Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
User Guide
Main Menu
Data Files
Importing from Other Apps
Unit Systems
Well Configuration
Main View - User Interface
Circulation Options
Set/Reset Failures, Fracture and Graph
Timer / Pause
Show/Hide Pressures at BOP, Shoe and Bottom
Graph Options
Set the Kick
Well Control Simulations
Driller’s Method step by step
Examples of the Methods
Send Screenshot by Email
Revision 1.1
using version: 1.4 with iOS 6.1
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Well Control Simulator Provides a graphical very useful tool for training of roughnecks, derrickmen, drillers, tool pushers, drilling
engineers and students in the well control procedures.
Interactive System: no pre-set methods;
Ability to apply methods: Driller's method, wait and weight, dynamic volumetric and static volumetric (lubricate and bleed);
Capacities and Volumes;
Hydraulics and Hydrostatics and critical pressures calculations;
Behavior of the kick;
Applied with subsea stack and surface stack;
Kick Model:
The model assumes that the kick starts as a single bubble and migrates upward as a single bubble from the bottom to the surface.
Note: This simulator is limited by project and is not applied to more complex situations.
These tools & materials are provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind, express or implied.
Please verify the tools provided by this application by yourself before you use them. Ensure you understand the impact of using
these tools.
Any use you choose to make of these tools & materials is undertaken by you entirely at you own risk.
Our Portfolio on the App Store:
Well Control
Well Control
Well Control
Leak-Off Test
Leak-Off Test
iPad and Mac
Visit our Website
Friday, July 5, 13
Join to our group on
Join to our network
on LinkedIn
iPhone 4 x iPhone 5
iPhone 4
Portrait Mode:
for more realistic simulation
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
iPhone 5
iPhone 4 x iPhone 5
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Landscape Mode:
iPhone 4
iPhone 5
Friday, July 5, 13
for didactic purposes
Main Menu
iPhone on vertical position
Surface Stack:
Land rig
and Jack-up
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Visible when a data
file is selected
Subsea Stack:
and Drillship
(floating rigs)
Data Files
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Data File Interface
iCloud Settings
Data Files on iCloud
Creating a New Data File
Saving the New Data File
Default Surface Stack
Default Subsea Stack
Opening a Data File
Saving a Data File
Removing a Data File
Sending a Data File by Email
Friday, July 5, 13
Data Files Interface
back to main menu
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Select local option
Import from other apps
Edit file name
Save data file
Select data file
Current data file (selected)
Open data file
Remove data file
Default landing data file
Default subsea data file
Send data file by email
Friday, July 5, 13
back to main menu
iCloud Settings
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
It’s recommended first create a data file for work with this app => The “Save” button is enabled on views.
But this is unnecessary because this app uses data in the ram memory. The data can be saved on any time.
First, use the Local Option for create data files for better performance and later to save it on iCloud.
for iCloud unavailable
Check iCloud Configuration: Settings => iCloud
Documents & Data must be ON
Friday, July 5, 13
Data Files on iCloud
If iCloud is available on iPhone:
After create any data file in iCloud:
Settings => Storage & Backup => Manage Storage
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Creating a New Data File
This application needs a complete well to work.
For create a new Data File, select a default well on
buttons “Default Surface” or “Default Subsea”
File extension:
This application uses the file extension *.wcsf (Well Control
Simulator File). The user does not need to edit this extension.
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
The data file is saved with the default name (ex. Default Subsea
Stack) on iCloud or On My Device according to the selected option.
Saving the New Data File
Save the data file with other name. Input the file name
and Tap on “Save” button
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
The new data file is saved on iCloud or On My Device according
to the selected option.
No File
Hide Keyboard
Friday, July 5, 13
On My Device
Default Surface Stack
Well Configuration
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Drill String
Note: screenshots with iPhone 4
Friday, July 5, 13
Drill Bit
Default Surface Stack
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Temperature Gradient
Default Surface Stack
Mud Pumps
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Surface Connections
Elevation System
Hydraulic Choke and BOP
Friday, July 5, 13
Default Subsea Stack
Well Configuration
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Drill String
Note: screenshots with iPhone 5
Friday, July 5, 13
Default Subsea Stack
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Temperature Gradient
Default Subsea Stack
Mud Pumps
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Surface Connections
Elevation System
Hydraulic Choke and BOP
Friday, July 5, 13
Opening a Data File
When TAP on “Open” button, the data that is on the Data
File Highlighted on Wheel is loaded in the RAM memory
and can be saved with other file name.
Method to transfer data file between iCloud and Local:
The user can open a data file on Local (On My Device)
and after save it on iCloud or the opposite.
iCloud Message:
On the first time that the user taps on “Open” button, the
download of the data file is started from the iCloud to a local
address with internal access only. When the download is
completed, it’s possible open the data file.
The user must tap again on the “Open” button for checking.
When OK, the data file is loaded in RAM memory and shown
on the well schematic.
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Saving a Data File
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
When TAP on “Save” button the data that are loaded in the RAM
memory is saved to the data file named with the content of the
File Name TextBox.
The data file is created in iCloud or Local (On My Device)
according to the selected option.
Save your exercise with different filenames at the
points of interest for analyzes later.
When the status is “No File”: “#”, the data loaded not
been saved but remain in ram memory.
Friday, July 5, 13
Removing a Data File
Select the data file and Tap on “Remove” button.
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Yes” button to confirm.
When a data file is removed, the data is lost.
Friday, July 5, 13
Sending a data file by email
Select the data file and TAP on “By Email” button.
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
In the email view, fill the fields of the email header and edit the email
text if necessary. Tap on “Send” or “Cancel” button.
Importing from other Apps on iCloud
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
In this time, the follow apps can to share the same well data and also some operational parameters.
iPod Touch
iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch only
Well Control Worksheets
iPad and Mac only
- The well data is common for the 6 apps (Well Control Methods, Kick Tolerance, Drilling Hydraulics, Drilling
Simulator, Well Control Simulator and Leak-Off Test Simulator).
- The Drilling Simulator and Well Control Simulator have the same parameters.
They have some exclusive parameters (drill string pipe weight, etc).
- The Drilling Hydraulics has exclusively the parameters: mup pumps #3 and #4 and drilling motor.
- The Well Control Worksheets only import data from other apps to fill the kill sheets.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing from other Apps on iCloud
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
In this example, we will import data from Drilling Simulator App. Tap on “Import from Other Apps on iCloud” button.
The apps on the User iCloud are listed on the
data wheel. Select the App to list the data files.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing from other Apps on iCloud
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Select the App to list the data files. Move the wheel up/down to select the data file and Tap on “Import” button.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing from other Apps on iCloud
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
After to import, the data file is saved with the same filename (*.wcsf) on iCloud or On My Device according to the selected option.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing from other Apps on iCloud
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Show Apps on iCloud” to select other app or Tap on “Import from Other Apps on iCloud” button to close the popup view
Friday, July 5, 13
Unit Systems
Select the ‘Unit System’ option:
Or select the unit for
each parameter
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Well Configuration
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
On Main View, tap on “Well” button on toolbar to edit the Well Configuration.
Well Configuration Interface
Well Types: Vertical x Directional
Well with Liner
Stack Types: Surface x Subsea
Drill String
Capacities & Volumes
Drill Bit
Drilling Fluid (Mud)
Mud Volumes
Surface Circulation Volume
Mud Pumps
Surface Connections
Elevation System
Hydraulic Choke and BOP
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Configuration Interface
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
On Main View, tap on “Well Configuration” option to edit the Well Configuration.
Select well type: Vertical or Directional
Go to Liner view
back to main menu
Directional selected
volume calculation according
option selected
select cap/vol or strokes
Equipments view
go to drill string view
drill bit view
Friday, July 5, 13
gradients view
mud view
mud pumps view
Well Types: Vertical or Directional
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Vertical Well
Friction Loss --> Measured Depth
Hydrostatic --> True Vertical Depth
This app does not considers the
build-up rate on calculations
Directional Well
Friday, July 5, 13
Casing Shoe
Well Depth
Well with Liner
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap “Liner” button on navigation bar to edit the liner parameters
Casing Shoe Measured
Liner Shoe Measured
Friday, July 5, 13
Liner Top Measured
Well Depth
Stack Types: Surface x Subsea
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Rotary Table
Air Gap
Kill Line
Water Depth
BOP Depth
Water Depth + Air Gap
Friday, July 5, 13
Choke Line
Drill String
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
The drill string can be configured with:
2 types of drill pipes (DP1 and DP2)
1 heavy weight drill pipe (HW)
2 drill collars (DC1 and DC2)
The Pipe Nominal Weight
Parameter just can be edited with
iPhone on vertical Position
Friday, July 5, 13
iPhone 5 / iPod Touch 5 gen
Capacities and Volume
Section Internal Volume
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Wellbore x Drill String annular
Internal Liner x Drill String annular
Capacities and Volumes
Internal Volume (just volume of fluid)
Calculated without the steel volume (drill string)
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Total Internal Volume
(volume of fluid + volume of steel)
Well bore
Well bore
Drill String
Strokes with Mud Pump #1
Friday, July 5, 13
Strokes with Mud Pump #2
Drill Bit
Tap on “Nozzles” option to edit the coefficient and to set until 4 types of
nozzles x until 10 units per type to calculate the TFA
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Select “Fixed” option to edit the
TFA = Total Flow Area
MW x Flow 2
Bit Loss =
Friday, July 5, 13
12032 x Coeff 2 x TFA2
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Drilling Fluid (Mud)
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
This app works just with the parameters used in the hydraulics calculations:
Mud Weight, Plastic Viscosity, Yield Point and Initial Gel
Friday, July 5, 13
Mud Volumes
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Edit the Active Pit Volume. This parameter is shown on graph on Main View.
100 SPM
- 30 bbl
Friday, July 5, 13
Surface Circulation Volume
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
About the Surface Circulation Volume (SCV):
Surface Circulation Volume = Volume of the flow line, pipes, etc
when circulating at the surface.
When occur a kick on the drilling, the driller stops the mud pump and
the "Surface Circulation Volume" return to tank.
The calculation of the real volume of the kick = Static Vol. after shut-in
the well - Dynamic Volume on drilling - Surface Circulation Volume.
Circulating Drillpipe -> Flow Line
SPM = 0
Static Volume = 500 bbl
SCV = 0 bbl
SPM = 100
Dynamic Volume = 470 bbl
SCV = 30 bbl
Circulating Drillpie -> Flow Line
SPM = 80
Dynamic Volume = 476 bbl
SCV = 24 bbl
100 SPM
SPM = 40 (mud pump stopped)
Active Volume = 100 bbl
SCV = 0 bbl
Circulating Drillpipe -> Choke
SPM = 0
Static Volume = 500 bbl
SCV = 0 bbl
SPM = 40
Dynamic Volume = 493 bbl
SCV = 7 bbl
Friday, July 5, 13
Drillpipe -> Choke
80 SPM
40 SPM
-7 bbl
- 30 bbl
- 24
+7 bbl
Mud Pumps
Use mud pumps 1 and 2 to align to drill string
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Mud Pump #2:
Surface Connections
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Edit the length and ID parameters for Standpipe, Mud Hose, Swivel/TD and Kelly/Stands
Friday, July 5, 13
Elevation System
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Edit the parameter “Elevation System Weight”. The “Drill string Nominal Weight” is calculated with the drill string parameters.
Hook Load = “Drill string nominal weight with buoyancy” + “Elevation System Weight”
Friday, July 5, 13
Hydraulic Choke and BOP
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Main View - User Interface
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Circ” button on toolbar to select a circulation option:
1) Drillpipe -> Flow line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the Pressure at Kill Rate Speed
2) Kill Line -> Flow Line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the pressure losses on choke line / Kill line
3) Drillpipe -> Choke: Option to apply the Driller’s Method or Wait and Weight (Engineer’s Method)
4) Kill Line -> Choke: (“Riser” on subsea): Option to Control by Dynamic Volumetric
Surface Stack
Friday, July 5, 13
Hydraulic Choke
Subsea Stack
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Circ” button on toolbar to select a circulation option:
1) Drillpipe -> Flow line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the Pressure at Kill Rate Speed
2) Kill Line -> Flow Line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the pressure losses on choke line / Kill line
3) Drillpipe -> Choke: Option to apply the Driller’s Method or Wait and Weight (Engineer’s Method)
4) Kill Line -> Choke: (“Riser” on subsea): Option to Control by Dynamic Volumetric
It is possible to use two mud pumps
in parallel (MP #1 and MP #2)
Tap to select
Set the decrement / increment of the
pump speed for adjust on buttons - / +
Range: 1 to 5 spm
Default: 1 spm
Friday, July 5, 13
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Drillpipe -> Flow line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the Pressure at Kill Rate Speed: 374 psi @ 30 spm
Friday, July 5, 13
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Circ” button on toolbar to select a circulation option:
1) Drillpipe -> Flow line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the Pressure at Kill Rate Speed
2) Kill Line -> Flow Line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the pressure losses on choke line / Kill line
3) Drillpipe -> Choke: Option to apply the Driller’s Method or Wait and Weight (Engineer’s Method)
4) Kill Line -> Choke: (“Riser” on subsea): Option to Control by Dynamic Volumetric
Friday, July 5, 13
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Kill Line -> Flow Line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the pressure losses on choke line = kill line; 144.7 psi @ 30 spm
Friday, July 5, 13
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Circ” button on toolbar to select a circulation option:
1) Drillpipe -> Flow line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the Pressure at Kill Rate Speed
2) Kill Line -> Flow Line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the pressure losses on choke line / Kill line
3) Drillpipe -> Choke: Option to apply the Driller’s Method or Wait and Weight (Engineer’s Method)
4) Kill Line -> Choke: (“Riser” on subsea): Option to Control by Dynamic Volumetric
Choke selected:
- BOP Closed
- Circ by Choke Line
- Control on Choke
Friday, July 5, 13
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Drillpipe -> Choke: Option to apply the driller’s’method or wait and weight (engineer’s method)
Friday, July 5, 13
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Circ” button on toolbar to select a circulation option:
1) Drillpipe -> Flow line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the Pressure at Kill Rate Speed
2) Kill Line -> Flow Line (“Riser” on subsea): Option to record the pressure losses on choke line / Kill line
3) Drillpipe -> Choke: Option to apply the Driller’s Method or Wait and Weight (Engineer’s Method)
4) Kill Line -> Choke: (“Riser” on subsea): Option to Control by Dynamic Volumetric
Choke selected:
- BOP Closed
- Circ by Choke Line
- Control on Choke
Friday, July 5, 13
Circulation Options
Well Closed: Circulation by Choke and Choke closed
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Circulation Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Always shows the pump pressure of the mud pumps #1 and #2 in parallel.
Drillpipe Pressure
Flow Rate
BOP Status
Reset Strokes
Tap on open/close buttons
to set the choke in %
Tap on - / + buttons
to set the pump speed
for each mud pump.
Tap on - / + buttons
to set the choke rate
slow / fast
Mud Pump
Failure on
Mud Pumps
and BOP
Set the decrement / increment of the pump
speed on “Circ” options:
Friday, July 5, 13
Set/Reset Failures, Fracture and Graph
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Set” button to Set or Reset failures on the mud pump #1, #2 and BOP, Fracture on Shoe Depth or to Reset the Graph
failure on
mud pump #2
Graph Historical:
This app works with the last 360 min of simulation.
After 360 min, occur a shift from begin.
Friday, July 5, 13
Timer / Pause
Tap on “x?” button to Set X times or Reset the stopwatch
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Set text to RED
x times
Range: 1 to 9
On / OFF
Friday, July 5, 13
Show/Hide Pressures at BOP, Shoe and Bottom
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Set to Show for didactic purposes. Set to Hide or use the device on vertical (no show the well) for a simulation more realistic.
Friday, July 5, 13
Graph Options
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Set” button -> “Graph Options” to set the minimum and maximum values for each parameter.
- Select the maximum pressure to show on manometer
- Select for the X axis: vs Time, vs Strokes or vs Kick Volume
- Set Auto time of + 10 minutes for continuos graph.
Friday, July 5, 13
Graph Options
Set the instruments scale for DP, Kill
and Choke Pressures Manometer
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Set the Kick
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Kick” button on Main View to Set the Kick:
1. Well with Drill String at the bottom:
Set parameters:
Kick Depth: depth of base of the kick (default: well depth)
Permeability of the formation (default: 300 mD)
Kick Volume
SIDPP: Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure
SICP: Shut-In Choke Pressure (better for subsea stack)
(commonly defined as Shut-In Casing Pressure)
For to apply the Driller’s Method and Wait and Weight
The kick volume will increase until the shut-in the well.
- After to input the last parameters, tap “Done” key and “Set” button
- To remove the current kick, tap on “Reset” button
Friday, July 5, 13
Set the Kick
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
2. Well without Drill String in the wellbore
Kick Depth: depth of base of the kick
Permeability of the formation
Kick Volume
Kick Density
SICP: Shut-In Choke Pressure (better for subsea stack)
(commonly defined as Shut-In Casing Pressure)
For to apply the Volumetric Methods
3. For calculations of the SIDPP and SICP
(for didactic purposes)
Kick Depth: depth of base of the kick
Permeability of the formation
Kick Volume
Kick Density
Pore Equivalent Density (formation pressure)
- After to input the last parameters, tap “Done” key and “Set” button
- To remove the current kick, tap on “Reset” button
The kick volume will increase until the shut-in the well.
Friday, July 5, 13
Set the Kick with the well opened
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Kick” button on Main View to Set the Kick:
1. Well Opened with Drill String at the bottom:
Set parameters (values for example):
Kick Depth: depth of base of the kick (default: well depth)
Permeability of the formation (default: 300 mD)
Kick Volume = 10 bbl
SIDPP: 300 psi
SICP: 450 psi
Tap on “Set” button
=> The kick volume will increase until the shut-in the well
2. Close the BOP
Tap on “Circ” button and set [Riser | Choke] to Choke
3. Close the Choke
Friday, July 5, 13
Set the Kick with the well opened
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Stabilization of the pressures and migration of the kick
Kick off the bottom
Friday, July 5, 13
Set the Kick with the well opened
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Stabilization of the pressures and migration of the kick
ECD at Bottom = Pore Equivalent Density
Attention about occurrence of fracture:
ECD at Shoe Depth > Fracture Equivalent Density
Friday, July 5, 13
Set the Kick with the well closed
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
After to set the kick with the well already closed, the stabilization of the pressures and the migration of the kick occurs immediately.
Immediate stabilization
Friday, July 5, 13
Set the Kill Mud Weight
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “kmw” button on Main View.
1) Input the Kill Mud Weight
2) Set “Enabled” option
3) Tap on “Set” button
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulations
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Recommended Practice:
1. Use the app "Drilling Simulator" to drill, detect kick, close the well and wait for
stabilization of the pressures. Save the data file to iCloud.
2. Open the app “Well Control Simulator” and import from Drilling Simulator on iCloud
3. Define the method to apply to control
4. Open the app “Well Control Methods” and import the same data file to fill the kill
Friday, July 5, 13
Drilling Simulator: Kick Detection
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
The following kick indications can be observed in the graph during the drilling:
1- Decrease in the pump pressure
2- Increase in the pit volume (active tank)
3- Increase in the percent of flow
4- Increase in the rotary torque
5- Increase in the drilling rate
6- Increase in the flow out
Visual indication with iPhone
in horizontal position
(visible in simulation only)
Friday, July 5, 13
Drilling Simulator: Shut-in the well
Set RPM=0, SPM=0, WOB=0 and Tap on “Options”
button on toolbar and select “Close BOP” button:
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Drilling Simulator: Stabilization of the Pressures
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Check for the behavoir of curves of DP pressure and Choke Pressure on graph. On hydraulics view ECD = Critical Density on Bottom:
ECD = Critical Density on Bottom
Friday, July 5, 13
Drilling Simulator: Save on iCloud
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Save after the stabilization of the pressures on iCloud to importing by the app "Well Control Simulation" for control.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Simulator
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Open the “Well Control Simulator” app to Import from “Drilling Simulator” to apply a Method to control.
Tap on “cfg” button in Main View
Friday, July 5, 13
Select “Data Files”
Tap on “Import from ...” button
Importing by Well Control Simulator
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Move to “Drilling Simulator” and Tap on “Select App” button. Select the data file to import.
Select the App
Friday, July 5, 13
Select “Data Files”
Importing by Well Control Simulator
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Drilling Simulator”.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Importing from “Well Control Simulator”.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Well Control Simulator”.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Well Control Simulator”.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Well Control Simulator”
and selecting the Driller’s Method.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Well Control Simulator”
and selecting the Wait and Weight Method.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Well Control Simulator”
and selecting the Wait and Weight Method.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Well Control Simulator”
and selecting the Dynamic Volumetric.
Friday, July 5, 13
Importing by Well Control Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Example after importing from “Well Control Simulator”
and selecting the Dynamic Volumetric.
Friday, July 5, 13
Fracture on Shoe Depth
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Check for the choke pressure to reach the maximum choke pressure. On hydraulics view, ECD = Critical Density on Shoe Depth.
Attention: When occurs the fracture in this simulator, the control will be lost.
Friday, July 5, 13
Example using the Driller’s Method
1. Select the “Default Surface Stack” on files view.
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
2. Check the well configuration
Example using the Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
3) Tap on ‘Grad’ button on Well Config View
5) Rheological model:
Selected ‘Power’
Note: The ‘Power’ for Rheological Model is best to bring mud
pump to kill speed on simulator:
4) Set Gradients to minimum values:
- Absorption Gradient = 14.3 ppg
- Fracture Gradient
= 14.8 ppg
Friday, July 5, 13
Example using the Driller’s Method
6) Set drill bit and equipments
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
7) Record the Pump Pressure @ Kill Rate Speed
Kill Rate Speed = 30 spm
Kill Flow Rate = 125.5 gpm
Kill Rate Pump Pressure = 239.4 psi
Friday, July 5, 13
Set the Kick
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
9) Select ‘sidpp/sicp’ option;
10) Enter Kick Volume=10 bbl, SIDPP=300 psi and SICP=450 psi
8) Tap on ‘Kick’ button
11) Tap on ‘Set’ button;
12) Return to ‘Main View’
Attention: Using screenshots from old versions
Friday, July 5, 13
Shut-in the well
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
14) Select the ‘Drillpipe’ and ‘Choke’ options;
13) Tap on ‘circ’ button
Friday, July 5, 13
15) Return to ‘Main View’
Close the choke
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
5) Note that kill pressure
and choke pressure
6) Repeat until
choke closed;
16) Tap on ‘close’ button;
Friday, July 5, 13
17) Return to ‘Main View’
Stabilization of the pressures
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Checking the Stabilization of the pressures
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
2) Stabilization:
ECD at Bottom Hole = Form Equiv Density (Critical ECD)
1) Tap on ‘hyd’ button
=> SIDPP=300 psi, SICP=500 psi, Vol=14.3 bbl
3) Return to ‘Main View’
Friday, July 5, 13
Starting the circulation
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Try to maintain KILL PRESSURE CONSTANT (~ SICP = 500 psi)
1) Open Choke ~ 2%
(Kill Pressure 500 -> 495 psi)
Bring the mud pump to 5 spm
Friday, July 5, 13
2) Open Choke ~ 4%
Bring the mud pump to 10 spm
3) Open Choke ~ 8%
Bring the mud pump to 15 spm
Starting the circulation
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Try to maintain KILL PRESSURE CONSTANT (~ SICP = 500 psi)
4) Open Choke ~ 10%
Bring the mud pump to 20 spm
Friday, July 5, 13
5) Open Choke ~ 12%
Bring the mud pump to 25 spm
6) Open Choke ~ 15%
Bring the mud pump to 30 spm
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Using the app “Well Control Methods” with the same data to get the Driller’s Method procedure
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Using the app “Well Control Methods” with the same data to get the Driller’s Method procedure
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Step 1: Circulate out the influx to surface
Maintaining ICP ~ 560 psi
Timer Options
slow / fast buttons
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Step 1: Circulate out the influx to surface
Maintaining ICP ~ 560 psi
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Step 1: Circulate out the influx to surface
Maintaining ICP ~ 560 psi
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Step 2: Filling the Drill String with Kill Mud Weight
Set Kill Mud Weight = 11.1 ppg
2) Select ‘Enabled’ option;
3) Enter KMW=11.1 ppg;
4) Tap on ‘Set’ button;
1) Tap on ‘kmw’ button
Friday, July 5, 13
5) Return to Main View
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Step 2: Filling the Drill String with Kill Mud Weight
Maintaining Kill Pressure ~ 320 psi
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Step 3: Filling the Annulus with Kill Mud Weight
Maintaining DP Pressure ~ 280 psi
Friday, July 5, 13
Examples of the Methods
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Surface Stack
The Driller’s Method
The Wait and Weight Method
The Static Volumetric Method
Subsea Stack
The Driller’s Method
The Wait and Weight Method
The Dynamic Volumetric Method
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method on surface stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Screenshot: version 1.4 with iOS 6.1
Friday, July 5, 13
The Driller’s Method on surface stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Screenshot: version 1.4 with iOS 6.1
Friday, July 5, 13
Wait and Weight Method on surface stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Screenshot: version 1.0
Friday, July 5, 13
Static Volumetric on surface stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Lubricate and bleed
(Top Kill)
First Part: Migration and bleed
Gas at choke
Screenshot: version 1.0
Friday, July 5, 13
Static Volumetric on surface stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Lubricate and bleed
First Part:
Migration and bleed
Gas at choke
Screenshot: version 1.0
Friday, July 5, 13
(Top Kill)
The Driller’s Method on subsea stack
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
The Driller’s Method on subsea stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Top of Gas at choke
Bottom of Gas at bop
Top of Gas at bop
Friday, July 5, 13
The Wait and Weight Method on subsea stack
Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
The Wait and Weight Method on subsea stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Top of Gas at choke
Bottom of Gas at bop
Top of Gas at bop
Friday, July 5, 13
The Dynamic Volumetric Method on subsea stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Top of Gas at bop
Top of Gas
at choke
Bottom of Gas at bop
Friday, July 5, 13
The Dynamic Volumetric Method on subsea stack
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Top of Gas at choke
Top of Gas at bop
Bottom of Gas at bop
Friday, July 5, 13
Send Screenshots by Email
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch
Tap on “Set” button on Main View => Tap on “Plot Graph” button => Tap on “email” button.
Friday, July 5, 13
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There was no comparison with any other
Our goal was to create a low-cost application
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You can contribute with suggestions for
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Friday, July 5, 13
Well Control Simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch