Republicof the Philippines COURT OF APPEALS ROI{ALD BELEN, DAI{TE PANTINOJ WENDCITO URGEL' A]{D AAIEL RICKY BIIIDOL !,ALAP,l Petitioners, CA CR SP 424 4 ^.12 ITATIOIIAL LA3OR REI'ITIONS coMutsslol{ DIVISIONI MOTORS AND PIIIS. IFTFTH TOYOTA CORP., MAl"THEW JOSEPH SOBREVEGA, DAVID GO AND MTCI{IIIOBU SUGATA, Respondents. PETITION FOR CERTIORARI PETITIONERS, by counsel, unto this Honorable Court' respecuuliy submit this Petition for Certiordi unde. Rule 65 of the Rules of Cort to enul and reverse the twin decisions ot t]re NATIONAI LABoR RELATIONS COMMISSIoN (NLRC) issued on December 22, 20ll and February 7,2Ol2 witl1 grave abuse or to lack ot jurisdiclion there being no Plain' speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary of law, under the discretion mounting T TTIE IfATIOIYAI, LABOR AEIATIONS COMMISSION {!ILRC) COMMITTED GRAYE ABUSE OF DISCRETION iIq nulutc rget pptrrroNDRs' DIsMrssALIs vAlrD ON ACCOI]NT OF SERIOUS MISCONDUCT TIIE NLRC COMMIT'TED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION TN RIIIING THAT PETITIONERS WERE VALIDLY PLACED I'NDER PREVEIITTVE SUSPENSTOI{' AND TIIAT THE SUSPENSION OF PETTTIOIIER BIIIDOL IS LEGAI GRAVE AAUSE OF THE TYLRC COMIIITTED DIACRETIOII IN !'IOLATII\IO THE PETITIOI{ERS' RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS TN RULTNG THAT PETITIOTTBRS DISRESPECTED THEIR SUPERIORS DESIPITEABSENCEOF SPECIFICCTIARGE. GRAVE ABUSE OE THE NLRC COMMITTED DISCRETION lr| RI'LING TIIAT PETITIONERS WERE ATFORI'ED PROCEDURAL DT'E PROCESS DESPITE THE FACT TIIAT NO HEARING WAS CONDUCAED TO AFFORL TIIE PETITIONERS AI!'IPLE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLAIN THEIR SIDE GRAVE ASUSE OF NLRC COMMITTED TIIE DISCRETION IlI RULII{G TTIAT RESPONDENT DID ITOT COIIIMIT IMFAIR LABOR PRACTICE CRAVE ABUSE OF THE NLRC COMMITTED DISCRETIOI{ IN RULII{G THAT PETTTIONERS ARE I{OT EIITITIED TO TI{E RELIEFS PRAYED FOR PARTIES Petitioners, RONALD BELEN, DAI\ITE PANTII{O, WEIIECITO UROEL, RICKY BII\IDOL AND ARIEL LALAP de all of legal ages dd with pr€sent addressat the following: BONALD BELEN - Phase t, Nalional Highway BrS/ Halang' Calambacity, Laguna (sanr'ran rj::"j.t":Jgi pArrrr{o Erk-) DANrE i.:t*i:a - Br-'1,1"f::":'fl^):::'::1,:.]* " TTRGEL wEr{Ecrro General Maflaru ' nrcrr anrpol,- ett ii;"t e'e' st" c-' 1s'o;e' t LuPa' Calamba Ciiv' Laguna ABIEL LALA! - BrS/ 'irdg pleadings' Processesand noiices' with sefled be also They mav 800 J P at Unit-F Bartoluo Buildins' counsel' .n-'ri "*","t*"0 Sta RosaCitv' Laguna' Boulevard,BrS/. Malusak' Public co!trMlssloN iJ''"t1,"*^ BELATIONS LABOR NATIONAL respondent herein being tne (FII'TII DIvIsIoNl is impleaded subiector renderedthe Decision/Resolution -""h """" vrith summons dd tU" p"titi"n lt rn"v U" "erved Blds , Banaue, Quezonc1W' processesat PPSTA PIllLs CORP is d entrtl MOTORS TOYOTA Respondent and with oftice address at Tovota industry automotjve the in engaged Hi_way' santa Rosa zone, sania Rosa Taaavtav t---a and notices at its """*ia] mav be served with summons It ;,-;"*"" & Nos'cres at 22"d Froor' PhlipPjne Rosd Detd ;;;;""t;" '".."" Exchdge Road Ortigas center' To{er' West Cente U*n""r" ",""U CitY Pasig IVIAT_THE\' SoBRwEGA' Indivialual iespondents JosEPt{ capacitv suGATA are impleade'l in their MtcnINoBu * o President and President' -o_L Managet, Executive Vjce Ot" "" "" of respondent corporation' for having been the persons respectivelv, sened of complajnanis' Thev mav be aismissai regar ior rcionsitre at the sdre artdress as the tespondert notices an'I summons with TIMELINESS The assailed decision of the National Labor Relations December22 2011 and \tas CommissionFifth Division was issued on receivedby petitioner on Jmuar:v 16, 2012 within the Petitioners filed its rnotion for reconslderadon 2 reglamentalv period on Jar't{'y 26' 20) Filth Div6ion The NATIONAL Labor Relations Comhission 2Or2 denving the Motion for issued a resolution dated February 7' md receivedbv counsel on Reconsiderationfile.I by herein Petitioners Febr.rary27,20|2. This Petitionfor cerliorari is filedwithin the 60 day period AT'TACHMENTS revised circuld 1'8a' the follos$g integral pdt of the foregong documents and attachments are made Petltion for certrordi, viz: ln complialce \irh 1. EISIBIT "A" 2. E:&IIBIT "A-1"' - Copv of Petitioners'posrttonpaperi Copv of Petitioners'RePlv position paper; 3. DaIITBIT nB' _ coPv ofPrivate respondent's ieplv 4- E|&IIBIT rB-1" ' Copv of private respondenrs 5- ExtltBtT "c' _ Cenifie.l true CoPv of the Decision o{ the Labor Arbiter; Memora.ndum; 6. EXr{BrT "D' - Copy of PetirioDers'Appeal 7. E)IIIIBTT Division daled Decembet22' 2Ol l fo' Reconsideration a- EAHIBIT "F'_ Copv of Petitroner'sMotion dF(isron dared s EXEIBIT !O'. Cenified rrue copy of Lhe NLRC for February 7. 2OI2 denytra P'riion'rs motion reconsideration Porverof Attornev 10. E ltltBlT "H' - coPy of Petitioners'Special FAcrs oF T!E_949q-4np ANTBCpppIttpnocBnornos PAITTINO' WEIIBCITO Petitioners RONAID BELE!{' DANTE LAI,el i'e rPmbFrs of thP URGEL, RICKY BINDOL AND ARTEL made ro dPlain agdNt the minority union TMPCWA who were of inciting or pdhctPanng tn others' among charges, worded similarly actions against the mterest riots, disorders, illegal stnkes or concerted ptPerl: oITOYOTA,Lhus /Anna 10, tcspo 'te^ts'posltlon TO FROM lgiSi'?""."EPARTMENT/ Eik'1k o" l "o,', R3"i$Y^if :[3"'Y3liS "" PREVENTIVESUSPENS]ON SUBJECT: Ju r P c 2 0 1 0 W e r e ' e r r o r h e i n c , d en r$ h i.n o L cL r r e dlr sr ; 1,er.,t - N1 PF r ra r AssF m n r v ia e ; ; ;r - J ; ' 'he L o n d u cr e d B a s e o o n L h e p r e l i m r n d r yin v' sr g a L r o nlo in r ' v R e so u r ' is a d P' o d L r ' tr o aDe o d r m e n r s ; '* ; ; tr.rnat . b o v " -m e n u o n ' d r n cr cF n a p p e d s u-se rrvrRr'k1Bindor' 'J " - a i . * ' r ' . ;rir. r\4 wenFLrro c@ado, rr\' Lar6p r^4 Fpvnan +;;;;i;.;; rddei rt dd ""11i"-ir,"i ir,eal"i;. i"r-D..i; Pdtino. fr4.ArbFrlo al rhe iil-n"a"ii.t vdal, were InvovedIn r ir'rdenr iina r"te-u,Y Lrne thrch drsrupred the orcducrrcn lo Y o u a l le q e d lv ,n ( ir e d 1 M Pa b ' o Sd io ^h c r a t r o n s. (aren office a'd to work rn aLanaon rtis wort< station a! r n de n d ' e o f h ' s su p e r io r s In su u lr b n in f r i . " L ir e , '1. "" t*..."aa d i r e ive s tr o m r h e F n a AssF m b lv i.. - " vou reporrcdlt vour linF supeliso-s duties """i.*".;'" -a r.- vour actsdd to resumevour #iJ;;J", at youi .esPective$ork stalons T h e d rsru P tj o n e d !o a cdlr cal- ltnc i' r hF Fiaal rla minsl. ^stol L,neo..urrFdtom 9:l6Pr 'o:J^pm Assemblv or it-'i- 'ar"-o'."" Iike$iseers;ed in ^ h'r deas a cr s a oir e ct r e su lr o l- ) o L r r e p o r te d prodr"tio" ro y" ". r h . c o r p a n v" p r o d Jc"o n ia P fa jr ' d i;; ; ; ; ; ; ' b\ lwo ,"i*"'"0 o" p'i io- t'"' pdticurd sh:rt i".i"i" Your acts, if proven, constitute serious mrsconcluct or wiuful disobedienceof a la$'rul order unde. A.ticle 282 (a) of the Labor Code, as dended. The sde likewise constitutes a violation ofthe followingprovisio. in lhe TMP code of conduct, to wit: C. Agdtnsa tMP Interest d d Poicg 5. Insubordination or disobedienceor negLectto tollou compMy poli' ies/ orde-s o- 'o Derform d s s i g n e dw o ' l : l sr Offe n sF- w- r r F n Wd n in g D. Agdt'tsa Secvrltg cnd Ptb$c 6. Inciting or pdticipating in riots, dlsorders, illegal shikes or concerted actions detrimental to TMP'Sintelest: I Offense Dismissal Considering the fo.egoing, you de hereby rcquired to explain in !,riting, using the attached Due ProcessFom, within five (5) days from receipt of this notice why no disciplinary action should be tal<enagainsl you, including dismissal from employment, for committing the atorementionedacts. Further, considerjngthe nature and gravity ot the chdges against you and the reported line stops or production stoppagesthat severelyaffected company operations, and aJter cdefully reviewing all the incident reports, production records and pictures presented before the Humd Resourc€sdd Production Depdtments, you are hereby placed under preventive suspension effective immediately upon receipt of this memoredum, pending the outcome of the investigation into the chdges against you. Pleasetake note lhat a preventN€susPenson is not a penarry sd shall be administered only by TMP for rhe period ofthe due processand investigation. Finally, in order to allord you further opportunity to explajn your side, you de rcquested to apPed on July 06, 20 l O a t 9 r o o m T r a i n in gRm .4 , 2 ' d F Ir . T ASC,Bld g .,T M P Suta Rosa for the adminishative heding ofyour case. Petitrone.s denied having created dy disorderc,or lllegal strikes, viz,: riot, concerted activitr, MULA KINA Bindot HINGGILSA : : Wenecito Urgel, Ariel LalaP, at Ricrry NOT]CETO EXPLAIN Ito av mav kinalamd sa Memorandum na Pinadala ninvo sa akin na may Petsdg June 25, 2o1O hinggil sa diumdov insidenteng nagdaP noong ika 5 ng Hunyo 20lO bdddg alas 9:12Pm sa TMP final assemblyline; M i n a b u u p o i min n a g u m " q a r d r in n 8 sm d ' ang iisa lang ndan paliwa,'rag danil smeng sirkmstansysg kinapapaloobd namin ayon sa naganaP Na noong May 31 at Hunyo 2, 2010 av nagpaabot kami ng pakikipag-Llsap sa foreme hinggil sa mga usaping kinaiaharap ng ami.g kasapi na sj Pablo Sario, nsw i r s a k a b i ^ a n r r o a y sd ld g n a g in 8tu g o l a r g H- m a n Ri s o u r e e sV o a e e r ( OICJn d \r o sF p hl4 a r le s So b r e ve g € at TMP President Michinobu Sugara sa ding kahilingd na p a g - u s r p & d . n g mg a ka g a n a p a nsd Pr o d ' r 'r i' n - ir ' n a kabilan8 eg am,ng kasaPina si PabioStrio Noons June 5, 2010 sa Sanap na alas 9 ng gabi av -km; sa final assembly line kasda 4g 3 nas.punta opiser na kasama din sa komite ng gnevance ng ammg uy o n g l T v P C w A l . u Pa tg kr u sa o r n d g n g a su p e ' o r n a sind T e o d -L o E ch a o ar Rodolfo Sd' UlFs hingCil sd usapine ming kasapi na sj Pablo Sdio na dg dahils ay dg pwersahangpagPapaalis sa kanva sa linya noong May 31, 2010 ngunit habdg mahinanon at matiwasay kding nakikipag usaP ay inutusan ni Teodato Echdofsenior group chief) si Dennis Carpio {Posisvonnlva sa kompdya) na I 'LINESTOP"ang linva kahit na warmg dumdg problema sa Pyesa,makina at iba pdg ba8av' 4 r s a g e a P n a 9 :lo n g a a b r a y h u m jn r o d g Un va habda kasalulrul ang na8-LusapPd {mi ng mga suPenor ng final assembly line hMggMg alas 9r3O rg Eabi din8 iYon kasabay mg Pwersahdg Pdguneuha ng mAa lihato ni RodolfoSmtilles. Na dg tanging lalunin lmdE ng aming komite ay ang pag-eyos sa aaglging P'ob,ema ng Mins k,saPr na nal<atal6laeadilo s6 ndsabingded ng produksyon a ang Kasabay pa niro hindi rin makalotohmd du na s k d o o n n e p r o d u cu o n In e r r u p r o n d " l- i r l na i ' n e I { a s a p i n as a sa ka o to fd d a \ r "la g " n s o o o r n o para magtrabaho at ito ring na ito (fin41 nalatalagd Assembly line) ay ruta ng pioduction delivery parts at daanm din mismo ng mga empLeyadona papuntanS cdteen at maging sa oPlstna. sulat ng sda sddg Naway sa pa'rnmagitd paliwanae na ito ay inyong naliwdagan dg buong sirkumstansya ns pmsraydi at hi.ihiling nming sa peSasr$6d ng kompanya na m"gkdoon ng r.ang pormal na imbestigasyon at pomal na magkakahdap og mga k a s d S k o r k a s m a r ng r e Pr e se a r ,bno Sd m r r 8 u r io n n d kung saan ay bibig/d kmi ng Pagkakataonna dasagot o m a k o n p r o n r ad n Bm 8 a p .,d r &S la b a r - . d in Pagbatil! sa Memorddum na pinadala Ito ay may kinaldm ninyo sa akin na may petsdg June 25, 2O1Ohinggil sa diumano'y insjdentengnagdaP noong ika_s ngHunvo2olO bd d d g a l d s9 ) p m sa T N4uPn a a sse m b l)I n F . Nais kon8 pasubalid at pasinungalinge dg bintang sa akin ayon sa nakalagay sa memorandum at dg tunay na pds/ayan ay ang mga sumusunod 1- Ako ay nakata.laga sa Assembly I na kasaluk:uymg offline sa kadatlildan8 naal{sidente sa door line/ naipit a.ngkdde gitndg daliri sa door accumuiator no o n gA b . i l 1 6 , 2 0 1 0 ,g a a p n a 3 :1 5 n .u ., 2. Na noong Hunyo-s, taong kasaiukuyan, mg dutt alas 9:00 ko ay 7:0opm to 4i0om at nmg bdddg pasado ng gabi, habang nag-iikot ako sa assembiy line updg aldin kung may nasagdap na problema, nal<ita ko na nskahidto ang linya sa final at kaaAad akong lumapit upang aldin Lrng ano dg sdhi; napag-aldd kong walsg kadahilan@ dg line stop dahil {8la nddg equipment breakdown at watang kaguluhmg nd$faye committee ng TMPCWA sa Nalita ko doon dg eri€va-]1ce pegunguna ni Wenecito Ureel na kausap si Teodato ko Echmo- Group Chief ng Finel at naPag aldd kaso ng ka sananana na ms prnas usapan dv hingErl sa mansE;tawa na s PabloSdio Jr': d g te m 3 N a k t s a r n d n iS ko r g n a g ld o n A nrea"lr'' D"nnrs.carpio krne bakiL v-"ft o"r'kr( rds -..u".. ;iil;,;-;n ", "' I nia aL iLo av ldak biL na ako sa pwesro ;aakatapos ay bumalik 4. \as ratak a "[ -o '" ,"' ";u; '-;-Ji c, l;" s ,, *.1. i" ; '. ' " ".' ;;;p;"". l a1 8 P o a k o iL r B b d l< ' r " k o av Pa b .o n a sin u r ' u r a r t' o d iu m d n ' si M slva r ska u sa o \a o r :s ' r d a w ' ' i " a t ko .t"'e alam ra pdElabtg sa anumms n a a kr n s n ir d b sssa o ;d L a b o r 'od" su la l s N d $ a v s a p dm a m a g ir a nn g sa n " ssd g n 1 o ' g n d liwa r 6 s4 ' a n e b u o n g ,'o p, r * ; r ; v ", ar hinrhirins namLnsa ng " iarsravari fik";",L"v. k;.i,-va na raekuoon ng i"ane pormal "e a' pomar na maskakdnardpms m8€ "-*,"i."-;; h;;.,'g""y"" -k.;"-" ari repre'eaLatibo n8 amins 'r'vor na ;;";"k"' o .y u'tier- *mi ns pagkakal"onia nasagot tir*'.-".' laban"a Jrrl rg mgapaJarang mal-ompronta mlro Umaasapo ar maraning salamat po sa aa pinddara ILo ay mav krnalaman e rv-cmd::d::n ) s . . 2 o L o h r n a 8 il s ' r ti nv o;a ;k n na ma v p e r s d s J L ' P *' :$',li'r: Ji:T. #Y+'" liirr"l'; s::.;iz at Pasinungahgd Nais kong Pasubalid rr.i.""yo. * n"l<alagaf sa merorandLr Ui".rre rga sumusunod: r,:nr\ n""" sE 3' ans P*Sr.Yu. "Y -g Hmdhne Na, ay regulal n€ nakatalaBasa MaFrjsl Vios at sa AssemblvLrne ng n'aededelrrer e ns sabi akoa) 20Io dakong-aras "*."".]".l, #;;; .. tica"air'*r ss vios Trin Lne kunq sze ..*r'- ';-;;;il;v" 5a psgild ns lcf hmd vos ..3'i* t. a,"*"4,* Pabahksa firal ;ssemblvka^Pes * ;gr'ir'*a *?lr.r" "8 ko banddg e 14 hugamg N-dtrd ii*"u; ;;; ss minB sneldce 'onmirLeeat r' ;i;-"" d carp o sa FinaiAssemblvL'ne -'sr aJFa Echdo "r".e;:-p .T " "r ', :i;:',.fl"' Nanp ako av lumapit ndinij;kong or'-"*"ic"*. rir'rni"t .' :^":;:;;..' rnulusd nr ,i' patgirin og 'oltev'r ar nakitd konE *g emersencv-lush burron ne i*p'o I'n;a naii *arms dahiran o probrema i'.m member i"ji-i"- i..i'* r,1."pi' ;8 rbap; amins i"krt m1vtin" srop:Nakrako rin ans ,-i3I;. i*i.'t""e nlsanr'tte" pmamasird nBpaakuha ;I.".ffi;;; "' &s mins oTrrers ar srna "i nag-uusaP ii F",i. t'.u-e ist,slon t?' i.r'-.i ar;v bumarrka€adsa amins upat8 magdelivFrunl: Hindi ko ako lubos ma;sip kung bakit na nae incitF diu'ndo kav sdio na akodumanoav hrn'ribumaliksa ".sbi;i;,;g.'r. ffi*l'",1i,*t" o€s "tivor at dahrld pa sa oastrsilnB i"'i.r'. p" av kaasadn:nvoar<ong i.laii"""" "J -g. ",-*e -a"'t'tap susPensron isnsailalam sa pt€ventive pangasiwaan ng KUNG KAYAT hinihiling ko sa pormal nE k o m E s v a n a m ag k&o o n n g tsd B at pormdl na ma8kdl<alldap ea mga i^uJ",'g"ty." na r.r""., an8 rFpres.nlatrbon gmlng union 1..*"i* brbrs/an at<i na paskakatron na mdsasot o ;r"" ;; "y pdatdg labu 5a ak'n ..X_o*pt.n.l -erne' lmmediately, the Petltioners were Placed under preventive ,t TO FROM SUBJECT i BELEN, RONALD DEPART M ENT / : H U M A NRESOURCES o" ,:l3",Y3lL1tR?"*$T,1il'o',"" PREVENTIVESUSPENSION ";' ;?11TJ:T#?::5'f":1*i;t,$f ff "T';;.:i,'li :TE'j:',I "J.;"J*::',: Brif.'l"T'-i'i:HH. €j."i?'ffi "''J; i#l:::* ;Yt+*:::i"'il;l:i'"il I-"1i1 H,i',^,Hii;.I* ;tri"'-'#.. iu""::iT.i'f i: !1 i[{,li:\":'.';:":litl. i-:r#:::+-:i $|.rffi5i$*;[**1t",,* T he d L s r u p t i o nl e d r o a ' - tfa l ' in e sr o P a r r h e F ir J tfurhi:;q lri*: 1$, i1ii+:,x;,.* a di re c i r e s lr t r o r Y " " ' l; .''"J!'"''i 'j"":: :T"' lul*ut iui:) 1,::T:'r nrnonducr i f orov en r o n s t r r u r e s e lo u s w^ . or -",a tj' ;:; ;i " r"'ir-' o"o': li.l,1''';'.=; T "'o- r I'c i*:','-?'",:: ihc l-abor Code, as mendeo rvp ;"li""inep-"'i*"' ^r '' 'h" 'r.. ::,:l:";"# "'.1;;;.; $1ri to code of Conduct' Portcg c- Adalnst TW Intercst dnil dsobPo:"eo nesrF'tro i i"1.'u"-a."'r"' ' ji,l"'''j".'' ?l' i:J:.; "i"mlt'lw;":: :"::111i #flr'l"i'""o'*..'* 3f"".i"H ",t';ru:i.;:ff I'ffil"1'*::""; 'ljii''-- ;iil?lltroir*T""{i'i.l;,rtH[+ il::li'ffi::,#';;;; "::i"'.:s"."",llli;,ll!1"'ifl? d i sml ssa l fro m em PloYm ent LUr ! aforementioncd 4cts lhel:l:l: T:t:l"l'i Fu.h{ .onsidPins :: i:":|,fl-;; and the r€Porteo rne :rur- ""*-l -*l tf iii!:::1".m**:l ;::r'"r;"rl i'.ii,.)']" ii.''*' p'Fs"r''d berorethe -a Pr;du"uon il;;;;';;::; ':'".{ ard "":LTl"',:f :#.fl: *:,+x r*r't iif+-$,rf**lfi*:- Denalty and shall be administered only bv lMP fo! the ;eriodof the due Processdd investigation' Fi!al1v. in order to aJlord vou further opPortunitv to ro "ppearon July 06 exolainvour srde,to.r aJer"quFsleo 2olo aig:oom T!a,nne Rm 4 2 r FIr' TASCBIdg TMP SantaRosafor the administlativeheaiingof you case After which, such Preventive suspensionwas extended;thus4: FROM HUMAN RESOURCESDEPARTMENT/ PRODUCTIONDEPARTMEN'I SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF SUSPENSION THE PREVENTIVE This is to inform you that we de extending the Preventive suspension from July 25, 2010 to Augusl 1, 2OlO The reason for the extension is that &e still have to inteMew other key witnesses in th€ June 5,2010 lncident dd this would take us one more week ro finish the enhre Process' However, you qll be Pad vour salaD Md orhe_ benefitc d u e v o u d u d n q t h e e xr e n d ' dPe r o d we sh a l n o L ' r vvo L d s soon as we have completedthe administrative Proceedings' Please be suided accordingly ThereaJter, they were dismissed, vizs: RESUL'TOF INVESI]G.IIQLI]! E ]8II ACTION x4q 1, MAJOR VIOLATIOI{S a) concerted action detrimental to TMP'Sinterest The case oI concerted action detrimental to TMPS interest cd b€ interPleted as committi.g an act done collectively by more than two Tem Membe's tn en. 'seeaMd"12"stusotahbftts' otrhePer impact to TMP',s manner that has a direct or serious ofetations nuttt'ermore' the serio's ;":t*""';; $'ith a comni'n uniadur wa.s ;1"";;"1 q o la r Ps o r o b ie cr ivesn ' ' h ' le a - lv i".i*. o " . p " * -.'ttted I codeo'condlr' and'f li'"ii J-"'LI"." 'r; rr\4P "t 'n the ilr' ri'',i"' ar".a "irr r'"r rnou.s-inrhmrims p d - r ic t r ld I . h i' l e properq or o p F r a r io n so f T M P ' n v"muers uno Psu(:PdLFdr' Lhe :::' ,ff i; hsd .drcFd r comnnr'onwhnh ;;i;. ;;,".;;; Linetor thF nndr As"embrv ;;":u.;;.;i;." "'"p.r .' * eourvarerror t$o r2r ;;;.;; i't, $'r' r nor lor tr'e limervde"isioi ;:?,.i;;;i;;; -'.,,;. rhF supervisorsto sron 'he rine it il';.,;;;i hdrm l"'iir'.'. Physr"al .*,r'* t o p r o p e ' ! r vo r h J g e l^ s s e s a | h e o. tni "w , a* ag" Fina] A;senblJ Line md TMP lo llo M n g b' l ns ubordnar lo n o r Dis o b e d r F n c e r n pai.'. us obsew nC rl1P$orkinP t'me C"^p-' Pr o ' e q so f F in a AssF m b h i " . p " " u . g , n " "u't' -i ' n r c' n a l 2. AGCRAVAIII{G FACTORS o r In lu r y r o d J A r r e m o l r r g o r c6 u sn 8 , n a - . |ae i u p e w i s o ' n o i o r r osa r r il e s o ' F ir a l Asse r r b l) r n t' fr id a tio na g a in stth e b l A c t s ( o n s r i r u tr 1 8L h r e a o a b u sr ve D e r s o no f T M P d u r h o r r n o r u $ n g p r o la n eo s'p"*isor Rodolrosanrilles i-et"e" "e"in"r c) Leavine work area without pemission from vour a ' lio ' d l D r r e c t l v p an l( ip a t' r g in r h e r o n cF r te d ( h ".o m r ;r io a $ h ic\ e ve n r u d llvl.d !o ir'i"t'..-*,i the line stoP 3. DECISION / ACTIOII TAr(En f y- 'o u r p a f l i.iPa lio nir th e ' o n ' e r te d a ctr o no d l n v i-e; w t ' ;o; a a ee ta va tr n s r a ' to r s ( h a t u F h a vF ;;' Lo aPPlv rr,roaeem"nr l'ds deemed rt proper rr is will be """.".*.0, in th s odtrcul-rr 'ds' ot"-;*ii" upon rFceiD ot t'1e DUP Process ""iJ.y "r 'i""*,v "ri.*i'. a pro fofma complaint {ith Aggrieved' the petitioners filed the A, ILLBGAL DISMISSAI' b. ILIEGA'L SUSPE1ISTON f. I,NFAIR LABOR PRACTICE g. D.dag6: lloral & ExemPlarY h. oTnERS {sPecifYl Nomtral Dadages The r€liefs Prayed lor arel al relnstd:tement ulth futr b@ckuages' u ^ordl dnit 4.mplary d) and Atrotrcs's damqges' Jee, of proof, resPondentcomPany But.Iened to discharge the burden following: submitteal tbe ajfidavits of the fuK/PosITIoN Fdenan _Paintj!L! E, NAPINA N. BRIONES J** G-'!qi4 RODOLFO SANTILLES JAYIEE GERARDO AIDEN SAPIT E!1!S-9 cARPlo -EoDAro -ENNts ARGALLON E. VP FOR MANUFACTURING THE LABORA4ESER_]S_DEEIC!9N pleadings' the Labor After the parties submitted their respective respon'Ients and without nndtng Arbiter ruled in favor of the herein in riot concerted or ;hether the petitioners incjred others ParticiPated made con'lusion ftat petrtronels it simplv strike, ilegal or activities, for disresPectinstheir superiors and were guilty ol serious misconduct in o r o d u _ r r o r\' iz f or c a. r s i n gd r s u r b a n 'e * c the co6idere4 4WEE&EFOKE, complc:tna ls herebg DtSltflsSED Jot All other cl..lms are likeulse dismtssed for l.,ck SO ORDERED." under lhe tollowjnggroundsl PetitionersaPPeareo PRIMA I.ACIE TIIE LABOR ARBITER COMMITTED RULED ABUSE OF DISCRETION AND ERRONEOUSLY THAT: ' 1. A?PELI"AI{TS WE!{ECITO URCEL' _-AR:IEL [?"iT3s3;" i*"f;'t"flfr ",".5$x$'"? AND TIIEIR DISMISSALIS VALID; 2. APPEILANT VALID; BINDOL'S SUSPENSION IS COMMTT 3. RESPONDENT TOYOTA DID NOT UNFNR LABOR PRACTTCE; TO TIIE 4. AIPELLANAS ARE NOT ENTITLED RELTEFS PRAYED FOR ffih'rfft#-:Trliun#3biff susPENStON. g#**#*:I,#,igi.g""tm THE NlBqg -DECISION Leonida efnrmed the Commissioner through speaking The NLRC fads and by merely citing 'onclusions of Arbiter Labor the of decision others to whether the p€titioners incited as n"ot"g **.", i*, ""0 or iUegal strikei but in strike, conc€rted a'tivities ., O.*"tO*"d productio! caEe't distutl'ance ln the pttttlonets tt. .."orafogry "vHER:EFORE, thc dwear iii"" ""^.r.l,i'ii"i.i, Ma'.ct. 30' 2O1t ls DlSluISsE' Ttre tiip"r*" v Fetunilo dcted 15 AFFIRMED SO ORDEEED," for reconsjderationto no avdl motion timelv a filed Petttioners the Certiorari to dnul and reverse lor Petition instant the Hence, NLRC'Stsin decisions ARGUMENTS {hen: 'the NLRC a?bltraruv There is glave abuse of discretion it or had misaDpreciated tbe b€fole eviderc€ ;he disreqarded evtd€reg -.1!L!!rsL coaclu.le4 tf c!--949a! compgl-L=q9s!!4 -3! to had sulb arpreclated,"6lundet'corh€ our!l ffir*i$tr#*;ffi* lii,-liiliif;,?'",i1111"":,i:;l'ill'*' :*l*.i"3n';;;',nll*ll;tli3' the employer beds the clisputes' teflnination in that It is settled ii is for just cause tailing which dismissal ih€ tt'"t p-ui.g U.a.o or jusliried and th€ emPlover is that the dismissal is not must De -"rtd -"r. il6l The dismissal of emplovees .einstatement to entitled pursuant to the basic the Parameters of the 1aw and *,nt" u plav'ii[7] In Brahm Indxsties' Inc fair -.U" atrd ,"".o t.Ott*,:t""' of vaiid that there de two (2) facets explainecl Colut the NrRc,iiil8l ie (a) the legality of the act of dismissar' ' of t".n-utio. "tploytent: provided under anv ol the just causes under be must O*-*", ,n" 'o"r. legalitv of the manner of the Labor codei dd (b) the the ""r*tntofwhich means that there must be observance of dismissar, known as rhe two'notrce rure' otheflvise process' of requirements 'lue written to furnish the emplovee with a t" "*" .*ot"t"t 'equir€d dd to "i"", of the cause for terdination a statement notice contalning to be heard and ro defend aford said emPlovee ample opportunity if he so desires The representative' ofhis assislance the hinself with the worker in writins ol the decision employer is also required to notifv therefore T the reasons cleaiv stating him, to dismiss fl;g$$J*i5'{:"".i[;tp ii'ii'it1"il"ti" IN rHE "cAusED DISoRDER PLAIIT SITE' transPire as long as there was "Riots or stiike need not dea Again' it has been estabiished dtuturbdnce i. the Production caus€<l disotdet h tbe Pbnt actton' concert€d by that aPpeldts, stte."3 The COMMISSIONratronalized as tollowsll .*"*** ;i,lilJl#ft [,::'"fr ilmra:"*xxw;1,^T:'"1,:"xli-r;i:1"",ff AoDellants aJgue lhe lhJr Labd ArbirF! gavF or Echrnowhohas arlesatiors ;';'':' :l.Tfl: r.i".. ;;1;::';;:'".r':"*ns "'"'jiliiJ:',li: -..r"'. ;':f#5:'":',,':: ;::l.l * ;i:*i:.*;n"l;::.'il ":i" l;l ili;i';, J'"::'' T"':', :i'l,Y":: companv ""iJ"J rurts vioLadonof established "" ''"""'' j.::llt:#$;:# **{t$}j#,il"t *Si;l;;l";"hl",,ld*t:t.,1*":'."** x :lil]:: . ;iff ;::,:l;T,f"iilx'fi to o r p le te $ ir h F sse n r ia l i\ o f Ech a n o t e s t i m o n v The j'il i.'..u.i.: q-l:' i:ll"'":,:T:"lil'".ii o*,,' o'ono, ili;,i.::'l"ii.ji iIi,ii'llT t:.'s:'l$ ""r te m d ks '- - ; i r ; ; h ( to o h u r r e d r n Pr - is"r ' " . ' - , h " ' ;*l'.: :;'";;';'" $)J:" :"*",1"'':il"":l:;',l::; n' _" what heir Positrons dre and srcascicallY, hAon PaLoKogal qlh. hc stalements oi Hrs resLimon)also inreJocked i*kru,:r -.'*:r";Jn;';"'.u1"1.1i:if ;::il::::,i:ftl : ;,ru*i[n"t ilT;:*i5 "",*;""" fgi"T.I "T"lft.T'"l ':"i.'"T alea K42e. :;l'rur: l"*:*'n:t"tint t;:',",v;"J he resdf;d rhar berore hF did thaL ;Jff"i.'i;;;; vitnessed Ureel shout'ng at Ecnmo **:\" u!.S1-:l\1.^11q.* .ll--,-.'.^.-sl'*q-si,\!i *-:ll \bs -':.'. invectivesat him' He also P vitb SantNes, dc li? ilffi".T#;.:; i'" lpoar*L tooktumsin hurling liiir"' *a s"r'i'"s'ornrmed t5ere C onuarl to tne po s it io n o f a p De lld n ls , t h e r e t o r P *1,j l? :1,,::il i'::l;"i':;1.:' a]so I r' "'ltu';?'::?i"l :l[T,";il;fii#i"i' lli'"'i"-,n,' 'oJrd 'n"n""u*nedrdappela'ts ;.'"'"esteo"r"mProv"es ' u n b ' d < F d s ir n e s s w e F a ' s o lo o k ir B ' o r A D D etl a4Is -".*"''.'.,. sdr'les that .r'F crdt;menri'- .r'" ii'iri i,#il-,il :""=-il lll,l'.i'l'r; :ift ,li"**u;;1 un'ar rir aopetta's'lodecnt" il;":';;AG''"*,;;s ;;;""" il.: ". ***'l."'.i ":.."" i;;i ;;;;';',"."-." ot unbraso w '|ho-' adducrns P'oo' Asaia rn Lheabsere or eqder'e $ere mor'\a*d b) .rr w l to Lesifv sranu againsl aPpelLmts their testirnonres hao "n 6" ro gnnd B e l F n a s " e r r . r \a I sa n tr ' le a lr e r "tio n r h r e e ve a r s r a 4 n h g u r e d r h e v *.ri'n. In 20ro sdriues tr'"" be'duse ri'i** " . lLi "ropp"i srudce crdt ns rharit \"asLr-is sr nim i3i"a 'hzr be r sho'rrd Beren "'*. oedrr"t reqrirv 1o iJ ;;;ru." (hesrrtem€nt ,r.., "onouoratca b\ Berenasdnsr '.L"it.'.i 'Ji'i'*)ii)i",.giiii;g,h" 'r'. ",iresses a. s oe'PetrarFd the Person of Santil€s il r h ' ir " p p e a l The paLrem of a P p e lld r s r s u m e n r s rnesses asrhev w r.u"*l ,i'i i-. t"v i'jo*"or'urbiased to rovota as Parrrar l""i""'al"'ai ii.i *,";*Fs or apPerre's on sirh proot sdpPon this d'cu'ar i"ii""i'J'*, of to rmp"an 'he presumption ur"o thererore ojilrr** $itnesses e;;d faith in favor of these $ lr n e s c " s f h e r r n s is l A opel l ants al s o lo o k r o r o r h e r we r e s fo m a n t h c o r o d L ' r r o ' ' in e wh o '"-;:';;;;; tr*+*,r*;*'tt,r=i*ir"t:X#*t the reDonsdnd howeier' 'hev ar-eddv.Look f ;";;;;. p*s"ni dunnsth".conrotior' rheir 1".".i."'i." .' w'ltresses th"v wourd "a' md Lo* ,"'i'*" ;;;;;;; "" -.r1 be disturbeo cannot who to summon ih ' jr o $ a t n " ) c o t d d l l aD pP ]l dts ha v e u ir a P s s e ' o f heffiag ,n'. d-nns Ih' admn'stra''\e were i*!Li"l thev "*. i;;."" purpos' he'ords)how rhaL n;":; rheir side on Jurv 6 20 r0 ,; ;l;;;;;;"*'ry of oth-er "xpraln ;quet ror thc PresFnce i'ri." *-*a "-l;i. 'o r;quesredfor '5e sme dunns i;;i "ouro have ;;''*;;, pos'rronthat r5ev$ere irii'lr']-'*- io.i*' '' L\is th'ir rc'ords $Fr' Lo coatrar -hev is p'.i"* i"E i"'.a in writins ard in given the chdce to exPlain rheir versions d administrative hearlng tailed to ADDeIants further trgue that aPpellees o i a r io r ' d is' u :b m !e L o r ' !e r r e d 6 ' r r o n ..""" ' i ' ! " " i s t . n . "rhevrerer rorhe.orpa.ypo'icvasansl iilir.".r :1;;l;"; "i,r.. ;; ;a'd{ea;ns jn 'iotq di"ord?h rr'Parslrkeq .. ...;"".i acrionsdPrrinenr"rro TN4Psra erpsr"'or which they were chdged and dismrssed' the Labor As explained edl'er, and as lound by d p PF lld ts t ub i r " ; , ( r " * \ v a " s r o sr d a r ia l e ' r d e F c .r h a t b r o r sr - ' d r s' r d ' r r o th e sh , ."rn.",.' ;;;; ' h aol t ' * " o r r o \o !4 Rr o r s o r cr r ike r e e d ' n In F "; ;i." Jo"' r. .". . ' I o . s a q th e r e $ a s d s' r h ' n ' e Asain, it has been estabrished that ;il;" "."., acrion, caused disorder in the ;y ;"""J.d :;;:i#;, Ih a r A o D e l l u t s l i k F qsF "o lr e n d r h a r tn e ' o n clr sio n r o d e m d n d in aio r r h e r F r n q a te m F nor t Se o 'n* " I l . " I a'LLrrareas r- $ "r onrv urse) who L'"" ii""r"a*'." ""i lr .o r ld b " sle d e d fr o m th e I o E c'.h do * , .' ' , i t , " " Da - ' r r r p d r r o o nf r * . . 0 , " * i - " e ' " p l ' t " h o \e ve r ' r h a r r h e h e in c:d cn t\"d 5 "F n d e ' ln ' d A i. . " n - " 'urser' ' . " p p ; r -that LardPdd BjnJoruetF arr Ji;; " i ' ?iJfr;d ar r h ; o tF ' " r Be le nc' u se d h a tr to ,*-'i'* " i. "i,i';^: * i-:; P d d n o lo o k p r lL d r e so r th e d e d wio r o u r wer' mmagem"nt ti rs unarsputed Lha' Ihev #:;;;i."a1lthere becauseof Sario thar the\ whal aqsra\arFdthe offPn'Fof dPpFllanrsis le fr r h e ir so tk oi a u a " t i . f r * " t r . i . g h o u r s o r ' h a r lh e v p*-i"sion from LherrsuPerrors \otably "'"-1.* r fa;or ot Bindol $as !rrrr8ared be'ause hF ir,. !"'"rty-i'-rt."t asked permission from his supenor' e e Bs( F n ce A p p e l l d r s a a s e r rlh a r ih ' r e w" s m e ' F ly rh;' ar'o mar<esslre thar aPpe reesfaired.(o *i:;;:;;; "f i * " i pL io n r s L or h " d isr d e b e ' we e r tn F i." ? de F - " r -o. *-uo*""c L ' " ^ l i n e e d < d r n tr e a T h F sePo sr r o n s whether theie $'as a lesltimate 1"""'"" i'i'"r"i-, the .; whatevei distdce there is between ;;;-;; ri"" dd Lhe Kden dFa rhe fact rhar iiJ*.i"" a d isr u r b ' ( e o r co ln o r io n In sid e i.- " r J " L , i ' -;"*a r h e s*u t o r r h Ptro tte n se p*'n'*" ; ;; ; . k i ' s -ns that Echdo On dother score' apPeilanrscontend r r 4 e u ir h o - r d v o th ; p ""' L " o.a.-J-rh" " lsJr r i;s th e r ' a h e r n ' r ice r so r L h F ;"iL; *o;p p " eco H*;; (o appell;(s E( hin' d d nor lollow e*iia'.g "#o-y the criteria for stopping the line. Thev cited a tule on 'Dositionine in cases ol GrouP Chiet calls and emergencv siops. obviously, this rule does not contain the diteria for proAuction line stoPPage,but onlv the procedure' Alden Sapit, the vice-presidenttor manufacturing of Tovota deDosedin his Affidavit that as pdt of the group reaaers duties dd responsibilities thev are requir€d to take certain vital sa{etJ measures in instances where somethina unusual occurs or when d abnormalrty or ilreeutarii within the worksite haPpens that could Ih e sa lcr ye d se ( u flr ) o " Pe r r o n n e l po L ; _ i a l l y "ndangFr as w e t t a s e q u , p r ; e r ' d d o r h e r Ph v i.a l a sse ts So m eo f lhe s e n e a s ; l e s d e lh " Gr o u P Ch iPf cd l a n d r h e It could be dram that even a potentnL danger to lne safew and securiry of personnel mar be cause for the enforcement of the Group Chiet call dd tbe emergencv stoD. The fact that Pdtino s'as taking plctures durtng oroauction was taken as an abnormality or ifeguldity ihis is understmdable because even using celluLd or mobiie phones in the $'orking dea is a violation againsl the saiw rules ot Tovota Distracting the attention ot anoths per$n is also a saJely breach Under thes€ s u i d " l i n e i , , h e c a l l o f h cl' a n o to sr o Pln e p r o d u ' r ' o n In e ;as i n ac c ordd.e \ s r a r h e s a J F r v m P d ' u r " " o r L h e s f o win g lh a t More i mpo n e lb comes v Thrs round l a u lr in t h e d ( r r o n o r E c h a n o cannot substitute its judgment for the - a";";e.r Comm-ission discreiion of rcspondents of their NitEess ApPeudls reter to the iestimony s'ho said that (Esdimadora) Escrimadora Felicisi;o Capio pushed the emergencv slop button despite the BasFd on thP a bs ;n.e oi dv bFad d o u n in c o n \ e ) o atnpatu has'!"r' r brF'Ldo{n souLd safeq rerresoi ,r" not be the only cause for the emergencv stop We respecl,tully disagree. AND AFFIDAVITS SELT.SERVING AFFIDAVITS EPCUTDD BELATEDLY $'AI|[!TTED EY RESPONDENTS FAILED TO TIIAT CHARGE THE ESTABLTSI{ PETIIIONERS INCITED OR PARTICIPATED OR STRIKE' TLLEGA! RIOTS, tN COI{CERTED ACTTVITIES The r€spofldents in suppo.t of their conclusion that petthoners incited, or participated in riots, illegal sfike or concerted actrvitres' NLRC submitte.I the aJfidavits oi its junior officers, to which the are selfenoneously relied qhere such allegations in rhe afidavns facts in sedng dd without probative value, or immaterial to the riots' issue as to whether the Petitioners incjted or pdticipated in illegal strike or concelted acdvjries The alegations of ECHANO,ofwhich rvas heavilv reljed upon bv ANNEX "IJ" I, ALDEN SAPIT, of legal age, Filipino, rvith office aildress at Sdta Rosa TagaytayHi !vav, Sdta Rosa Citv' Laguna under oath, herebydeposeand state: L. I m rhe Vice President for Mdufacturing ot Toyota Moto! PhilipPinesl TMP or the Companv l l have occupiedthis Position since 2005 until the present 2. As the vice President for Manufactu'ine, I am responsiblefor Production of qualitl' Tovota vehicles in ihe 3. As one of the leadingautomobile ddufacturers in ihe country, TMP srives to Provide high quslity md attractive p;oducts and seflices thar meet the needs of its customerJ nationwide. In order to achieve this goal, the C o h D a n v r e r o a n u es L h a t a ll ir s b u sn e ss d cr itn ie s 4 r ' lirked ro8ether;d de rral for F'Ti ienLed sdt€ oDeratron of the diiferent aspects of the comPdvs manufactuiing acdvities, The Companv is, theteiore' committed to . n " " r i r g t f ' r , r s r u le ; e d - e g u la tr o n sa - e "o m p lF d sr h F s D a , 5 1 i v d u r i n s ir s b u sin e ss o o cr a tio n s All T M P e m p l o t e i s a e e x p ecr .d r o a b r d e b v tL s co m p d v p o ltcy' rul;s dd resulaiions consideringthat without such stdct conptioce, ihe products dd seruiceswhich the Compdv providesfor its customerswill certanly sufle' 4. In order to achieve these goals in the everydav o p e r a u o n so f t h e c o mPd y. T M P a d o Pte de d co n r in u e sr o implemenl t}le I MP c;d' ot conducr sd BFh'ror whrch ernOoaiesirs basi. poli'y of adoPLjnAa wholesome md a maintaning work atmosPhere dd productive h a rrnonrous .c l ari onsh ip m o n g ii"iul.". trs PFrson'El or Tem rNlP rvluud to saJFPra'riL'suhi' h n -a tu..,, *U.aie. rt e C"r.odv s SaJcq fld Healrh Polid 4.1 The company recognizesthat its goals and r h r o u g hr F m e lfo tl As o o l i o e s. a r o n t y Ue a ' ' tle ve d TMD ! ' . r . . i " s " . t . o " < o f co d e o co n d u cr ' d l' to **-at"* Position, are dutv-bound 't themselves $'ith and ".i",j""a, familiarize i""a.-".i".";"a' to tlt. policies, guidelines dd rules a1d "art.t" i"J,r,o". oirM p t hec onpar \ ev enuer sr or ar as o m is s io n s s h ic h r t rhP dd ';';"".",r'" detimental not only to jts interests but considers dq also to the safetv and security of 1ts Personnel clients, as well as to impose corresponding Penaities or sanctions for those \vho violate the same 4 2 The comPanv is Particuldlv strict with o' ,es D "" ro enl on in S ir s P o lt r ! o n ia s u b o r d n d h o n r o lo u r n S ' o m P " n v r u F s , d s obFdi er.P . ' ^ " " e . performinsthe assisnedsork ."ii" t"*l.,i."" *i n"li 's rndutirgo- patriLrparirg "r"" , n L o n ; e r r e da L ro n s. o r s o r r lF 8 " r sr flk' s sh i' h d P o_.**tt "s wlth detrimental to TMPS interests lt ls also strict resDectto acts of mis'epresentation' which includes ir'"'e'" or 1"1." { h iL h d e m a r F r ia ro r vir J r o ir s ; ; - i i ; ; ; . ,"e '"' or operalions lnfractions related to ;esrisation o r h e r s a r P d e a li u ir h I r c n r b ' t eo ,.o , *' n s 'i... i n . s m u r a s r n e seh a vFa d \P' see fte ctqu Po n "evereiv seculitv of the CodPanv' its ir'. "i".y ProPerties dd its clienrs' -a employees, 5. In its commitment to Protect its resou'ces' M) n c L u d i n s i l s p e r s o n n e lm d Ph ysi' a a sse r s ko m o - a ccid ' r r a l lo ss lb e co m Pd v i" r - d . - a u - i e . r.-s"t"q ed qe'l'h Poltr) d th"-"rovoru t s M d 4 r l' o r 5 d e .s - r b o d ie d i ptacdces. Bv dorne so rr qFeks to o oude ';rd Fnsure a rs persoanel 'or."a",r'rrr *o.t* "JJri"r'"J s afeN c ul rLre "l "nwon."nt ",i" -i e'ervthire lt cd to el mrr6l' arv foresePableand lv aorne wq,ch rav resulr in iirec securiD p'..'"nriur. ti-*a" io"*". r-p..ry damase. rcloFn " njulre-r /1d illnesses io r S o m eo f L h ; . o r e p _ o i ntsd d Pn n ciPie sin T M Ps M m u a l Ha'ddous pt".ti"." resddins th;se de i.r. jnside the FYoduction pi"cti.*/U""al" Act"; SaJetvRules Planti and Three SaJetYPoinls the TMP Code of Conduct' aU 5.1, As rith T e a m M e m b e r s d e r e s p o r ' $ h l" f o r qth rh' corpdv s S2rFdd "* -.t"i ii""il.e-*.pr-.. Health Policy. In fact, eachTeam Memberis siven a coDv ofthe Mdual for SaIe Practices. 5.2. The responsibilitiesollorenen/supenisors aid team members are even explained in the Mdual for Safe Piactices. For supedisors and for€men, the sajd Manual declaresthat thet have the key function of making sure that all safety progrms and policies of the Compmy ee properly implemenled. T€m Members, on the oiher hmd, ae expected to the Companys saJety policy dd understdd fmilialize ihenselves with their individual responsibiiitiesto ensure their own saJeg,as well as the saIev of their fellow Team Members dd (he Compdy; to be alert at all times about unsafe acts or conditions dd remjnd the person/s concemed and to report the sme to their respecdve foreman/supervisor; and, of course, to adhere and obey all oI the Companys saJety rules dd 6.One ofthe heddous practices or unsafe acts which are strictly prohibited under the Mmual for Safe P.actices is !h€ failure to obsefle saJe$' rules inside the pr o d u c l i o np l a n t . \ h i ch r n .l d F s r h e sr - i.r p r o h r b r u o no n distracting t}le at&nrion of mother person as this might cause injury to the said person. 7. To emphasize the importdce of safety within TMP premises, the company established Three Safety Points which must be kept in mind md practiced at a-ll times, especiallywhile operationsde on-going md during 7-1. The point is "to louow exactly the stmddd ope.ating proceduresof each lvorksite and sa.fetyrules inside TMP P.emises. The Manual for SaJePracticesreminds personnel rhat mosr accidents occur due to the emptoyees failule to srictly follow the rules of a particuld worksite dd that an unsafe act oi usafe condition must be pointed out to the p e r s o n . o n . e m ed o ' to r h e fo r e m a n o r su p F wiso l 7.2. The secondpoint concerns instances when m a b n o rrJrty or som Flh nE ul sLa olcur s dt a worksite such as, but not limited to, a delay in production or equipmert breakdown. instances, personnel de required to stop tbe equipment, call the Group Chief or foremm dd wait untit assistdce dives. Personnelde reminded to never tal<eit upon themselvesto decide on matters regarding abno.mality or r.rnusualoccutences. 7.3. The thi.d point refers ro the duty and responsibility of all personnet to immediatety notit, their supe.iors if they feetsjck or injured. 8. All TMP employees al'e awde of rhe provisions of TMP'SCode of Conduct and Mdual for Safe practices,dd a.reexpected to comply there$'ith inasmuch as these are strictly applied ald implemented jn each and every day that they work at the Companys facilities, plant dd 9, Consistent q'ith the duties and funcdons of atl TMP personnel to ensure s.Jety within TMPS faciliry, Group Leaders, under the Moud for G.oup Leaders,de .esponsible for ensuring that the Toyota Production System ["TPS] is complied with. TPS aims to produce products at the sme speedas they are sold ro gljddtee efliciency dd minimize the use of capital by, jn tum, minimizing o! eliminating puichase of unneededpans and 9.1. Under the TPS, croup Leaders are durybound to adhere to Jidoka, which means stopping the production line rhen there is a problem or a b n o m a l l v . , h ar r s. a d F v,6 r ' o n fr o m a g ive n standard, which includes but is not limited to, machine related prcblems, those pertaining to quality concems, or a delay in the work. The puryose of the Jidoka is to ensure that in instances wherein a problem or abnomaliry is present or occurs in the P.ocess, the sde is not overlooked ard, worse, cdied over to the subsequenr or downstred 9.2. Croup Leaders de atso mddated ro adhere to the concept ol Preventive Activity in ensunng saJetyin the workplacedd achieving Zero Accidents. Under rhis principle, the first point of concem is the safeb of all personnel, regddtess of positjon or desienation.This is achieved by, among otncrs, following TMPS guidelines, les dd regulations, especially the tules pertaining to the Production dea dd its processes. 9.3. As paft of the Group Leaders duties ad .esponsibilities,they de lequired ro rake certain vital safety measues in instdces wherein something uusual occurs or when an abnorm6li9 or irresuldiw within the worksite happens that could p o r ; n r i r l l i e n d d 8 .! Ih e sa Je r v d o se r u r iD o f e F' e q u ip r e n L r r d o r h e t o h vsi' d l oersorra - sthese measures incLude, among " s assets. Some of ofters. the Group Chiefcall dd the emergencvstop. 9.3.1. A Group Chief call is a.tivated bv pullins a Line that runs through the length oI e . c h i s s " mb ly .,4 " . wlF r ' h r s l,n F s Pr lle d line the pdticuld assembly or production stoos or ceases to operate However, the sto;pins of the assenbly line bl' activation of such GrouP Chief call is subject to ''Dositionine. This means that the line stoPs 6ly when certain designated Positions along the production line de reached 9.3.2. An emergencys!op, on the olh€r hand, is activatedby pressing a button. While it also causes the line to stoP, the stopPageof the production or assembty line occurs immediately, that is, the line stoPs ar my point along the producrion line regardless of whether the desiSnaled positions de executing this Aftidavit to attest to the truth Ako, Teodato Echdo, Pilipino, nasa *'astone gulaig, nakatira sa 737 Maorin St., Binondo, Mdila, mataPos smg-ayon sa batasi ay nagsasavsav ng mdumPa 1 Ako ay isdg empleyado ng Toyota Motor PhilippinesI TMP ] na nanununskulanbilangjsds Group 2. Noong ika's ng Hunyo 2010, ako ay nakatalaga sa Final Assembly Line. Noong alas-g ng Sabi nA petseA iyon, maskasa,'nakmi ni Dennis carpio I car"io l' Ted Ngunit L€ader, sa Kaizen dea para Suma$'a f,8 report mga 9:12 ng gabi kaildgan umaris ni Carpio dahil mav nac Group chief call na TeM Member (T/M) nmin kava na von al<oav 3. Da-kongo 12 nB gabi noorg arJs rdns .a aLns n e'd e. Kai/en dea n*,u.iur'. p Ri'kv Larr r, iil-,,i"e rrdor D. B rndo-el B-s, i,."!"',i-a ' ""-* :l:.1l:l I lP d a ' in o I ',,1:" Jrn'( '," . :] dr Ddolo srrio sd-'o Ursel I "r's u'e"r I 'Da s" iu ' < n a L o la 1 8 ' ( r la r a 'a "u""4 kung p$ede ba nlra 4. Tinanong alo ni Bindol dP oaeT n a ' o r s ko q \a r L n € - a n o r L r ' Pd "i*r". "" - - . q , .t ". "' 'pr i: a t rL m u so n ' : 1 " ? " c Da P .t" o, i"""-" y':^ ii,iii*"yi,"i,"i 1,: r5do :d ".:'..1:.".".:"U?",1; nr karnr na naakausaP pllqJ";;m" "''r'"" n 'nr sr)"nsorflrne pdsaman'ara "" o a L g r \ t n " ' n d b r $ a k n n i Ur s e l 5. B i s l s nMdg "u-a-uiaarg rss-o orflinFne t"o ra aro ;^ kr"";";i: l:1-'-^ s-dapo ako sa kar\e na md\roon "-.-h," h';drn' m'b''i dls t"r"rtonsa li#'i*iili p"er""*ek", ," ;'" sdro "t "ns Ld dnsrP'mLF'dFr :-l;i, "" c'.uD chrc' , a J FodorroG san(jles "ii?r'" '':d;ilres"i ',,-;, her'drad na B,'a;s c,o-p L'do'r' I id- ro ndskdoonP" 1"1?i".-:"u ;;;,i"r"", ., In\r "' bcka na pdls''va'i o 8uo k"prs s'ra"ns rcii-k';.,"";; a l< r r ' Jlo l' An g 6 . P a s i s a (n m a n g s' n a b r1 Ur e ' l' d s,"p ,g u ' ' "" n r L r - r s sa n o o n ssa r ' ir ' ,-d.-;;"; k'r rd rek" era Huwag " : ''n"6i r." -n, fJ..r:"' l;;-;"s.,-,." si l a a t 'n K:i'.')ij.* li::ls,j'Titfl sr naDl Ko r r d ' " ' n9 arvasa sjn;8awa l':i I.i.lli',.,,adon8 sa a*,n -kin 7 . M u l i n s n a g sa r ta b;":;; A.*; j"'' iir,.;'i"' e.L't r'a r'c o on ne nB I'or saal -i s u m a so r a lo r a id i.' n d m a a h r r r a v kapas brbrs'd siraasaons dokLmcnro ra ko .g riri"v,f- si sdro \'4ur' r-taia' ri saio av 'iril.oi'? na ans basehd a8 oaEkaofl neis"ng iiili'crouP o";*"n J pdsiins't brres L"l*jiti o Iar^rmiln' op"rasvon il14". i";'""t". t. o"e'"" s" ""m'ne -"""" ' -i;*iei'ff;i" il'";;il' "" 5 i " ; ; ; " ; "";;r, n a m a r n s Sano at Santilles sa ltnYa- u r o t n s p d B' tu b o t n r r a m a d"c sa pag o-offline 8 sa kabila ng aking paliwanagukol n sd sa i r d n s n: urgel og l-., *^ pae p".' " i " ' ' " ;r'""e dasarNastaresorumaralrkod lii"""-J'.i nanrF sinabisa iiiJ.,""pr ouuag ta:r bro d\rn ra kadsap ri"r'i,t.r- *4a aronsrinara'ir'-rd l-i, "i ,, r.,r.* sadB ruse ako punLrra ddra-drako ii,i" i- na i\on ako av a-as noong ng 9:12 tabr 3 Dal<oiB area nans i" .r""c .KaizPn -d "-" ""d;;;; 'f#,;f,'T if";,11i:";a+i i:":t""^";*ii: ' ' i1'rfl"ii u'g"rl Prbosaros"rio d ms'ba fr "i.:;;;;;;s. ;;;"-.a'k'rard \o rans\a m"kha b ' lr la ak o n r B ia d o ' " u n g o s F d ' 4. Ti ndons anP oa8 Ttnmons ko sNa L-u'E-do .Jr"*p uusaPd "*" 6r r L r u g o n s i) a a a m s Da B 1 ,"* "" ; ka] Sro srn"b ko 'a kanra na Il-ll'-"" '* l,".*t"' H-i,"&;""i,;.i-'", na na'"'ne sanorr n"vrco' ( araaula ) inF orflrn' i!!.r"r.".I"0" ., p-"''an r.*" g D' s g a $ n " s ' d b B ul a naman"urr 5 "uJii J^ sko ;:i":';;;i,.;h; ;; s a d k n r r Ur e e l uiaddg naso orn:nene rao na sumasol JKo 'a *d}a 'a maLrooi a n s r e r a slo nsa h i;d r d " d p a ckr r<d-'o fealr Leade-dourr ar ins ialvl:s ;-, *n'c sdnril"s 'croup e t' '" ;",i;;;; "t ra "r Podorcn ko hala\adn na ii".ii" i:.u-"',i|"";l air"is c,oup Leaoq htnd Pa rB d"dla\asd lrn\' "r bd-kamaskdoor lt""*-" qra dg kapds "*, na pdnsva/dro sLro '"r: 'i*'iit?.-" a k in 6. P as i aatrnan m g s r ' a b : n r Ut g e l s d L lo ll A n 8 nB Eanoo'gs 'ta r* Jiul mo" S;PaBbiLrlv -"" r-"''i)a reka leka Huwae '*a. ;; .nurii ';;;J"";;; ffi;-;;;;; s'va nnieawa -'Z :.*Tl'"l H'fl ,:; -lflvi^ r':"1, n,ya sa aktn nc a t slnaor Ku r ' 4 r "' 1." -,,n d o r g sa a xn a< i t r g e l d ,tr M t t i n e n a g sd ltr-": e "li k' ia s{ .o r flin e - 8 d o ' sa e A".." b;;;; ' J sr u n a Eo t a r < o< a km la r a n a e h in ta ) i3tri."*: r isp a s "; ;Ti " b i b ,$ a n s' | r da sa d .n B d o ku r n F n r o na ko " ; i ; a " r ' r llilrn)a}lan sr Sdio Mul' ruahm ni saro av "* nu j.g uus"r'u'ns Pasla-ornrn' -"i'.." il;]*;-iii" b r"rs ismsGtoLp r." * a""r.v"ndt pasr:ns:r I'llii la n ' m ik n a o p e r a s) o no i ' v ; t ' ;."d;;, "' rg pasrwas sa m,^ans " " ) ;" j;* sa- ;pamama$'ar ;;..".'", " 5il;;;;;: ra naarng n"aduro'ns parsaabo'n"a Sdio at Santilles sa llnya' paiiwanag ukol sa pag-o offlin€ a Sa kabjla ng aking-ni a'g nsd saritanB t'.i"i- r.* i"i., p*, r"'e dds6r''rrger Nagratdsorum'tdrrkodpas l'1i"""-'i""j, "I"*"'fi;.;;i o,*ug Li:r b'r" ar<ranm*s sinabi sa riirrdirkLran na kaLsaP r.ant. i" ri"ll' karl; uala akorg nLa dalr-dalako i.I." i." * tr"l, saars llrsd ako Pum 9. Nagsalita muli si Urgel at pasigaw na sinabi sa akin, "Ngayon mismo i'linya mo si Pablol Nag-o-offline dokumento?l! kayo ng walmg basihdl Asan dg basihd na huwag Sumaqot a}(o ulit sa kdya na sapat na ipatinya :r Saio darl mdgpdpmS abol srld ni Sdn illes at m ms/d in 8 n a sm , sd cr o u P ch ie f n o d1 " * t o n " - a y si Urgel ai sjnabing Ayanl Huli ka sa Bigldg sumabat e g T /L m o pa n M a l i t a m o n a p in o p r o r F *,a lm o Sumaeoi alo sa keya .6 hind lsg TL lo dg pinoprotektanan ko, pati T/M ko Pinoprotektahanko 10. Pagkataposay muling pasigaw na sinabi sa akin ni U.gel na sa mismong oras na iyon palinyahin si sano at ako ay tumugon na hindi uubra kasi magPaPang-abot sa akin ,.rng dalava lsi Sdio at Sdtilles) Sinabi ndd Sa Pagkatataong ni Urgel na hindi daw magkakagulo iyon, sinabi ko na hindi talaga uubra at tinanong ko kung Sinabi sa akin ni sino sila at ano dg posisyon niLa Urgel, 'Uloll Gagol Putang ina mol Tanga kal Nagtatanga Hindi mo tmga}lan ka! Ale mo naman kung sino kdi alm, ina mo, unyon kami. Sumagot ako at sinabing "Unyon pala kayo? 11. Smantala, habdg pinagmumumura ako nila Ur8el, bumalik na si Cdpio sa Kaizen dea at nasaksihd na ang mga Pdg/ayari. 12. Pagkataposnoon, napansin ko na nasa loob na ng linya si Petino, Lrumukuhang pictures Sa paaPasok niya na iyon sa Final Assemblyline, sinablhd ko si Carpio Bigla Ea i.c.oup Chief call na at binatat na niya ito. mula sa nahdg dumating sa Kaizen area si SantiUes kdera sa liltya. Nakita ko na kinuha niya sg keydg nasabing Kaizen aiea at &awer ne isdg kinu}l:]d niya (ako at ds msa T/M na sumugod sa akin) ng picture. pasiSawna nagtanong si Urgel at 13. Bigla ndd ang isa pa niyds kasama kay Sdtiltes kung bakit siya kumul,tuha ng plcture at Lrungpara sad ito. Bukod dito, sa pdAunguna ni Urge1, siya (U.sel) at dg nasabing kas@a nito ay dagliang sumugod kay Santilles at pilit na inaagaiv ang kamera sabay sabing Akin na vdl Akin na ydg cmera mol Bawal Ian ahl Habang ginagarvanila ito, inuulit nilang tinatdong kay Sdtilles kung bakit siya kumukaha ng picture at pda saM ito, at sinasabihan siya na ibigay sa kdila ang nasabins kamera. Lumayo si Santiiles sa kanila at nagsabing bakil niya lbibigay €ng sa kanya ito, at lumakad na siya kadera smdtdda isantilles) papunta sa kdymg work statron. 14. Nang lumalakad na si Santiiles palayo papunta sa kalydg work station sa Final Assemblv 1ine, biglang dudatinA si Ronald F. Belen IBelen l, isa sa kasmand ni Urgel, at kinuhanan ng picture mg kinalalag/d namin. Habang kumukuha ng picrure si Belen, kinuhaan sia ne picture ni Santilles, at maka'ilang ulit sila na Habang ito av naekuhanan ng litrato ng isat isa. biglang Pasigarv na sinabi nl Beien kay ndsraydi, Sdtiiles na ibigay sa kdya dg kamera nito Sumagot sr Sdtilles na ba]<jt niya ibibigay dg kame.a kav Belen Sinabi ni Belen na bibilhin samantaldg sa kanya ito niya ang kamera. Sumagot si Santilles na hindi niya kaydg bilhin dg kamera dahil patay gutom ito. Sa pagkatataong ito, minura ni Belen si Santilles ng "Putdg ina mol Anung gusto mo?!" Pagkataposnito ay paulit'ulit na binundol ni Belen dg kanyang katawm si Santilles hangamg sa mapasadsaclat mapasandalang huli sa unjt at sinabihm ni Belen si Sdtilles na Sa labas, maghintay ka' ng may pagbabetang gagawinsa kdl'a na di mabuti 15. Seantala, nahg nagsimulang itulat ni Belen si S d l i l l e s A a n , I M g k d ) a n g ( a L a sd n . n d g scn \d sn a a ko kay Cdpio na i'emergencystop na danil nasa loob na sila ng linya at hincJi na makapastrabahods mga T/M doon Sa puntong iyon, mga 9:16 na ng gabi. 16. Sa paakat<ataong iyon, sinabihan ko si S a i o n a h r n o r s iyd lu m r L u o d d cd u sa Pd n d in n a pansddtala muna siyang offline, at nagdala pa siya ng mga tao na nakikipaS-away sa amin. Sa katunaya.i, nagkakagulo na sa oras na iyon, Pagkasabi ko kay Sdio nito, hindi siya umimik. ptnagmumumura na ndm 17. Sa puntong 'yon, ako ni Urgei at sinabihan ko siya na rela-xlang siya kasi pag'usaPan.Ngunit siJa (Urgel)ay pasigaw pwede nmd na nagsabing bakit kami kumukuha ng picture at sinabihd ko siya ng Sandali lM8...sddali ldg,at tinanons ko siya kung mg ibig ba niydg sabihin ay sila pwedengkumuha ng picture at kdi hindj. sabi ndarl ni Urgel na waldg Lrumukuha ng pjcture. Kaya t iPinunto ko sa kanya na nagbubulag-bulagd siya dahil mg mga kasama niya dg unang kumuha ng mga Picture 1 8 . P a g k d k p o s a ) lu m a P,. sa a l< in \i L a ld o d ' tindong ako kung batit ako naSline stoP. Sumagot 8ko na kaya ko ginawa iyon ay dahil nandito sila sa loob ng linya, hindi makagawa mg mAa tao ko at nagpo-provoke sna ng away. Idiniin ko sa kdXa na da latunin ko sa pagtingil ng linya ay para hasigurado ko na lvaidg madisgrasyaat baka sila pa dg madisgrasya sa linya ko f*fu:ilfuir}l?Til*T1!.'# *";fl ddnI s'raanesi)ang r.'"air" siL Ernssaso i#kavsd(irres 'JLl"J "r"* ';."u * ri'vak; sa Pashahabor upang maagawarg tanera n:ro si Lrgelng sigc l'lineslopmo lo Mulingna€saliia sumasot al<ona es 1""*ln Hindi nam; nan6'di sa "5 sroPkoiasi -c ilil;;;i'"; si u-serJt Larap ;;T. "p;"i;'"" ;"." nrsmurura' a sinabina 20. Prrsalalako \ay Lrgel rg kdyMg g'io Ngunit sa ora" na rvor' ra p' n'"ai--'Jat<-.o" ar rla mi\mods nanaPusuro * x, "g ka\ urEer da -rnLro ""a""..-rr" -;;e6 :*;;;;;-.e -ko rr"< rt stnrbine ""- n to BerFna' sdt p?g,t;::5;;; sd daraqdrsilon sagur'' n \a ru'gcrl #;,:;;.";; ", Daqhdg ans kakaiabasdrnrro iH .;'k";;;"".d\'rrn ng nga kasama ar nagmandong "r-inr" "i_U,ga ii"r'irt" n;ans dmarina ansmsanito at i$l'?ii"r"* rng drng 2 1 . S a p s g k a l .td o n g iyo n d u m a u n g kasamams ibd panssrouD eiu^ J"" r-..1 "u 'i ;u" si ForemanBubor at hinila ako i'i'.ii.".i"-"p'a; h u n iSit ku m u lm g 2 2 . A n g l j a e s ro p a y lu n a g a r 1 8 a 1 4 n B sa b i a t m u a 9 : o h a n Be sg ,e--'i,1" sdg "ffi".;;ir;;..L".8 " *sakvd anshindraararabas ayon sa aming target patunav sa 23. Ginawa ko mg salalsav na ito bildg sa dokumentone ito ur.i"e pJuy"g "" "'kuJ'ad Sulang' Ako. Dennis CarPro h ip no aasa wastontcalamba obal pdrconq'ti Cls 3 Se .. m L:s 'city, ".r.,ti* mdumPa sang'avon sa batas av -","p"" ng sumusunoo: nagsasaysay Mo(or L Ako 6) isang emolnado ng Tovota Team pn'uopi"." i rr'li' na nMulungklrlan brldg-isdng ' SFctron Man'raltunnc Drvisiondo i-"a'"i "" ^'"""^u'v DePartment Productlon , r^',:e.c *! 11:-'il:llliSf;,iii31-"91ii ":"' * tr;tli;'.ffil r-riiii"" :i*: .,un:,i nmnka)a X#t:fl;'.";,:i.5,';-"';51';'#;:;';;;, ko * 3 Pasbrrik -:':'.T"; 11il'i?l:i"",# ;;i"' "-'"" Fi:"T"ilil'l'-'11:,:ii6""j."i l 3ij,1"i",'1"w"*i' . A. r-s"r urse'l "abrosario ' Bd'rr sivarv .s, l[i'.l;11"1"*;-i"; p" .L-i nagrumun'ra o fi"lrlrl'*^i"o'"*o;ouro "r *g 4. Dalil sa pag aasat nila nasambala ?- .^ .;"fi#;., ne Kazen aea ke an€nsa-prd'so TY 'g" 5a!il'c'd Sa halip na asrRasuntr' r'ts : *1""'l ;iu* f#r;*r":: lc,T; "',';*"si.'"1S1::.-:1*:?-,:l]:ffi i'"*: ":';;';:*l'":'*: [rde.4#3rj',ri,'T.l'..T1'-#st ni Urgel. loob ng Finzl 5. Nakita ko si Pantino na nasanB li r'ro ns msa sunhd o*".-iri i'* -' nass,mJrans ""il1' l';i"l:]':'!lil 5**t.n:":i i$#';r, kii)-a.::-c".b;8iln:,'t3hrs; ilr.Ii" i"l"-ip"euu.v,ram "a .*:*c ir'' l? #,lX'3 ili" Xf l?fl .*"f,'13",'i,L; "' c;up chiercarrndds r'n\a Dasrl ;. il;;';;; k o n;ane ".' r g Cr o L p brnara-k chrer carr nre sa K"rrn 6 B i s l a naman -".r"i'g d L n ' d L in g i " a r r S a n iiI F s ko na kn-hd ni)s ane kanvang l:;*:l:"l"* Hllils;ix*ruri::#"T;: -"r.1.":i.1. ans 7 . N-G pu.*i. n a pd sr n ni Lrg'l rit;ro n ssr'l's dg Ein a wa n g -p1"jt"l";' eg rsa Pa nilanB Kasal kung oda sad jto- si "t dt """t-o"e idliles p'.';*' i"T-imi"" su m u e o d ka v ; ; "* n . $ b' n c ka s*a n ilo a v i;;;i; :n*:"";*l,l.t'"::;r';.#.'.,'ili'H::,1#""Ii -rnuulit nilmc rinaranors kav ito ,iil*-"*'"*"., r;;" ;;fi:; nila bakit sivakumukuhans Picrureat PdJa ":"-*i'li ;:*:-"'m,;'J" ::g'"1{ "r""i:i?i:" samMtalang sa bagsabingbakit nDa ibibiEaYang kamera (Sdiilles) PaPunta sa kanya ito. at lumakad na siya kanyang wo.k srauon' q : la _ 8 n a B P r l t d l 8. \ana rags i m r le n a s a I in F na n: cnrr E' hdo na i-emersen()srop \ds rd "n88dpko an8 "i".n;a.sirdns iJii*-',;;t., 'lnta ms cr'*r E hdo dsad ko na prrindoL !J.'^.-", q'Ians ;" ;;:;";t Ga n ; P n a bu,,onna "*o:i',:'1.":,'il).; ""p 9 : 1 6 n s aa b i n a n g tu m r g r d E ryon nanniS ko sr Chref Echano 9. Sa paakal<araong usapd ii s sa'i" na l-r1dr iro I-rluLupad sa "in.uir'.i' "a munasrvmsortr'nes nrgdarapa ,iL"""lr*;-',t" Hin d i , a o n a n a kik p a g a sa \ .sa m r r ' ;;";;, "r..1.,0"" .# ir. .i s"o sd ms" sinabini chiel E'hano - "le'rl u*a Pr r r 8 n u m u m u r i 10. Sa PunLoiS ^ o n sin;brhd na-"a e"n.L" ii'Ji .. .re *'* u.!"i '' ni chie' si lms kas' PwPo"namal Pasrsapan -Kanrt ;d sinsbihm'd si\a ns l"E nr^l 6"Er-u"e.v pa rins l'"ir," ?,1ini.r e"fia.r'".-i''g ko na pasisdw ng picture ".i*"ii"e u'ga t""e bakl kami kumukuha "' sr)a nr ch F'E'haro ns sardari ii!i]]ig6 ., si"nauihan kJns dg r.ii.. B*o,li dg ,r trndon8ri chiersr Ursel srtapwedersruruha ns otc'ureat ;ff ng "''.-,' nawres "umukuha ".-;rh; s,t'..",-;i ureer i."iini"ii. ' I \dni 8 k o s i Ch ie l E c h m o n d ip in u n r o k a v Ur g e l ss hu r dani rB mgamisrong *eb.oJ;-1"r'8msa ". iy, Le un"ne Lumuhans msalir'alo ne ii""*f s r L € la P 12. P dS k ataP o sn iv o n n a k ' r a \ o t a lu m a P r L pinarine n'r'a ar naetmonet"net"iii k^ c;;;i f;."; chier na,kavanrvapina s;asd;' :i,i':"*;;i;t; ". linva hindi u"J"." * alir "*o"o si;a Ur8"lsa loobnc ns awa) msa r\'4 *r naspoptovokF stra ;;;;*;;s raluninnivasa iiilfr ."*ine,r ; cn"i p;i'*" sakanvana ans inva av pda masrgurado r' wdde sa "e * o'al<a iit. urs"t p€ ans madissracva il?a,"ii""y"lilya aL maging sagutin pa srla nr cnrel Ch ' e l 1 3 . N a r i n i s A o sr L d lEp r a n a 8 b d ta ka y C i n ] s u e o m o b a km ' 2 : Cu slo r o sa la b a s ..r.-o " uu " " p n " r a sh r h a n o n n s a q a v Lto h ' 'ned i a r ) a sil' s n d sa a od ' ]' il 5 "o d o n' o J " - , " .-,ui ig c t i i . r E ch- ,i lr n \5 i i t . i - ' i i a ' * g . v , . g p u m a so ksa lo o bn s nagsalitasi Urgel ng 14. Ndinig ko na Pasigalvna 's;e"l iir" .r.p ." Hrnarndd q amin&s ku$e eh ' sa kanva na |r-#-ni* ii" .i'c}.i.r E'hdno na sumdEot huli c mav Ir"-r'"" srop nDa kasi aloko ns ,J*ri* na sr * kanila Pas\ataposnoon nagn"mura .r.?; Urgel at Lalap. 15. PaakaraPos. ndirrg ko nMan na pinaalala nl rs.5uli na hindi chi.f ;c;,n% k6i trsel da8 sinabr ni chi'r clhso na guro rugon n*e ;;;k k-;;;; "s p*g"r'o ni urger's" orasna i\on na I"fr*", "".e? s-ra urg'r sa . Kaizen drea s a ;;;"";';;--,v" nanggugulo at aaghalamon nB away ." '*i=.. -e tPu n L o ko sj Ch ie ft' h e o 1 6 . S m a n r a l a , n a r in ig ' r - B' l' n a r Sd a r - ' le sr t sin a b ika v p . g - '- n r la d i m d b - r i sa d d r a q a n s ", '"!"J -'iil. * - 1 " m - s- in g ' , , " , * ' i "vva r u - g e ll i' o r d l ku ' 8 d n u m s a r e i v o l n , * g u i i " n ''Mabilis namd na sumigaw si Uryel at nito i"tjr"t."".' r * . u " n g m 8 6 kd sm a n ila si Be le n6 t d e r d n.o"-a""e na irawat ng mga tasama ni Urgel sr Llelen d u m d ijn g a n g l7- Sa D a A ka ka ta o n g ilo n kasama dmi.a Foremdr na si Gerddo Bubov .I"v'er' Ja v' e r Na kir ?l< o si F n r e m a n l " * i i " o - g g . " , p l" " d s ;;"r;;.il il'y cirier rcnmo '( hinia ans hu r pdPard)o siya n 8 l a . D a h r ls a pm g g u g u lon g Sr u p or ' Ur g e ln a ar d a n r l d n e l i n e s o p. r u m ig r l d B lin v' n g l8 m in u to d g h in d i n a ka la b a ssd g Jan**g i:t uniL"ig ".sa kvtr ayon sa amtng tdget. pang t g N a n s d u ma u n g .si F o r e m a nJa /iF r a t r Ea ai ang kmyang msa s-oup he-ads sinabrhM nila si UrSe' n a sd ka n i*d r r n s In vd n s' n ir ;:; L#;;;;,-""ra kanj'ng mga rriiai p, .in ragslalisan si Urael ar ang 20. Ginawa ko ang salaysayna ito bildg patunav sa fing pahayagna nakasaad sa dokumentongito PiliPino, Ako, RodoFo Sa!U[€!, guldg, nar{atira sa 811 L6 Beverly Hills "'"''"'"" T'1ili""#'il"'"" 3:11i"1T"lf"H"l':$T; I Ako dv issg F m p lF v a d o a g - T o ) o r a M o r o t bilanqisds ream t ,n,uoo*"]"i'tii "?'?'".,r"er'r"" a ' n a ]< .lr n va sa ) N 6 . n e k a 5 n s Hu n vo 2 Ol0 a ko o Arva" shii' t,"" '^".#'o-nii"J oi" " t er',ln-ss"s a € w n a ivo n * "" l''l.i::iTff gi:::*:ft f.'J":; ,x1;;"lJ "iifl: 4. M"kr'rasds ard'o ns 1::i": noong 3 C r n a o n a a Ja s_ on B Ea b i ")"?. I v'i"' "a :li".5i.:"#'.'i*.T # F::YK""m Ij'-1fl p$esro a-kins i"i" 'i'JE Ii,g *e r"' sa Ji,.lliTi:"i+Tl',*:t ".,.,'";.Tt.'"fi1ii,-f **"::ru;T ;:J-':T'l'*:;"":;"' ""' iriwer ng isdg mesa aoon 5 l tr-p"-v. -"'"" av Lssue ng Ang nasabing kamera ir " q t' o "r e ' tin d la g dn ' * ' a '*tu n ,-",-ru;'.:':';' lf ' -l'ru"'"Jid{i i::L',:'.t na o rr;suldid'd o dr kmais-nais lo.i'-."*o iine' Pdg/ayari sa AssemblY o'"""' 6 Nansmaluha \o d8-1"':":lq-I'^-""'" ;t*":: ;:'r;rt'.x :r :' ffifi#hi':#q :$.,,t:.:-i!;:tfu Ti1i,,,JT '".Fj -,**'; i)'il?11: ;mtfi :;**+t**:ru*i;# i lil*:f l;:::'i::';""1':i ""*.lfliJ:iail ffigfgJifl''ffi*n#{l# k a n ila k u n g r!'nav o ak o s a k ani la a r t ; n a r J n o r g k o " a ;*":"":T* :fliL"; Bilili'i"il!,, ifl:";: -. luma{ad a) nito PagkaraPos -6 $ o r kP2 ' e ko n a n g s L u m a l a k a d " l < o p "p u n r a sa sd m ns i a"lrlu.i"e""'., R;do ea- .1e"t" I nrYa \,rrbas T'ei""i:ii JJ'#:'";: n8Iirrato ;;;;-;4"" kumuha "e -'^ry1':'i: .,-":"^.cr,1,." "". i ;' il" ff,'H:i,-::'{"',;-#".; "* "; :'I""T,'i n"tP{:: $;:*"-:;.'*' i, :il}i:#"'## kumuklha ng lrtrato nr)a sabav pasga! r:l*il:l"':; l.:ffi;ilro: r: n#"11;* i.l-f- r.-i,-"-*'n'"*""*"'i'"*ff"i,1## ". ni B"renna broirr-in l'Y.T"-adan, pa!a) "0" {q"l:1": o''nln kalmt ar)a hindr nd "ll *, ako Tie",- .e m'nurdi< ito pagkal<ataonS Eurom siva Sa ", "i"" ":: 3:':; :H: -H;J; #rir.-.*:i'..ff i.;Luil':i:'^l*'J;; ;l"n=::'i1" lrtru*Tl" T;!5:;'#J:'irH ::i"*r"ut;'.ii::r": fi;l;;;;;t." 'apaqdsad *ur"o.n ty-e axosa ar m-dPasndar g t e " "' n n a h in d ' m a b u r rsa d r n ni ndg nagsimula akong itulak lo" ; i ;samantala, '-; ko n a ku vm g ka L " wd n a r in ' s . ", " " sio o r r tu ' sil n d d s r r n la ; ;; , ^ d ; ; " * * e ; * " r e tn iq ko n a L l P d g k a a a n n g ila n g sa n d a lt, mo "too ;;"p;'rs,' si urgei ng s'ge:I'lle ko nmd nriniq kuss 'r- ar "*"ii; ;;r. iliii' stop nlva Lalaaans,rlarine -s ""-# na nagJaoing Pdska'aPos kina.,rs.r "i'"t'-" hr'.::1,*r,:*:i"ll*r ng m8a kasma 12 Paekarapos noon bi8ldg rndwaL Fot"mD "r ".i a""ii'i"J* u'.a' "r-r5"r?. aig amrns "e,u.v Javier'kasamr::c rb'imcyslouo lumapit sr foremar '.-"i'c-*a" heads Nelota ko na E.ha.o at hinila anA huli Papara\o . I3.ArBril'"rcpnaf*:"1,1:y9,ji?'"*in"i3 2oro .) tumasal lq \"'sl' Y e,u,. h d 8 g a niY-",11:"" g 9 : 1 -6 mul a "g sansnar'arabas *sal'ran dnBhindr iliiii-. t,il.r'' 'c ayon sa aming target' ko mg sala\sa) na ito bild8 Parunay nakasaad sa dokumentong tro n a g kr ^ o o nn slin e s( o P No o n sS a b a o on g A a b iJu n c 5 2 0 r O sa pariEd ;;'i;i:'ri; **,.i"c nivembron8 r\4PcwA #a#+f 'fi}lr.*+q"#ihr+'r 'oL * c hr ;r s a r m a \r r a ) a p d b iq d n a ld B niloat ". -",'e'P tdv mr' \'nr'rre'a' grr:ertsir lJ"'i*"a "iil-l,ia"" ang kmydg nyan itinulak gamit $ a sr o n g A r r . C E R A R DO JAVIER PJtp in o n a sq s a '5 2 5 D Olim d Sr ' BS/ vd le n r u e r a *L-". ' ' d a ' ' a r o ' sa b d la s a v i "l ;".1 " , i " . " * p o ' " *; j i - ," u ' ' p u nagsasaysayng sumlrsunoo: T o ) o r a M o to r L A k o a ) r s dg e m p h vd d o n g b ila 1 8r ' d g F o r e r d pr , r r p p i . " = n - . - " n u tg ku ld a la s- q 2 . N o o n e i k a 5 n g Hu n vo ? o lO m 8 6 m e e r in Bs' Pr o d u lio n t " " a , r"v' *e ;;;" ""' " "r.i.-".. . "";t ForFmennB rbd I ibd8 "ec nr -e -eu bmd"ng 9 o ng 3. Habang kat.' a\ ndgm meetiaS_. n i Ar n F I Etcillo IEr o r llo l 3 r r"o;. l.|" -"k. naYroons kasuruhars na :;;;;'.i;; " u i ' " . * " e ni Finar Assembrvlrne ra k ndsas"nskaran i"i1"-* rga kasdia w?""'.i'" i "; u'ga lursel I 6t rba Da nrvans D Bin d o l Rr ckr F BF ie n lB- l' n ] n"."li "" "1'. *i.; LaraPlLaraP: rt Danrc R Panrino iiir"ii,if. Er ' r llo d g a d 4 - P a e k a r a p osn a m r n g r fr g u sa P r r line * rlna a'"."mut' LnP 'ahrl nal<a "u-" n a b ' sr an a n s a b u "n ko n s o n a q sr s' g a wd *. r - ? r ' J""ff"r. " "i-a*J v Echdo at kasamapa ds lba Pa "i "i'uie"i niydg kasdahd. 5. Agad ko ndd ttrnila ito PaParaYo na nilapitan si Chief Echdo ar rumagJ ng 6 Base sa rPcords. ang line stop d\ nqo:r6 n"rn'i' r."'i-,r-ci,-ie mmuiorroa) naB"inu)d s J+ns 86brBukoodrro dalasds 12) i sa "i'",1i a ' 8 h in d n a ka ld b d ' sd sa vo n -gc-E *;"^.. , ir ' * "J bilang patunay sa 7. Ginawa ko ang salavsav'a ito sa dokumentons lo .u"g pJ"v.g ". ",t'i"aad \oons sabadongsdb lrure o<.-0^ 0r li.qkardposrB it. si!dn ns sabiro:0oPI/l napdsrn or.,t,i-. i-.p.. Js:";'l'"; ..*tr *it;*::r?i". H::;;:#;ifi r) sr Mr' Lr-aer M- A:craudrona :" i'*-;i;;=;;." ", rs salrs Pr"ldm K"!" rmm lirvd t.'v-e "i.ri"'?" Lu18sad 'ro rBPunLaar ;i;;;;:tt:;B "i"s;upe;usor Y u'ga a) nasr Finarq5semb si i' ;" ;;;;;;; -ii'i. "", nas'ng a' kagllurdnna a-" al mav nagaganap pd8hintong lin\r n8 dssemo! Jur'irr".g p-.*-tul1g lrrva ci Nlr' Lrge o:55 na ng tmymg ng rr"" et'n'rltl - ng p'o d" a) d"iir <a n"et--; ""' '.J^' sa drng rrnYa i"],uL*g"9.-Po*er p a g ka r d p o sn g N o o n s s a b a d o n g g a b r r Ju n ' 5 l dF ddd mg duro t-rr.'t is,oo PM, naPapanrin rc nd pcp N;Pdsrn ko ndlala si M' R Binoor ii."" -" r-", ". a.s,ri cne chrerbd sr v- L oraco ;i;"i.;i;;.-fi. -e qsao il;i--";;J,-.""".".. i],;:;-;h;;; -.:ir,-." i'dar/v nivana srMr' N4 ko nar:saruboas ko q' r4r' \ Blones a' o a in s' M r ' w U- se l b u h a t n s n a g ",,; mav ko sa rab*s.n€.odnt'rs,"* s" P"ahalanaP ""Li" n"-ri' s rvlr'w Lrs"l nr nasa i, "" Final Assv para "i*"l**tr r""t.'r-."t. fn"utr. Tlmulo) al<o cd nay t i4 ko sd p€sda'ingko <s Fjndr iJ"ii"b J"i: l;;";c eE sl v'ic. ei"a"i-c "na konshnausdp Gdito e!"". '"r-.'joi-ii. r*",, bak'r nadndiLoka r Indi mo bd srradoon at raka rrnvana ;;- "" ;; oaw "J "pa' n)d ragpedram Ar paliwand8 mo "ii-g ..p JR CRPChFf t-g silana m"v P-ob "ns baranira **r". .ivi, "i-.yr." pan; p iia b a b a l k s r v " d d l1 il a L - k o id m a pi '" p'rn Peto d pddin sr)a bunal'k dr i.-a.i,"';e'i"* "tv" f'hano oarulov sa pa-krkrpaeusap ka) \'lt Teod\ Sunod si M; w u's;r Pirrrions prnrbabarikne reg pJsusaPmdanir ="oiL" * orea-k-rm'nd sa Prod Pero srn"sor4'\a aro ng -e a'i.*' at<o sa rnvo .dr ri)o ako -J,r., rii*"*, tu'ov Pati ang . msa uror ka\o n-;?";;;.: ".gp.p,"ri' ni)" k; \4t redd L'hano 'a mav haizer ;il[.fi;; picrLrrcn Rodsan srndr\4r'w urger i;;'K";";-".s tF€cr\t Mr' Ursel il;;?;:,; i'"u5,l *i lt-e kds;Pi rcwAl tapos1s .l,Bs mu 6 na ds ", rui" u"r., iiru t in"t"nm n8 prcLJre dal^ilsa pdskuhanspi'ture ngm8d r."i,i- r, s' qssV -*"t.' ,; cwA. Ka)d ns linesropdns rr"al da'h'l ii" a.?i n" tuo.u *", tt"los'aharrg sF'Lrol"/ nadoon o: ndLrd \uone s dbado n g g r b i. m g a b a n d d n g l< d t To' l.'u"p ,r el eel'n si fin* Lrne,qs-emblv to "i.ur-e ..'e io ng vo\ Tr'n Line Si A LJaP ay itu.t naka "ss gn sa gruPo naming ngunit sa t""rlrtuu-e sr dPd 11' ns wilmg" 'vi j nararinsn sa.korra a' ndpdsin ko -* -.1",'tt- *" "r dLor' ddir halos ranat n-s'uv'" i"'*r',ie "l?r-li"i;i ii-r. -iv !. tutar na ivon av nakarinsindin sa i7V ""."I""pj, "e BASIS TITAT ABSEI{CE OF FACTUA! TIIE PETIlIOlrERS CAUSED DISORDER IN PLA.IIT SITE AEDF.SERVTNG TESTIMONIES AND BEIATEDLY E (ECUTED ATFIDAI'ITS The resPordeDt srbmltt€d jultor ofitccts 3uch arl NA.lilE the follosirg amdavitE RAIIK/ POSITIOII I. E. I{APINA Folemtn-Palnttng 1 2. N. BRIOIIES .tunlo! otouP Cttlef RODoL!'o SANTILLES Team Leader GERARDo JAVIER Forenan 5. AIDEN SATIT rP FOR }TANUFACTURIIIG 6. TEODATO ECIIANO 7. DENNIS CARPTO thai q'ere belatedlY executed lon W€ asseited tha! their testimonies posrtlon the time of submission of at 2010' 14, December o! about t he v h a v e n o p r o b a t ile v a lu e b e c a u s e O .--OO" O*." '0,201 0 ) But no reeuhr interest of lhe compdl harbor bias md work tor the testinonv who coula hap witnesspd orainarv ra:rt md tile ernplweet ; statementsof those who manned incident was taken or the sworn illlJ"tio. aeF'A ti,'" 'ur'r"ni" h "to"" o'o"i'itu to tt'" x'qzpli to or contemDolaneousto to descibe the situation Drior ;taken the production stoPDaee will gang up against the heren Of course, the junior officers who ordered the 'el]1qlEchdo" aleged esPeciallv petitioners trapless he had to lie throuqh his teeJh sto;pas€ of the production line thus uD his neelieent act Thus' the ; €scaoe liabilitv and cover are considered ser_sedrng dd junior olficers of herein testimonies resPonoenr' lopsidedlybias in favor ofherein rhe aiidavit of ECHANO But, according to the NLRC' especiallv be disregdded have probatrve which allegeauyhave .letails that cannot becauserhe aflidavit marked as value. Such conclusion is eroneous paper' $as belaiedN €xecuted on position tespondents 2, Annex the filing ol the position paper on Decembe! 14,2010, or at around the petitioners were dismissedand nled December20, 2010, aJter lhe in the lvorld to lie and thus, ECHANO had ali fie time """., inlestigate him ""*, allegations in behalf ol its master $'ho did not f,ake d'l reason loi stopping the whcthcr thc Plotocols on the situation production lines sere adhercd to THE I{LRC GROSSLY MTSAPPRECIATED THE EVIDENCE AIID THE CONCLUSIONS OF FACTS AIID LAW ARE NOT SUPPORTED RY SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. the evidence on Broken down to sPecinc individual petitioner' the chdge that they lecords fajled to sholv substantial evidenceon l r r \Fo - o n ' e d F d a r r ivi!e s inc rr edo r p d t r ( i p a t " d i n a ots r ll_ 8 asr o' Th e C O M \ 4 I S S I O Ner r o n e o u sly' e Ie d o n th e sr a r F m e n l s CARPIOwho a-llegedlYsaid: lro sr '3. Palbalik ko sa kalzen treaj nadatnan Ecnano na n-apapaligirmng mga T/M na <'na Ariel Laldp Dd tr o lPa n r r n o la s r L a l a p l it u c k y B i n d o l lBln d o l' Da n r e pa [ " n i c , r o a U r s e rr u ' se lr .Pa bo Sd n o ( Sd io r ' r e B r b a nilang kasma Siva a pi n a e m u m u r an , l . " l pa g el6 d e cisio n ) CASE OF WEI{ECITO URGEL Petitioner had eighteen (r8) vears of unblemished service' aid shown bv ttte factual and legal basis of his termination $as not to cite sPecific substantial €vidence,becauseth€ COMMISSIONfal1ed would establish the evidenceon records against the petrtioner that inciting or factual basis under \thich he lvas charged foi aUegedly partrcipatinSin nots, illegal strikes oi concertedactiviiy' The wirness cAj!!Q-d]lL! s!-5 menhon the PaJilculd ECHANo; dd' obscenitiesallegedly hurled bv the appeLldt against dy statement that importantly, ECHANO did not sPecificarlymake dy specinc obscenilv hurLed against him by petitioner URGEL,to at least corobotate the testimony of CARPIo Here, CARPIO made a Seneralizatjon " Slva av Pldgstuigama' pbrsgatualuo at PinagDuEure !Ua'' $'hich, cannot be considered STRIKE' substaitial evidence,ofDISTURBANCE,RIOT dd ILLEGAL downgradedchargeto mere We musi emPhasizethat ihe NRLC is likewise unsuPPoited bY conclusion $hich but disturbdce, substantial evidenceon records' (supervisors)alleged lhat there We must Stress, the witnesses but no rank dd file emPlovee are many workers in the dea, cARPIo's testimonv submitted an affidavit that $ould corroborate be considereda credibte We futther stress' that CARPIOcannot mere generalizationsand could witness because his testimonv are comPanvin exchangeior monev have been coachedbv the respondent o! favor, to which the couRT ruled: ffi fr-h.,"," ,."'i* . ,r'"'' t* ro ds i d e r a h o n s o r P r om ise s '' '"-" fi'-"'"1 for him as shown by his ln fact someone made the statements have made the sa'ae ls rne written statements,and the one that could as the herein respondent entity that woulal be benefite'l sucir appea' in a heailng where rl1e company. More so, he $'as not made to peiitionels can confronr him or test his credibilltv PETTTIONEBSIIT4IDEEIET the substmtial evidence The COMMISSIONlikewise faled to cite would sho! jusl cause or the to establish the factual basis rhat charge against him bodilv ham agamst Allegedly, Petltione. Belen threatened rhat "Beletr e$hed Santiles, a junior oilicer' Respondentalleged a Vros unlt eloas thc Santillca uatil th€ Lttcr htt ht! Dsclr 'eat!3t loG,R' No'1461$ odobels, 2003l was sithtn the wlcirltv or Bnt. !o lank aad lUe eork€t who corroborated the resDondent'' ip th€ a$emblv line testilte't aad alleqetlotrs. to h€r€in Petttionet Thus, the serlous Etscodluct attiibuted ewidence or substartiar wat lot Foved Dv clear an'l convinctng Petttionet Bel€r had faithfuly clxt€en 116lYears' and selted unjustilied the comPany for and iUegal. PETITIONER ARIEL LALAP on records that The COMMISSIONtailed to cite specificevidence justify his dismissal on the acts committed bv Petitioner fiar would rh€ testimonv of CARP1O ground of serious misconduct We reiterate' probarive lalue Petitione! had camot te accoraea credence and thus there has to be cleaJ twenq (20) years of unblemjshed servicel hjs dismissal; ro (arrdt anat convincing elidence against him failed ro dischaJgethe othetrise, as in the case at bd, rhe respondeni disiissal is considered burden of proofi therefore, the petitioner's ilegal and unjustified. PETITIQIIDB-EIMEI4ILII4q ciie sPecific evidence on Likewise, the COMMISSIONfatled to evidenceas regdds recoralsthat would establish clear md convincing on the ground or th€ lactual basis ol the dismissal of herein Petitioner senous misconduct (16) veds of seflice' and his Here, the petitioner had si:teen dismissal is based on sPecurauon *?"#''f;;!P.#T"TjgS #i"'Jf8'"f, AIiID IIAITED THE PRODUCTION caused the disrupdon tn Here, the NLRC found that Petitioners cLear ano the respondent laited to sholv the ploductjon tines But, Respondentfailed b show thar conclusion' *"h O^" ..""*a, "t !h€ production Horvever;me disrupt€d peiitioners ofherein the acts i' utter bias in favor 01 *On*, aJfimed bv the COMMISSION made a "nclusion or iact tnat ""O.. the moneyed emplover sweePlnglv disruPl the respondenrs p'oduction to concert in *aO p",na".." officer the lact that ir was |he iunior appreciating p.op".tv *itnor, Linein the sioppageot the production ordered arbitrdii} {ho Echano violatlon of the comPdv's Protocols q ;s'tr;fi H*:"w:$.T-{$*lhffi ffi$^irfli*liiilflHFs of herein respondentsthat Likewise, clesPitethe bde allegarions w" r c d r ' r L r b ' d r n F r Fis sb \o lu_"1' work p!sr n L h ef i n a l a s ' e n b ly h 1 P hes s'orkers manning the Production the that evidence ol iota no bv the occurrence The stopped qorking or were disturbed cum lnw€stig'tiod vrs to:ponaents rora ur that rn iaterrogatlon postttor PaPetl' but lt faned cordrcteat alter the tnctdetrt {Par' 3a' theleof' an'l it fatled to submtt to submlt in eviatence th€ dttrutes woikets manning th€ Ploductton the statem€nts' tf any, of the the occurrence and who could lile tho ate in close proxtmltv to of th' respondents' alegatioG; have testtn€al as to the veracity tbat the workers were th$, the ro.Pondenk' factual conclusion dt tutD.d l. slthout factual b"t!' CARPIO ALLEGED "CHIEF ECIiANO" AND STOPPED REASOII PICTURES OF THI "GOINGS.ON"' iffi"::'fx,i3.J^T;ffi.'E reasonwhy alleged"ChiefEchano" The pivotal evidenceas to the of herein the production line is the admission ,* ",.00"r" " !o wlt: Pdtino q'as takins piciures'12 -O-"0 ,n"i ,."0""0*" -tpttinant 1o AL th a l ---"i"""r'p.";7::i:;;:ih;;;";,;".ct t)am r ' Ch' 2t totl' Pd C' nana thol tnP L"a ofte's drt h'a \I'ppbd onto oa ot \e oo:"o" 'a rct"ep" tule' +F"!i:::in:!:j":E;':#;'!.:";:,i":':"': ,i:iit:;*.li'f"i,f,!+;:::i^3 ';1j:,;":',:;.T;; r;,"-! ;att to outit.e <o'" and @';rc'" d Menbe^ iii .'i' r"",r," teo :*'1:}T::i::i:2: uue Lu dre mare dsrracted than the! ateadV ii"'"i Li "..o'.'"'",; caryia,to,r :: "'- L'".t:'"i:l',;Z rne NE Ch@J Ectana s ntttucLan Assembls line to staP '' PuLLea " '.fff:,9:'TiltYs'"'%s8; iH"'Sffi Carpio to hall the ploduction Alleged 'Chief Echmo" ordered comPlainant lne simply for the reason that resPondents posluon {par. 19, page 13 of atisturbance wes not ract evtdentlarv the paper). Obviouslv, and conwiactng evidenc€' Ptove'l bv edv clear ""O"a..aau" the extstence of dtuturbaace' All€geal"chief Echano", tn tts mtn'l' higher officets of the conPanv' hrt wlthout consulting the lt!€' ot the productlo! ltopPage th€ otatete.l arbtttar[y ;;;;;;, there ts ab6€dc€or les'r authorttv :""": :i: stoP -"1 Echa[o' to aleged "chief to authotttv r€3ponateat gtantiug ttle Productlon U!€' tr s4 par19,pts.13 dpodd'ia ! Respond.n$\ paper posnion poit|dnp'p'r crled poxcy on Importmtlv, under the tesPondents criteria have to be the proaluction1ine, alleged\, som€ extant t}le circumstdces, to wit:14 An one tard, a'tuoted bll o Crcup 'h;eJ 'otl uh h te'stb a"-sPo't A'senbL! in. ans thraDsh'he i'u,i"" i) o"'he " /,;';; so'dt,n. to stop An 'ne'o.' 'I )topl:t'eu i;;, tse '.li, i';i, i . pie"us a bunanu h\ h to stap''uiouercr' in the case af a Graup ,ii tt". ",","a *tr dP"ienated "" t;". 'Loo' ontv iiii-'i,t, ; 'n" 'hPn :"".1r4^ tte 'ine o* iea n'o tn ath" uotds the ",."o tttu bu o\' to aa ol L'h G'ouD !i,ri7o-a ii'"'*-a'! upon the cii. i"'i'* subje't Lo po+'on'na uhp'ed ;;; ;, q ar -rc rc e 4 e eoa'.r;" ;i;i;;;;;',;;. 'positions are reached s t o p t n e \ n e n ' o o a o t a n u p o in t A uhp"e' 'h' d.s'orctPd the Petitioner URGEL In the instmt case,the argument benreen oI the Srounds for validlY and the alleged"Chief Echano" is not one stoppingthe Production ]tne WITI{EISS FOR RESPONDENT which has no statement ot a trainee Argallon of rlas not made to testiiy evidentiary value being unslomed' a1'Lwho able ro confront and test rlrs to a heding so that petitioners will be as Annex "5"' respondenls' credibility, in his statement, mdked The uns{om position paper states: ng slb.ldo ng gdbr June s, 2O1O-^dgkdroon Noona 'i".ii"iir"" mLsembftns rMPcwA io-narintns dlds 9 Pasdilo ns sabl anq msd .i irigu g.""p'p""gsdsdrr ^d d'ts lbdns msa mqembro J',lli""i "" ; sd toob ns tlnvd ^s f^ct dt ; t",p.;; P";*i ns bosessd t^sd .etP cht'Js dt f,iiitiii"""" ^a sumusod sl mr' beten kd! p"" i"siiii" ";tdtts mr. sdrxtlles dt glnlgltglt dt ltittul.rk ga tt dng ^tto 1ine,ftere was otthe stoPpage Production the to Obvious\, Plior no perceiveddisturbdce CORROBORATION: Escrimadola marked as Witness for petilioners, Feticisido he sarv Dennis cdPio Pushed the Anlex "D" ot REPLYtold us that of an] break down of t'he emergency stop button d€sPite absence aroLrnd to (it: conveyo!;thereafter,the $rorkersmilled 9:10 ng gabl 'Nd naonq ika 5 ng HunVa2OlA dakaflgt o erya 49 du ftasoqad; Z" r-. ii"aiii ii i ,'""""r. 'UilZ *[" dl a ?g norh4ng :\'o rcsLlo'no a:'e-btu ti'e bta'o s a aas a b t h q t t u a ii,.-s:ii;r'", ri't a ot\ Fa I la a l n a p a n ' ; ' t \ o ' t Dp r n t ' rs s'nota<s"nbtgtna"oqtatakad )oon papu' tono ti"so at pasdat 'a aiaa-'o -G" / sraP ti,';;; ;o ";"" ""."s p+'"ai' o;o TvEPCE\' k".. kovat b'etd.a sJnoi dah:a' tJo\'t uot- 'amon ako"q f,'.a, xo ^aa-oiq s" equipment'1<Idng sa piaesd a anumaftg si* "itit""g sd Praduksgon" Prcblema ABSENCE OF FACTUAL BASIS ON THE COIICLUSIoN oF DISTUREAI'ICE the aueged "disiurbance' But, no one testified dd descflbed Hence' the disturbance p.lor to the stoPpage of production line bv ECHANO'but portrayed by the respondenrwas not even caPtured he aDd arbltiartlv' it only ensted in his mind, aa'l lmPulstvelv junior off1cerof the respondent stopped the ptoatuctlo! rtn€, and as with Petitioner Urger' compdy, he could have simplv argued calmlv harm btd ![ere l'Lo .tt.l .ot exhibit aav att€Fpt to Phvsicallv gti€varc€ ew€n if tbe tore rs et cbalge of vorals <truiry hfotdal should aot vlBit th€ rot Eoalolat€d, astumtrg ln algumeEtl were m€lelv on lookcls h.!€h P€tttio$ets' espectaUv tbo6e who thc harlrr Penalty of dlamls3al. and substmlial evidence The NLRC failed ro cite specinccredible {as to render conclusrons NRLC agairst each Petitioner' What the 'lid asajnsr each law, without citins specific evidence .i evidence of serious ""," ""u petitioner whal would constitute substantial explain and notice ofdismissar' misconduct delined in the notice to evidence that would Obviouslv, there is absenceof substaniial in that petitioners caused disturbmce suppori the NLRC'Sconclusion emphasize that lhe gnevance the production lines We must likewise which is not pan of the to.t Place at the KAIZEN AREA' -""irrg production line and dea' ffiffi];;"g'#-1Hi'"J'Ti'"3lilit IttlscoNDUCT to show unlawful intent The COURTruled that the employerhas to validly dismiss them based or malce on the Pdt of the petitioners on se.ious mlsconducr' emplover' - An emplover may by Termination 2S2 'ARTICLE of the lollowins causes: terminate an emPloyment for dv witlful dtsob€cUence bv th€ oi Elsconduct SertoN tsl in emPlover or tept*estattve eEploye€ oftb€ rawnrl otllers of hts colnccuo! elttr hb woiki of his duties; Gross dd habitual neglect bv the empiovee emplovee of the trust (c) Fraud or illful breach bv the authorized representative; reposedin him bv his emPloveror dulv F) bv the emproyee Comn1ission of the dime or ofense or mv immediate member of his against the Person of hjs emPlover and cdra family or his duly authorizedrepresenlatilei (d) {e) Other causesanalogousto ihe foregoing SERIOUS MISCONDUCT conduct lt is the transgression Misconduct is imProper or stong ru1e of action a iorbidden act' a dennite ed established some of intent chdacter' and implies wronglul dereliction of duty, \{illfui in a judgment- The misco''luct must be of such and not mere error in not merelv trivial or dd character aggravated gave and unimPonant ro wrongftn conduct lt is the Misconduct is imProper or and definite rule of action' a transgression ot some established in charactet' aDd imPli€s forbidden act, a dereliction of dury' -iUful otjtldsfrent g Under Article 282 enor mere not a l intent wtongfin to be airst cause for temination' of the Labor Code, the misconduct' it must be of such grave and must be serious. This imPlies that lO tivial ot unimporlant aggralated character and not merely termination' as held in of serious misconduct justifvins rlpr"" harassment (the manager'sact som€ of our alecisions,include: se"tal the shouLderand cdesstng the nape of tondling the hands, massaglng 12 uttering ll nghting withjn comPdv Premises; of a sectetar_.v); No r d s a Sa in sr s su p ' ri o': obs c en F , i n s u i l i n g o r o ' le n sr ve nephelv md Pressuring and flisrePresenting that a student is his studenfs fajling grade to intimidating a co-ieachei to change thar Eclraao' made Here, the respondentsthrough ils '3lleged"Chief purpose than to force their coit appear that Petitionershad no o$er dea' and to bolster the worker SARIOto be returned to the assemblv petitioners as mob who respondents'posture, it described the with expletives'and to surrounded Echa,'loand bombarded the latter production' the respondent magnit dd justit the stoppageof the { lne16,1eEsl tc.i. No.1174s3. p€tiiioieA'v tscaNLA& aLrosuswoRGRs uNroN(awu)andRrcARDo M;ich25,2oo3l 1177es. ' t6 R.No. made it apped that the $'orkers mdning the assembly were disturbed. But the aifidavit of alleged "chief Echauo' shoved that only ITRGEL was the one talkjng to him, and rh_' iest ot the hercin petitioners were merely listening Hence,the Porrraval that pettioners were demddng the restoralion of SARIOro the final production area is not accurate, for it is only URCEL who was taking to alLeged"Chief ARIEL Echano'. Only three petitioners namelv: WENECITO URGEL, LALAP, RICKY BINDoL, 1te.e present at the grievance meeting pdt of glouP Petrtjoner ROI{AID BELEN l{as not that went to the KAIZEN AREA for grievdce but was assigned as pdts delivery, where immediatelv alter the productlon was stopped Medwhile, was in the dea to deliver parts ln the VIOS LINE adjaceni to fte final assemblyline ls€e affidavit ofBelenli thus, he has nothing to do with the grievdce meeting petitioner Dante Pantino' $as in the lnal assemblyarea but oft Linedor he had merell suPporting role, has no pdticuld assignment dd his presenceln thc li-AlZENAREA was a On one hmd, curiosity becausehe ooti.ed lhal the assembll line was stopPed, No.noong HunVo 5 2olo,ang dutg ko ag 7:AOpm ta 4:OA am ot banding alas 9:A0 ng gabi,htbang nag iikat ako sa assemblA line upang dlamin lcrng mdg nagdganop na problema, nakna ka nd nakahinto ang Linga sa Jqnal at haogad akong lumapit updng dlamin kung ano ang sanht; Na, napdg alaman kang ualdng kadahildnan ang llne stop dahil wdla namanng eqtipment bredkdown at uatang t ogutuhang nongl o L a - No k it o k o d o a n o a g q a e t a n e n t u a n i' t o Ug a t n a rMFC w4 " a p a r * n s wa * i "^'"* i " kausoo si ieodato Echana scab, Orcup .htel no fiaot al rapoa olamo. ko no ong pinoq u'oPan oY h''ga" so I'aso ksanahang notggogatua rc \i Pablo Saaa Jl "g na Nastdka lang po ako tQng bakit aka ag Pnagbtntdrgan sinulsulaft ko diumdnosi TM Pdblo Sdria sdmontolang di ra r akang atam siAa nakausaP sa otas aI ara1zna illon dt uala a sa tattor na Pagldbagsa anutuang batas ng koPmPanVa t e cad.ena aking nilabag sd mga ords nd iaon SISSTENCE OF A GRIEVANCE witness alleeed Construing the statements of resPondents' dguments with complanant 'Chief Echano", that he had heated basis for the abrupt Urgel, sho was asking him the reason dd line io the Ksjzen transfer of co-worker Sano, from the Productlon pfoducrion line' which' Area and asked lor the return of SARIOto the F o ' Cr i"' a n L e t o us js t h e ! u . u n " s r M c . o l r lP' xr sr e n TIIE LAW DID I{OT SPECIF"TFORMALITIES IN COiDUCTII{G GRIEVANCE ART. 255 Ef,clrsiue baryaining 'epresentanon ana po,ti'ipa"o, n pot'! o'd ae^isto' Tokttg -fhe ol a*;e.iLed or c'recledbJ rr-e -o,t ",s: i"i"i -drorirr unjt "."i.;,u.r in a aipropriaLe ro.t. ri\e bdsanins ;;;;;i;,;.. in or rhF enProveFs ;;;i # ii" ex,rusr"eiepi""err"rr"e bdganng' such unit lor rhe PurPose of collectrve Howevei, an ;Drove€. iadivldual eaDrov€e or shall have th' tt ht at ary t!q9-!9 !!9!94! A n v p r o v t s i o no f Ia r LL oth e ' o n L r a Dnqout$( hith sr a d r a g r u le s M d h a v e rh e - ' sh t. su b lF r t r o ". "d;k; '";;".'i"' a l r h e se ' r e td v o r L a b o r d d Er o lo vn e n r ". in polcv and decision to p*t "'p^r" o i,h e e sla b h sh ne n t $ h e r " th e v a r e -1" -.."r*.t", *oli** !\e ir -. -""- rr .i '"i'"" i i . " " i *..a Pr o L e ssewr s ll d r e cr r va r " ct i.^"fi', i"'lni"--J *u-e workersud Forth'|sPurPose ."u r.'- ulor-ffmasemenr !ounc ls: Piovided' .i"i"r*" o r r h e ( o tke ts ia su lh r a b o r ir'" ii r i ls sh "lr b e F le cr e do v a - le a sr Ih " ; ; . . . . " " i - p i " .*o" 'u, 'ni '..s F sr d b lsh m F n t ( As m a i o a " r r o r a l t e m Plo yF F sn sa id 2l #'.iiJo u" s-,r""::. 19891. AcrNo 6Tl5 lvlach RePubli' a formal wriuen T he N LR C $oul o w m t t h e p F r ilio ie t s r o mal<e it that it ts g rie vdc F. w hrc h rs noL ' o u ld F d r n la \ ' Sufice that SARIO ther co uncontroverteal that petitioner urgel aske'l ro his working area flember in the minoitv union be reluoed as Lo the latter's trmster, ts becauseof the perceived discriminat1on conside.ed a valid 8deldce did not seek obviously, th€ NLRc's conclusion thai Petitioner forma grievanceis conraI] ro failed to cite the specilc All told the respondedtsmd the NRLC malice or unlawful intent on evidence on records that would shoq that they each petitioner that would warrmt the 'onciusion committed serious mrsconducl' PLACED PETITIONERS WERE II{VAIIDLY I'IIDER PREVPNTWE SUSPENSION omnlbus Rules Sections 3 and 4, Rule XIV of the Implementingthe tabor Codeprovrdes: P;eventive suspenslon - The emplover can ''sic.3. under Pre'entive susPensionif i""" L" *.ir... """"".ne4 Posesa serious dd immrnenr ii" co"tin'"a emplovment iii""i io ,l'. rir" i. iroperrv ot ttre emPloveror of his co- No preventive Period of susPension il;.;. susDensionshall lasr lorgFr Lhd JO da(s The emplovel J*.x*r -einsLareir" uorker h his rorm"r or in a "i'.ir equivalent position or the emPlover mav the ".tst-t.lly extend the ;enod of suspension provided that during re pavstte wagesand otherbene{irs In suctr cas' the {orker' shall not be the mount paid to him during the -*t*". i.'J i"'*r-t'*. iiir,. emplover decides, after comPletion of the J",l.d(EmphasissuPPlied) rr.*i"g, to ai"-i"" thu -orker' junior officer' Here, it was established Lha! ECHANO' the the conclusion that a.rbitrarily stoPpedthe production On one hdd' sithoul petitioners caused disturbdce in the Production lines is of sPecificelidence substantial eviclenceon records Thele is absence manning the on records that the orclinarv rdk and iile emplovees pro.luctton lines wc.e incited by pttitioners to do riots concetlecl "ii.J it" 5". t" "i-*i"""r.', activities or strike. Likewise, there is absence ot Proof that pehtroners engagedin .oncerted activitiesto stop producrion lndeed, the conclusion reached by the Labor Arbiter aid the NRLC that petitioners we.e validlv placed under preventile suspensionis without factual and legal basis becausethe Petitioners lives were not shown to have posed serious or imminent threat to the and prcPe.q of resPondent ILIF'GAL SUSPEITSTONOT BIIDOL The COMMISSIONfailed to cite sPecificevidenceon records that BINDOL' would supporl the validity of the 30 davs suspension of thereforchis suspensionshouLdbe consideredillegal and unjustified' NLRC VIOLATED TIIE PETITIOTYEBS' RIGTIT TO DI'E PROCESS WHEN TT IMPRII{TED WITH VAIIDTTY T'IE DISMISSAL OE IIEREIN PETITIOI{ERS ON THE C'OU{D OF SERIOUS PETITTOIIERS WHEN MISCOIIDUCT T1IEIR DISRESPECTED ALLEGEDLY SI'PERIORS, WIIERE PETITIONERS WERE I{OT CHARGED OF SUCH OFFEI{SE T he erroneouspart of t h e d e c r s r o ns t a t e s r ' i 1t lroald be prudent to stiess at this juncture that In confoimitv {irh ahe tesridonies of aPPellees witnesses, aooellmti showed disrespectto ortcers in fie comPanv Tilis arone constitutes misconduct which justiiies rheir alismissal. How app€llants treated their orficeis dd of the circumstancesin '4&1ob's i" "r".*i".^ us. NLRCwhere the Supreme court heldl w;kerc' Union--i'iii*nt bv petitioner nr The rePeated utterdces obscene, insultins or offensivewords agarnsra su p e rvi so ' w e re nol onh dFstr ur r ir F of r hF m o r a l e o f h r s c o "r p lo le e s d d a \io la r ' o n o f the compdy rules and regulations, but also constitute gross misconduct q'hich is one of the erounds provided ior bv law to termi"te the ierdces oi ari emplovee.His auitude toward his supenisor, Reynddo T. Andres' amounted to inlubordination md conduct unbecoming of emPloYee which menkd the PenaltY dl In Philiwines TadaV, Inc. ' lv'RC, the Supreme Court, passint on the attitude or respect that d edPlovee i" exp""tea to oU""*" towdds d emPloyer'held: 'Aleeres choice of words and rvav of exoressioi lehay his allegation that rhe lvas simplv an 'opportunitv to -inoranaum open the eves of (Petitione4 Betmonte to ttie w;rk environm€nt in petjtioners netspaPer with the end in view of Persuading(her) to take a hand at improving sajd environment lo o lcve l Pr Plo jr r AoDlsrns his s l- r - io o M d o i h r \ ttu sL r a r io n in .-.g...n,1 differences tith his immecllate supei'or 's certainly noi done in an abrasive,offensive,and a s res p"' ttut m d lP r A o t d i. l o t . a ! t h ' v e r s s ill o b s e ^ F d . e s o F la lv r''" ""p..1.t" "* " r',qh_'* t i. a "monn va ues - " n "e! "or . " nrhF ' . , qFilrp r'"'tt i"l .o'i co"iift*;i"', 'o ol odkikisama Md paggaidng which de nor onty prevalent aoong members of a tmilv and communiry but within organrzahons as $'eu includinA work sites An emplotee rs exPecteo to extend due resPect to management' the e m p o y F rb e ' n ath e Pr o ve r b r ahle r th a t la vs h F golden .98. so ro sP'ak An aggr'erFdemprovee to u b L !d e n h r m sr ' l o t h is i't'. *-rs job or disappo,nimerrs and inrqtraLons ir tis r c t a r i o n s w r t h n r s in n e d r a r P su p e _ o r wo u ld n o m a l l v a o p ro a ch sd id sJp " n o r d ite "!v o r o r h e t u i s e a s k so r F o th F r o ' r .F r p o < sr b lvr ^ mediate an.l discuss the problem sith the end in view of settling their differences slthour causing ferocious conflicts No matier how lmuchl the employee dislikes the employer orofessionallv, and even if he is in a ;onfroEtatio;al disposition, he cdnot afiord to be disrespectful and dde to talk wiih s unsuarded tonzue dd/or wjth a bileful Den the petitioner In Punzal us. ETSI Technalogi.s, accusedher suPeriorn d e n@il of beine unf.jr dd or being too pddoid after the latter disapProved her their DroDosal to hold a Trick or Halloween paity fot ii.-ir[rr"".rr'" srp*-. coJrt uph'ld he- d'snrssa/o\ u'rid she rreared her G"i " u"i "c s ubs rdL , a l e \ d F n L e r h a r uL_F r d is r " s P P I' ll t h e p r " s c r r c d s F supFri or qrh appelldts did fd worse. The testimony ofCdPio illustrates this fact: ''3. Pasbalik ko sa Kaizen dea, nadainan ko st E c han; nd n"pJ ilis it a r n E m 8 " T / M r ' ' n d Anel Lalap I LalaP l Rr"kl D Brndol I Bindoll D rnl e R . P dr'n o ( P d t ia o l r r we n e ( lo A Ursel (Urgel ), Pablo Strio ('Sario ) at ana 'ba pa nilang mga kasda. Siva av Phagstsrsasan' pinagduduro at Pinagmumura nra' Echano was caled ttlol' prlang ina,ldnga' Sdtilles was phy s tc al l v I'drm e d a a d t h r e a t e n F d A p P e l' d r s d e n y kr dd drd hdm asdnst I hei"md e " * . . . "t, t he ir d Pn r a l a n d r h c ' o r to b o r a te d il'r"' in.'u .,,"i"0 t , "m.*..' testimonies of!itnesses, the latter desede belief Appelldts attribute lheir dlsmissal lo their afiliaiion with t;; union. In fact, thev treat it as m unfair labor prove wlrn Dractice. But as apPellees lvere able to evidence that the dismissal and the :ubstdtial q ( h ia c ju a l a n d lF g a l b d s e s lh e conj prai nr ro' uni ai r la b o t p r d ( r r c ' le f t $ r h r o I F B ' o ln rru ,s. I{!8e the supreme Court held that it is the ,h. b u t d ' n ; r p r o o t r o p r e s e a t s u b s ld t ia l "Jil".""i. n '.";;.-h"" i".lleBatr;rs ot unrairlaborPra"rices lo o v e - c o m e ""pp.c ommi tted bl r neagF m e n t { P De lld r s la le ' i All told, there is no reason to disturb the findinAs of Part of the .tmllarlv woriled nottce to explah ellayod tlc followrlA chatgca'zr: we refer to the incident whieh occuned last June 5, 2010, on o! about 9:12pm, at the TMP Fina.l Assembly Line Based on the Preliminary investi8ationjointly conducted bv the Human Resources and Production DepaJtments d ' d e n t i' "p p e d s th r l ; e e d i n e r h e a b o v e_ n F n r io n Fin t o n l , t ' " r w i r t T V W- n e .to J- g e l l\4 Rr ( \a Bir d o l '. - u . C r t t e r t c r J z a do T N4 tu 1 Pl L d la P T M RF ) r a n iu _o Ir ' m d M a s d a o n sT , M D a n t e Pd r i_ o . T I\4Alb L T "r a e l (rF TM ' R o d e ; i c k V i d a i , w e ' F r n ' o ve d In d In ' id e n r d l Fi n a l A s s e m b l v L i r e $ h r "\ d < r u p r e d r l- e p r o d r ' lio n oD e r a , i o n s .Y o u a l l e g F d lv n ' ie o T [4 P/h lo sd r o lo atmdon his work station at Kaizen office sd to work in the line instead, in denance of his superior's instruction a""plt" ."p."t a directiaes from the Final Assemblv Line r-a your line suPenisors' vou reportedlv ""o'"-i*'i ref;sed to desist frcm vour a.|s and to resume vou! dutres at your resPectivework stations h n e sio P : r L e F in a l Th e d r s r u p r r o nl e d i o d ' ir ( il o l6 DT o 3 4 p m { 1 8 m n s ) as s e m o l yL r n e o c t u f fd ko n 'ai"-ptio"" likewise ensued in other deas of Sirni* D r o d u , L i o n a s s d ite cr r e q u lr o f vo u - - e Po - r e d a cr c bo n s e q u e r u y . t h F co n p d ) s Pr o d u ' r r o r r i' e r tu l.d to meet tile tarAeted outPut for that Particular shift by two Your acts, if proven, constitute se'ious msconduct or Jlir"l al"oteai""c" or a las'ftll order unde. Article 282 (a) of the Labor Code, as dended. The srme likewise ofthe followingprovision in the TMP ."."iit"tes " "iolatio" to wit: Codeof Conduct, c. Agal^st TMP Interest anal PollcY 5. In-suboidinationor disobedienceor neglectto De r r o r m ( o u o w < o m P d v Po licr r s/o - d e tso t ' o wmins assisnedw;rk Lsro'TFns' wrrren Secultg a d ?ubltc D Agcl6t 6. I;citing or PaJticiPatingin rioB, disorders' ilesal strikes or conceited actions ctetnmentd to iMP's interest: I Offense Dismissal lo Consrdenns the ioragorn8. you de lerebv required l r ' * . i t i n e , u sin c itr e a r r "ch " a Du " Pr o ' e sqF o r m ' " Ji "i hi n, a f i v e ( 5 ) d i y s fr o m r e t" p t o l r h is n o tice wh v n o w a i s c ' o r i n r"v a . t i o i s l ou ld b F ta l< e na g a vo L r n clu d in g the emplovment, lor comditting dismissal flom aforementionedacts. VIOI,ATIOI{ OF DUE PROCESS where The COURT ruled that there is vlolation of due process r h a Lf F $ a ' n o the employeeconcernedrs d r s r r s s c d b a s " d o l " n " . r properlYcharged,viz: "It i3 less tha! fair for nanasemeat to chatEe aD dis!q!!!.--t"v.e s!9 94!lc!!ia4l!9919 auother oflense vilrr whlcl be haa ui[iiiinitted-itn @ Correct defend htmseu to adeqlrql9l ulabl€ ot p.i""t" respondents alleged ltrongdolng *inotio" was obviouslv im;ortet here since the Penalt) that could a o D r o D n a k l t o F m e r "d o L r rd cp e a .lF du Do i u n a o tfe r se . i a t q _ d, . a p r o le a lt l- a " L e cn ' r r e ' \F ' l b ) th e Co u " " .. t r h p - r i g h t o f a i d u e D_ o ' e ss rh "m Plo le " r o d d e a u _ d l c o n s ; s r so i r h e L w in n sn r s o f .o r r ' " a r d h e " n n 8 T h " Dumose of the r€quirement of notice is obviously to enable irre_ emptoyee to detend himsell against the charge preterreaagainst him by presentingand substdtiating hts version of the facrs."22 Simildly, in the case at bar, rhe NLRC $'ent bevond the charges leveled against the petitioners becalrse the noticc to explain fajled to show ihat Petjiioners were chdged for havlng drsrespected their superjors dd for which their dismissal is being sought With due respect, the NLRCmisdirected its logi., dd instead of delving into the evidencepresenied by rhe resPondenrs to the rssue as to whether the petitioners incited others or pdticipated in nots' concerteclactlvities or illegal stike, it delved in dother tack against which the petitioners were not charged s'ith in ihe first place The respondent codPdy did not charge the Petitioners for serrous misconduct based on allegedinsult o! bad words heaPedupon their superiors; thus, the NLRC cannot render factual and legal conclusion upon which the petitioners$'erenot charged$'ith. seplenber2lreeo.l "lGR No.36000. rNc.(rNPoRl,petioner,vs coMMrseoN REunoNs {NtRc),idro$ ;9:t8ft1'.i#r'Y#'il3; 3i?trJ,H AGNITST EACII PE'TITONER as shown otr th€ recoids' falled to show or the €vtilelce against each Petttior€r crcdible substarttal mtuconduct wtea thev concftsloa that thev committe't seriou dlslesP.ct€d their suPeriols' Trie ei'tdence lIO HEARING WAS CONDUCTED FOR THE TrlE CONFRONT PETTTIOWBNS TO WITNESAES AGAINST TIIEM ahe COI'RTS' rulllg o! the n€cessitv of conducti'* a td sum, the folowing ate the guiding Principles trre iearing requiiem€nt in dismissal """"*ir"" -rdt ary lel r.amll€ opporturity to be heard_ means h Ii'."io"i"r opil..""i.v 'the lveftal or wtitten) siver to the assinst him and chatges t"';*-* in suPPon of hiB defenst whethet it *a."* "rti"ri soae otr'r far'' JNt a'd .""r*"*,i .-i*ir"g, "' *"i."."" a fotmal hcarlDg or conference becomeB th€ €EPloY€c ln manatatorY ody wh€n lequdted by dbDutes exlBt or a evidontiq ertttng ot subst.nti{l {b) conpa-qY 4tS !r!4s!&9 lcl lgicirg! it. or when .tnild l! i-€ %Eple oPPorturity to be heard" statr<lald or irt€ L.bor code Prevalk over the "h€arl'g requireirert h the tmPlem€ntirg rules ."ir.i*"." sd re$Uattons."'?3 {uldetscoring outs, $ere In the case at bar, the NLRc's concLusion that bY allorded procedural due Process is likewis€ unsuPPorted substantial evialence,in the absence ot the minutes of heatlngs conducted where 1ll9 !91!t!449!s- !9 confront tl1€ witnesses aqainst them . FELD(B. PERI' :Nd AMANTE DORIAvs Pr & I Gi. No. 152043 April7,2009 behalf of lbe l!Sp94d9!!!'-9!4 who balelatedlv executed atlidavits in T o vo ta whos eint e r e s tl i e s o n t h € i r en Dlo ve r junior olficers srere belatedlv The self serving aifidavits of the or on about the {ilins of the Poslttof, executedon December 14, 2010 petitioners were unable to paper on December 20, 2OrO' thus' the in the Plant level' rebut the altegationsagainst them is not a hearing in the The Pu$orted invesrigationconducted absenceof credible proof in said putriew of the law becausethere is witnesses q'ere made to confront inte"tig"tio" that tie resPondents' with the petitionerc and lheir witnesses UIFAIR RESTONDEI{T TOYOTA COMMITTED LAAOR PRACTICE unfair labor practrce was The NLRC inpropelly concluded that but manulacturing evrden'e not committe.l bv respondent TOYOTAi dd bloatins the evidenceto make !t complainant haptess the agajnst their workplace' shouted expleuves left complainants that appear actrvltres officers' deated disturbdce riot' concerted r*"",:""-. of union interelerenceto destrov ana il.gar st.lte ur" "ctt constitutiv€ belong the minolity union to $hich the Petitioners concern dd certainlv' Toyota is a major car manufacturing i'cumbent lrnion' but not a majority of its rank and flle belong to the rne sho was ned or mdn$g emplovee lile and rdk single testiiied dd corroborated pro-aLrctionrine subritted an afiidaut ud ganged up on her€in hapless the alegations of junior olficers who The Labor Arbiter dd the NLRC failed to see the obvious The its rcsPondent'sintended to dest ov the minoritv union bv dismissing concocting and manufacturing active union officers and members' bv such as the evidence to justify their dismissat via bias wilnesses commiitcd bv respondenr Hence, unfair labor Practice lvas TOYOTA, CONCLUSION gtave abuse of discr€tiot A.s shown, the NLRC coDmitteil gtos'lv because it lack of jutisdiclion to amouttiDg meterid the evi'lence or arbitrarilv disregard€d idlaPpr€clated are Also' its conclusto$ law the misePpli€'t alrd €vLterce withort substantlal evid€ntialy supPoit' committed minor ASSttl4IlvC !\l.A.RGItMElv:l' the Petitioners malice and unlawf l iltert dlscoa.luct, in the absetrce of taud' is too harsh u l€r the or! tbet Pait, the Penaltv of 'tismissal recoid and long circuEstanc4 consid€tiDg theit urblemished in manv intadces iuled: teaute ofs€dlce, tbus, the court Rel@ttotll Corpotd,tlo9 et aL rs' Ndtlondt Labor Commlsslon'z4,the SupremeCourt held: ln lt..gnoltd "l he D el .l $ ol d r s r r ' s a s o L I d b ! ' a ro t h e o f f e a s ' ' o n f liL ' a d a i .pr"p"'ti i na'. ii"i"'i"',, har)h dnd br onvaF h's ' Fdnr' 'oro lo m P e t -""ia"""s a n d f a i l f u l s e n r ' e r o t h eqcrprinF i's r"" d^ 'rhcrcn( ishr ro d hrv e a lw" \ " h . r d r h a r l r s ig h ( m u s L -';-"j"r;; - --'^.,-." "" n--"i"1 ad the P^ans lt must l*l""i'u" ens'tute ro the ofJensetn@r@d 7)i"".'^"*," "'"i.;..0 ':T;1; ;;;';;";." ""^ o! lts hr'dctton sociar Jusdce o nere hlsh te*l ;dutu a;d ;; :;:";; ^ot ";-;;;;;; "-r&"s i; tte Tu"ianent't tao or the tdnd" (EmphasissuPPlied) " .,'.. "r.".,'."""" iif;r". ne lau rcgdtds the uorker uith canpassian Our societt is a co;possiondle ane u+'ere d penalt! tess punitlue uoutd s{Ji.e' uhQteoer misstePs mds be i't d bu t42. haud at b ." the :ot\" iii*^'pa d lsfr sso l r \i ts "o t a r tv b Pca u sea t J"rL^. p.ia',, dddirion **"i irtr it ,'n" uo'k1rs 4or' the'e s tF aq"t dtl tabar deledtadlians shoutd ir" r"-tt," * s?andun co'atPa b't ats' s'tuFdum u.-"''ia* "ii -ti "6 R N o 116311 carilatelv (Almjj.o'' et 4L. lt BF Cooildch PhillPplres' e n in ba+gzt' 't'tg zs' 1974'5a scRA "i, sconns osrsl I 20) (tnder 1"".,J Corollary ro this case,the Courtalsoruled: "h is true thdt not eue'A case oJ uillful the disobedience b! an emplagee af a tauful order oJ * , i e rca so "a u ' ep e n o a Pd u th a 5 a i"sd t ;;'.,* thP Pasonable uooononuts b't'"'n in[,1-"", "" bu 'h2 'nptolee ord 'h' penaLtv u'tlftl disobedea'e |-IPgrcrcd Por sp'at P' inpo<ed therP:o' t..P Gold 'nu Ini u NLRC,su?td PP 8t7'814) lo the alleged In the instmt case,the penslty is disProportionaie NLRC' 27a SCRA infraction or acts imPuled to petitioners (YAP Vs made within the 2721. The ilismissal of edplovees musr be ot equrty' parameters of the law and pursuant to the basic tenets v3 justice ,nd fair_play (Fhnippines-singaPore TransPort Service I{LRC, 277 SCRA 506] Supreme penaltl of dismissal imposed bv too harsh a penally respondents on herein petitioners is iust wjthout due processof tdtamouni to th€ dePrivationof thei' property Court savs '1s taw-which one eru.lite justice of the Supreme Cledly, the t@'r(;drnourn to thet. ate<rth try t.that InJe'tlon"' PETITIONERS ARE ENTITLED RELIEFS PRAYED FOR TO TTIE is entided to An emPloyee{ho has been illegallv dismissed senioritv nghts reinstatement to his fomer position without loss of his dd to paJment of full backwagescorresPondingto the Periodfrom ilegal c l , s m i s s aul P t o a . t ua l tF r n std r F n e n r ? 5 ' vlNOYA, ALEXANDER v! tslhlon.r, No 126536F.btua.v2 2000.1 " FtRsrDrvrsloNlc-RANO'OR FOOD COR'ORATION REGENT COIIiMISSION' RELAT'ONS II]AIIOIiIALLABOR telpond€'B' RIcXYSEEIPRESIDENT)' that petltionets caus€d t{et€, th€ IILRC'S factual conclusion rit* *t" n"t prevgr! Dlt t!!4q!!El otoa"cto" tl. ir af.turt"n.e ol incning' paiticipatinsin chdse ,espondents ,n" *, I"ra.o.- *activties dere likewisenot proved concerted u'u i:"o, t"*" ",*"" the dismissalof herein petthoners therefole' evidencei ty sutstantial as such thev are entitled !o unjustined and ilegal * "."""** without loss of senioitv rights fullbackwages' with ;einstaternent PETIAIOTERS ARE ENTTALED AXD TO MORA!' EXEMPLARY AND DAI'ACES l{olrIIIIAL AT"IORNEY'SFEDS when the dismissal ol an recoverabLe are damages Molar ai act falth or fraud or constitutes bad. bv attended is employee morals in a manner contrary to Sood is done or . t"Oot, o00."".". ir ,iii ."""-" *" UOnl*"" mavbeawarded damages o"ot" ooricv Exempra'v - is effected in a wanton' oppressive or malevolent respondent ToYOTA committed itsjunior officers manufactujng bias testimoniesof r n e m r n o r r vu n io n ro LhFi n t e a d e dd e s ! r u 't i on o ' He!e, ohuslcdj sltffeil^a' ^entat /vt. 2217 Mordt it.lmsaes tttclu'Ie reDl&dtto besmtrched olixlet!' ha. se/lous iiJJTnuno". t*^tttott""' "'a ^o'ol "no'r' "o"tot computation' nqdt a^tu' incc.pdbteof Pednidrv *"nn in* 1atudse: defendants the af resutt mau be recoueredif theV dre the proximate urongful ad Jor omissian (emPhasissuPPliedl damages of P50' 000 in Petitioners de also entitled to nominal as reiterated in Jakc rood NLRPI ts Agabo^ with accordaice for respondents'non obseflance Ptocesslng Corporatlon '5 Pacot2s of Prior notic€ and heanng ln of the Procedural clue process 277 ofthe Labor Code terminating an emploveeunder Art F_'esin accordancewlth ComPlainantsmust be pard Atlomey's nhich provtdes: the case of Rrtaqrlo ts MRC2e' s fees,"",!":1Y':: 'Mth respectto attamea or dfter:^:I+ r:=E ipa thd'd ;ua;d ". ",) ii,;ii;4 setuices haue bee! t:^daed bu-tne Lquuer T*a*oiseste:+e-oeetetatez-tt-tte-py tnrc account the Ttfi"""tr, ror,"q t"n.tto' per'enr, \-n",o'.' t".,. ..i'*'"'onc^ -eoar ' ouard is o 'Posonobt' ano"r' ;i ,;;;;;i ot Canstntdion ln tle case of Philiryine Narional Comorationu National Labot RetalionsConmission, zri scPl gl, ttn cora Yuta ffi ,ffi ffi"t'#i"r#:'j5ff#i othe! hand, the New Citil Code states be recovered, to wit: "An. 2229. Exem'ldta o. conectl@ r:lafldoes dle for ,ttposeal, bu udu of damole ot coryectlon dood- in dddition to the moral' lemperate' ;oubuc ' liqridated ar cor,pensalorydamages unlaif labor practice must In the case at bd, Respondenls'actof must be condemnedto the not be countendced but on the contrar-a' disregard of a constitutionallv hiShest degree for being a wdton to self_orgmization As sucn' recognized right of the workers bv wav of example or coreciion exe;plary danages must be imposed fo! the Public good. H?H"lfr".Til*"S$"'dx LIABLE herein respondents'the On the hability of corpolate ollicers like Labor Code providesfor the fotowingr bV attgr ART. 289 Wta are Iiabte when cammitted ls comflLt?d rhan nat,)tdl persan lJ the offense Dqrtnershia frrn .r!'st. bu a coro;rddo^ p'n"ttv rii]soaouono" a"" "*.. '"at" tne ot!7cer or shatl be lmooseil uoo^ the oulllu of1cers of such corootatio^' trust' tnn' o'r^e f swp, qE99@4-9!,9!!tlls (emPhasrssuPPueol 24a of the Labor Code Also, the last pa.agraPh of Article TIE prorisions al the pteceding patu7raph. notwithst oadiag od! jle 9llfi99!r--s4d--994's--9J cotnotutlo^s' 42l dg449ns-9!43!!BtEEPg-J!b9 o' |n. authodzed attlcteated hate actcdl ,"an"-a ] at"t,-lap!,seaisE ctrdtndltt a"!al-!e ta lldble ( e m p h a srsu s PPIie d ) Labor Utriotr'CCLU On the other hand' the case of A.C. Ransom Y3. NLRC Provi.res: af the o l^ct|.slo foDet The tetnindtlon slnce as d d cotuotdtlon. Udbllt al emolouees eie^ds erti the corDorctlo^ cs 4.otuordte lts rc sDo nsrble otfr 99!9-g!!g-l4l& the comordtlon or emDlouet Hence, Nilh the foregoing, individual respondents JOSEPH MAT-THEWSOBREVEGA,DAVID GO and MICHINOBU SUCATA,who are the peisons responsiblefor committing unfair labor prachcei and illegally dismissing complainants, must be held soliddily personallyliable ivilh ToYOTA MOTORS PHrLs' dd For their acts constiluting Unfair Labor P'acti'e, individual respondentsshould also be recommendedfor crlminal prosecuhon PRA!'ER WHEAEFORE Piemlses co8tdeted' it ts resPecttulty praved thc IILRC'S twin decistons and elter a n€w one alecladng the Petttioners' dismlssal iuegal ald unjustmed. Order tlie PettttoneB' relnstatemetrt to their forE€r without loss of sentoritv rtght8' po.ttloD. wlth fulbackwag.s Aanul aa.l ra€Be Do&l Awrr.l .ttomeF etemPlary end lomtnal damagB tlrcludiDg fe€s. Othe! equltable reme.U€s ar€ likewls€ piayed fo!. City of Sdta Rosa,Laguna lor Mdila, April 26, 20 12. BANZUEI.II & ASSOCIATES Counselfor Petitioners unir F Bdroleo Bldg.,J.P. RizalBlvd., B.g/, Malusak,sta. Rosa,Laguna Email; law-999!ry29qq!9y49s]s94 Telephone:(049)302 54 3'+ BYI LA, JR. 312 P ' l ' RN o . 1 7 0 2 8 4 8 0 1 /0 5 /1 2Sta Ro sa ,L a g u n a IBP Lifetlme Roll No. 01926 6/29100 Albav chapter MCLE I11 COMPLIANCECERT.NO. 0008659 17 February 2010 NAPO EXPLAIYATION p I n c o m o L i d c ew r h Se cr ' o l t l, F u F . r o r ,f r a o / Ru le so f C rql PF ' r r r o n ' o r CPtr .o r d isr ll b e sP ned P roc e d u r e(.; p r e s o f t h e f o r F so r n g to parties con;erned through registeredmail 'hre to time dd distance co;staints and no otfice messengersmaking persolSl sewice thereof DDLA ROSA & NOGRAI,DS cou3el for Private Respondents 22'd Floor, Philippine stock Exchea- -. West Tower, ExchdAe Road Ortigas Center, PasiS CitY I{ATIONA! LABOR REIATIONS COMIIISSIOI{ Fifth Division PPSTABldg., Bdawe h 2i 2 VERIFICATION atd CERTIFICATION OF NON.FORI]M SHOPPING I, WENECIO URGE!, lesal ase, Filipino, iYith addressat 219 Blk 14 Lot 66 Brg/. Nicolasavirala, GMA,Calit, after beingslvornio in accordmceivith law, deposeand state,that: one of the Petitioners dd the duly authorized representatrvelofall the petitionersin the aboveentitled case; I d I have caused the prePdation dd filing of lhe foregoing Petition for Certiora.riand have read dd understood the contents therein are true as legdding the facts to the best of my personsl knowledgemd authentic documents. That I furthei certjfy that I have not commenced dy other action or proceeding or no such action or proceeding is pending inloleing the same issues in the Supreme Cou , the Court of Appeals, or diferent Divisions thereof, or dy othe! tdbuna.l oi agencyaid if I should lelm such fact, I heleby undertake !o nolify this HonorableOifice within nve (5)days from such notice CITO IJR swoRx .. + "A!R2 Ai0J? ,o 6uascRrBEDlND '.r",. bnlJ pro\el I-i' idenr ^on' '" s"t,"L ry ro'.,mF alFTnN Fri . rfi.m_ fas dr! throush his BIR TIN lD No. 152 128 295 0O0date issued on O9l02l20O3, lhat h€ is th€ sue pe.son who lcrsonally sign€d rhe for.aoing P.tition for Ccrloron before m€ md acknovledged that h. .xcdtcd th€ sd. in h.r om, tdc, frecl voluntary aci dd d..d. o* rn.!1( ot2 ROLIiIO.AITOfl EYS ,49756t4 P.seNo.4f ' co blk.seriot Po|9! afAh t" dl','.a.d.-k"d, -"t ExEInt|I" t.-a VERIFIED STATDM9NT on DATES of RECEIPTS OI QUESTIOI{ED RESOLUTIONS l, IIA?OLEON C. BANZUELA, JR., Filipino of legal age, with oIficeaddress at Unit F Bartolazo Bldg-,J.P. Rizal Blvd., Bo. Malusal, Sta. Rosa City, Laguna, atter having s$,orn in accorddce sith law, under oath deposeand states: That, I am the counsel for the Petiaionersin the above entitled That, I d the lanyer handling the case bet$'eenthe petitioners and the private respondents TOYoTA MOTORS PHILS. COR?., beforethe public respondent National Labo. RelationsCommission; That copy of the Resolutjon dated December22, 2011 subject matter ofthe petition was receivedon Januari, 16, 2012. The motion for reconsideration of the said resolution was filed on January 26, 2012. Copy of the resolution dated February 7, 2012 denying petitioners' motion for reconsideratlon\{as receivedon Februa.f 27, 201,2. That pursuant to Sec. 4, Rule 65 of the Rul€s of Court, the undersignedcounselin behalfof the Petitioners,is liliog the present petition for Certiorai within the sixO NAPO arrrscRrBDD AtrD swoRr To before4€ in rhe quEzoiJ cnry this 27rh day of April 2012 by Napoleon Bezuela, Jr., who has satisfactorily p.oven his identity to me through hls IBP Lifetime Roll No. 01926 dd PTR No. 170284a issued on 01/05/12 at City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna, that he is the sde person who personally sianed the foreAoing affidavit before me dd acknowledged that he voluntdily executed tbe sde- .a-r*-|,-*_ . .^ !tlf! cil! lr,6'/11118 !E IIOTARY UNTILOEC.31,'012 PageNo. tDPlaN.[0,OS3!t,dllE2ori cl P f RM . 6 0 , 1 3 2 n .r . 5 r 0 t 2 nuN0.AllonilEYS d0.49755rC S erieso f 2 0 I 2 . MCLEOOrfiir0. O005/16'rd-7-Ot R.publc ofihe Philippines ct' oreUgld\r ctrt l )ss ATFIDAVIT Oa SER\"ICE l. EDI'ARDO AIJSA, JlL, of legal age dd with ofice address at Bd^eta & As$ciaies. Unit F Bstolzo Blds, J P Riz.I Blvd , BS/ Malusak. citv ot Sta Rose.L3euna a.fterbsng du v swom dePosrmd s:v That I m one of tie omc. staJts of Attv NapoLeonC. Bdzuela, Jt l That on April27,2012,I seruedacopvolthe lollowinsp1€ading/Pape': NATUREO!' PLEADING PEtITION FOR CERTIOR.ARI FoNALD BELEnT€t Al ve.sus NLRC ETAI-', i! ca* No. cA c.R sP No. pursudt to Section3,4,5 dd lo, of the RutesoiCoui' as foloGi DEI,/I ROAA & I{OGRAI,ES c@n.el for Respond€nts 22d Floor, Phnippin€ Stock W6t low€r, Exchdge Road Ortigas Cenrer, P6ig Citt on 27d day of April By d.p""iti"g . ".py 2012 in th€ Mdlla Po$ Omce as evidenced hcrcto by Ree.try R.ceipt(s) No(sl. ZIL :ft'.h€d dd indicated aJter the nme(s) or the addrcsseels), &d with instructions to the postmasterto retum the dal to tt€sen<lca aier ten llo)days ifundelile-d . . = NATIONALLABORRELATIONS COMMISS]ON = =K l! PPSTABuildins, Boawc, E Aiiet turlhd sayeth naught. /'u& 0" ,.EDSARDO ALISA, JR Amdt dav of APril sUBscRIBED AND swoRN To before n.(!tt&@llaafi927rh has satjsfactorily provcn hjs id€nlity to m. 2Ol2 by Edutrdo Alisa, Jr., 'ho ihat h. b the 8ue FBon who p.r$naDy throush hi. vRR No. 3428050003495 6ien.d th. foresoins alfidavit b.rorc m. dd acknowledgedt\at hc volurtar y t- t2412 IIOTA B;k No.-_ld- rctt o.lTlonErsN019756tC. PbaeNo. M IEPlnN.N0.0533t,!! 0 t2 cor,rtm.00cr5/2 tricLE