Dept. of Maths and Computing Project Procedures for Students
The student shall maintain a Project Log detailing meetings with the supervisor or anybody else involved with the project, project milestone completion dates etc.. A log template is provided in the Appendix.
This log shall be brought to every meeting with the supervisor.
After every student-supervisor meeting, the student shall provide to the supervisor the agreed outcomes of the meeting.
The student shall develop a schedule and continually compare progress to that schedule.
The student shall inform supervisor of problems as soon as they become apparent.
The student is responsible for maintaining ongoing backups of all project related material.
The student is responsible for the successful completion of the project.
In group based projects, the group is responsible for the group to continue to function properly. Where difficulties arise, they shall be brought to the attention of the supervisor as soon as possible.
The student shall take responsibility for ascertaining the student’s result in the
PROJECT subject, as soon as the results are posted on the CIT notice boards.
In the event that the student fails PROJECT, the student shall take responsibility for contacting the relevant supervisor before June 20.
The student(s) shall handup TWO copies of the project material.
The project documentation should be softbound.
The cover page shall list Student name(s), names of supervisor and second readers, project title, document title (where documentations involves more than one document). This cover page is to be immediately visible. A template for this cover page is provided in Appendix II.
Every page to be numbered.
Contents page, referring to page numbers, to be included at the start of the document.
Appendix provides template instructions for text in the project document.
A typical project document will list the following inter alia: a) Project Proposal, b) Schedule, project log, project plan, installation guide. c) Lifecycle considerations, d) The project phases (requirements, analysis, (design including UI design), implementation, testing) e) Research f) Future enhancements g) Evaluation (refer to the project goals) h) User Manual, if required
Relevant commented code, which was developed by the student, shall be include in the project document.
Dept. of Maths and Computing Project Procedures for Students
As part of the project document, the student shall include a signed declaration that the work is all their own, unless otherwise referenced. A template for this declaration is provided in Appendix.
Include a bibliography of sources consulted and used.
All code and documentation shall be provided on attached digital media.
Dept. of Maths and Computing Project Procedures for Students
Monday, September 4, 2001
Handed in project proposal
Monday September 18, 2001
Received approval for project proposal. Supervisor assigned.
Wed., Sept. 20, 2001
First meeting with supervisor. The agreed outcomes were :
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2001
Finalised the detailed specification
Friday, Sept. 29, 2001
Completed the project schedule
Monday, Oct. 2 , 2001
Met with supervisor. The agreed outcomes were:
Wednesday Oct. 4, 2002
Completed revised requirements and schedule.
Thursday Oct. 5, 2002
Found an excellent website on Mapping Software at etc.
Dept. of Maths and Computing Project Procedures for Students
(if applicable)
Dept. of Maths and Computing Project Procedures for Students
Use Times New Roman font:14 pts bold for section headings, 12 pts for entries.
Chapter Headings to be centered and in 18pts bold.
Do not print any entries on the same line as a heading. Use an identical 1-inch top, bottom, left and right page margin. Apply 1.5 line spacing.
I hereby certify that this material which I now submit for assessment, is entirely my own work and has not been taken from the work of others, save and to the extent, that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work
I understand that my project documentation may be stored in the library at CIT, and may be referenced by others in the future.
Dept. of Maths and Computing Project Procedures for Students
Project Proposal : Technical complexity, feasibility and scope of the project proposal and the clarity of its presentation.
Project Management: Project Schedule, Lifecycle choice, Version Control, attendance at project meetings & keeping supervisor informed (emails, status reports, meeting summaries etc). Reporting of problems and potential problems to supervisor in a timely manner.
Project Demonstration: Given for quality of presentation, how well the project is explained, and how well the questions about the project are answered.
Report: Quality of final report - marks here are awarded mainly for clear writing, conciseness, and good explanations. Most other categories are marked from the information in the report, but this one marks the quality of the report itself. No marks are awarded for typography, quality of reproduction, use of colour printing, volume of writing or quality of binding.
Specification: Concise and accurate specification of goals, Reduction of goals to fit schedule. Production of a realistic schedule. Functional spec,
Analysis and Design:
Analysis, Design, Lessons Learnt
Research: Applies to project that have broken new ground, and to research that the student carried out as part of a project. In the case of projects that have a large research element, this section would be weighed much higher. Also, the weight afforded to this section would be high where a student has to learn a new and possibly difficult technology.
Future outlook: where the product goes from here, possible enhancements.
Implementation: Coding, implementation, commenting, structured code, extensible, coding standard adherence to design etc.,
Testing: Evidence of a proper test plan (including fail cases), evidence of these being applied, and occasionally of software failing the tests. Taking corrective action and verifying fixes Results.
Dept. of Maths and Computing Project Procedures for Students
In the case where software is developed as part of the project, the functionality of the final product will have a major bearing on the marks awarded under Specification,
Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing. Where the product does not work properly, the project is normally awarded a fail result.