4 adly snak in ta es mpe r pr o of cont aine rs Page25 All this info and more @ Page26