multimedia design

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The computer has changed forever the way we communicate visually. Digital Multimedia
Design explores the rapidly changing world of digital graphic design and multimedia
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the digital design field is expected to grow
rapidly through the year 2016. So demand for graphic and digital artists well versed in new
media and graphic software will remain strong
Digital Multimedia Design at Touro will expose you to practical skills required for the
following jobs: advertising art director, web designer, production assistant, mobile interface
designer, digital illustrator, digital photo processor, freelance media designer, and broadcast
designer among many others.
The program gives you the flexibility to earn an accelerated Bachelor’s Degree, taking
required courses in these six areas:
(1) Foundations and principles of design
(2) Interface layout for print and electronic media
(3) Image processing and illustration
(4) Web and multimedia design
(5) Internship experience
(6) Portfolio preparation
Our elective courses explore photography, typography, design history, information design,
video production, computer illustration, drawing and painting, and in the near future,
animation, design for mobile applications and digital storytelling.
Our faculty members are skilled working professionals, who eagerly offer the benefits of
their real-world creative and business experience. Along with our administrative staff, they
are concerned with individual students as people, not just numbers.
Touro College is a system of Jewish-sponsored non-profit institutions of higher and
professional education. Touro College was chartered in 1970 primarily to enrich the Jewish
heritage, and to serve the larger American community. Approximately 19,000 students
are currently enrolled in its various schools and divisions. Our classes are small, projectoriented, and practical. They are offered in Brooklyn and Manhattan and scheduled for your
convenience, daytime, evenings and Sundays.
Before graduation, you will produce a professional print and electronic portfolio to
represent your best work, skills, and experience to prospective employers or graduate
school admissions personnel.
Many of our alumni have launched their own successful businesses, while others have
embarked on careers at the Mayor’s Office, Smith Barney, Aish, Radio City Music Hall,
A&E Television, Brooklyn Union Gas, Flushing Hospital Medical Center, Touro College, the
Weizmann Institute, and many other businesses and organizations.
(Student Testimonial and pictures)
Contact Jesse Epstein,
Deputy Chair, Computer Science Department
Professor Susan DeCastro
Coordinator, Digital Multimedia Design program
Digital Multimedia Design Bachelor’s Degree
Course Requirements
Digital Multimedia Design Courses: Credits
GCD 140 Computer Concepts 4
GCD 150 Foundations of Design I 3
GCD 155 Foundations of Design II 3
GCD 230 Digital Multimedia Design I 3
GCD 231 Digital Multimedia Design II 3
GCD 235 Computer Graphic Design I 3
GCD 236 Computer Graphic Design II 3
GCD 262 Digital Multimedia Design III 3
GCD 263 Web Design I/Lab 4
GCD 264 Web Design II 3
GCD 267 Computer Graphic Design III 3
GCD 302 Web Design lll 3
GCD 335 Advanced Design Studio 3
GCD 490 Senior Portfolio 3
GCD 498 Internship in Digital Multimedia Design 3
3 Department Approved Electives 9
Total Credits in Major: 56
Two Liberal Arts required courses:
GCA 166 Introduction to the Visual Arts 4*
GCA 224 Drawing and Painting I 3*
*These credits are applied toward Liberal Arts requirements.
Digital Multimedia Design Approved Electives
Choose three of the following: Credits
GCD111 History of Graphic Design** 3
GCA 141/142 Art of Western Civilization 3
GCO 141 Introduction to Programming 3
GCA 168 Mass Media in America 4
GCD 221 Photography** 3
GCA 225 Drawing & Painting II 3
GCO 232 Advanced Programming 3
GCD 303 Multimedia Design 3
GCD 357 Computer Illustration** 3
GCA 301 Aesthetics of Modern Art 3
GCD 320 Information Design** 3
GCD 360 Video Production Studio 3
GCD 420 Authoring Languages 3
GCD 451 Special Topics 3
GCD 480 Senior Project 3
**Recommended Electives
Typical Schedule by Semester
Semester 1 Credits
GCD 140 Computer Concepts 4
GCD 150 Foundations of Design I 3
GCA 166 Introduction to the Visual Arts
(Required Liberal Arts course)
Semester 2
GCD 155 Foundations of Design II 3
GCD 230 Digital Multimedia Design I 3
GCD 235 Computer Graphic Design I 3
GCA XXX Department Approved Elective 3
Semester 3
GCD 231 Digital Multimedia Design II 3
GCD 236 Computer Graphic Design II 3
GCA 224 Drawing and Painting 1
(Required Liberal Arts course) 3*
Semester 4
GCD 262 Digital Multimedia Design III 3
GCD 263 Web Design I/Lab 4
GCD 267 Computer Graphic Design III 3
Semester 5
GCD 264 Web Design II 3
GCD 335 Advanced Design Studio 3
GCD XXX Department Approved Elective 3
GCD 498 Internship in Digital Multimedia Design
Semester 6
GCD 302 Web Design III 3
GCD 490 Senior Portfolio 3
GCD XXX Department Approved Elective 3
*These credits are applied toward Liberal Arts requirements.
Total Credits in Major: 56
Additional Liberal Arts Requirements 64
Total Credits: 120
Course Descriptions
All courses carry 3, unless noted otherwise.
COA 101-102 Art of Western Civilization
Comparative survey of the style, structures and functions of Western art forms
GHS 111 History of Graphic Design
Historical overview of graphic design using publications, reference material, audio and visual
media, as well as field trips to museums and places pertinent to course content. Through
historic example, this lecture-format course provides a thorough visual and conceptual
background of visual communication in graphic design. In addition to the lectures, research
projects will be assigned.
Prerequisite: None
GCD 140 Computer Concepts
This course introduces the student to the concepts and much of the terminology unique to
the computer-based design and world. Operating systems with related applications, file types
and resolutions, and a general understanding of hardware will be covered. Lab time will be
allotted for this course.
Prerequisite: None
MCO 141 Introduction to Programming
This course will teach students how to analyze a problem statement and develop an
algorithm to solve the problem. Students will learn to use program development techniques
such as flowcharting. They will become familiar with various programming constructs such
as decisions, sequence of operations, and loops. They will be able to identify the input,
process, and output components of a program. In addition, students will be given experience
implementing and debugging algorithms by developing programs.
Prerequisite: None
GCD 150 Foundations of Design I
In this course, students will be taught the basics of two-dimensional design as related
to graphic design and Digtial Multimedia Design. The basic vocabulary of visual form will
be taught. Materials and board skills necessary for these projects will be explored. The
development of the students’ visual creative skills will be emphasized. Projects will be
assigned to familiarize students with the concepts presented. Successful completion of
the course will require the student to produce projects which reflect their cumulative
understanding of the concepts and skills taught.
Prerequisite: None
GCD 155 Foundations of Design II
In this course, the student’s knowledge of basic design will be extended into the area of
graphic communication and typography in order to develop a framework on which to do
professional Digtial Multimedia Design. The course explores the following concepts: visual
form as communication; the relationship of content and visual form; typography as a visual
form; basic technical typography; a brief history of graphic communication and typography;
and a working methodology for problem solving. Students will work in a studio classroom
setting. Projects will be assigned to familiarize students with the concepts presented.
Students will maintain a notebook for required research. Successful completion of the course
will require the student to produce projects which reflect their cumulative understanding of
the concepts and skills taught.
Prerequisite: GCD 150
GCA 166 Introduction to the Visual Arts
Survey of the visual arts, including an appreciation of both the developments of the form
and its many varieties, principally painting, sculpture and architecture, as well as their
presentation and their interconnection with their milieu. The time period covered is from
the Ancient World through the Nineteenth Century, with a major emphasis on the period
from the Renaissance to the 1900’s.
Prerequisite: None
4 credits
GCA 168 Mass Media in America
The public receives most of its information through the filter of the media. To make
informed decisions, students need to be aware of the forces that operate in the media. This
course provides an examination of the responsibilities, values, structure, dissemination of
information and effectiveness of the media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, film,
etc.), with attention to the freedoms of speech and press and potential conflicts with the
rights of the individual and public.
Prerequisite: None
4 credits
GCD 221 Photography
This course uses camera and photographic processes as vehicles for artistic expression,
perceptual discovery and design, and explores traditional and experimental use of
photographic processes. Students provide their own cameras and basic materials.
Prerequisite: None
GCA 224 Drawing and Painting 1
In this course, students will learn how to draw basic forms and objects, the fundamentals of
perspective, and composition, develop an understanding of the use of light and shadow in
rendering 3-dimensional objects.
Prerequisite: None
GCD 231 Digital Multimedia Design II
This course focuses on advanced features of page layout software. Students build upon
previous knowledge of the software by designing material for a business or advertising
environment, including stationery, business cards, corporate identity, logos, and brochures.
This class includes a workshop/lab; topics covered will include scanning, color separation
and setting up files for pre-press. Students will be required to complete projects and to
meet class deadlines. Lab time will be necessary for class assignments. Students will present
their work during class critiques. Software will be adjusted to reflect the constantly changing
Prerequisites: GCD 230 and 235
GCD 230 Digital Multimedia Design I
This course will introduce students to the principles of digital multimedia Design, graphic
design, page layout and typography. The relationship of typography to pictures and graphics
in a full-color environment will be explored through the assignment of various projects.
Output requirements and the correct preparation of files will be discussed. Good design and
appropriate solutions will be encouraged. Students will present their work at the end of the
semester. Software will be adjusted to reflect the constantly changing technologies.
Prerequisite: None
GCO 232 Advanced Programming
This course will introduce students to more advanced programming concepts such as
program analysis and design, structured data, abstract data types, and testing programs using
debugger tools. Students will complete extensive programming assignments to develop their
skills in problem analysis and program coding and testing. Students will become acquainted
with the concept of object-oriented programming, in addition to learning to use arrays,
strings, pointers, structures, and classes.
Prerequisite: MCO 141
GCD 235 Computer Graphic Design I
This course will introduce students to the use vector-based software, to create illustrations,
use typographic design principles, create logos, and incorporate images with graphics. The
focus is on understanding the use of software as an illustration tool and on beginning to
develop original ideas. Design principles, use of color, and composition will be emphasized.
Lab time will be necessary for class assignments. Students will present their work at the end
of the semester.
Prerequisite: None
GCD 236 Computer Graphic Design II
This course will introduce students to working with images in a digital environment. Students
will receive an overview of tools, scanning, color correction, image size resolution, and digital
compositing. Students will work on projects that simulate “real world” design concepts
and will present their work during class critiques. Lab time will be necessary for class
Prerequisites: GCD 230 and 235
GCD 262 Digital Multimedia Design III
Page layout and the implementation of images and illustrations into a multipage document
will be the major focus of this course. The pre-press process, the preparation of images for
output, and the use of crop marks, bleeds, and color separation will be discussed. Students
will be expected to work independently on projects in addition to class meetings. Lab
time will be necessary for class assignments. Students will present their work during class
Prerequisites: GCD 155, 231 and 236
GCD 263 Web Design I w/Lab
Introduction to webpage design. Students will learn the skills needed to author and publish
documents using HTML and authoring software. Design skills will be applied towards
webpage construction. Students learn to apply their knowledge of print design and computer
software to webpage design. Lab time outside of class will be necessary for class assignments.
Prerequisites: GCD 155, 231,and 236
4 credits
GCD 264 Web Design II
This course covers topics such as client interactions, case studies, marketing strategies for
website design, navigation design, team projects, project planning and user testing. Students
will be required to create a minimum of one fully functional website for review. Exploration
of advanced web design features will be covered.
Prerequisites: GCD 263 and 267
GCD 267 Computer Graphic Design III
In this course, students will use advanced software tools in order to create, correct, and
manipulate images on a professional level. Emphasis will be placed on developing visual
literacy in color and image manipulation. The development of the sequential thinking
required to do advanced work will be stressed. Lab time will be necessary for class
Prerequisite: GCD 236
GCD 302 Web Design III
Advanced techniques in website design focusing on the functionality of interactive sites,
and effective use of text, graphics, and animation. Students will be required to upload their
original websites for evaluation and grading.
Prerequisites: GCD 264 and 267
GCA 301 Aesthetics of Modern Art
How modern painters and sculptors, from the impressionists through the postmoderns,
respond to a rapidly changing world by visualizing, often in an abstract manner, the
technological, mechanical, psychological and metaphysical forces around them. Slides are
utilized in lectures; at least two museum visits are required.
Prerequisite: MCA 166 or permission of the Department
GCD 303 Multimedia Design
In this advanced course, students will create animations and interactive QuickTime movies,
CDs and DVDs.
Prerequisite: GCD 302
GCD 320 Information Design
The visual display and interpretation of quantitative information are increasingly critical in
the information age. This course is concerned with the graphic designer’s contribution to the
handling of complex quantitative data, both in printed designs and on the Web.
Prerequisite: GCD 263
GCD 335 Advanced Design Studio
This course will thoroughly acquaint the student with traditional design skills necessary
for the creation of professional-level designs. An emphasis will be placed on mechanical
techniques, conceptual thinking, and expanding the student’s visual vocabulary. Thumbnails,
roughs, and mechanical layouts will be taught, including the use of typography, hand lettering,
color usage, audience research and targeting, and copy writing.
Prerequisites: GCD 262 and 267
GCD 360 Video Production Studio
This class is an introduction to digital video. Students will create projects composing multilayered
videos for DV and VHS tape. Sound editing, transfer of analog to digital, and streaming media will
be part of this course. Pre-production planning and storyboarding will be stressed.
Prerequisites: None
GCD 357 Computer Illustration
In this course, students will use a vector-based computer drawing program as a visual
thinking tool, with experimental approaches to a variety of applied illustration problems.
The focus is on conceptualizing and executing illustrative designs appropriate to a number
of media formats (advertising, editorial, informational). Students will be encouraged to use
innovation while honing skills in conceptualization, technique, design and presentation of
computer illustrations, and will understand how to use source material as the basis for
computer illustration. Projects completed in this course will add an important aspect to the
student designer’s portfolio.
Prerequisite: GCD 236
GCD 420 Authoring Languages
Introduction to programming languages for interactive digital media. Each semester offering
is devoted to a specific language. This course may include Java and other interactive
programming languages. Intended only for those who are already fluent in at least one
programming language.
Prerequisites: GCD 302
GCD 451 Special Topics
This course will cover topics of current interest in desktop and web publishing. Possible
offerings include: the business of graphic design, digital 3-D design, streaming technology for
Webcasting, or multimedia presentation.
Prerequisites: GCD 490
GCD 480 Senior Project
An advanced studio course devoted to individual portfolio-quality projects. Students choose
one field of design to concentrate on in a portfolio project for the semester. Focus may be in
such areas as: multimedia, website, or print design (advertising, corporate, informational, etc.)
Prerequisites: GCD 490 or permission of the Department.
GCD 490 Senior Portfolio
Students will design professional pieces that will enhance their chances of attaining a
position in the desktop and web publishing field. Magazine and catalogues, book cover design,
package design, web design, and corporate identity are among the projects required for this
course. Discussions on effective resumes and how to prepare for job interviews, as well
as job searching, will be explored. Students will present portfolios to faculty members of
the Desktop and Web Publishing Department for critique and evaluation throughout the
semester. Presentation skills, such as mounting and matting work, will be included. Lab time
will be required for class assignments.
Prerequisites: GCD 262, 264, 267 and 335
Corequisite: GCD 302
GCD 498 Internship in Digital Multimedia Design
This course requires students to complete an internship in a Digital Multimedia Design or
web related field. Weekly logs and design work are required for internships, and are reviewed
by members of the Digital Multimedia Design Department faculty at the completion of the
internship. The purpose of the internship is to provide students with practical experience to
complement their coursework.
Prerequisites: GCD 490 and 335