Chartered Banker Chartered Banker Institute At the Chartered Banker Institute, we are committed to raising the standards of professionalism in banking and financial services. We do this by engaging with the sector to develop customer-focused professional standards and qualifications relevant for today’s bankers. In 2011, we launched the Chartered Banker Professional Standards Board (CB:PSB), to enhance and sustain professionalism in banking. Please see for more details. What is Chartered Banker? Chartered Banker is the gold standard for professionals working in the banking sector. Recognised and supported by major financial services organisations across the globe, Chartered Banker gives you a world class qualification that will help you achieve and maintain the standards of excellence and professionalism expected by clients and employers. Chartered Banker is a practical, professional programme that combines theory and practice. The overall aim of the programme is to provide you with an extensive, detailed and critical knowledge and understanding of the banking sector and to develop your skills and abilities to make professional judgements and informed decisions in relevant work situations. In a YouGov UK-wide survey, when asked about confidence in the banking sector: • almost twice as many respondents would have more trust in a banker who is a qualified Chartered Banker than a banker with an MBA. • almost six times as many respondents would have more trust in a banker who is a qualified Chartered Banker than a banker with a degree. • 57% of business decision-makers, who expressed an opinion, had a preference for working with a relationship manager who is a Chartered Banker. A Chartered Banker: • has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate standards of professional excellence; • continually develops their skills and knowledge; and • complies with the Chartered Banker Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct. Who should become a Chartered Banker? We believe that if you are committed to a career in banking and improving the standards of professionalism in the sector you will benefit from Chartered Banker status. How can I become a Chartered Banker? We understand that there are many different career paths in banking and have therefore developed a variety of routes to Chartered Banker status. So, whether you are new to banking or have many years’ experience, there is a route to suit you. Routes to Chartered Banker • Open - This route supports progression through the Institute’s qualification framework from our introductory Professional Banker Certificate to Chartered Banker status. Following completion of an Advanced Diploma, It should take around two years to complete three Chartered Banker modules under the Open route. • Accelerated -The Accelerated route is likely to apply if you are on your bank’s graduate trainee programme or you are an experienced banker on a managed development programme. Under the Accelerated route you are expected to complete the Chartered Banker programme in less than two years. • Learning Partnerships - The Learning Partnerships route might apply if you have completed bespoke courses/training or prior learning that has been accredited by the Institute. It also includes senior bankers who can become Chartered Bankers through the Senior Management Accelerated Route, which uses work based assessment of professional competence against standards set by the Institute, and those who complete Omega Credit Skills. • Professional Conversion - The Professional Conversion route enables those qualified in other key professions operating in the banking sector to become Chartered Bankers. Currently this will apply only if you are a qualified accountant or CFA Charterholder, although other professional qualifications may be agreed for this route in the future. It should take around one year to complete the two Chartered Banker modules required under the Professional Conversion route. • Chartered Banker MBA - You also become a Chartered Banker on completion of a Chartered Banker MBA from Bangor Business School - visit for more details. Which modules will I study? The Chartered Banker programme focuses on the core skills required by bankers today and for the future. It consists of compulsory, core and elective modules. • Compulsory – Professionalism, Ethics and Regulation. • Core – Credit and Lending; Contemporary Issues in Banking; and Risk Management in Banking. • Elective – Applied Business and Corporate Banking; Banking for High Net Worth Individuals; and Retail Banking. The modules that you need to study will depend on the route you are taking. In all routes you must complete at least one credit and lending related subject at some stage. The chart below shows the modules applicable to each route. Routes to Chartered Banker Chartered Banker modules Open Professional Banker Certificate One of: Credit and Lending Advanced Diploma Professional Banker Diploma Risk Management in Banking (2 subjects)* (2 further subjects) * or 3 subjects if no PBD Contemporary Issues in Banking All of: Credit and Lending Accelerated 2 years Professional Banker (optional for experienced bankers) Compulsory module: Risk Management in Banking Contemporary Issues in Banking Professionalism, Ethics and Learning Partnerships Professional Conversion V Validation of Prior Learning P Advanced Diploma Award Qualified Accountant or CFA Charterholder Regulation One of: Credit and Lending Risk Management in Banking Contemporary Issues in Banking Either: Applied Business and Corporate Banking or Credit and Lending One of: Applied Business and Corporate Banking Retail Banking Banking for High Net Worth Individuals Chartered Banker Key facts • Each Chartered Banker module costs £1,395 (£1,200 for employees of our Corporate Patrons). Costs include: course materials, a study guide, tutor support, e-mail and telephone support, and the examination fee. You will also pay an Institute membership fee. Our Examination Centre Network • Each Chartered Banker module is assessed by a compulsory assignment and a written on-line examination. • You can sit your examination at any one of our examination centres throughout the UK. Results will be available within six weeks of you sitting the examination. • For each module your registration is valid for 12 months. You are expected to sit and pass the module within that time. What does it mean to be a Chartered Banker? Completing the programme will give you a world class qualification supported and recognised by major financial services organisations and you will be eligible to use the title “Chartered Banker”. To retain Chartered Banker status you must maintain your membership of the Chartered Banker Institute, which includes complying with our Code of Professional Conduct and completing a minimum of 35 hours of continuing professional development each year. Customers, colleagues, regulators and shareholders all want a banking industry built on a solid foundation of ethical professionalism. Chartered Banker status is recognised in the UK and internationally as a mark of quality in the banking profession. It gives you a title that demonstrates your expertise, experience and professionalism and acts as a gateway to enhanced career opportunities. Further information on all our qualifications is available at Contact For further information on Chartered Banker please speak to our Customer Services Team on 0131 473 7777 or contact us at Chartered Banker Institute is a trading name of The Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland: Charitable Body No SC013927. Drumsheugh House 38b Drumsheugh Gardens Edinburgh EH3 7SW Telephone: 0131 473 7777 Fax: 0131 473 7788 Email: Web: