Filipino Star - December 2010 Edition

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Vol. XXVIII, No 12 December 2010
Aquino orders charges vs
'Morong 43' dropped
drop all criminal charges against 43
being New People's Army (NPA) rebels
engaged in bomb-making activities.
In a speech during the
celebration of Human Rights Day,
Aquino said his administration
recognizes that the "Morong 43" were
denied the right to due process when
they were arrested and charged with
illegal possession of firearms and
"As a government that is
committed to the rule of law and the
rights of man, this cannot stand.
Therefore, I have ordered the DOJ to
withdraw the informations filed before
the court. This will in effect, subject to
court approval, free those among them
who have no other standing warrants in
other courts," he said at the celebration
of the 62nd Anniversary of the
Universal Declaration on Human
Rights. He added: "Let this be a concrete
health workers who were arrested in
Rizal last February on suspicion of
See Page 4
Members of Morong 43in a meeting with Quezon Rep. Erin Tanada inside a detention facility
in Camp Bagong Diwa.
MANILA, Philippines President
Benigno Aquino III on Friday ordered
the Department of Justice (DOJ) to
President Benigno Aquino III
Morong 43
Truth Commission ‘unconstitional’
Philippines high court rules 'truth commission'
Andrea Bottorff at 11:06 AM ET Dec. 7, 2010
The Supreme Court of the Philippines
on Tuesday ruled that a proposed "truth
commission" created to investigate former
president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is
unconstitutional. President Benigno Aquino
[BBC profile] set up the "truth commission" in
July to investigate allegations that the
outgoing administration engaged in corruption
and rights violations, like rigging the 2004
presidential election, misusing government
funds and profiting from government
contracts. The court held that the "truth
commission" violates equal protection by
attacking only certain political individuals
suspected of corruption. Critics of the court's
decision argue that most of the justices were Former Supreme Court Judge, Halario Davide (center) talks to the press in Manila.
Editorial . . . . . . .. . . . .
Cooperative News . . . . . . . . . 3
Any Which Way (Op.Ed.) .
Ta g a l o g C o r n e r.
. . . . 5
. . , . . . . .
Ask the Video Guy . . . . . . . . .10
Philippine Cuisine . . . . . . . .
Showbiz Gossip . . . . . . . . . . 18
Classified Ads....... . . . . . . . 21
See Page 4
- Truth Commission
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays
Maligayang Pasko sa inyong lahat
Filipino Solidarity Cooperative, Inc. (trading name: Marché Coop)
5710 Victoria Avenue Business Hours:
Save money and shop during our
Montreal, QC H3W 3H2
inventory clearance sale
December 15 - 24, 2010
Tel.: 514-733-8915
Mon. to Wed. - 13:00-17:30
Thurs. to Fri. - 13:00-20:00
Sat. to Sun. - 13:00-17:30
Delivery service - Tues & Sun. from 6 to 8
p.m. - orders of $50 or more, $5 delivery fee
Thank you for your patronage.
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Business Hours
Cooperative News
Monday to Wednesday
1:00 to 5:30 P.M.
Thursday & Friday
1:00 to 8:00 P.M.
Saturday & Sunday
1:00 to 5:30 P.M.
Product specials and merchandise
inventory clearance
It is now almost the end of the
year. Stock inventory time is again
here. To make the inventory much
easier, we would like to hold an
inventory clearance sale.
therefore ask our members to help us
accomplish this task by coming to
shop during this clearance sale to be
held between December 15 to 24,
2010 during our business hours.
We are trying hard to make
the Cooperative become the best
place to shop by offering our
members the convenience of making
phone orders so that they can save
time. We also would like to make the
Coop a one-stop shop by asking them
to call in their orders ahead of time so
that we can complete our supplies.
And perhaps, the most important
feature of the new Marché Coop is our
competitive low prices. We will be
having sales more frequently to call
attention to the Cooperative Store and
change attitudes of our fellow
kababayan - that is, from negative to
positive - all for the cause of UNITY.
We hope to see many more
members be reminded of their
obligation to patronize their own store.
We are planning to hold a
Valentine’s party to raise funds for the
Coop. We are counting on your
support to make it successful.
Please reserve this date on
your social calendar - Saturday,
February 12, 2011. More details will
follow in the next issue of the Star.
Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi
President (2008-2011)
5710 Victoria (near Cote St.
Catherine Road & Metro,
basement of
Cuisine de
Manille Restaurant)
Delivery service available on
Tuesday & Sunday
for orders of $50 or more
in Côte-des-Neiges & NotreDame-de-Grâce areas
(Operated and managed by
member volunteers)
We thank you for your patronage of the first and only
Filipino solidarity cooperative in Quebec.
Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays
For your information, interesting
statistics about cooperatives:
Statistical Information on the
Co-operative Movement
The Co-operative Movement
brings together over 1 billion people
around the world. The United Nations
estimated in 1994 that the livelihood of
nearly 3 billion people, or half of the
world's population, was made secure
by co-operative enterprise. These
enterprises continue to play significant
economic and social roles in their
communities. Below are some facts
about the Movement that demonstrate
their relevance and contribution to
economic and social development.
800 million people members of co-ops
Large segments of the population are
members of co-operatives
* In Asia 45.3 million people
are members of a credit union.
Confederation of Credit Unions, Annual
Report 2007/2008)
* In Argentina, there are
12,670 co-operative societies with over
9.3 million members - approximately
23.5% of the population. (Source: "Las
Cooperativas y las Mutuales en la
Nacional de Asociativismo y Economia
Social (INAES), 30 June 2008)
* In Belgium, there were
29,933 co-operative societies in 2001
* In Bolivia, 2,940,211 people
or one -third of the population is a
member of the 1590 co-operatives. (
Cooperativo (DNC), 2008 as reported
aciamé Nº65, December,
* In Canada, four of every ten
Canadians are members of at least one
approximately 70% of the population
are co-op members, while in
Saskatchewan 56% are members.
Source: Co-operative Secretariat,
Government of Canada.
*In Colombia over 4.8 million
people or 10.6% of the population are
members of the 8,124 co-operatives in
the country. The movement reports an
annual growth rate of 7.78% with
348,249 new members joining cooperatives
CONFECOOP. Gestión para construire
una mejor opción de vida: Desempeno
del Sector Cooperativo Colombiano
* Costa Rica counts over 10%
of its population as members of cooperatives.
* Finland's, S-Group has a
membership of 1,468,572 individuals
which represents 62% of Finnish
households. (Source: SOK Corporation
Annual Report 2004)
* In France, 23 million people are
members of one or more co-operatives or
See Page 4
Facts about Coops
This photo shows an inside look of the new Marché Coop, smaller and more compact.
Due to a recent flood, the ceiling is still being fixed by the landlord . If all members who
have fully paid their membership fee of $100 will come and buy from their own Coop
store, there is no reason in the world why it will not become profitable soon and
everyone will benefit from the return of their small investment.
Featuring our Rice Sale
only $33.99 per sack of 20 kgs
Regular price: $35.85 (Limit of 2 per client)
Come and see other in-store specials
December 15-24, 2010
Proposed 2011 Calendar of Activities
Filipino Solidarity Cooperative (Marché Coop)
December 15-24, 2010 13:00-17:00
February 12, 2011
6:00 -12:00
March 13, 2011
2:00 - 4:00
(Subject to the approval of the Board of
Inventory Clearance Sale
Valentines Party (Fund Raising)
General Assembly & Election
Directors - final details to follow).
December 2010
Let’s reflect on the true
meaning of Christmas
Amidst the hustle and bustle of
the Holiday Season, people get
overwhelmed and feel lost about the
true meaning of Christmas. In this
highly advanced technological world
where gadgets of all kinds attract our
correctness seems to be more
important than the old fashion values of
religious freedom, most if not all of us
may feel confused about the choice of
words to say to each other: Should we
say Merry Christmas or Happy
Holidays? It seems sad to think that we
even have to worry about this when
there are more important things in life.
We are not denying the
existence of other faiths and different
points of view, however, it is certainly
important to clarify what the true
meaning of Christmas is according to
the Christian tradition. in order to keep
our faith intact and pass it on to our
future generations.
The following
excerpt from Lee Strobel’s book entitled
“The Case for Christmas: A Journalist
Investigates the Identity of the Child in
the Manger” provides a comprehensive
view of what Christmas used to be and
should continue to be:
“The true meaning of Christmas
is love. John 3:16-17 says, "For God so
loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life. For
God did not send his Son into the world
to condemn the world, but to save the
world through him." The true meaning of
Christmas is the celebration of this
incredible act of love.
The real Christmas story is the
story of God's becoming a human being
in the Person of Jesus Christ. Why did
God do such a thing? Because He loves
us! Why was Christmas necessary?
Because we needed a Savior! Why does
God love us so much? Because He is
love itself (1 John 4:8). Why do we
celebrate Christmas each year? Out of
gratitude for what God did for us, we
remember His birth by giving each other
gifts, worshipping Him, and being
especially conscious of the poor and
less fortunate.
The true meaning of Christmas
is love. God loved His own and provided
a way—the only Way—for us to spend
eternity with Him. He gave His only Son
to take our punishment for our sins. He
paid the price in full, and we are free
from condemnation when we accept
that free gift of love. "But God
demonstrated His own love for us in
this: while we were still sinners, Christ
died for us" (Romans 5:8).”
As can be gleaned from the
above excerpt, the idea that God really
love us, and wants to save us to have
eternal life is a very powerful motivator
and an inspiring story to think about,
especially during this time of the year.
There are many things that have been
distracting our attention from the
spiritual aspects of our existence. For
most of us, we are preoccupied with the
materialistic world where we have to
strive hard in order to survive. To seek
a balance between the physical and
spiritual world is often times not an easy
task. Therefore, it helps to take time out
during this holiday season to think of
the true meaning of Christmas in order
to encourage us to seek the harmony
between our body and soul.
A deeper reflection on the
meaning of Christmas may also lead us
to be more forgiving. If we practice the
true precepts of our faith, and believe
that God loves us, and forgives us our
sins, why can we not do the same to our
fellow human beings? Admittedly, it is
often hard to forget what they may have
done to us, when they have hurt us not
only in words but also in deeds. It is not
easy to give the other cheek. Rather, it
is easier to hit back and make our
enemies feel the brunt of our anger. “An
eye for an eye” mentality seems to be a
common human reaction to justify
revenge. If we agree with this type of
behavior or even consider this
justifiable, how can we continue to
celebrate Christmas? If we find it easy
to find faults in others and never look at
our own first, can we call ourselves
Christians? How sincere are we in
proclaiming that we believe in God
when we really do not follow most of His
On the other hand, if we could
become truer to our Christian faith, if we
could just realize that we are all created
equal but with different gifts or talents
that we should use to make this world a
better place, if we could focus on
finding the good rather than the bad
side of human nature, and if we could
accept that we all have both
weaknesses and strengths, we would
all become better human beings and
able to appreciate the true meaning of
Christmas everyday of our life.
5450, chemin de la Cote-des-Neiges Suite 511
Montreal, QC H3T 1Y6
Address ____________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________ E-Mail: ________________________________
2 years - $45
Philippine bishop
accuses Santa of
stealing Christmas
Agence France-Presse
First Posted 03:01:00 12/04/2010
MANILA, Philippines—A senior
statesman of the Philippines' dominant
Catholic church has accused Santa
Claus of stealing the true spirit of
Christmas, which he said is
deteriorating into a shopping frenzy.
In comments published by a
Roman Catholic website on Friday,
Teodoro Bacani, a newly retired Manila
bishop, said Santa Claus now had too
much appeal in the Philippines, where
eight in 10 people are baptised
"Santa Claus helps promote
consumerism because he is the
symbol of shopping and gift-giving.
Christ symbolises the sacrifice of life
for man. But Santa has more
commercial draw," Bacani said.
Bacani lamented that statues
and images of Santa Claus were now
displayed prominently across the
Philippines while the traditional
Christian symbol of the creche
denoting the birth of Jesus was
Filipinos should remember
that Christmas is meant to celebrate
the birth of Jesus, said Bacani, a
former close confidant of the late
Philippine leader and democracy icon
Corazon Aquino.
"Let us keep Christ at
Christmas. Let us project Christ at
Christmas," he said in comments
carried by the Catholic Bishops
Conference of the Philippines
It said the comments were
originally made in an interview with the
Manila Catholic radio station, Veritas.
Philippines, communist
rebels agree to Christmas
The Associated Press
Updated: Fri. Dec. 3 2010 6:49 AM ET
MANILA, Philippines —The
Philippine government and communist
rebels announced Friday they will
resume peace negotiations to end the
41-year-old Maoist insurgency early
next year after the talks were
suspended more than six years ago.
The two sides also agreed
during two days of informal meetings
in Hong Kong this week to observe a
cease-fire for the Christmas and New
Year's holidays from Dec. 16 to Jan. 3,
2011, chief government negotiator
Alexander Padilla and his rebel
counterpart Luis Jalandoni said in
separate statements.
The government and the
rebels will hold preliminary talks in
January to pave the way for the formal
resumption of peace negotiations
tentatively set for late February in Oslo,
Norway, they said.
The Norwegian government is
brokering the talks for a political
settlement of one of Asia's longestrunning insurgencies.
The Dec. 1-2 talks in Hong
meaningful," Padilla said.
Padilla informed Jalandoni, a
former Roman Catholic priest living in
exile in The Netherlands, that an
agreement giving safe passage and
immunity to rebel negotiators and their
staff had been restored. An order that
could prevent Jalandoni from leaving
the Philippines was also lifted, he said.
government to release 43 health
workers arrested early this year on
suspicion they were part of the New
People's Army -- the armed wing of the
underground Communist Party of the
Philippines -- and to withdraw charges
consultants to show additional
goodwill and build confidence for the
resumption of talks.
The Marxist umbrella group
National Democratic Front, which
represents the rebels in the talks,
withdrew from the negotiating table in
2004 after accusing the government of
then-President Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo of instigating the inclusion of
the Communist Party and its armed
wing on U.S. and European lists of
terrorists organizations.
Hopes were raised for the
resumption of talks with the communist
insurgents, as well as with Muslim
separatist rebels, after the country's
new and popular president, Benigno
Aquino III, took office June 30.
Aquino, son of Philippine
democracy icons Corazon Aquino and
Benigno Aquino Jr., reconstituted the
government peace panels in the talks
with rebel groups.
Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi
The North American Filipino Star
1 year - $25
The North American Filipino Star
Your copy will be mailed to you every month.
Please make your cheque payable to the
North American Filipino Star.
5450 chemin de la Cote des Neiges
Suite 511
Montreal, Quebec H3T 1Y6
Tel.: 514-485-7861 Fax: 514-485-3076
Published by Filcan Publications, Inc.
Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi
Chief Editor & Publisher
Al Abdon
Jerry Estrada
Alberto Baens Santos
Sam Kevin
News & Layout Editor
Bert Abiera
Hilda T. Veloso
Community News
Opinion Editorial
The opinions expressed by the writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect that of
the management of the North American Filipino Star and its editors.
From Page 1
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Morong 43
example of how our administration is
working in the broad light of day to
build a country where the law protects
us equally. The culture of silence,
injustice and impunity that once
reigned is now a thing of the past."
Thirty-eight of the health
workers are detained at Camp Bagong
Diwa in Taguig City while the rest are
still at Camp Capinpin in Tanay, Rizal.
The 'Morong 43' went on
hunger strike last week (Dec. 3) for the
immediate withdrawal of charges
against them and their immediate
drafting the new MTPDP for 2010 to
Badcock said that the new
human-rights-based MTPDP is "very
relevant" in the country's effort to meet
its MDs by 2015.
"The integration of humanrights-based approaches to MTPDP is
a very good start," she said, but urged
the government to set in motion longterm efforts to intensify its human rights
replacement for the retiring chief
justice [JURIST report] who planned to
step down a week after the May
presidential elections. Arroyo declared
martial law [JURIST report] in
December for the first time in 23 years
in the wake of a massacre in the
Maguindanao province that left 57
dead. In February, prosecutors
From Page 1
Facts about Coops
approximately 38% of the population. 75%
of all agricultural producers are members
of at least one co-operative and 1 in every
AFP's rights-based approach
Commission on Human Rights 3 persons is a member of co-operative
(CHR) head Loretta Ann Rosales, bank. (Source: Top 100 des Entreprises
Coopératives et panorama sectoriel, 2010)
meanwhile, said she is optimistic that
* In Germany, there are 20 million people
the new military leadership will take a who are members of co-operatives, 1 out
more rights-based approach in of 4 people.
Anti-Torture Law
Friday's announcement came quelling the communist insurgency.
* In Iran, there are over 130,000 coRosales said that there is "a lot operative societies with 23 million
after Aquino and other government
officials signed the implementing rules of goodwill and energy" on the part of members or approximately 33% of the
and regulations of Republic Act No. the new sets of officials of the Armed population.
Forces of the Philippines (AFP). The (Source:
9745 or the Anti-Torture Law of 2009.
* In Indonesia, 27.5% families
UN Coordinator to the military generals, she said, are now
Philippines Jacqueline Badcock said more open to ending insurgency representing approximately 80 million
individuals are members of co-operatives.
the Philippine government is now on through "political solutions rather than
(Source: Ministry of Co-operative & SMEs,
the right track to reaching one of the militarist solution."
Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
* In Japan, 1 out of every 3 families is a
Philippine National Police (PNP) has member of a co-operatives.
in 2015.
In her speech, Badcock said also started its human-rights-based
* in Kenya 1 in 5 is a member of a cooperative or 5.9 million and and 20 million
the Philippines is the UN member- transformation.
She also reported that CHR Kenyans directly or indirectly derive their
country to start "mainstreaming human
rights in development planning," personnel are now busy giving livelihood
referring to the government's new seminars to government employees in Movement.
* In India, over 239 million people are
Medium-Term Philippine Development the national and regional levels on how
members of a co-operative.
to integrate human rights in
Plan (MTPDP).
* In Malaysia, 6.78 million people or 27%
President Aquino did a first development planning.
of the total population are members of co*****
when he ordered the inclusion of the
Commission on Human Rights in
Development, Department of Co-operative
Bishops back Aquino on Truth Commission Issue
Development, Malaysia, Statistics 31
While they oppose him on the corruption cases committed during the December 2009)
* In New Zealand, 40% of the adult
reproductive health (RH) issue, Catholic administration of his predecessor,
population are members of co-operatives
bishops expressed their support for former President Gloria Arroyo.
“Aquino should not surrender and mutuals. (Source: New Zealand CoPresident Benigno Simeon Aquino III
on the issue about the Truth using other means to pursue the truth operative Association, 2007)
* In Norway of 4.8 million people, 2
because he pledged for it that he would
The Supreme Court (SC) on go after the alleged corruptions of the million are members of co-operatives. A lot
of people are members of several coDecember 7 declared as unconsti- past administration," said Gutierrez.
operatives, therefore, the total number of
Jaro (Iloilo) Archbishop Angel memberships are much higher. (Source:
tutional Aquino's Executive Order (EO)
No. 1 creating the Philippine Truth Lagdameo said probing abuses under The Co-operative Centre of Norway)
Arroyo is a “matter of justice" and must
* In Singapore, 50% of the population
The SC said E.O. No. 1 be pursued through all possible and (1.6 million people) are members of a co"violates the equal protection clause of legal means.
“The government must also
* In the United States, 4 in 10 individuals
the Constitution" for focusing on the
is a member of a co-operative (25%).
administration of President Gloria find other means to find the truth
Co-operatives are significant economic
especially if it has connection to the
actors in national economies
On Thursday, some bishops common good," he said.
* In Belgium, co-operative pharmacies
Meanwhile, Sorsogon Bishop
urged Aquino to find other means to
have a market share of 19.5%.
ensure that those behind alleged Arturo Bastes said the Truth
* In Benin, FECECAM, a savings and
anomalies in the past administration will Commission might be a good step in
credit co-operative federation provided
bringing necessary closure to the
be held accountable.
USD 16 million in rural loans in 2002.
Marbel allegations of official wrongdoing and
* In Brazil, co-operatives are responsible
Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez said in an impunity.
for 37.2% of the agricultural GDP in 200
article posted on the Catholic Bishops'
and total GDP of 5.39% in 2009. Brazilian
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) the idea was good. But then again I’m agricultural co-operatives exported their
disappointed with what happened,"
products for a total of USD 3.6 billion.
news site.
Health co-operatives provided medical and
Gutierrez said Aquino must find said Bastes. – VVP/HS, GMANews.TV
dental services to 17.7 million people.
other ways to investigate alleged
(Source: Organisation of Brazilian Cosummer, prompting a call for him to operatives: Report 2010)
issue an executive order to make the
From Page 1 Truth Commission
* In Bolivia, Cooperativa de Ahorro y
commission official and clear up any Crédito "Jesús Nazareno" Ltda. (CJN)
appointed by Arroyo and may still be ambiguity regarding its authority. handled 25% of the savings in Bolivia in
loyal [Philippine Daily Inquirer report] Arroyo has repeatedly denied any 2002.
* Canadian maple sugar co-operatives
to the previous regime. Justice wrongdoing. She was elected to the
Secretary Leila De Lima criticized the lower house of parliament in April after produce 35% of the world's maple sugar
ruling [press release] as "a setback in receiving permission to run for the seat production.
* In Côte d'Ivoire co-operatives invested
the campaign against graft and [JURIST report] despite protests that
corruption." The government has 15 her presidency gave her an unfair USD 26 million for setting up schools,
building rural roads and establishing
days to appeal the decision.
advantage. In March, Aquino and other maternal clinics.
presidential candidates criticized as
* In Colombia, the 8,124 co-operatives
Aquino announced plans to create the "unjust" a Supreme Court ruling that are responsible for 4.96% of the GDP in
commission [JURIST report] over the allowed Arroyo to appoint a 2009 . They employ over 137,888 people
charged 197 people with murder
[JURIST report] in connection with the
massacre. A Manila trial court ordered
the arrest of 189 more suspects
[JURIST report] in March. Eleven
policemen and militia members
pleaded not guilty [JURIST report] to
the charges in April.
46% of which are men and 54% women.
and some sectors are providing a
significant proportion of the jobs - 22.27%
of all health sector jobs are provided by cooperatives, 14.7% of the jobs in the
transport sector, 7.7 % in agriculture and
6.44% of the jobs in the financial sector.
Co-ops provide 91% of all microcredit in
the country. (Source: CONFECOOP.
Gestión para construire una mejor opción
de vida: Desempeno del Sector
Cooperativo Colombiano 2009)
* In Cyprus, the co-operative movement
held 30% of the market in banking
services, and handled 35% of all marketing
of agricultural produce.
* In Denmark, consumer co-operatives
in 2007 held 36.4% of consumer retail
market. (Source: Coop Norden AB Annual
Report 2007)
* Finnish co-operative groups within
Pellervo were responsible for 74% of the
meat products, 96% of dairy products; 50%
of the egg production, 34% of forestry
products and handled 34.2% of the total
deposits in Finnish banks.
* In France, the co-operative movement
has a turnover of 181 billion Euros. Cooperatives handle 60% of retail banking,
40% of food and agricultural production,
and 25% of retail sales. (Source: Top 100
des Entreprises Coopératives et panorama
sectoriel, 2010)
* Hungary, consumer co-operatives
members of Co-op Hungary are
responsible for 14.4% of the national food
and general retail sales in 2004. (Source:
Co-op Hungary, Statistical Data 2004)
* In Iran, co-operatives contribute 6% of
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
* In Japan, the agricultural co-operatives
report outputs of USD 90 billion with 91%
of all Japanese farmers in membership. In
2007 consumer co-operatives reported a
total turnover of USD 34.048 billion with
5.9% of the food market share. (Source:
Co-op 2007 Facts & Figures, Japanese
Consumers' Co-operative Union)
* In Kenya, co-operatives are
responsible for 45% of the GDP and 31% of
national savings and deposits. They have
70% of the coffee market, 76% dairy, 90%
pyrethrum, and 95% of cotton.
* In Korea, agricultural co-operatives
have a membership of over 2 million
farmers (90% of all farmers), and an output
of USD 11 billion. The Korean fishery cooperatives also report a market share of
* In Kuwait, the Kuwaiti Union of
Consumer Co-operative Societies whose
members are 6.5% of the Kuwaiti
population handled nearly 70% of the
national retail trade in 2007.
* In Singapore, consumer co-operatives
hold 55% of the market in supermarket
purchases. NTUC Fairprice was the 2nd
largest retailler in Singapore with a S$1.65
AsiaOneBusiness: Dairy Farm is top
retailer in S'pore, 20 August 2009)
(To be continued next issue of the
North American Filipino Star)
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December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Any Which Way
Bernardo “Budz” Sarmiento
Farcical Maharlika awardee runs
amok at UPS election
In an indiscreet and shameless
display of puerile behavior usually seen
in a mentally deranged person,
Brujulita des Parado, the duplicitous
and conspiratorial recipient of the 2010
Maharlika (pronounced ma-a-wa-ka)
Award, treacherously attacked this
columnist from behind without any
warning. The many people who
witnessed the incident unanimously
said that she wouldn’t have been
brazenly pugnacious if she and I were
the only two people in that social hall at
St. Kevin’s Church. The implication is
that she was spoiling for a fight only
because she knew that there were
people who wouldn’t let us get any
closer to each other. As the Tagalog
saying goes, “Nanggigigil dahil may
pipigil.” I wish that the people assigned
to secure the peace during the UPS
election had just defenestrated Queen
Meanie and asked her not to come
back for good. I believe that the
community will be better off if she and
Fraud are sent into exile.
Many people who participated
in the election said that one of the
reasons Mrs. Nini Francisco lost the
election was because she had the bad
luck of being backed up by Frauderico
Crass Magallanes and Brujulita des
Parado whose support, the same
people believed, was a kiss of death for
whomever the twin evils sided with. If
Midas turned anything he touched into
gold, Fraud and Brujulita turn any
probable winner they support into sure
loser. In hindsight, what Myrna M.
Francisco, Mrs. Francisco’s daughterin-law and virtual campaign manager,
should have done was discouraged
Fraud and Brujulita from supporting her
mother-in-law. After all, was it not Fraud
who belittled in his newspaper Myrna’s
leadership skill and ability to preside a
meeting when she was the acting
president of the FNAQ?
While addition is the norm in
politics, I opine that it’s political suicide
to add Frauderico and Brujulita to your
political campaign. Otherwise, all your
efforts at winning will surely go down
the drain.
repugnant conduct during the UPS
election, in addition to her dishonest
business practices that led to the
revocation of her license to sell airline
tickets, not to mention her myriad other
transgressions, has given credence to
many people’s opinion that she doesn’t
really deserve the Maharlika Award no
matter what glowing words her staunch
ally and fellow NPD sufferer Magallanes
deservingness (See Editorial Page,
Page 6, Filipino Forum, November
2010 Edition). People know that
whatever is there in his latest editorial is
nothing but blatant lies written by the
biggest liar since Pinocchio. The rule of
thumb is, if Frauderico Crass
Magallanes says it, chances are it’s a
lie. Speaking of said editorial, it seems
like something taken from the pages of
a Saturday Night Live script or, better
yet, a lampoon issue of Filipino Forum.
It would have been very funny if it
weren’t so pathetic.
I am positive that if the
Maharlika Award contest were done
like the CNN Hero of the Year is done
where the viewers are allowed to cast
their votes for their favorite candidate,
Brujulita des Parado would never have
won. One only has to know who the
judges were on that fateful evening to
figure out why she won. Aside from
that, almost all of the other contestants
are minor and inconsequential players
in the community who haven’t really
accomplished anything exceptional.
Frauderico Crass Magallanes
and Brujulita des Parado do not have
any fiber of decency and integrity in
their bodies. That’s why I couldn’t help
cachinnating upon reading Fraud’s
latest editorial extolling her for virtues
she never had and for things she never
did. It’s pure figment of Frauderico’s
imagination as if he wrote it under the
influence of a hallucinogenic drug.
NANG TALAGA – Talagang napakatapang
ng apog at napakalaki ng sira sa ulo
nitong si Frauderico Crass Magallanes,
ang hambog at nagpapanggap na
periodista, at punong-patnugot ng
Forum. Akalain n’yo ba na ako pa
ngayon ang pinalalabas n’ya na “bully”
(“Facing down a bully’s vicious
onslaught,” Page 31, November 2010
edition, Filipino Forum) samantalang
nambabastos at malupit na nangaabuso sa mga kapwa n’ya Pinoy rito
sa Montreal simula pa noong 1970’s.
Napakarami na nga ang natutuwa at
nagpapasalamat sa inyong lingkod
dahil sa wakas meron na raw isang
Pinoy na handa at may kakayahang
lumaban sa demonyong Frauderico, at
nagtatanggol sa kanila matapos ang
apatnapung taong pagtitiis sa kanyang
mga kamay. Ang iba nga ay
nagtatanong pa kung bakit ngangayon
lang daw ako lumabas. Sana raw ay
noon pa ako nagsulat laban kay Fraud.
Heto ang isinulat ni Fraud sa
Forum: “If the Filipino community hates
one thing more than a love rat, it’s a
bully.” Ang tawag sa ganoong
statement ay Freudian slip na
patungkol sa kanyang sarili. Anyway,
sang-ayon ako sa kanyang sinabi, kaya
nga napakaraming tao na ang
nasusuklam kay Magallanes dahil siya
mismo ang bully na nagpapahirap sa
buong komunidad nang mahigit apat
na dekada.
Tell me, Fraud, nang labanan
ba ni San Miguel ang demonyo na
ikinaikli ng kanyang isang paa, bully ba
ang arkanghel? Nang patayin ba ni
Lapulapu si Magellan, bully ba si
Lapulapu? Nang lumaban sina
Bonifacio at Aguinaldo sa mga Kastila,
bully ba ang mga nasabing bayani?
Nang giyerahin ng Allied Forces si
Adolf Hitler at ang kanyang Nazis, bully
ba ang Allied Forces? Nang lusubin at
patayin ng mga Amerikano si Saddam
Hussein sa Iraq, bully ba ang mga
Amerikano? Ngayon, bully ba si Budz
Sarmiento kung nilalabanan n’ya ang
pang-aapi at pang-aabuso nina
Frauderico at des Parado?
Narito nga pala ang definition
ng “bully” ayon sa
Bully is a blustering, quarrelsome,
overbearing person who habitually
badgers and intimidates smaller or
weaker people. Ito naman ang sabi sa
Encarta Dictionary: an aggressive
person who intimidates or mistreats
weaker people. Ang keyword sa
dalawang definitions ay “weaker
people.” Weaker people ba sina
Frauderico at Brujulita kumpara sa
akin? Hindi ba maliwanag na ang
tinutukoy ng definition na quarrelsome
at overbearing ay sina Frauderico at
Brujulita, at hindi ako? Hindi ba sina
Frauderico at Brujulita, at hindi ako,
ang palagi nang maiingay, basag-ulero
at mapagmataas na wala nang ginawa
kundi mambuwisit at manakot ng mga
maliliit at mahihinang tao?
Sa katunayan, noon lang
nakaraang Linggo, November 14, sa
eleksyon ng UPS, hinabol at inaway
ako ni Brujulita. Akala n’ya siguro ay
istupido ako para pumatol sa kanya.
Batay sa pangyayaring iyon, paanong
ako ang naging “bully?” Sa katunayan
tagapagtanggol ako ng mga inaapi
nina Fraud at Brujulita, at hindi bully.
Itong si Fraud talaga, napakahilig
mambaligtad ng mga katotohanan.
Tulad na lang ng sinabi n’ya sa
kanyang artikulo (BS gets it all wrong
on Federation presidency, Page 30,
November 2010 Edition, Filipino
Forum): There are now three certainties
in life: death, taxes and the stupidity of
Bernardo (BS) Sarmiento. Clearly, he is
very selective. He didn’t include his
propensity for lying and his tendency to
dump on his critics. They are certainly
certainties as volumes upon volumes of
his newspaper will attest.
Isa pa, mahilig si Fraud na
gumamit ng argumentong ad hominem
(argument attacking the person rather
than his argument) sa tuwing wala
s’yang magandang pansagot sa mga
isinulat ko. Ito ang mga isinulat ko na
hindi n’ya pinansin o pinabulaanan:
ang napabalitang pagnanakaw sa mga
pasyente ng kanyang anak na si Paul,
ang natsismis na pagiging “love rat” (to
borrow Fraud’s own words) ng
kanyang asawang si Patria noong nasa
pagkasamsam ng licence to sell airline
tickets ni des Parado bilang parusa sa
kanya bunga ng kanyang pagbebenta
ng mga nasabing ticket nang labag sa
batas, ang pagkasipa sa kanya ng UP
noong school year ‘68-‘69, at ang
pagwi-withdraw nina Angelita Ogerio
ng halagang $997.00 ng People
Sabagay, ano pa nga ba ang
maaasahan mo sa isang malala na ang
sakit na Narcissistic Personality
Disorder (NPD) kundi baligtarin ang
lahat ng katotohanan. Iyon ang
natutuhan ko sa libro na sinulat ni
Sandy Hotchkiss, isang dalubhasa sa
larangan ng psychotherapy at author
ng sikat na librong "Why is it Always
About You?: The Seven Deadly Sins of
Narcissism." Lahat ng nasasabi sa
naturang libro ay tugmang-tugma kay
Frauderico na para bang s’ya ang
model o inspirasyon ni Dr. Hotchkiss
nang sinusulat n’ya iyon.
See Page 7
Any Which Way
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The North American Filipino Star
Zealand and organic grains from the
Pacific Northwest and Canada.
Butte Creek Brewery, established in
1998 in Chico, California, brews
organic Pilsner, Porter, Pale Ale and
India Pale Ale. Their award-winning
beers are distributed internationally.
Olympia, Washington-based Fish Tale
Organic Ales has been brewing ales,
porters and stouts to rave reviews
since 1993, and introduced its first
certified organic beer in 2000. And
E/The Otter Creek Brewery in Middlebury,
Environmental Magazine
Vermont produces a line of organic
ales called Wolaver’s, which includes
Dear EarthTalk: I see more and more an Oatmeal Stout and a Pumpkin Ale.
organic wines on store shelves these
days, but what options are out there The UK’s Samuel Smith Brewery turns
today for organic beer?
out a full line of acclaimed organic ale,
-- Ken Strong, lager and fruit beers. Other popular
Wichita, KS
choices include Pinkus Organic
unquantifiable in dollar terms, of other
economic acts. For example, a
negative externality of a power plant
that is otherwise producing a useful
good (electricity) is the air pollution it
generates. In traditional economics,
the harmful effect of the pollution
(smog, acid rain, global warming) on
human health and the environment is
not factored in as a cost in the overall
economic equation. And as the
economists go, so go the governments
that rely on them. The result is that
most nations do not consider
environmental and other externalities
in their calculations of gross domestic
product (GDP) and other key
economic indicators (which by
extension are supposed to be
indicators of public health and well-
Munster Alt, Peak Organic, New
Belgium’s Mothership Wit Wheat Beer,
and Lakefront Organic ESB, among
others. And Whole Foods Markets now
produces its own private label organic
beer called Lamar Street, which is
known for its rich flavor and low cost.
Cooperative, which has been selling
organic brewing ingredients for a
decade already, organic beers tend to
feature exceptional clarity and a clean,
flavorful taste. “On a more technical
side, organic malts on average have a
lower protein content which produces a
clear mash and less haze problems in
the finished beer,” reports Seven
Bridges. “Organic malts and hops have
no chemical residues to interfere with
fermentation to give the organic brewer
a clean, unadulterated beer.”
One way to sample dozens of organic
beers at once is to attend the North
American Organic Brewers Festival
(NAOBF), held every June in Portland,
Oregon. Whether you clue into organic
beers at this event or just at your local
pub you can't go wrong by spreading
your eco-consciousness to your beer
Association,; Seven
Cooperative,; Eel River
Brewing,; Fish
QUESTIONS TO: EarthTalk®, c/o E –
The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box
06881; E is a
nonprofit publication. Subscribe:
w w w. e m a g a z i n e . c o m / s u b s c r i b e ;
Seven Bridges mail you all the Request
ingredients you need to brew your own
organic beer at home, but most of us
would rather just enjoy the finished
product. Depending on where you live, Dear EarthTalk: In my business
you might have dozens of organic beer courses in college, we were taught that
brands available in bottles and even on ecological degradation was an
tap at your favorite watering hole.
“externality”—something outside the
One of the most visible is Fortuna,
California-based Eel River Brewing
Company, founded in 1996. Eel River
has the distinction of being America’s
first certified organic brewery. Their IPA,
Pale Ale, Porter, Amber Ale, Blonde Ale,
Old Ale and Imperial Stout are all
crafted from organic hops from New
purview of economic analyses. Now
that the environment is of such
concern, are economists beginning to
rethink this?
Dawson, Flagstaff, AZ
By definition, economic externalities
are the indirect negative (or positive)
projects around poorer parts of the
globe, is starting to think outside the
traditional economic box. This past
October, World Bank president Robert
Zoellick told participants at a
conference for the Convention on
Biological Diversity (an international
treaty signed by 193 countries—not
including the U.S.—that went into effect
in 1993 to sustain biodiversity) that “the
natural wealth of nations should be a
capital asset valued in combination
with its financial capital, manufactured
capital and human capital.” Zoellick’s
comments are the first sign from the
World Bank of its recognition of the
need to consider externalities in any
overall economic assessment. “[We]
need to reflect the vital carbon storage
services that forests provide and the
coastal protection values that come
from coral reefs and mangroves,” he
Critics are still waiting to see if the
World Bank will walk its talk. “It’s a fine
rhetorical start,” says the New York
Times’ Andrew Revkin in his blog. “But
the announcement by the bank of a
$10 million ‘Save Our Species’ fund,
with the United Nations Global
Environmental Facility and International
Union for Conservation of Nature,
seems quite piddling in a world where
money flows in the trillions,” he adds.
Indeed, we may still be a ways off from
including our environmental impacts
into our measures of social wealth and
health, but at least the World Bank has
gone on record as to the need to do so,
and you can be sure that environmental
advocates will be working to hold its
feet to the fire.
Not surprisingly, even the big boys are
beginning to jump in. Anheuser-Busch
is pushing its Stone Mill, Wild Hops
and Green Valley organic beers. And
Miller’s Henry Weinhard’s Organic
Amber, on store shelves since 2007, is
brewed with local ingredients by the
Full Sail Brewery in Hood River,
Some 80 million Americans drink beer,
yet organic beer represents still only a
sliver of the $7 billion U.S. craft beer
market. But this sliver is quickly turning
into a slice: Between 2003 and 2009,
according to the Organic Trade
Association, U.S. organic beer sales
more than quadrupled from $9 million
to $41 million.
December 2010
For decades environmentalists have
argued that economics should take
into account the costs borne by such
externalities in order to discern the true
overall value to society of any given
action or activity. The company or
utility that operates the polluting
factory, for instance, should be
required to compensate the larger
society by paying for the pollution it
produces so as to offset the harm it
So-called “cap-and-trade” schemes
are one real-world way of monetizing a
negative externality: Big polluters must
buy the right to generate limited
amounts of carbon dioxide (and they
can trade such rights with other
companies that have found ways to
lower their carbon footprints, thus
creating an incentive for polluters to
clean up their acts). While cap-andtrade was invented in the U.S. to clean
up acid rain pollution, it is a model
used in Europe but not yet in America,
which has yet to pass legislation
mandating it. Until Congress acts to
regulate the output of carbon dioxide in
the U.S.—via cap-and-trade means or
others—such emissions will remain
“external” to the economics of carrying
on business.
Recent news that has many greens
excited is that the World Bank, the
leading financier of development
Bank,; Convention on
Biological Diversity,
QUESTIONS TO: EarthTalk®, c/o E –
The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box
06881; E is a
nonprofit publication. Subscribe:
w w w. e m a g a z i n e . c o m / s u b s c r i b e ;
Advertise your business
in the Star and reach
your potential customers
Call 514-485-7861
December 2010
From Page 5
Any Which Way
Doon naman sa September 16October 15, 2010 edition ng kanyang
Forum, nababaliw na pinalabas n’ya na
si Mrs. Zeny F. Kharroubi ang
iresponsableng journalist gayong s’ya
itong nahatulan na nagkasala ng pagkairesponsable sa journalism. Doon din sa
nasabing edition, sinabihan n’ya ako na
tuwirin o tamain ko raw muna ang aking
mga facts bago ko ilathala ang aking
mga artikulo. Ugok s’yang talaga dahil
mismong ang kanyang mga artikulo ang
punung-puno ng mga kuwentong
kutsero at kasinungalingan.
PEOPLE) OF THE FCBL – People who
had keenly followed the eight-month
travails of the FAMAS Constitution and
Bylaws (FCBL) Committee dubbed
Marlene Birao-Schachter, Felix Salazar,
and Denie and Paz Guloy “Four Rats of
the FCBL” for deep-throating to
information that he would later use to
malign FAMAS and the FCBL
At the outset, I was reluctant to
subscribe to that depiction of the four. I
even insisted that the Guloys were
decent people despite strong objection
from those who knew them better. But
after the “un-Christed” couple, together
with Marlene and Felix, tried all the tricks
they could come up with, even quoting
Biblical passages, to derogate Mandy
Tolentino’s and his supporters’ steadfast
and trenchant stand against Magallanes,
and then tried to emend what to them
was a faulty letter written in response to
Magallanes’ malicious article, and then
ultimately reneged on their promise to
sign the letter on the flimsy excuse that it
wasn’t in accordance with their
principles or beliefs (as if they had
principle to speak of in the first place), I
had a better grasp why some people
likened those four to said loathsome
rodents. In fact, I don’t object anymore if
people would like to label them “Rats of
the FCBL.”
disappointment, that Marlene, Felix,
Denie and Paz are the type of people
who don’t have any qualm leaving you in
the lurch for their selfish motives. Worse
yet, they, particularly the Guloys, have
been using the name of God in vain.
Frankly, I hadn’t met such hypocritical
people until now.
Long time ago, Demosthenes D. Guloy
talked to the editor-in-chief of this
newspaper about submitting an article to
the Filipino Star. Reasonably cautious,
the good editor told Guloy that
Magallanes would not allow that, but he
bragged to her that he was not being
paid so he could do whatever he
wanted. Then he had to back out and
admitted to her that Magallanes did not
want him to write for the Star.
Still later on, Guloy offered to
write a few articles in the Star as he
claimed he did not want to write for
Magallanes anymore. She eventually
allowed him to contribute an article but it
did not last long as he probably ran out
of ideas. Guloy then crawled back to
Magallanes and started to write for him
again. Apparently ingratiating himself to
The North American Filipino Star
Magallanes, he even sponsored his
request to take pictures of the FCBL
Committee while it was in session. Amid
objection from already “Magallanestraumatized” members of the FCBL
Committee who knew Magallanes’ dirty
ways and mean streak, Guloy
Magallanes wouldn’t write anything
derogatory about FAMAS. Ensuing
development would render his guaranty
useless because Magallanes would later
write an offensive article against FAMAS.
When this writer, a member of FCBL
Committee, confronted Guloy about the
guaranty he gave in Magallanes’ behalf,
he denied having given one. As soon as
I heard him deny that, I decided, “This
guy isn’t a man of his words.”
Obviously, Guloy was principled
only in words, but never in deeds. Could
it be the reason he and his wife aren’t
with the Couple for Christ anymore? Or
is there another reason? Well, God
bless! Right, Denie?
little respect I had for Marlene BiraoSchachter has vanished without any
trace, particularly after she impetuously
and empathically told the FCBL
Committee during its meeting of October
23, 2010 that it was Magallanes’ right to
write whatever he would like to write
even if it was to the detriment of FAMAS
and the FCBL Committee of which she’s
a member. Her shocking and emetic
statement sent a jolt down the spine of
members and some observers who were
at that meeting.
Not only that, Birao-Schachter
(rhymes with “Shockter”) refused to sign
the FCBL Committee letter to
Magallanes in the pretext that it was
against her principle, as if she had one
to begin with. But when asked, for the
sake of argument, what principle of hers
was adversely affected, she couldn’t cite
any. It is truly thought-provoking that
someone who never had the ability to
make insightful judgment was once
president of both FAMAS and the whilom
respectable Federation of FilipinoCanadian Associations of Quebec
I’m now more convinced than
ever that life is indeed full of ironies and
paradoxes. Marlene Birao-Schachter is
definitely one of them. She is fond of
saying “I know” or “I understand,” but
the truth is she doesn’t know, and she
doesn’t understand anything either! And
the fact that she allows herself to be
Frauderico’s virtual myrmidon and
remains rabidly loyal to him despite the
outrageous things that he has been
doing over the years is an indication of
her very low self-esteem and
masochistic tendency. But then again, it
could be merely her stupidity. I can’t
think of a more plausible explanation.
Can you? Why do you think Frauderico
and Marlene get along with each other
very well? It’s elementary, Mr. Watson!
He’s a sadist and she’s a masochist.
He’s narcissistic and she’s a narcissistic
supply. They’re the equivalent of mortise
and tenon in carpentry. And the list goes
(Readers’ comments are welcome. Send
Common mistakes and confusing
By Budz Sarmiento
words in English
disinterested vs. uninterested
share a confused and confusing history.
DISINTERESTED was originally used to
mean “not interested, indifferent”;
UNINTERESTED in its earliest use meant
“impartial.” By various developmental
twists, DISINTERESTED is now used in
both senses. UNINTERESTED is used
mainly in the sense “not interested,
indifferent.” It is occasionally used to mean
“not having a personal or property
Many object to the use of DISINTERESTED
to mean “not interested, indifferent.” They
insist that DISINTERESTED can mean only
“impartial”: A disinterested observer is the
best judge of behavior. However, both
senses are well established in all varieties
of English, and the sense intended is
almost always clear from the context.
added bonus: This is one that I see
frequently in Internet marketing sales
letters and infomercials. Since the word
“bonus” implies that an additional good is
being included with the existing product,
the “added” part is redundant. In most
cases, you can just write “bonus.”
free gift: This one is also very common in
the Internet marketing world as well as in
offline retailing. If something is truly a gift,
it is not supposed to cost anything and is
automatically free. On the other hand, if
something is NOT free, then it is not
actually a gift; instead it would be
considered as a purchase or trade. This
should simply be written as “gift” or “free
X”, where X is the name of the product
you’re giving away.
past (or prior, previous) experience:
Experience already refers to things that
you have done in the past, so you do not
need to include “past”, “prior”, or
“previous” in your résumé here.
future planning, plan in the future: A plan is
always something that you are thinking
about doing in the future; you cannot plan
to do something in the past or present.
Therefore, you just need to say “plan” or
revert back: The word revert means “to go
back to”, making the “back” part of this
phrase redundant. Other words in this
same category include refer, return, and
repay — you don’t need to use “back” with
any of these.
completely surrounded, surrounded on all
sides: The word surrounded implies that
something is enclosed on all sides and the
notion of completeness is already included
here. So just use “surrounded.”
advance warning: A warning is something
given in advance, usually in the form of a
notification that unfavorable circumstances
may occur in the future. The “advance”
part is not needed.
unexpected emergency, unexpected
surprise: Neither an emergency nor a
surprise can occur if you’re actually
expecting it. Drop “unexpected.”
completely (or totally, utterly) destroyed: If
something is destroyed, this means that it
has been rendered completely unusable
or inoperable. An item cannot have a
“partially destroyed” status any more than
one can be “partially pregnant.” If
something is still partially functioning, the
proper word to use is damaged, not
absolutely (or completely) essential: This
is another case where the modifiers are
not necessary. Something is either
essential or not essential; there is no such
thing as “partially essential.”
Link (or join, assemble, collaborate)
together: All of these verbs relate to
bringing things together, making the
“together” part superfluous. Simply use
the word that best fits the context of the
round (or square, triangular, etc.) in
shape: If something is round, this already
refers to its shape, making the “in shape”
part redundant.
large (or small) in size: Similar to the
above situation, both large and small
already refer to size. Drop “in size.”
few (or many) in number: The “in
number” part is redundant. Just use “few”
or “many.”
filled to capacity: If something is filled or
full, it has already reached its capacity. So
we only need to say “full” or “at capacity”
depending on context.
12 (o’ clock) noon, 12 midnight: Both
noon and midnight always occur at 12:00,
so we don’t need the “12? part. Just say
noon or midnight.
discuss about: Discuss means “to talk
about”, so it is preferable to simply write
either “discuss” or “talk about” but not
See Page 10
Common Mistakes
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The North American Filipino Star
By Budz Sarmiento
Regina Coeli Tolentino: a
scholar and a leader
A consistent honor student,
Regina Coeli Tolentino, second child
and the elder of two daughters of
Mandy and Gelly Tolentino, graduated
valedictorian from the Marymount
Academy on Cote St. Luc Road in
valedictorian from the Coronation
Elementary School on Van Horne
Aside from receiving the
highest academic honors as a
secondary student at Marymount
Academy, she also received the
Lieutenant-Governor General
Award, a medal given to the graduating
student of a secondary school who
excelled both in Academic and
community leadership services among
the graduates. This recognizes the
student's excellence as a wellgrounded leader in the community (in
this case, Greater Montreal region),
considering her academic workloads.
Principal's Award – given to
student/s who have maintained an
average of 80% for every single term of
his/her academic year. (Note: on her
batch, only 5 students got the
consistent average, where Regina
Coeli tops at 93.42% for the entire
Secondary 1 to 5)
Leadership Award – given to
the student who performs excellent
leadership quality of services for the
school. Regina was the President of
the leadership Program, ever since she
was in the Secondary III level. They
conduct and participate in the interschool leadership training programs;
to the very least, she was one of the
organizers of the EMSB School Board
Leadership activities and training.
Coeli even became a student judge at
CBC Television on "Diversity Projects".
Subject Proficiency Awards –
for getting the highest mark in each of
the following subjects: French, Drama
and Contemporary World
She recently garnered the
award of the Philippine Benevolent and
Scholarship Society of Quebec
(PBSSQ) as the Top High Scholar
2010. In 2005, she got PBSSQ Top
Elementary Scholar and also the
recognitions, too) of Coronation
December 2010
The Fil-Can Chess and Social Club
inducts its officers
MONTREAL – The Fil-Can
Chess and Social Club (FCCSC) made
all the right moves during their
induction of officers held on December
4, 2010 at the Fireside Restaurant on
Van Horne Boulevard.
Ed Valdez, emcee for the
soiree, made no blunder in his opening
gambit of leading the audience in the
singing of the national anthems of
Canada and the Philippines.
In his welcoming speech,
Albert Floresca, founder and president
of the FCCSC, happily announced that
the Club had finally captured the
Queen by having their organization
officially registered. And amid the
thunderous applause of the crowd,
Floresca further announced that they
could now apply for a grant that the
organization could use in the
promotion of its goals and objectives.
Introduced by Cathy Noriega,
Snowdon Councilor Marvin Rotrand,
the guest speaker and inducting
officer, checkmated the audience with
a very inspiring speech in which he
highlighted the important contributions
of immigrants to Quebec and Canada,
and the many benefits of using public
transportation offered by the Société
de transport de Montréal (STM). He
said that he had a special fondness
and high regard for Filipinos because
perseverance. He also assured the
Club that the Borough would take a
keen interest in the growth of the
organization, one of whose objectives
is to minimize juvenile delinquency.
After his riveting speech,
Councillor Rotrand inducted the
following officers:
Alberto Floresca, founder and
president; Carmelo Villanueva, VicePresident for Internal Affairs and
Tournament Director; Randolf Noriega,
Vice-President for External Affairs;
Regie Villamor, Secretary; Nicolas del
Rosario, Treasurer; Rudy Oliver,
Auditor; Jojo Aguire, Business
Manager; Cherry Palmos and Ferdie
Manaog, Public Relations Officers;
Diosdado Ilustre, Ronald Adlao, and
Edgardo Santiago, Peace Officers;
Peter Tan, Entertainment Officer;
Development Officer; Mario Bajar,
Director of Membership; Cathy
Cabantugan, Clarence Soliven and
Alejandro Toledo, Directors of Social
Affairs; Dario Boco, Alberto Baens
Santos, Melencio Domingo and
Reuben Santos, Advisers. Shortly after
the induction, various trophies were
presented to the winners of the Club’s
recent members-only tournament.
James de la Paz receives an award
from Mayor Gerald Tremblay
The newly inducted officers of the Filcan Chess and Social Club pose with their
advisers and guest speaker.
MONTREAL – In a general
council meeting of the Union Montreal
held at the Renaissance at 7550 Henri
Bourassa East Blvd. on November 27,
2010, Mayor Gerald Tremblay, leader of
Union Montreal, paid tribute to James
de la Paz for the latter’s dedication and
commitment to the party and the city.
De la Paz is one of five Montrealers
whom the good mayor has awarded
with a plaque that extols their services
to the community.
On hand to congratulate de la
Paz were CDN/NDG Borough Mayor
Michael Applebaum; Councilor Marvin
Rotrand; Mrs. Rose de la Paz; Mrs.
Aurelia Basbacio, the newly-re-elected
president of UPS; Mr. Rey Balansi, the
Grand Knight of the Order of Rizal; Mr.
Flor Rillo, former president of FAMAS;
and 18 other loyal supporters of de la
Paz. (Contributed by Budz Sarmiento)
Advertise your business
in the North American
Filipino Star
Call 514-485-7861
Shinette Khoury, vice-president of FAMAS, is shown here with Mrs. Imelda
Marcos, former first lady of the Philippines who visited her. Shinette is currently
in the Philippines, staying in the Dakota Hotel while she is on holiday.
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Ang Pasko ay isang malaking
pagdiriwang sa Pilipinas
Ni Bernardo “Budz” Sarmiento
Wikang Pambansa: Nanganganib
na Suri (Blg.2)
(Ang sanggunian ng pagsusuri ng Wikang
Pambansa ay si Prof. Galileo S. Zafra ng U.P.,
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. mga halaw
sa kaniyang Estandardisyon ng Wika at ang
Pagsusulong ng Filipino sa Akademya).
BAGONG TAON - Sa Wikang Pambansa
B46On6 T4On - Sa pinauusong Wikang
Sinagot na ni G. Aris Bonifacio and
email ko tungkol sa Jejemon. Ipinagtanggol
niya na ang bagong sibol na wika ay hindi
isang fad lamang o uso, pansamantalang
moda o libangan. Ituring na lang natin na
parang laruan ito na bahagi ng sakop sa
paglaki ng isang bata hanggang umabot sa
hustong gulang.
Sapitin kaya nito ang katulad ng
Pokemon na umabot sa milyon-milyong
tahanan ng mga may kabataan at nagkaroon
pa rin ng pelikula?
Ngayon ay inaalikabok na sa mga
basement ang mga cards at wala nang
nagsusuot na noo'y usong tatak. Hindi na
uso ngayon.
Sa mag-iika-walong taong pag-iral
ng Jejemon ay ipinagdiriwang na nila ang
miyembro na tinatayang
humigit na sa 21,000 lamang.
Sa loob ng dalawang taon (20072009) ay 3,651,986 ang kalkuladong dagdag
na mga Pilipino sabilang ng census. Kayo na
ang gumawa ng kuwenta.
Kaya, balikan na lang natin ang
pag-aaral ng ating Wikang Pambansa.
Unti-unti nating suriin ang mga
"pinasimpleng alpabeto" noong 1987.
Nagkaroon na naman ng pagbabago noong
2001 sa Revisyon sa Alfabeto at Patnubay sa
Ispeling ng Wikang Pilipino.
Nanatiling 28 ang letra ng alpabeto.
Ang binago ay ang mga tuntunin sa paggamit
ng walong dagdag na letra na pinagmulan ng
maraming kalituhan simula nang pormal na
ipinasok sa alpabeto noong 1976. Sisipi ako
ng isang mahalagang paliwanag:
"Mahalagang talakayin ngayon
kung bakit nga ba kailangang ipasok ang
mga dagdag na letra sa alpabeto ng
pambansang wika, at tuloy, ginawang
napakasalimuot ang dati'y simpleng
pagbabaybay gamit ang ating abakada ayon
sa tuntuning 'Kung ano ang bigkas ay siyang
"Ang sagot ay nasa mga
dokumentong lakip ng 1976 Tuntunin.
Pagkatapos ng isang masusing pag-aaral,
isinagawa ng noo'y Surian ng Wikang
Pambansa ang unang hakbang tungo sa
pagreporma ng ispeling sa pamamagitan ng
isang kapasyahan na pinamagatang
'Modernisasyon ng Alpabeto ng Wikang
Ipinaliliwanag na ang
alpabetong Filipino na noo'y may 20 letra
ay nakapagpapabagal sa kakayahan ng
pambansang wika na makaabot sa tugatog
ng pag-unlad at paglaganap."
Paliwanag din ng DEC (Department
of Education and Culture) Memo. No. 194, s.
1976, lakip ang tuntunin:
"Bilang pagtugon sa mabilis na
pagdebelop at mga pagbabago sa wikang
gaya ng ipinakikita ng pagdagsa
ng mga lingguwistikong elemento mula sa
iba't ibang umiimpluwensiyang wika,
katutubo at banyaga, at upang iangkop iyon
sa mga pangangailangan ng modernisasyon,
nagpakilala ang Surian ng Wikang Pambansa
ng ilang pagbabago sa mga ortograpikong
tuntunin sa Filipino."
Puputulin ko muna rito ang
napakayamang aralin sa pagtataguyod ng
Wikang Pambansa. Malawak at m alalim ang
ating kultura at hindi ko nais na malunod ang
mambabasa sa pitak na ito.
Hanggang sa muli ay nais ko
munang batiin ang aking bagong kaibigang
BAsepeGONG TAsepeON.
Yan ang laruan namin nang aming kabataan.
* ***
See Page 16
Sariling Wika
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Sa kalakihan, halos bawa’t
Pilipino ay talagang nagsisikap at
naglalaan ng panahon para sa
paghahanda ng taunang pagdiriwang na
ito. Bagama’t ang Pasko sa Pilipinas ay
maaaring naimpluwensiyahan ng mga
kaugalian sa Europa nitong bandang
huli ng kanyang kasaysayan, ang
kanyang sariling kaugalian ay nahigtan
ang pagbabago ng panahon. Gawa nito,
ang Pasko sa Pilipinas ay talagang
naging bukod-tangi.
Sa panahon ng mga malalamig
na gabi, ang mga tao ay nananabik sa
bibingka at puto-bumbong. Ang mga ito
ay mga piling kakanin na inihahanda
lamang tuwing panahon ng Pasko.
Malimit ay idinudulot ito na nakalagay sa
dahon ng saging na pinahiran ng
mantikilya sa ibabaw at may kasamang
niyog na kinudkod.
Pangkaraniwan din sa mga tao
na ilabas ang kanilang natatagong mga
palamuting pam-Pasko. Ang tampok ng
panahon sa Pilipinas ay hindi ang
Christmas tree kundi ang Parol. Makikita
mo ang mga Parol na nakabitin sa halos
kahit saan – sa mga shopping mall, sa
mga opisina at sa mga tahanan. M a y
mga lugar o bayan na nagdaraos ng
pinakamagagandang Parol kung saan
ang mga kalahok ay gumagawa ng mga
kaakit-akit at kahangahangang ilaw
gamit ang mga Parol. Maraming tao ang
namamalikmata sa ganda ng tanawin.
Ibebenta naman ang mga Parol
pagkatapos ng timpalak.
Magmula sa Disyembre 16, ang
malaking bahagi ng populasyon ay
pupunta sa simbahan para makipagMisa sa kanilang simbahang Katoliko.
Ang bahaging ito ng kaugalian ng
Katolikong Pilipino ay tinatawag na Misa
de Gallo o Simbang Gabi na ginagawa
sa unang pagtilaok ng manok sa
A n g
karoling ay maririnig din sa panahon ng
Kapaskuhan sa Pilipinas. Makikita mo
ang mga grupo ng mga bata na
naglalakad at nananapatan sa bawa’t
bahay at aawit ng mga makalumang
awiting pam-Pasko. Maging ang mga
matatanda ay nagkakaroling din.
Ang mga empleyado sa
Pilipinas ay pangkaraniwang binibigyan
ng mahabang limang araw na bakasyon
sa linggo ng Pasko dahil may mga
kumpanya na nais na ang kanilang mga
empleyado ay maglaan ng panahon
para sa kanilang mga pamilya.
Ang bisperas ng Pasko o
ipinagdiriwang ng mga pamilya sa
kanilang nga tahanan sa pamamagitan
ng isang masarap na salu-salo sa
hating-gabi. Ang kaugaliang ito ay
tinatawag na Noche Buena. Iyon ay oras
ng pagpapasalamat at oras para
magkasama-sama ang mga pamilya.
Ang kanilang mga kaibigan ay maaari rin
nilang anyayahan sa Noche Buena at
ito’y itinuturing na malaking karangalan.
May mga regalong ibinibigay pagka
kinaumagahan ng Pasko.
Ang Pasko sa Pilipinas ay isang
panahon para sa mga pamilya. Ito ay
panahon ng pamimigay ng mga regalo
at panahon din ng mainit na
Magmula sa umaga ng araw ng
Pasko, ang mga bata, suot ang kanilang
bagong damit, ay pumupunta sa bahay
ng kanilang mga ninong at ninang
upang magmano. Ang kapalit nuon ay
papasko o aginaldo na karaniwan ay
pera. Tuwang-tuwa ang mga bata kung
ang tinanggap nila ay bago at malutong
na perang papel.
Kinagabihan, tutuusin na ng
mga bata ang kanilang “kita” sa buong
araw. Ang mga magkakapatid o
magpipinsan ay magpapalakihan ng
natanggap na aginaldo na para bagang
ang pamamasko ay isang paligsahan.
Ang tumanggap ng pinakamaliit na
aginaldo ay kakantiyawan o bibiruin na
kuripot ang kanilang mga ninong at
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December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
about the impression you want to make
and try out several papers behind your
photographs. In addition to setting the
mood for your page, you want the
background color to coordinate with the
photos. An excellent way to insure this is to
Al Abdon
choose colors that already exist in your
applies to those who have tons of old images. When you add a mat (a piece of
photos taken when they were still in the paper that surrounds a photograph) you’ll
Philippines and photos when they have also want to choose colors that work
together in a harmonious color scheme.
arrived in Canada.
Ask the
Video Guy
Scrapbook Pages
It’s time to have some fun and
start making those eye-catching scrapbook
pages. That’s one of our goals: to make
pages that are appealing to anyone who
picks up the album, even if they don’t know
the people pictured in the photographs.
The other goal is to make each page tell a
visual story. Decide on your theme for the
page and find photographs that go with
that theme. For example if you have old
pictures from your home town, you can use
colored paper that blends in with your
photos. If the town is so remote that the
location is not prominent on a map, get an
old map and use it as a background.
Selecting the photographs
When you have a visitor and
Gather your photos and start
would like to impress them with your selecting. You’re a photographer, so I know
pictures, do you show it with your you have zillions of photos, especially if
Picture placement
Deciding where each photo
should go can take some trial and error as
you move them around. Placement on the
page is composition– and you’ll see many
similarities between composing a page
and composing a photograph. For one,
you want to make sure your focal-point
picture is emphasized. When you take a
picture, you usually try to emphasize your
subject by making it relatively large. So
make the focal-point picture the largest
one in the layout and there’s no doubt that
it is the one you want the viewers to notice
first. Even if all the photographs are the
From Page 7
Common Mistakes
razed to the ground: Raze means to level
something to the ground or shave it off, so
the words “to the ground” are superfluous
here. If a village is razed in the sense of
being sacked and demolished, it would not
make much sense to “raze” it into the air
unless we figure out a way to defy the laws
of physics and azItalian, so it would seem
silly to say “pie pie.”
Sahara desert: This is one that I learned
fairly recently. Sahara means “desert” in
Arabic, so if we’re specific desert in Africa,
it’s just “Sahara.”
Isn’t it ironic? Actually, no, most of the time it
is not. Irony, in its true form, is when you state
something to a person who does not
understand what you truly mean, but another
person does. Essentially, it makes the hearer
the brunt of the joke without their being aware
of it. This is called dramatic or tragic irony
same size, you can emphasize one by
isolating it from the others, just as you
might isolate one person from a group of
people in a photograph.
If your entire album is about a
single event or theme, you’ll want to unify
the pages with repetition throughout.
Repetition is good– but so is variety of your
photographs. Occasionally you may want
to angle them or overlap them. Arrange
and rearrange you photographs before
you glue them down. And don’t forget to
leave space for some journaling.
The Christmas season brings lots
of ideas with left over Christmas wrappers
and tags, these recycled material will add
ambiance throughout the holidays.
Now you are ready to present you
own scrapbook photo album with pride
when you have visitors. Just like a coffee
table album, it add charms and spectacle
in your livingroom.
Have a wonderful Christmas
Holidays and a Happy New Year to All!
Al Abdon
Hollywood Junkies
because it originated on the stage where the
audience knew what was happening but the
victim on stage did not. The most sustained
example of dramatic irony is undoubtedly
Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, in which Oedipus
searches to find the murderer of the former
king of Thebes, only to discover that it is
himself, a fact the audience has known all
Another form of irony is Socratic irony, in
which the person pretends to be ignorant of a
subject in order to truly show the ignorance of
the person with whom he is arguing.
Unfortunately, poor Alanis Morissette had no
clue when she said “it’s a free ride when
you’ve already paid” or “it’s like rain on your
wedding day”. This is not irony – it is
misfortune or coincidence.
To sum it up, basically Irony is a figure of
speech in which what is stated is not what is
meant. Sarcasm can be a type of Irony.
Montreal, 5047 Henri Bourassa Est
Montréal, QC H1G 2S1
Tel.: (514) 322-3133, 322-3130
Fish Maw Seafood Soup
Baked Lobster with Ginger
Seafood with Chinese
Saltand Pepper Cuttle Fish
Fried Sea Bass Fish
Steamed Rice
4 Persons
4 Persons
(near Corner Appleton)
computer, digital frame or just a plain
album? Why not make a scrapbook and
present your photos in a more entertaining
with delightful color background to go with.
This idea of scrapbooking particularly
you’re shooting with a digital camera. You
want to choose good photographs, but
they don’t necessarily have to be of
contest-winner quality; some lesser ones
may depict the emotions of the event
better. But you’ll want to eliminate the outof focus or poorly exposed ones. And don’t
be tempted to choose redundant pictures,
where there is just a minor change in
expression, action, or camera position.
Choose the photos that will tell your story
best. Get your pile of selected photos down
to no more than ten for a two-page spread.
Editing out lots of photos can seem hard to
do, but you can always put the extra photos
in a conventional photo album. Now look at
all the photos that made it to the selected
list. This is the photo that captures the
essence of your theme, or it may be the
photo that is the very best one,
photographically speaking. All the other
photos round out the story as supporting
players. If you have one absolutely terrific
photo, you may want to enlarge it and
place it alone on a page. You don’t have to
have lots of photographs to make a terrific
Montreal, QC
Bean Curd Seafood Soup
1/2 Crispy Chicken
Salt and Pepper Pork Loin
Stuffed Bean Curd with
Sauted Seasonal Vegetables
Steamed Rice
Bean Curd Soup
1/2 Crispy Chicken
Shrimp Cake with Chinese
Sweet and Sour Pork
Seafood with Bean Curd in
Hot Pot
Salt and Pepper Squid
Fried Sea Bass Fish
Steamed Rice
Fish maw seafood soup
2 Baked Lobsters with Ginger
Seafood with Eggplant
in Hot Pot
Stuffed Bean Curd with
Seafood with Chinese broccoli
Fried Sea Bass Fish
House Fried Rice
Special Fried Noodles
6 Persons
Minimum order of $10
Delivery hours:
11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Choosing the background paper
To convey moods. Red and
orange are exciting, blue and green are
tranquil. Black can be dramatic. Think
10 Persons
For party menu, call Kenny
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Philippine contractor unseats top taxpayer Pacquiao
Boxing superstar and congressman Manny Pacquiao works in his office at the
House of Representatives in Quezon City , east of Manila on November 2010.
A builder with a reputation for
winning fat government road contracts
has taken multi-millionaire boxing hero
Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao's title as the
Philippines' top taxpayer.
Pacquiao, one of the world's biggestearning sportsmen, fell to number 113
on the Bureau of Internal Revenue's top
500 taxpayers for 2009.
His tax due of 7.41 million pesos
(about 169,000 dollars) was dwarfed by
the 59.54 million-peso assessment on
Elaine Gardiola, according to the list
published on the bureau's website
World champ Pacquiao was the
country's top individual taxpayer in
2008 when Gardiola was the number
four, the bureau said last year without
providing tax due amounts.
Local newspapers describe the
new taxpayer champion, Gardiola, as
the owner of a construction company
named after her and based in Batangas
province, south of Manila.
Her firm won 2.3 billion pesos'
worth of road repair contracts from the
public works ministry in the nine years
to 2008, according to the Philippine
Centre for Investigative Journalism, a
media watchdog.
Filipinos are taxed on the basis of
their declared income, not their known
The list of biggest taxpayers was
sprinkled with many of the country's top
film stars and big businessmen.
However only one of the two
Filipinos in the Forbes billionaires list
this year, Henry Sy, made it to the top
10 taxpayers.
Shopping mall magnate Sy, the
country's wealthiest man with a family
net worth of 4.2 billion dollars according
to Forbes, was the number-eight
taxpayer with tax due of 25.18 million
pesos (574,000 dollars).
Lucio Tan, with 1.7 billion dollars in
assets according to Forbes, was only
the 76th biggest taxpayer with dues of
9.2 million pesos (210,000 dollars).
Both men's firms, though, were in
the top 10 of corporate income tax
The bureau says just five million
Filipinos pay income taxes with more
than 20 million others probable tax
evaders. a
orders return of
Marcos mansion
Former Philippine first lady Imelda
Marcos said Tuesday that she will have a
merry Christmas thanks to a court
ordering the return of one of the
sprawling mansions the government
seized after her husband was deposed.
Imelda Marcos, wife of former dictator
Ferdinand Marcos, is seen in Laoag city
in the northern Philippines province of
Ilocos Norte.
See ‘Mansion’ - Page 14
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December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
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December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
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Call for more information
The North American Filipino Star
December 2010
Phl Balangay Expedition arrives Court dismisses Katrina's case
in Manila
vs Hayden
Balangay Expedition team arrived in
Manila yesterday after a four-month
journey across six countries in
Southeast Asia.
the sun, stars, wind and clouds.
Among the personalities present to
welcome the expedition team were
former President Fidel Ramos,
Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr.,
Katrina Halili
The Pasig Regional Trial Court on
Tuesday dismissed a case filed by
actress Katrina Halili against Hayden
Kho in connection with the sex video
scandal, according to an online report.
Judge Rodolfo Bonifacio of Pasig
RTC Branch 159 threw out Halili’s case
after the prosecution failed to submit
enough evidence to prove that Kho was
responsible for uploading the sex
Although the court is not condoning
the taking of the sex video, Bonifacio
pointed out that videotaping their
intercourse should not cause any
emotional or psychological distress to
Halili since both parties were aware that
Filipino adventurers arrive on a replica of an ancient Philippine wooden boat called it was taking place.
a balangay in Manila after a sea voyage following the routes and methods of
Bonifacio said that it was impossible
ancient sea gypsies. The three vesssels were made of carved wooden planks held
for Halili not to notice the camera
because it “was situated in an open and
together by wooden pins and pegs, and the 37-man crew navigated using the
unconcealed place.”
timeless methods of their ancient predecessors, team leader Art Valdez said.
Halili’s legal counsel, lawyer
The team, onboard vessels Philippine Coast Guard commandant Raymund Palad, said they will appeal the
Masawa Hong Butuan, Diwata ng Lahi Admiral Wilfredo Tamayo, and former court’s decision.
Halili has charged Kho with violation
and Sama Tawi-Tawi, reached Harbor Philippine Army Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim.
Square at the Cultural Center of the
Team leader Arturo Valdez said of Republic Act (RA) 9262, or the AntiPhilippines at around 9 a.m. after they received enthusiastic support
Mansion - Continued from Page 11
sailing from Sangley Point in Cavite.
from Filipinos in countries where they
The three boats are replicas of the docked.
The Supreme Court ruled late Monday
precolonial balangay boats, patterned
“Our countrymen even came to that the government agency created to
after the boat unearthed in Butuan in our rescue several times when recover billions of dollars allegedly
1975 and carbon dated to 320 AD.
supplies ran low or when storms would looted by former dictator Ferdinand
The team sailed 12,600 kilometers drive us off course,” Valdez said.
Marcos and his wife used a defective
from Butuan City to Brunei, Malaysia,
Balangay order to seize the beachfront, 104-acre
Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Expedition was launched in September (42-hectare) estate on Leyte Island.
last year to retrace the pre-Hispanic
The ruling came 24 years after a
It sailed through rough seas using transportation and trade routes of early nonviolent "people power" uprising
ancient navigation methods such as Filipinos. a
ousted Marcos and the government
charting courses using the positions of
sequestered most of their property.
Imelda Marcos and her children are
seeking the return of the assets.
Officials allege the sprawling
property was acquired through Marcos'
looting of public money while in power.
and House Speaker Sonny Belmonte Imelda Marcos has long denied the
led other congressmen in gracing the allegation, saying the mansion is a
party for media workers.
family property where her father was
Arroyo wished the media workers born.
merry Christmas for everyone.
An aide said she broke into tears
Aquino arrived at the media party upon learning of the court decision.
"This is indeed a very happy
sometime after Arroyo left.
Arroyo arrived at the media party Christmas, and I will try to go to Leyte
early so she and Aquino did not bump before this holiday season is over," the
former first lady said.
President Benigno Aquino III took into each other.
Imelda Marcos will forever be
From the journalists' party, Aquino
time from his busy schedule to drop by
the separate Christmas parties of proceeded to the Christmas bash of remembered for the dazzling jewels and
journalists in the Congress Beat and the members of the House, where he 1,220 pairs of shoes she left behind in
the members of the House of was talked into doing two song the presidential palace. They also are
numbers in return for the passage of among the assets seized by the
government and sought by the
Aquino was invited to the party by the budget.
His first song was "All My Life" Marcoses.
Congress media, many of whom
Marcos and his associates allegedly
covered him as congressman during backed up by Rep. Neptali 'Boyet'
Gonzales. His second song was "Of amassed up to $10 billion in ill-gotten
his 12-year stay here.
Aquino stayed a while to party and All the Things," and this time, he was wealth during his 21 years in power. The
joke around with the reporters before backed up by Belmonte, Gonzales, Presidential Commission on Good
Bayan Muna Rep. Teddy Casiño and Government has so far identified around
partying with congressmen.
$6.5 billion and recovered cash and
Aside from Aquino, former other representatives. a
assets totaling around $1.97 billion.
President and now Pampanga 2nd
Marcos, who declared martial law in
district Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
House makes PNoy sing after
approving 2011 budget
Violence Against Women and Children
Act, after their sex video, which she
claimed was taken without her consent,
went viral last year.
Kho’s sex videos with other women
were also leaked onto the Internet.
Kho admitted that he videotaped his
sexcapades with different women
without their knowledge. He also
apologized for the proliferation of the sex
videos, saying that these were uploaded
and reproduced without his knowledge.
A teary-eyed Kho and his family
were thankful and happy upon hearing
the news. Kho’s dad hopes that, with the
case’s dismissal, his medical license will
soon be reinstated.
The medical license of Kho, who is a
cosmetic surgeon, was revoked by the
Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC) as a result of the scandal. The
PRC board came up with the decision
after Halili lodged a complaint before the
Meanwhile, Sen. Ramon “Bong”
Revilla was saddened by the dismissal of
the case.
“Nalulungkot ako at nagulat sa
naging desisyon ng korte... Ang mabigat
dito, baka mamaya tularan si Hayden
Kho ng iba... We do respect the decision
of the court. Pero siyempre, masakit ito
para kina Katrina," he said.
Revilla was the one who initiated the
Senate investigation of the scandal. Also,
he had called on the PRC to revoke
Kho’s license. a
1972, ruled with an iron fist, imprisoning
dissidents and stifling freedoms. He
died in exile in Hawaii in 1989 without
being brought to trial.
Imelda Marcos returned to the
Philippines in 1991, followed later by her
children, and re-entered politics. She
was elected in May to the House of
Representatives, her second time in
Congress. Her son Bongbong was
elected a senator and daughter Imee a
provincial governor.
Despite some 900 civil and criminal
cases she has faced in Philippine courts
_ ranging from tax evasion to
embezzlement and corruption _ she has
emerged relatively unscathed and has
never served prison time. All but a
handful of the cases have been
dismissed for lack of evidence and a few
convictions were overturned on appeal.
Marcos, 81, says the Leyte property
_ including a 17-room house, a golf
course, swimming pool, cottages and a
pavilion _ belonged to her family long
before her husband was born.
spokesman Nick Suarez said the
government will likely appeal.
The Supreme Court said the ruling
will not necessarily be fatal to the
government's main ill-gotten wealth
case and state prosecutors can still
argue that the property was acquired
The court ruled on the basis that the
seizure order was signed only by
lawyers. It said under the presidential
commission's rules, at least two
commissioners should have signed the
sequestration order. a
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Philippine Cuisine
Special Feature - Vegetarian Meals using
beans, healthy low-cost recipes
Lima Beans
Beans are low in fat and
loaded with nutrients, and we'd
probably eat more of them if they
weren't also loaded with flatulenceproducing enzymes. There are ways
to enjoy beans without having to
forego social appointments, however.
One is to change the water from time to
time while you're soaking or cooking
the beans. Pouring off the water helps
gets rid of the indigestible complex
sugars that create gas in your intestine.
It also helps to cook the beans
thoroughly, until they can be easily
mashed with a fork.
Most bean
aficionados prefer dried beans, but
canned beans are also available.
These don't need to be cooked, but
they tend to be saltier and less flavorful
than reconstituted dried beans.
1 lb. dried lima beans, soaked
overnight, drained
In crock pot, put: 1 l g. can
tomatoes 1/2 chopped l g. or 1 med.
chopped green pepper 3 stalks
chopped celery 1 med. chopped onion
1 bay leaf
Add beans and cover with
water. Add a little pepper. Cover. Cook
on low 8 hours.
batuan may be replaced by tamarind
soup base which is easily obtainable
from the Cooperative Store or other
exotic food stores.
The Batuan tree is shown on
the right.
More bean recipes to follow in
the next issue of the N. A. Filipino Star.
Mon. Tue. Wed.
Thu. Fri.
Pork loin
15 lbs
Half or Whole
Cut & Wrapped
2 cans chicken broth
1 can (1 lb. 12 oz.) tomatoes
1/2 tsp. paprika
1 c. celery
1 c. onions, chopped
1/4 c. parsley, chopped
1 c. chopped ham
Kadios with pork and
As we have a lot of stock of
black beans known as “kadios” in the
vernacular at the Marche Coop, I
thought I should promote purchase of
this product by providing you with
some recipes. However, there are
some ingredients that may not be
available, and you may find a
substitute for one particular ingredient
that is hard to find in Montreal, known
as “batuan.” (See explanation and
photo at the end of the recipe.)
You will need a generous cup
of kadios that is rinsed in water, then
boiled in fresh water for roughly 10
minutes, drained and rinsed again.
Meanwhile, boil a pot filled with 7.5
cups of water, then add about 1.5 cups
of pork, in small cubes, and boil for
some 15 minutes or so. Add the kadios
back into this pork broth and cook until
the kadios and pork are tender.
Add a half kilo of sliced unripe
langka and continue to cook until the
langka is done. The cookbook warns
to make sure the langka is cooked
before adding the next ingredient,
batuan. Add around 6-7 medium sized
batuans to the pot and let this simmer
for several minutes until the taste
permeates the broth and aroma in
your kitchen is nice and fragrant. Add a
tied up stalk of tanglad or lemongrass
to the pot and sesaon with sea salt.
1 litre of fresh
blood with purchase
when available
1/2 pork
Regular smoked
Pork Spare Ribs
Fresh Belly
with skin
10 lbs & over
St.Chrysostome St. Remi St. Edouard
Pork Head
short ribs
Fresh pork blood
Fresh bacon
Fresh liver
Pork skin
Picnic ham
(with bone)
Home smoked
Blade steak
Front quarter of
beef Approximately
200 lbs
1.39 lb
Cover beans with water and
refrigerate overnight; drain. Add bone,
broth, tomatoes, paprika, and 3 cups
water; cook 30 minutes. Add
remaining ingredients and cook 1
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
n Road
Exit No.6
Covey Hill Road
Boucherie Viau Inc.
U. S. A.
83 Covey Hill, Hemmingford QC J0L 1H0
Tel.: (450) 247- 2130 or (450) 247- 3561
Serve hot. And yes, it needs the
batuan to really take it over the top. I
have tried a few other kadios dishes in
the past, but none of them were as
incredibly simple and satisfying as this
one. If only we can get a supply of
The following description of
batuan is provided for you to find out
the substitute ingredient that can be
easier to find in Canada.
A small, green fruit used as a
souring agent in Negros or Iloilo.
Batuan (or batwan) is a common
ingredient in dishes like Linaga,
Kilawin, Tinola, or KBL, to name a few.
Its scientific name is Garcinia binucao,
derived from the Tagalog name for the
fruit, binukau. To get the sour taste,
It’s another term for Warlie Basbacio as UPS
Mrs. Warlie Basbacio was reelected president of the United Pilipino
Seniors (UPS) in the election held on
November 14, 2010 at the social hall of
St. Kevin’s Church.
In hindsight, Myrna M.
Francisco, Mrs. Francisco’s daughterin-law and virtual campaign manager,
should have discouraged Frauderico
C. Magallanes and Brujulita des
Parado from supporting her mother-inlaw. Mrs. Basbacio garnered 320 votes
against Mrs. Nene Francisco’s 209
votes in an apparently lopsided result.
Right from the start of counting the
ballots, it was Basbacio in the lead,
and she never looked back.
After the winner was officially
declared elected, Mrs. Basbacio
treated her loyal supporters to a
scrumptious dinner at Kam Shing at
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Plaza Cote des Neiges.
As is usually the case after an
election, each side of the political fence
accused the other of cheating.
Meanwhile, in an incident
unrelated to the UPS election, Julita
Parado, a well-known kibitzer and
recent recipient of the Maharlika
Award, almost marred the otherwise
peaceful event when she unexpectedly
went into a rage and harassed
Bernardo “Budz” Sarmiento, a
columnist for the North American
Filipino Star. Had it not been for the
quick intervention of the people
assigned to keep the peace
throughout the election, the situation
could have degenerated into a full
blown confrontation between Parado
and Sarmiento who kept his cool
throughout the commotion.
Mrs. Warlie Basbacio, ninth from the left, poses with her loyal supporters after she was
officially informed of her and her team’s victory.
From Page 9
Sariling Wika
Tatlong Paksang Walang Katapusan
Paboritong-paborito sa anumang
kapulungan o forum ng mga manunulat ang
tatlong paksang ito:
Una - Relihiyon
Katoliko, Protestante, Iglesia ni
Kristo, Muslim, Buddha, Shinto at marami
pang iba ay sa labas ng simbahan ginagawa
ang pangangaral at nagkakampanyang ang
kanya-kanyang relihiyon ang solusyon
sa pagkakaisa ng komunidad.
nangyayari ay lumalabas lang ang mga
balatkayong pari at pastor at lalong nahahati
sa inis na ang isa ay tama at isa ay mali.
ito na ang sanhi ng lahat ng giyera, mundyal
o sibil. Maging politika lokal dito sa ating
paligid ay ito ang malaking dahilan ng
pagkahati ng komunidad.
Pangatlo - Sex
Ito lamang ang paksang walang
pasubali na madaling pag-usapan kahit
walang katapusan. Lalo ngayon na
tinatanggap na ng lipunan ang pagsasama
ng kapwa lalaki o kapwa babae.
Hindi ba higit na may layuning
pagkakasundo o unity?
Kung sino man ang may gustong
talakayin ang paksang ito ay huwag kayong
mag-aksaya ng panahon at sulatan ninyo ako
sa pahayagang ito.
Pangalawa - Politika
Buhat pa nang unang panahon ay
Final dissolution of the
Philippine Centre Foundation
of Greater Montreal 2004 Inc.
Because of dissention within
the ranks and also of the lack of
support from the Filipino community
and all of their many Associations, the
Philippine Centre Foundation of
Greater Montreal 2004 is now
dissolved. It is very sad to see this
happening, but it is a reality and a
lesson to be learned. The Philippine
Centre Foundation of Greater Montreal
had to disburse all the funds raised
from the start in 2004, over $70,000.
The "Foundation" gave donations to
major charitable organisations, and the
FAMAS Association. Although this
Association did nothing to support us,
after incessant begging from one of
our Directors, who did not raise much
funds for the "Foundation," it was
decided to help the FAMAS
Association for their Christmas party,
for they did not have any funds.
The funds were distributed as
2,000 to Peace & Development, for the
Ondoy victims,
20,000 to the Filipino Catholic Mission
of Montreal,
10,000 to MUHC Children hospital
4,720 to children education RESP
10,000 to FAMAS Association
5,000 to Sun Youth Organization
3,000 to Sainte Justine Hospital
3,000 to Lakeshore General Hospital
3,000 to Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
3,000 to World of Dreams Foundation
3,000 to Dans la Rue Organization
3,000 to Old Brewery Mission
2,775 to the "Seniors in Motion" project
1,500 to the Integrated Community of
Canada Foundation
Foundation of Greater Montreal
received very warm letters of
organizations for the donations made
to their own objectives. In the records
of the "Foundation" there was not any
letter from the FAMAS Association, not
even a thank you note. Of course for
the "Foundation" it was disappointing,
but it was not a surprise, considering
the lack of professional ethics from the
community "leaders".
The "Foundation" had to return
a grant destined to the "Seniors in
Motion Project", because it was not a
project of the Philippine Centre
Foundation of Greater Montreal who
was in the process of being dissolved
at that time. However the "Foundation"
issued funding in the amount of
$2,775, so that this project could
continue without being jeopardized.
The simple truth always prevails.
Maybe some next grass root
generation of the future could come to
terms with the crabbing mentality and
join together to form a united front. I
hope for the best.
Abel Desprez, CGA
PCFGM Auditor
Be a Certified
International Trade
Professional (CITP)
Enroll in the International
Trade program
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10:00 AM - Bible Study
11:00 AM - Worship
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Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord , , , (Isa. 1:18)
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Edward S. Manimtim, Minister
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December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Nonito Donaire honored to be called 'the next Manny Pacquiao'
Newly declared World Boxing
Donaire, Jr. is honored that boxing
analysts see him as “the next Manny
“Manny Pacquiao is the best, if not,
one of the best in history. One of the
greatest. So to be said that you’re the
next na magiging Manny Pacquiao, it’s
a blessing and it’s such an honor,” said
Nonito in a live interview on “Umagang
Kay Ganda,” Dec. 14.
The “Filipino Flash,” together with
wife Rachel, arrived in the country from
San Francisco at 3 a.m. Tuesday after a
triumphant fight against Wladimir
Sidorenko of Ukraine last Dec. 4 in
Anaheim, California. Nonito knocked
out Wladimir in the fourth round, earning
him his fourth knockout victory and 24th
straight win.
“UKG” host Alex Santos noted that
like Manny, Nonito is also left-handed,
southpaw boxer. Both fighters are also
known for their singing skills. Manny
has two albums under his belt, while
Nonito was one of the finalists on GMA7’s “Celebrity Duets.”
Although he feels honored by the
praise, Nonito is pressured by it, too.
“I try not to think about it. Ang
[iniisip] ko lang is kailangan kong magtrain nang husto at kailangang panalo
everytime,” he said.
Training resumes as early as the
holiday season for Nonito, who will next
battle it out with Mexican boxer and
bantamweight king Fernando Montiel
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on Feb. 19, 2011.
Rachel, who was with Nonito during
the “UKG” interview, said that Nonito will
train in Japan. “While he’s training,
we’re gonna set up a Christmas party,”
she added.
Nonito is keen on pulverizing his
opponent, as doing so will make him the
first Asian unified champion boxer.
“As of now, siya (Montiel) ‘yung
pinakamagaling sa division, eh gusto
kong matalo ‘yung pinakamagaling sa
division, para maging number one tayo.
Dalawa ‘yung belt niya, WBC and WBO,
so gusto kong makuha ‘yon eh, and one
more belt after that to be the first Asian
and first Filipino as well to be unified
champion so ‘yun ‘yung aim ko, ‘yun
‘yung goal ko ever since…” he related.
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Derek Ramsay excited to meet
Angelica’s dad
Angelica Panganiban reunites with
American dad after 2 years
Angelica Panganiban
Actress Angelica Panganiban and
his estranged American father has
finally reunited.
ABS-CBN News reported that the
24-year-old Kapamilya talent finally met
her father during her visit to Los
Angeles, California on Nov. 21. She
went there alone to see her father whom
she had not seen since birth.
Angelica recalled her feelings about
the meeting when she arrived in the
country last Thursday.
“Ewan ko, hindi ko mapaliwanag
ang feeling, parang hindi totoo, para
akong nanonood ng pelikula, parang
manhid ang buong katawan mo, tapos
bigla ka na lang iiyak.”
magkaparehas,” Angelica added.
Though her father already has a
family in the US, Angelica did not
hesitate seeing him after learning his
name and whereabouts.
Although 24 years has passed,
Angelica said she holds no grudge
against her father; and would just rather
focus on how the two of them will patch
things up.
“Medyo sensitive ‘yong part noon
at medyo personal yong reason kung
bakit kami nagkahiwalay, kung bakit
hindi niya ako hinanap, kung bakit hindi
ko alam na siya ang daddy ko. Ang
importante, nag end up ng maganda
ang lahat,” she said.
Recall that during Angelica’s live
interview on “The Buzz” for her birthday
celebration last month, she asked the
network to give the vacation as a gift to
her “kasi may kailangan lang akong
“Kapag nakita ko na yun, masasabi
kong kumpleto na ang pagkatao ko,”
she said teary-eyed.a
Derek Ramsay
Derek Ramsay has no qualms
admitting that he looks forward to
Panganiban’s biological father.
“I spoke to him over the phone.
Nagkausap kami. Sounds like he’s a
really good guy. Plano nga niyang
pumunta sa Pilipinas so 'pag dumating
siya ditto, sigurado ‘yan ipapakilala ko
siya sa pamilya ko,” he said on
“Showbiz News Ngayon,” Dec. 13.
The hunk actor related that Angelica
and her American father, Mark Charlson,
frequently talk over the phone since they
have a lot of catching up to do.
Angelica was estranged from her
dad for years. She was only able to trace
her dad’s whereabouts and then see
him personally just a few weeks back.
“Si Angel, araw-araw yata kausap,
eh,” Derek said referring to the actress’
Derek is happy about Angelica’s
reunion with her long-lost dad.
“I always tell Angel, 'You know,
totoong daddy mo ‘yung nag-alaga sa
‘yo.' She understands that and she loves
Tita Annabelle. Maraming emotions to,
eh. Makikilala mo ‘yung biological dad
mo so we’re letting her enjoy. She’s
happy. She deserves to be happy.”
To celebrate his birthday recently,
Derek and Angelica hied off to Australia.
“Pumunta lang kami ng Australia.
Angel and I spent my birthday sa Bondi
beach. Nag-relax lang kami doon,
nagbasa, nag-sunbathing. And then we
went out to dinner together sa Opera
beside the Opera house,” he shared.
The actor added that his
“Magkaribal” leading lady Gretchen
Barretto graced his bash.
“Yesterday I had a surprise
party…and Gretchen came... that’s
really nice of her... Matteo Guidecelli and
all my friends and family…it was a good
day. Natapos kami alas kuwatro na yata
ng umaga.”
Derek’s birthday wish is for his
family to have good health, especially
his father.
“Dad is in the hospital now as we
speak, getting a check-up. So, if I have
one wish, it’s that there’s nothing
serious with him.” a
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December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Vilma Santos talks about possible Ogie and Regine bare more of
movie projects with Nora, Sharon
their wedding plans
Vilma Santos
Vilma Santos is willing to make a
movie with her biggest showbiz "rival”
Nora Aunor, who is set to return to the
Philippines within the month.
“Wala naman sigurong masama
[kung gumawa kami ni Nora ng
pelikula] pero siguro ang importante
ang script,” said the veteran actressturned-public servant in an interview
aired on “Juicy,” Dec. 1.
Nora has been in the United
States for several years. She recently
suffered a botched cosmetic surgery
which supposedly damaged her
vocal cords.
Vilma and Nora’s so-called rivalry
escalated during the late '70s when
they went neck-and-neck for acclaim.
The two would later face off in what
many deem as the ultimate
showdown: The 1978 Ishmael Bernal
film, “Ikaw Ay Akin.”
In spite of the seeming attempts
to pit them against each other during
the peak of their careers, Nora and
Vilma’s friendship remains cemented.
Out of the many movie offers she
has received for both mainstream
and independent release---including
that from Chito Roño, Vilma said her
movie with Megastar Sharon Cuneta
will most likely come first.
“Kay Sharon ang alam kong
inaayos. Pero kasi meron talaga
akong kontrata sa Star Cinema eh.
Three movies, isa dito ‘yung kay
Sharon Cuneta nga. So siguro kung
makakagawa man muna ako siguro
isa, anytime next year. Pero hindi po
talaga kaya [ang sabay-sabay]. But
I’m very thankful sa lahat ng mga
offers na dumarating,” she said.
She clarified, however, that
“These are all plans, nakalatag. But
Vilma, who’s on her second term
as governor of Batangas, maintained
that although she loves showbiz,
public service is her main priority.
“[Ang] priority ko muna is
Batangas. Pag nakita kong smooth
na ‘yung Batangas, ‘yung mga
improvement na mga dapat kong
gawin at smooth na at imo-monitor
na lang, then I can do one [movie],”
the actress said.
Recall that last year, Vilma did
one film under Star Cinema, “In My
Life” (which earned her a new set of
Best Actress trophies), as well as a
month-long TV special on ABS-CBN.
But what Vilma looks forward to
the most now is having a new TV
“Parang [ang] gusto ko mix,
parang gusto ko showbiz and then
public service at the same time. So
ang hinahanap ko ngayon TV show.
Pero marami pang pag-uusap ‘yan
dahil marami pa rin akong ginagawa
sa Batangas…” she related.
Meanwhile, Vilma is equally
optimistic that her friends Aga
Muhlach and Sharon Cuneta will be
able to iron out their high-profile
“tampuhan.” Vilma herself also had a
two-year “falling out” with the actor.
“‘Yung tampuhan namin ni Aga,
tampuhang kaibigan din ‘yon. Hindi
business. Kaya… ‘yung tampuhan ni
Sharon at ni Aga, it’s just one of
“At sabi ko nga tao rin kami, may
mga time kami na may mga moods
kami. But that doesn’t mean na may
tampuhan eh parang malakingmalaking bagay na. Give them space,
babalik at babalik din po ‘yan sa dati.
Parang kami rin ni Agaton,” Vilma
said. a
Ogie Alcasid & Regine Velasquez
With merely 15 days left, local
Tinseltown is abuzz with talks and
preparations for the much-awaited
wedding of Regine Velasquez and Ogie
On Dec. 5, the couple’s “Party
Pilipinas” co-hosts threw a bridal
shower for Regine during the show.
Love songs and dance numbers were
performed, including a song number
by Ogie, making the bride-to-be tearyeyed and emotional.
“It was very nice. We had a lot of
fun. Thank you to everybody,” Regine
told “24 Oras Weekend” that same day.
Regine is set to have her last
appearance before her wedding on
“Party Pilipinas” this Dec. 12.
On a separate phone patch
interview with “Startalk” last Dec. 4,
Ogie revealed their post-wedding
The singer-composer shared that he
and Regine, together with their families,
would be leaving for Bohol for a
Christmas outing. He also revealed that
their honeymoon may have to wait until
next year.
“Yes, mag-iipon muna. Marami
nang gastos,” Ogie quipped. He added
that Regine would be busy continuing
her taping for the upcoming TV series “I
Heart You Pare” with Dingdong Dantes.
It had been confirmed in earlier
interviews that Regine would be
working until Dec. 10 only so that she
may be able to rest until her wedding
day. Her taping for “I Heart You Pare” is
said to resume on Jan. 10, 2011.
Like most couples, Ogie said that
they also want to have their own child,
preferably a son because that’s what
Regine wants.
Asked if they’re all set for their
union, Ogie simply likened the wedding
preparations to a boxing match.
“As far as the wedding preparation
is concerned, we're doing that in every
detail. Regine and I are preparing
ourselves spiritually with some people.
And at the same time, siyempre, medyo
nagpapayat ako ng konti para naman
sa wedding day ko, hindi ako ganoon
ka-chubby! Ang ganda ng asawa ko,
kaya dapat i-match ko rin ang sarili ko
sa kagandahan niya!,” said he,
The power couple’s wedding on
Dec. 22 will be held at a private beach
in Batangas, where Regine would be
wearing a red gown. Quite a number of
highly influential personalities had
already confirmed to join the
entourage, such as GMA Chairman and
CEO Atty. Felipe Gozon, TV5 CEO
Manny Pangilinan and President
Noynoy Aquino.
Ogies’ daughters Leila and Sarah
will serve as bridesmaid and bible
bearer, respectively, while ex-wife
Michelle is also giving a hand with the
preparations by being in charge of the
floral arrangements for the brides’ and
the entourage’s bouquets.
Meanwhile, Regine’s admission
that she and Ogie had been living
together under one roof for quite a
while now, didn’t seem to sit well with
some people. The revelation was part
of an interview by Jessica Soho on her
show “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho” aired
last. Nov. 27.
According to the grapevine, a few
people frowned upon this, saying that
they are setting a bad example for
young people who look up to
celebrities such as them. In a
conservative country such as ours, this
reaction comes as no surprise.
As of this writing, the couple has
yet to comment on the matter a
More Showbiz Gossip on Page 21
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The North American Filipino Star
December 2010
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon
December 2010
The North American Filipino Star
Mark Bautista writes a song for
Iza Calzado
passion for your craft,” Mark uttered
when discussing his talent and
A “Party Pilipinas” regular and a
big-time endorser for Mang Inasal,
Mark is set to appear on a TV series
with Heart Evangelista and Dennis
Trillo. On the big screen he will join the
cast of the much-awaited Aga
Muhlach-Regine Velasquez reunion
film. a
Erik Santos counts 2010 his
most rewarding year yet
Mark Bautista
Iza Calzado
Pop singer Mark Bautista has tried
his hand at songwriting in his latest
album titled “Nagmamahal,” coming
up with two up-tempo love tracks in
the process.
Though he’s humble with his
being a greenhorn tunesmith, it's
interesting to know whom one of the
songs is dedicated to: Iza Calzado.
The piece, titled “Ok Lang,” is an
upbeat number that explains how he
feels for the star of the ongoing series
“Beauty Queen.” Iza is reportedly
involved with another man, as the
song actually contains the lines,
“Ako’y nagpakilala/Dumating ang
isang kasama/Boyfriend pala sabi
niya/Ngiti na lang/Ok lang yan kahit
ako’y napahiya.”
In an interview with Bulletin
Entertainment, he talked about Iza
and said, “Apart from her looks, ‘yung
pagiging sobrang humble niya ang
nagustuhan ko about her. Sana
magustuhan niya ‘yung kanta.”
Mark is currently loveless, though
he goes out on dates. Songwriting
serves as good exercise in creatively
rechanneling his yearning for
someone. “I want to write more songs.
Gusto ko ang songwriting,” he said.
His album is themed all-Tagalog,
13 all in all, with another of his
compositions called “Bakit” finding its
way in the middle of the pack. Truly
practicing the virtue of humility, he
makes no effort in placing his songs in
the same breadth as those written by
the more experienced ones. In fact,
his fave track is not one of his, but the
Basil Valdez classic “Paano Ba Ang
Mangarap,” with an arrangement that
he describes as "grandioso."
Other interesting numbers are
“Buksan Mo,” pulled off by ex-"That’s
mainstay-turnedsongwriter Chuckie Dreyfus, and
“Akala Mo,” written by Hotdog’s
Dennis Garcia. Mark also recorded his
version of one of Gino Padilla’s big
hits, “Gusto Kita,” credited to Snaffu
Rigor who’s behind some of the
classics like “T.L. Ako Sa’yo,” “Bulag,
Pipi, at Bingi” and even that
memorable Seiko wallet jingle.
“It’s just about maintaining your
Erik Santos
Singer Erik Santos will always
remember 2010 as the year he was
able to buy his dream car: A BMW
worth at least P2-million.
“It was my birthday gift to myself
last October. Natuwa kasi ako na nagfall yung birthday ko sa 10/10/10
(October 10, 2010) kaya binili ko na.
Cash,” he told Bulletin Entertainment
and other members of the press at the
launch of his Star Records album, “All I
Want For Christmas.”
Although his bid to conquer other
Asian countries remains elusive, Erik
has been blessed in other ways in the
past 12 months. This includes a show
with Sharon Cuneta and Christian
Bautista titled “Star Factor;” two major
concerts, one of which he co-produced
(“Power of One” at the Meralco Theater
last September); and the release of a
previous album in Indonesia, Malaysia,
Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
“This has been my most financially
rewarding year. Kahit ako nagulat na
naging napakaganda pala ng taon na
‘to sa akin in terms ng pasok ng pera,”
he said, smiling.
It doesn’t stop there. Erik recently
recorded the official holiday theme
song of SM Supermalls titled “The
Christmas ChriSMs Bop,” which is also
in “All I Want For Christmas” along with
“Sana Ngayong Pasko,” “The First
Noel,” “Silent Night,” and ”Christmas
Asked if he has listened to his socalled “rival” Christian Bautista’s
Christmas CD, Erik said that they have
exchanged albums.
“Di ko pa napapakinggan pero I’m
sure maganda din yung kanya,” Erik
As usual, Erik was besieged with
questions about his love life.
Unfortunately, it will still be a loveless
holiday for him in 2010 — thrice in a
row since he broke up with actress
Rufa Mae Quinto.
Still, Erik hasn’t lost heart in finding
the right girl. The singer said that wants
one who is God-fearing, honest, loyal
and faithful.
He also hoped for her to be a
member of Victory Christian Fellowship
(VCF), which he attends with his other
celeb friends such as Piolo Pascual,
KC Concepcion, Rachelle Ann Go and
Rica Peralejo. a
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The North American Filipino Star
December 2010
Season’s Greetings
and Best Wishes
for the Holidays.
Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong
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