Release Notes for Stat.900 Version 206

Tally.ERP 9 Series A
Release 4.61 Stat.900 Version 206
Release Notes
September 13, 2013
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Version: Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 4.61 Stat.900 Version 206 Release Notes/September 2013
Release Notes for Stat.900 Version 206
Value Added Tax ..................................................................................................... 1
Release Notes for Stat.900 Versions 81 – 205
Excise for Dealers ............................................................................................. 2
Excise for Manufacturers .................................................................................. 9
Fringe Benefit Tax .......................................................................................... 28
Payroll ............................................................................................................ 28
Performance ................................................................................................... 43
Service Tax ..................................................................................................... 44
Tax Collected at Source .................................................................................. 53
Tax Deducted at Source .................................................................................. 55
Value Added Tax ............................................................................................. 65
Andhra Pradesh ..................................................................................................... 65
Arunachal Pradesh ................................................................................................. 69
Assam .................................................................................................................. 70
Bihar ................................................................................................................... 75
Chandigarh ........................................................................................................... 80
Chhattisgarh ......................................................................................................... 84
Dadra & Nagar Haveli ............................................................................................. 87
Daman & Diu ........................................................................................................ 88
Delhi .................................................................................................................... 89
Goa ................................................................................................................. 102
Gujarat ............................................................................................................. 104
Haryana ........................................................................................................... 125
Himachal Pradesh .............................................................................................. 135
Jammu & Kashmir .............................................................................................. 141
Jharkhand ......................................................................................................... 146
Karnataka ......................................................................................................... 150
Kerala .............................................................................................................. 161
Madhya Pradesh ................................................................................................ 168
Maharashtra...................................................................................................... 172
Manipur ............................................................................................................ 183
Meghalaya ........................................................................................................ 184
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Mizoram ........................................................................................................... 185
Nagaland .......................................................................................................... 186
Odisha ............................................................................................................. 186
Puducherry ....................................................................................................... 193
Punjab .............................................................................................................. 195
Rajasthan ......................................................................................................... 220
Tamil Nadu ....................................................................................................... 232
Tripura ............................................................................................................. 243
Uttar Pradesh .................................................................................................... 244
Uttarakhand ...................................................................................................... 266
West Bengal ...................................................................................................... 273
VAT/CST Common ............................................................................................. 288
Other Enhancements .......................................................................................... 298
International Taxation – Bangladesh..................................................................... 299
International Taxation – Botswana ....................................................................... 299
International Taxation – Ghana ............................................................................ 300
International Taxation – Kenya ............................................................................ 300
International Taxation – Malaysia ......................................................................... 301
International Taxation – Singapore ....................................................................... 302
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Release Notes for Stat.900 Version 206
1. Enhancements
1.1 Value Added Tax
As per Notification for increase in VAT rates from 13.5% to 14.5% the following new VAT/
Tax classifications are provided, effective from September 13, 2013:
 Input
VAT @ 14.5% / Purchases @ 14.5%
 Purchases
@ 14.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14.5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 14.5%
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 14.5%
@ 14.5% / Interstate Sales @ 14.5%
 Output
VAT @ 14.5% / Sales @ 14.5%
 Output
VAT @ 14.5% (Schedule IV Items) / Sales @ 14.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 
Output VAT - Lease @ 14.5% (on Going) / Sales - Lease @ 14.5% (on Going)
 
Output VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 14.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 14.5% VAT rate in VAT
Adhering to the notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for VAT
rate 6.25%:
 Input
VAT @ 6.25% / Purchases @ 6.25%
 Output
VAT @ 6.25%/ Sales @ 6.25%
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 6.25%
@ 6.25%/ Interstate Sales @ 6.25%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 6.25% VAT rate in VAT
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Release Notes for Stat.900 Versions 81 – 205
1. Excise for Dealers
Version 199
Issues Resolved
In RG 23D report, the details of Excise Sales made for a period beyond the specified period
was not getting captured even when the F6: Purchase Date option was enabled in the
This issue has been resolved.
Version 198
The E-Return menu is provided with menu options for Validations, Export of data in XML
format and Print.
In case where ECC Number and Sales Voucher Number are not provided or are incorrect,
the same will be listed as error in the E-Return Validations screen which can be rectified
using the drill-down facility. If the data is exported without providing correct details required
to fill the mandatory fields, the message - Validation is incomplete!!! will be displayed with
the provision to enter the correct information.
The supplier invoice date entered in excise purchase invoice will be captured in Supplier
Invoice Date field of Excise Details screen displayed for the selected excise stock item.
Version 197
Issues Resolved
In Form 2 the excise purchase details were getting captured against the commercial sales
invoice (which was enabled in the voucher class created in the excise sales invoice) instead of
capturing against excise sales.
This issue has been resolved.
Excise credit note entry passed for an import item having additional duty on imports were not
appearing in RG23D report.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 189
While generating E-Return in XML format, it has been made mandatory to fill - Place, Date
and Remarks fields to avoid Invalid Structure error during upload of XML file to the
Department’s website.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 185
As per the new XML schema made available by the Central Excise Department a new Excise
Reporting Unit of Measure - 10 GMS has been provided.
Issues Resolved
When an Excise Purchase entry was recorded using a Voucher Class configured with more
than one Basic Excise Duty Ledger (with different rates of duty), values were calculated and
displayed for all of them, irrespective of the rate of duty and applicability period configured for
the Stock Item chosen.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
The duty type - Special AED on CVD of excise duty classification is renamed to Additional
Duty (Imports).
Version 181
Multi Address facility is enhanced to capture the ECC as per the Address Type selected while
recording Supplier's Details in Excise Purchase Invoice, instead of the ECC provided in
Party Ledger.
Version 178
An option has been provided in Form RG23 D to generate and view the report for any given
Issues Resolved
Memory access violation error was displayed when quarterly e-return form was generated
with the option Show All Items set as Yes.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form 2 of remotely accessed company the Amount of Duty column was blank.
This issue has been resolved.
The stock details in Sales and Purchase Extract report was captured incorrectly in the
following scenarios:
 On
selecting same stock items multiple times in a single sales invoice the stock details of
only the first excise purchase was displayed.
 On
recording excise sales in the second quarter, the corresponding stock details of excise
purchase recorded in the first quarter was not displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 173
On selecting the nature of purchase - From Agent of Importer (Consignment Agent) and
From Agent of Importer in an excise purchase invoice, the Importer details get captured
in the Excise Sales invoice, Form-2, RG23D, Sales and Purchase Extract and
The functionality is enhanced to capture the Importer Exporter Code (IEC) entered in
Party Details screen of excise purchase invoice in excise sales invoice and e-return.
Version 169
Issues Resolved
The error message - Out of Memory was being displayed in few data while generating Form
- 2.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 167
The facility to configure Form 2 and Sales and Purchase Extract Report for displaying the
column - Purchase Bill Reference is provided to correlate the excise sales transactions with
the corresponding excise purchases.
Version 166
New Enhancement is provided for maintaining Invoice Numbers in sequence for Excise and
Tax / Retail Invoices. This Serial Number will capture in Form 2, Form RG 23D, E-Return
and Sales and Purchase Extract report.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In an Excise Purchase invoice, if the date specified in the Excise Details window in Supplier
invoice date was prior to the voucher date, the details were not captured in Form-2.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 157
The facility is provided to export data as per the XML schema provided by the Department on
October 1, 2011 for filing e-returns.
Version 155
Issues Resolved
Excise Purchase details were not captured in Form-2 when the transaction was recorded in
the previous month / quarter.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 150
Issues Resolved
The error message - Out of Memory was being displayed while generating Form 2.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 134
In Tally.ERP 9, support for accounting wastage, shortage, loss or theft of excise stock
items purchased has been provided in Journal Voucher. Details of Duty not passed on
wastage, shortage, loss or theft of excise stock item is captured in Form RG 23D report.
Note: To account wastage, shortage, loss or theft of Excise stock item in Journal Voucher,
users have to create voucher Class by enabling the option Use Class for Dealer Excise
Filter (F12: Filter) button has been provided in Party Wise Duty Extract, Form RG 23 D All Item, One Item & Sales Bill Wise reports. Using F12: Filter (Alt + F12) option you can
filter the information in Form RG 23D report.
Version 133
Tally.ERP 9 was considering the period of 3 months preceding the last date of entry as the
Quarter period for generating Form 2 or E-Return. The capability of display of Quarter period
has been enhanced to capture the current Quarter based on the last date of entry.
Example: If the last excise transaction recorded is on 10-10-2010 then in Quarter
period it is displayed as 1-10-2010 to 31-12-2010
On migrating excise dealer feature enabled data from Tally 9/ Tally.ERP 9 (till Release 2.0) to
Tally.ERP 9 Release 2.1, for the excise stock items with base unit (Kg, Mt etc) similar to the
Unit of Quantity defined under the Central Excise Tariff Act and created in lowercase
were automatically displayed in Upper Case (KG, MT etc.) in Reporting UOM filed (in Stock
Item Alteration screen) and Tally.ERP 9 was not considering such reporting UOM for Reporting
UOM Validation. While in E-Returns the Reporting UOM were being captured in Lower
Dealer E-Return capability has been enhanced to capture Reporting UOM in Upper Case
in Quantity Code field in E-Return generated from Tally.ERP9.
Version 128
Dealer E-Return capability has been enhanced to capture Duty Value less than 0.50 as
0.00 in Amount of Duty Involved field in E-Return generated from Tally.ERP9.
Version 126
Sales Bill- Wise FORM RG 23D report has been provided. This report displays the details of
sales transactions based on the period selected to view the report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
As per the Dealer E-Return requirement, length of Supplier Invoice Number to be of
20 characters and Address to be of 200 characters. In Tally.ERP 9 Dealer E-Return
functionality has been enhanced to meet the requirement. Now, while generating dealer
E-Return application will consider only the first 20 characters for Suppliers invoice number
and 200 characters for address and ignores the rest of the details.
Version 124
The following reports are provided for Dealer Excise:
 E-Return
 Excise
in XML format
Reporting UOM, Tariff HSN Code and Party ECC No. Validation Report
The Type of purchase - From Agent of Dealer is provided in the party Ledger master and the
value of entries recorded using ledgers predefined with this nature of purchase is captured in
Form 2, Form RG 23D and Sales and Purchase Extract Reports.
For rounding-off the decimals while exporting data to XML format using E-Return feature, the
option - Round Off Quantity to TWO decimals is provided in F12: Configuration of
Export Report screen.
Issues Resolved
The value of Excise Sales recorded using Voucher class created in Excise Sales Voucher Type
by setting Use for Commercial Invoice to Yes was being captured in Form 2.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 123
Issues Resolved
If the Stock Item Name contained more than 40 characters, in Form 2 and Sales
Purchase Extract reports stock item name displayed under Description of Goods column
was getting overfilled and was not possible to identify the stock item.
This issue has been resolved. Now, the stock item name with more than 40 characters will be
printed in multiple lines.
Version 113
New configuration option – Show Consignee Name & Address has been provided in F12:
Configuration of Form RG 23D report to display consignee name and address instead of
buyer name and address details.
Two new Sorting Methods - RG 23D Number (Decreasing) and RG 23D Number
(Increasing) have been provided in F12: Configuration of Form RG 23D report, to sort
the report based on RG 23D Numbers.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
A New Nature of Purchase - Manufacturer Depot has been provided. This helps the users to
 Record
the purchases from manufacturer depot
 Capture
Name, Address and Excise Registration details of Manufacturer Depot in
Excise Sales Invoice (on sale of goods purchased from Manufacturer depot).
 Capture
transaction details in all Excise Dealer Reports (Form 2, Sales & Purchase
Extract and Form RG 23D).
Issues Resolved
Maximum Excise Duty Amount Item details were not appearing in Sales Section of Form
2 report when the option Show All Items is set to No in form print F12: Configuration.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 102
In Select Excise Unit screen of One Item - Form RG 23D report
 Name
of Tariff option has been provided to select stock Item based on Tariff
 Alias
or Part Numbers (Part No.) specified in Stock Item Master will appear in List of
Excise Stock Items for stock item selection in Name of Item field.
New configuration option – Show Separate Special Excise Duty Column has been
provided in F12: Print Configuration of Form 2 and Sales and Purchase Extract report
to display duty details of Special Excise Duty, Special AED of CVD, SED of CVD, Special
AED in a separate column named Amount of Special Excise Duty.
Version 91
The option Show Purchases of Excise Stock for is provided in F12: Configuration of
Form RG 23 D report. Users can now configure the Form RG 23 D report to view
 All
 Only
Cleared Bills
 Only
Pending Bill
Version 90
In Manufacturers/ Dealer Excise Sales Invoice, 'Input Tax Credit is available to a Taxable
Person against this Copy Only' will be printed along with Excise Rule 11 title for all Taxable
Invoice of Punjab State.
Note: The title 'Input Tax Credit is available to a Taxable Person against this Copy
Only', will get printed in Excise sales invoice only if  The
 No
option Is Tax Invoice is set to Yes in Excise Sales Voucher Type
of Copies of invoice to be printed is more than 1.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 89
In Excise Purchase Voucher selection of same Excise Stock Item multiple times with
different Quantity and Rate has been supported and in Excise Stock Register, Excise
Purchase Bill Register, Sales and Purchase Extract, Form RG 23D and Form 2 reports,
details of Total Quantity purchased is displayed.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
In Columnar Purchase Voucher Register - Date was not displaying with the supplier
invoice number when the option Show Supplier Invoice No. & Dt is enabled in Columnar
Register Alteration (F5: Columnar).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
In Form RG 23D, the option Sorting Method is provided in F12: Configuration. Users can
sort the report based on Invoice Date, Invoice Number or Party Name.
Form RG 23D report based on Purchase Bill-wise (gives the details of the entire stock items)
is provided in Tally.ERP 9.
Issues Resolved
In Form - 2, Sales and Purchase Extract and Form RG 23D reports instead of HSN Code,
name of the tariff classification was getting displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
When an Excise Sales invoice is recorded by selecting the same item multiple times, the
RG 23D report was displaying only the details of the stock item selected in the first line.
This issue has been resolved. Now the RG 23D report displays the consolidated details of the
stock item.
In Form - 2 under Particulars of the documents based on which the credit is passed
on, fourth column title was displayed as Name and address of the /Importer instead of
Name and address of the Manufacturer/Importer.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
Export to Excel option has been provided for Sales and Purchase Extract and Form 2.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
2. Excise for Manufacturers
Version 200
Issues Resolved
If two financial years data was maintained in a single company, then in the E-Return of ER1,
the value of opening stock balance for the current financial was getting captured
This issue has been resolved.
Version 198
The E-Return menu is provided with menu options for Validations and Export of data in
XML format.
In case where ECC Number is not provided or is incorrect, the same will be listed as an error
in the E-Return Validations screen which can be rectified using the drill-down facility. If the
data is exported without providing correct details required to fill the mandatory fields, the
message - Validation is incomplete!!! will be displayed with the provision to enter the
correct information.
The service tax input credit on Reverse Charge is captured under Details of CENVAT
credit taken and utilised section of Form E.R.-1.
The facility is provided to print GAR 7 challan from voucher display screen.
Page number is captured on each page of RG23A and RG23C Part I Tariff-wise report.
Issues Resolved
In a payment voucher if stat payment button was used to pay excise duty and special AED,
the Duty code was not displayed in box 3 and 6 of Form E.R.-1.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting data of RG23A Part II using Excel Spreadsheet format, the alignment of text
and columns in output file was not proper.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 196
The challan number, date and BSR code provided while recording excise payment voucher
gets captured in Form ER-1, ER-3 and ER-8.
For multiple Excise Duty payments recorded in a tax return period, the challan number, date
and BSR code entered in each payment voucher gets captured against the respective duty
details in Form ER-1, ER-3 and ER-8.
Similarly, the challan number, date and BSR code entered for payment towards Arrears,
Penalty and Interest gets captured in Form ER-8.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In multiple item-wise report of RG 23A Part I, issues pertaining to alignment of text and
columns were observed.
These issues have been resolved.
In the xml format of e-return, the value of CENVAT credit adjusted against duty payable
from Removal as Such was not displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
In a data comprising transactions of more than one year, if multiple book numbers were used
while recording excise sales invoice, the details of book numbers were not captured in box
10C of Form ER-1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
The report - RG 23A Part I, has been enhanced with the facility to print details of each item
in a separate page.
The number and date of excise manufacturing journal will be captured as Requisition Number
and date in Issued for Manufacture of Final Product section of RG 23A Part I.
Issues Resolved
The duty payable of normal and excise sales adjusted against advance duty paid using the
flag - Adjustment Towards Advance Duty Paid in journal voucher was appearing
incorrectly in the XML file generated for e-return.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 192
Issues Resolved
In column - 3E of RG 23 Part I Tariff wise report, the excise Division details were
appearing in the first row followed by Range in the second row.
This issue has been resolved and the Range details are captured in first row followed by
Division in the second row.
Version 191
Facility is provided to enter the period before generating the reports - RG 23A Part I and II,
Annexure 10, Abstract, PLA Register and CENVAT Credit Availed. This will reduce the time
consumed in regenerating these reports for a different period using Alt+F2 key combination.
The raw materials returned by job worker recorded in the Material In voucher is being
captured in Form R.G. 23-A (Part - I).
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The value of entry recorded for adjusting CENVAT Credit against duty collected from Removal
as such was being captured in Miscellaneous Payments row, table 9 of Form ER-1.
This issue has been resolved.
In R.G.23 Part 1 Tariff-wise reports generated from remote client, if period was changed
using Alt+F2 key combination, the error message - Internal Error! was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording debit note to avail CENVAT credit, the Excise Details (ECC No., Range and
Division) of the supplier were not being captured in column 3E of R.G.23A Part 1 Tariff-wise
This issue has been resolved.
Version 190
Issues Resolved
In the Print Report screen of Form ER-3, the cursor was moving back to Date field with error
messages in the calculator panel so the form was not getting printed.
This issue has been resolved.
While generating e-return of E.R.-1 in Print format from the data accessed locally and
through remote client, the error message - Out of Memory was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Performance of ER-1 Report enhanced in Stat 190 in comparison with Stat 189 displays as shown:
Figure 1 - ER 1 Report
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Performance of ER-1 Print Report enhanced in Stat 190 in comparison with Stat 189 displays as
Figure 2 - E-Return Print Report
Version 189
In the tariff-wise report of RG 23A Part I, the Total row has been provided.
Issues Resolved
On recording CENVAT Adjustments using Excise Helper button, the party name was being
captured in RG 23A Part II.
This issue has been resolved.
In the E-Return generated in XML format, the captive consumption of previous month was
not getting considered for calculating the quantity of opening balance for the current month.
This issue has been resolved.
In excise sales invoice, if Removal as Such was selected as the Nature of Removal, the
quantity of raw materials removed was not getting captured in column 7 of Form ER-6.
This issue has been resolved.
To generate Tariff-wise report, when cursor was moved to Stock Item Type field of RG 23
Part I Register, the application was crashing if the stock item predefined to Set/Alter Excise
Details was tagged to Dealer Type godown in multiple godown enabled company.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure 10, if period was changed to dates on which there were no records, S: Show
All/Show Max Item button was clicked twice and the report date was changed to the
original period, the details were vanishing.
This issue has been resolved.
In the alteration mode of excise stock transfer vouchers, the declaration forms selected in
Form to Issue/Receive fields selected in creation mode were not being retained. Also, it
was not appearing in the printed invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In XML file the challan date format for other payments made was being captured incorrectly.
For example: The challan date was captured as 1-Apr-2012 instead of 01/04/2012.
This issue has been resolved.
While generating Form E.R.-1 from the data accessed locally and through remote client, the
error message - Out of Memory was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 186
Issues Resolved
Supplier names specified in the Excise Debit Note entries were not getting reflected in the
Name of the Supplier column in RG 23 Part II report.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
Reports under CENVAT Registers took time to display. The performance of these reports has
been optimised.
Under E-Return (Display > Statutory Reports > Excise Reports > Manufacturer > E-Return)
menu, Print report is provided. This report displays all the information captured in the XML
e-Return file generated in Tally.ERP 9.
Tariff Wise RG 23A Part I report is provided. This report can be used to view RG 23 A Part
I report based on Name of Tariff (Tariff classification) and Reporting UOM.
Issues Resolved
For the State of Uttar Pradesh, if a Manufacturing Excise Sales Invoice (for which the Tax
Invoice option has been enabled) was recorded, details of Authorised Signatory,
Designation, and Issued By (recorded as VAT Details in F11: Features > F3: Statutory &
Taxation) were not being printed.
This issue has been resolved.
When for an existing Stock Item, the Valuation Type was changed from Ad Valorem to Ad
Quantum the assessable value of Ad Valorem entries of the Stock Item was retained in
Annexure 10 even after the alteration.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
When the option Allow Separate Buyer and Consignee Names was enabled in F12:
Configuration while recording an Excise Sales Invoice, the print preview displayed a space
between the Address Details and Dispatch Details fields.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 181
Facility has been provided in Form ER-8 to capture values of entries recorded with Excise
Duty at 2%.
Issues Resolved
When a Stock Journal is recorded for Transferring of Raw materials from one godown to
another, the details were getting captured in Excise ER-5 and 6 reports.
This issue has been resolved.
If data for two financial years was maintained in a single company, and ER-1 was generated
for the current financial year (the Financial year in Gateway of Tally was set as the current
financial year) then the opening balance of ER-1 was taken from item master instead of last
month's closing balance.
This issue has been resolved.
When in an Excise Purchase invoice, a single Stock Item was selected twice with different
quantities and rates, the Receipt of Input column in RG 23 Part I report was displaying
the quantity of the first selection alone, whereas Value of Goods and Duty paid were
displaying values of both.
This issue has been resolved.
While recording excise manufacturing journal, if a Raw Material is stored under a godown
which is grouped under ‘Sub-Godown’, then the quantity is not captured in RG23 Part I
under the head Issued for Manufacture of Final product.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
In the data exported to generate ER-1 e-return XML file the To invoice number was not
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure 10 if S: Show All button was clicked and then data was exported using Excel
Spreadsheet format the error message - Out of Memory was displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
The text in F12: Configuration of Annexure 10 was not displayed clearly when viewed in
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting special excise duty ledger in excise purchase invoice the assessable value of both
basic and special excise duty were considered in CENVAT RG23A Part I.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
There was a mismatch in Closing balance of finished goods carried forward from previous
month as opening balance for the current month in Table 3 of Form ER-1 and ER-3 if the
finished goods had conversion factor and unit of measure was in decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form ER-1 details of duty payable for all stock items were getting captured.
This issue has been resolved and the duty payable on finished goods only is captured.
Version 177
In Annexure 10 the column - Nature of Supplier is provided.
Issues Resolved
The challan details entered in payment voucher using Stat Payment button by selecting
Type of Payment as Interest was being captured in Arrears of duty under rule 8 row of
Form ER-1.
This issue has been resolved.
In RG23A Part II, the value of CENVAT adjustment entry recorded for a particular excise unit
was getting reflected in that unit and another excise unit as well.
This issue has been resolved.
In a journal voucher if Adjustment Towards Advance Duty Paid flag was used to adjust
dues of education cess and secondary education cess against advance excise duty paid earlier,
the values were being displayed incorrectly in PLA Summary.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 174
The performance of RG23A Part II has been optimised.
In RG23A Part II and RG23C Part II, the column - Name of Supplier is provided to
capture the supplier name.
Issues Resolved
In excise sales invoice, if the Notification number was specified, the same was not getting
captured in the XML file.
This issue has been resolved.
In an invoice, if one item amongst the multiple stock items selected had alternate unit of
measure, the cleared quantity of this item was being displayed in alternate units instead of
primary unit in the XML file generated for ER-1 e-return.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 167
In ER-6 report, the Excise Purchase entry details gets captured if recorded with CENVAT
ledgers irrespective of its utilization for manufacture of Finished Goods.
Issues Resolved
In the column Invoice no & Date of RG 23A - Part II, the invoice number and date of
excise sales invoices within a range were being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 166
Issues Resolved
On recording Excise Debit Note (CENVAT availment) entry, the supplier's ECC number
was not capturing in RG23 A Part II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 165
Issues Resolved
The error message - Memory Access Violation was displayed in the RG 23A Part II when
an excise purchase entry was recorded by selecting two items and no assessable value was
specified for the second item.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
Issues Resolved
On recording an entry in Excise Manufacturing Journal, the Name of Supplier was
displaying End of List in RG23A Part I.
This issue has been resolved.
The details of entries recorded in a manufacturing journal were not being captured in ER-6.
This issue has been resolved.
In an excise manufacturing journal, if the raw materials were consumed from sub-godown,
the quantity details were not getting captured under Issued for Manufacture of final
product column of RG23A Part I.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form ER-1, the assessable value was not getting captured for Zero valued excise sale
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In case where Balance column of PLA Register was Nil, if CENVAT Adjustment journal
voucher or payment entry using Excise Duty Ledgers were recorded, the balance column was
showing the sum of opening balance of that particular month and the balance amount.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording Excise Sales with Nature of Removal as Captive Consumption and without
selecting Excise Duty Ledgers, then the captive consumption quantity and assessable
value were getting doubled in Form ER – 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 159
The facility is provided to account for PLA Opening Balance and the value gets captured in
Excise Computation, PLA Register and Summary, Form ER-1 (Table 7) and Form ER-3 (Table
5). This amount will be available for recording CENVAT Adjustment entry in journal voucher
on selecting the flag - Adjustment Towards Advance Duty Paid.
The quantity details entered in Excise Debit Note by selecting the nature of purchase Removal as such gets captured in Removal as such column of RG23 A Part I.
Version 158
In RG23A Part I the option - For the month of is provided to print the report for a
particular month.
Issues Resolved
In a company having two excise units/godowns, if entries were recorded in voucher types
created for Raw Material and Finished Goods, the values were being captured in both the
This issue has been resolved.
Two duty heads SED and Special Excise Duty was displayed on adjusting CENVAT credit
of special excise duty with Excise Duty and the adjusted amount and closing balance
were not captured properly in Abstract report.
This issue has been resolved.
For Excise Sales recorded with additional ledgers, the assessable value was being
captured excluding the additional ledgers value in Form ER 1.
This issue has been resolved.
In a company with TWO Excise Units, details of the Raw materials consumed and finished
goods accounted by using separate set of voucher types was capturing in Form ER- 6 of
both the Excise Units.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 157
Issues Resolved
In a Manufacturing Journal, if excise item (Raw Material) was consumed from Non-Excise
Godown the same was reflecting in RG23A - Part I and the closing balance was being
displayed with a sign.
This issue has been resolved and only the excise stock item consumed from Excise Godown is
considered and captured in RG23A - Part I.
After allocating the stock items to Excise and Non-excise godowns in excise stock item
master, if the CENVAT opening balance entry was recorded, the quantity of both godowns was
being displayed as opening balance in RG23A - Part I.
This issue has been resolved and the quantity allocated only to Excise Godown is being
captured in RG23A - Part I.
Version 156
Issues Resolved
In the XML file generated for e-filing, the opening balance of stock items was not considered
and hence the opening and closing balance was being displayed with sign.
This issue has been resolved.
In Excise Manufacturing journal if one finished good was selected as a component for
manufacture of another finished good, the quantity consumed was being considered as
Utilised for Further production in Daily Stock Register and was not getting reflected in
Form ER-1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 155
Issues Resolved
In an excise purchase invoice, if first two items of same ‘Tariff Classification’ and the third
item of a different tariff classification were selected, the CENVAT amount of the third item
was not getting captured in RG23A - Part II.
This issue has been resolved.
The entry recorded on 1.4.2011 to account for service tax opening balance was not getting
captured in Form ER-1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
In Form ER1 separate columns are provided for Export, Captive Consumption of quantity
cleared and Assessable value.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 151
Issues Resolved
On exporting ER 1 e-Return, the Closing Balance of Quantity with decimals was being
exported with three decimals.
This issue has been resolved. The closing balance of Quantity will be exported with Two
Version 150
Issues Resolved
On recording separate CENVAT Adjustment entries manually for Principal Inputs and
Capital Goods the values were not being bifurcated in RG23 A Part II and RG23 C Part II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 149
The Form ER-8 is provided as per the statutory requirements.
In RG23 Part II report, Additional Duty column is provided to capture the CENVAT Availed
and Utilised on Additional duties e.g. NCCD, Special Excise Duty etc.
Issues Resolved
In Form 23A Part I, Opening Balance was getting doubled when the Opening Quantity is
defined in the item master and CENVAT Credit Opening Balance entry is recorded with
the same Item.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form 23A Part I, excise opening stock carried forward from previous month was not
being displayed in Opening Balance column till the Excise Purchase transaction was
recorded in the current month.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 147
Issues Resolved
The Cash/Bank payments made towards Excise Duty payable were not capturing in
Abstract section of E-Return (exported in XML).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 144
Issues Resolved
The details of Duty paid in Advance or its subsequent utilisation was not being captured in
PLA Summary if the entries were recorded through newly created Payment and Journal
voucher types.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The bill reference and supplier’s ECC number were captured in PLA Register if a normal debit
note was recorded against Excise Purchase entry.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
Issues Resolved
In Form ER-I, Service Tax amount for the transactions recorded by setting the option
Enable Service Tax Round off to No was being displayed in round number on enabling
the option Enable Service Tax Round off to Yes.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
A new report PLA Summary has been provided. This report displays the details of advance
Duty paid to the Government, advance adjusted towards Duty Payable and the balance
amount available in PLA for adjustment.
The report capability of CENVAT Credit Registers - RG 23 Part I and RG 23 Part II has been
enhanced to capture the Voucher Number of Purchase invoice (if CENVAT Credit is availed)/
Debit Note recorded to avail the CENVAT Credit.
Purchase/Debit Note Voucher Number will be captured in
 RG
23 Part I under the column Serial Number of Input Credit Register (Cross
 RG
23 Part II under the column Folio & Entry No. in Part I.
Version 140
Issues Resolved
When the CENVAT Credit Availed report is printed by specifying a particular period
(1-4-2011 to 30-4-2011); in print preview the entire Financial Year was being displayed
as the report period.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 139
Issues Resolved
In Remote Access (Client), Tariff Classification Number was not being displayed in C.E.
Tariff Heading/ Subheading column of RG 23A PART II report.
This issue has been resolved.
Details of Excise Debit Note recorded to account the purchase returns were being
captured in RG 23A Part I report.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 138
Issues Resolved
When the CENVAT Credit accounted through the CENVAT Opening Balance Journal was
adjusted towards the Excise duty payable, in Abstract report the CENVAT credit Opening
Balance amount was getting disappeared because of which the closing balance was
displaying with sign.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form ER 1 the Special AED credit taken by recording Excise Purchase/Debit Note
(with CENVAT Availing voucher class) was not being captured under Column 5 of Table 8 Details of CENVAT Credit taken and utilised (in Page 2).
This issue has been resolved.
CENVAT Credit accounted through the CENVAT Opening Balance Journal
 In
Form RG 23A part II, CENVAT Credit was being captured under Fresh Credit
Allowed column instead of Opening Balance of Duty in Credit
 In
CENVAT Credit Summary CENVAT Credit was being captured against Credit for the
Month instead of Opening Balance.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 135
Issues Resolved
In Form ER 1 the Special Excise Duty Credit utilised by recording CENVAT Availing
Journal Voucher was not being captured under Column 6 of Table 8 (in Page 2)
This issue has been resolved.
Version 134
Tally.ERP 9 now provides ER 1 E-Return capability to its users. By using ER 1 E-Return
feature, the user can export the E-Returns from Tally.ERP 9 in the format as prescribed by
Automation of Central Excise and Service Tax (ACES).
The following Validation Reports are provided for ER 1 E-Returns
 Excise
Reporting UOM
 Tariff/HSN
 
 Identify
Notification Type (Tariff/Non-Tariff)
Note: To know the procedure of generating ER 1 E-Returns refer to - Getting Started with
ER 1 E-Returns available at the Download Centre.
Functionality has been enhanced to capture values of other payments - Interest, Penalty
and Arrears of Duty in Form ER1 and Form ER 3
Value of other payments paid by cash will be captured under Serial Number 7 (Utilisation
towards other Payments made during the month) and Serial Number 9 in Column 2A
(Account current)
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Form ER 1 capability has been enhanced to capture the quantity removed for Captive
Consumption in Cleared Quantity column of Details of the manufacture, clearance
and Duty payable table, when Excise Sales are recorded with the Nature of Removal Captive Consumption.
Facility to alter the Duty Value while recording or altering the Excise Purchase Voucher for
the Nature of Purchase - Manufacturer has been provided. This feature will allow altering
the duty amount only when the CENVAT type of ledgers are selected in the voucher i.e.
CENVAT Credit is availed while recording the purchases.
Note: A new Configuration option Allow modification in Duty for Purchase from
Manufacturer has been provided in F12: Configure (Purchase Invoice Configuration).
Only on setting this option to Yes, Tally.ERP 9 will allow to alter the duty value.
Issues Resolved
When RG 23A Part I report was viewed in detailed mode, in Supplier Name column
Company's ECC number and Range was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved. Now in Supplier Name column supplier ECC number and
Range details will be captured.
In a company using Excise for Manufacturer and Service tax features when Enable
Service Tax Round Off features is enabled in Form ER 1 the service tax input credit values
were captured in Decimals whereas in ST 3 report the Round off values were being
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
In RG 23A Part II, Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess credit details were
not getting captured for Excise Purchase entry recorded using CENVAT ledgers.
This issue has been resolved.
In CENVAT Credit Summary report the CENVAT Credit was getting Doubled, when
CENVAT Credit Adjustment entry was recorded by selecting Multiple references for
CENVAT Ledger.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 129
In RG 23A Part I & RG 23C Part I, the Inventory Details will get captured from CENVAT
Credit Availing entry (recorded in Debit Note). This enhancement will be useful in a
scenario where excise purchase entry is recorded with Excise Duty ledgers (not availing
CENVAT Credit) and later a Debit Note is passed for availing the CENVAT Credit.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
For Exports or Exempt sales recorded through Excise Sales voucher without selecting the
duty ledgers (as duty is not applicable for exempt sales & export under bond), Notification
Number were not being captured in Form ER-1/ER-3.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
In FORM R.G 23C Part -II under Fresh Credit Allowed section in Invoice No./Bill of
Entry No. & Date and C.E RegNo./IEC code no. of this Supplier & Range/ Customs
House from where received details were not being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
Issues Resolved
GTA Service Tax Input Credit adjusted towards Duty Payable on Goods was not being
displayed in Abstract Report.
This issue has been resolved.
Closing Balance of CENVAT credit of previous year was not being displayed as Opening
Balance for Current Financial year under Serial Number 8 (Row 1) in Page 2 of Form ER
This issue has been resolved.
Version 124
The CENVAT Refund/Reversal amount is captured in Excise Computation, Form ER 1/ER 3,
CENVAT Summary, CENVAT Availed Register and Abstract.
The Notification number provided in Excise Sales entry is captured in column 8 and 9 of
box 3 in Form ER 1/ER 3.
Version 123
Two New Statutory Forms ER-5 and ER-6 have been provided.
 ER
- 5 is an annual return of information relating to Principal Inputs. This return captures
the quantity of principal input used in the manufacturing of Finished Goods
 ER
- 6 is a monthly return of information relating to Principal Inputs. This Return
contains the details of Opening balance, Receipts and Consumption of Principal
inputs and quantity of finished goods manufactured.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
Manufacturing Journal recorded as an Optional Voucher was being displayed in Form ER
1 as Quantity Manufactured (Column Number 4) under Serial Number 3 - Details of the
manufacture, clearance and Duty payable.
This issue has been resolved.
Details of Purchase Returns recorded through Excise Debit Note voucher were being
displayed in RG 23 Part I report.
This issue has been resolved.
In CENVAT Credit Utilized for Payment of Duty of goods column of Abstract report, the
CENVAT Credit adjusted amount was getting increased as number of references were
increased for CENVAT ledger during CENVAT adjustment.
Example: CENVAT Credit of 3 bills i.e. 1000 adjusted towards the Duty liability. Application was
multiplying the total amount adjusted by the number of bills selected for CENVAT Ledgers (1000
X 3= 3000) to display the Credit Utilized for Payment of Duty of goods in Abstract Report.
This issue has been resolved.
In RG 23A Part II report, under Fresh Credit Allowed column purchase invoice date was
getting captured instead of Supplier Invoice Date specified in the Purchase Invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Input Service Credit availed on Services Purchased (GTA transaction) and Adjusted
towards the duty payable on Excise Goods were not being displayed in Abstract report.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form ER-1 and Form ER-3 the details of Opening Balance, Quantity Manufactured,
Cleared Quantity and Closing Balance of Stock items with different unit of Quantity
(Reporting UOM) were getting displayed based on the Tariff Classification.
This issue has been resolved. Now the quantity details will be displayed based on the
Reporting UOM defined in the Stock Item.
Version 122
In Annexure 10 report S: Show All button has been provided to view the details of other
stock items purchased under the document along with the main item of the document.
Issues Resolved
CENVAT Credit Taken and Utilised details (in Page 2 of Form ER 1) were not being printed
in Form ER-1 print out taken from Tally.ERP 9.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 118
Issues Resolved
In RG 23A Part I report voucher details were being sorted based on the Voucher Type
instead of date wise.
This issue has been resolved. Report now displays the voucher details based on the
transaction date.
Performance of monthly return Form ER - 1 has been optimised.
Version 113
A new report RG 23 Part I has been provided. This report is a Quantitative account of inputs
(RG 23A Part I)/ capital goods (RG 23C Part I)/ on which cenvat credit is availed.
 RG
23A Part I: This report displays the details of Receipt of Inputs, goods issued for
manufacture of finished goods, goods issued for clearance as such with opening
and Closing stock for the period selected.
 RG
23C Part I: This report displays the details of Receipt of Capital Goods, goods
issued for factory, goods issued for clearance as such with opening and Closing
stock for the period selected.
Version 94
In Form ER-1, Total field is provided under serial number 3 - Details of the manufacture,
clearance and duty payable.
Version 93
To display PLA opening balance a separate line - Opening Balance has been provided in PLA
Service tax Input Credit adjusted against excise Duty payable and Credit Utilised
towards payment of Duty on Services will be displayed in appropriate columns (9, 10 and
11) of Details of CENVAT credit taken and utilised section of Form ER -1 and ER-3.
In Abstract report, details of Service Tax Input Credit Availed and Credit Utilised
towards payment of Duty on Services will be displayed.
In Credit Summary report a separate line - Utilised for Service Tax has been provided to
display the details of CENVAT credit adjusted against the Service Tax payable.
In Form ER – 1, Previous months closing balance of cash payments (if any) will be
automatically carried forward as opening balance and displayed in Opening Balance field
under Abstract of ACCOUNT –CURRENT (Cash Payments) section.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 91
Issues Resolved
In Form E.R.-1 and E.R.-3, Excise Book Serial Number was not being captured under Self
Assessment Memorandum section [10 (C)].
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
In Manufacturers/ Dealer Excise Sales Invoice, 'Input Tax Credit is available to a Taxable
Person against this Copy Only' will be printed along with Excise Rule 11 title for all Taxable
Invoice of Punjab State.
Note: The title 'Input Tax Credit is available to a Taxable Person against this Copy
Only', will get printed in Excise sales invoice only if  The
 No
option Is Tax Invoice is set to Yes in Excise Sales Voucher Type
of Copies of invoice to be printed is more than 1
Version 89
In Tally.ERP 9, RG 23A Part II, RG 23C Part II and their respective Annexure 10 and
Abstract reports are provided.
 RG
23A part II: This report displays the details of Fresh Credit Allowed Amount,
Total Credit Available, Credit Adjusted with Opening and Balance Credit of
Principal Inputs for the Period selected.
 RG
23C part II: This report displays the details of Fresh Credit Allowed Amount,
Total Credit Available, Credit Adjusted with Opening and Balance Credit of Capital
Goods for the Period selected.
 Annexure
10: It is a monthly return under Rule 7 of the cenvat credit rules, 2001. This
report displays the Details of CENVAT credit taken for the Main Item in the
Note: This annexure is omitted (w.e.f 1-10-2003) by M.F. (D.R.) Notification No.70/2003-C.E.
(N.T.), dated 15-9-2003. But most of the assessees still submit their monthly returns in
Annexure 10. On Customers requirement Annexure 10 is provided in Tally.ERP 9.
 Abstract:
This report displays the details of Credit Availed on Inputs/capital goods/
inputs services, Credit Utilised for Payment of Duty on Goods/Services, Credit
Utilised When the Goods are removed as such with Opening and Closing Balance
of Credit.
In Manufacturer's Statutory Report Menu a New option CENVAT Registers is provided.
In CENVAT Registers Menu following CENVAT Reports are listed.
 Credit
Summary (earlier displayed as CENVAT Credit Register)
 Credit
Availed (earlier displayed as CENVAT Credit Availed)
 RG
23 Part II
 Annexure
- 10
 Abstract
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
In Columnar Purchase Voucher Register - Date was not displaying with the supplier
invoice number when the option Show Supplier Invoice No. & Dt is enabled in Columnar
Register Alteration (F5: Columnar).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
CENVAT Credit Register with Drill down facility is provided. This report displays Opening
Balance, Credit for the Month, Utilised and Closing Balance of CENVAT Credit.
The Book No. field as specified by the VAT Act has been provided in UP State for the sales
invoices marked for excise (manufacturers).
Issues Resolved
In Form E.R.-1, under section Self Assessment Memorandum point (c) during the month,
invoices bearing S.No.___ to ___ were issued was not capturing the details.
This issue has been resolved.
When the CENVAT Credit Availing entry is recorded in Journal voucher, the Duty details of
the Journal Voucher were not getting displayed in the CENVAT Credit Availed report
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
While printing Form ER-1 and ER-3, in Excise ER Print Configuration screen, the option Include Export/Exempt Assessable Value has been provided.
Issues Resolved
When the Excise Duty payment was made by cash and the details pertaining to Bank
Name, BSR Code, Cheque/Draft/Pay order No and Cheque date were entered in the
Payment Details screen, these details were not getting updated in Cash/Cheque/Draft/Pay
order No., Dated and Drawn On fields in GAR -7.
This issue has been resolved.
Cenvat Credit Availed report was not showing correct adjustment values when a single
adjustment entry was passed for the whole month using CENVAT Adjustment flag.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form ER 1, under Details of CENVAT credit taken and utilised the Opening Balance
was displaying in Negative.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
While printing the Form ER-1, the application displays the error message Insufficient
Height to Allocate where the Tariff Classifications are more than 30.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 82
Issues Resolved
Excise Duty Classification Countervailing
Countvailaing Duty (CVD).
This issue has been resolved. The Excise Duty Classification Countvailaing Duty (CVD) is
renamed to Countervailing Duty (CVD).
Details of Excise Duty Payments made were not being displayed in PLA Register.
This issue has been resolved.
3. Fringe Benefit Tax
Version 108
As per the Finance Act (02) 2009, Fringe Benefit tax on the value of certain fringe benefits
provided by employers to their employees is abolished w.e.f. Assessment Year 2010 -11. In
Adherence with Finance Act, the FBT rate for all the FBT categories is set to Zero w.e.f
Version 82
The new FBT rates as per the Finance Act, 2008 effective from 1.4.2009 are provided.
4. Payroll
Version 205
The e-TDS functionality for Form 24Q has been enhanced as per the new file format version
4.5 for Quarter 1, 2 and 3 and file format version 4.7 for Quarter 4, to validate e-TDS returns
with the latest e-TDS Validation tool version 3.9.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 204
The e-TDS functionality for Form 24Q has been enhanced to support generation of Nil
Returns when there is no challan but there are employees with zero TDS for a particular
Issues Resolved
When an Optional voucher was created and payroll is processed, the values were considered
in electronic ECR return.
This issue has been resolved
Version 201
The e-TDS functionality for Form 24Q has been enhanced to support the latest file format
by providing separate lines items for each section - 80CCE, 80CCF, 80CCG and OTHERS.
The e-TDS functionality for Form 24Q has been enhanced to generate returns for previous
financial years with the latest Validation Tool version 3.8.
Version 198
As per notification the changes in Form ITR-1 have been incorporated.
Issues Resolved
On exporting data to e-return Form 24Q, the professional tax amount was captured under
section 16 (II) instead of 16 (III).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 196
The functionality of ESI e-return is enhanced as per the latest template - MC_Template.xls
provided by the ESI Corporation.
Issues Resolved
The TDS amount reversed for an employee using payroll voucher was not captured in
Annexure I and II of Form 24Q.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 195
In compliance with the Budget 2013-14, the following changes have been incorporated:
 Income
tax deduction (U/s 87A) of an amount equal to hundred per cent of income tax or
an amount of ` 2000, whichever is less, for an assessee being an individual resident in
India, whose total income does not exceed ` 5,00,000.
 Surcharge
of 10% for individuals whose taxable income exceeds ` 1 crore per year.
 Income
Tax Benefit on interest on Home Loan (First Time Buyer) U/s 80EE for an amount
not exceeding ` 1,00,000.
Version 185
In Form 24Q generated for Q4 (January-March), Category of Employee for Super Senior
Citizens will be printed as 'O' in the tenth field of Salary Details.
Issues Resolved
While exporting Annexure I to 24Q, only the first and last Challans were exported.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form 12BA, incorrect values were captured for Income under the head 'Salaries' of
the Employee other than from perquisites (No. 6).
This issue has been resolved.
The values of Previous Employer Details were not reflected in B1- Income from Salary/
Pension under Part B - Gross Total Income of Form ITR-1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
New tax saving scheme - Rajiv Gandhi Equity Saving Scheme is provided under section
80CCG. On selecting this scheme an exemption of up to 50% gets calculated on the
investment subject to gross amount of ` 50,000 or net amount of ` 25,000.
Version 182
Issues resolved
Instead of the Name of Person Responsible provided in Payroll Statutory Details screen,
Form 27A was capturing the Name of Person Responsible details mentioned in TDS/TCS
Details screen.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form 24Q Annexure II, Date to details were appearing under Column 332 (Total
amount of salary), instead of appearing as a sub-head of Column 331 (Date from which
employed with current employer).
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In ESI Monthly Statement report, the Fixed wages value was appearing inclusive of
overtime wages, even if the option Exclude for ESI eligibility is set to Yes in Overtime
wages Pay Head.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
For those who make quarterly TDS payment, E-TDS return has been enhanced to capture
Amount Credited and TDS Deducted for the quarter.
In the IT Computation sheet of Form 16, Form 12BA and ITR-1 the list of employees and
values gets displayed based on their date of joining and resignation.
Issues Resolved
In ITR-1 the details of employees who have resigned were not displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
In remotely accessed company, the bank code defined in bank ledger master was not getting
captured in EDR and SCR of SIF records.
This issue has been resolved.
Employee’s name was not getting listed in ESI e-Return, if the Date of Joining was after the
first day of the month.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
In Form 27A the interest and penalty charges for TDS payment are captured in Tax
Deposited (Total Challan Amount) column.
Issues Resolved
In Form 16 of remotely accessed company,
 Exemptions
 Provident
were getting calculated based on declared values and not the proofs.
fund amount was not appearing under Section 80C.
These issues have been resolved.
Version 174
The functionality is enhanced to capture income/exemption from only the present
employment in Form 16. In F12: Configuration of Form 16, the option - Include
Previous Employer Details is provided to include the income/exemption details from
previous employment also.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
There was a mismatch in the gross income value captured in income tax Annexure - II
and ITR-I.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form 16, the TDS paid for multiple quarters of the Financial Year on a particular date of
Next Financial Year was getting captured as payment for the quarter in which the entries were
For example: Total of TDS paid for December and January in March was reflecting as
amount paid for March in Form 16.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 173
In the Reason for Leaving field of Employee master, the list of Reasons for Leaving
provided as per statute gets displayed for selection. Based on the reason selected the code
gets captured in PF ECR report.
Issues Resolved
If the income pay head was predefined to Override Exemption Value with a particular
amount, the exempted value was getting deducted from salary income in Form 16.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
Issues Resolved
In PF e-return, the format of date of birth was being displayed as dd-mm-yyyy.
This issue has been resolved and the date format is captured as dd/mm/yyyy.
The details of employees who were not eligible for ESI and had resigned in the previous
month were being captured in e-return.
This issue has been resolved.
In a data comprising information of more than 400 employees, the error message Out of
Memory was being displayed while generating PF Electronic cum Return Challan (ECR).
This issue has been resolved.
In Form ITR-1, the amount of Medical Reimbursement was not being considered in
Income from Salary/Pension.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 169
The PF ECR file can be generated for the selected Employee Category/Group.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In remotely accessed company, the PAN and designation of employee was not being
This issue has been resolved.
Version 168
Issues Resolved
In PF report the contribution and wage details of employees who have contributed towards
VPF and not PF were not being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
In the Total Income row of Form 16, the amount was not getting rounded-off to the nearest
` 10.
This issue has been resolved.
The salary details of employees resigned before and joined after the financial year were also
being considered in E-TDS report generated for fourth quarter (Q4).
For example: In the E-TDS report of 2011-12, the salary details of employees who resigned
before 1-4-2011 and joined after 31-3-2012 were also being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
In the ESI upload data generated for a particular month, the reason code, total monthly
wages and number of days for which wages are payable were being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved and the total monthly wages of employees eligible for ESI who
resigned in the previous month are being captured with date of resignation with reason code
as 2 and zero wages for current month.
The PF ECR date format was being displayed as dd-mm-yyyy.
This issue has been resolved and the date format is captured as dd/mm/yyyy.
The count of challan and the amount entered while recording TDS payment for the fourth
quarter of the previous financial year in current financial year were not being captured in
TDS Return.
For example: While generating fourth quarter (Q4) return, the count of challan and the
amount entered in TDS payment entry recorded in April 2012 for the financial year 2011-12
were not being captured in TDS Return.
This issue has been resolved.
In the row - 9(B) Other Sections (e.g. 80E, 80G etc.,) Under Chapter VI-A of Form 16,
the total deduction was being displayed inclusive of Medical Treatment for Handicapped
Dependent and Person with Disability but the breakup of the same was not getting
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 167
The facility is provided to export data from Tally.ERP 9 in txt format to generate
PF Electronic Challan Cum Return (ECR).
Issues Resolved
On recording TDS payment for the fourth quarter of the previous financial year in current
financial year, the challan details were not being captured in TDS Return.
For example: While generating fourth quarter (Q4) return, the challan details of TDS
payment recorded in April 2012 for the financial year 2011-12 were not being captured in
TDS Return.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 166
In compliance with the Budgetary changes of 2012-13, new classification - Interest on
Savings Bank Account is provided, as per the requirement under section 80D.
A new option - Appearance of Employee Names is provided in the printing configuration
screen of Payroll Statutory Forms.
Version 165
As per Budget 2012-13 proposal, new Income Tax Slabs for the Financial Year 2012-13 were
Version 164
PF Form 12A is provided in TXT Format for E-Filing.
Issues Resolved
On generating E-Returns of PF Form 3A for a company having two years data, for example
2010 - 2012, the PF payment recorded in March for the month of February in:
  Financial
year - March 2010 - February 2011 was reflecting in the PF e-Returns of March
2011 - February 2012
 Financial
year - March 2011 - February 2012 was not getting captured.
This issue has been resolved.
For UAE, only the deductions classified under Pay Head – Deductions from Employees were
captured in Salary Information File (SIF) Report and those under Loans and Advances
were excluded.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 163
The functionality of e-return for TDS on Salary is enhanced as per the requirements of
validation tool version 3.3.
The facility is provided to export SIF records in Excel Spreadsheet format.
In EDR Records of SIF Records the deductions from pay heads are considered for
calculation of fixed earnings.
In Form 3A e-return, the functionality is enhanced to:
 Capture
Employee PF Contribution by including the Voluntary PF amount.
   Indicate
N in CONTHIGHERWAGESEPF_FLAG if VPF is applicable and PF is calculated
based on slabs.
 Indicate
Y in CONTHIGHERWAGESEPF_FLAG if only PF is calculated without slabs.
 Consider
employee PF head tagged to salary details for CONTHIGHERWAGESEPF_FLAG
if the company has employee specific PF slabs.
 Capture
employer PF contribution details only after recording payment voucher.
Issues Resolved
On generating Form 3A e-return for employee group, the number of employees and LOP
was being displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 162
The facility to generate PF Form 3A annual e-return in text format is provided for filing the
annual return.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In ESI Return, the details of employees who were absent for an entire month and having
gross salary above ` 15,000 were being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
The Interest and Others Values available in TDS Payment Challan were not being
captured in quarterly return Form E-24Q.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 154
Issues Resolved
The number of Deductee Party Records and amount paid captured in Form 27A were not
displayed as per the DD details of Form 24Q.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 153
In the Payroll Statutory Print Configuration screen of Professional Tax Computation
report the option - Print Payment Details is provided. On enabling this option, the payment
details get captured in Professional Tax Computation report.
Issues Resolved
In Form 16A if the deduction was more than income, value was being displayed in Gross
Total field
This issue has been resolved. In the instance of deduction exceeding income, ‘0’ gets
captured in Form 16A.
In the printed Form 12BA, the alignment of text and sections of form was not appearing
properly in page 2 and 3. Also the value displayed in box 9 was incorrect.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 150
For SIF records of UAE the employee bank account number gets prefilled with zeros if it is
less than 23 digits.
Issues Resolved
On exporting remotely accessed data to ESI e-return, the details of all employees were
being displayed in the exported file.
This issue has been resolved and the data of only the employees who have contributed to ESI
is captured in exported file.
The yearly taxable income was being captured in column 318 of Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved and the Monthly Gross earning of taxable pay heads for the
challan period is captured in column 318 of Annexure I.
In Form 16, the total value of section 10 was being displayed incorrectly when the amount
of Other Earnings/Allowance (Fully Exempt) was captured along with other components.
This issue has been resolved.
The No. of days/Period of non contributing service (If any) column of PF Form 3A was
This issue has been resolved and the number of leaves-without-pay days is captured in this
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The ESI Form 3 was showing all employees in the company for the selected period.
This issue has been resolved and Form 3 shows only the new employees who joined in the
selected period.
Version 143
In Payroll Income tax, the e-return facility is provided to file Form 24Q for first, second,
third and fourth quarter.
The e-Return - Form 27A is provided for Payroll Income Tax.
The Income Tax Report - ITR I (SAHAJ) with the Acknowledgement is provided.
Issues Resolved
The Reason for Leaving entered for an employee in the current year was being displayed in
the Form 3A generated for previous year.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
PF e-returns for Form 5 and Form 10 are provided as per the EPFO format.
Version 140
For Payroll Income Tax, the printable copies of the Quarterly Returns - Form 24Q and
Annexure I and Annexure II are provided.
Version 139
In the Print Configuration screen for Form 16, an additional option - Type of Copy has been
provided to print the Original and Duplicate copies of Form 16 as required by the Employer.
Issues Resolved
The PF and ESI Challan were displaying the remitted Bank details in the Payment Challan in
the field where the actual Bank Details should be printed from which the Payment was being
This issue has been resolved.
The PF and ESI Challan were displaying incorrect values when exported into Excel sheet.
This issue has been resolved.
PF Form 5 was not showing those Employees for whom the Date of Joining and Date of
Resigning was there in the same month.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In PF Form 3A Declaration, the EPF A/c No. 1 was being displayed as EPS A/c No.1
This issue has been resolved.
Version 138
The Annexure A and Annexure B to Income Tax Form 16 are provided as per the statutory
Version 135
Issues Resolved
In the ITR -1, the value of Deductions made U/s 80CCC and 80CCD were not considered.
This issue has been resolved.
In the ITR Acknowledgement, the value of Deductions made U/s 80CCF was not
This issue has been resolved.
In ITR -1, the Current Year TDS value was not getting displayed correctly as per the actual
TDS Payment made.
This issue has been resolved.
Form 16 was not printing any values for the Employees resigned in the current Financial
Year. Even the From and To - Period was printed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 134
For UAE, a new field - Agent ID has been provided in the Employee Master under the Bank
Details for capturing the Agent ID. If any Employee does not have the bank account in the
Employers bank, Agent ID needs to be captured which will appear in SIF report.
Note: When Agent ID is empty the Employer's Bank code will appear in SIF report.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
The Employees who were not eligible for ESI but absent for the entire month were considered
for monthly ESI e-Return.
This issue has been resolved.
The monthly e-Return for ESI was not considering the employees who were marked as
retired/resigned in the previous month while generating the ESI returns for previous month in
the subsequent month.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 129
The facility to generate the ESI monthly e-returns has been provided in Tally.ERP 9. The
user can now generate the e-return file from Tally.ERP 9 as per the format prescribed by the
ESI Corporation.
Issues Resolved
The Employee Control Records (SIF record) was showing incorrect Payroll period when
the Payment period and Payroll period were different.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 123
Issues Resolved
The Details of the number of subscribers in PF Form 12A was not matching as per the
selected Employee Category.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 122
An Additional column has been added to the PF Monthly Statement which displays the
Serial Number (S.No.) for each line item.
Following Enhancements have been done for UAE Payroll:
 To
generate the SIF report for WPS (Wages Protection System) the Employee ID,
Employer ID and Bank Code is restricted to 14, 13 & 9 digits respectively to ease the
process of data entry.
 While
Exporting the SIF report the file extension has been fixed to.SIF.
Issues Resolved
Provident Fund Form 12A was displaying the Details of Subscribers based on the
Employees Date of Joining and Resigning/Retiring.
This issue has been resolved and now the PF Form 12A displays the Details of Subscribers
based on the PF Date of Joining/Leaving for each Employee.
While Exporting Form 3A in Excel format, the details of all the Employees was not getting
exported properly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 121
Salary Information File report for UAE Payroll
A new report to generate the Salary Information File(SIF) for UAE is provided. The output
file is generated as per the Wages Protection System(WPS) in UAE.
The SIF file generated using Tally.ERP 9 can be directly uploaded to the respective website.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In the PF Combined Challan, the PF Gross for the EDLI Contribution (A/c. No. 21) was
printed incorrectly when EDLI Contribution was computed on the entire PF Gross instead of
` 6500.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 114
Issues Resolved
The Gross wages for A/c. No. 21 (EDLI Contribution) was shown incorrectly in PF Form
12A when the slab limit was not specified in the EDLI Pay Head.
This issue has been resolved.
The ESI was not getting calculated correctly when the ESI Pay Head was created with
Current Earnings Total and had any Pay Head in the Salary Details having the option
Exclude for ESI Eligibility set to Yes.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 112
The ESI eligibility Amount threshold limit has been increased from ` 10,000 to ` 15,000
from 1st May 2010. The eligibility amount which was specified in the Payroll Statutory
Details screen has been shifted to Statutory Masters (Stat.900). The ESI eligibility
Amount field will not be available for the user to change the threshold limit each time the
value changes.
The arrears calculation for the month of April for the ESI deduction and ESI Contribution will
also be taken care automatically by the Statutory Masters file.
Version 108
Issues Resolved
The Gross Salary was printed incorrectly in ESI Monthly Challan having Employees with
per day average Wages less ` 70. The total Gross Salary did not include the Gross Wages for
the Employees with per day average Wages less than ` 70.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 106
An additional option Include VPF Account has been provided in the PF Form 3A Print
Configuration screen. When this option is set to Yes an additional column 3a displaying the
VPF amount will be printed in the Form 3A.
Note: By default the option Include VPF Account is set to Yes.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 101
Issues Resolved
PF Form 5 was not displaying the Employees Names with Date of joining and Date of
leaving in the same month.
This issue has been resolved.
While printing the PF Form 6A and Form 3A for period 1-4-09 to 31-3-10, the field
Month/Year - December 2009 paid in January 2010 was displaying as January 2009.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 96
Issues Resolved
The Total value of Wages paid and Employees’ ESI Contribution was shown incorrectly in
the ESI Form 5.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 95
In the Provident Fund reports, under Payroll Statutory Reports a new menu E-Return
has been provided to generate Form 3A in the required format for e-filing.
ESI Form 5 has been enhanced with the following changes:
 CA
Form has been provided
 To
print the Employee Name with Alias Name the following new options are provided while
printing Form 5:
- Alias (Name)
- Alias Only
- Employee Number
- Name (Alias)
- Name (Employee Number)
- Name Only
- Alias Name to be printed under the Employee Name.
 Declaration
 Important
from Employer has been provided
instructions to complete Form 5 have been provided
 Total
Amount Paid will be displayed under Challan Payment details & Employee wise
 The
details of the Pay Heads which are considered for ESI Contribution and not considered
for ESI Contribution will be displayed separately.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The Employee count for A/c no. 21 (EDLI Contribution) is displayed incorrectly in PF Form
12A and PF monthly Challan.
This issue has been resolved and now the Employee Count will be displayed only for the actual
number of employees who contributes towards A/c no. 21.
The sorting methods based on Date of Joining and Date of Leaving were not working in the
PF Forms 5 and 10 respectively.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
An additional option is provided to generate all the Payroll Statutory Reports based on
selected Payroll/Cost Category or Employee Group.
An additional Sorting option has been provided to sort the information based on sorting
option selected from the list provided for the following Payroll Statutory Reports:
Provident Fund
 Form
5: sorting based on Account Number, Date of Joining and Employee Name
 Form
10: sorting based on Account Number, Date of Leaving and Employee Name
 Monthly
Statement: sorting based on Account Number, Employee Name and Employee
 Form
3A: sorting based on Account Number and Employee Name
 Form
6A: sorting based on Account Number and Employee Name
 Form
3: sorting based on Account Number, Employee Name and Employee Number
 Monthly
Statement: sorting based on Account Number, Employee Name and Employee
 Form
5: sorting based on Account Number and Employee Name
 Form
6: sorting based on Account Number and Employee Name
Professional Tax
 Statement:
sorting based on Employee Name and Employee Number
Version 92
In PF Form 10, the option to print the Code No. of the Factory / Establishment has been
The Professional Tax Statement has been enhanced to display the Employees who do not
fall in the purview of Professional Tax and having NIL deduction.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
5. Performance
Version 197
Issues Resolved
Performance and memory optimisation is done in RG23D report.
Version 194
Issues Resolved
While selecting a different ledger in alteration mode of sales invoice the application was
getting hung.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
Issues Resolved
In a Sales Invoice if the Voucher Class created for Excise and VAT was used and
numerous Stock Items were selected, the time taken to select each stock item was more.
This issue has been resolved and performance has been optimised.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
The error message - Out of Memory was being displayed while printing TCS Form No. 27B.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
6. Service Tax
Version 198
GAR 7 challan can now be exported in PDF, JPEG, Excel Spreadsheet and HTML formats.
Version 196
Issues Resolved
The closing balance of CENVAT credit of previous return period was not appearing as the
opening balance for the current period.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 195
The new Form ST-3 has been provided
01/2013-Service Tax of the ACES.
New exception report - Update Service Category has been provided in Exception Reports
menu to update Taxable Service to respective service category.
During the period - July to September 2012, as per Department specifications, the service tax
on taxable services was accounted as Taxable Service. As per the latest notification, the
assessees have to file returns in new Form ST-3 for the same period based on the respective
service categories.
The new Form ST-3 can be generated, after updating the service categories of all
transactions categorised as Taxable Service from Update Service Category report.
The Type of Organisation selected in Company Service Tax Details (F11: Features >
F3: Statutory & Taxation) gets captured in section A8 of Form ST-3.
Version 189
The service tax category - Test, Inspection, Certification has been renamed as Technical
Inspection and Certification Services.
Version 187
A new Service Category called Other Taxable Services has been provided by the ACES
Department. This category is applicable to all taxable services which are not defined in 119
service categories and Negative List.
Penalty Code specific to penalty payment made for each service category is provided as per
the ACES department. The penalty code gets printed in G.A.R. - 7 Challan.
As per the latest circular, the Taxable Percentage has been updated for the service
categories as per the Notification No. 26/2012-ST.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The GTA transaction details were getting captured under - For service Provider section
instead of - For Service Recipient section in Form ST-3.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
Issues Resolved
When a Credit Note was recorded after the month of July against a service sale entry, the
change was not reflected in ST-3 Report. The values were instead being doubled.
This issue has been resolved.
When a Credit Note was recorded against a service sale for which abatement/taxable
percentage was applicable, the abatement/taxable percentage values captured in ST-3 Form
were double the original amount and the net balance appeared with a negative sign.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of an Opening Balance entry recorded to carry forward Service Tax liability
(Output Service Tax) from the previous year was not being captured under Service Tax
Payable in Form ST-3.
This issue has been resolved.
When an Opening Balance entry was made for Pure Agent service, the amount captured
for Taxable Value in Form ST-3 was displayed in negative, as the assessable value was
not being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
When a Service Tax Payment was recorded against the bill of a Service Tax Payable Opening
Balance entry using Auto Fill Statutory Payment option, the relevant details were captured
in Form ST-3 only after the Payment entry was re-accepted.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
On exporting ST-3 and e-filing reports in PDF format, the error message - Memory Access
Violation was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
The notification number predefined in the income/expense ledger master selected while
invoicing sale of taxable services gets captured in the invoice printout.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 178
As per the Budget 2012, Service Tax invoice printout displays Taxable Service, Negative
List of Services and Exempted Service as Service and not Category.
Issues Resolved
Taxable percentage details were not getting displayed in extract mode for the first reference
selected in Service tax details screen if it was predefined in ledger master until the cursor was
moved to Service Amount (Incl. of tax) field.
This issue has been resolved.
Taxable percentage details were not displayed in extract mode in the transaction if the
taxable percentage was not defined in the ledger master.
This issue has been resolved.
The printout of professional services receipt raised after 1.7.2012 displayed abatement value
instead of taxable value.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 174
For Service Tax, New Accounting Code for payment of service tax under the Negative List
approach to taxation of services is provided with effect from the first day of July 2012.
Issues Resolved
While recording sales invoice, if the selected taxable income/expense ledger was predefined
with a taxable percentage of 75% without notification number, the tax rate was changing to
25% if the option - Allow alteration of Taxable Percentage was enabled in Service Tax
Configuration screen.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 172
As per the amendment in Budget 2012-13 for Service Tax, the functionality has been
enhanced to account service tax transactions based on Negative List.
As per the amendment, Abatement concept is being replaced by Taxable Percentage. A
new provision is made available to define the declared taxable percentage in Ledger
master created under Indirect/Direct Expenses, Indirect/ Direct Incomes, Purchases
and Sales group.
Version 165
As per the Budget 2012-13, Service Tax rate is changed from 10% to 12% applicable from
1.4.2012. This is supported with effect from 1 April, 2012.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 164
The service category - Manpower Recruitment Agency has been renamed as Manpower
Recruitment or Supply Agency’s Services.
Issues Resolved
The percentage of abatement for service category - Pandal or Shamiana Services was
incorrectly predefined as 70% instead of 30%.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
A new Service Category - Technical Testing and Analysis Services is provided.
Issues Resolved
After recording service tax payment, if credit note was recorded against sale of services, the
value was being captured incorrectly in Service Tax Payable column of form ST-3.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
On adjusting excise duty payable against service tax credit, the service tax opening
balance was being displayed incorrectly in Form ER-1 and ER-3.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 159
In Journal Voucher the flag - Availing Input Credit is provided to fetch the credit value as
input service tax credit for which assessable value is not known.
Issues Resolved
The service tax paid on sales of services to Pure Agent was not captured in section 4A of
Form ST-3 E-Filing Report.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 158
Form ST-3 E-filing report is now made available as per the Excel utility file provided by the
The budgetary changes in Point of Taxation rule with respect of Service Tax Purchases
(recorded after April 1,2011) and Sales (recorded after July 1, 2011) are supported in Form
ST 3.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In the company data created in earlier releases of Tally.ERP 9, the tax credit details on
purchase of services and payment made against it in the same month were being
displayed in a different month.
This issue has been resolved.
In case of Service Tax Liability more than the Input Credit, after offsetting the service tax
liability against input credit, the amount entered in payment voucher to record the payable
amount was being displayed incorrectly in box 4A of Form ST-3.
This issue has been resolved.
On migrating Company with multiple year data, CENVAT Credit Opening Balance of
current financial year was displayed with negative sign in CENVAT Credit Taken &
Utilised section of Form ST - 3.
This issue has been resolved.
In the Payment Voucher, if the Service tax input credit adjustment and tax payable to
department are accounted together, GAR 7 Challan was not capturing the tax details in
proper sequence.
This issue has been resolved.
The Input Credit of Purchases recorded on or after 1-4-2011 were not displayed in
CENVAT Credit Taken & Utilised section of Form ST - 3.
This issue has been resolved.
The Excise Duty payable adjusted with Service Tax Input Credit was not captured in
CENVAT Credit Taken & Utilised section of Form ST - 3.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
In GAR 7 Challan, the Total Amount Tendered was displaying incorrect amount.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 140
As per Amendment in the CENVAT Credit (Third Amendment) Rules, 2011 Service Tax
Input Credit against the Purchase Bills can be availed even if the payment is not made to
the Service provider w.e.f 1-4-2011 (applicable only for the service bills raised after
1-4-2011). However if the payment is not made to the service provider within 3 months
then, the Service tax credit utilised has to be reversed.
To reverse the Utilised Input Credit a New flag - Reversal of Utilised Input Credit has
been provided in Journal Voucher.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Adhering to the Notification, the following Two new Service Categories have been provided
effective from May 1, 2011:
 Restaurant
 Short
Term Accommodation Service (Hotel, Inn, Etc.)
Version 139
Issues Resolved
When GAR 7 was printed for a service tax payment entry recorded using Stat Payment
(S: Stat Payment) feature, Tally.ERP 9 was printing wrong values in the print out.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 135
Issues Resolved
When Service Tax entry is recorded for Lower Rate of Tax (E.g. 4%) in ST 3 Form,
Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess amount were not being captured under
Serial Number 3 - Computation of Service tax against Education Cess Payable
[F(I)(h)] and Secondary and higher Education Cess payable [F(I)(i)].
This issue has been resolved.
Version 134
A new flag Refund of Service Tax Input Credit has been provided in Journal Voucher.
This flag can be used to record the refund of service tax paid on the input services which
are used for Manufacturing Goods or providing Services Exported.
Issues Resolved
When the service tax input credit was adjusted towards service tax payable in Journal
Voucher using Input Credit Adjustment flag, in Form ST 3 report under Service Credit
Taken and Utilised page, in For Payment of Service Tax [row no. 5B (I)(C)(i)] row
application was displaying wrong Value as service input credit adjusted amount.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 133
Malaysian Service Tax Rate has been increased from 5% to 6% on all service categories, with
effect from 1-1-2011. The changed Service Tax Rate has been provided.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
When the option Enable Service Tax Round Off is set to Yes in Company Service Tax
Details, Service Tax amount was getting rounded off to nearest rupee in the service
transactions but in Form ST - 3 the Service Tax amount was being displayed with decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 129
A new Service Category - Foreign Exchange Broker (Other Than SP of BAFS) has been
The service category - Foreign Exchange Broker (Other Than SP of BAFS) can be used
by those users who are liable to pay service tax in relation to purchase or sale of foreign
currency, including money changing, provided by a foreign exchange broker, including an
authorised dealer in foreign exchange or an authorized money changer shall have the option
to pay an amount calculated at the rate of 0.25% of the gross amount of currency exchanged
towards discharge of his service tax liability instead of paying service tax at the rate specified
Issues Resolved
In Un-migrated Bills report, Reason was being displayed even for the Migrated Bills
(migration status as Migrated), when the report was viewed for all bills (migrated &
Un-migrated) by selecting F5: Show All option.
This issue has been resolved.
When the option Enable Service Tax Round Off is set to Yes in Company Service Tax
Details, Service Tax amount was getting rounded off to nearest rupee in the service
transactions but in Form ST - 3 the Service Tax amount was being displayed with decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
Service Tax Exception Report - Un-Migrated Bills has been enhanced. Now the report
displays the un-migrated bills with reasons for non-migration.
Issues Resolved
When Service Tax payment entry is recorded by adjusting the available Service/CENVAT
Credit, in Form ST -3 the decimals of Service/CENVAT Credit taken and utilized were being
displayed with Negative sign in Column 5B I (C) (iii).
This issue has been resolved.
On Exporting Form ST 3 for the period of April- September in Excel Format, application
was exporting the details of whole year and in the exported excel file the Column
Numbering was being displayed with negative sign instead of brackets.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 121
Service Tax Exception Report – Un-Migrated Vouchers has been enhanced. Now the report
displays Service Tax Party-wise Total, Migrated and Un-migrated vouchers details. On
selecting a particular party from this report Tally.ERP 9 displays the un-migrated vouchers
with reasons for non-migration.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 118
Adhering to the Notification, the following new Service Categories have been provided,
effective from July 1, 2010:
 Services
 Health
of Promoting, Marketing Or Organizing of Games of Chance
 Maintenance
 Services
of Medical Records of Employees of A Business Entity
of Promoting A Brand of Goods, Services, Events, Business Entity, Etc.
 Permitting
Commercial Use Or Exploitation of Any Event Organized by A Person Or Org.
 Services
Provided by Electricity Exchange
 Services
Related to 2 Types of Copyrights on Cinematographic Films and Sound Recording
 Preferential
Location Or External/Internal Development of Complexes
Version 117
Performance of Service Tax Exception Reports - Un-migrated Vouchers and Un-Migrated
Bills has been optimized.
Version 114
Two new Service Tax Exception Reports have been provided for tracking the non-migrated
service tax vouchers.
Service Tax Exception Reports are
Un-Migrated Vouchers: This report displays un-migrated and partially migrated
sales, purchase, credit Note, Debit note and Journal Vouchers
 Un-Migrated
Bills: This report displays the un-migrated Service tax payments and
Input Credit adjustment payment/ journal vouchers
Note: For Service Tax Migration Process refer Service Tax Data Migration.
Version 102
Issues Resolved
Accounting code and Code (Interest /Penalty/ others) of Service Categories - Cosmetics
and Plastic Surgery Service, Legal Consultancy Service and Transport of Coastal
Goods and Goods through National Waterways and Inland Water (Included as per
Finance Act (02)2009, with effect from 1-9-2009) were not provided.
This issue has been resolved. Accounting Code and Code (Interest /Penalty/ others) are now
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 93
In the Finance Act (2)2009, Four new Service Categories (with effect from 1-9-2009)
are included in the list of taxable services. As per the statutory requirement following Service
Categories are provided.
 Transport
of Goods by Rail Service
 Transport
of Coastal Goods and Goods Transported Through National Water Ways and
Inland Water
 Legal
Consultancy Service
 Cosmetic
and Plastic Surgery Services
In Form ST-3, new section - S. No. 8 - If the return has been prepared by a Service
Tax Return Preparer (STRP), furnish further details as below: has been provided to
specify the Service Tax Return Preparer (STRP) details.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
Interest paid towards TDS late payment was getting displayed in Form ST 3 in a company
where both Service Tax and TDS feature is enabled.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
Issues Resolved
In case of companies having only the exempt services, the amounts received towards
exempted services are not displayed in the Gross amount received column [1(a)] of ST 3
This issue has been resolved.
When the receipt entry is made for exempted services by selecting multiple references,
in ST 3 Form the receipt value was getting multiplied by the number of references
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
7. Tax Collected at Source
Version 189
Issues Resolved
In No. of Party Records column of Form No. 27B, the count was being captured as ‘0’
irrespective of the party records available.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 188
Issues Resolved
The TDS payment made after the seventh day of the current quarter against sales of previous
quarter was getting captured as tax paid for the current tax period under Summary of Tax
Collected at Source in Form 27D.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
Payment Codes are updated for the TCS Nature of Goods – Minerals and Bullions and
Issues Resolved
In the Date of receipt/debit field of Form No. 27D, the date of reconciliation was captured
instead of sales voucher date.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 172
Effective from July 1, 2012 the following TCS nature of goods are provided:
 Minerals,
being coal or lignite or iron ore
   Bullion
or jewellery (if the sale consideration is paid in cash exceeding INR two lakhs in
bullion and five lakhs in case of jewellery).
Version 143
Issues Resolved
The error message - Out of Memory was being displayed while generating Form 27 D.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form27D, details of TCS paid to Government were being captured in wrong Quarter.
Example: If tax of 1st Quarter (April-June) was paid to government by recording a payment
voucher on 7-7-2011; In Form 27D, tax paid details were being captured in 2nd Quarter
(July-September) based on payment date.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 119
The amendments as per the latest Notification have been incorporated in Form 27D.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
While validating E-TCS for the 2nd Quarter with latest file validation utility (version
2.128), validation utility was displaying T-FV-3047 and T-FV-3070 errors.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 92
New data structure of quarterly e-TCS statements have been provided in Tally.ERP9.
The data structure of quarterly e-TCS statements has been modified by the Income Tax
Department to incorporate certain additional fields and validations to further improve the data
quality. The data structure modifications are applicable from October 1, 2009.
Version 91
As per the Finance Act, changes in respect of Surcharge and Cess are done in the TCS
Statutory Master– Collectee Types.
Note: For the Financial Year 2009-10 surcharge or Cess is not applicable for TCS, if the
purchaser/ Lessee/Collectee are a Resident. For tax deduction only the specified TCS rates are
Version 86
New TCS Certificate - Form 27D is provided in Tally.ERP 9.
New TCS Challan - Form 17 is provided in Tally.ERP 9.
Version 85
Issues Resolved
While exporting E-TCS forms, application was displaying error message as Out of Memory.
This issue has been resolved.
TCS Form 27D was displaying the details of complete financial year irrespective of period
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
8. Tax Deducted at Source
Version 205
The e-TDS functionality for Forms 27Q (only Nil returns), 26Q, and 27EQ has been
enhanced as per the new file format version 4.6 to validate e-TDS returns with the latest
e-TDS Validation tool version 3.9.
The Section Code for Rent in TDS payment challan - CHALLAN NO./ITNS 281 will be
captured as 94I.
Version 202
The TDS/TCS payment challan - CHALLAN NO./ITNS 281 format has been enhanced with
new row Fee under sec. 234E.
Issues Resolved
In the printout of ITNS 281 Challan, the alignment issue has been resolved.
Version 200
The e-TDS functionality for Form 26Q, 27Q and 27EQ has been enhanced to support
generation of Nil Returns when there are no TDS transactions for a particular quarter.
The e-TDS functionality for Form 26Q, 27Q and 27EQ has been enhanced to support the
latest file format for previous financial years which will be validated with the latest Validation
Tool version 3.8.
Issues Resolved
The error code T-FV-4301 with the description Invalid section/collection code was
occurring, when the text file for e-TDS Form 26Q was validated with the Nature of
Payment for Rent with the latest e-TDS validation tool Version 3.8.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 199
The e-TDS 26Q, 27Q and 27EQ has been enhanced as per the new file format version 4.5
and e-TDS 24Q has been enhanced as per the new file format version 4.4, to validate e-TDS
returns with the latest e-TDS Validation tool version 3.8.
Version 198
For payments made to NRI or foreign companies, the changes in Surcharge rates on TDS
are incorporated.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
On printing the Annexure to Form 26Q all columns were not printed on the same page.
This issue has been resolved.
While depositing TDS, if partial payment was made in one challan and the rest of the amount
in another challan, the total assessable value was displayed in Annexure to Form 26Q
against both the challans.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 197
The following new Natures of Payments applicable from June 1, 2013 have been provided:
 Income
by way of interest on certain bonds and Government Securities.
 Payment
on transfer of certain immovable property other than agricultural land.
Version 195
In the voucher printing screen of TDS Challan, the options to - print either the party name or
name as per PAN and specify the cheque date has been provided. Based on the selection
made the name and date will be captured in TDS Challan ITNS 281.
Version 194
In Form 26Q, 27Q and 27A, the abbreviation of TAN has been changed to Tax Deduction
and Collection Account Number.
Version 192
Functionality is enhanced to print the Deductor Category along with Deductor Type in box
2(b) of Form No. 26Q and 27Q.
Version 191
Issues Resolved
On exporting quarterly data to Form 27Q in Excel format, only the last transaction details
were getting exported.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 189
The TDS rate change from 10% to 20% for the TDS Nature of Payment - Payments to
non-resident sportsmen or sports association has been incorporated.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 188
Issues Resolved
The current date of challan was being captured as the end date of the quarter in Details of
payments paid/credited field of Annexure 27Q.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
In TDS challan the ‘x’ mark is replaced with a tick mark in Non-Company Deductees and
TDS payable by Taxpayer fields.
The latest utility file - e-TDS/TCS FVU.exe (Version 3.6) is supported for validation of
E-TDS and E-TCS.
As per the Amendments, the following TDS Nature of Payments are incorporated for NRIs
 Interest
 Income
on Infrastructure Debt Fund,
from Foreign Currency
Also, a new Nature of Payment is incorporated for Residents
 Payment
/Royalty on acquisition of Software under section 194J
Version 181
The change in Surcharge rate from 2 to 2.5% for Company Non-Resident is incorporated
and the revised rate of 2.5% is provided. Also, surcharge has been removed for Individual
Non - Residents.
Version 178
An option to export TDS Challan in PDF format is provided.
Version 172
As per the Amendment, the following TDS Nature of Payment and Rate changes are
incorporated effective from July 1, 2012:
 Nature
of Payment - Any remuneration or commission paid to director of the
company (Effective from 1 July 2012) is provided.
   For
the Nature of Payment - Compensation on acquisition of immovable property,
the Cut off Amount is increased from 1,00,000 to 2,00,000.
   For
the Nature of Payment - Interest on Securities, the Cut off Amount is increased
from 2,500 to 5,000.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 163
The latest utility file - e-TDS/TCS FVU.exe (Version 3.3) is supported for validation of
e-TDS generated for the last quarter.
Version 158
The facility to calculate tax at 1% for Individuals/HUF Resident effective from October 1,
2009 is provided.
Version 157
The change in Surcharge rate from 2.5% to 2% for Company Non-Resident is
incorporated and the revised rate of 2% is provided.
Effective from July 1, 2010, the threshold limit for Payment to Sub Contractors for
Individual/HUF – Resident for the assessment year 2011-2012 has changed from
` 50,000 to ` 75,000. The change in threshold limit for this Deductee Type has been
incorporated in Tally.ERP 9.
Version 155
Issues Resolved
In the Form 27 generated for a group company, the Total tax deposited column was blank.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 144
Issues Resolved
On recording part payment of TDS for multiple bills, the assessable value was being captured
incorrectly in Form 27A and e-TDS.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 139
New data structure of quarterly e-TDS statements have been provided in Tally.ERP9. The data
structure of quarterly e-TDS statements has been modified by the Income Tax Department to
incorporate certain additional fields and validations to further improve the data quality. The
data structure modifications are applicable from 4 Quarter of Financial Year 2010-11.
Version 134
The functionality has been enhanced to calculate the TDS at Higher rate i.e. @ 20% for
parties who do not have PAN or who have applied for PAN when PANNOTAVBL or
PANAPPLIED is specified in PAN field in Party ledger master.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
As per Law, if PAN is furnished by the Deductee then on Payments to Transporters Tax
should not be deducted at source. Tally.ERP 9 was deducting Tax at Source on payments to
transporters when the total payments crossed the Exemption limit allowed for the
This issue has been resolved.
Error message Invalid By Book Entry/Cash was being displayed while validating E-TDS file
(using FVU Version 3.0) generated from a company where the Deductor Type selected is
Government (F11: Features > F3: Statutory & Taxation).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 129
TDS – Exemption Limit for Payment to Transporter has been provided. If transporter
furnishes PAN Number then TDS will not be deducted on payment to transporter. In case
PAN is not furnished, exemption threshold limit is 30,000 as a single payment and 75,000 in a
whole year w.e.f. 01.07.2010.
Note: If PAN is not furnished after crossing the exemption limit tax will be deducted at a
higher Rate of 20% (W.e.f 1-4-2010).
Version 128
Generation of E-TDS Return is now supported for the Payments made to Transporters
without deducting TDS on submission of PAN details.
Issues Resolved
In Multi Form 16a if print as previous format is set to YES the other party TDS details are
getting captured in the certificate.
The issue has been resolved and now the details will not be captured in Multi Form 16a.
Version 124
The functionality is enhanced to capture values as per the latest data structure and e-TDS
validation requirements.
The facility is provided to generate consolidated Form 16A for Group Companies.
Version 122
An additional option Print Government details also is provided in F12: Configuration of
Printing TDS Form 16A. Using this option user can configure to print or not to print
Government details in Form 16A.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 120
Issues Resolved
In Form 27A the Tax Deposited (Total challan amount) was not being displayed under
Control Totals.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 118
The amendments as per the latest Notification have been incorporated in Form 16A.
Version 117
In Finance Bill 2010, for some of the Nature of Payments TDS Threshold (Exemption)
Limit of Payment are increased with effect from July 1, 2010. The threshold (exemption)
limit of payment are revised for the following Nature of Payments:
Nature of Payments & Section Code
Revised Threshold (Exemption) Limit
of Payment (`)
Winnings From Lotteries and Crossword Puzzles (194B)
Winnings From Horse Race (194BB)
Payments to Contractors (Other Than Advertisement)
Payment to Contractors (Advertisement Contractors)
Payment to Sub-Contractors (194C)
30,000 (per contract /single bill value limit)
Payments to Contractors (Other Than Advertisement)
Payment to Contractors (Advertisement Contractors)
Payment to Sub-Contractors (194C)
75,000 per annum
Insurance Commission (194D)
Commission Or Brokerage (194H)
Rent of Land, Building Or Furniture
Rent of Plant, Machinery Or Equipment (194I)
Fees for Professional Or Technical Services (194J)
Version 113
As per the Finance Act (2) 2009, if PAN is not furnished TDS rate applicable is 20% (effective
from 1-4-2010). While deducting TDS for a party for whom the PAN is not specified,
Application displays the Warning message – TDS @ 20% if PAN is not furnished.
Applicable from 04-Apr-2010.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
As per the Finance Act (2) 2009, if PAN is furnished TDS applicable for Transport
operators is Nil. But application was calculating TDS at 1% for sub-Contractor and 2% for
contractors (in transport business).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 108
The proposed changes in Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) in Budget 2010 are not provided
in Stat Version 108, as the Finance Bill is still pending for approval.
Version 106
Provision to print Consolidated Form 27A of all member companies of a Group
Company is now available.
Version 101
Issues Resolved
On printing TDS Challan (ITNS 281) from a company having multiple financial Year
records, Application was printing wrong Assessment Year.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 99
Provision to generate Consolidated E-TDS returns of all member companies of a Group
Company is now available.
Currently, Tally.ERP 9 supports to generate consolidated E-TDS returns for
 Form
 Form
Provision to print Consolidated Annexure (Physical Copy) of all member companies of a
Group Company is now available.
Currently, Tally.ERP 9 supports to print annexure to
 Form
 Form
Version 98
Issues Resolved
Details of TDS transactions recorded by selecting the Nature of Payment - Winnings From
Lotteries and Crossword Puzzles (Sec 194B) are not being captured in the exported
e-tds text file.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
Deductor and Deductee’s mailing name was not printing in new format of Form 16A.
This issue has been resolved.
Note: Proposed new format of Form 16 A is available in Tally.ERP 9. The applicability of issue
of Form 16 A in new format is not confirmed by the department.
Version 92
New data structure of quarterly e-TDS statements have been provided in Tally.ERP9.
The data structure of quarterly e-TDS statements has been modified by the Income Tax
Department to incorporate certain additional fields and validations to further improve the data
quality. The data structure modifications are applicable from October 1, 2009.
Version 91
In the Finance Act (02) 2009, for some of the Nature of Payments TDS rates are changed
with effect from 1-10-2009. The changed TDS rates are provided.
Version 90
As per the Finance Act, changes in respect Surcharge, Education Cess and Secondary and
Higher Education Cess are made in the TDS Statutory master - Deductees Type.
Note: For the Financial Year 2009-10 surcharge or Cess is not applicable for TDS. For tax
deduction only the specified TDS rates are considered.
In Exporting e-TDS Forms screen F1: PAN Not Available button is provided. This report
helps to verify the details of parties for whom the PAN/IT no. is not provided and update PAN
details before exporting the e-TDS forms.
While printing Multi Form 16A, in Printing TDS Form 16A screen Certificate Number
field is provided. In the Certificate Number filed Prefix, Certificate Number and Suffix
details can be specified.
Issues Resolved
In exported e-tds file of quarterly return- Form 26Q, Education Cess amount was displayed
in figure in Challan details line.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
For TDS forms - Form 26Q and Form 27Q, option to Export in Excel Format is provided.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The details of Annexure 26Q was appearing properly in the print preview, when the same is
Exported to Excel then the annexure used to be blank.
This issue has been resolved.
When TDS Annexure 26 (annual) is exported from Tally.ERP 9 to Excel, application was
displaying the error - Error in TDL part: TDS Form26annexure Notes insufficient height
to allocate.
This issue has been resolved.
While exporting e-TDS, Application was displaying Out of Memory Error. This error was
displayed only when the TDS Payments (to Government) had more than 500 bill references.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
New TDS Challan - Form 17 is provided in Tally.ERP 9.
New Form 16A is provided in Tally.ERP 9.
Version 85
E-TDS annual returns form - Form 26 has been provided in Tally.ERP 9.
In Form 16A, Acknowledgement Number will get printed depending on the party
transactions and period.
Issues Resolved
TDS Challan was displaying wrong Assessment Year for the TDS payments made towards
the expenses booked in the previous financial year and the TDS payment made in the current
financial year.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form 16A TDS Amount was not printing in words.
This issue has been resolved.
On printing the Form 16A, the details under the heading Certificate of deduction of tax at
source under section 203 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 were not being displayed in the
printed format.
This issue has been resolved.
In TDS Form 27A date was not getting printed even though the date details were mentioned
in the Period fields - From and To in 'Printing TDS Form27A'.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In TDS Form 16A the Date was not being printed in sequential (chronological) order.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 82
E-TDS Quarterly Returns (Form 26Q & Form 27Q) with Print form 27A is available.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9. Value Added Tax
9.1 Andhra Pradesh
Version 200
Issues Resolved
When a remote user opened the Form 200, the remotely accessed system was crashing.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 189
The values of credit and debit notes recorded using VAT flags - Goods Sold Returned and
Purchase Returns or Rejected are captured in Form VAT 200.
Version 174
The functionality of VAT Return Form and Annexures are enhanced to support the value of
entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 31% VAT rate.
For recording adjustments to purchase and sales the following VAT flags are activated:
 Purchases
 Goods
Returns or Rejected and Others for Debit Note.
Sold Returned and Others for Credit Note.
Version 171
The VAT/Tax class - Sales - Composition Tax @ 1.25% is provided. The value of entries
recorded using this VAT/Tax class gets captured in Form TOT 060B and Form TOT 007.
As per the Notification, the VAT/Tax class - Output VAT @ 31% Special Rate / Sales @
31% Special Rate is provided to account for revised VAT rate on petrol. The value of entries
recorded using this classification will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 31% VAT rate in VAT
Version 163
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for works contract
taxable at 4%, 5%, 12.5% and 14.5% VAT rates are captured in VAT Return Form and
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 161
The works contract functionality is introduced to record works contract transactions, the
following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from:
April 1, 2011
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 4% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 4%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 14.5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 4% / Sales - Works Contract @ 4%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 14.5%
September 14, 2011
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 4%, 5%, 12.5% and
14.5% VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 154
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% and 20% are
captured in the respective fields of VAT and CST Forms.
Version 153
As per the Notification for increase in VAT rates of Tobacco Products from 14.5% to 20% the
following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided effective from September 14, 2011:
 Purchases
 Output
@ 20% Special Rate
VAT @ 20% Special Rate / Sales @ 20% Special Rate
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 20% VAT Rate in VAT
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 152
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for 5%
VAT rate effective from September 14, 2011:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Interstate
Sales @ 5% / CST @ 5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT Rate in VAT
Version 147
The revised Form CST VI is provided as per the statutory requirements.
Version 113
The commodity-wise breakup of inter-state sales is captured in box 6 of Form CST VI.
Version 112
The value of journal entries made by selecting Adjustment Towards CST in the Used for
field is captured with the tag - Set Off Against VAT under box 9 of Form C.S.T VI.
Version 106
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made in credit note using Inter-State Sales as the VAT/Tax class without
selecting CST ledger and declaration form was being captured in box 2 of Form CST VI.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made in credit note using taxable sales classifications was not being
deducted from local sales amount in Form CST VI.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 102
In Form VAT 226(B), the functionality is enhanced to capture the tax classification-wise
break-up of sales made during the selected tax period.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 101
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 14.5% and 16%
VAT rates are captured in Return Form, Annexures and Form C.S.T VI.
Version 100
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from February 1, 2010:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 16% Special Rate
@ 16% Special Rate
 Output
VAT @ 16% Special Rate
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 16% VAT Rates in Return Form.
Version 97
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from January 15, 2010:
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 14.5% / Sales @ 14.5%
VAT @ 14.5% / Purchases @ 14.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 14.5% VAT Rates in Return Form for
timely filing of VAT Returns for the tax period.
Version 91
The information provided in Payment Details screen of CST Payment voucher by selecting
the Type of Duty/Tax as CST in the Payment Towards field will be captured in Form
Version 86
Issues Resolved
On entering a CST Sales transaction and generating the print preview of Form C.S.T. VI,
the error message - Memory Access violation was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of entry made using VAT/Tax class - Imports and Consignment/Branch
Transfer Inward was not being captured in box 6 of Form VAT 200.
This issue has been resolved.
The assessable value and tax amount entered in a debit/credit note was being displayed with
a negative sign in Form VAT 200 if the entry was either recorded at the beginning of the
month or the transaction date was falling in the tax period specified in Report Generation
screen of the return form.
This issue has been resolved.
The tax period specified in the Report Generation screen of Form VAT 200 was being
displayed correctly in the print preview mode, but in the printed format the entire financial
year was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
The input tax credit carried forward from the previous return period was not being captured in
box - 24 and 24(b) of Form VAT 200.
This issue has been resolved.
9.2 Arunachal Pradesh
Version 204
The E-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of Local Purchase, Local
Sales and Interstate Sales invoice details by exporting the data using Excel format to the
template files as prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Version 138
The Payment Challan - Form FF-08 is provided.
Version 114
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality. The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax
classifications provided for CST will be captured in box 9A of Form FF01.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.3 Assam
Version 199
To account for the increase in VAT rate from 20% to 25% on cigarettes or smoking tobacco
under Schedule IV, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided:
 Sales
@ 25% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 25% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
@ 25% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchase
Tax @ 25%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 25%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 25% VAT rate in VAT
Version 196
The e-CST feature is introduced to export data of Form No. III using Excel Spreadsheet
format to excel template as prescribed by the Commissionerate of Taxes.
The functionality of physical and e-VAT Form 13 - Monthly, Quarterly and Quarter End return
is enhanced as per the latest excel template provided by the Commissionerate of Taxes.
Version 189
Issues Resolved
The VAT Payment entry made using Stat Payment button was not being captured in Form 13 Quarter End report.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
Form 14 is provided to facilitate filing of annual returns.
Issues Resolved
The value of sales made to registered dealers in retail invoice (option - Is Tax Invoice set to
No in sales voucher type) was reflecting in Part J of Form 13.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded in user-defined debit / credit notes were not captured in Part
H and K of Form - 13.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
Issues Resolved
For some of the data, the error message - Memory Access Violation was being displayed
while exporting data to quarterly return - e-VAT Form 13.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
The e-VAT feature is introduced to export data of VAT Form 13 using Excel Spreadsheet
format to excel template file as prescribed by the Commissionerate of Taxes.
The Quarter End Return is provided for physical and e-VAT Form 13.
Version 149
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax classifications for 30% VAT rate are
introduced effective from July 21,2011:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 30% (Schedule IV Items)
@ 30% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 30% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchase
Tax @ 30%
Version 148
Issues Resolved
The value of sales recorded by selecting stock items predefined with MRP value was not
being captured in Form 13.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 133
Issues Resolved
In Part GG of Form 13, the value of interstate purchases was being captured inclusive of
CST amount.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 129
The facility is provided to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single
invoice. The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for different
CST rates are captured in respective fields of CST Form No. III.
Version 123
Issues Resolved
On recording cash sales, the number of entries made was not being captured in Cash Memos
field of Form 13.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 122
Issues Resolved
Some of the payment details entered in payment voucher were captured incorrectly in VAT
and CST returns.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 113
Issues Resolved
In Form 13, each Annexure was being printed in a separate page.
This issue has been resolved and the annexures are being printed in series.
In value of entries made using the VAT/Tax class - Input VAT @ 4% was not being captured
as a part of the total tax credit in box 11 - Tax Claimed (B) column of Form 13.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 111
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax class - Sales @ 4% was not being captured in
the appropriate field of Form 13.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 106
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from February 22, 2010:
 Purchase
Tax @ 4%
 Purchase
Tax @ 12%
 Purchase
Tax @ 12.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 16.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 27.5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Purchases
@ 4% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
@ 12% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
@ 12.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
@ 16.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
@ 27.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Sales
@ 4% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 4% (Schedule IV Items)
 Sales
@ 12.5% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 12.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Sales
@ 12% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 12% (Schedule IV Items)
 Sales
@ 16.5% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 16.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Sales
@ 22% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 22% (Schedule IV Items)
 Sales
@ 27.5% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 27.5% (Schedule IV Items)
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be captured in VAT
Computation report and Form 13.
Version 101
The VAT/Tax classifications provided for 4% and 12.5% will be displayed for selection while
recording transactions.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
In Form 13 the assessable value and tax amount were not being rounded-off to the nearest
` 10 and ` 1 respectively.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 94
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% and 13.5% VAT
rates are being captured in the appropriate fields of Form 13.
Version 93
Adhering to the latest statutory requirements, the following VAT/Tax classifications have been
activated effective from October 31, 2009:
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 5% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Sales
@ 13.5% (Schedule IV Items) / Output VAT @ 13.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Purchases
@ 5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchases
@ 13.5% (Schedule IV Items)
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be captured in VAT
Computation report.
Issues Resolved
On generating the print preview of Form - 13 for a quarter, the error message - Out of
Memory was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
Issues Resolved
The heading of Part J was being displayed as List of Sales from Registered Dealers
instead of List of Sales to Registered Dealers.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
In Company VAT Details screen of F3: Statutory & Taxation features the Name of the
goods dealt in field has been provided. The commodity name entered in this field will be
captured in box 5 of Form - 13.
Version 89
Adhering to the notification, CST Form No. III has been provided as per the latest statutory
In Form - 13 Quarterly return, the commodity-wise details of stock items invoiced will be
captured in Part G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N when the option Print with Item Details is
enabled in the report generation screen.
Version 88
The amendments as per the latest Notification have been incorporated in Form - 13. Also the
functionality has been enhanced accordingly.
Version 87
Issues Resolved
On recording an entry in Stock Journal or Physical Stock Journal and generating
Form - 13, an error message - Memory Access Violation was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.4 Bihar
Version 198
Issues Resolved
The value of sales recorded using VAT/Tax class - Inter- State Sales - Exempted was
getting doubled in Form RT-I and RT-III.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 196
Issues Resolved
Performance of Form RT-I and RT-III is enhanced.
Version 195
For change in VAT rate from 20% to 30% on tobacco products, the following VAT/Tax
classifications are provided:
 Input
VAT @ 30% / Purchases @ 30%
 Interstate
 Purchase
Purchases @ 30%
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 30%
 Output
VAT @ 30% / Sales @ 30%
 Output
VAT @ 30% to URDs / Sales @ 30% to URDs
 CST
@ 30% / Interstate Sales @ 30%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 30%
 Purchase
Tax @ 30%
The value of entries recorded using these
VAT Computation report.
classifications will be currently captured only in
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 30% VAT rate in VAT
Version 191
For e-filing, new e-Annexure G and revised e-Annexures C1 and C2 are provided to
facilitate export of data to Excel templates prescribed by the Commercial Taxes Department.
Issues Resolved
In the Total column of e-VAT template, comma separated value was displayed if the amount
exported had more than 6 digits.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 185
The VAT/Tax Class - Inter-State Purchases - Exempted is provided. The value of entries
recorded using this classification will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classification - Inter-State Purchases - Exempted
in VAT Forms.
Issues Resolved
In the Excel file generated on exporting VAT Return Forms RT- I and RT- III, the alignment
was not proper.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting data to e-VAT template - RT001_new.xls, the assessable value of sales
recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 13.5% VAT rate was not being captured in
Turnover of sale column of Part 2 worksheet.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
The entries taxable at 20% VAT rate was getting displayed in a separate column in physical
form RT-I and RT-III.
This issue has been resolved and physical Forms are enhanced as per e-VAT templates.
Version 182
As per the Notification for decrease in VAT rates of High Speed Diesel and Light Diesel Oil
from 20% to 16%, new VAT/Tax Classifications - Sales - HSD and LDO @ 16% and
Output VAT @ 16% on Diesel are provided. The value of entries recorded using these
classifications will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 16% VAT rate in VAT
Version 181
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax
classifications provided for multiple CST rates in Forms RT -I, RT-III, Form I and
E- Return.
RT-V is provided to facilitate e-filing of VAT.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In Part III - Details of Purchase/Receipts of VAT Return RT I, purchase entries recorded
with VAT/Tax Classification Consignment/Branch Transfer Inward with different rates
were getting captured in the Schedule I column, instead of displaying transactions recorded
for purchase of exempt goods.
This issue has been resolved.
In E-VAT Annexure C1, value of Sales entries recorded with VAT/Tax Classifications Sales @
5% was appearing in the Sales @ 1% column, and the total amount was getting captured in
Sales @ 13.5% Column.
These issues have been resolved.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
On exporting data in which sales taxable at 13.5% VAT rate were not recorded to e-VAT
Form RT-1, the turnover of sales was captured in incorrect field.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 174
The functionality of e-VAT Forms and Annexures are enhanced as per the requirements of
latest e-VAT templates.
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Sales @ 13.5% was not reflecting in
Part 2 - Turnover of Sales column of Form RT-I.
This issue have been resolved.
The value of entries recorded in credit note by selecting Others in Used for field was not
getting captured in box 4 of Form RT-I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
The e-VAT and e-CST features are introduced to export data of VAT and CST forms using
Excel Spreadsheet format to excel template files as prescribed by the Commercial Taxes
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality. The value of entries recorded using the CST
classifications will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for multiple CST rates in VAT
and CST Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 5%, 13.5% and 20% VAT rates in Form RT-I and Form RT-III.
Version 165
In compliance with the Bihar Budget for the financial year 2012-13, the following VAT/Tax
Classifications are provided effective from April 1, 2012.
 Input
VAT @ 20% / Purchases @ 20%
 Purchase
 Input
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 20%
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 20%
 Purchase
Tax @ 20%
 Output
VAT @ 20% / Sales @ 20%
 Output
VAT @ 20% to URDs / Sales @ 20% to URDs
 The
value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 20% VAT rate in VAT Forms.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
In Part - III of Form RT-I, the value of entries recorded at 5% VAT rate was not being
This issue has been resolved.
Version 147
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 5% and 13.5% VAT rates in Form RT - I.
Version 138
As per the budget proposal for increase in tax rate from 4% to 5% and 12.5% to 13.5%, the
following VAT/Tax class are provided effective from April 1, 2011.
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 13.5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 5% to URDs / Output VAT @ 5% to URDs
 Sales
@ 13.5% to URDs / Output VAT @ 13.5% to URDs
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% and 13.5% rate in VAT Forms.
Version 129
Issues Resolved
On selecting additional ledgers predefined with the option - Use for Assessable Value
Calculation to No in more than one interstate sales invoice for a particular tax period,
incorrect value was being captured in CST Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 106
Issues Resolved
The value of VAT/Tax classifications provided for sales at special rates and MRP based sales
were being captured in box 3 of Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 95
The information provided in Payment Details screen of CST Payment voucher by selecting
the Type of Duty/Tax as CST in the Payment Towards field will be captured in Form I.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
The Style of Business entered in F3: Statutory & Taxation features was being captured in
Name of the Dealer field of Form I.
This issue has been resolved and the Company Name is being captured in Name of the
Dealer field of Form I.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
On printing the Form RT-I from the print preview mode, incorrect values were being printed.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 87
Issues Resolved
On recording a journal entry using Input Tax Adjustment for Purchases from URDs as
the VAT Adjustment, the error message - Memory Access Violation was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
Issues Resolved
The value of inter-state purchase entry was not being captured in box 11 (ii) of Form RT-I
and RT-III.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
Issues Resolved
More time was being consumed for generating the print preview of Form RT-I when the data
size was large.
This issue has been resolved.
9.5 Chandigarh
Version 191
Issues Resolved
The values of interstate sales recorded against Form E1/E2 were being captured incorrectly in
Form VAT 15 and 20.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
Issues Resolved
In e-VAT Annexures - Form VAT 18, Form VAT 19, Form VAT 23 and Form VAT 24,
 the
alignment of entries captured was incorrect, and
 if
the numbers of rows that were added automatically for the entries exceeded the default
number in the template, the additional rows were not considered for calculating the totals.
Due to this, the totals computed were incorrect.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
An error message ‘Form 1 Excel file’ is not correct was displayed when data exported from
Tally.ERP 9 to Excel template was converted to XML.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 174
For CST Payment, the Form II Challan is provided.
The VAT/Tax Classifications - Purchases(Against Form - H Deemed Export) and
Sales(Against Form-H Deemed Export) are provided and the value of entries recorded
using these classifications will be captured in respective fields of VAT Forms.
Version 163
Issues Resolved
On printing the Payment challan, the application was crashing.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
In the output file of data exported to e-VAT Form VAT 15, the value of sales returns was
being captured as Amount charged separately as interest for sales by hire-purchase/
installments purchase. Also the table title - 4(a) Deductions from sales of the Current
period was being captured in Row 3 & 4 in Box 4 of Work Sheet.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 149
The functionality of e-VAT Form VAT 15 is enhanced to capture values of entries recorded at
5% VAT rate in Worksheet.
Version 142
Issues Resolved
In the alteration mode of cash sales invoice, if party ledger was selected in Party’s A/c
Name field, the party name was not being captured in physical and e-VAT Annexure Form
VAT 18.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of interstate purchase returns was being captured in box 2F of physical and e-VAT
returns - Form VAT 15 and Form VAT 20.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The details of purchase order recorded with CST were being captured in physical and e-VAT
annexure Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
In Form VAT 15, the value of journal entry recorded using Adjustment Towards CST in
Used for field was not being captured. Hence the excess tax credit carried forward to next
return period was displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality. The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax
classifications provided for CST will be captured in VAT and CST Forms.
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT rates are
captured in VAT Forms and Annexures.
Version 125
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
for 5% VAT rate effective from October 26, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% VAT Rates in Return Form.
Version 122
The VAT Payment Challan - Form VAT - 2 is provided.
Version 120
Issues Resolved
In e-VAT Export Report screen, the settings of fields - Update existing file, Excel
(Spreadsheet) Formatting and with Color were non-editable.
This issue has been resolved and these fields can be set as per requirement.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 106
Issues Resolved
On setting the option - Print with Page Totals to Yes in Report Generation screens of
Annexure Form VAT 23, same page total was being captured for each page.
This issue has been resolved.
On adjusting the input tax credit against output VAT, the excess of input VAT amount was
being displayed in box 5(g) of Form VAT 15 and 20.
This issue has been resolved and the value is captured in box 5(h) of Form VAT 15 and 20.
Version 101
On printing more than one copy of Tax Invoice, the message - Input Tax Credit is available
to a Taxable Person against this Copy Only will be displayed at the top of first printed
Version 98
The Form VAT 20 has been provided as per the statutory requirements.
Version 94
Facility is provided to generate e-returns by exporting the data of Form VAT 15, Annexures Form VAT 18, 19, 23 & 24 and CST Form 1 using Excel Spreadsheet format to the latest
excel template files prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Facility to export the data in Excel Spreadsheet format is provided for all VAT Forms.
Version 93
The functionality of Form VAT 15 has been enhanced as per the latest requirements.
Issues Resolved
In the Used for field of Credit Note, Adjustment Towards Refund Claim was being
displayed in the list of VAT Adjustment.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
The functionality of the VAT return - Form VAT - 15 and Annexures - Form VAT - 18, Form
VAT - 19, Form VAT - 23 and Form VAT - 24 have been enhanced as per the statutory
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 89
CST return - Form 1 has been provided as per statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
On printing Form VAT 15 and Form VAT 16, the date range was being displayed as April to
March irrespective of the From and To dates specified in the Report Generation screen.
This issue has been resolved.
The year entered in the report generation screen of Form VAT 16 is not being displayed on
printing the form.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
The value of additional ledgers enabled for apportionment were not being appropriated to the
assessable value, as a result of which incorrect assessable amount was being captured in VAT
Return Forms and Annexures.
This issue has been resolved.
9.6 Chhattisgarh
Version 194
The functionality is enhanced to capture values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 3% VAT rate in:
 Return
Forms - Form 17 and 18
 e-VAT
Annexures - Purchase, Sales and Sales Returns
 e-CST
Annexures - Interstate Sales US 6(2) and Interstate Sales Returns
Version 193
As per the Chhattisgarh Budget 2013-14, for decrease in VAT rate from 5% to 3% on TMT
steel bars, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided.
 Output
 Input
 CST
VAT @ 3% / Sales @ 3%
VAT @ 3% / Purchases @ 3%
@ 3% / Interstate Sales @ 3%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 3% VAT rate in VAT
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 189
The address predefined for party ledger master selected while invoicing purchase/sales was
not being captured in Part C of Form VAT 18.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
The payment challans for VAT - Form 34 and CST - Form X are provided.
Version 171
The e-return functionality is enhanced to export data in excel spreadsheet format to the:
 e-VAT
template - ExcelSheetSalesReturn.xls
 e-CST
templates - ExcelSheetInterStatSaleCForm.xls and
Version 167
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the latest e-filing requirements of template files ExcelSheetPurchaseList.xls and ExcelSheetSaleList.xls.
The E-CST feature is provided to export data in Excel Spreadsheet format to the template
files - ExcelSheetInterState.xls and ExcelSheetListSalesUS6(2).xls for e-filing.
Version 164
The e-requisition facility is provided to export the details of interstate purchases against any
one or all declaration forms using Excel Spreadsheet format to the template ONLINE_CST_COM.xls prescribed by the Commercial Taxes Department.
The following VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced effective from April 01, 2011.
 Inter
State Sales Against Form - E1
 Inter
State Sales Against Form - E2
 Inter
State Purchases Against Form - E1
 Inter
State Purchases Against Form - E2
The value of entries recorded using the above classifications will be captured in VAT
Computation Report, Form VAT 17 and 18.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 154
The facility is provided to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single
invoice. The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for CST will
be captured in Form 17 and Form 18.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
The value of journal entry recorded by selecting Adjustment Against VAT Dues in Used for
field was not being captured in Form 17 and Form 18.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 128
The E-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of Sales and Purchase
Details by exporting the data using excel spreadsheet format to the excel template files as
prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Version 115
The following VAT/Tax Classifications are activated for 2% rate from April 1, 2010:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 2% / Input VAT @ 2%
@ 2% / Output VAT @ 2%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications is captured in VAT Forms.
Version 101
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% and 14% tax
rates are captured in Form 17 and 18.
Version 96
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from January 1, 2010:
 Output
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
 Output
VAT @ 14% / Sales @ 14%
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Input
VAT @ 14% / Purchases @ 14%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Version 194
The facility is provided to export details of interstate purchases recorded against Forms - C,
E1, E2, F and H in Excel format to e-CST requisition template - C_Form_CST_COM.xls as
prescribed by the Department of Value Added Tax.
Version 182
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality. The value of entries recorded using the CST
classifications will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for multiple CST rates in VAT
and CST Forms.
Version 175
Issues Resolved
In an Excise for Dealer/Manufacturer enabled company, the CENVAT amount entered in
inter-state purchase invoice for ledgers grouped under Current Assets was not being
displayed in Form DVAT 30.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
In Form DVAT 16 the value of entries made using VAT/Tax classifications - Sales (Against
Form-H Deemed Export) and Sales - Zero Rated (Interstate) were not being captured in
box 10.4 and 10.5 respectively.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
In a purchase/sales invoice, on specifying the Party's A/c Name as Cash and selecting the
ledger using M: Party List button (Alt+M) or manually entering the party details in the
Supplementary Details screen, the Party Name and TIN was not being captured in Form
DVAT 30 and DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.8 Daman & Diu
Version 198
Issues Resolved
The value of interstate purchases recorded against C Form was not appearing in e-Annexure
Form DVAT 30-A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
The assessable value of purchases recorded against Form C using VAT/Tax class - InterState Purchases without selecting CST ledger will be captured in Form DVAT 30A.
Version 189
Issues Resolved
Values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications - Purchases - Capital Goods @ 4%
and 12.5% were not being captured in e-Annexure Form DVAT 30.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
The interstate sales values captured in box R10.10 were not reflecting in box R10.15 of
Form DVAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 175
The e-VAT feature is introduced to export data of VAT Annexures using Excel Spreadsheet
format to excel template files for XML Conversion as prescribed by the Department.
Version 167
The following VAT/Tax classifications are provided with effect from August 1, 2011.
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 15% / Input VAT @ 15%
@ 15% / Output VAT @ 15%
 Interstate
Sales @ 15% / CST @ 15%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 15%
The value of entries made using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class provided for 15% VAT Rates in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 154
The Annexures DVAT 30A - Purchase Register for Interstate Purchase and DVAT 31A - Sales
Register for Interstate Sales are provided.
Version 150
The Bank Account No. field is provided in Print Report screen of Form DVAT 16 to capture
the number entered here in box R2.7 of the return form.
Version 147
The revised Form DVAT 16, Form DVAT 30 and Form DVAT 31 are provided as per the
statutory requirements.
The VAT Payment Challan - Form DVAT 20 is provided.
Version 96
The VAT Annexures - Form DVAT 30 and Form DVAT 31 have been provided as per
statutory requirements.
9.9 Delhi
Version 205
Issues Resolved
When a preview of CST Annexure Form 4 was generated, an error message - Out of
Memory, was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 204
The e-VAT functionality has been enhanced to support Annexures 2C and 2D as per the latest statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
In a company with data running for multiple years, when Debit Notes and Credit Notes
were recorded to account for Purchase Returns and Sales Returns respectively, the Month to
which Invoice Relates field in Annexure 2C was either blank or getting captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 202
The e-VAT functionality for Annexures 2A and 2B are enhanced as per the latest statutory
Version 200
The e-VAT functionality for Annexure 2A and 2B have been enhanced to support the latest
e-VAT templates.
Version 199
The Form DVAT 30A and Form DVAT 31A are provided to capture the details of debit/credit
notes related to purchase and sales registers respectively, as per statutory requirements.
The Annexures 2A and 2B and VAT Forms DVAT 30 and DVAT 31 are enhanced as per the
latest statutory requirements.
The VAT Return Form DVAT 16 is enhanced as per the latest statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
In Form DVAT 16, values of credit notes recorded against interstate sales were getting
captured in R4 box Turnover (Central) field.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure 2A, the supplier details along with the TIN was not getting captured and all
values of the purchases of Tax Free Goods from this supplier were getting captured in column
No. 7 instead column No. 8.
This issue has been resolved. The VAT/Tax Classification Purchases - Tax Free has been
introduced and the value of the same will get captured in Column No. 8 of Annexure 2A.
In Form DVAT 30, the details of purchases from exempted units was not getting captured.
This issue has been resolved. The VAT/Tax Classification Purchases - From Exempt Units
has been introduced and the value of the same gets captured in Column No. 8 of Form DVAT
Version 198
The default print orientation is set to Landscape for Annexures 2A, 2B, Form DVAT 30 and
31 for better user experience.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The values of entries recorded with additional ledgers grouped under user defined Direct/
Indirect Income were captured incorrectly in CST Form 4.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 197
If there are more than one TIN for a party ledger, then the transaction details will be captured
in separate rows of Annexure 2A and 2B based on the TIN entered in Party Details screen of
the invoice.
As per statutory requirements, the Annexure 2C for details of debit/credit notes related to
Purchases has been provided.
As per statutory requirements, the Annexure 2D for details of debit/credit notes related to
Sales has been provided.
Issues Resolved
The values rounded-off while invoicing was captured with decimals in physical and e-VAT
Annexure 2A and 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
In voucher mode, if excise purchase and sales entries were recorded by entering assessable
value inclusive of excise, the values were captured incorrectly in Annexure 2A and 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording interstate purchases in voucher mode CST values were doubled in Form DVAT
30 and not displayed in Annexure 2A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 196
In journal voucher, the VAT flag - Reversal of Input Tax Credit on Closing Stock is
provided to record reversal of input tax credit on closing stock.
On selecting the VAT flag - Adjustment Towards Refund Claim in journal voucher, the field
- Provide details will be displayed to enter bank details. The details entered here will be
captured in the respective fields of box R10 of Form DVAT 16.
While generating physical and e-VAT Annexure 2A and 2B, the option - Consolidate URD
Values will be displayed. The values of all purchases and sales made from unregistered
dealers will be:
 Consolidated
 Captured
and captured if this option is set to Yes
party-wise if it is set to No.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In Print Report screen of VAT Forms and Annexures, the From and To dates of the quarterly
period gets displayed based on the Current Date set in Gateway of Tally.
Issues Resolved
While recording taxable purchases in voucher mode if purchase ledger with same VAT/Tax
classification was selected twice - first with inventory allocation and then without it, the
assessable value entered for input VAT ledger was captured incorrectly in Annexure 2A.
This issue has been resolved.
The State name predefined for the party ledger selected while invoicing purchases was not
captured in CST Form 4.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure 2A and 2B, the values of transactions recorded by selecting unregistered
dealers were not consolidated for display in a single row.
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales invoice if voucher class inclusive of VAT was used to record sale of two stock items
- first item with Sales - Exempt and second with Sales @ 4% classifications, the assessable
value and output VAT of taxable item was doubling in Annexure 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 195
The commodity code was not being displayed in Item description with classification code
column of CST Form 2A.
This issue has been resolved.
The details of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications - Consignment/Branch
Transfer Inward and Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward were not being captured
in e-VAT Annexure 2A and 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
The Form DVAT 51 is enhanced as per latest format provided by Department of Trade and
For better visibility of fields and details captured in Annexures - 2A and 2B, the font size of
text and amount has been increased.
Issues Resolved
In the output file generated on exporting data of Form DVAT 31 in Excel Spreadsheet
format, the details exported were not aligned properly.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Inter-State Purchases (Capital
Goods) was not being captured in box R11.9 Capital Goods of Form DVAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form 2A generated for a company comprising data of more than one year, the Assessment
year was being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
In Date of Purchase column of Form DVAT 30 the voucher date was being captured instead
of Supplier Invoice Date.
This issue has been resolved.
In a debit note, if purchase returns were recorded in voucher mode, the party name was
capturing the ledger name instead of ledger mailing name in e-VAT Annexure 2A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 191
Issues Resolved
In a company enabled to follow excise rules for invoicing and VAT, the assessable value of
interstate purchases recorded with excise and CST ledgers in voucher mode was being
captured incorrectly in Form DVAT 16 and Annexure 2A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 189
The Form Series number entered in interstate sales invoice is captured in Form DVAT 31 and
Form DVAT 51.
Along with the declaration form number, the State name of the party ledger is also being
captured in column 6 of CST Form 4.
Issues Resolved
The value of sales recorded using VAT/Tax class - Works Contract - Interstate was not
getting captured in physical and e-VAT Annexure 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
The CST payment made using Stat Payment button was not being captured in CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
In the client machine, if Annexure 2A and 2B were generated, the error message - Memory
Access Violation was displayed in server machine.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In Annexure 2A and 2B the party-wise transaction details were not captured in alphabetical
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
The option - Print with Returns/Additions is provided in Print Report screen of
Annexure 2A and 2B.
Issues Resolved
The details of unregistered dealers were not captured after alphabet U in the last row of
Annexure 2A and 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
The following issues have been resolved in Form 2A.
 The
transactions were not captured based on Supplier Date
 Interstate
 Invoice
purchase transactions with serial number and form number were captured
total was not getting printed
Version 176
As per the recent changes done in Delhi VAT Department software, e-filing of Annexure 2A
and 2B excel templates are enhanced to capture the TIN numbers starting with '0'.
Version 175
For Composite VAT enabled companies, Annexure 2A is provided to capture summary of
purchases made.
Version 174
Issues Resolved
In Annexure 2A and 2B, the consignee name and address details were being captured in
place of buyer name and address.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 173
The CST Form-2A (Requisition Account of Declaration Forms) is provided.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 169
Issues Resolved
For the party ledgers if TIN was not mentioned selected while invoicing, the values of imports,
interstate purchases and sales were being consolidated and displayed as unregistered dealers
in physical and e-VAT Annexure 2A and Annexure 2B.
This issue has been resolved and the party name of interstate purchases and sales recorded
by selecting unregistered dealers are captured in physical and e-VAT Annexures 2A and 2B.
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Purchases - Others was not being
captured in Annexure 2A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 167
The revised format of Form DVAT 16 is provided.
The functionality of Annexure 2A and Annexure 2B are enhanced to capture consolidated
values of entries recorded by selecting unregistered dealers. Based on the rate of tax the
values will be displayed in separate rows.
Version 164
New VAT/Tax Classifications - High Sea Purchases and Inter-State Purchases (Capital
Goods) are provided. The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be
captured in the respective columns of:
 Physical
and e-VAT Annexure 2A
 Physical
Form DVAT 30.
The VAT Annexures – Annexure 2A, Annexure 2B, Form DVAT 30 and Form DVAT 31
have been enhanced as per latest statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
In a purchase invoice, if taxable and exempt items were selected, the values of both the items
were getting consolidated and captured in Annexure 2A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In sales invoice if more than one works contract was selected, the value of only the first works
contract was getting captured in e-VAT Annexure 2A and 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
The value of sales (within state) recorded using VAT inclusive voucher class was being
captured incorrectly in E-VAT Annexure 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
For the Cash Purchases recorded by selecting the Party’s Name from the List of Ledgers
using M: Party List option in Supplementary Details screen, the TIN No. of the Party was
not being captured in Annexure-2A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 157
The E-VAT feature is introduced to export data of Annexure 2A and Annexure 2B in Excel
Spreadsheet format to the template files such that the same can be imported to the Trade
and Tax Department tool for validation. The validated data needs to be exported from the
tool in the format prescribed by the Department for e-filing.
Version 156
Issues Resolved
The values of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Inter- State Sales - Exempted,
Interstate Sales at Lower Rate and Inter State Sales against Form - E1/E2 were not
being captured in Annexure 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
The Rate of Tax column is provided in Annexure 2B.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
In a sales invoice recorded using voucher class having inclusive of VAT calculation, the values
were being incorrectly displayed in Annexure-2B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
In CST Annexure - Form 4 - Register of Interstate Sales, the row - Total is provided to
capture the aggregate value of sales displayed in each column.
The format of Form DVAT 16 is modified as per the amendments given in the notification.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 138
Issues Resolved
On recording a purchase invoice with Supplier Invoice number and exporting the data of
Form DVAT 30 using Excel Spreadsheet format, the column - Inv No. & Dr/Cr Note No.
was not being displayed in the exported excel file.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 129
Issues Resolved
In the excel file generated on exporting Annexure 2A, the alignment was not proper.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
The VAT Payment Challan - Form DVAT 20 is provided.
Version 123
The Form DVAT 51 is enhanced as per the latest requirements.
Issues Resolved
The value entered for apportioned additional ledgers in purchases made using non-taxable
VAT/Tax classifications was not being captured in Form DVAT 30.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 120
Issues Resolved
In Annexure 2A, the serial number was displayed accurately in print preview screen but on
printing it, the subsequent number was being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 117
Issues Resolved
On generating Annexure 2A and 2B for few data, the error message - Out of Memory was
being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 116
The debit and credit notes recorded for price variation of sales and purchases are captured in
Annexure 2A and 2B.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 113
As per the Notification, the Annexure 2A and Annexure 2B are provided.
Version 111
The percentage or amount of deduction from purchase price of works contract can be entered
on selecting the VAT/Tax class provided for Works Contract Purchases. The input VAT is
calculated on the taxable contract price. The value of these entries is captured in Form DVAT
Version 110
As per statutory requirements, the revised Form DVAT 16 is provided. The following VAT/Tax
classifications and VAT Adjustments are activated to capture the values in appropriate fields of
revised Form.
VAT/Tax Classifications
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 4% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 4%
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 5% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Inter-State
 Sales
Purchases - Exempted
- Works Contract @ 4% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 4%
 Labour,
Service, Job Work & Other Charges
VAT Adjustments
 Reversal
of Labour and Service Charges
 Reversal
of ITC on Goods Sold Below Purchase Price
 Input
Tax Credit on Opening Stock
 Reverse
Credit on Goods Unsold at the Time of Business Closure
Version 106
The VAT/Tax classifications - Sales - Works Contract @ 5%, Sales - Works Contract @
12.5%, Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5% and Output VAT - Works Contract @
12.5% have been introduced to account for works contract. The value of entries made using
these classifications will be captured in Form DVAT 16, Form DVAT 31 and CST Form 1.
Version 101
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT rates are
captured in Form DVAT 16, Annexures - Form DVAT 30, Form DVAT 31 and CST Form 1.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 97
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from January 13, 2010:
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% VAT Rates in Return Form for
timely filing of VAT Returns for the tax period.
Version 95
The Form VAT 4 and Form VAT 51 are made available in CST Annexures menu. In VAT
Annexures menu, Form VAT 51 is retained and Form VAT 4 has been removed.
The functionality has been enhanced to match the turnover shown in Form DVAT 16 with
CST Form 1.
Issues Resolved
The stock items selected in Stock Journal voucher was also being considered while
determining the sale of top three stock items in Form DVAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 94
On recording entries in sales and purchase vouchers with the corresponding returns in credit/
debit note using Non-taxable VAT/Tax classifications, the net value will be captured in Gross
Turnover field of Form DVAT 16.
The value of entries made using Inter State Purchases against Form - E1 and Inter State
Purchases against Form - E2 as the VAT/Tax class will be captured in Form DVAT 30.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
The value of sales entries made using Works Contract @ 4% and Works Contract @
12.5% as the VAT/Tax classifications were not being captured in Form DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of purchase entries made using Purchases - Exempt, Purchases - From
Unregistered Dealers and Purchases - Others as the VAT/Tax classifications were not
being captured in box 6.2 of Form DVAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
The VAT/Tax class - Interstate Sales at Lower Rate and Inter-State Sales - Exempted
have been provided. The value of entries made using these classifications will be captured in
the respective fields of Form DVAT 16, Form DVAT 31, CST Form 1 and Form 4 Register.
The Form 4 Inter-State Sales Register is provided as per the statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
In Form DVAT 30, the value of excise ledger was not being captured as a part of assessable
value when the excise ledger was grouped under Duties & Taxes with Type of Duty/Tax  Others
and predefined for apportionment.
and Percentage of Calculation was specified.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of inter-state sales made by selecting the Form to Receive as Not Applicable
was being captured in box 4(a) of Form DVAT 51.
This issue has been resolved and the value of only the inter-state sale made against C Form
is displayed in box 4(a) of Form DVAT 51.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
In a purchase/sales invoice, on specifying the Party's A/c Name as Cash and selecting the
ledger using M: Party List button (Alt+M) or manually entering the party details in the
Supplementary Details screen, the Party Name and TIN was not being captured in Form
DVAT 30 and DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a sales entry in voucher mode with basic excise duty and VAT in a VAT enabled
company, the excise duty was not being captured as a part of the assessable value in Form
DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
In an inter-state purchase entry recorded in voucher mode with CST ledger grouped under
Purchase Accounts and enabling the option - Track additional costs of Purchase in F2:
Inventory Features, the additional cost was being captured incorrectly in Form DVAT 30.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a sales entry with discount in accounting invoice mode, the assessable value of
sales and the output VAT were being displayed incorrectly in Form DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
The value of sales made using Sales - Exempt as the VAT/Tax class was not being
captured in CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
Issues Resolved
On recording a sales entry with Taxable and exempt classifications using tax inclusive voucher
class in a single sales invoice, the value of exempt classification was not being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
The value of a journal entry made using Adjustment Towards CST as the VAT Adjustment
was being captured in box - 4C and 9 of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
The journal entry made without using any VAT Adjustments, to transfer the CST dues to CST
payable ledger was being reflected in box - 9 of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of excise duty included in an inter-state purchase entry was not being captured in
Form DVAT 16 and Form DVAT 30.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made using VAT/Tax classifications available for inter-state sales and
exports was being captured as a part of Local Sales in Form DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 82
Issues Resolved
The sale entry made using Sales - Exempt as the VAT/Tax Class was not being captured in
DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 81
Issues Resolved
In a sales entry passed with excise duty, the assessable value of sales was being computed
without adding the excise duty and the same was being captured in DVAT 31.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.10 Goa
Version 199
New VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for 0.25% CST rate - CST @ 0.25% / Interstate
Sales @ 0.25%.
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 0.25% CST rate
are captured in VAT and CST Return Forms.
Version 132
The Payment Challan - Form VAT - V is provided for VAT and Composite VAT enabled
Version 129
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality.
Version 126
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Sales @ 5% (Capital Goods) was
being captured incorrectly in Form VAT - III.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 119
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from July 16, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 18% / Input VAT @ 18%
 Purchases
@ 20% / Input VAT @ 20%
 Sales
@ 18% / Output VAT @ 18%
 Sales
@ 20% / Output VAT @ 20%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications is captured in Form VAT-III.
Version 115
The TDS Payment Details and amount entered in journal voucher by selecting TDS
Adjustment in the Used for field is captured in Form VAT-III.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 111
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT Rate is
captured in Form VAT - III.
Version 108
As per the Tax Proposal of Goa Budget 2010-11 for increase in VAT rates of Schedule B goods
from 4% to 5%, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from April 1,
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 5% (Industrial Input) / Input VAT @ 5% (Industrial Input)
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
@ 5% (Capital Goods) / Output VAT @ 5% (Capital Goods)
 Sales
@ 5% (Industrial Input) / Output VAT @ 5% (Industrial Input)
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% rate in VAT Forms.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
The application was getting hung when Paper Size was selected as Letter for generating the
print preview of Form VAT-III.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
Adhering to the Notification, the following VAT/Tax classifications have been introduced
effective from July 7, 2009:
 Purchases
@ 10% (All Types of IMFL & Country Liquor)
 Purchases
@ 8% (All Types of CFL Bulbs and Tubes)
 Input
VAT @ 10% (All Types of IMFL & Country Liquor)
 Input
VAT @ 8% (All Types of CFL Bulbs and Tubes)
 Sales
@ 10% (All Types of IMFL & Country Liquor)
 Sales
@ 8% (All Types of CFL Bulbs and Tubes)
 Output
VAT @ 10% (All Types of IMFL & Country Liquor)
 Output
VAT @ 8% (All Types of CFL Bulbs and Tubes)
The value of entries made using the above classifications will be captured in Form III.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.11 Gujarat
Version 199
Issues Resolved
While recording a Sales invoice if the same stock item was selected multiple times with
different rates, then in Form 402 the amount calculated for the Interstate sales @ 2%
against Form C was getting captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 198
The data of Form 402 can now be exported in Excel Spreadsheet and PDF formats.
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced with the facility to export data of Form 205 to the
template - VAT_RET_205_Yearly_new.xls.
The functionality of physical Form III(B) is enhanced as per the functionality provided for
e-CST Form III(B).
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for works contract are
supported in Form 201 and 205.
On selecting the VAT flags - Adjustment Towards CST and Reverse Credit on Others, the
date fields - From and To will be displayed to enter the period for which the entry is
Issues Resolved
The following issues have been resolved in Appendix I and II.
 The
values of purchases recorded using VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases by selecting Form to Issue as Form C were not captured in Appendix II.
 The
values of purchases recorded in voucher mode by selecting purchase ledger grouped
under direct/indirect expenses with VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchase were not
captured in Appendix II.
 The
values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for multiple CST
rates other than 2% were not captured in physical and e-CST Appendix I and II.
 The
values entered in debit note by selecting the VAT flag - Change in Sales
Consideration were not captured in Appendix I.
In a purchase invoice if the supplier invoice date was prior to voucher date, an error was
displayed while exporting data to Purchase Details.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of interstate sales recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 0.5% CST
rate and the entries recorded by selecting E1 and E2 forms were not captured in CST Form
III (B).
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The values of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications:
 Provided
for works contract in accounting invoice mode with additional tax, were captured
incorrectly in Form 201.
 Consignment/Branch
Transfer Outward and Consignment/Branch Transfer Inward (Within
State) were not captured in Form 201.
These issues have been resolved.
In a single invoice, if the same stock item was chosen multiple times, each time with different
VAT and additional tax rates, the additional tax amount was captured incorrectly in e-VAT
Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 197
Issues Resolved
The CST payment for the previous tax period was captured in box 9 of Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
There was a mismatch in value of excise sales recorded using VAT/Tax class - Consignment/
Branch Transfer Outward in VAT Computation and ITC Reversal report.
This issue has been resolved.
The value entered in journal voucher using VAT flag - Purchases Not Qualifying for Tax
Credit was not getting displayed in Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The opening balance entered for output VAT ledger was appearing in box 9 of Form 201
even after recording VAT payment voucher using Stat Payment auto-fill feature.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 196
The functionality of Form 201 is enhanced to capture the values of entries recorded using
VAT/Tax classifications provided for 27.5% VAT rate.
Issues Resolved
In a sales invoice if voucher class - inclusive of VAT and predefined to override item defaults,
was used to record sale of both taxable and zero valued goods, the assessable value and tax
amount were not captured in VAT Computation. In Form 201, only the tax amount was
This issue has been resolved.
The input tax credit brought forward from previous period was not appearing in box 09 of
Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of excise purchase invoice recorded by selecting excise ledger grouped under duties
and taxes with type of duty/tax set to:
 Excise,
was appearing incorrectly in e-VAT Form 201.
and CST ledger predefined with type of duty/tax as CST, was appearing
incorrectly in e-CST Purchase Details.
This issue has been resolved.
The values of entries recorded against Form F and H were captured incorrectly in box 6 of
physical Form III(B). In e-CST Form III(B), these values were not displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
In the sales invoice configuration, if the option - Allow Supplementary Details was disabled
while invoicing sales, the State names were not captured in the data exported to e-CST Sales
Details templates.
This issue has been resolved.
In the data exported to e-CST Purchase Annexure, the values of purchases recorded using
the following VAT/Tax class were not captured:
 Consignment/Branch
 Purchases
Transfer Inward
(Against Form - H Deemed Export)
These issues have been resolved.
For taxable entries, the VAT amount was captured incorrectly in e-VAT Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
After recording a sales invoice with CST ledger predefined for Normal rounding with rounding
limit set to 1, if Form 402 was printed, the values printed were in decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 195
For change in VAT rate from 22.5% to 27.5% on tobacco products, the following VAT/Tax
classifications are provided:
 Input
VAT @ 27.5% / Purchases @ 27.5%
 Purchase
 Input
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 27.5%
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 27.5%
 Purchase
 Output
Tax @ 27.5%
VAT @ 27.5% / Sales @ 27.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 27.5% VAT rate in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 194
Issues Resolved
There was a mismatch in the party names captured in physical and e-VAT Form 201B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 192
Issues Resolved
After changing the party name in alteration mode of interstate sales invoice if the data was
exported to e-CST Sales Details template, modified details were not appearing in it.
This issue has been resolved.
In an invoice, if the same taxable stock item with same VAT/Tax classification was selected
multiple times, the additional tax was being captured incorrectly in Part II - Output Tax of
Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The transaction details of tax invoice recorded by selecting the Type of Dealer as Lumpsum
Dealer in Party Details screen was not appearing in Annexure 201A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 191
In Sales Voucher Type, the option - Print with Book No. is provided. On enabling this option,
the Book No. field appears in the sales invoice and invoice printout. For every
hundred tax invoices raised the numbering scheme increments by 1 digit.
Issues Resolved
The value of purchases recorded against Form H using VAT/Tax class - Purchases (Against
Form - H Deemed Export) was not getting captured in the data exported to e-CST Purchase
This issue has been resolved.
The values of sales recorded using VAT/Tax classifications - Interstate Sales @ 0.5%,
Interstate Sales @ 1% and Interstate Sales @ 2% Against Form C by selecting Forms C and
E1/E2 were not being captured in box 2.5 and 33 of Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
After recording purchase and sales with 2 stock items taxable at 12.5% VAT and expense
ledger predefined for apportionment, if the data was exported to e-VAT templates, the
expense amount was not appearing in the output file.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 189
Issues Resolved
While navigating to Form 201 and 205 in data comprising of excise purchase or sales entries
recorded with VAT and additional tax, the error message - Memory Access Violation was
being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales made to unregistered dealer was getting captured in Annexure Form 201
This issue has been resolved.
The values of purchases and sales recorded by selecting stock item and CST ledger in voucher
mode were being captured incorrectly in Appendix-II and e-CST Purchases and Sales.
This issue has been resolved.
In voucher mode, if purchase ledgers of multiple VAT rates were selected, the assessable
values of purchases were being captured incorrectly for all ledgers except the first one in
e-Annexure Form 201 B.
This issue has been resolved.
In e-CST template - sales_details_500.xls the CST registration number of party ledger was
being captured instead of VAT TIN. Also in Appendix I and II, the columns were titled as CST
No. instead of TIN No.
These issues have been resolved.
In the data exported to e-CST template - sales_details_500.xls, the party name selected
while recording sales in voucher mode was not getting captured in Purchaser Name column.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 188
The VAT/Tax class - Inter-State Purchases - Exempted has been provided. The values of
entries recorded using this classification will be captured in respective fields of Form 201,
Form 205 and CST Appendix-II.
Issues Resolved
On selecting VAT ledgers predefined to round-off decimals in sales and purchases, the values
were not getting rounded-off in e-VAT Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The input tax credit brought forward from previous return period was not appearing in Part
IV, box 9 of Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
The amount paid in excess of VAT dues through payment voucher was getting captured in
box 26 of Form 205.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 182
Issues Resolved
When Interstate purchase entry was recorded using VAT/Tax classification - Interstate
Purchases @ 2% Against Form C in voucher mode along with inventory details, the tax
details were not getting captured in CST Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
Incorrect CST Values were getting captured in decimals in Appendix – II, e-CST Purchase
and e-CST Sales when entry was recorded in Voucher mode with inventory details.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
Issues Resolved
In Appendix II, the value of CST on interstate sales was not getting captured in voucher
mode for:
 Entry
 1%
recorded with single stock item
CST rate against Form C
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
As per the statutory requirement the name and address of the person in charge of goods is
printed in serial number 10 of Form 402.
Issues Resolved
In sales invoice, if ledgers for multiple VAT/CST rates were selected, the additional tax was
getting calculated incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 174
Issues Resolved
On selecting multiple stock items for recording interstate state purchase in voucher mode the
values were being captured incorrectly in CST Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting the data to e-CST template the letter ‘z’ was getting captured only if it was in
upper case.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 171
Issues Resolved
For a purchase entry recorded in voucher mode, if CST amount was entered manually, the
same was not being retained in physical and e-CST Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 168
Issues Resolved
In the data exported to e-VAT Form 201, the assessable value of entries recorded in
voucher mode was being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
After recording an interstate sales entry in voucher mode without selecting stock items, if the
data was exported to e-CST template of Form III (B) the Purchaser’s Name was not
getting captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 167
Issues Resolved
On exporting data of company enabled for dealer excise and VAT to e-VAT Annexure 201B,
the party TIN was being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
In the data exported to purchase_details_500.xls file, the State name predefined in the
party ledger master was not getting captured.
This issue has been resolved.
In some specific data, while generating ITC Reversal Computation, the error message Memory Access Violation was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 165
The following VAT/Tax classifications are activated from April 1, 2011.
 Sales
@ 24% / Output VAT @ 24%
 Sales
@ 26% / Output VAT @ 26%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 25% and 26% rates in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 164
The revised format of Form 402 is provided in which the company name gets displayed
above the Authorised Signatory field. Here the authorised person can sign on behalf of the
company as the authorised signatory.
The Serial No. entered in Excise Sales Voucher gets captured in Form 402.
Issues Resolved
Debit Note transactions recorded for taxable VAT/Tax classifications with Purchase Returns
or Rejected flag were incorrectly captured in Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales invoice, if voucher class predefined with VAT and additional tax ledgers was
selected to track the delivery note linked to sales order, the additional tax was not being
This issue has been resolved.
If the option - Accept Supplementary Details was set to No in F12: Purchase/Sales
Invoice Configuration and a Purchase/ Sales invoice was recorded, then the TIN
specified in the Party Ledger Master Creation screen was not captured in Annexure 201 A,
e-VAT Annexure 201 A and e-VAT Annexure 201 B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
The following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced effective from April 1, 2011 to record
works contract transactions with deduction for tax calculation:
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 1% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 1%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 4% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 4%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 5%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 1% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 2% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 2%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 4% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 4%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 1% / Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 4% / Sales - Works Contract @ 4%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 12.5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The percentage or amount of deduction from purchase price and sale value of works contract
can be entered on selecting the VAT/Tax class provided for Works Contract Purchases and
Sales. The input and output VAT gets calculated on the taxable contract price.
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for works contract taxable at
1%, 2%, 4%, 5% and 12.5% VAT rates in VAT and CST Forms.
Issues Resolved
In Annexure Form 201A and Appendix I the consignee name was being captured as buyer
name when the details of both buyer and consignee were entered by setting the option Allow Separate Buyer and Consignee Name field to Yes in F12: Sales Invoice
This issue has been resolved.
Version 162
Issues Resolved
In PART III worksheet of e-VAT Form 201, the net value calculated after considering debit
notes recorded against purchases was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved and the gross purchase value is being captured.
On recording a sales and purchase invoice by selecting two stock items taxable at different
VAT rates but attracting the same additional tax rate, the additional tax was displaying
correctly only for one item in e-VAT Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
In sales invoice the value entered for additional ledger predefined with the option - Use for
Assessable Value Calculation to Yes was not being considered in e-CST Sales Details.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In sales invoice if voucher class was used to record taxable sales, the additional tax was
being calculated incorrectly and if a delivery note was recorded after sales order against
this sales invoice, the additional tax amount was blank.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording two purchase entries in voucher mode using VAT/Tax class - Interstate
Purchases @ 2% Against Form C, the first entry with CST ledger and the second without it,
the value of first entry was being displayed for second entry also in E-CST Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
On recording Purchase/Sales in Excise Purchase/Sales Voucher Types wrong Assessable
Value was being captured in CST Appendix II and e-CST.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 157
Issues Resolved
In the F12: Invoice Printing Configuration screen of sales invoice if the option - Print in
Simple Format was set to Yes the Form 402 was not getting printed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 156
The declaration form for movement of goods - Form 402 is provided.
Effective from April 1, 2010 the VAT/Tax classifications - Interstate Sales @ 0.50% and
CST @ 0.50% are provided. The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be
currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 0.5% CST rate in CST Forms.
Issues Resolved
In sales invoice if VAT exclusive voucher class was used to record sale of zero valued goods,
the additional tax was being calculated based on rate entered in the earlier transactions.
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales invoice if negative value was entered for stock item, the output additional tax was
being calculated incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of excise sales invoice recorded by selecting CST and excise duty ledgers
predefined with normal rounding set to 1 were being captured with decimal places in the
commodity-wise break-up of items in CST Appendix I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
On selecting the VAT Adjustments - Interest Payable, Penalty Payable, Interest Payable on
CST, Penalty Payable on CST in Used for fields of Journal Voucher, the fields - From and To
gets displayed to enter the period for which the adjustment entry is recorded or liability is
raised. Based on these dates, the value of entries recorded using:
 Interest
Payable and Penalty Payable will be captured in Form 201 and Form 205
  Interest
Payable on CST and Penalty Payable on CST will be captured in CST Form
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The ITC Reversal based on value is provided to capture the reversal of input tax paid on
taxable purchase to the extent of interstate sales made.
Version 151
Issues Resolved
The interstate purchase recorded using VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases @ 2%
Against Form C without selecting CST ledger, when exported to e-CST Purchase Details
template, the CST value was getting calculated and displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting data to e-CST Return, incorrect value was being captured in 8(III) Excess
amount of tax credit remained unadjusted under Gujarat Value Added Tax Act,2003
row of Total Amount Payable worksheet.
This issue has been resolved and the value of journal voucher recorded by selecting
Adjustment Towards CST in Used for field is captured here.
On selecting taxable VAT/Tax classification for the purchase ledger in Debit Note with
Cenvat Availing in Used for field, the value was not being captured in e-VAT Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 150
The grouping of ledger under Current Liabilities is supported in journal voucher recorded by
selecting Reverse credit on Others in the Used for field and the value gets captured in box
12 (12.5) of Form 201.
Issues Resolved
In the voucher mode if the assessable value of purchase was changed after selecting input
VAT ledger, the originally entered value was being displayed instead of altered amount in
e-VAT Annexure 201B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
The purchase value of capital goods recorded by debiting the ledger grouped under Fixed
Assets with VAT/Tax classifications provided for capital goods was not being captured in
e-VAT Annexure 201B.
This issue has been resolved.
In the absence of closing balance for a stock item, the input VAT reversed on it was not
being captured in ITC Reversal Annexure.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 144
Issues Resolved
The additional description entered for VAT ledger while invoicing taxable sales was being
captured in the HSN code column of Tax Invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
The excise amount entered while recording interstate purchases using the VAT/Tax class Interstate Purchases @ 2% Against Form C was not being captured as a part of the
assessable value in the data exported to e-CST template.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
The VAT Annexure - ITC Reversal is provided to capture the reversal of input tax credit on
local purchases to the extent of resale value recorded during interstate trade or used as
inputs for manufacture of goods.
Issues Resolved
On recording taxable sales entry by selecting multiple stock items tagged to single commodity
but taxable at different VAT rates, only the stock item with lowest VAT rate was being
captured in Annexure 201A.
This issue has been resolved.
In a purchase entry recorded by selecting the same purchase ledger, the purchase value was
being captured incorrectly in Tax_Detail_Purchase worksheet of e-VAT template file.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
Issues Resolved
In Print Report screen of Annexure 201A, if the option - Print Retail invoice also was set
to Yes, the value of zero valued and taxable sales was being captured with a negative sign.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 139
As per Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for 5% VAT Rate
effective from April 1, 2011.
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 5%
 Purchase
 Sales
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Interstate
 Input
Sales @ 5% / CST @ 5%
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% rate in VAT Forms.
The e-CST feature is enhanced to support the export of data to the new template files Sales_details_100.xls and purchase_details_100.xls.
Version 138
As per the Budget Proposal for increase in VAT rates of Tobacco and Tobacco Products from
22% to 25% inclusive of additional tax, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided
effective from April 1, 2011.
 Purchases
 Purchase
@ 22.5% / Input VAT @ 22.5%
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 22.5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 22.5%
 Sales
@ 22.5% / Output VAT @ 22.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 22.5%
Entries recorded in Gujarat VAT enabled company using aforesaid classifications will be
captured in VAT Forms.
Version 135
Issues Resolved
The performance of Annexure 201A and Form III(B) is optimised.
On recording purchase/sales of stock items taxable at VAT rates of 12.5% and above with
additional tax of 2.5%, the additional tax amount was not being captured in eVAT Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
In sales voucher type if the option - Is Tax Invoice was set to No, the value of sales
recorded with excise and VAT by selecting party ledger predefined with TIN was being
captured in physical and e-VAT Annexure 201A only when the option - Show Retail
Invoice was set to Yes.
This issue has been resolved and the sales invoice recorded by selecting party ledger
predefined with TIN is considered as Tax Invoice in Annexure 201A.
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The performance of VAT Annexure 201A and CST Form III(B) are optimised.
The RC Number of customer entered in VATable sales/purchase entries recorded with Excise
was not being captured in eVAT Annexure 201A and 201B. In e-VAT Annexure 201B, the
mailing name of company was being displayed in place of party name.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In an invoice if purchase/sales ledgers for different VAT rates attracting additional tax of 2.5%
were selected and the data was exported to eVAT Form 201, the additional tax amount was
being displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
The details of sales returns were not being captured on exporting the data from Appendix I
using Excel spreadsheet format.
This issue has been resolved.
In sales invoice if the option - Allow Separate Buyer and Consignee Names were set to
Yes, the Buyer Details entered in Party Details screen was not captured in physical, EVAT
and ECST returns.
This issue has been resolved.
The Annexure 201C when generated for huge volume of data, the error message - Out of
Memory was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved and performance is optimised.
Version 129
Issues Resolved
The sales and purchase value of previous quarters were not being captured in Composition
Form 202.
This issue has been resolved.
The excess payment made towards VAT was being captured with negative sign in e-VAT
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting data of Annexure 201B to excel file using Excel Spreadsheet format,
purchase values were being captured incorrectly in Total row.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
On recording taxable purchase entry with additional ledgers enabled for apportionment and
exporting the same to e-VAT excel template file, the input VAT amount was being captured
This issue has been resolved.
The Supplier Invoice number entered for purchases in voucher mode was not being
captured Composition Annexure 202A.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The information entered in Payment Details screen of payment voucher recorded using
S: Stat Payment button was not being captured in e-CST template CST_RET_FORM_3B_NEW.xls file.
This issue has been resolved.
The CST amount entered in voucher mode for interstate purchases by grouping the CST
ledger under purchase accounts was being captured incorrectly in CST Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of interstate purchases were being captured in E-VAT Annexure 201B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
In the Report Generation screen of Physical and EVAT Annexure 201C, the option - Show
All Items (incl. zero balance) is provided to capture the inventory details.
The VAT Payment Challan - Form 207 is provided.
Issues Resolved
The information entered in Party Details of taxable purchase transactions was not being
captured in Annexure 201B.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording entries in Tax Invoice and Retail/Sales Vouchers configured for Automatic
Voucher Numbering prefilled with zero, prefix details and width of numerical part set to 3,
only the last invoice number was being captured in Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of interstate transactions recorded using the VAT/Tax class provided for different
CST rates with applicable additional tax was being captured in Annexure 201A and 201B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 120
Issues Resolved
The error message – Out of Memory was being displayed while generating Form 201 and
205 for company having huge volume of data.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 117
Issues Resolved
In CST Appendix II, the Company’s CST number was being captured in place of CST
Registration number provided in party ledger master selected while invoicing inter-state
purchase transactions.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 115
The CST Registration number of party ledgers selected while recording transactions is
captured in physical and E-CST Appendix I and II.
Version 114
Issues Resolved
On exporting Form 201 data to e-VAT template, the title of Challan Details was being captured
incorrectly. Hence the error message - Could not validate please download the latest
templates was being displayed while uploading the excel sheet to Department website.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting the same stock item twice while recording a purchase/sales entry and exporting
the data to e-VAT template file, the value of VAT and additional tax was being captured
This issue has been resolved.
Version 111
The aggregate of assessable value and tax amount is captured in the Total column of CST
Appendix I and II.
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax class provided for 17.5% VAT Rate is captured
in Form 201 and Form 205.
Version 110
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for purchases from
unregistered dealers and the VAT Adjustment - Tax on URD Purchase was being captured
incorrectly in CST Form III (B).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 109
As per the Government Gazette provided for Amendment of Schedule II, the following new
VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced effective from April 1, 2010:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 17.5% / Input VAT @ 17.5%
@ 17.5% / Output VAT @ 17.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 17.5% VAT Rate in Return Form.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 106
Issues Resolved
On removal of special characters in Commodity selected while invoicing and exporting the
same to E-VAT template file, the EVAT Form 201 was not being validated.
This issue has been resolved and special characters are allowed for error-free validation.
Version 101
On recording entries for inter-state purchases/sales by selecting E1/E2 declaration forms, the
values were being displayed in box 36, but now the same is captured in box 33 of Form 201.
Issues Resolved
On generating E-VAT Return, the Output Sheet Name was being captured.
This issue has been resolved and the field - Output Sheet Name has been removed from the
Report Generation screen to facilitate error-free filing of e-returns.
Version 95
The state names for inter-state transactions are picked from the drop-down list of E-CST
Sales and Purchase Details template files for error-free validation.
Version 94
The facility has been provided to select the E-CST Sales and Purchase Details template
files based on the number of transactions recorded during a particular return period while
exporting the data.
The functionality of E-CST Form, E-CST Purchases Details and E-CST Sales Details has
been enhanced as per the requirements of latest template files prescribed by the Commercial
Tax Department.
In Journal Voucher, the VAT Adjustments - Remission Towards CST and Excess CST
Carried Forward have been provided effective from November 2009. The value of entries
made using these VAT Adjustments will be captured in E-CST returns.
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made in previous return period was not being captured when Form VAT
202 (quarterly and annual) was generated for the current return period.
This issue has been resolved.
The payment entry recorded in current financial year for the VAT payable amount of previous
financial year was not being captured in Form 205.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
On recording an inter-state sales entry with CST and excise ledgers, the value of excise duty,
education cess and secondary education cess was not being captured as a part of the assessable value in E-CST Sales Details.
This issue has been resolved.
In case of Accounts Only Company the CST amount entered for Inter-state Purchases in
Accounting Invoice mode was not being captured in Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
The assessable value and CST amount specified for VAT ledger in journal entry made using
Adjustment Towards CST in Used for field was being captured with a negative sign in
column B - Sales Taxable U/S 8 (2)/ 8 (2A) of CST Form III (B).
This issue has been resolved.
The assessable value of entry made using Inter-State Purchases as the VAT/Tax class was
being captured incorrectly under Value of Goods column of Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 92
In the VAT Payment Details screen of Payment voucher, when CST is selected in Payment
towards field and Type of Payment is set to Not Applicable, the option Date of
Submission will be displayed. The date entered here will be captured in Date of
submission column of e-CST template file - CST_RET_FORM3B.xls.
Issues Resolved
In the Report Generation screen of E-CST return, the Ouput File Name was being
captured as CST_RET_FORMB.xls.
This issue has been resolved and the Output File Name is being captured as
The purchase invoice number and date were being captured instead of Supplier Invoice
Number and Date in CST Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting a taxable Inter-State Purchase entry recorded without selecting stock items
to E-CST template file, the CST amount specified while invoicing was being doubled and
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 91
The E-CST feature has been provided to export the CST Form III (B) along with Purchase
and Sales Details in Excel Spreadsheet format to the template files as prescribed by the
Commercial Tax Department.
The functionality of CST Form III (B) has been enhanced as per the latest statutory
Issues Resolved
The value of purchase entry made using Purchase - Others as the VAT/Tax class was not
being captured in box 2.2 of Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made using Other Exempt Purchases and Other Exempt Sales as the
VAT/Tax classifications were being captured as a part of Net taxable turnover in Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of journal entry made using Deduct Sales of Goods Outside the State (CST
Form - III [B]) as the VAT Adjustment was being captured incorrectly in Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording two CST payment entries - one in the previous financial year and the other in
current financial year, the payment details of only the entry made in current financial year
was being captured in the Annual return CST Form III (B).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
The excel export feature has been enhanced to support the export of commodity-wise details
of CST Appendix I and II to excel spreadsheet format.
Issues Resolved
On recording a taxable sales invoice using VAT inclusive voucher class with different VAT rates
and additional tax ledgers, the additional tax amount was not being captured in Part II of
Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of additional ledgers enabled for apportionment when selected while invoicing an
inter-state sales transaction was being captured in box 2(A) of CST Form III(B).
This issue has been resolved.
The assessment year was not being captured as per the dates entered in the From and To
fields of Report Generation screen in Form 205.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of journal entry recorded using Tax on URD Purchases as the VAT Adjustment
was being captured incorrectly in CST Form III(B).
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting additional ledgers in an invoice, where one is enabled for apportionment and the
other is not to be used for assessable value calculation, the voucher totals were not being
displayed in CST Appendix I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
On setting the option Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation to Yes in F12:
Purchase Invoice Configuration while invoicing an inter-state purchase entry, the
assessable value and total amount were not being displayed in CST Appendix II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
Commodity-wise break-up of stock items invoiced will be captured in physical and E-VAT
Annexure Form 201A & 201B of regular VAT and Appendix I & II of CST.
The functionality has been enhanced to capture the value of entries made using Inter-state
Sales - Exempted as the VAT/Tax class in box 01 as part of gross turnover and deduct the
same from box 02.2 as exempted from tax u/s 5(2) in Form 201.
Issues Resolved
The value of additional tax entered in transactions recorded without selecting stock items was
not being captured in E-VAT Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
The additional tax was being calculated and displayed in E-VAT template files even when
the additional tax ledger was not selected while invoicing.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchase and sales entries recorded without selecting stock items and additional
ledgers were being displayed incorrectly in E-VAT Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
The supplier invoice number and date were not being captured in the Tax Invoice No. and
Date columns of composition Annexure Form 202 A.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 87
Issues Resolved
The value of excise duty and additional ledgers entered in an inter-state purchase transaction
was not being captured box 36 - Annexure III of Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
Issues Resolved
On exporting the details of Annexure 201B using excel format, the value was being
displayed incorrectly in the Total column.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
The E-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of Form 201, Annexure
201A, 201B and 201C by exporting the data using excel spreadsheet format to the excel
template files as prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department. The excel template files of
annexures can be selected based on the number of transactions recorded during a particular
return period while exporting the data.
Issues Resolved
On selecting the additional tax ledgers in the Purchase and Sales Order vouchers, the tax
amount was not being calculated.
This issue has been resolved.
In an entry made to account for stock items which are taxable and exempt from additional tax
in a single invoice, the value of additional tax was being calculated and displayed in the
return Form even for the exempt item.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 83
The value of interstate sales entry made by levying CST and output additional tax is being
captured in the following manner:
 The
value is being captured as a part of Total Turnover in Part I and Annexure III of
Form 201 and CST Form III (B).
 In
Part II of Form 201, the CST Assessable value is not being displayed within brackets
and also not forming a part of Net Tax.
 The
value is displayed as Nil for Turnover of Sales Outside the State in CST Return
Form III (B).
 Additional
Tax will be forming a part of the Calculation of Central Tax section of CST
Form III (B).
The value of sales entry made using tax invoice is also being supported in CST Appendix I.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In Form 201, the value in Box - 18, i.e., Net Tax Payable, was being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of journal entry made using Adjustment towards Remission u/s 41 was being
captured incorrectly in Form 201.
This issue has been resolved.
In the Returns/Additions section of CST Appendix II, the break-up of assessable value
and CST amount was not being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales entry made using tax inclusive voucher class by selecting two stock items, the
values of only the first stock item was being captured in VAT Annexure Form 201A.
This issue has been resolved.
In VAT Computation, the value of output VAT and additional tax was being displayed as per
the round-off method set in the ledger master but in page 2 of Form VAT 201, the same
amount was not being captured as additional tax.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 82
Issues Resolved
The transaction details in CST Return III B was not being displayed as per the date range
specified in Report Generation screen.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 81
In CST Appendix II, the Supplier Invoice number and Effective Date entered in voucher
will be captured.
The amount of CST paid on inter-state purchases is captured separately in the Tax column of
CST Appendix II.
9.12 Haryana
Version 199
Issues Resolved
When a Debit note was recorded, the debit note details along with the corresponding
Purchase details like Purchase Voucher number and Voucher Date were getting captured
in Form LP-8, instead of supplier invoice number and date.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 198
Issues Resolved
For each sale, the corresponding purchase details were not captured in Form LP-8 and
This issue has been resolved.
Version 196
Issues Resolved
On generating Form R2 in a data comprising of more than 20,000 vouchers, the error
message - Memory Access Violation was displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 188
Issues Resolved
In Form VAT-R2, when sales transactions were recorded with the VAT/Tax Classifications LS-9C-4%, LS-9C-5% and LS-9C-12.5%, the values were getting repeated under the column
This issue has been resolved.
Version 186
The functionality of Form VAT-R2 is enhanced to capture the value of new VAT rate 15%
and Works Contract classifications taxable at 12%, 4%, and 5%.
Issues Resolved
When a Purchase transaction was recorded using VAT/Tax Class - Purchase @ 12.5% tax
rate, the input VAT amount was doubled in column - 3B box (e) - Tax paid of Form
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
For printing Form LS-9 if Microsoft XPS Document Writer was chosen as printer the
application was crashing while printing.
This issue has been resolved.
The values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - LS-9A-12%, LS-9A-25% and
LS-9C-12% were not captured in Part C of Form LS-9.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 175
The values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for:
 Works
contract taxable at 4%, 5% and 12.5% are captured in Form VAT-R1 and
 15%
VAT rate are captured in Form VAT-R1 and Annexures.
Issues Resolved
For taxable purchase returns recorded with input VAT and surcharge ledger in debit note by
selecting Return of Goods in Used for field, the Input VAT was getting displayed as part of
assessable value in Part A of Form LP-8.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 169
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - LP-7A-5% was being captured in the
column - (ii) @ 4% of Annexure Form LP-7.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 167
The following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced effective from April 1, 2012 to record
works contract transactions with deduction for tax calculation:
 Sales
- Works contract @ 4% Tax Rate / LS-9A-Works Contract @ 4%
 Sales
- Works contract @ 5% Tax Rate / LS-9A-Works Contract @ 5%
 Sales
- Works contract @ 12.5% Tax Rate / LS-9A-Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Purchase
- Works contract @ 4% Tax Rate / LP-7A-Works Contract @ 4%
 Purchase
- Works contract @ 5% Tax Rate / LP-7A-Works Contract @ 5%
 Purchase
- Works contract @ 12.5% Tax Rate / LP-7A-Works Contract @ 12.5%
On selecting purchase and sales ledgers with aforesaid VAT/Tax classifications, Deduction
Claimed for Tax Calculation screen gets displayed to enter percentage/amount of
deduction towards labour charges and arrive at the taxable value. The taxable value gets
considered for calculation of input and output VAT.
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 4%, 5% and 12.5% VAT
rates in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 165
The following new VAT/Tax classifications have been introduced as per the requirement
specified in the Haryana State Budget 2012-13 with effect from April 1, 2012.
 Sales
@ 15% Tax Rate / LS-9A-15%
 Purchase
 Sale
@ 15% Tax Rate / LP-7A-15%
of Goods to Unregistered Dealers @ 15% Rate / LS-9C-15%
The value of entries made using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using the new VAT/Tax class in the VAT Forms.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
The credit note recorded to account the sales returns by selecting multi CST classifications
was not being displayed in Part D of Form LS-10.
This issue has been resolved.
On printing multiple copies of Form VAT - R1 by entering the number of copies, only one
copy was getting printed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 156
Issues Resolved
The value of purchase returns recorded using VAT/Tax class - LP-2 and LP-4 was not being
captured in first page of Annexure - LP-8.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 148
The VAT/Tax Class - Purchases - Exempt is provided and the functionality is enhanced to
capture the value of purchases exempt in Forms and Annexure.
Issues Resolved
In Excise for Manufacturers and VAT enabled company if an interstate purchase entry was
recorded with excise duty ledger grouped under Current Assets, the excise value was not
being considered in Form LP 3.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 143
Issues Resolved
The error message - Insufficient height to allocate was being displayed while exporting
data of Form VAT R1 in Excel format.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
Issues Resolved
The value of surcharge entered using the VAT/Tax class - Surcharge @ 5% on CST was not
being captured in CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 140
The Form VAT C4 is enhanced as per latest statutory requirements.
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The value of tax deposited was being captured incorrectly in Form VAT - R2.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
The VAT Payment Challan - Form VAT C1 is provided.
Excel export support for Form VAT R1 and Form VAT R2 is provided.
Issues Resolved
On recording debit note with VAT and surcharge, the value was being displayed including
VAT amount in Form LP-8.
This issue has been resolved and only the assessable value is captured in Form LP-8.
Version 130
The calculation of surcharge on local purchase and sales taxable at 4% VAT rate is supported.
Version 129
In Form VAT R2, the consolidated value of quarterly VAT payments made is displayed in box
7(a), the amount payable as per Annual Return is displayed in box 7(b) and the difference
amount is captured along with payment details.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
Calculation of surcharge on local purchase and sale of declared goods taxable at 4% VAT rate
was allowed.
This issue has been resolved and the surcharge calculation on declared goods is restricted.
Version 128
The facility to modify values in editable format of Annual Return - Form VAT R2 to account
for differences between the values as filed along with Return R1 and as per the books of
accounts of the dealers is extended to many more fields.
Issues Resolved
The value of additional ledger like excise duty, cess etc. entered in debit note while recording
interstate purchase returns was not being captured in Form LP-8.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
In Form VAT - R2 menu, the following options are provided:
  Annual
Return: It is an editable screen with the facility to enter the values As Per the
Books of Accounts, As Per Balance Sheet for the Year and the Breakup of Taxable
 Form
VAT - R2: In the Report Generation screen of this form, the option - Return filled
as per Annual Return is provided. On setting it to Yes, the values entered in Annual
Return report will be captured here. On disabling it, the values are captured as per the
transactions recorded in Tally.ERP 9.
The Type of Payment - Form VAT R2 is introduced in VAT Payment Details screen of
payment voucher recorded using Statutory Payment button. The option - Form VAT R2
needs to be selected while recording payment voucher for paying the difference amount of
Form VAT - R2.
Version 122
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded for VAT/Tax class - LP-7B-4% and LP-7B-5% by selecting the
VAT Adjustments - Return of Goods and De-Escalation in Price of Goods in Debit Note and
Escalation in Price of Goods in Credit note were being captured incorrectly in Part D of Form
LP 8.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchases recorded for 4%, 5% and 8.8% VAT rates using VAT/Tax class LP-7C were being captured incorrectly in Part C of Form LP-7.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 118
The surcharge amount specified in entries made using the VAT/Tax class - Input Surcharge
@ 5% and Output Surcharge @ 5% are captured in respective fields of Form VAT R1,
Form VAT R2, CST Form-1 and Form VAT C4.
Facility of selecting multiple CST rates in a single invoice while recording inter-state
transactions is provided. The assessable value and CST amount of these entries are captured
in respective fields of Form VAT R1, Form VAT R2, CST Form-1 along with Sales and
Purchase Annexures.
Version 109
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from April 1, 2010:
 Input
Surcharge @ 5%
 Output
Surcharge @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% surcharge in Return Form.
Version 108
Issues Resolved
On printing Form LP-7, the serial number of transactions was not being displayed in the
ascending order.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 106
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT rate are
captured in VAT Form, CST Form, Purchase and Sales Annexures.
The Form VAT C4 - Receivables certificate is provided to capture purchase details.
Version 102
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from February 15, 2010:
 LP-7A-5%
 LP-7B-5%
 LS-9A-5%
 LS-9B-5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 LS-9C-5%
 LS-9C-5%(Lower
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% VAT Rates in Return Form.
The Form VAT C4 is provided as per statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
On selecting more than one stock item in a sales entry and generating Form LS-2, the party
details were being repeated against each stock item invoiced.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 101
Issues Resolved
In Annexure LS-9, the party Names were not being captured in alphabetical order.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 99
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made using Sales-Exempt as the VAT/Tax class were being captured as
Inter-State Sales in CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 96
On selecting two or more stock items in a single invoice while recording inter-state purchases
using LP-3 as the VAT/Tax class, the item-wise break-up of stock items will be captured
inclusive of CST and additional ledgers.
Issues Resolved
The value of inter-state purchases recorded by enabling Use Common Ledger A/c for Item
Allocation in F12: Purchase Invoice Configuration was not being captured in Assessable
Value column of Form LP-3.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
The value of inter-state sales adjustment entry made in credit note by selecting Others in
Used for field was not affecting box 1 of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 92
In Company VAT Details screen of F3: Statutory & Taxation features the fields - Style of
Business and Status of Dealer have been provided. The details entered here will be
captured in Form VAT - R1, Form VAT - R2, Purchase & Sales Annexures and CST Form
Issues Resolved
The Supplier Invoice Date entered in a purchase entry made with VAT/Tax class - LP-5 was
not being captured in Purchase Annexure - Form LP-5.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a debit note using Return of Goods and De-Escalation in Price of Goods in
Used for field, only the total amount was being captured in Form VAT-R1 and
Form VAT-R2 when there were no purchases made during the selected period.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
Issues Resolved
More time was being consumed for printing Annexure LP-7.
This issue has been resolved.
The party address details of the sales entry recorded in voucher mode with VAT/Tax class LS-7 was not being captured in Annexure Form LS-7.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
Issues Resolved
In a sales entry recorded using LS-9B-4% as the VAT/Tax Class for lower rate of tax, the
party TIN was not being captured in Form LS-9 even though the same was predefined in the
party ledger master.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording an inter-state sales entry in voucher mode, the party address details were not
being captured in Form LS-2 even though the same was predefined in the party ledger
This issue has been resolved.
The party name selected in a debit note entry was not being captured in LP-8 when the entry
was made using voucher mode.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
In the Print Configuration screen of LP-6, LP-7, LS-6 and LS-9, the field Print with
Buyer Details was not being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
The value of entry made in credit note with the VAT/Tax class - LS-2 by selecting Others in
the Used for field was not being captured in box 4(ii) of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 87
Issues Resolved
The value of entry made in Sales Order using LS-3 as the VAT/Tax class with CST ledger
and enabling the option Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation in
F12: Configuration was being captured in box 6 of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
The company-wise VAT return configurations viz., Authorised Person, Designation etc.,
have been provided in the F3: Statutory & Taxation features of F11: Features screen. The
same can be edited in the Print Configuration screen.
Version 83
The Economic Activity Code field has been provided in F3: Statutory & Taxation Features
and the same will be captured in the Print Configuration screen of VAT Returns and
Adhering to the notification, three new VAT/Tax Classifications - Purchase @ 25% Tax Rate,
Sales @ 25% Tax Rate and Goods sold to Unregistered Dealers @ 25% Rate have
been introduced. The value entered using these classifications will be captured in the respective fields of VAT Forms - R1 & R2 and Annexures LP7 & LS9.
Issues Resolved
In credit note, the value of entry made using the VAT Adjustment - Others was not being
captured in box - 2A and 2C of Form VAT - R1 and R2.
This issue has been resolved.
The time taken to print the VAT Annexure LS-9 was more when the option Print with
Buyer details was set to No in the print configuration screen.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 82
Issues Resolved
On generating the Annexure LP 7 in a large size data an error message – Out of Memory
was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved and the performance capacity has been enhanced even for large
size data.
Version 81
Issues Resolved
In CST Form1, the sales transaction entered using Sales-Exempt as the VAT/Tax Class was
being captured as Inter-State Sales in Box 3.
This issue has been resolved.
9.13 Himachal Pradesh
Version 201
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the requirements of latest templates. In furtherance, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided, w.e.f 01.04.2013:
 Purchases
- From Exempt Units
 Purchase
of Capital Goods From Outside the State
 Purchase
of Capital Goods in Course of Import
VAT Annexures Form LP-2 and Form LS-2 are provided for physical and e-filing of returns.
Version 196
The functionality of Form VAT-XV, Form VAT XV-A and CST Form I is enhanced to capture
the values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 1.50% CST rate.
The option - Consolidate Retail Sales is provided to capture the aggregate of retail sales in
physical and e-VAT Annexure LS-1.
Version 194
The functionality is enhanced to capture values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 9%, 22% and 36% VAT rates in physical and e-forms of:
 Form
 VAT
Annexures - Form LP-1 and LS-1
 CST
Form 1
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax
classifications provided for multiple CST rates in physical and e-returns of Form VAT-XV,
Form VAT-XV-A and CST Form I.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The values of debit notes recorded by selecting VAT/Tax classifications provided for Interstate
Purchase using VAT flags - De-Escalation in Price of Goods, Escalation in Price of Goods
and Return of Goods are captured in Form VAT-XV and Form VAT-XV-A.
For the increase in concessional rate from 1% to 1.50% on interstate sales the VAT/Tax classification - CST @ 1.50% / Interstate Sales @ 1.50% has been provided. The value of
entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 1.50% CST rate in VAT
and CST Forms.
Version 193
As per the Himachal Pradesh Budget 2013-14:
For VAT rate of 9% on all types of footwear, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided.
 Output
VAT @ 9% / Sales @ 9%
 Output
VAT @ 9% (of Local Purc) / Sales @ 9% (of Local Purc)
 Output
VAT @ 9% (of Purc Outside State) / Sales @ 9% (of Purc Outside State)
 Interstate
 Input
 CST
Purchases @ 9%
VAT @ 9% / Purchases @ 9%
@ 9% / Interstate Sales @ 9%
For increase in VAT rate from 11% to 22% on bidis, the following VAT/Tax classifications are
 Output
VAT @ 22% / Sales @ 22%
 Output
VAT @ 22% (of Local Purc) / Sales @ 22% (of Local Purc)
 Output
VAT @ 22% (of Purc Outside State) / Sales @ 22% (of Purc Outside State)
 Interstate
 Input
 CST
Purchases @ 22%
VAT @ 22% / Purchases @ 22%
@ 22% / Interstate Sales @ 22%
For increase in VAT rate from 18% to 36% on cigarettes, cigar etc., the following VAT/Tax
classifications are provided.
 Output
VAT @ 36% / Sales @ 36%
 Output
VAT @ 36% (of Local Purc) / Sales @ 36% (of Local Purc)
 Output
VAT @ 36% (of Purc Outside State) / Sales @ 36% (of Purc Outside State)
 Interstate
 Input
 CST
Purchases @ 36%
VAT @ 36% / Purchases @ 36%
@ 36% / Interstate Sales @ 36%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 9%, 22% and 36%
VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 189
Issues Resolved
The purchase value entered in credit note using the flag - Escalation in Price of Goods was
being captured in CST Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 186
Form VAT-XV and Form VAT-XV-A are enhanced as per the latest changes made by the
Excise and Taxation Department.
E-filing facility has been provided for Annual Return Form VAT -XV-A.
Version 184
Online form requisition facility to Export data to Excel template e-CST_Forms_Request.xls,
is introduced as per Excise and Taxation Department.
While invoicing VAT-able sales, the relevant VAT/Tax classifications are provided to segregate
purchases made from dealers within and outside the State, for the applicable VAT rates. The
value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of these entries in VAT Forms.
Version 183
For the revised VAT rate of 9.60%, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided:
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 9.60% / Sales @ 9.60%
VAT @ 9.60% / Purchases @ 9.60%
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 9.60%
@ 9.60% / Interstate Sales @ 9.60%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured in e-returns
and physical - Form VAT XV, Form VAT XV-A, Form LP-1, Form LS-1 and CST Form I.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 182
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality. The value of entries recorded using the CST
classifications will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for multiple CST rates in VAT
and CST Forms.
Version 169
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the requirements of latest e-VAT templates
provided by the Commercial Taxes Department for the forms - LP-I and LS-I.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 11% and 18% VAT rates in physical and e-VAT Forms.
Version 165
As per the Tax proposal of Himachal Pradesh state Budget for the financial year 2012-13, the
rate of VAT for Cigarettes and Tobacco products has been increased from 16% to 18% and
that of Bidi from 9.75% to 11%. The following VAT/Tax classifications are provided to support
billing of transactions with effect from April 1, 2012.
 Input
VAT @ 11% / Purchases @ 11%
 Input
VAT @ 18% / Purchase @ 18%
 Output
VAT @ 11% / Sales @ 11%
 Output
VAT @ 18% / Sales @ 18%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class provided for 11% and 18% VAT rate in VAT
Version 162
The functionality of E-VAT Form XV is enhanced as per the requirements of latest e-VAT
The E-CST feature is introduced to export data of Form I using Excel Spreadsheet format
to the excel template file - CST_Form_1.xls provided by the Excise and Taxation
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 157
The E-VAT feature is introduced to facilitate the export of data of Form VAT - XV,
Form LP-1 and Form LS-1 using Excel Spreadsheet format to the excel template files as
prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Version 156
Issues Resolved
The value of tax deposited was being displayed incorrectly in box 7 of Form VAT-XV and
Form VAT-XV-A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
On generating CST Form I an error message was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of Sales Order recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Sales in the Course of
Inter-State Trade or Commerce was being captured in CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 146
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax classifications for 9.70% VAT rate are
introduced effective from July 7, 2011:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 9.70% / Input VAT @ 9.70%
@ 9.70% / Output VAT @ 9.70%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 9.70% VAT rate in Return Form.
Version 143
The functionality is enhanced to capture values of entries recorded for 9.75% and 16% VAT
rates in VAT Annexures.
Version 142
Adhering to the Notification, the following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced for 9.75%
and 16% VAT rates effective from May 5, 2011.
 Input
VAT @ 9.75% / Purchases @ 9.75%
 Input
VAT @ 16% / Purchases @ 16%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Output
VAT @ 9.75% / Sales @ 9.75%
 Output
VAT @ 16% / Sales @ 16%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 9.75% and 16% rates in
VAT Forms.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded using Sales - Exempt as the VAT/Tax class was being captured
as part of interstate sales in CST Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
The VAT Payment Challan - Form VAT II is provided.
Version 118
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from July 15, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 13.75% / Input VAT @ 13.75%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.75%
 Sales
@ 13.75% / Output VAT @ 13.75%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications is captured in Form XV,
Form XV-A, CST Form I and Annexures - LP-1 and LS-1.
Version 113
The value of entries made using Inter-State Sales as the VAT/Tax class is captured in
appropriate fields of Form VAT XV, Form VAT - XVA and CST Form I.
Version 110
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT rate is
captured in Forms and Annexures.
Version 108
As per Tax Proposal of Himachal Pradesh Budget 2010-11 to increase the VAT rate from 4% to
5%, the following VAT/Tax Class are provided effective from March 29, 2010.
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Purchases
 Sales
- Capital Goods @ 5%
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% rate in VAT Forms.
Version 93
In Report Generation screen of Annexures - LS-1 and LP-1, the option Print with Buyer
Details has been provided to capture the party details for Cash transactions.
Issues Resolved
The details entered in the Party Details screen of purchase/sales invoice for cash
transactions were not being captured in Annexures - LP-1 and LS-1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
The value of cash transactions were not being captured in Annexure LS-1 and LP-1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
The new classifications - Sales @ 25%, Sales @ 14%, Output VAT @ 25% and Output
VAT @ 14% have been introduced as per statutory requirement. The value of entries made
using these classifications will be captured in Form VAT-XV, Form VAT-XV-A and
Annexure - Form LS - 1.
Issues Resolved
In a sales entry made using Sale in the Course of Inter-State Trade or Commerce as the
VAT/Tax Class for both sales and CST ledger, the CST amount was not being captured in
Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
9.14 Jammu & Kashmir
Version 201
Annual VAT return Form VAT 11-(A) is updated according to the notification issued by the
Commercial Taxes Department.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 198
Issues Resolved
On generating Form VAT-11, the form was getting printed in three pages instead of two
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
The functionality is enhanced to capture the values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 40% VAT rate in:
 Form
VAT 11 and 11-A
 Annexures
- Form VAT 48, 49, 11G and 11H.
Version 193
As per the Jammu & Kashmir Budget 2013-14, for increase in VAT rate from 30% to 40%
on cigarettes, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided.
 Output
VAT @ 40% / Sales @ 40%
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 40% / Sales Retail @ 40%
 Purchase
Tax @ 40%
 Interstate
 Purchase
 Input
 CST
Purchases @ 40%
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 40%
VAT @ 40% / Purchases @ 40%
@ 40% / Interstate Sales @ 40%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 40% VAT rate in VAT
Version 181
Issues Resolved
In tax invoice, those sales exempt entries which were recorded Nil were not displayed in box
D(1) of Form VAT -11.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
As per the latest format provided by Department the Form VAT - 11 is enhanced to print Nil
in amount fields where there are no values for purchase, sales, input and output VAT.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 174
Issues Resolved
In Form VAT-48 and 49, the sequence in which the transactions were captured was
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
The revised Form VAT-11 is provided.
Version 167
The values of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 30% VAT rate
are captured in Form VAT 11 and Form VAT 11-A.
Version 165
As per Jammu & Kashmir Budget proposals 2012-13, the following VAT/Tax classifications are
provided with effect from April 1, 2012.
 Interstate
 Purchase
 Input
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 30%
VAT @ 30% / Purchases @ 30%
 Purchase
 CST
Purchases @ 30%
Tax @ 30%
@ 30% / Interstate Sales @ 30%
 Output
VAT @ 30% / Sales @ 30%
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 30% / Sales Retail @ 30%
The value of entries made using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using the new VAT/Tax class in VAT Forms.
Version 163
Issues Resolved
The VAT/Tax classification - Interstate Purchases @ 2% Against Form C is provided. The
value of entries recorded using this classification will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using this VAT/Tax classification in VAT and CST Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
In a single purchase invoice if multiple stock items with VAT/Tax class - Consignment/
Branch Transfer Inwards (Within State) were selected, the value was not being displayed
in Part F of Form VAT 11.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
Issues Resolved
In Annexures - Form VAT-11G and Form VAT-11H, the transaction details were not being
captured based on voucher date.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 151
Issues Resolved
The Supplier invoice date-wise and Voucher date-wise details were not being captured in
Form 48 and Form 49 respectively.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 147
The VAT Annexures - Form VAT 11G and Form VAT 11H are provided as per statutory
In each page of Form VAT 11, the quarterly VAT return header is displayed as per the
statutory requirements.
Version 143
As per the Amendment given in the Notification, the revised Form VAT 11 is provided.
Version 138
As per the Budget Proposal for increase in VAT rates of Tobacco and Tobacco Products from
13.5% to 25%, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from April 1,
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 25% / Input VAT @ 25%
@ 25% / Output VAT @ 25%
 Purchase
Tax @ 25%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 25% rate in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 113
Issues Resolved
In column 9 of Annexures - Form VAT 48 and 49, the tax rate was displayed as 13%.
This issue has been resolved and the tax rate is changed to 13.5%.
Version 111
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax class provided for 5% and 13.5% VAT Rate is
captured in Form VAT - 11, Form VAT - 11A and Annexures - Form VAT 48 and 49.
Version 108
As per the increase in VAT rates 4% to 5% and 12.5% to 13.5% announced in the Jammu &
Kashmir Budget 2010-11 highlights, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided
effective from April 1, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% and 13.5% rate in VAT Forms.
Version 94
Issues Resolved
The party TIN was not being captured in Form VAT - 48 when the purchase entries were
recorded in voucher mode.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
On recording entries using the VAT/Tax classes - Exempt Purchases and Purchases Taxable Goods (Composition) in separate invoices, the values were not being captured in
Form VAT 12.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 81
In Form VAT 11, the value of journal entry made using the VAT Adjustment - Input Tax
Adjustment for Purchase From URDs will be captured in box 32.
In Form VAT 11, the value of journal entry made using the VAT Adjustment - Partial
Rebating (Box 30) will be captured in box 30.
In Form VAT 11, the value of entry made using the VAT Adjustment - Special Rebating
(Box 31) will be captured in box 31.
9.15 Jharkhand
Version 204
The e-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of dealer-wise local sales
details by exporting the data using Excel format to the template files as prescribed by the
Commercial Tax Department.
Version 185
As per the Notification for revised VAT rate of 2% on Kerosene sold through PDS, the
following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided effective from October 3, 2012:
 Input
VAT @ 2% / Purchases @ 2%
 Output
VAT @ 2% / Sales @ 2%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid Classifications will be captured in all Forms
and Annexures.
Version 178
The assessable value and CST on purchases recorded using all taxable VAT/Tax classifications
provided for interstate purchases are captured in box 6(c) of Form VAT 204.
Issues Resolved
In box 55 of Form JVAT 200 the commodity code of stock items selected while invoicing
sales using VAT/Tax class - Sales @ 5% and Sales @ 14% were not displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 167
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5%, 10% and
14% VAT rates are captured in Form JVAT 500 and Form JVAT 501.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 153
The revised Monthly return - Form JVAT 200 is provided as per statutory requirements.
Version 147
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5%, 10% and 14%
VAT rates are captured in Form VAT 200, Form VAT 213 and CST Form I.
Version 144
Issues Resolved
The net output VAT amount was being captured incorrectly in column 24 of Form VAT 501.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Interstate Sales @ 2% Against
Form C was not being captured in box 5(c) of Form VAT 204 when the option Form to
Receive was set to Not Applicable in the invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form VAT 204, the Gross Turnover was being displayed inclusive of VAT amount.
This issue has been resolved and only the assessable value is displayed as the Gross Turnover.
Version 141
Adhering to the Notification, the following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced for 5%,
10% and 14% VAT rates effective from May 7, 2011.
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input Vat @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 10% / Input Vat @ 10%
 Purchases
@ 14% / Input Vat @ 14%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 14%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output Vat @ 5%
 Sales
@ 10% / Output Vat @ 10%
 Sales
@ 14% / Output vat @ 14%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 14% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 14%
 Interstate
Sales @ 5% / CST @ 5%
 Interstate
Sales @ 14% / CST @ 14%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 14%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 5%, 10% and 14% rates in VAT
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The value of interstate sales recorded by selecting Form C+E1/E2 was being captured as
taxable sales in Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 129
The Form JVAT 500 and Form JVAT 501 are provided to capture the purchases and sales
recorded in a particular tax period.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recording by selecting Inter State Sales Against Form - E1 and Inter
State Sales Against Form - E2 was not being captured in box 1 of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales made within the state was not being captured in box 1 of CST Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 123
The CST Form - I is provided with the facility to record inter-state transactions involving
multiple CST rates in a single invoice.
Version 122
The VAT Payment Challan - Form JVAT 205 is provided.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 115
The functionality of Form VAT - 213 is enhanced as per the statutory requirements.
Version 113
Facility to export the data in Excel Spreadsheet format is provided for Form VAT 200.
Version 110
The Form VAT - 200 has been provided as per statutory requirements.
Version 95
The monthly VAT return - Form VAT - 200 has been provided as per the latest statutory
Version 93
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made using Purchases @ 12.5% as the VAT/Tax class was not being
captured in box 9(g) of Form VAT 204.
This issue has been resolved.
The excess tax credit amount was being captured incorrectly in box 39 and 41 of Form VAT
This issue has been resolved.
In Form VAT 213, only the month was captured but the year for which the return is filed was
not being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of journal entry made by selecting Adjustment Towards CST in the Used for
field was being captured incorrectly in box 41 of Form VAT 200.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 92
Adhering to the latest statutory requirements, the following VAT/Tax classifications have been
activated effective from September 10, 2009:
 Sales
- IMFL Or Foreign Liquor @ 50%
 Output
 Tax
Paid Sales-IMFL @ 50%
 Taxable
 Tax
VAT @ 50% on IMFL / IFL
Purchase - IMFL @ 50%
Paid Purchase - IMFL @ 50%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 91
The Supplier Invoice No. and Date fields have been provided in purchase invoice.
Version 90
Issues Resolved
The value of sales returns recorded in credit note using Goods Sold Returned as the VAT
Adjustment was not being captured in box 8 of Form JVAT-213.
This issue has been resolved.
The gross value of CST was being captured in box 18 of Form JVAT-213.
This issue has been resolved and the net CST value is being captured.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
The value of CST charged while recording an inter-state sales entry was being captured in
box 10 of Form JVAT 213.
This issue has been resolved and the value of inter-state sales along with CST will be captured
in box 9 of Form JVAT 213.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
In Box 6 - Gross Turnover during the Month of Form VAT 213, the value of sales was not
being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
9.16 Karnataka
Version 205
Issues Resolved
While recording purchases from URDs, the classifications mentioned below, were not being
considered in VAT Form 100.
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5.5%
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14.5%
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 15.65%
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 17%
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 25%
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 28%
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 202
For increase in VAT rate of Petroleum Products, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are
provided with effective from August 1, 2013:
 Input
VAT @ 15.65% / Purchases @ 15.65%
 Output
VAT @ 15.65% / Sales @ 15.65%
 Purchase
Tax @ 15.65%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 15.65%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 15.65%
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 15.65%
@ 15.65% / Interstate Sales @ 15.65%
 Input
VAT @ 25% / Purchases @ 25%
 Output
VAT @ 25% / Sales @ 25%
 Purchase
Tax @ 25%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 25%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 25%
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 25%
@ 25% / Interstate Sales @ 25%
 Input
VAT @ 28% / Purchases @ 28%
 Output
VAT @ 28% / Sales @ 28%
 Purchase
Tax @ 28%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 28%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 28%
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 28%
@ 28% / Interstate Sales @ 28%
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for new VAT rates will be
currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
values of entries taxable at 15.65%, 25% and 28% VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 198
Issues Resolved
The address details predefined in party ledger selected while invoicing interstate purchases
were not captured when the data was exported to the template - VAT_PUR.xls and the Form
Type was captured as C instead of Y.
This issue has been resolved.
The data exported to e-CST Receipt Forms was not getting validated if the sales invoice
number had special characters. Also, 2 decimals were not auto-filled for commodity code
during export of data.
These issues have been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 195
VAT_IS_PUR_EXL_XM.xls, an error message was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
The facility is provided to export data of interstate purchases in:
 XML
 Excel
Spreadsheet format to the VAT_IS_PUR_EXL_XM.xls template.
Version 185
The following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided with the option to select declaration forms
while recording transactions:
 Purchases(Against
 Consignment
 Sales
Form-H Deemed Export)
/Branch Transfer Inward (Within State)
to Diplomatic Missions & U.N. Etc.
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured in the
respective fields of Form VAT 100 and Form VAT 115.
As per the notification for 1% VAT rates of jewellery items, the following new VAT/Tax
Classifications are provided:
 Output
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 1% / Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
VAT - Works Contract @ 1% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 1%
The value of entries recorded using this VAT/Tax Class will be captured in Form VAT 100, EVAT Annexures, and Purchase Details.
The following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided to record Works Contract transactions:
 CST
- Works Contract @ 1% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 2% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 2%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 5.5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 5.5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 14% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 14%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 14.5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 14.5%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be captured in Online Receipt
Forms and in box No. 7 - Details of Interstate Sales and CST Payable in Form VAT
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The following Flags are provided for Debit Note and Credit Note:
Debit Note:
 Change
in Purchase Consideration
 Change
in Sales Consideration
 Others
 Purchase
Returns or Rejected
Credit Note:
 Change
in Purchase Consideration
 Change
in Sales Consideration
 Goods
Sold Returned
 Others
Issues Resolved
For transactions where Form F/Form H/Form I was selected at entry level, the Form Type
captured in Excel and XML formats of the Online Form was always Form C.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries recorded for purchases from URDs were not being captured for box No.
9.8.2 in Form VAT 100.
This issue has been resolved.
In the data exported to:
 Online
CST Forms in Excel and XML formats, the details of Interstate Purchases
recorded against Form C by providing form number, form series number and date were
 Online
Receipt Forms in XML format, the details of all Interstate Sales transactions
including those for which form series number, form number and date were not entered
were captured.
These issues have been resolved.
On printing e-Sugam Vouchers report for a particular quarter, only those Vouchers recorded
during the last month of the quarter were printed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
The e-requisition facility is enhanced to export the details for Declaration forms F, H and I
using Excel Spread sheet and XML formats as prescribed by the Commercial Taxes
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 181
The functionality of VAT Form 100 is enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using
the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 5.5%, 14.5% and 17% VAT rates.
Version 177
For the revised VAT rates of 5.5% and 14.5%, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are
provided effective from August 1, 2012:
VAT/Tax Classifications for Purchases/Input VAT
 Input
VAT @ 5.5% / Purchases @ 5.5%
 Input
VAT @ 14.5% / Purchases @ 14.5%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 5.5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 5.5%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 14.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 14.5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5.5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14.5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 5.5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 14.5%
VAT/Tax Classifications for Sales/Output VAT
 Output
VAT @ 5.5% / Sales @ 5.5%
 Output
VAT @ 14.5% / Sales @ 14.5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 5.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 5.5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 14.5%
VAT/Tax Classifications for Interstate Transactions
 Interstate
Purchases @ 5.5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 14.5%
 CST
@ 5.5% / Interstate Sales @ 5.5%
 CST
@ 14.5% / Interstate Sales @ 14.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5.5% and 14.5% VAT
rates in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 174
Issues Resolved
In the data exported to e-CST forms for obtaining C Forms, the CST number of the party
ledger was being captured instead of VAT TIN number.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for works contract purchases taxable at 5% and 14% VAT rate in
physical Form VAT 100.
Version 169
The e-Sugam Number entered in e-Sugam Details sub-screen of sales invoice by enabling
the option - Is e-Sugam Applicable to Yes gets captured in the printed invoice.
Effective from April 1, 2011, the VAT/Tax classifications - Input VAT - Works Contract @
14% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 14% are provided. The value of entries recorded
using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for works contract taxable at 5% and 14% are
currently captured in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% and 14% VAT rates
in VAT Forms.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 17% VAT rate in physical and e-VAT Forms.
In the Export Report screen of e-Sugam, e-CST Online Forms and Receipt Form, the
option - Export with Invoice Total is provided to capture the total invoice value.
Version 165
According to Karnataka state Budget 2012-13 the VAT Rates on Cigarettes and other tobacco
products are increased from 15% to 17%.
As per the Budgetary requirements, following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective
from April 1, 2012:
 Input
VAT @ 17% / Purchases @ 17%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 17%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 17%
 Purchase
Tax @ 17%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 17%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 CST
@ 17% / Interstate Sales @ 17%
 Output
VAT @ 17% / Sales @ 17%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class provided for 17% VAT rate in VAT Forms.
Version 156
Issues Resolved
The value of works contract recorded using VAT/Tax class - Sales - Works Contract @ 14%
was not being captured in Form VAT 100.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
Issues Resolved
On exporting entries of interstate purchases against Form C to Online Forms (e-Requisition)
using XML Format, the name of party ledger consisting of more than 40 characters was not
being exported.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 144
Issues Resolved
In an interstate purchase entry recorded by selecting Form to Issue as Form C, the
Purpose Code selected was not getting stored in the invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
The facility is provided to generate e-Sugam in Excel and XML formats for e-filing.
Version 142
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 14% VAT rate are
captured in Form VAT 100 and physical and e-VAT Annexures. Also the return form is
enhanced as per the e-filing requirements.
The facility is provided to generate e-CST Receipt Forms in XML and Excel format for
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 138
As per the Budget Proposals for increase in VAT rate from 13.5% to 14%, the following VAT/
Tax classifications are provided effective from April 1, 2011.
 Purchases
@ 14% / Input VAT @ 14%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 14%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14%
 Sales
@ 14% / Output VAT @ 14%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 14% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 14%
 Interstate
 Input
Sales @ 14% / CST @ 14%
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 14%
 Purchase
Tax @ 14%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 14% rate in VAT Forms.
Version 133
On using e-requisition facility to export data of interstate purchases made against Form C, the
details are captured based on supplier invoice date. Also the Supplier TIN prefixed with ‘0’
is considered while exporting data in excel format to ONLINE_CST_COM.xls.
Version 123
The e-requisition facility is provided to export the details of interstate purchases made against
Form C using Excel Spreadsheet and XML format as prescribed by the Commercial Taxes
Department for obtaining the electronic Form C.
The e-filing facility is provided to export the details of Export sales using Excel Spreadsheet
and XML format as prescribed by the Commercial Taxes Department.
Version 122
The revised Form VAT 120 is provided as per the e-filing requirements.
Version 121
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided. The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications activated for
interstate transactions at different CST rates are captured in appropriate fields of revised
Form VAT 100.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The revised Form VAT 100 is provided as per the statutory requirement.
Version 114
The rate-wise break-up of interstate sales and CST are captured in box 7.5 and 7.11 of Form
VAT 100 for 5% and 13.5%.
Version 111
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax class provided for 5%, 13.5% and 15% is
captured in Form VAT 100, Annexure I and E-VAT Annexures.
Version 110
Issues Resolved
On generating VAT Return for the previous year in company having data for more than one
financial year, the CST amount was not being captured in box 3.8 and 7 of Form VAT 100.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 108
As per the Tax proposal of Karnataka Budget 2010-2011, the VAT rates have increased from 4%
to 5% and 12.5% to 13.5%. Also VAT rate of 12.5% on tobacco is increase to 15%. Following
VAT/Tax Classifications for 5%, 13.5% and 15% are provided effective from April 1, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchases
@ 15% / Input VAT @ 15%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 15% / Output VAT @ 15%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 13.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5%, 13.5% and 15% rate in VAT
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
On recording two inter-state sales entries - one with CST and the other without it, the values
were being displayed incorrectly in box 3 and 3.9 of Form VAT 100.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 95
The following VAT/Tax classifications have been provided to record works contract, deemed
exports and exempt inter-state sales:
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 4% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 4%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Labour,
 Labour
Service, Job Work & Other Charges
Charges (Interstate)
 Sales(Against
 Inter-State
Form-H Deemed Export)
Sales - Exempted
Also the VAT Adjustment - Reversal of Labour Charges has been provided for journal
voucher. The value of entries made using the aforesaid VAT/Tax classifications and VAT
Adjustment will be captured in the respective fields of Form VAT 100.
The functionality has been enhanced to predefine the Type of Ledger as Discount in ledger
master. The discount value specified for each item using cash/trade discount configuration
while invoicing purchase/sales entries will be consolidated and captured with a negative sign
in amount field against the discount ledger selected. The same discount value will be captured
in the respective fields of Form VAT 100.
Issues Resolved
On generating the print preview of Form VAT 100, the application was getting hung.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting Form F for sales made using Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward as the
VAT/Tax class, the invoice value and Form type was not being captured in Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording sales returns entry in credit note using non-VATable classifications like Exports,
Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward etc., the value was being captured incorrectly in
Form VAT 100.
This issue has been resolved and net value of sales is being captured in respective fields of
Form VAT 100.
The Due Date entered in VAT Payment Details screen Payment Voucher was being
captured in Date field of Form VAT 100 and 120.
This issue has been resolved and the Deposit Date is being captured in Date field.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
On recording a dealer excise purchase entry the Company TIN was being captured instead of
Party TIN in physical Annexure I and E-VAT Purchase Annexure.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
On recording a debit note, the date of entry was not being captured in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
Issues Resolved
On recording a sales invoice using tax inclusive voucher class with more than one stock item
and exporting the same to E-VAT Sales Annexure, the assessable value of only the first
stock item was being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
On specifying the Party's A/c Name as Cash and selecting the supplier ledger using M:
Party List button (Alt+M) or manually entering the party details in the Supplementary
Details screen, the Supplier Name and TIN was not being captured in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a composite VAT payment entry, Form 120 the application was getting hung
and report was not generated.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
The invoice numbers of sales entries recorded to account for other than VAT transactions were
being captured in box 1.8 of Form VAT 100.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
As per the instructions given by the Commercial Taxes Department, the Details of sales made
to unregistered dealers and consumers are not being captured in the exported files VAT_SL_EXL_XML.xls and Sales.XML.
Issues Resolved
On selecting the party ledger from Party List button in the Supplementary Details screen
for an entry made by selecting Cash in the Party's A/c Name field, the buyer's name was
not being displayed in the purchase details exported to the E-VAT template file
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The debit value of journal entry made by selecting VAT/Tax class - Input VAT @ 2% and
20% with Input Tax Adjustment for Purchases from URDs as the VAT Adjustment was
not being captured in box 9.4 of Form 100.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 83
The E-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of Purchase and Sales invoice
details by exporting the data using Excel Spreadsheet format to the template files and XML
format as prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Note: The Statutory Reference Manual of Karnataka consisting the detailed explanation on
using the E-VAT feature can be downloaded from
Version 82
New VAT/Tax classifications, viz., Input VAT @ 2% and Output VAT @ 2% have been
introduced as per the requirement specified in the Karnataka State Budget 2009.
In Form VAT 100, the CST rate for inter-state sales has been changed from 3% to 2%.
9.17 Kerala
Version 204
Issues Resolved
The Total amount in Form 9 gets doubled on printing the same, if a Credit Note with multiple
line items was recorded.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 198
The following VAT/Tax classifications are provided to account for transactions with special
category dealers.
 Input
VAT @ 0.5% (Spl.Category) / Purchases to Spl. Category Dealers @ 0.5%
 Input
VAT @ 10% (Spl.Category) / Purchases to Spl. Category Dealers @ 10%
 Input
VAT @ 2% (Spl.Category) / Purchases to Spl. Category Dealers @ 2%
 Input
VAT @ 2.5% (Spl.Category) / Purchases to Spl. Category Dealers @ 2.5%
 Input
VAT @ 6.25% (Spl.Category) / Purchases to Spl. Category Dealers @ 6.25%
 Input
VAT @ 6.75% (Spl.Category) / Purchases to Spl. Category Dealers @ 6.75%
 Input
VAT @ 7.25% (Spl.Category) / Purchases to Spl. Category Dealers @ 7.25%
The values of entries recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications are captured in Form No.
Form No. 9 format is supported for debit notes and credit notes.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for purchases made
within the state at 14.5% VAT rate are captured in Form No. 52.
Version 196
Issues Resolved
In the data exporting to e-VAT Annexures, the values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
class - Sales - Exempt and Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward were not captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
The functionality is enhanced to capture values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for multiple CST rate and VAT rates - 7.25% and 14.5% in e-VAT
Form No. 10.
Version 193
As per the Kerala Budget 2013-14, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided for:
Change in VAT rate from 13.5% to 14.5%
 Output
VAT @ 14.5% / Sales @ 14.5%
 Output
VAT @ 14.5% on Transfer of Right to Use / Sales @ 14.5% - Transfer of Right to
 Output
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 14.5%
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 14.5%
 Interstate
 Purchase
 Input
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14.5%
VAT @ 14.5% / Purchases @ 14.5%
 Purchases
 Input
 CST
Purchases @ 14.5%
- Capital Goods @ 14.5%
VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 14.5%
@ 14.5% / Interstate Sales @ 14.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 14.5%
For increase in special rate from 6.75% to 7.25% the VAT/Tax Class - Output VAT @ 7.25%
(Spl.Category) / Sales to Spl. Category Dealers @ 7.25% is provided.
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 7.25% and 14.5%
VAT rate in VAT Form.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 191
Calculation of purchase tax has been automated for journal voucher recorded using VAT
Adjustment - Tax on URD Purchase. The auto-calculated purchase tax and cess amount
appears in journal voucher based on the selection of Purchase Tax Classification followed
by Period, Party Ledger and Invoice Number.
The functionality is enhanced to export purchases recorded using VAT/Tax class - Purchases
- URD(Not Subject to Purchase Tax) in Excel Spreadsheet and Text formats for e-filing.
Issues Resolved
In sales invoice recorded using Form 8 invoice type, the amount entered with negative sign
for discount ledger was appearing incorrectly in the invoice printout.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
For exempt sales made to unregistered dealer, the VAT TIN was not getting captured as
77777777777 in the data exported to e-VAT form.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality. The value of entries recorded using the CST
classifications will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for multiple CST rates in VAT
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for works contract and entries taxable at 2.5%, 5%, 6.75%,
13.5%, 15%, 20% and 22.5% VAT rates in e-VAT Form.
Version 167
The following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced effective from April 1, 2011 to record
works contract transactions with deduction for tax calculation:
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 1% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 1%
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 4% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 4%
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 1% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 1%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 4% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 4%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5%
Also the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for 5% and 13.5% VAT rates effective
from April 1, 2012.
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 5% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
 Purchases
- Works Contract @ 13.5% / Input VAT - Works Contract @ 13.5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 13.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 13.5%
On selecting purchase and sales ledgers with aforesaid VAT/Tax classifications, Deduction
Claimed for Tax Calculation screen gets displayed to enter percentage/amount of
deduction towards labour charges and arrive at the taxable value. The taxable value gets
considered for calculation of input and output VAT.
The VAT/Tax class - Output VAT @ 2.5% (Spl.Category) and Sales to Spl. Category
Dealers @ 2.5% are provided for special category of dealers with effect from April 1, 2012.
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 1%, 2.5%, 4%, 5%,
12.5% and 13.5% VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 166
As per Budget 2012-13, the following new VAT/Tax classifications are provided with effect
from April 1, 2012:
 Output
 Output
VAT @ 6.75% (Spl.Category) / Sales to Spl. Category Dealers @ 6.75%
VAT @ 13.5% on Transfer of Right to Use / Sales @ 13.5% - Transfer of Right to Use
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 6.75% and 13.5%
VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 165
As per the Kerala state Budgetary requirements, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are
provided with effect from April 1, 2012.
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Purchases
 Purchase
 Input
- Capital Goods @ 5%
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
VAT @ 13.5% / Purchases @ 13.5%
 Purchases
 Purchase
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 13.5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 13.5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 13.5%
 Input
VAT @ 15% / Purchases @ 15%
 Input
VAT @ 20% / Purchases @ 20%
 Input
VAT @ 22.5% / Purchases @ 22.5%
 Output
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
 Sales
@ 5% on MRP (Drugs on Composition) / Output VAT @ 5% on MRP (Drugs on
 Sales
@ 5% - Transfer of Right to Use / Output VAT @ 5% on Transfer of Right to Use
 Output
VAT @ 13.5% / Sales @ 13.5%
 Output
VAT @ 15% / Sales @ 15%
 Output
VAT @ 20% / Sales @ 20%
 Output
VAT @ 22.5% / Sales @ 22.5%
The value of entries made using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using the new VAT/Tax class in respective VAT Forms.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
The invoice values of purchases having same supplier invoice number and voucher number
were getting consolidated and captured in E-VAT Form 52 - Purchase.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded in voucher mode using the VAT/Tax class - Sales - Exempt was
not being captured in e-VAT Sales template.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 122
In Form 8 and Form 8B, the amount of VAT against stock item is displayed based on the
options set in Invoice Printing screen.
Issues Resolved
The address details were not being captured in excel template and .txt file while exporting
the sales details.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 116
The e-statement of closing stock for Form 53 is provided as per the statutory requirements.
Version 110
In Form 8 - Tax Invoice, the character spacing is increased to display the commodity names
Version 102
In Form 8 format of sales invoice, the CST registration number of the party is captured.
Version 94
In a sales entry, the part number predefined in the stock item being invoiced will be captured
in Form 8 and Form 8B.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
On selecting a direct expense ledger which is not enabled for apportionment while invoicing a
purchase entry and exporting the same using E-VAT feature, the additional expense amount
was getting added to the assessable value in the E-VAT file.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 92
In E-VAT Purchase/Sales files, the voucher total will be captured in the last column.
Issues Resolved
On selecting the voucher class predefined with Normal Rounding for Output VAT and
Output Social Security Cess while invoicing a sales transaction, the values were not being
rounded-off and displayed in Part A - Output Tax Collected and Output Tax Due columns
of Form No. 10.
This issue has been resolved.
The assessable value entered for calculating tax liability in a journal entry made by selecting
Tax on URD Purchase was being captured in VAT Computation report.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording sales in more than one voucher type, the voucher number was being captured in
multiple lines based on voucher types in Form No. 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 91
The functionality of E-VAT Excel export has been updated as per the latest e-filing
Issues Resolved
The sale value entered by selecting Special category and non-VATable sales classifications in a
single invoice was being captured in Part A (5) and Part F of Form No.10.
This issue has been resolved.
In a company enabled for VAT and Excise for Manufactures, if a purchase entry was made
with CENVAT, Education cess, Secondary Education cess and VAT and then exported to EVAT
Annexures, the assessable value was being displayed incorrectly in the exported files.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting taxable and exempt VAT/Tax classifications in a sales entry made using tax
inclusive voucher class, the value of exempt sales were being captured in Assessable Value
column of EVAT Sales file.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entry made in debit/credit note by entering the MRP/Marginal amount was
being captured incorrectly in Part F, Tax Element column of Form No. 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
Issues Resolved
On exporting the E-VAT Sales Annexure using text format, the Invoice No. and values were
being captured in the text file in descending order.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting the sales entries using the E-VAT excel and text formats, the details of retail
sales Invoice numbers from the first day till the first entry made on the last day of the return
period was being captured. The retail sales Invoice numbers after the first transaction recorded
on the last day of return period were not being exported to the E-VAT excel and text files.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
On exporting the purchase and sales details in E-VAT excel and text formats, the TIN
starting with '0' will be captured.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 86
Issues Resolved
The value of all the purchase entries recorded by selecting the same party ledger was being
consolidated and displayed in a single row.
This issue has been resolved.
The sales and purchase entries when exported using E-VAT Text format, the serial numbers
were being captured in descending order.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
The enhanced E-VAT features have been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of Purchase and
Sales invoice details by exporting the data using SDF (Fixed width) - Text Format and
Excel Spreadsheet formats as prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
The value of sales made using tax inclusive voucher class was being displayed incorrectly in
the exported E-VAT output files.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 82
Issues Resolved
An error message – Out of Memory was being displayed while exporting the E-VAT Sales
details in Text format.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 81
Enhancements have been provided for EVAT Annexures by making modifications to the
existing functionality.
Issues Resolved
In Form 8, the amount in words was not being printed.
This issue has been resolved.
9.18 Madhya Pradesh
Version 201
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the latest e-filing requirements of template files VATForm-10_Version1.7.xls.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 198
The Return Form 10 is enhanced as per the latest amendments.
Version 195
In Form 26 payment challan:
 The
date entered in Deposit Date field of VAT Payment Details screen of Payment
Voucher was not being captured in the Dated field.
 In
the Amount in Words field, the text - Only was not getting printed.
These issues have been resolved.
Version 183
For the revised VAT rate of 25% the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided:
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 25% / Sales @ 25%
VAT @ 25% / Purchases @ 25%
 Purchase
Tax @ 25%
 Purchase
From URDs - Special Rate @ 25%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 25% VAT rate in VAT
Version 181
Issues Resolved
In purchase invoice enabled to Allow Separate Buyer and Consignee Names if party
ledger predefined with Dealer Unit was selected, the consignee TIN was captured in place
of buyer’s TIN in Part J of Form 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the latest e-filing requirements of template files VATForm-10_Version1.2.xls.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for entries taxable at 27% VAT rate in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 167
Effective from April 1, 2010, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided:
 Purchase
@ 23% Special Rate / Input VAT @ 23% Special Rate
 Purchase
@ 27% Special Rate / Input VAT @ 27% Special Rate
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 23% and 27% VAT rates
in VAT Forms.
Version 165
As per the state Budgetary requirements of Madhya Pradesh, the following new VAT/Tax
classifications are provided with effect from April 1, 2012.
 Purchase
From URDs - Special Rate @ 27%
 Purchase
Tax - Special Rate @ 27%
 Output
VAT @ 27% Special Rate / Sales @ 27% Special Rate
The value of entries made using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using the new VAT/Tax class in respective VAT Forms.
Version 156
Issues Resolved
In purchase entry, if Party’s A/c Name was set to Cash and party ledger was selected in
Party Details screen, the Name of Dealer was being captured as Cash in Part J of Return
Form 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 139
Issues Resolved
On selecting the ledgers predefined with VAT/Tax class provided for Inter-State Purchases,
Interstate purchases at multiple CST rates and Imports in voucher mode without selecting
stock items, the values were not being displayed in Annexure - 1 of RETURN FORM 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
The E-VAT feature is provided to export data of Form 10 using Excel Spreadsheet format
to respective worksheets of excel template file - FormVAT10.xls as prescribed by the
commercial tax department.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 129
The VAT Payment Challan - Form 26 is provided.
Version 126
The changes as per the latest statutory requirements are incorporated in Form 10.
Version 120
The date format display in Return Form 10 is changed to include the financial year end. For
example, if the return is generated for 4th quarter, the period is captured as 4th Quarter2010-2011.
Issues Resolved
In box 14 of Return Form 10, the unadjusted credit was being captured incorrectly when
the output tax amount was in excess of total input tax credits and rebates.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 116
The revised Form 10 is provided as per the statutory requirements.
Version 108
As per the Tax proposal of Madhya Pradesh Budget 2010-11 for increase in VAT rate from
12.5% to 13%, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from April 1,
 Purchases
@ 13% / Input VAT @ 13%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13%
 Sales
@ 13% / Output VAT @ 13%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 13% rate in VAT Forms.
Version 93
The VAT/Tax classification - Purchases Capital Goods @ 5% has been introduced effective
from August 1, 2009.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 92
Issues Resolved
On recording two VAT payment entries - one in the previous financial year and the other in
current financial year, the payment details of only the entry made in current financial year
was being captured in Form 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
A new VAT/Tax classification - Sales Composition Tax @ 0.5% has been provided as per
the statutory requirement.
Version 82
Adhering to the notification for change in diesel rate, with effect from June 18, 2008, a new
VAT/Tax Classification - Output VAT @ 23% has been introduced. The value of entries made
on or after June 18, 2008 using the VAT/Tax Class - Output VAT @ 23% will be captured
under Part B and C of Form 10.
9.19 Maharashtra
Version 199
The functionality is enhanced, so that the Gross Turnover in Form 231 and CST Return
Form III (E) will match.
Version 198
New VAT flag - TCS Adjustment is provided in journal voucher. The value of entries recorded
using this VAT flag will be captured as the amount of tax collected at source u/s 31A in Form
231 and 233.
Issues Resolved
The value of capital goods purchased at 5% VAT rate was captured as part of taxable local
purchases in Form 233.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 197
The e-VAT feature is enhanced to facilitate export of data to the excel template - Form 501 the Application for refund under section 51 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002.
The physical Annexures J1 and J2 are provided as per e-VAT Annexures J1 and J2.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Tally.ERP 9 has initiated to support Local Body Tax by providing the facility to enter and print
Registration Details. Users can now enter registration details in Company masters and Ledger
masters and print the same in invoices along with the declaration.
Issues Resolved
In the invoice, the value entered for discount ledgers grouped under expenses and incomes
were not displayed in box 5(b) of Form 231.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 196
The functionality of Form 231, 233 and CST Form III(E) is enhanced to capture values of
entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 1.10% VAT rate.
Version 195
On exporting data to e-VAT template of Form 231, the payment date was not appearing in
section 10E if the type of return was selected as Fresh/Revised.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
The value of purchases recorded using VAT/Tax class - Purchases - From Unregistered
Dealers will be captured in e-Annexure J2 of Audit Form 704 and e-return Annexures.
The challan and bank details provided while recording CST payment voucher using Stat
Payment button will be captured in box 12(c) of CST Form III(E).
For sale of drugs taxable at 6% composite VAT rate, the VAT/Tax classifications - Sales Composition @ 6% (Retail) and Composition Tax @ 6% (Retail) have been provided.
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be captured in Form 232.
To account for purchases taxable at 1.10% VAT rate the following VAT/Tax classifications are
 Input
VAT @ 1.10% / Purchases @ 1.10%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 1.10%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 1.10% VAT rate in
VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In the Export Report screen of e-Annexure J2 if print preview was generated using P: Print
button, the column title was being captured as customer-wise VAT sales instead of customerwise VAT purchases.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting data to Annexure J1 and J2 of e-Audit Form 704, incorrect information was
being captured if:
 The
TIN was altered in party details screen of purchase and sales entries
  Alterations
were done in party details screen of user defined purchase and sales voucher
This issue has been resolved.
Version 193
As per the Maharashtra Budget 2013-14, for increase in VAT rate from 1% to 1.10% on
gold, silver and their jewellery, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided.
 Output
 CST
VAT @ 1.10% / Sales @ 1.10%
@ 1.10% / Interstate Sales @ 1.10%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 1.10% VAT rate in
VAT Forms.
Version 191
The VAT/Tax classification - Purchases - Tax Free (Composition) has been provided to
record purchase of tax free goods. The value of entries recorded using this classification will
be captured in box 12(k) of Form 232.
Version 186
Issues Resolved
e_704_annexturej2.xls, an error message - Out of Memory was displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
The e-VAT templates - e_Return_Annexures, Form-704, e_704_annexturej1 and
e_704_annexturej2 are enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using the VAT/
Tax Classifications provided for 2% and 50%.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The values of VAT Payments recorded using S: Stat Payment button were not captured in
VAT Challan if the option Auto Fill Statutory Payment was set to No.
This issue has been resolved.
When a VAT Payment Voucher that has been recorded without using the S: Stat Payment
button was printed as VAT Challan, the message - Error in TDL. 'Form: PymtRcpt Print'
No 'PARTS'! was displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
When EVAT Audit Form 704 was exported in Excel format, the application was crashing.
This issue has been resolved.
In EVAT 231:
 The
values to be captured in the field - 10A (f) were captured in the field 10A (e1)
 The
values captured in the field 10A (f) were the same as the values captured in 10A
(a), if all values under 10A except 10A (a) were nil.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
Physical returns - Form 231, 232, 233 and CST Form III(E) are enhanced as per the
version 1.5.0 of e-return templates.
Version 178
The e-VAT and e-CST features are enhanced as per the new templates of version 1.5.0.
Issues Resolved
In the party ledger master if TIN and additional information was specified in TIN/Sales
Tax No. field and the same ledger was used for invoicing Sales:
 In
regular sales invoice, the additional details were displayed along with TIN on exporting
data to e-VAT Annexure templates.
   Using
VAT inclusive voucher class, the additional details were displayed in e-Annexure
J1, J2 and E-Audit form 704. Hence the files were not getting validated.
 Using
VAT inclusive voucher class, the aggregate assessable value was captured in row
1002 - Gross Local sales where tax is not collected separately in Annexure J1 and
J2 of E-Audit form 704.
These issues have been resolved.
Version 171
The e-annexures functionality is provided to export data of Annexures - J1, J2, C, D, G, H
and I to the template file - e-Return_Annexures.xls for e-filing.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for works contract and entries taxable at 2% and 50% VAT rates in
VAT and CST Forms (physical and e-return).
Version 167
Issues Resolved
The details of interstate sales recorded against declaration form without specifying the form
number were getting captured in Annexure G of e-Audit Form 704.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 165
As per the Tax Proposal of Maharashtra Budget 2012-13 for reducing the VAT rate on cotton
yarn from 5% to 2%, the following new VAT/Tax cassifications are provided with effect from
April 1, 2012.
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 2% / Sales @ 2%
VAT @ 2% / Purchases @ 2%
The following VAT/Tax classifications (activated from April 1, 2011) are provided.
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 50% / Sales @ 50%
VAT @ 50% / Purchases @ 50%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using the new VAT/Tax class provided, in the Returns Form.
Version 164
The following new VAT/Tax Classifications are introduced for recording Works Contract
transactions with effect from April 01, 2011.
 CST
- Works Contract @ 1% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 4% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 4%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 20% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 20%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 2% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 2%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Input
VAT - Works Contract @ 5% / Purchases - Works Contract @ 5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications in VAT Forms.
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced to facilitate export of taxable purchase and sales details
in excel spread sheet format to template files - e_704_annexturej1.xls and
Issues Resolved
On recording the sales invoice using the stock item in which Use MRP to Print is set to Yes,
the assessable value and the output vat was captured incorrectly in the VAT Forms 231 &
This issue has been resolved.
While exporting the data to the e_cform.xls template the Voucher Date was getting
captured instead of the Supplier Invoice Date.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
Effective from April 1, 2011 the VAT/Tax classification - Output VAT - Lease @ 1.5%
(on Going) / Sales - Lease @ 1.5% (on Going) are provided for lease contracts. The value
of entries recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications will be captured in VAT Form 233 and
e-Audit Form 704.
In the data exported to e-Audit Form 704, the state names are captured in accordance with
the list provided in template file.
Issues Resolved
The value of excise sales invoice recorded using VAT/Tax class - Inter-State Sales by
selecting the Form to Receive as Form C was not being captured in Annexure I of e-Audit
Form 704.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
The values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 3% VAT/CST rate are
captured in respective fields of physical and e-VAT - Form VAT 231, 233 and CST Form
Version 156
The e-requisition facility is provided to export the details of interstate purchases against
declaration forms and interstate sales recorded against Form E1/E2 to e_cform.xls file using
Excel Spreadsheet format. The validated output file gets saved as e_cform-Rem.xls and the
same needs to be uploaded to the Department website for obtaining the declaration forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The expenses entered in credit note by selecting Others in Used for field was being
captured with a negative sign in box 2(A) of CST Form III(E).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
In an interstate sales invoice if additional ledger predefined with the option - Use for
Assessable Value Calculation to No was selected while recording interstate sales at
multiple CST rates, incorrect values were being captured in box 1 and 2A of physical and
e-CST Form (III) E.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 147
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the requirements of revised e-filing templates.
Version 146
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax classifications for 3% VAT rate are
introduced effective from July 8, 2011:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 3% / Input VAT @ 3%
@ 3% / Output VAT @ 3%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 3% VAT rate in Return Form.
Version 142
Issues Resolved
In e-CST Form III(E) template, the value of sales under section 8(1) and 8(2) were being
captured with decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 140
In STO Address field of Company VAT Details screen, Raigad and Bhandara are added to
the list of STO Address.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 139
Effective from April 1, 2011 the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided to record
works contract taxable 5% and 12.5%:
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5%
The value of entries recorded using these VAT/Tax Classifications will be captured in Form
231, 233 and 704.
Version 138
As per the budget proposals, the VAT/Tax Class - Sales - Composition @ 5% (Retail) is
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax Class - Sales - Composition @ 5% (Retail)
will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for this rate in VAT Forms.
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The VAT amount entered in purchase invoice recorded for works contract was being captured
accurately in VAT Computation report but displayed with negative sign in VAT
Classification Vouchers report.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
The functionality of e-Audit Form 704 is enhanced as per the requirements of revised
FORM-704.xls file.
Version 129
The works contract functionality is supported for Form 231. The entries recorded by selecting
the VAT/Tax class - Purchase Works Contract @ 8% with Input VAT - Works Contract @
8% are captured in physical and e-VAT template of Form 231.
Version 122
The CST Payment Challan - Form MTR-6 is provided.
Version 121
The Payment challan - Form 210 is provided as per statutory requirements.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 110
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT rate
effective from April 1, 2010 is captured in physical and E-VAT Forms.
Version 108
In Maharashtra Budget 2010-11 the VAT Rates are increased from 4% to 5%. Also the
composite tax rate of 1% is to be introduced on Composition Scheme for Builders and
Regular VAT
As per the Budgetary requirements, following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective
from April 1, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
Builders and Developers @ 1% (Composition)
 Composition
Tax - Builders and Developers @ 1%
Composite VAT
As per the Budgetary requirements, following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective
from April 1, 2010:
 Sales
- Composition @ 1% (Builders and Developers)
 Composition
Tax @ 1% (Builders and Developers)
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% rate in VAT Forms.
The functionality of e-Audit Form 704 is enhanced as per the requirements of revised
FORM-704.xls file.
Issues Resolved
In Annexure A and B of e-Audit Form 704, the Deposit Date was being displayed instead of
Period of Return.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 106
In the VAT Payment Details screen of Payment voucher, the field - Date of Filing is provided.
The information entered in this field will be captured in Annexure A and Annexure B of
Form 704.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 102
Issues Resolved
On generating Form 231 and 233 or exporting data comprising huge volume of transactions
to Audit Form 704, the error message - Out Of Memory was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 98
The Audit Form 704 is provided as per the statutory requirement for filing of e-returns.
Version 93
In VAT Payment Details screen of payment voucher, IDBI Bank has been added to the
Bank List displayed for selection.
Issues Resolved
On recording a purchase entry for Consignment/Branch Transfer Inwards in voucher
mode by selecting stock items and specifying the excise amount, the excise duty was not
being captured along with the item value in Form 231.
This issue has been resolved.
The validated e-returns of Form 231, Form 232 and Form 233 were not getting uploaded
as numeric '0' was being captured in blank fields.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 92
Issues Resolved
On exporting the data of Form 231 to E-VAT template file - Form-231.xls, the value in box
5e was displayed as Nil instead of ‘0’. Also the tax rate was captured as 25% under Rate of
Tax column of box 6 in the absence of sales transactions taxable @ 25%.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
Effective from July 1, 2009, the following VAT/Tax classifications for 5% tax rate have been
 Sales
- Composition @ 5% (Restaurant Etc.)
 Composition
 Sales
Tax @ 5% (Restaurant Etc.)
- Restaurant Etc @ 5% (Composition)
 Composition
Tax - Restaurant Etc @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The VAT/Tax classifications for 8% tax rate - Sales - Composition @ 8% (Restaurant
Etc.), Composition Tax @ 8% (Restaurant Etc.), Sales - Restaurant Etc @ 8%
(Composition), Composition Tax - Restaurant Etc @ 8% will be disabled effective from
September 30, 2009.
Version 86
The Form 233 has been provided in both physical and E-VAT format as per the statutory
requirements. The data of Form 233 can be exported using excel spreadsheet format to the
excel template file – Form-233.xls as prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department for e-filing.
The new classifications - Purchases @ 25%, Input VAT @ 25%, Sales @ 25% and
Output VAT @ 25% has been introduced effective from July, 1 2009. The entries made using
these classifications will be captured in Form 231 and 233.
Version 85
The option to select Form to Receive has been enabled to select Form H while recording the
sales entry made using the VAT/Tax Classification - Sales (Against Form H - Deemed
Exports) and the same is also displayed in the Forms Receivable report.
Version 82
The new format version 1.2.1, has been provided for E-VAT Form 232.
Issues Resolved
The CST payment Details were not being captured under Challan Treasury section of CST
Form III(E). The same details were being displayed under Details of Amount Paid.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of an entry made for inter-state sales with excise duty was being displayed
incorrectly in CST Form III(E).
This issue has been resolved.
The value of an inter-state sales returns transaction entered in credit note for other than 2%
CST rate was not being captured in Box 2B of CST Form III(E).
This issue has been resolved.
In the Challan for Tax Payer section of Form III(E), the units column for specifying the
payment details was not being displayed and the CST amount was not being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
The VAT Payments made for Revised/Fresh Returns was not being captured in Part III,
Challan for Tax Payer section of Form 231.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In CST Form III (E), the value of returns and adjustments made using credit note for
taxable local sales classifications was not being deducted from Box 1 and 1A.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales made using the VAT/Tax Class - Inter-State Sales - Tax Free was being
captured in Box 4 of CST Form III (E) as taxable turnover.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 81
E-VAT Return facility is provided for VAT Form 231 using New format Version 1.2.1 of Excel
Spreadsheet as provided by the Department.
E-VAT Return facility is provided for CST Form III E using New format Version 1.2.2 of
Excel Spreadsheet as provided by the Department.
9.20 Manipur
Version 178
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided and the value of these entries will be captured in Form - 10.
Version 132
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class provided for 5% and 13.5% VAT rates
is captured in Form 10 and Annexure A.
Version 130
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
for 5% and 13.5% VAT rate effective from December 17, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% and 13.5% VAT Rates in Return
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 95
The functionality of Form 10 and Annexure A has been enhanced as per the statutory
9.21 Meghalaya
Version 181
Issues Resolved
The value of payment voucher recorded using stat payment button was being captured
incorrectly in box 32 of Form 5.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided and the value of these entries will be captured in Form - 5 and 6.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for entries taxable at 5% VAT rate in Form 5 and Form 6.
Version 165
As per the Meghalaya state budget 2012-13, the rate of VAT on Tobacco and Tobacco
products is increased from 12.5% to 13.5%. The following new VAT/Tax Classifications are
provided for VAT rate 13.5% with effect from April 1, 2012.
 Purchases
 Output
@ 13.5% Special Rate
VAT @ 13.5% Special Rate / Sales @ 13.5% Special Rate
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 13.5% VAT Rate in VAT Forms.
Version 135
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are introduced for
13.5% VAT rate effective from February 25, 2011:
 Purchases
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 13.5%
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Purchase
Tax @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be captured in respective
fields of Form 5 and Form 6.
Version 111
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax class provided for 5% VAT Rate is captured in
Form 5 and Form 6.
Version 108
As per the Tax proposal of Meghalaya Budget 2010-2011 for increase in VAT rate from 4% to
5%, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from April 1, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchase
 Sales
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% rate in VAT Forms.
Version 106
The Form VAT 5 has been provided as per statutory requirements.
9.22 Mizoram
Version 178
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided and the value of these entries will be captured in Form - 5.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for entries taxable at 5% and 13.5% VAT rates in Form 5.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 160
Adhering to Notification, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from
January 1, 2012 for 5% and 13.5% VAT rates:
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Input
VAT @ 13.5% / Purchases @ 13.5%
 Input
VAT @ 13.5% - (JobWork) / Purchases @ 13.5% (JobWork)
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Output
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
 Output
VAT @ 13.5% / Sales @ 13.5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 13.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 13.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% and 13.5% VAT
rates in VAT Form.
9.23 Nagaland
Version 144
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are introduced for
4.75% and 13.25% VAT rates:
 Purchases
@ 4.75% / Input VAT @ 4.75%
 Purchases
@ 13.25% / Input VAT @ 13.25%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 4.75%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.25%
 Sales
@ 4.75% / Output VAT @ 4.75%
 Sales
@ 13.25% / Output VAT @ 13.25%
9.24 Odisha
Version 200
The e-VAT functionality of Form VAT 201 has been enhanced to support the latest e-VAT
Issues Resolved
In the e-VAT Form 201, the amount captured in the Value of Goods column was double the
amount in the corresponding sales invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 198
The following new VAT/Tax classifications are provided for 50% VAT rate.
 Input
VAT @ 50% / Purchases @ 50%
 Interstate
 Transfer
Purchases @ 50%
of Rights Inward @ 50%
 Output
VAT @ 50% / Sales @ 50%
 Output
VAT @ 50% on Transfer of Right to Use / Sales @ 50% - Transfer of Right to Use
 Consignment
 CST
Transfer Outward of 50% Taxable Purc
@ 50% / Interstate Sales @ 50%
 Purchase
Tax @ 50%
The value of entries recorded using the aforementioned VAT/Tax classifications will be
captured in respective fields of Form VAT 201, VAT Annexures - I and II, CST Form I and
CST Annexures.
The VAT and CST Forms, both physical and e-returns, are enhanced as per latest statutory
Version 191
Issues Resolved
While exporting data to e-VAT template of Form 201, the error message - Error in TDL was
being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 182
Issues Resolved
In a single purchase invoice if MRP was specified only for exempt item and VAT was charged
on the taxable item, the value of MRP based item was not getting captured in box 8(iv) of
Form VAT 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
The physical return and e-VAT functionality of Form VAT 201 and Annexures are enhanced
as per the latest amendment.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
The reference number entered in sales voucher predefined as Tax Invoice was captured in
Tax Invoice No. column of e-VAT Sales Annexure.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 174
Issues Resolved
In a purchase invoice if the VAT/Tax class - Consignment/Branch Transfer Inward was
selected for purchase ledger, the option - Form to Issue was not being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchases recorded by enabling MRP/Marginal option in the purchase invoice
using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT rate was being captured in box 9(vi) of
Form VAT 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
The value of purchases made from unregistered dealers is captured in Form VAT 201.
Version 169
The functionality is enhanced as per the latest e-VAT and e-CST templates provided by the
Government of Odisha Commercial Taxes.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for entries taxable at 5% VAT rate in physical VAT and CST Return
and Annexures.
Version 167
Issues Resolved
After exporting data to e-VAT Form 201 if F2 key was used in amount field, decimals were
appearing for rounded-off values due to which, value mismatch error was being displayed
during validation.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 165
As per the Odisha state budget 2012-13, the lower rate of VAT is increased from 4% to 5%.
In compliance with this, new VAT/Tax classifications are provided for 5% Vat rate with effect
from April 1, 2012.
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5% Schedule D
 Transfer
of Rights Inward @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Output
 CST
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
@ 5% / Interstate Sales @ 5%
 Output
VAT @ 5% on Transfer of Right to Use / Sales @ 5% - Transfer of Right to Use
 Consignment
Transfer Outward of 5% Taxable Purc
The value of entries made using these classifications will be currently captured only in VAT
Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using the new VAT/Tax class in respective VAT Forms.
Version 164
Issues Resolved
During auto insertion of rows in the e-VAT Annexure templates - VAT-Form-201-PurchaseInvoice-v1.0 and VAT-Form-201-Sales-Invoice-v1.0, the columns were getting merged
and the details were captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
The revised physical and e-VAT Forms and Annexures, physical and e-CST Form- I and
Composite Form VAT - 002 are provided with enhanced functionality to support
transactions recorded using VAT/Tax classifications activated for 10% and 25% VAT rates.
Version 159
The name of Orissa state is changed to Odisha. The changed name gets listed for selection of
state in Company Creation screen, party ledger masters and Company VAT Details screen.
Note: The change of State Name to Odisha is supported only from Tally.ERP 9 Series A
Release 3.3 with Stat.900 version 159 onwards.
Effective from December 8, 2011, the following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced as per
the Schedule C VAT rates provided by Odisha Commercial Taxes Department:
 Purchases
- Schedule C Items @ 10%
 Purchases
- Schedule C Items @ 25%
 Sales
- Schedule C Items @ 10%
 Sales
- Schedule C Items @ 25%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 10% and 25% VAT
Rates in VAT Forms and Annexures.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 158
As per the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for Tobacco
effective from December 8, 2011:
 Purchases
@ 25% / Input VAT @ 25%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 25%
 Sales
@ 25% / Output VAT @ 25%
 Purchases
@ 10% / Input VAT @ 10%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 10%
 Sales
@ 10% / Output VAT @ 10%
 CST
@ 25% / Interstate Sales @ 25%
 CST
@ 10% / Interstate Sales @ 10%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 25% & 10% VAT Rate in
VAT Form and Annexures.
Version 154
The functionality of e-VAT Form VAT-201, e-VAT Annexures and e-CST Form 1 are
enhanced as per the requirements of latest templates.
Issues Resolved
The value of purchase and sales transactions recorded by entering the MRP/Marginal
amount were being captured incorrectly in Form VAT-201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 150
Issues Resolved
In Form VAT 201 the MRP value of purchase and sales recorded using stock items predefined
with the option - Use MRP to Print to Yes was being displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
On entering expenses both apportioned and separately charged in a single purchase/sales
invoice, the unapportioned amount was being captured as a part of assessable value in VAT
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting stock item predefined with the option - MRP Incl of VAT set to Yes in purchase
invoice, the MRP value was being captured incorrectly in Form VAT 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 143
The functionality is enhanced to capture values of entries recorded for 13.5% VAT Rate in
physical and e-returns. Also the return form is enhanced as per the latest statutory
Version 142
The e-VAT export functionality of Form VAT 201 is enhanced as per the requirements of
latest excel template prescribed by the Commercial Taxes Department.
Version 138
As per the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced for
13.5% effective from April 1, 2011:
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Transfer
 Sales
of Rights Inward @ 13.5%
@ 13.5% / Output Vat @ 13.5%
 Interstate
Sales @ 13.5% / CST @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% - Transfer of Right to Use / Output VAT @ 13.5% - Transfer of Right to Use
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 13.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 13.5%
 Consignment
 Purchase
Transfer Outward of 13.5% Taxable Purc
Tax @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 13.5% VAT Rates in Return Form.
Facility is provided to export the data of taxable Purchases and Sales to the Excel template
files as prescribed by the Commercial Taxes Department.
Version 134
The E-VAT and E-CST features are introduced to facilitate the export of data using Excel
Spreadsheet format to the Excel template file as prescribed by the Commercial Tax
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
In box 10 of CST Form I, the values were captured in Print Preview screen but were not
displayed in the printed form.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 128
The changes as per Notification are incorporated in physical VAT Form 201.
Version 122
The functionality of CST FORM - 1 is revised and Annexures A, B, C, D, E and F are provided.
The CST Payment Challan - VAT - 317 is provided.
Version 108
The VAT/Tax class - Resale of MRP Purchases is activated effective from April 1, 2010 to
account for MRP based entries.
Issues Resolved
On recording entries using the VAT/Tax Class - Sales - Works Contract @ 12.5% in
accounting invoice mode, the invoice total was not being captured in Annexure IV.
This issue has been resolved and the voucher total is captured.
Version 102
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made in credit note using VAT/Tax classifications provided for other than
works contract transactions was being captured in Annexure IV.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 95
The Composition Form - 002 has been provided as per the latest statutory requirements.
Version 92
The functionality enhancement has been done to capture the MRP sale value and tax amount
of first MRP based sales in the state in columns 38-A and 38-B respectively. The subsequent
MRP sales will be displayed in box 37A.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
On selecting two contracts in a works contract entry, the value of only one contract was being
captured in box 33(iii) of Form VAT - 201.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
Adhering to the notification, the Form VAT-201 with Annexures I, II, III, IIIA, IV, V and
VII has been provided as per the latest statutory requirement.
9.25 Puducherry
Version 203
The e-VAT functionality has been enhanced to support Annexures IV and V.
Version 199
Annexure IV and Annexure V have been provided to capture the Invoice-wise details of
Local sales and Local Purchases respectively, as per statutory requirements.
Version 163
The functionality is enhanced to capture the values of entries recorded at 3%, 5%, 10% and
14.5% VAT rates in VAT Form I along with physical and e-VAT Annexures II and III.
Version 160
Adhering to Notification, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from
January 1, 2012 for 3%, 5%, 10% and 14.5% VAT rates:
 Input
VAT @ 3% (Industrial Input) / Purchases @ 3% (Industrial Input)
 Input
VAT @ 3% / Purchases @ 3%
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Input
VAT @ 10% / Purchases @ 10%
 Input
VAT @ 14.5% / Purchases @ 14.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14.5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 14.5%
 Output
VAT @ 3% (Industrial Input) / Sales @ 3% (Industrial Input)
 Output
VAT @ 3% / Sales @ 3%
 Output
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Output
VAT @ 10% / Sales @ 10%
 Output
VAT @ 14.5% / Sales @ 14.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 14.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 3%, 5%, 10% and
14.5% VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 129
Effective from October 27, 2009, the VAT/Tax classifications - Purchases @ 15% and
Input VAT @ 15% are activated to support billing of purchases taxable at 15% VAT rate.
The value of entries recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications are captured in Form I and
Annexure III.
Version 114
The e-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of Annexure 2 and
Annexure 3 by exporting data using excel spreadsheet format as prescribed by the
Commercial Taxes Department.
Version 94
The VAT Rates - Output VAT @ 14% and Output VAT @ 15% have been introduced
effective from November 7, 2009 as per the latest statutory requirement. The VAT/Tax
classifications - Output VAT @ 20% and Output VAT @ 35% have also been provided.
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be captured in Form - I and
Annexure II.
Version 92
Issues Resolved
On selecting the VAT/Tax classifications - Sales - Composition Tax @ 0.25% and Sales Composition Tax @ 2% for the same stock item in a single sales invoice, the rate of tax and
tax due details were being captured incorrectly in Form K.
This issue has been resolved.
On generating Form-I for the current return period, the excess Input tax credit brought
forward from previous return period was not being considered for net tax calculation.
This issue has been resolved.
The details entered in VAT Payment Details screen of payment voucher recorded for paying
VAT dues of the previous return period was not being captured in Form K.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 82
The VAT Annexure II and Annexure III has been provided as per the latest statutory
Version 81
Adhering to the notification, new VAT/Tax Classifications viz., Input VAT @ 6%, Purchases @
6%, Output VAT @ 6% and Sales @ 6% have been introduced and the entries made using the
same are captured in Form I.
9.26 Punjab
Version 201
Issues Resolved
E-VAT generation was taking more time, even with less number of lines to be updated, as all
the blank lines were also getting updated.
This issue has been resolved. The e-VAT performance has been optimised to read only the
lines that are filled in the e-VAT template.
The spelling of the state Uttar Pradesh was capturing incorrectly in e-VAT annexures Form
VAT 18 and Form VAT 19.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 200
Adhering to the Notification, the E-VAT functionality of Form VAT-15 has been enhanced to
support the selection of the E-VAT templates based on the number of transactions.
Version 199
Issues Resolved
In Form VAT 19, the R.C No. of Seller under the CST Act was getting captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 198
The Worksheet 4 of e-return - Form VAT 15 is supported.
Version 196
In the Print Report screen of Form VAT 15, 16 and 20, the option - Round Off Form
Values is provided to capture values by rounding-off to the nearest rupee.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
Although the option to round-off was enabled while exporting data to e-Annexures - Form
VAT 23 and 24, the surcharge amount was captured in decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 195
The list of Trade Names has been updated as per the TradeCommodityName.xls file
provided by the Excise and Taxation Department.
The e-VAT functionality of Form VAT 18 and 19 has been enhanced as per the latest
For increase in VAT rate from 20.5% to 50% on cigarettes, the following VAT/Tax
classifications are provided.
 Input
VAT @ 50% / Purchases @ 50%
 Purchase
 Output
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 50%
VAT @ 50% / Sales @ 50%
 Purchase
Tax @ 50%
The values of entries recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications will be captured in Form
VAT 15, 16, 20, 23 and 24.
The Form VAT - 2 Challan and Form - II (CST) Challan have been enhanced as per latest
statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Purchases Against Form - H (Within
State) was not being captured in Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
In a purchase invoice if the Supplier Address was not provided in Party Details screen, the
Name & Address of Supplier column of Form VAT 24 appeared blank.
This issue has been resolved.
The assessable value and assessable value for surcharge entered for input VAT and
surcharge ledgers while recording purchases in voucher mode was being captured incorrectly
in Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
In an invoice, if the ledger name and mailing name of party ledger were different, the input
VAT amount was not appearing in Form VAT 23.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 194
The values of VAT/Tax classifications supported in e-returns are also captured in physical
Form VAT 15, 18, 19, 23 and 24 and CST Form 1.
In F12: Invoice Printing Configuration of sales invoice, the option - Print Form VAT-36
No. is provided. On enabling it the serial number entered for Form VAT-36 in Party Details
screen of sales invoice will be captured in invoice printout.
Issues Resolved
The values of entries recorded by selecting party ledger predefined with type of dealer as
Composite VAT dealer were not getting rounded-off to the nearest rupee in Form VAT 17 and
This issue has been resolved.
While recording interstate sales if taxable and exempt stock items were selected in a single
invoice, the assessable value of taxable item was not being captured in Form VAT 18.
This issue has been resolved.
In credit note if a common sales ledger was used to record an adjustment entry involving
multiple stock items attracting different VAT rates, the surcharge amount was being captured
incorrectly in Form VAT 23.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 192
Issues Resolved
In F12: Purchase/Sales Invoice configuration, if the option - Accept Supplementary Details
was set to No while invoicing the first few entries and enabled later on for recording
transactions, the party details were not appearing for the entries recorded before enabling it
in e-VAT Annexures - Form VAT 18, 19, 23 and 24.
This issue has been resolved.
The transaction details of purchases recorded by setting the option - Is Purchase against
Tax Invoice to Yes was not getting captured in box no. 2 - Other purchases and VAT paid on
purchases (Input tax) of Form VAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 191
The facility to export customer-wise summary of sales and purchases to e-VAT Annexures Form VAT 23 and 24 has been provided. In the Export Report screen of e-return - Form VAT
15 and e-Annexures - Form VAT 23 and 24, the options - Export Form 23 Customer Wise
and Export Form 24 Customer wise have been introduced.
If the check box provided in e-VAT templates to capture customer wise summary is ticked, the
aforementioned options provided in Export Report screen have to be set to Yes to export
customer wise summary to the templates.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The option - Round Off Form Values has been provided in e-VAT Export Report screen of
Form VAT 15, 18, 19, 23 and 24 to export data by rounding-off the amount to the nearest
The updated Commodity and Trade list provided by the Excise and Taxation Department
has been supported.
The State and District Exception report has been provided to capture party details for
which district and state names are not defined.
In the printed copies of retail invoice (option - Is Tax Invoice set to No in sales voucher
type), the note:
 Input
Tax Credit is available to a Taxable Person against this Copy Only has been
removed from the original copy.
 This
Copy does not entitle the holder to claim ITC has been removed from the
subsequent copies.
The VAT/Tax classification - Purchases - Capital Goods @ 8% has been provided. The value
of entries recorded using this classification will be captured in Form VAT 15, 16, 20 and 24.
On selecting the VAT/Tax classifications - Sales Against Form-H (Within State) and Purchases
Against Form - H (Within State), the fields - Form to Issue/Receive, Form Series No.,
Form No. and Date will be displayed to select H Form and provide the form details.
Issues Resolved
The input tax credit brought forward from previous return period was being captured
incorrectly in box 4(a) of Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 190
The functionality has been enhanced to facilitate export of data to latest excel templates
provided by the Excise & Taxation Department for e-filing Annexures - Form VAT 18, 19, 23
and 24 and CST Form 1.
e-VAT - Form VAT 15: On exporting data to VAT-15.xls file, the details of Form VAT 15 get
auto-filled from the values captured for Annexure 18, 19, 23, 24 and CST Form 1.
In the Export Report screen of e-VAT Form VAT 15 the options - Period for, Financial Year
Beginning, VAT Form 15 Remarks and CST Form 1 Remarks have been introduced.
 Period
for: Depending on the quarter for which the return is being filed, the quarterly
period has to be selected from the list.
 Financial
Year Beginning: The financial year beginning date gets displayed which can
be changed if required. On accepting it, the eVAT Excel Validations report appears.
Based on the entries recorded in the data being exported, the options to be selected and
the number of rows to be added in the excel templates will be captured in eVAT Excel
Validations report. Prior to export of data, selection of options and insertion of rows in
templates as specified in this report needs to be done to export complete details.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 VAT
Form 15 Remarks: Remarks for Form VAT 15 has to be entered here.
 CST
Form 1 Remarks: Remarks for Form 1 has to be entered here.
e-Annexures - Form VAT 18, 19, 23 & 24: Separate templates have also been provided by
the Department to fill data in each Annexure.
In the Export Report screen of e-VAT Form VAT 18 the options - Period for and Rows needs
to be added have been introduced.
 Period
for: Depending on the quarter for which the return is being filed, the quarterly
period has to be selected from the list.
 Rows
need to be added: Based on the entries recorded in the data being exported, the
number of rows to be added in the excel templates gets captured in this report.
Version 187
The e-VAT feature is enhanced to facilitate export of Form VAT - 20 data using Excel
Spreadsheet format to excel template file as prescribed by the Excise & Taxation
The input tax credit on capital goods brought forward from previous year is captured in B/f
from previous year column of section 14(B) in Form VAT - 20.
Issues Resolved
Incorrect value of output VAT was being captured for works contract taxable at 5% in
Section 2, Worksheet of Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
The values printed in Total Tax in Figures and Total Tax in words sections of payment
challan - Form VAT - 2 will be rounded off to the nearest ` 1.
For recording payment of annual processing fee (payable as per Rule 40-A), the Payment
Type - Fee is provided in Payment Voucher recorded using S: Stat Payment button by
selecting Type of Duty/Tax as VAT. The value of entries recorded using this Payment Type
gets captured in payment challan - Form VAT 2:
 Under
 In
the head - other deposits of Column 2(e)
columns 2(j) and 2(k)
Issues Resolved
For specific data, value of sales entries was not captured in Form VAT - 23.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 183
The e-return functionality is enhanced as per the latest excel template of Form VAT 15. Also
the values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 1.5%, 3%, 4.5%,
5.5%, 8.5%, 8.75%, 13%, 20.5% and 28% VAT rates are captured in physical and e-VAT
Forms and Annexures.
For making payment towards Form VAT 2 and VAT 2A, the change in ratio of breakup from
90:10 to 89:11 is supported in Form VAT 15, Form VAT 16 and payment challan.
Issues Resolved
On making quarterly payments the amount paid in the first and second month of the quarter
was appearing in box 6(b)(i) and 6(b)(ii) and the breakup of payment was being captured
incorrectly in box 6(l) and 7 of Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 182
Adhering to the notification, new VAT/Tax classifications have been introduced at the rate of
 Input
VAT @ 1.50% / Purchases @ 1.50%
 Output
VAT @ 1.50% / Sales @ 1.50%
 Purchase
Tax @ 1.50%
Issues Resolved
The following issues have been resolved in Form 15:
 Payment
entries recorded for the quarter were appearing in row 6(b)(i) and (ii) instead
of 6(k) and 6(l).
 Payment
made for the quarter, after the last date of quarter, was not appearing box 7, but
being deducted from 6(k).
 Values
were not getting rounded off in box 6 (l) and 7.
Version 181
Run time error that was appearing when the new template was used to export e-VAT
Annexure Form VAT 23 has been resolved.
Issues Resolved
The following issues related to Form VAT 15 are resolved.
 The
details of payment entries recorded for quarterly return were captured in box 6(b)(i)
and 6(b)(ii) instead of reflecting in box 6(k)(l).
 Payments
recorded after the last date of that particular quarter was deducted from box
6(k) instead of displaying in box 7.
 Surcharge
amount was not getting rounded-off in box 6(l) and 7.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
On altering surcharge value in invoice mode, the auto-calculated amount was shown in Input
Surcharge row of Statutory Details screen and the same was getting reflected in
Worksheet - box 1 of Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 179
Effective from September 3, 2012 the VAT/Tax classifications are:
 Introduced
for 3% VAT rate to account for purchase tax.
 Provided
for increase in tax rate by 0.5% on the existing VAT rates of 4%, 5%, 8%,
8.25%, 12.5%, 20%, 27.5% as per the amendment in Schedule B, C-1, D, E and F of
the VAT Act.
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for new/revised VAT rates
will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
values of entries taxable at 3%, 4.5%, 5.5%, 8.5%, 8.75%, 13%, 20.5% and 28% VAT
rates in VAT Forms.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
In the data exported to e-VAT Annexure Form VAT 19, the value entered for fixed asset
and expense ledger while recording interstate purchases in voucher mode was not displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 175
Issues Resolved
On recording a credit note for reversing the full invoice value of taxable sales, the net value
was being captured instead of gross value in box 1(a) of Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
In the data exported to e-VAT Form VAT 15, the digit ‘0’ of VRN/TIN was not being
This issue has been resolved.
Version 174
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced for Form VAT 15 and 23 as per the latest e-VAT
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 168
Issues Resolved
In sales and purchase invoice recorded with same commodity and VAT rate, if the
auto-calculated VAT and Surcharge amount were manually rounded-off, the original values
were being captured in Form 23 and 24 instead of the altered amount.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 167
While printing the VAT Payment Challan, the option - VAT-2 (In Single Sheet) is provided to
print all five parts in a single sheet.
Version 164
Issues Resolved
In a sales invoice, if separate Buyer and Consignee Names were specified in the Party
Details screen, then in Form VAT-24, Consignee’s Name was getting captured instead of
Buyer’s Name.
This issue has been resolved.
Normal Rounding Method, applied to Input/ Output VAT and Surcharge ledger was not
being captured in Annexure Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
When a transaction was passed for an item which had the same Stock Item Name and VAT
Commodity Name, then Surcharge value was doubled in Form-VAT 23 and Form VAT-24.
This issue has been resolved.
In a purchase invoice recorded by selecting taxable stock item, if additional ledger grouped
under Purchase Accounts with VAT/Tax class - Purchase Tax Free was selected, the input
VAT and surcharge was getting calculated for additional ledger also in Form VAT 23 and 24.
This issue has been resolved.
The tax amount was getting incorrectly captured in the VAT Amount column of Form VAT 23.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
Issues Resolved
The surcharge values rounded-off manually in purchase and sales invoice were not being
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 162
Issues Resolved
The value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Sales (Against Form-H Deemed
Export) and Exports were not being displayed in Break-up of Zero Rated Sales section of
e-VAT Form 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
The functionality is enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax
classifications in physical and e-VAT Forms and Annexures:
 Job
work taxable at 1%, 4%, 5%, 12.5% and 20% VAT rates.
 Works
contract taxable at 1%, 2%, 4%, 5%, 12.5% and 20% VAT rates.
The revised VAT Payment challan - Form VAT 2 is provided.
The functionality of e-VAT Form 15 is enhanced as per the requirements of latest e-VAT
Version 158
Issues Resolved
In Purchase invoice, if VAT/Tax Classification - Purchase Job Work was used Surcharge
was calculating on wrong Assessable Value.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 156
Effective from April 1, 2010 the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided for invoicing
job work/works contract:
 Input
VAT @ 1% - (JobWork) / Purchases @ 1% (JobWork)
 Input
VAT @ 4% - (JobWork) / Purchases @ 4% (JobWork)
 Input
VAT @ 5% - (JobWork) / Purchases @ 5% (JobWork)
 Input
VAT @ 12.5% - (JobWork) / Purchases @ 12.5% (JobWork)
 Input
VAT @ 20% - (JobWork) / Purchases @ 20% (JobWork)
 CST
- Works Contract @ 1% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 2% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 2%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 4% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 4%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 20% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 20%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for aforementioned job work and
works contract classifications in VAT/CST Forms.
Version 155
Issues Resolved
On selecting the same item more than once in purchase or sales invoice, the surcharge value
was being displayed incorrectly in Form VAT 23 and Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 3.50% and
8.25% are captured in physical and e-VAT Form VAT 15, Form VAT 16, Form VAT 20, Form
VAT 23 and Form VAT 24.
Issues Resolved
In the entries recorded with excise in Accounting Invoice mode, the excise duty was not
forming a part of assessable value in Annexures - Form VAT 23 and Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
The user-defined assessable value entered for calculation of VAT and surcharge in voucher
mode of purchase and sales was not being captured in e-VAT Annexures - Form VAT 23 and
Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved for entries recorded by selecting single commodity using same
VAT/Tax classification.
Version 151
The facility is provided to print the header in all pages of Form VAT 15, Form VAT 18,
Form VAT 19, Form VAT 20, Form VAT 23, Form VAT 24 and CST Form 1. Using the T:
Titling button (Alt+I) of these forms if the options - Print Company Name and Print Page
Numbers are set to Yes, the header gets printed in each page of the form.
The calculation of tax breakup for VAT - 2B is supported in Form VAT 16.
Version 148
The CST Form II Challan is provided.
The e-CST functionality is enhanced as per the requirements of revised e-CST template.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In physical and e-VAT Annexure Form VAT 23, for sales attracting VAT and surcharge
recorded in retail invoice:
 The
VRN/TRN number gets displayed as 03111111111
 Party
Name will be Retail Sales
 VAT
Rates and Address fields will be left blank
 The
Category will be set to Retail.
Issues Resolved
The details of entries recorded without selecting inventory was being captured incorrectly in
Annexure Form VAT 23 and Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
The VAT payable amount was not being rounded-off to the nearest ` 1 in payment challans Form VAT 2, Form VAT 2A and Form VAT 2B.
This issue has been resolved.
There was a mismatch in rate-wise breakup of purchases and sales displayed in e-VAT Form
VAT 15 worksheet and physical Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 147
The revised Annexures - Form VAT 23 and Form VAT 24 are provided.
The VAT payment Challan - Form VAT 2B is provided.
In VAT Commodity master, the option - Trade Name is provided. On selecting the
Commodity from List of Commodities, the Trade Name gets captured automatically and the
same will be displayed in respective fields of physical and e-VAT annexures.
Version 145
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax Classifications for 3.5% (Liquefied
Petroleum Gas for domestic use) and 8.25% (Diesel other than premium diesel) VAT Rates
are introduced effective from July 1, 2011:
 Purchases
@ 3.5% / Input VAT @ 3.5%
 Purchases
@ 8.25% / Input VAT @ 8.25%
 Sales
@ 3.5% / Output VAT @ 3.5%
 Sales
@ 8.25% / Output VAT @ 8.25%
 Purchase
Tax @ 8.25%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 8.25%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 3.5% and 8.25% VAT Rates in
Return Form.
Version 144
The functionality is enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class
- Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward (Within State) and Consignment/Branch
Transfer Inward (Within State) in physical and e-VAT - Form VAT 15 and Form VAT 20.
Issues Resolved
The performance of Form VAT 23 is optimised.
Version 143
The Surcharge classification is supported for entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class Purchases - Capital Goods @ 4%.
Issues Resolved
The value of exports and consignment/branch transfer outward recorded by selecting sales
ledger predefined with Type of Ledger as Discount was being captured accurately in VAT
Computation report but displayed incorrectly in VAT Classification Vouchers screen.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 140
Issues Resolved
In physical and e-VAT Form VAT 15, the bifurcation of VAT payable amount towards VAT-2
and VAT-2A was being displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 139
As per Notification the calculation of Surcharge @ 10% is supported for VAT/Tax class Output VAT @ 4%, Input VAT @ 4%, CST @ 4%, Purchase Tax @ 4% and Output VAT - Works
Contract @ 4%. Also the VAT/Tax classifications - Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward
(Within State) and Consignment/Branch Transfer Inward (Within State) are provided to record
consignment/branch transfer within state.
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Interstate Sales Exempted is
captured in the appropriate fields of physical and e-VAT forms and Annexures.
Version 135
In Payment Challan printing the options - VAT-2A (In Single Sheet) and VAT-2 (In Single
Sheet) are provided to print all four parts in a single sheet.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In case of input tax credit carried forward to next tax period, the input VAT and surcharge
gets proportionately bifurcated towards VAT - 2 and VAT - 2A in Form VAT 15, Form VAT
16 and Form VAT 20 as per the statutory requirement.
Version 132
In VAT Payment Details of Payment voucher recorded using Stat Payment button, the
options - VAT 2 and VAT 2A are provided to segregate the amount being paid towards VAT
liability. The values entered using these payment types are captured in Form VAT 15, Form
VAT 20 and Payment challan.
Version 131
As per the Public Notice, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced for
8% VAT rate effective from January 7, 2011:
 Purchases
 Purchase
 Sales
@ 8% / Input VAT @ 8%
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 8%
@ 8% / Output VAT @ 8%
 Interstate
 Purchase
Sales @ 8% / CST @ 8%
Tax @ 8%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 8% VAT Rates in Return Form.
Version 128
The labour charges forming part of total works contract amount is considered in box 1(a) of
Form VAT 15 as gross sales.
Issues Resolved
On selecting two or more stock items with different units of measure, commodities or rates
while invoicing interstate purchases, the CST amount tracked as additional purchase cost was
not being captured in physical and e-VAT Annexure - Form VAT 19.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a sales entry for works contract and generating VAT Classification Vouchers
report, incorrect assessable value was being displayed for surcharge calculation.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
Changes as per Notification for considering full surcharge amount in Form VAT - 2 are
incorporated in Form VAT 15, 16, 20 and Payment Challans.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In an invoice if the VRN/TRN is not entered in party master or supplementary details and the
data is exported to E-VAT excel templates the number 03111111111 gets captured as the
VRN/TRN. This is done as per the Department’s specifications for E-return validation.
Issues Resolved
On setting the Rounding Method as Normal Rounding with Rounding Limit as 1 in
output surcharge ledger master and selecting the same while invoicing, the output
surcharge amount was not being rounded-off as per the parameters set.
This issue has been resolved.
The purchase value Carried Over and Brought Forward from one page to another were
being displayed incorrectly in Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 123
Issues Resolved
The value of surcharge reversed in debit note was not being captured in Form VAT 15 and
incorrect values were displayed in Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
In Works Contract Sales invoice, the output VAT and surcharge amount was being
calculated incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 122
Issues Resolved
On printing Form VAT 24 for data having huge volume of transactions, more number of
pages were consumed by leaving blank space in each page after the first one.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 121
The Payment Challans - Form VAT - 2 and Form VAT -2A are provided as per statutory
Version 120
The following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced effective from April 1, 2010 to record
works contract transactions with deduction for tax calculation:
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 1% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 1%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 20% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 20%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 4% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 4%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
On selecting sales ledgers with aforesaid VAT/Tax classifications, Deduction Claimed for
Tax Calculation screen gets displayed to enter percentage/amount of deduction towards
labour charges. The rate-wise breakup of assessable value and labour charges captured in
sub-form along with output VAT calculated on the taxable value after deduction is displayed in
Worksheet - section 2 of Form VAT 15.
Issues Resolved
The application was getting hung if Form VAT 19 was generated in Company having huge
volume of data.
This issue has been resolved.
The input surcharge calculated on input VAT while recording taxable purchases was not being
captured in Worksheet of Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 119
Issues Resolved
In purchase voucher, the surcharge value entered while recording purchase of capital goods
was not being captured in box 4(d) of Form VAT 15 and Form VAT 20.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 118
Issues Resolved
On recording interstate excise purchase invoice, the VAT TIN of company was being captured
in place of Party’s TIN in R.C. No. of the seller under CST Act column of Annexure Form
VAT 19.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 115
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality. The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax
classifications provided for inter-state purchases, inter-state sales and CST is captured in CST
Form, VAT Form and Annexures. The same details are also captured in e-CST form, e-VAT
form and e-annexures.
Version 114
Issues Resolved
The error message - Memory Access Violation was being displayed while generating VAT
reports if the sale of taxable and exempt item was recorded in a single invoice by selecting tax
inclusive voucher class predefined to override item defaults.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 113
Issues Resolved
The sales returns recorded for VAT/Tax class - Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward
was being deducted from gross sale values in Form VAT 15 and 20.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 111
CAPITAL GOODS) of physical return - Form VAT 15, the total of surcharge on sales and
purchase is captured in a separate row as per the e-VAT template file.
Version 110
The GR Number and Date provided in the Party Details screen of Sales Invoice is displayed
in the printed invoice format.
Issues Resolved
On exporting the data of Form VAT 24 to E-VAT template file, the error message - Memory
Access Violation was being displayed in certain scenarios.
This issue has been resolved.
The surcharge amount specified for inter-state transactions was not being captured as a part
of CST payable amount in CST Form 1, Annexure Form VAT 18 and 23.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of taxable sales made with VAT and Surcharge was being captured incorrectly in
CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 108
The e-filing functionality of Form VAT 15 is enhanced as per the latest statutory
Version 106
The surcharge amount specified in entries made using the VAT/Tax class - Input Surcharge
@ 10% and Output Surcharge @ 10% are captured in physical Return Form, Annexures,
CST Form 1 and e-VAT return.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
On setting the option - Print with Page Totals to Yes in Report Generation screens of
Annexure Form VAT 23 and 24, incorrect values were displayed as page totals when the
data was more than one page.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording entries with VAT/Tax class provided for surcharge, the assessable value of both
surcharge and VAT were being captured in Forms and annexures.
This issue has been resolved and only the assessable value of VAT is being captured in Forms
and Annexures.
Version 102
The values of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT rate are
captured in physical Return Form, Annexures, CST Form 1 and e-VAT return.
Version 101
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from February 5, 2010:
 Input
Surcharge @ 10%
 Output
Surcharge @ 10%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 10% surcharge in Return Form.
Version 100
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from January 29, 2010:
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchases From URDs @5%(Sch-H)
 Output
VAT @ 5% on Works Contract / Works Contract @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% VAT Rates in Return Form.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
On enabling the option Is Return filed as per Books in Report Generation screen of Form
VAT 20, the values were not being displayed in few fields under As Per Books column.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 94
Issues Resolved
On recording more than one purchase entry with the VAT/Tax class - Purchase from Exempt
Units by setting Is Goods not eligible for Notional ITC u/s 13(5) to Yes, the value was
being doubled and displayed in E-VAT Annexure 24.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form VAT 24, the title - CASH PURCHASE was being displayed for purchase and
purchase returns made on cash basis.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made using VAT Adjustments provided for Previous Year and Prior
Period were not being captured in E-VAT Annexure 23.
This issue has been resolved.
A mismatch in format of the report was found on comparing the print preview of Form VAT
15 and Form VAT 20 with the actual printed form.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of cash sales entries made in retail invoice was being captured as Retails Sales in
E-VAT Annexure 23.
This issue has been resolved and the value of retail cash sales is being captured as Cash
Sales in E-VAT Annexure 23.
Version 93
Facility to export the data in Excel Spreadsheet format is provided for all VAT Forms.
Issues Resolved
On selecting other than taxable dealer as the Type of Dealer while recording taxable sales, the
sale value was being captured in - To Taxable column but the sales returns made against the
sales was displayed in - To non-taxable persons column of Form VAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made in credit note by selecting Change in Sales Consideration,
Change in Nature of Sales, Sales Cancelled and Goods Sold Returned in the Used for
field was not being captured in Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In case where decimal value of 0.5 was specified in payment entries made for VAT-2 and
VAT-2A, the values were being rounded-off to the nearest rupee and paid amount was being
captured incorrectly in Form VAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entry made in debit note by selecting Change in Nature of Purchase
(Previous Year) in the Used for field was not being captured in box 4(f) of Form VAT 15.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales made by specifying the MRP/Marginal amount was being captured
incorrectly in box 10 of Form VAT 20.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales made to Registered Dealers using Sales(Against Form-H Deemed
Export) as the VAT/Tax class was being captured in E-Annexure Form VAT 18.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchases made from URDs was being captured as taxable purchases in Form
VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording purchases in voucher mode without selecting input VAT ledger, the break-up of
the entry was not being captured in Annexure - Form VAT 24.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entry made using VAT/Tax class - Consignment/Branch Transfer Outwards
was being captured based on Type of Dealer selected while invoicing in physical and E-VAT
Annexure - Form VAT 18.
This issue has been resolved and the value is being captured irrespective of Type of Dealer
In the Report Generation screen of Form VAT 20, only if the option Is return filed as per
Books was set to Yes, the values were being captured in box 15(III) and 15(IV).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 92
The functionality of E-VAT Form VAT - 15, Annexure Form VAT - 18, 19, 23 & 24 along
with E-CST Form 1 has been enhanced as per the requirements of latest E-VAT template files
prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Issues Resolved
In E-VAT Annexure 18, the value of goods despatched to an Inter-State Dealer using
Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward as the VAT/Tax class was not being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of entry made in debit note by selecting Others in the Used for field was not being
captured in E-VAT Annexure – Form VAT - 19.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of returns/additions recorded in journal voucher by selecting the appropriate VAT
Adjustments in Used for field was not being captured in E-VAT Annexures 18, 19 and 23.
This issue has been resolved.
On generating the print preview of Form VAT 20 for companies having huge volume of
transactions, the application was getting hung.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entry made in journal voucher using Others in Used for field to account for
purchase of fixed assets was being captured with a negative sign in box 3 of Form VAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure Form VAT 18 and 19 the net/gross quantity details were being captured when
the report was generated for an entire month.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
The functionality has been enhanced to restrict the number and type of characters in each
column as per the validation requirements specified in the E-VAT Annexure template files.
Issues Resolved
In a sales/purchase entry made using Exports/Imports along with taxable VAT/Tax class in a
single invoice, the value of VATable classification was also being captured in E-VAT
Annexures 18 and 19.
This issue has been resolved.
The value entered for sales/purchase ledgers grouped under Direct Incomes/Expenses with
Used in VAT Returns set to Yes was not being captured in E-VAT Annexure 18 and 19.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made in debit note using purchase classifications was being captured in
E-VAT Annexure 23.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting same party ledger for sales made using different sales voucher types, the sale
value was being captured in different rows instead of single row in E-VAT Annexure 23.
This issue has been resolved.
The cash purchases made at different VAT rates were being captured in single line in Form
VAT - 24.
This issue has been resolved and the rate-wise break-up of cash purchases is displayed in
Form VAT - 24.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The gross sale value and discount entered in a single invoice for Exports and Sales (Against
Form-H Deemed Exports) was being captured incorrectly in box 3 - Worksheet of Form
VAT - 15.
This issue has been resolved and the sale values are being bifurcated and displayed in the
respective fields of box 3 - Worksheet of Form VAT - 15.
Version 90
The date succeeding the voucher date can be entered in the GR. dt. fields of Supplementary
Details screen of purchase/sales invoice.
Issues Resolved
In case where the party TIN is not pre-defined in the ledger master but the same is specified
in the Supplementary Details screen while invoicing, the TIN was not being captured in
physical Annexures Form VAT - 18 and 19.
This issue has been resolved.
The GR Date entered in the Supplementary Details screen while invoicing was not being
captured in physical Annexures Form VAT - 18 and 19.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of journal entry made using Adjustment Towards CST as the VAT Adjustment
was not being captured in box 2 of Form VAT 16.
This issue has been resolved.
In the Discount ledger creation screen, the Type of Ledger field was being displayed only
when the option Allow ADVANCED entries in Masters was set to Yes in the F12: Accts/
Inventory Info. Configuration screen.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of journal entry made using Interest for Sales by Hire Purchase or Installment
Purchase as the VAT Adjustment was not being captured in box 3(a) of Form VAT - 15.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
The Commodity Name along with the commodity-wise break-up of stock items invoiced will
be captured in Annexure Form VAT 18 and 19.
The E-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of CST Form 1 by exporting
the data using Excel spreadsheet format to the latest excel template file as prescribed by
the Commercial Tax Department. Also the functionality of Physical return Form 1 has been
enhanced to support E-filing.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
On recording an inter-state sales entry using tax inclusive voucher class, the assessable value
was not being captured in E-VAT Annexure 18 (PVAT-18.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries recorded using Consignment/Branch Transfer Inwards and
Purchases (Against Form-H Deemed Exports) as the VAT/Tax class without selecting
the Type of Dealer as Inter-State Dealer was being captured in E-VAT Annexure 19.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a sales entry using tax inclusive voucher class, the assessable value was not
being captured in the Taxable column of Annexure Form VAT 23.
This issue has been resolved.
In box 1 of Form CST 1, the value of sales made within the state was being captured after
deducting the value of inter-state purchase transactions.
This issue has been resolved and only the local sales amount is captured in box 1 of CST
Form 1.
The value of inter-state purchase was being captured in Form CST 1.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of credit note recorded using Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward as the
VAT/Tax Class was being captured in various fields of Form CST 1.
This issue has been resolved and the credit note amount will be captured only in box 1 (c) of
Form CST 1.
In Form CST 1, the gross value was being captured instead of net values on recording sales
and debit/credit note entries using Exports and Sales (Against Form - H Deemed
Exports) as the VAT/Tax class.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made using Purchase From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 1%, 4%,
12.5% etc., as the VAT/Tax classifications were not being captured party-wise in E-VAT
Annexure 24 (PVAT-24.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
In E-VAT Annexure 24 (PVAT-24.xls) the value of purchases recorded in accounting
invoice mode for taxable purchases made from un-registered dealers were being captured
with a negative sign. Also the purchase returns recorded using the same classifications were
displayed as positive values.
This issue has been resolved. The purchase returns are captured with a negative sign and
purchases are displayed as positive values.
The purchases recorded without selecting stock items in voucher mode for taxable purchases
made from unregistered dealers were captured with a negative sign and the returns were displayed as positive amount in E-VAT Annexure 24 (PVAT-24.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value entered for returns/additions in credit/debit note was being doubled and displayed in
Balance - Taxable Turnover on inter-state sales and Total fields (box 5) of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made in debit note using the VAT/Tax class - Purchases (Against
Form-H Deemed Export) were not being captured in E-VAT Annexure 24 (PVAT-24.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
In the purchase entries made using different VAT rates for the same party, the tax amount
was not being bifurcated as per the VAT rates in E-VAT Annexure 24 (PVAT-24.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
On recording purchases made from the same party on different dates by entering the supplier
invoice number and date for each entry, leaving the invoice number field blank, the commodity values were being consolidated and displayed in E-VAT Annexure Form 19
This issue has been resolved and the invoice-wise break-up of the transactions are being
Version 88
Issues Resolved
The value of entry made in accounting invoice was being doubled and displayed in E-VAT
Annexure 18 (PVAT-18.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
On generating the print preview of Form VAT 19 by setting the options Print with Page
Totals, Print with Returns/Additions and Include Prior Period/Previous Year
Adjustments to Yes in the Report Generation screen, if the transaction details in the form
exceeded one page, the net purchase values were being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchases returns entered in the voucher mode of debit note with VAT
Adjustment - Purchase returns or rejected (Previous Year) was being captured as sales
in box 5 (b) of CST Form I. Also the CST Amount was being displayed in Form 16.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a purchase transaction with inventory and entering the tax amount in voucher
mode, the value of tax was not being captured in E-VAT Annexure 24 (PVAT-24.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchases made using the VAT/Tax class - Purchases - URD (Not Subject to
Purchase Tax) was not being captured in E-VAT Annexure 24 (PVAT-24.xls).
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 86
In F3: Statutory & Taxation Features, a new section Exemption/Deferment Details has
been introduced. In this section, the fields - Entitlement Certificate No., Date, Date of
Expiry of Exemption/Deferment and Total Amount of Exemption/Deferment allowed
has been provided. The details entered here will be captured in Form VAT 15, Form VAT 20
and E-VAT Returns. The amount of exemption/defferment details along with refund amounts
will be entered in F12: Print configuration screen of Form 15, Form 20 and E-VAT.
Issues Resolved
More time was being consumed for generating the CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales returns entry made in credit note using Exports as the VAT/Tax class
was not being captured in CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
After adjusting the excess input tax credit against the tax dues in a particular return period, for
e.g., April 2009, even in the absence of tax credit, the same amount was again being deducted
from the tax dues of the next tax period, for e.g., May 2009 and displayed in Form 16.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording sales entry using Exempt Sales as the VAT/Tax Class, the output VAT was
being calculated and displayed in box 5(a) of Form VAT 21.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchases made from URDs was being captured in the columns - Taxable, Rate
and Purchases from other than Taxable Persons in E-VAT Annexure - PVAT-24.xls.
This issue has been resolved and the value is being captured only in Purchases from other
than Taxable Persons column of E-VAT Annexure - PVAT-24.xls.
The value of excise duty, education cess and secondary education cess entered while invoicing
was not being captured in VAT Computation report.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
The VAT/Tax Class - Sales - Composition Tax @ 0.25% has been provided as per the
statutory requirement.
The enhanced E-VAT features have been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of VAT Return
Form VAT 15 and Annexure - Form VAT 18, Form VAT 19, Form VAT 23 and Form VAT
24 by exporting the data using Excel spreadsheet format to the latest excel template files
prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The output VAT was being calculated and displayed in Box 4(a) of Form 17 for entries made
using Sales - Exempt as the VAT/Tax Class.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of excise duty and additional expenses entered while invoicing was not being
captured in Annexure 18, 19, 23 and 24.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
The value of inter-state sales made using item discount was being calculated and displayed
incorrectly in Annexure 18 when the options Print with Page Totals and Print with
Returns/Additions were enabled.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure 19, the party details were being printed in the Totals row when the option
Print with Returns/Additions was enabled.
This issue has been resolved.
The discount amount entered in the inter-state purchase invoice was not being deducted from
the assessable value in the item-wise break-up of Annexure 19.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure 18, the party details were being displayed for each item in the item-wise
break-up when more than one stock item was selected while invoicing.
This issue has been resolved and the party details are being displayed only for the first stock
item and the other rows of the item-wise break-up of the same sales entry is being left blank.
Version 81
Issues Resolved
On setting the option Print with Returns and Additions to No in the Report Generation
screen of Annexure Form VAT - 18, the entries were being sorted and displayed in
descending order of transaction dates.
This issue has been resolved and the entries are being sorted and displayed month-wise in
ascending order.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.27 Rajasthan
Version 194
The functionality is enhanced to capture values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 65% VAT rate in:
 Form
VAT 10 and 10-A
 Annexures
 Form
- Output Tax, Purchase Tax, Form VAT - 07, 07A, 08, 08A, 12 and 50.
C.S.T. 1
Version 193
In F12: Invoice Printing Configuration of sales invoice, the option - Print Form VAT-49
No. is provided. On enabling it the Sl. No. in Form VAT-49 entered in Party Details screen of
sales invoice will be captured in invoice printout.
Version 192
As per Notification of Rajasthan Budget 2013-14 for increase in VAT rate from 50% to
65% on tobacco products and pan masala, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are
 Input
VAT @ 65% Special Rate / Purchase @ 65% Special Rate
 Purchase
 Output
 CST
From URDs - Special Rate @ 65%
VAT @ 65% Special Rate / Sales @ 65% Special Rate
@ 65% / Interstate Sales @ 65%
 Purchase
Tax @ 65%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 65% VAT rate in VAT
Version 191
Issues Resolved
On recording excise purchases by enabling the option - Allow Separate Buyer and Consignee
Name in Purchase invoice configuration, the Company TIN was being captured incorrectly in
Annexure - 07A.
This issue has been resolved.
In excise sales invoice, if separate Buyer and Consignee Names were specified in the Party
Details screen, Consignee’s Name and TIN were getting captured instead of Buyer’s Name
and TIN in Form VAT 08A.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In Print Report screen of Form VAT - 07A, if the option - Show Registered Dealer Only
was set to Yes, the value of credit purchases recorded after cash purchases by selecting same
party ledger was being captured in separate rows.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 188
Issues Resolved
There was a mismatch between the values displayed in Form VAT-10 and VAT
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
Issues Resolved
The value of a Journal entry recorded using the Flag - Amount of Tax Deferred by debiting
the CST Duty Ledger and crediting the Deferred Tax Ledger, the value of the entry was not
being captured in Column 7.4 of VAT Form 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for entries taxable at 26% VAT rate in physical and e-VAT Forms,
Annexures and Form CST 1.
Version 165
As per the Rajasthan state Budget 2012-13, the rate of VAT on petrol is reduced from 28% to
26%. To support billing of transactions, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided
effective from April 1, 2012.
 Purchase
From URDs - Special Rate @ 26%
 Purchase
Tax @ 26%
 Input
 CST
VAT @ 26% Special Rate / Purchase @ 26% Special Rate
@ 26% / Interstate Sales @ 26%
 Output
VAT @ 26% Special Rate / Sales @ 26% Special Rate
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class provided for 26% VAT rate in VAT Forms.
Version 161
The revised Composite return - Form VAT 11 is provided.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The value of sales returns recorded in Credit Note using the VAT/Tax class - Sales - Exempt
by selecting Goods Sold Returned in Used for field was not captured in Annexure 12.
This issue has been resolved.
The input VAT on purchases recorded with additional ledgers in voucher mode by enabling
Track additional costs on Purchase feature was not captured in box 6.3 of Form VAT - 10.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of declaration forms were not being captured in Account of Statutory Forms
obtained from the department section of Form VAT 10A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
The value of sales recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Interstate Sales @ 14%, Interstate
Sales @ 5% and Interstate Sales @ 20% without selecting Form C the values were being
captured in Tax Liability under CST column of Form VAT 10.
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales invoice if voucher class predefined to override item defaults was used to record sale
of taxable and exempt item, the values were not being displayed in Form VAT 11.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 155
Issues Resolved
In purchase entry, if Party’s A/c Name was set to Cash and party ledger was selected in
Party Details screen, the party name was not being captured in Annexure Form 07A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
Issues Resolved
The purchase returns recorded in Debit note by selecting Others in Used for field was being
captured in box 3G of Form 10A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 153
Issues Resolved
The value of interstate purchases was not being captured in box 3 of Form VAT - 10A.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 150
The facility is provided to export the data to regular MS excel file such that details get
captured as per the format of e-VAT Form VAT - 10 template. The details exported to MS
excel needs to be manually entered in the e-VAT templates for e-filing.
Issues Resolved
In the Acknowledgement section of Form VAT - 10, the Total Tax Payable amount was
being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
The tax on capital goods entered in Purchase voucher was being captured incorrectly in
Annexure Form VAT 07A - Part II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
On generating CST Form C.S.T 1 an error message was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 147
Issues Resolved
The taxable purchases recorded without selecting input VAT was not being displayed in
Annexure Form VAT - 07A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
Issues Resolved
In a sales entry recorded in item invoice, if the VAT ledger predefined for normal rounding was
selected, the output VAT displayed in the invoice was being captured with decimals in
Annexure Form 8.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of purchases recorded by entering the MRP rate in MRP/Marginal field was not
being captured in Form 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 15% and 40%
VAT rates are captured in Annexures - Form VAT 07 and Form VAT 08.
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the latest excel templates to capture value of
entries taxable at 5%, 14%, 25% and 40% in the appropriate columns.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 140
The revised Form VAT 10 is provided as per the statutory requirement.
Version 136
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are introduced for
15% and 40% VAT rate effective from March 09, 2011:
 Purchases
 Purchase
@ 15% / Input VAT @ 15%
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 15%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 15%
 Purchases
@ 15% (Lease) / Input VAT @ 15% (Lease)
 Interstate
Purchases @ 15%
 Purchase
@ 40% Special Rate / Input VAT @ 40% Special Rate
 Purchase
From URDs - Special Rate @ 40%
 Sales
@ 15% / Output VAT @ 15%
 Sales
@ 40% Special Rate / Output VAT @ 40% Special Rate
 Interstate
Sales @ 15% / CST @ 15%
 Interstate
Sales @ 40% / CST @ 40%
 Purchase
Tax @ 15%
 Purchase
Tax @ 40%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 15% and 40% VAT Rates in VAT
Version 132
The Form VAT 10A is provided to facilitate filing of annual returns.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
In purchase entry, if Party’s A/c Name was set to Cash and party ledger was selected in
Party Details screen, the party name was not being captured in Annexure Form 07.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 126
Issues Resolved
On recording sales returns and exporting the data to e-return template
VATForm10.xls, the value of goods returned was not being captured in box 4.13.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 124
The VAT/Tax classifications - Purchases @ 9.8% and Input VAT @ 9.8% are activated
effective from April 1, 2010 to support billing of goods taxable at 9.8% VAT rate.
Version 120
The e-VAT export functionality of Form VAT 10 is enhanced as per the requirements of
latest excel template prescribed by the Commercial Taxes Department.
Issues Resolved
The amount entered in Payment voucher by selecting the Type of Payment as VAT and
Payment towards as Interest, TDS and Refund Adjustment in VAT Payment Details
screen was being captured in box 6.4(a) of Form VAT-10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 118
The format and functionality of Form VAT 10 is updated as per the latest statutory
Version 117
Issues Resolved
The value of sales entries recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Sales - Others (Non VATable)
and Sales on Which Tax Paid by the Principal was not being captured in Annexure Form VAT 08.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 113
Issues Resolved
The value of journal entry recorded by selecting Adjustment Towards CST in Used for field
was not being captured in physical and e-VAT - Form VAT 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 111
The facility is provided to export data of Form VAT - 07A and Form VAT - 08A using excel
spreadsheet format to the e-VAT templates. Also the functionality of Form VAT - 10 is
enhanced as per the requirements of latest e-filing template prescribed by the Commercial
Taxes Department.
On generating Form VAT - 07A, the section - Part II - (Particulars of Purchases made
within the State against VAT Invoice of capital goods) will be displayed in a separate
In Form VAT - 07A and Form VAT - 08A, the row - Total is introduced to capture the total
of assessable value and tax.
In the Purchase section of Form VAT - 07, the column - 5% is provided to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class introduced for 5% VAT rate.
Issues Resolved
On recording VAT payment entries with VAT details for each month in a particular quarter, the
tax period details were being captured incorrectly in box 08 - Tax Period column of Form
VAT - 10.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 110
The Form VAT - 10 and Annexures - Form VAT - 07A and Form VAT - 08A are provided as
per the statutory requirements.
Version 108
The Form VAT - 11 is provided as per the statutory requirements.
Version 106
Effective from March 9, 2010 the VAT/Tax class - Sales - Composition Tax @ 0.5% has
been activated. The value of entries made using this VAT/Tax classification will be captured in
Composition return Form VAT – 11.
Issues Resolved
On selecting two stock items tagged to same commodity code in a single invoice, the assessable
value and tax amount was being doubled and displayed in VAT Computation report.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 105
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from March 9, 2010:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
 Purchase
- Capital Goods @ 5%
@ 5% (Lease) / Input VAT @ 5% (Lease)
Tax @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% VAT Rates in physical and E-VAT
Return Form and Annexures.
Version 102
Issues Resolved
On recording a sales using VAT inclusive voucher class, the stock item value was being
captured in place of assessable value in Part I of Form VAT 08.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting the items grouped under same commodity multiple times in a single invoice, the
commodity name was being displayed for every item in Form VAT 08.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 99
The e-VAT Annexures are provided as per the latest template files prescribed by the
Commercial Tax Department.
Version 96
Issues Resolved
In a credit note, the value of additional ledger enabled for apportionment was not being
captured as a part of the assessable value in Details of Sales Returns - Amount column
of Form VAT - 12.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
In an inter-state sales entry, if the stock item pre-defined with Commodity Name was invoiced
and Form VAT - 08 was generated, the stock item name was being captured in Part III column 6.
This issue has been resolved and the Commodity Name is being captured in Part - III,
column - 6 of Form VAT - 08.
On selecting additional ledgers pre-defined for apportionment in an inter-state purchase entry
made by enabling Track additional costs on Purchase feature, the additional ledger value was
not being captured in E-VAT Annexures - Form VAT 07 and VAT - 48.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 94
The functionality has been enhanced to capture the values in e-VAT template files as per the
latest statutory requirements.
In the Report Generation screen of Annexure:
 VAT
- 48 the option Show Only Form - 47 entries is provided.
 VAT
- 50 the option Show Only Form - 49 entries is provided.
On enabling these options, the value of inter-state transactions made by specifying the details
in Sl. No. in Form VAT-47 and Sl. No. in Form VAT-49 of Party Details screen will be
captured in the respective annexures.
Issues Resolved
After recording purchase and sales entries, if the Mailing Details were entered in alteration
mode of party ledgers, the party address were not being captured in Form VAT - 07 and 08.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
The E-CST feature has been provided to export the Form C.S.T. 1 using Excel Spreadsheet
format to the template file as prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Issues Resolved
On exporting data of Form 10 to E-VAT template files and validating it, errors were displayed
as 0.00 were captured in blank fields.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entry made for Inter-state sales with additional expense ledger was being
captured incorrectly in Form C.S.T.1.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 92
Issues Resolved
In a sales invoice, if the same stock item was selected multiple times against a common VAT/
Tax class, only the first item was being captured in e-VAT Form 50.
This issue has been resolved.
In a journal entry made by selecting the voucher class enabled for Excise/CENVAT
Adjustments, if Provide Details field was set to Yes and From date was entered the cursor
was not moving to the next field.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
Issues Resolved
On exporting the purchase/ returns entry made in accounting invoice mode to EVAT template
file - VATForm07_NonCapitalGoods_500_new.xls, the purchase details were being
displayed three time.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
The VAT/Tax Class - Sales(Against Form-H Deemed Export) has been introduced and
the value of entries recorded using this classification will be captured in box 4.8 of Form
VAT-10 and column 5(3) of Annexure - Form VAT 08.
The E-VAT functionality has been enhanced to faciliate the exporting of data to the latest
E-VAT templates provided for all Annexures as per the Commercial Tax Department. The
excel template files of annexures can be selected based on the number of transactions
recorded during a particular return period while exporting the data.
Issues Resolved
On printing the Annexure Form VAT - 12, the error message - Out of Memory was being
displayed when the entries were more than 80.
This issue has been resolved.
The commodity names consisting of more characters were not being displayed in the
Commodity List.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
In VAT Commodity master, the list of Commodity Names displayed on using
C: Commodity button has been updated as per the E-VAT template - VATForm10.xls.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The following deactivated VAT/Tax classifications have been activated to support the billing of
transactions on which 12.5% tax was levied:
 Purchases
@ 12.5% / Input VAT @ 12.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 12.5%
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 12.5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 12.5%
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 12.5% (Lease) / Input VAT @ 12.5% (Lease)
@ 12.5% / Output VAT @ 12.5%
The entries recorded using the above classifications will be captured in the respective fields of
forms and annexures.
Issues Resolved
The rate-wise break-up of taxable inter-state sales was not being captured in box 6 of Form
C.S.T 1.
This issue has been resolved.
In the E-VAT Annexure 7 and 8, only 10 digits were being captured as TIN.
This issue has been resolved.
The inter-state purchases and consignment/branch transfer outwards recorded with/without
declaration forms was not being captured in VAT and E-VAT Annexure 48.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
The facility has been provided to export the Annexures to the latest excel template files as
prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
Issues Resolved
On exporting the Annexure 07 using E-VAT excel format, if the excel template file was not
copied to the Tally.ERP 9 installed folder, the Warning message was not being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 87
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been
introduced effective from July 8, 2009:
 Purchases
@ 14% / Input VAT @ 14%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14%
 Purchase
from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14%
 Purchases
 Purchase
 Sales
@ 14% (Lease) / Input VAT @ 14% (Lease)
Tax @ 14%
@ 14% / Output VAT @ 14%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The VAT/Tax Classifications - Purchases @ 12.5%, Input VAT @ 12.5%, Purchases Capital Goods @ 12.5%, Purchase from URDs - Taxable Goods @ 12.5%, Purchases
@ 12.5% (Lease), Input VAT @ 12.5% (Lease), Purchase Tax @ 12.5%, Sales @
12.5% and Output VAT @ 12.5% have been deactivated from July 8, 2009.
As per statutory requirements, the VAT/Tax Classifications - Sales @ 18% Special Rate,
Output VAT @ 18% Special Rate, Purchases @ 18% Special Rate, Input Vat @ 18%
Special Rate, Purchase From URDs – Special Rate @ 18%, Purchase Tax @ 18% have
been introduced for High and Light Speed Diesel Oil effective from July 8, 2009.
Version 86
The E-VAT feature has been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of VAT Return Form VAT 10
and Annexure - Form VAT 07, Form VAT 08, Form VAT 12, Form VAT 48 and Form VAT
50 by exporting the data using Excel spreadsheet format to the excel template files as
prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department. The excel template files of annexures can be
selected based on the number of transactions recorded during a particular return period while
exporting the data.
Note: For detailed explanation on the E-VAT feature and the procedure to be followed please
download the Statutory reference manual of Rajasthan from
The commodity name as specified in the VAT Commodity master will be captured in all the
Version 85
In the VAT Details sub-screen of F3: Statutory & Taxation features, a new field - Trade
Name/Style of Business has been provided and the details entered here will be captured in
the return Form.
In adherence to the statutory requirement, two new VAT/Tax classifications - Sales @ 3%
and Output VAT @ 3% have been introduced effective from April 2009. The entries made
using these new classifications will be captured in Form 10, Annexure 08 and Annexure
Output Tax.
The CST Form 1 has been provided as per the statutory requirement.
Version 83
The VAT/Tax Classifications - Input VAT @ 1% (Lease), Input VAT @ 12.5% (Lease),
Input VAT @ 4% (Lease), Purchases @ 1% (Lease), Purchases @ 12.5% (Lease),
Purchases @ 4% (Lease) have been introduced effective from May 1, 2009 and the existing
VAT/Tax Classifications - Purchases (Lease) @ 1%, Purchases (Lease) @ 12.5% and
Purchases (Lease) @ 4% have been deactivated. The value of entries made using the new
classifications will be captured in the respective fields of return form.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The Annexure Form VAT 07 and 08 was not being exported when excel spreadsheet format
was used.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of journal entry made using Adjustment Towards CST as the VAT Adjustment
was being captured in Annexure Form 50.
This issue has been resolved.
9.28 Tamil Nadu
Version 198
The Annexure -IA is provided as per the latest amendments.
The e-VAT feature is enhanced to support export of Form W data in Excel Spreadsheet format
to the template file.
In the Print Report screen of VAT Annexures, the option - Round-off Values is provided.
On setting this option to No, the row - Rounded-Total will be displayed with values roundedoff to the nearest rupee below the Total row.
Issues Resolved
The despatch details entered while recording purchases in accounting invoice mode was not
displayed in VAT Annexure 1-A.
This issue has been resolved.
In Form I the input VAT amount was rounded-off whereas in Annexure I, the values were
rounded-off party-wise. As a result there was a mismatch in the values captured in VAT Form
and Annexure.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 197
Issues Resolved
The VAT Form I and Annexures I and II are enhanced as per the latest statutory
Issues Resolved
In a company enabled for dealer excise and VAT, if TIN was not defined for the party ledger
selected while invoicing excise purchase, the company’s TIN was being captured as Seller’s
TIN in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
In an invoice if the input VAT amount was altered the same was not getting captured in
Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 196
Issues Resolved
In CST Annexure III and box 1(1-A) of CST Form 1, the value of sales recorded against
Form F using VAT/Tax class - Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward was not appearing
if the period mentioned to generate forms did not fall in the financial year displayed in
Gateway of Tally.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales recorded using VAT/Tax class - Inter- State Sales - Exempted was not
appearing in physical and e-VAT Annexure - II.
This issue has been resolved.
In voucher mode, the debit value entered for purchase ledger inclusive of CST using VAT/Tax
class - Interstate Purchases @ 2% Against Form C was not appearing in physical and
e-VAT Annexure I if the CST ledger was not debited in the voucher.
This issue has been resolved.
In an invoice, if party ledger predefined with different mailing name and more than one TIN
was selected, only one TIN was getting captured in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording interstate purchase and sales using VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases @
2% against Form C and Interstate Sales @ 2% against Form C in item invoice mode
without selecting CST ledger, the CST amount was displayed in physical and e-VAT
Annexures - I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
In purchase invoice, if purchase and CST ledgers with VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases @
2% Against Form C were selected along with another purchase ledger of VAT/Tax class Inter-State Purchases, incorrect CST amount was captured in Annexure 1-A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 195
In purchase invoice predefined with manual voucher number, if the entries were recorded
without entering the supplier invoice number and date, the records captured in physical and
e-VAT Annexure I were not getting sorted based on voucher number and date.
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales invoice, if zero valued items were selected along with other items, the assessable
value of invoice was being captured incorrectly in Annexure I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
The assessable value and input VAT on capital goods reversed in journal voucher using the
VAT Adjustment - Purchase Returns or Rejected was being captured in box 2 of Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
For recording works contract sales if voucher class was used, output VAT was getting
calculated on sale value instead of taxable value computed after deduction.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a sales entry in voucher mode, the value entered for output VAT was appearing
incorrectly in VAT Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
In voucher mode of purchase and sales entries the field - Bill of Lading/LR-RR No. has
been provided in Party Details screen.
Issues Resolved
In the data exported to Annexure I, the assessable value of capital goods was being
captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
The Form Series number entered while invoicing interstate purchases and sales against Form
C, E1, E2, F, H and I was not being captured in Form No. 14 and 15.
This issue has been resolved.
The interstate sales entries were not being captured in CST return - Form I and Appendix I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of sales recorded in voucher mode using VAT/Tax class - Sales - Exempt and
Sales - Zero Rated was not being captured in Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
The option to print more than one copy of CST Annexures was not working.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 191
The functionality of physical and e-Annexure I-A has been enhanced as per latest
Issues Resolved
In an accounts only company enabled for service tax and VAT, if sales entries were recorded in
voucher mode using VAT/Tax classifications provided for works contract, the assessable value
and VAT were being captured incorrectly in Annexure-II.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 187
The VAT Annexure I and Annexure I-A have been enhanced as per the latest statutory
amendments provided for e-filing and physical returns.
Version 186
Issues Resolved
Current period displayed in the Gateway of Tally was getting changed as per the date/ period
specified in the Print Report screen of Annexure I-A.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
The new e-VAT Annexure I-A is provided as per the statutory requirement.
Version 184
The Composition Form L is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class
- Works Contract - Composition Tax @ 5%.
Version 181
The new VAT Annexure-IA is provided as per the requirement.
Version 178
The VAT/Tax Class - Works Contract - Composition Tax @ 5% is provided to record works
contract taxable at 5% composite VAT rate. The value of entries recorded using this
classification will be currently captured only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classification provided for 5% composite VAT rate in
return Forms.
The functionality of VAT Return and Annexures are enhanced to support the value of entries
recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for interstate sales of works contract
taxable at 1%, 2%, 5% and 14.5% VAT rate.
In Form L the assessable value and tax amount are being rounded-off to the nearest rupee.
Version 171
The following VAT/Tax classifications are provided for works contract:
 CST
- Works Contract @ 1% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 2% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 2%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 CST
- Works Contract @ 5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
 CST
- Works Contract @ 14.5% / Interstate Sales - Works Contract @ 14.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for works contract taxable at
1%, 2%, 5% and 14.5% VAT rates in VAT and CST Forms.
Version 161
After recording sales using VAT/Tax class - Inter-State Sales - Spl. Category Goods if a
credit note is raised against it by selecting Goods Sold Returned in Used for field,
 Net
value is captured in Form I.
 The
value of sale and sales returns are captured in Annexure - II.
Issues Resolved
The value of interstate purchases recorded in excise purchase invoice was not being
captured in VAT Annexure - I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 158
The functionality of Form I is enhanced to capture the value of Journal entries recorded
using TDS Adjustment Flag.
Issues Resolved
The error message - Insufficient height to allocate was being displayed while exporting
data of Form W in Excel format.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 156
Issues Resolved
In POS invoice if party ledger was selected, Cash was being displayed in place of party name
in Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 150
Issues Resolved
On selecting Cash in Party’s A/c Name field and entering the buyer’s name in Party Details
screen of sales invoice, the Name of buyer was being captured as Cash in physical and
e-VAT Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
For purchases recorded using the VAT/Tax Class - Purchases @ 5% (Industrial Input), the
category was being captured as R instead of B in Physical and e-VAT Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 149
Issues Resolved
The VAT return - Form I when printed in Portrait orientation only two pages were being
consumed, however, if Landscape was selected the data was getting printed in three pages.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 148
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 5%, 14.5% and 20% VAT rates in VAT and CST forms and
Version 146
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax classifications for 5%, 14.5% and
20% VAT rates are introduced effective from July 12, 2011:
 Purchases
@ 5% / Input VAT @ 5%
 Purchases
@ 14.5% / Input VAT @ 14.5%
 Purchases
@ 20% / Input VAT @ 20%
 Purchases
@ 5% (Industrial Input) / Input VAT @ 5% - (Industrial Input)
 Purchases
@ 5% (JobWork) / Input VAT @ 5% - (JobWork)
 Purchases
@ 14.5% (JobWork) / Input VAT @ 14.5% - (JobWork)
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 14.5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 14.5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 14.5%
 Sales
@ 5% / Output VAT @ 5%
 Sales
@ 14.5% / Output VAT @ 14.5%
 Sales
@ 20% / Output VAT @ 20%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 14.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 14.5%
 Interstate
Sales @ 5% / CST @ 5%
 Interstate
Sales @ 14.5% / CST @ 14.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 5%, 14.5% and 20% VAT rates
in Return Form.
Version 144
Issues Resolved
In Annexure II, the consignee name was being captured as buyer name when the details of
both buyer and consignee were entered by setting the option - Allow Separate Buyer and
Consignee Name field to Yes in F12: Sales Invoice Configuration.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
As per the e-filing requirements, the facility is provided to export company data in excel
format and generate:
 Separate
 Single
excel files for each annexures and
excel file with worksheets for all annexures.
Version 135
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the latest e-filing requirements.
The value of sales recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Sales(Against Form-H Deemed
Export) is captured as zero rated sales and displayed against category Z of physical and
eVAT annexure.
Effective form April 1, 2010 the following VAT/Tax classifications are activated for recording
works contract taxable at 12.5%:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 12.5% (JobWork) / Input VAT @ 12.5% - (JobWork)
- Works Contract @ 12.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5%
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The CST amount entered in Interstate Purchase and Sales invoice was not being captured in
physical Annexure I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
The e-VAT validation is enhanced as per the Department’s specifications.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 126
The Form No. 14 and Form No. 15 are provided for generating the extract of purchases and
sales made against declaration forms.
Version 123
The e-VAT validation is enhanced as per the Department’s checklist.
Issues Resolved
In the Report Generation screen of CST Form I, if the command to print more than one copy
was given in Number of copies sub-screen (Alt+C), only one copy was printed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 120
The e-VAT annexures are enhanced as per the latest excel templates.
Version 115
The Purchase Detail Sheet is provided in Form W to capture item-wise rate-wise breakup
of purchase details entered while recording exports.
Version 114
The refund application form for exporters - Form W is provided as per statutory requirements.
Version 112
As per the Notification, the e-VAT Annexures are provided in the revised format.
Version 111
The physical VAT Annexure I and II are provided as per the latest statutory requirements.
In purchase voucher, the fields - Supplier Invoice No. and Date are provided. The details
entered here are captured in the respective fields of Annexures.
Version 110
Issues Resolved
On generating VAT Return for the previous year in company having data for more than one
financial year, the VAT amount entered in debit note was not being captured in Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 108
Issues Resolved
On selecting more than one stock item (works contract) while invoicing entries using the VAT/
Tax class - Input VAT @ 4% - (Job Work) and Output VAT - Works Contract @ 4%, the
item values were being doubled and captured in Annexure I and II respectively.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 106
The Annual Return – Form I - 1 and Annexures are provided as per statutory requirements.
Version 96
Issues Resolved
On recording a debit note using Accounting Invoice mode in Accounts Only company, the
value of purchase returns was not being captured in E-VAT Annexure III.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 95
The VAT/Tax classifications - Sales - Works Contract @ 4%, Output VAT - Works
Contract @ 4%, Purchases @ 4% (JobWork) and Input VAT @ 4% - (JobWork) have
been introduced. These classifications can be used to account for works contract and job
work. The value of entries made using these classifications will be captured in physical and
E-VAT Annexure I and II and in Form I.
Version 94
Issues Resolved
On selecting zero valued and taxable stock items in a single invoice, the value was being
displayed twice in Annexure I and Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
The sales recorded using Item Invoice and in Voucher mode by selecting stock items were
being captured in separate rows in Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
On setting the option - Show Inter-state sales to No in Report Generation screen of
Annexure II, the sales returns details were being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In Purchase/Sales entries made using Accounting Invoice, if Cash was selected in the Party's
A/c Name field and party ledger was selected in Supplementary Details, the name of
party ledger was not being captured in Annexure I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 92
In CST Form 1, Appendix I and II, the functionality has been enhanced to capture the
Commodity Name and Commodity Code specified in the VAT Commodity master for the items
Issues Resolved
The value of entry made using Exports as the VAT/Tax class was not being captured in
Annexure IV.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 91
In the Report Generation screen of physical Annexure-II, the option - Show Interstate
Sales has been provided. Similarly, for EVAT Annexure - II, the option Show Inter-state
Sales in Annexure - II has been provided. On enabling this option, the CST details entered
in sales transactions can be printed in physical and E-VAT Annexure II.
Issues Resolved
On invoicing sale of items grouped under same commodity to a particular party, the
assessable value of the commodity was being captured in separate rows based on the
voucher type/class selected.
This issue has been resolved.
The CST rate entered while invoicing inter-state sales transaction was not being captured in
physical and E-VAT Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
The sale value captured in physical and E-VAT Annexure II was not matching with Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
Issues Resolved
In an entry recorded by selecting both taxable and exempt stock item in a single sales
invoice, the value of only the taxable item was being captured in physical and E-VAT
Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
On generating the print preview of one month, the value of exempt sales made during the
entire year was being displayed in box 2 (c) of Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording a journal entry to account for purchases using Others as the VAT Adjustment,
the TIN entered for the party ledger was not being captured in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
Issues Resolved
On recording a VATable purchase entry by selecting a TDS enabled party ledger and
generating the VAT Annexure I, the error message - Memory Access violation was being
This issue has been resolved.
The TIN number of party ledger was not being captured in the Physical and E-VAT Annexures
when the Ledger Name was different from Mailing Name in the Party ledger master.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
The enhanced E-VAT features have been introduced to facilitate the e-filing of VAT Annexures
- Annexure I, II, III and IV by exporting the data using Excel Spreadsheet format.
Version 83
The Name and TIN of party displayed on selecting the party ledger using Alt+M: Party
List button in the Party Details screen while invoicing a cash transaction, i.e., by selecting
Cash ledger in the Party's A/c Name field, is being captured in Annexure I and II.
Issues Resolved
The CST paid on inter-state purchases was not being displayed separately under the Tax
column of Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of additional ledger selected while invoicing were not being considered in regular
This issue has been resolved.
In a company enabled to maintain Accounts Only information, an error message was being
displayed while printing Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 82
In VAT Annexures, the Commodity Code details will be captured based on the information
given in the Tariff Classification masters.
The Bill of lading/LR/RR No. and date as entered in the Party Details sub-screen while
invoicing export sales is being captured in the Export section of Regular Annexure IV.
9.29 Tripura
Version 205
Revised VAT Form X has been provided.
Version 143
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications for 2% VAT rate are
introduced effective from May 7, 2011:
 Purchases
 Sales
@ 2% / Input VAT @ 2%
@ 2% / Output VAT @ 2%
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded for 2%, 5% and 13.5%
VAT rates in Form X.
Version 142
Adhering to the Notification, the following VAT/Tax classifications are introduced for 5% and
13.5% VAT rates effective from May 4, 2011.
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Input
VAT @ 13.5% / Purchases @ 13.5%
 Output
VAT @ 13.5% / Sales @ 13.5%
 Output
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% and 13.5% rates in
VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 128
The VAT Payment Challan - Form XVIII is provided.
9.30 Uttar Pradesh
Version 199
The e-CST functionality has been enhanced to support the latest template of e-Return Form I
version 8.0 and the e-filing tool version 7.1.
The e-VAT functionality has been enhanced to support the latest template of e-Return form
UPVAT XXIV version 10.0 and the e-filing tool version 9.1.
Issues Resolved
When a Sales invoice was recorded with multiple stock items with multiple commodity, the
values of the second commodity were getting captured incorrectly in the Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
In the Party Details screen, the field Depot was not appearing while recording a tax invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
In EVAT Form 24 Annexure C, the value in the Purchase Order Date column was being
displayed in DD-MMM-YYYY (1-Apr-2013) format instead of DD/MM/YYYY (01/04/2013)
This issue has been resolved.
In the exported E-CST Template:
   When
an Interstate Sales invoice was recorded with Interstate Sales @ 2% Against
Form C as VAT/Tax Classification, the details of the transaction were not getting captured
in the FormCSTMainForm sheet.
The values in Sales Value of good, Amount of tax charged and Total amount of
invoice columns were getting captured with special characters, in the
FormCST_ListofInterstateSales sheet.
 
These issues have been resolved.
If a Tax Invoice was recorded by selecting a different party in the Consignee Name, then the
Consignee TIN was getting captured in the Annexure B instead of the Buyer’s TIN.
This issue has been resolved.
When Purchase transaction was recorded in Voucher Mode, then the Input VAT value was
not getting captured in the Composition Annexure A under Amount of tax charged field.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 197
To account for the reduction in VAT rate from 50% to 25% on cigarettes, the following VAT/
Tax classifications are provided:
 Input
VAT @ 25% / Purchases @ 25%
 Purchases
@ 25% (Non VATable)
 Purchase
From URDs - Non Taxable Goods @ 25%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 25%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 25%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 25%
 Output
VAT @ 25% / Sales @ 25%
 Output
Tax @ 25% (Non VATable) / Sale @ 25% (Non VATable)
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 25% / Sales Retail @ 25%
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 25% (Non VATable) / Sales Retail @ 25% (Non VATable)
 Purchase
 CST
Tax @ 25% (Non VATable)
@ 25% / Interstate Sales @ 25%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 25% VAT rate in VAT
Version 196
Issues Resolved
After recording two delivery notes if both were tracked to a single sales invoice, the tax
amount was captured incorrectly in Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
While generating Form XXVI, if the option - Round Up Form Values was set to No, the
rounded-off values were displayed in the printed form.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
Issues Resolved
In an invoice if a stock item tagged to a particular commodity was selected twice and then
another item tagged to a different commodity was chosen, the additional tax was appearing
incorrectly in Annexure A and Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
In a company enabled for excise for dealer and VAT feature, if the data comprising of excise
purchase and sales was exported to e-return template of Form UPVAT XXIV, the Company’s
TIN was being captured instead of Seller’s TIN in Annexure C.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 188
Issues Resolved
Performance of Physical and e-VAT Form UPVAT - XXIV has been enhanced.
Values of certain classifications were not being captured in appropriate fields of:
 
Physical and e-VAT Form UPVAT - XXIV, Annexure - A, A-1, A-2, B and B1
 
Form - XXVI
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
Issues Resolved
When Excise Sales entry for more than one Item was recorded in the same Voucher along
with CST Duty, the values captured under the column - Amount of tax charged in E-CST
Form were incorrect.
This issue has been resolved.
When an Interstate Purchase entry against Form C was recorded in Voucher mode by
debiting the Ledger grouped under Current Assets, the value captured in box - 7A (a) of
Form UPVAT XXIV was incorrect.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording Excise Purchase entries and exporting it to e-Annexure C the Company’s TIN
was being captured as the Party’s TIN.
This issue has been resolved.
The field - Depot was being printed on Sales Invoices though details for the same were not
provided in the Supplementary Details screen during Voucher entry.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
The functionality of VAT Return Forms and Annexures are enhanced to support the value
of entries recorded using the non-VATable classifications provided for 30% and 50% VAT
Version 182
New VAT/Tax classifications are provided for non-VATable retail and taxable sales
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 30% (Non VATable) / Sales Retail @ 30% (Non VATable)
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 50% (Non VATable) / Sales Retail @ 50% (Non VATable)
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The functionality of physical Forms, Annexures and e-return is enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for:
 50%
VAT rate
 12.5%
VAT rate attracting 1% and 1.5% additional tax
Issues Resolved
When the option Print Item with details was set to Yes, tax value was being captured
incorrectly in Annexure A for purchase invoice recorded with multiple stock items.
This issue has been resolved.
Values of any interstate sales / purchase transactions recorded were appearing incorrectly in
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
Issues Resolved
In the Print Report screen of CST Form I, even if the option - Round Up Form Values was
set to No, the assessable values were getting rounded-off to the nearest ` 10.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure C, the details of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases
@ 2% Against Form C was not getting captured, if the Interstate Purchases @ 2%
Against Form C ledger was grouped under Fixed Assets.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure C, the value in column 13 - Total Invoice value, was not getting captured
This issue has been resolved.
Version 180
For levy of additional tax at revised rate of 1.5% on commodities taxable at 12.5% the
following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from September 8, 2012:
 Input
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable) / Purchases @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @
1.5% Applicable)
 Purchases
 Purchase
- Capital Goods @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable)
Tax @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable)
 Output
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable) / Sales @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5%
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable) / Sales Retail @ 12.5%
(Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable)
 CST
@ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable) / Interstate Sales @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @
1.5% Applicable)
 Additional
Purchase Tax @ 1.5%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Additional
Tax @ 1.5% on CST
 Additional
Tax on Purchase of Capital Goods @ 1.5%
 Input
Additional Tax @ 1.5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable)
 Output
Additional Tax @ 1.5%
 Purchases
- Composition Tax @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1.5% Applicable)
 Composition
Additional Tax @ 1.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 12.5% VAT rate
attracting 1.5% additional tax in VAT, Composite VAT and CST Forms.
Version 179
Effective from September 1, 2012 the VAT/Tax classifications are provided to record entries
taxable at 30% VAT rate as per the amendment in Schedule IV of the VAT Act.
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 30% VAT rate in VAT
Version 178
The following VAT/Tax classifications are provided to record works contract and transactions
attracting 50% VAT rate.
VAT/Tax classifications to record works contract
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 1% / Sales - Works Contract @ 1%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 12.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 12.5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 4% / Sales - Works Contract @ 4%
VAT/Tax Classifications for entries taxable at 50% VAT rate
 Input
VAT @ 50% / Purchases @ 50%
 Interstate
 Purchase
Purchases @ 50%
From URDs - Non Taxable Goods @ 50%
 Output
VAT @ 50% / Sales @ 50%
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 50% / Sales Retail @ 50%
 CST
@ 50% / Interstate Sales @ 50%
 Output
Tax @ 50% (Non VATable) / Sales @ 50% (Non VATable)
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Purchase
Tax @ 50% (Non VATable)
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classification will be currently captured only
in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for works contract and 50%
VAT rate in VAT Forms.
Issues Resolved
After adjusting output additional tax at 2% on CST against the input additional tax at 2%, the
adjusted amount was captured in box 14(iv) of Form UPVAT XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
On enabling Print with Item Details option in Print Report screen of Annexure A the tax
amount was displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
The additional tax amount entered in voucher mode of data created using Stat.900 version
167 was not captured in E-VAT return.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 176
Issues Resolved
In some specific data, the error message - Out of Memory was being displayed while
exporting data to e-VAT template.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 174
The following VAT/Tax classifications are provided for 12.5% VAT rate attracting 1%
additional tax:
 Purchase
Tax @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1% Applicable)
 Output
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1% Applicable) / Sales @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1%
 Input
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1% Applicable) / Purchases @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 1%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 12.5% VAT rate
attracting 1% additional tax in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
The party details of excise purchase invoice recorded against Form F using VAT/Tax class Consignment/Branch Transfer Inward was being displayed twice in Annexure D.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
Issues Resolved
For a sales invoice predefined to print book number and set for manual voucher numbering, if
Print in Simple Format was set to No in F12: Invoice Print Configuration, the invoice
number was getting crammed and displayed in the printed invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 169
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced to support the validation of data exported to excel format
files using the e-VAT Validation Tool - Version 9.0.
The e-CST functionality is enhanced as per the latest e-CST template provided by the
Department of Commercial Taxes.
Issues Resolved
For sales invoice enabled to print the book number and logo, if Print in Simple Format was
set to Yes in F12: Invoice Print Configuration, the book number was not being displayed
in the printed invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 168
Issues Resolved
The gross purchase value was being captured instead of net value in box 7(a)(i) of Form
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales invoice if voucher class created for sales inclusive of VAT and additional tax was
used for recording cash sales, the additional tax was getting doubled and displayed in Form
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting sales entries using voucher class in which the option - Override Item Defaults
was enabled and Remove if Zero was disabled, additional rows were getting inserted in
Form24_Annexure_B worksheet of ReturnForm24.xls file.
This issue has been resolved.
In the Annexure C generated for a particular quarter, the input VAT carried forward was
being captured after the Grand Total field.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 167
Issues Resolved
The value of purchases recorded using VAT/Tax class - Purchases (Against Form - H
Deemed Export) was not being captured in Form UPVAT - XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting the data of Annexure B by setting the option - Print with Item Details to Yes
in Export Report screen, the Quantity/Measurement details were being captured
This issue has been resolved.
In a purchase invoice, if VAT, excise duty and additional expense ledgers were selected, the
values were getting captured incorrectly in Form UPVAT - XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting input additional tax ledger predefined with appropriate VAT/Tax classification in
purchase invoice of composite VAT enabled Company, the additional tax amount was not
being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 166
Issues Resolved
The credit note passed in voucher mode using the flag - Change in Agreed Consideration
was not reflecting in the row 7a(i) in Form UPVAT - XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
If a stock item with the option- Additional Tax Exempted enabled was selected in a
purchase/sales transaction and Annexure A/Annexure B was generated with the option Print with Item Details set to Yes, the item - wise bifurcation was capturing the additional
tax amount.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 165
Issues Resolved
While recording an Interstate Purchase transaction, if the CST value was entered manually
instead of accepting the auto-calculated value, then incorrect assessable value was being
displayed in column 7A(a) of UPVAT -XXIV. This behaviour was observed when CST ledger
was created under Purchase Accounts with Method of calculation - On Total Sales and VAT/
Tax Classification as Interstate Purchase @ 2% against Form C.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 164
Issues Resolved
On printing UPVAT XXIV, setting the option Round up Form Values to Yes in Print Report
screen, the value of interstate purchases was not getting rounded-off in row 7A(a).
This issue has been resolved.
Excise duty values were not considered in the assessable value captured in row 7(a)(iv) of
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
Issues Resolved
In a purchase invoice recorded using VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases @ 2% Against
Form C with CST ledger, if additional expense ledger enabled for value based apportionment
was selected, the assessable value was being displayed incorrectly in box 7a(iv) of Form
This issue has been resolved.
Version 162
Issues Resolved
The form UPVAT XXIV when exported to e-VAT template, the data was not getting
exported to first and second worksheet.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
Adhering to Notification, the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from
April 1, 2011 for 1%, 2%, 3% and 5% additional tax rates on interstate sales:
 CST
@ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 1% Applicable) / Interstate Sales @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 1% Applicable)
 CST
@ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 2% Applicable) / Interstate Sales @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 2% Applicable)
 CST
@ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 3% Applicable) / Interstate Sales @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 3% Applicable)
 CST
@ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable) / Interstate Sales @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
Also the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided effective from September 30, 2008
to record non-VATable transactions:
 Purchase
 Sales
Tax @ 21% (Non VATable)
@ 21% (Non VATable) / Output Tax @ 21% (Non VATable)
 Purchase
from URDs – Non Taxable Goods @ 21%
 Purchases
@ 21% (Non VATable)
 Purchases
- Composition Tax @ 21% (Non VATable)
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 1%, 2%, 3% and 5%
additional tax rates and 21% Non-VATable rate in VAT Forms.
The character spacing for entering Form 38 number in the invoice is widened for better
visual appearance.
In the Print Report screen of UPVAT - XXIV and Form - XXVI, the option - Print with
Round-off is provided to configure the display of values as per requirement.
Version 158
The VAT Annual Return Annexure XII is provided.
Issues Resolved
In a purchase invoice, if the VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases @ 2% Against Form C
was used and additional ledger enabled for apportionment was selected to enter the expense
amount, the value was being displayed incorrectly in Form UPVAT XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 157
Issues Resolved
On selecting the VAT/Tax Class - Sales @ 4% (Non-Vatable Goods) and Sales @ 16.6%
(Non-Vatable) in sales invoice, the tax amount was getting calculated and displayed in
This issue has been resolved.
In the data exported to e-VAT ReturnForm24.xls file the value of output additional tax was
not being displayed if the entry was recorded in VAT inclusive voucher class of tax invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
The effective date of VAT/Tax classifications provided for CST was June 21, 2010.
This issue has been resolved and the VAT/tax class - Additional Tax @ 0.5% on CST,
Additional Tax @ 1% on CST, Additional Tax @ 2% on CST, Additional Tax @ 3% on CST and
Additional Tax @ 5% on CST are activated effective from February 19, 2010.
Version 156
The CST Annexure A, Annexure B and revised CST Form - I are provided. Also the e-CST
functionality is enhanced to facilitate export of data to templates provided for CST Annexures
and revised form.
Issues Resolved
On recording an interstate purchase entry in voucher mode by selecting stock item, the CST
amount was not being captured in Annexure C.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 155
The functionality of e-VAT form UPVAT-XXIV and Annexures D, Annexure E and
Annexure F are enhanced as per the requirements of latest templates.
Version 154
The revised VAT form - UPVAT - XXIV and the Annexures - Annexure C, Annexure D,
Annexure E and Annexure F are provided.
Effective from June 21, 2010 the following new VAT/Tax classifications are introduced for
Additional Tax:
 Additional
Tax @ 0.5% on CST
 Additional
Tax @ 1% on CST
 Additional
Tax @ 2% on CST
 Additional
Tax @ 3% on CST
 Additional
Tax @ 5% on CST
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 5%
additional tax rate in VAT and CST Forms.
Issues Resolved
The value of Interstate purchases recorded in Voucher mode or accounting invoice mode was
not being captured in Annexure III of Form XXVI.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 151
Issues Resolved
In the printed format of tax invoice predefined with the option - Print Book Number to Yes,
the Supplier Invoice number entered while invoicing was not clearly displayed due to less
character spacing.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 150
Issues Resolved
The VAT TIN (Composition) entered in Company Operations Alteration screen was not
being captured in the Treasury challan - Form VAT I.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 149
Issues Resolved
In e-VAT Annexure C, the voucher number of interstate purchase invoice was being
captured instead of the Supplier Invoice number.
This issue has been resolved.
On printing the excise sales entry recorded in sales voucher type enabled to Use for Excise
and as Tax Invoice, the details in Pre-Authorised field was being duplicated, hence the
Company name was getting captured in two lines.
This issue has been resolved.
An interstate purchase invoice when recorded by setting the option Accept Supplementary
Details to No in F12: Purchase Invoice Configuration, the TIN of selected party ledger
was not being captured in Annexure III of Form XXVI.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 143
Issues Resolved
The additional tax was being calculated and displayed on stock items predefined with Is
Additional Tax Exempted set to Yes in Annexure A and B.
This issue has been resolved.
The opening balance of input tax credit was being captured incorrectly in Main Form
worksheet of e-VAT template file.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
The value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% additional tax
are captured in the respective fields of physical and electronic formats of VAT and CST forms.
The Annexure VII of Form XXVI is provided as per statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
In the printed format of tax invoice, the alignment of text and spacing was not proper.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 139
Effective from April 1, 2011 the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided to record
purchases/sales attracting 5% additional tax:
 Purchases
@ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Purchases
@ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Sales
@ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Sales
@ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Sales
Retail @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Input
VAT @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Input
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Input
Additional Tax @ 5%
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Input
Tax Credit on Purchase From URDs @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Output
VAT @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Output
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Output
VAT (Retail) @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Purchase
Tax @ 4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
 Purchase
Tax @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable)
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 5% additional tax rate in VAT Forms.
The Annexures IV, V and VI of Form XXVI are provided as per statutory requirements.
The e-return functionality is enhanced to support the validation of data exported to Excel
format files using the Validation Tool - Version 7.1 for E-VAT.
Version 138
The Annexures II and III of Form XXVI are provided as per statutory requirements.
Version 137
The Annual Return - Form XXVI is provided.
Note: The Annexures 1 to 19 will be provided in forthcoming Stat.900 releases.
An editable report - Form-26 Declaration is provided to enter the details of declaration
forms received from Commercial Taxes Department. In this report, the forms details like
opening balance, forms received, used, lost / destroyed, surrendered, amount covered and
the closing balance can be specified. The details entered in this report will be captured in page
2 - section 7 of Form XXVI.
Version 135
Issues Resolved
The value of journal entry recorded by selecting Adjustment Towards Refund Order in
Used for field was not being captured in box 16B of UPVAT XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
On invoicing sales using voucher class inclusive of tax and exporting the data to eVAT
template file, the additional tax amount was not being captured in Tax_Details_Sales
This issue has been resolved.
Version 133
The e-return functionality is enhanced to support the validation of data exported to Excel
format files using the:
 Validation
Tool - Version 7.0.0 for E-VAT
 Validation
Tool - Version 5.0.0 for E-CST
The fields - Purpose Code and Form 38No. are displayed in the Purchase entries and the
information entered here will be captured in Annexure C.
Issues Resolved
The performance of Physical and E-VAT Form UPVAT XXIV is optimised.
The value of journal entry recorded by selecting Tax on URD Purchase in Used for field
was being captured as a part of Gross Turnover in physical and e-CST Form - 1.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of input additional tax entered after additional tax amount in debit note was not
being captured in physical Annexure A1.
This issue has been resolved.
The purchase/sales entries recorded in accounting invoice or voucher mode without selecting
inventory and additional tax when exported to e-VAT template, the additional tax amount
was being automatically calculated and displayed in Tax Details worksheet.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
The E-VAT functionality is enhanced to validate the data exported to ReturnForm24.xls
using offline tool Version 6.0.0.
The Tax Payer’s PAN (Permanent Account Number) field is provided in Form - UPVAT
XXIV as per statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
On recording purchase and sales with VAT and additional tax, the value in Tax Amount
column of Annexure A and Annexure B was being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 129
The purchase/sales returns recorded in the current tax period are captured along with the
details of respective purchase/sales even if it is of prior period in Annexure A1 and
Annexure B1 for tracking the transactions against returns.
E-CST feature is provided to facilitate e-filing of CST returns. Using the ECST facility, the data
of CST Form 1 can be exported in Excel Spreadsheet format to the excel format files as
prescribed by the commercial taxes department.
Issues Resolved
The Inter-state Sales Tax Number entered in Company Operations Alteration screen of F3:
Statutory & Taxation features were being captured in box 6 instead of VAT TIN (Regular) in
CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
On exporting the journal entry recorded by selecting VAT Commodity for purchase tax ledgers
and Tax on URD Purchase in Used for field, the values were not being captured in
Tax_Details worksheet of ReturnForm24.xls template file.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entry recorded using Sales - Exempt as VAT/Tax class was not being captured in
box 8B(v) of CST Form - 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
In Part 10 of UPVAT - XXIV, the Additional tax details are not rounded-off and the field Total (Rounded-off value) is removed as per the latest requirements.
Version 123
Issues Resolved
The performance of Form UPVAT-XXIV and e-VAT return is optimised.
On recording sales and purchase entries in voucher mode, the supplier details were being
captured in Annexure A-1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 122
The CST FORM - 1 is provided with the facility to record inter-state transactions involving
multiple CST rates in a single invoice.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The Treasury Challan - Form I is provided.
Version 121
In Tax_Detail worksheet of E-VAT excel file - ReturnForm24.xls, the VAT and Additional
Tax values are captured with the abbreviations V and AT in separate lines.
Issues Resolved
On exporting data with assessable value and tax amount of individual purchase and sale
exceeding ` 1 lakh to e-vat templates, the values were being displayed with comma.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 118
Issues Resolved
On enabling the option to enter Book Number in delivery note voucher type and recording
entries, the book number was changing from 01 to 02 only after the 51st delivery note.
This issue has been resolved and the book number is being changed from 01 to 02 after the
50th delivery note.
Version 114
On exporting data to e-VAT ReturnForm24.xls, the value of entries recorded using the VAT/
Tax class provided for VAT, Non-VAT and additional tax will be marked as V, NV and AT
respectively in Tax_Detail worksheet.
The values in box 7(c), 7(d) and 9(c) are being rounded-off as per the requirements of form
Version 113
Issues Resolved
The value of sales returns recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for retails sales
was not being deducted from the assessable value of sales in box 9a(ii) of UPVAT XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
On using voucher class created for sales inclusive of VAT and additional tax for recording sale
of different stock items in a single invoice, the assessable value of only the first item was
being captured in Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 111
Facility is provided to export the data of revised UPVAT XXIV form and Annexures in Excel
Spreadsheet format.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 110
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for retail sales is
captured in box 9(a)(ii) of UPVAT - XXIV irrespective of setting the option - Is Tax Invoice
to Yes or No in Sales Voucher Type.
On recording entries without selecting stock items and exporting the same to e-VAT template,
the Units field of Annexures will be displayed as Nil for error-free validation.
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made using the VAT Adjustment - Tax on URD Purchase was not being
captured in box 14(ii)(a) of UPVAT - XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
On off-setting the CST dues against excess tax credit, the adjusted amount was being
captured with a negative sign in box 15(iii) of UPVAT XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 108
Issues Resolved
On exporting Excise purchases/sales entries to e-VAT Annexures A and B, the quantity was
being displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
In the Tax period ending on field of Annexure A1 and B1, the date was being captured as
This issue has been resolved and the date is being captured as 31-03-2010.
On specifying the reference number in Ref field of Tax Invoice and exporting the data to
ReturnForm24.xls file, the reference number was being captured in InvoiceNo column of
Form24_Annexure-B worksheet.
This issue has been resolved and the tax invoice number is being captured.
Version 107
The E-VAT functionality is enhanced as per the latest e-filing requirements.
Version 106
The Form UPVAT - XXIV is provided as per latest Statutory requirements.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 103
Regular VAT
Adhering to the Notification, new VAT/Tax Classifications have been provided to support the
latest additional tax rates. The relevant purchase, sales, input and output VAT classifications
are also activated to compute the additional tax accordingly.
For example:
 If
goods taxable at 4% attracts additional tax at 2%, the VAT/Tax class – Output VAT @
4% (Addl.Tax @ 2% Applicable) needs to be selected along with Output Additional
Tax @ 2% for calculation of output VAT and additional tax respectively.
 If
goods taxable at 4% attracts additional tax at 3%, the VAT/Tax class – Output VAT @
4% (Addl.Tax @ 3% Applicable) needs to be selected along with Output Additional
Tax @ 3% for calculation of output VAT and additional tax respectively.
 If
goods taxable at 4% attracts additional tax at 5%, the VAT/Tax class – Output VAT @
4% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable) needs to be selected along with Output Additional
Tax @ 5% for calculation of output VAT and additional tax respectively.
Similarly, select the VAT/Tax classifications based on the respective applicable additional tax
rates. These VAT/Tax classifications are introduced effective from February 19, 2010.
The value of entries made using the newly introduced classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for Purchases and Sales in Return
Composite VAT
Similar to Regular VAT, new VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from February 19,
2010 to support the increased additional tax rates for Composite dealers.
The value of entries made using the newly introduced classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Composition Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for Purchases in Return Form.
Version 102
Commodity-wise break-up of items invoiced is captured in Composite Annexure A and
Annexure B.
The value of additional tax entered while invoicing from June 1, 2009 will be captured in
Composite VAT Form UPVAT XXIV-A, Annexure A and Annexure B.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 101
Issues Resolved
The following VAT/Tax classifications has been provided effective from June 1, 2009 for
calculation of Composition Additional Tax:
 Composition
Additional Tax @ 0.5%
 Composition
Additional Tax @ 1%
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 0.5% and 1% additional tax rates in
Composite VAT Return and Annexures.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
In E-VAT Annexure AB, the date format was being captured as mm/dd/yyyy.
This issue has been resolved and the date format has been changed to dd/mm/yyyy.
On recording an entry in debit note using Purchase Returns or Rejected in Used for field,
the transaction date was not being captured in Annexure A.
This issue has been resolved.
The Name of Bank specified in VAT Payment Details screen of payment voucher was not
being captured in UPVAT - XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 94
Issues Resolved
The value of entries displayed in Annexure B, were not being rounded-off as per the
rounding method set in the ledger master.
This issue has been resolved.
In Annexure A and B, the additional tax was being displayed for items predefined with Addl.
Tax Exempted to No in stock item master even for entries recorded before June 1, 2009.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
In an invoice, if a stock item tagged to a VAT Commodity created without specifying HSN
Code was selected and the entry was exported to E-VAT Annexure AB, eight zeros were not
being filled as the HSN Code.
This issue has been resolved.
In purchase/sales entry the additional tax amount was being captured in E-VAT
Form24AnnexureAB.xls and Form24Tax Details.xls even when the additional tax ledger
was not selected.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 91
The E-VAT functionality has been enhanced as per the requirements of latest validation tool
Version 3.1.0 introduced by the Commercial Tax Department.
Issues Resolved
On selecting the VAT and Non-VATable classifications with additional tax in a tax invoice,
the assessable value entered for the non-VATable classification was also being captured in
Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved and the assessable value of only VATable classification is being
captured in Annexure B.
Version 90
The entries recorded for returns and additions will be displayed automatically on generating
the Physical Annexure A & Annexure B so the option - Print with Returns/Additions
has been removed from the Report Generation screen. This enhancement has been done to
ensure that the values of Physical Annexures match with E-VAT AnnexureAB.
The functionality has been enhanced
AnnexureAB.xls based on Invoice Date.
The functionality has been enhanced to capture the value of transactions entered without
selecting stock items in the E-VAT files - Form24TaxDetails.xls & Form24TaxDetails.txt.
Issues Resolved
The value of additional tax entered in a journal voucher using Tax on URD Purchases as the
VAT Adjustment was being captured incorrectly in box 14(ii) of UPVAT - XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
On exporting the transaction recorded by making multiple selection of the item grouped under
same commodity and VAT/Tax classification but having different purchase/sale price in a
single invoice using E-VAT excel and text formats, the tax details of only the first item was
being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting the ledgers grouped under the VAT/Tax Class - Purchases @ 4% and
Purchases - Capital Goods @ 4% along with additional tax ledgers in a single purchase
entry recorded in voucher mode, the value entered for Purchases @ 4% was not being
captured in UPVAT - XXIV and Annexure A.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting the stock items grouped under different Commodity in a purchase/sales entry,
the item value was being displayed incorrectly in Annexure A and B.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
On recording the purchase entries using taxable purchase and Purchase - Capital Goods
classifications in the same voucher, the value of capital goods was being captured in E-VAT
Annexure AB and Tax Details.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
Commodity-wise break-up of items invoiced will be captured in Annexure A and B.
Issues Resolved
In E-VAT Annexure AB, the invoice number and date were being captured in place of
Supplier Invoice No. and Date.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
The value of additional tax entered while invoicing from June 1, 2009 will be captured in
Form 24, Annexure A, Annexure B and E-VAT Returns.
Issues Resolved
The supplier invoice number and date were not being captured in the composition Annexure
A and B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
The commodity-wise details along with returns and additions are supported in E-VAT
excel - AnnexureAB.xls and text - AnnexureAB.txt formats.
In E-VAT Annexure AB, the unit of measure will be captured in Units column. The base
unit will be captured for alternate units and tail unit will be displayed for compound unit.
Issues Resolved
In purchase and sales entries made by selecting newly created stock items and entering the
commodity code in Tariff Classification master was not being captured in Annexure A and
Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
In a purchase/sale entry made by selecting the same item, pre-defined with commodity code,
more than once in a single invoice, the tax value was being captured only for the first item in
the E-VAT format.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The value of purchase and sales returns were not being captured in box 7(a)(i) and 9(a)(i)
respectively in Form UPVAT XXIV.
This issue has been resolved.
The units field was blank in AnnexureAB.txt as it was being displayed along with Total values.
This issue has been resolved.
Note: The Statutory file Stat.900 version 86 is compatible with Tally.ERP 9 Series A
Release 1.3 and above versions only.
Version 85
The company-wise VAT return configurations viz., Authorised Person, Designation and the
Tax Invoice Authentication details have been provided in the F3: Statutory & Taxation
features of F11: Features screen.
E-VAT feature has been provided to facilitate the e-filing of Form 24 and Annexure AB by
exporting the data pertaining to Main Form, Tax Details, Bank Details, VAT and Non-VAT
Details using Excel Spreadsheet format to the template files and SDF (Fixed width)
format as prescribed by the commercial tax department.
Issues Resolved
In the sales entry made using output VAT and output additional tax, the assessable value of
sales was being doubled and displayed in Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 84
Adhering to the Notification of Uttar Pradesh Commercial Tax Department, the following new
VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced for Additional Tax effective from June 1, 2009:
 Additional
Purchase Tax @ 1%
 Additional
Tax on Purchase of Capital Goods @ 1%
 Input
Additional Tax @ 1%
 Input
Additional Tax on URD Purchases @ 1%
 Output
Additional Tax @ 1%
 Additional
Purchase Tax @ 0.5%
 Additional
Tax on Purchase of Capital Goods @ 0.5%
 Input
Additional Tax @ 0.5%
 Input
Additional Tax on URD Purchases @ 0.5%
 Output
Additional Tax @ 0.5%
Note: The Statutory Reference Manual of Uttar Pradesh consisting the explanation on
Additional Tax Feature can be downloaded from
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
The VAT payment made by paying a part of the liability in the month of March and the
remaining amount in April was being captured incorrectly in Form 24 when the return form
was viewed for the quarter Jan - March and April - June.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 82
Adhering to the notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
for the new VAT Rates effective from January 29, 2009:
 Purchase
Classifications for VAT: Purchases from URDs - Non Taxable Goods @
17.23%, Purchases from URDs - Non Taxable Goods @ 26.55%, Purchase Tax @ 17.23%
(Non-VATable) and Purchase Tax @ 26.55% (Non-VATable)
 Sales
Classifications for VAT: Sales @ 17.23% (Non-VATable), Sales @ 26.55%
 Purchase
Classifications for Composite VAT: Purchases - Composition Tax @ 26.55%
(Non VATable) and Purchases - Composition Tax @ 17.23% (Non VATable)
The old VAT/Tax rates 23.62% and 16.16% have been deactivated with effect from January
29, 2009.
Version 81
The value of price variation accounted for using the VAT Adjustment - Change in Purchase
Consideration in Credit Note and Change in Sales Consideration in Debit note are
being captured in the respective fields of Annexure A and Annexure B.
9.31 Uttarakhand
Version 205
Issues Resolved
In the VAT Annexure I-A, the VAT amount being captured in the invoice was incorrect.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 204
The e-VAT functionality has been enhanced as per the template version 1.4.1.
Version 185
The e-VAT feature is enhanced as per the requirements of the latest template - Form
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In E-VAT Return Form III, the Payment Details were not captured under Payment of Tax
and Other Dues if the VAT Payment Voucher was recorded using S: Stat Payment button,
by setting the option Auto Fill Statutory Payment to No and using ledgers grouped under
Current Liabilities/Duties & Taxes > Others.
This issue has been resolved.
The option to Print as Challan was appearing in Voucher Printing screen of Payment Voucher
recorded using S: Stat Payment button and on enabling this option for printing, the
application was crashing.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
Issues Resolved
After recording transactions with VAT and service tax if Annexure 2 was generated, the error
message - Memory Access Violation was getting displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
On selecting ledgers grouped under expenses / current liabilities, the Type of Payment list
was not getting displayed in payment voucher recorded using Stat Payment button.
This issue has been resolved.
In an invoice if multiple stock items tagged to different commodities attracting same VAT rate
were selected, the commodity details of first stock item was getting displayed for all items in
Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 175
The e-VAT feature is introduced to export data of Form III in Excel Spreadsheet format to
excel template - FormIII_(Version_1.2)_1.xls as prescribed by the Commercial Tax
Version 174
The functionality of VAT return Form and Annexures are enhanced to support the value of
entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 5% and 8% VAT rates.
Issues Resolved
In box 49 of Form III the net value of interstate purchases was being captured instead of
gross value.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 171
The VAT Annexure - 11 and 14 are provided.
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for 8%
VAT rate:
 Input
VAT @ 8% / Purchases @ 8%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 8%
 Purchase
From URDs - SCG @ 8%
 Output
VAT @ 8% / Sales @ 8%
 Output
VAT @ 8% (of Purc Outside State) / Sales @ 8% (of Purc Outside State)
 Output
VAT @ 8% (of Purc Outside State) - SCG / Sales @ 8% (of Purc Outside State) -
 Output
VAT @ 8% - Spl. Category Goods / Sales @ 8% - Spl. Category Goods
 Purchase
Tax @ 8%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 8% VAT rate in VAT
Version 170
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications are provided for 5%
VAT rate effective from May 28, 2012:
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Purchases
 Purchase
- Capital Goods @ 5%
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 5%
 Output
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
 Output
VAT @ 5% (of Purc Outside State) / Sales @ 5% (of Purc Outside State)
 CST
@ 5% / Interstate Sales @ 5%
 Purchase
Tax @ 5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% VAT Rate in VAT
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 168
Issues Resolved
After recording two or more taxable purchase entries, if Annexure 1-(A) was generated, the
Amount of tax charged in invoice column was displaying tax amount for the first entry and
gross purchase value for the subsequent entries.
This issue has been resolved.
After recording two interstate purchase transactions - one with declaration form and the other
without it, if Form III was generated, the error message - Memory Access Violation as
being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 167
The VAT Annexure - 6, Annexure - 7, Annexure - 8 and Annexure 9 are provided.
Issues Resolved
In VAT Annexures, the decimals were being captured even though the duty ledgers selected
while recording transactions were enabled for round-off.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 164
Issues Resolved
On recording the purchase and debit note transactions by selecting the VAT/Tax Class Inter-State Purchases with other than 2% CST rates and Form Type as Not Applicable,
the values were not being captured in row 49 and 52 of the VAT Return Form III.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
The assessable value and output VAT of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Sales @
1% (Of Purc Outside State), Sales @ 12.5% (Of Purc Outside State), Sales @ 13.5% (Of Purc
Outside State), Sales @ 20% (of Purc Outside State), Sales @ 20% (of Purc Outside State) –
SCG, Sales @ 21% (of Purc Outside State) – SCG, Sales @ 32.5% (of Purc Outside State),
Sales @ 32.5% (of Purc Outside State) – SCG, Sales @ 4% (of Purc Outside State), Sales @
4.5% (of Purc Outside State) are captured in box 7 and box 30 respectively of VAT Form
The following VAT/Tax classifications are activated to record purchase and sale of declared
 Input
VAT @ 4% / Purchases @ 4%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 4%
 Output
VAT @ 4% / Sales @ 4%
 Output
VAT @ 4% (of Purc Outside State) / Sales @ 4% (of Purc Outside State)
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Also, the following VAT/Tax Classifications are provided effective from April 1, 2011:
 CST
@ 4% / Interstate Sales @ 4%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 4%
 Interstate
 Purchase
Purchases @ 4%
Tax @ 4%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 4% VAT Rate in VAT
Version 158
The Annexure - 4 and Annexure - 5 are provided.
The values of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for 5% additional
tax are captured in the respective fields of VAT Return Form III and Annexure.
Version 154
The Annexure I-(B) and Annexure-3 are provided as per statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
The assessable value and VAT on non-capital goods purchased from Registered Dealers were
being captured incorrectly in Form III.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 150
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax classifications for 5% Additional Tax
are introduced effective from August 8, 2011:
 Input
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable) / Purchases @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5%
 Output
VAT @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Applicable) / Sales @ 12.5% (Addl.Tax @ 5% Appli-
 Input
Additional Tax @ 5%
 Output
Additional Tax @ 5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the aforementioned VAT/Tax classifications in VAT Forms.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 149
The revised Form III is provided as per the statutory requirements.
The revised annexures - Annexure 1(A) and Annexure 2 are provided as per the statutory
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The additional tax amount entered with VAT in sale/purchase invoice was not being captured
in Annexure I and Annexure II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 129
Issues Resolved
On exporting Form III data of a particular return period using Excel Spreadsheet format,
only the From date entered in Export Report screen was being captured as the tax period.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
The value of purchase returns recorded in debit note by selecting Others in Used for field
was being captured in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 126
Issues Resolved
On generating monthly return Form III for a particular month, the value of entries recorded
in the subsequent tax period were also being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 118
Issues Resolved
The value entered in purchase and sales invoice for additional ledgers predefined with the
option - Use for Assessable Value Calculation to Yes was not being considered for tax
calculation in Annexure I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 117
Issues Resolved
On selecting the same stock item multiple times in a single invoice while recording taxable
sales/purchase, the values were being captured incorrectly in Annexure I and II.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 113
Issues Resolved
In Annexure II, the columns for 4.5% and 13.5% VAT rates were not provided. Hence the
values of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications activated for these VAT rates were
not being captured.
This issue has been resolved and based on the VAT/Tax classifications selected while invoicing
entries of various tax rates, the columns are displayed.
Version 111
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax class provided for 4.5% and 13.5% is captured
in Form III, Annexure I and Annexure II.
Version 110
The following new VAT/Tax Classifications are introduced effective from April 1, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 4.5% / Input VAT @ 4.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 4.5%
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 4.5% / Output VAT @ 4.5%
 Sales
@ 4.5% (of Purc Outside State) / Output VAT @ 4.5% (of Purc Outside State)
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% (of Purc Outside State) / Output VAT @ 13.5% (of Purc Outside State)
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture value of
entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 4.5% and 13.5% Rates in Return Form.
Version 104
New VAT/Tax classifications have been provided to support Additional Tax Calculation. The
following new VAT/Tax Classifications are effective from March 1, 2010:
 Input
Additional Tax @ 0.5%
 Input
Additional Tax @ 1%
 Output
Additional Tax@ 0.5%
 Output
Additional Tax @ 1%
 Additional
Tax on Purchase of Capital Goods @ 0.5%
 Additional
Tax on Purchase of Capital Goods @ 1%
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Purchases – If goods taxable @ 4% attract Additional tax @ 0.5%, select VAT/Tax
classification Purchases @ 4% for Purchase Ledger, Input VAT @ 4% for Input vat ledger
and Input Additional Tax @ 0.5% for Additional Tax ledger.
Sales – If goods taxable at 12.5% attracts Additional Tax @ 1%, select VAT/Tax classification
Sales @ 12.5% for Sales Ledger, Output VAT @ 12.5% for output vat ledger and Output
Additional Tax @ 1% for Additional Tax ledger.
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 0.5% and 1% additional tax rates in
VAT Return and Annexures.
Version 95
Issues Resolved
On recording an inter-state sales entry with CST, the assessable value was being captured in
box 7 of CST Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications - Sales @ 2% and Sales @ 3%
were not being captured in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
The entry made for inter-state sales with CST was being captured as export sales in Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
Issues Resolved
In Annexure I, the value of discount and additional ledgers enabled for apportionment were
not being considered in the calculation of tax amount.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 86
Issues Resolved
The amount of CST dues adjusted against input VAT in journal voucher using Adjustment
Towards CST as the VAT Adjustment was getting added to the input credit amount and the
same was displayed in box 6(8) of Form III.
This issue has been resolved.
9.32 West Bengal
Version 201
The e-VAT functionality has been enhanced to support the latest e-filing tool version 4.2.0.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 199
The facility to account for the VAT on hoarding license fee for Advertising Agencies using the
following VAT/Tax Classifications for Transfer of Right to Use at 4%, 5%, 12.5% and
13.5% VAT rates has been provided.
 Purchases
@ 4% on Transfer of Right to Use
 Purchases
@ 5% on Transfer of Right to Use
 Purchases
@ 12.5% on Transfer of Right to Use
 Purchases
@ 13.5% on Transfer of Right to Use
 Sales
@ 4% - Transfer of Right to Use / Output VAT @ 4% on Transfer of Right to Use
 Sales
@ 5% - Transfer of Right to Use / Output VAT @ 5% on Transfer of Right to Use
  Sales
@ 12.5% - Transfer of Right to Use / Output VAT @ 12.5% on Transfer of Right to
  Sales
@ 13.5% - Transfer of Right to Use / Output VAT @ 13.5% on Transfer of Right to
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for Transfer of Right to Use
in VAT forms.
Issues Resolved
In the Total field of CST Annexure D, only the Assessable value was getting captured
without the CST amount.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 198
Issues Resolved
The VAT amount entered while invoicing excise purchase and sales with excise duty ledgers
was not captured in Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 197
Issues Resolved
After recording an excise purchase invoice if CST Annexure E was generated, the company’s
TIN was displayed instead of party’s TIN for the corresponding party ledger.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 196
For increase in VAT rate from 25% to 35% on cigarettes, the following VAT/Tax
classifications are provided.
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 35% Special Rate / Sales @ 35% Special Rate
VAT @ 35% Special Rate / Purchase @ 35% Special Rate
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 35%
@ 35% / Interstate Sales @ 35%
The functionality is enhanced to capture the values of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for 5%, 14.5%, 25% and 35% VAT rates in:
 VAT
Forms - Form 14 and Annexures - A, B, D, F and Sales Returns
 CST
Forms - Form I and Annexures - D and Sales Returns.
Version 194
For change in VAT rate on goods whose MRP is inclusive of tax, the following VAT/Tax
classifications are provided:
 Input
VAT @ 4.76% / Purchases @ 4.76%
 Input
VAT @ 12.66% / Purchases @ 12.66%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 4.76%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 12.66%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 4.76%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 12.66%
 Output
VAT @ 4.76% / Sales @ 4.76%
 Output
VAT @ 12.66% / Sales @ 12.66%
 CST
@ 4.76% / Interstate Sales @ 4.76%
 CST
@ 12.66% / Interstate Sales @ 12.66%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 4.76% VAT rate and
12.66% VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 194
The physical and e-CST Annexure B2 are enhanced as per the latest statutory requirements.
New VAT/Tax classifications - Purchases Against Deemed Exports (Within State) and
Sales Against Deemed Exports (Within State) have been provided. On selecting these
classifications, the fields - Form 12A No. and Date will be displayed for entering the Form
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
An option to generate physical and e-CST Annexure B1 with invoice-wise or party-wise
details has been provided.
For increase in VAT rate from 14.5% to 15.5% on LED Televisions and change in composite
VAT rate from 2% to 3% on works contract, the following VAT/Tax classifications are
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 15.5% / Sales @ 15.5%
VAT @ 15.5% / Purchases @ 15.5%
 Works
Contract - Composition Tax @ 3%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 15.5% VAT rate and 3%
Composite VAT rate in the respective fields of VAT, CST and Composite VAT Forms.
Issues Resolved
The value of capital goods purchases recorded using fixed asset ledger in voucher mode was
not being captured in Part - I, Section 1 of Annexure B1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 193
As per the West Bengal Budget 2013-14:
For change in VAT rate from 13.5% to 14.5% the VAT/Tax classification - Output VAT Works Contract @ 14.5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 14.5% is provided.
For change in VAT rate from 4% to 5% the following VAT/Tax classifications are provided.
 Output
VAT @ 5% / Sales @ 5%
 Output
VAT - Works Contract @ 5% / Sales - Works Contract @ 5%
 Input
VAT @ 5% / Purchases @ 5%
 Purchases
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 5%
 Interstate
 CST
- Capital Goods @ 5%
Purchases @ 5%
@ 5% / Interstate Sales @ 5%
For increase in VAT rate from 20% to 25% on tobacco products and cigarettes the following
VAT/Tax classifications are provided.
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 25% Special Rate / Sales @ 25% Special Rate
VAT @ 25% Special Rate / Purchase @ 25% Special Rate
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 25%
@ 25% / Interstate Sales @ 25%
The value of entries recorded using these classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 5%, 14.5% and
25% VAT rates in VAT Forms.
Version 191
The functionality of CST Annexure G has been enhanced to display commodity-wise details
as per the latest statutory requirements.
Issues Resolved
While importing the XML file generated for e-CST Annexure G to CSTAnnex.jar file of
version e-Gov ver 3.2.0, the error message - Wrong file type selected was appearing.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 188
Issues Resolved
When a sales invoice was recorded with VAT/Tax Classifications provided for 14.5% VAT rate,
the assessable value was getting doubled in row 16 of Form 14.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 187
Issues Resolved
The value of sales recorded without selecting Form E1/E2 were not being captured in both
physical and e-return of VAT and CST Annexure-G.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 185
Issues Resolved
The value of purchases for which the assessable value was less than ` 50,000, but invoice
total exceeded ` 50,000 was not captured under PART - I of Annexure - B.
This issue has been resolved.
Though Assessable Value and Tax Amount of purchase entries were rounded off, the
values captured under Part - I of Annexure B were not rounded off.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
Physical VAT/CST Forms and annexures are enhanced as per the e-filing tool version 4.0.1.
Issues Resolved
In CST Form 1, the details of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class - Interstate Purchases @
2% Against Form C was captured based on Supplier Invoice date instead of Voucher Date.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In Annexure B, the values of sales entries recorded using VAT/Tax class – Sales MRP Based
were not considered when Show Exempt Details was set to Yes.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 178
E-filing functionality is enhanced as per Version 4.0.1 of e-VAT validation tool.
Provision has been made to capture purchase/sales taxable at 14.5% VAT rate in box 5, 13
and 29 of Form 14.
Version 176
The e-filing functionality is enhanced as per:
 Version
4.0.0 of e-VAT validation tool.
 Version
3.2.0 of e-CST Annexure validation tool.
Version 174
The fields - Despatch Doc. No., date and Despatched through are provided in Party
Details screen of Purchase Invoice. The details entered here for purchases recorded using
VAT/Tax class - Consignment/Branch Transfer Inward are captured in Annexure F.
Version 168
The functionality is enhanced to capture value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax
classifications provided for entries taxable at 14.5% VAT rate in physical and e-VAT Form
14 and Annexures.
The functionality of physical and e-CST Annexure G is enhanced and the values are being
captured in the appropriate fields.
Issues Resolved
The values of entries recorded using the VAT/Tax classifications provided for interstate sales
of different CST rates were not being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
The cash sales recorded in voucher types created under user-defined sales voucher types
were not being captured in VAT Forms and Annexures.
This issue has been resolved.
In Print Report screen of Annexure B, if the option - Show Exempt Details was set to Yes,
the details of purchases recorded using VAT/Tax class - Purchase from URDs - Exempted
were not getting captured in Part I.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 167
In the Print Report screen of Annexure B, the option - Print with Returns/Additions is
provided. On enabling this option, the net value of purchase and sales gets captured after
considering the returns and additions recorded in debit/credit note.
Version 166
Issues Resolved
If Part I of Annexure B was selected for a particular quarter, the details were displayed
according to the voucher date instead of the supplier invoice date and number.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 165
In accordance to West Bengal state Budget 2012-13, there is an increase in rate of VAT in
high-value luxury goods. The following new VAT/Tax classifications are introduced with effect
from April 1, 2012, to facilitate recording of transactions with 14.5% VAT rate.
 Input
VAT @ 14.5% / Purchases @ 14.5%
 Output
VAT @ 14.5% / Sales @ 14.5%
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured
only in VAT Computation report.
Note: In forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture value of
entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 14.5% VAT rate in VAT forms.
Version 164
Issues Resolved
In an inter-state purchase transaction, if the Voucher Date and Supplier Invoice Date
were of different quarters, the date was incorrectly captured in the Annexure-E of e-CST
This issue has been resolved.
The application was crashing with an error - Memory Access Violation while printing CST
This issue has been resolved.
While printing VAT Form 14, an error message was displayed in the calculator pane.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording an excise dealer purchase invoice, the column- Registration certificate No. if
any in Part-I of VAT Annexure B was capturing the company’s TIN/Sales Tax No. instead of
the party’s TIN/Sales Tax No.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 163
The value of entries recorded using VAT/tax classifications provided for special VAT rates of
20%, 27% and 50% are captured in respective fields of Form 14.
Issues Resolved
In CST Annexure D, the columns - Rate of Tax Intra State and Remarks were not
This issue has been resolved.
Version 162
The e-CST functionality of Annexure D is enhanced as per version 3.0.4.
Version 161
The CST Challan - West Bengal Form No. 1182P is provided.
Issues Resolved
The value of works contract sales recorded using VAT/Tax class - Sales-Works Contract @
13.5% were not being captured in Annexure D and box 36 of Form 14.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 158
The e-VAT functionality is enhanced to support the tool - VAT Return Form 14 - e-gov ver
The option Show Exempt Details is provided to include the value of Exempt Purchases and
Sales in Annexure B.
Issues Resolved
The value of Debit Note recorded to account the Purchase Returns was being captured in
Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of interstate sales was being captured in Box 46 of Form 14.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 157
Issues Resolved
The value of sales returns recorded in credit note by selecting:
 Goods
Sold Returned for VAT/Tax class - Sales - Exempt was not being captured in box
20 of Form 14.
 Return
of Taxable Goods for any sales classifications was not being captured in
Annexure Sales Returns.
These issues have been resolved.
Version 154
Issues Resolved
In local sales invoice, the value entered as separately charged expenses by selecting
additional ledger (in which the option - Use for Assessable Value was set to No) was being
considered as part of assessable value and the same was captured in box 2A of CST Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 151
Adhering to the Notification, the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
effective from September 1, 2011:
 Input
VAT @ 20% Special Rate / Purchase @ 20% Special Rate
 Output
VAT @ 20% Special Rate / Sales @ 20% Special Rate
 Interstate
 CST
Purchases @ 20%
@ 20% / Interstate Sales @ 20%
 Input
VAT @ 27% Special Rate / Purchase @ 27% Special Rate
 Output
 Input
VAT @ 27% Special Rate / Sales @ 27% Special Rate
VAT @ 50% Special Rate / Purchase @ 50% Special Rate
 Output
VAT @ 50% Special Rate / Sales @ 50% Special Rate
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax class provided for 20%, 27% and 50% VAT Rates
in VAT Forms.
Version 148
Issues Resolved
The value of journal entry recorded by selecting Interest Payable Under Column 33 in
Used for field was being captured in CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 147
Issues Resolved
In Form 14 the interstate sales amount was being displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 142
Issues Resolved
java.lang.NumberFormatException:empty String was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 140
Issues Resolved
The value of sales recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Inter-State Sales Exempted was
being captured in Annexure Sales Returns.
This issue has been resolved.
The CST amount entered for interstate purchases in Voucher mode was getting doubled and
displayed in Annexure 48.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 138
Issues Resolved
On uploading the XML file of e-VAT Annexures generated from Tally.ERP 9 to Department
website, the error message - Incorrect State Name was being displayed for data having
interstate transactions. This was due to mismatch in State Names.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 133
Issues Resolved
The value of sales returns recorded in credit note was being displayed incorrectly in Form 14.
This issue has been resolved.
On creating user-defined payment voucher type by selecting the Type of Voucher as
Payment and recording a payment entry in it using Stat Payment button, the VAT
Payment Details were not being captured in Form 14.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
The revised Form 14 is provided and the functionality of EVAT return is enhanced as per the
latest template.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In voucher mode of purchase voucher, if stock item was selected while recording interstate
purchases, the CST amount was not being captured in Annexure E.
This issue has been resolved.
The Date entered in Voucher Printing screen of payment challan was being captured as the
month/quarter/year ending date in Form 2380G.
This issue has been resolved and the date entered in to field of VAT Payment Details
sub-screen is captured as the month/quarter/year ending date of Payment challan.
Version 129
Issues Resolved
The VAT purchases worth ` 50,000 and above recorded by selecting party/cash ledgers with
Type of Dealer set to VAT Dealer in Accounting Invoice or voucher mode without selecting
inventory was not being captured in No. of tax invoice, invoice bill, cash memo
received column of Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
In Amount excluding Tax column of Annexure E, both assessable value and CST amount
was being captured.
This issue has been resolved.
In sales entry, the value entered for additional ledger predefined with the option - Use for
Assessable Value Calculation to No was being captured incorrectly in CST Form - 1.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 128
Issues Resolved
The net value excluding CST was being captured in Annexure D and box 8 of CST Form 1.
This issue has been resolved and the gross value including CST amount is captured.
On recording an entry recorded using the VAT/Tax class - Consignment/Branch Transfer
Outward, only the date and invoice number was being captured but the values were not displayed in Annexure E.
This issue has been resolved.
In the VAT Payment Details screen of payment voucher, the branch name CHOWRINGHEE was not added to the List of Branches displayed for State Bank of India.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 127
Adhering to the Notification the following new VAT/Tax Classifications have been introduced
for 13.5% VAT rate effective from November 15, 2010:
 Purchases
@ 13.5% / Input VAT @ 13.5%
 Purchases
- Capital Goods @ 13.5%
 Purchase
From URDs - Taxable Goods @ 13.5%
 Interstate
Purchases @ 13.5%
 Sales
@ 13.5% / Output VAT @ 13.5%
 Sales
- Works Contract @ 13.5% / Output VAT - Works Contract @ 13.5%
 Interstate
Sales @ 13.5% / CST @ 13.5%
The value of entries made using the aforesaid classifications will be currently captured only in
VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries made using VAT/Tax class provided for 13.5% VAT Rates in Return Form.
Version 126
The facility is provided to export data in XML format to templates provided for E-CST return
and Annexure A, B, C, E, D, E and F.
In the Company VAT Details screen of F3: Statutory & Taxation features, the option Assessment Circle (Group) is introduced. The information entered here gets captured in
Assessment Circle (Group) field under Voucher Printing screen for displaying the same in
Payment Challan.
Issues Resolved
The value of sales made using VAT inclusive voucher class was not being captured in Part II
of Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 123
The CST Form 1 is provided with facility to record interstate sales at multiple CST rates in
single invoice.
Issues Resolved
The alignment of text in Payment Challan - Form 2380G was incorrect.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 122
The VAT payment challan Form 2380G is provided.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Issues Resolved
In some rows of the XML file generated by exporting the data using e-VAT feature, the values
were not being rounded-off to the nearest rupee.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 120
As per notification, the e-VAT export functionality of Form 14 is enhanced.
Version 110
Issues Resolved
On exporting the data of Form VAT 14 to E-VAT template file, the application was not
responding for companies with huge volume of transactions.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 108
Issues Resolved
The value of Excise payment entries recorded using Excise Helper button was being
captured in Form VAT 14.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 106
Issues Resolved
In Part I of Annexure B, incorrect values were being displayed when the report was
generated for the entire year.
This issue has been resolved.
The Form 14 EVAT XML file was not being uploaded due to version mismatch.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 102
Issues Resolved
The tax value of purchases/sales was being captured incorrectly in Total tax involved
column of Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording entries for Works Contract in Accounts Only company, VAT was being
calculated on Sale value.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 95
Facility is provided to generate e-returns by exporting the data of composite VAT Form 15
using XML format as prescribed by the Commercial Tax Department.
The functionality of Composite Form 15 has been enhanced as per the latest statutory
Issues Resolved
On recording an inter-state sales entry with CST, the assessable value was being captured in
box 7 of CST Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
The value of entries made using the VAT/Tax classifications - Sales @ 2% and Sales @ 3%
were not being captured in Annexure I.
This issue has been resolved.
The entry made for inter-state sales with CST was being captured as export sales in Form I.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 94
Issues Resolved
The time consumed for generating the print preview of Form 14, E-VAT 14 and E-VAT
Annexures was more for large size data.
This issue has been resolved and performance is improved.
In box 47 of Form 14, the sales made using different tax invoice voucher types was not
based on month-wise segregation of voucher types used.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting Cash ledger in Party's A/c Name field and specifying the Buyer's Details in
Party Details screen of Sales invoice, the party name and address details were not being
captured in Part III of Annexue B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
On generating the print preview of Form 14, the error message - Out of Memory was being
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 91
The facility has been provided to generate E-VAT returns in XML format for Form 14,
Annexure B - Part 1, 2 and 3. Also the functionality of physical Form 14 and Annexures
has been enhanced as per the latest statutory requirements.
Version 89
Issues Resolved
On selecting the additional expense ledger grouped under Purchase Accounts and entering
the amount, the additional expense amount was being doubled and displayed in box 47 of
Form 14.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
Issues Resolved
On changing the buyer's name and address and selecting the Type of Dealer as
Unregistered Dealer in the alteration mode of a cash transaction, the buyer's name and
address were not being captured in Annexure B.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 85
Issues Resolved
The payment entry made for the month of March by entering the payment date of the
subsequent month was not being captured in Form 14.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 83
Issues Resolved
The amount of interest and penalty paid was not being captured if the payment date and
period mentioned in the VAT Payment Details screen of payment voucher was different.
This issue has been resolved and the amount is being captured as per the details provided in
the VAT Payment Details screen.
Version 82
Issues Resolved
The input tax amount reversed using debit note by selecting Return of Taxable Goods as
VAT Adjustment was not being captured in Annexure F.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 81
Issues Resolved
The Form 14 when generated for a particular quarter, same value of input tax credit was
being displayed for each month in the month-wise break-up in Part C - Box 39(b).
This issue has been resolved.
9.33 VAT/CST Common
Version 199
Issues Resolved
In VAT Classification Vouchers screen of the VAT Computation report the Alt + F12:
Range button was not working.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 198
Issues Resolved
While recording entries in voucher mode, the field - LBT Zone was appearing in the Party
Details screen for all States.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 194
Issues Resolved
In VAT Computation of Group Company, the input and output VAT amount were being
calculated incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 191
Issues Resolved
In a sales invoice configured to print the VAT/CST analysis of items, if output VAT and
surcharge/cess ledgers were predefined with normal rounding, the assessable values were
getting printed in decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
For excess tax credit, the heading - VAT Refundable was displayed in condensed mode in
VAT Analysis section of VAT Computation. In detailed mode, the row - Carried forward
was displayed with the amount below VAT Refundable.
This issue has been resolved and the heading appears as VAT Refundable with amount in a
single row.
On printing a tax invoice recorded by selecting multiple stock items using voucher class
exclusive of VAT, the amount printed as output VAT and the assessable value for calculation of
surcharge under VAT Analysis section was differing by one paisa or two.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 189
Issues Resolved
The Purpose Code field was not appearing in inter-state purchase vouchers recorded against
Form C for VAT enabled companies of Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh.
This issue has been resolved.
The following issues found in Show Statutory Details screen of an invoice have been
 In
the alteration mode of excise purchase recorded with VAT and additional tax, the
additional tax was not being displayed.
 For
interstate sale of works contract, the CST amount was being displayed in two rows.
 In
the alteration mode of purchase invoice recorded using voucher class predefined to
auto-calculate excise and VAT, if the entry was reaccepted the input additional tax amount
was vanishing.
Version 188
The VAT Computation report has been enhanced to capture the Company’s VAT TIN below
the name of the company.
Issues Resolved
While recording purchase and sales transactions in accounting invoice mode, if the assessable
value was changed after selecting VAT and additional tax ledgers, the additional tax amount
was not getting recalculated.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 184
Issues Resolved
In accounts only company or accounting invoice the surcharge was not getting calculated if
service tax was enabled.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 181
Itemised discount functionality is provided in Credit Note Voucher.
Issues Resolved
In accounting invoice mode or accounts only company enabled for service tax and VAT the
additional tax / surcharge amount was not getting auto-calculated while invoicing interstate
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
For recording works contract if tax inclusive voucher class was used, VAT was calculated on
sale/purchase value instead of taxable value computed after deduction.
This issue has been resolved.
On printing Rule 11 Invoice for entry recorded with Excise and VAT (Work Contract with
20% abatement), gross assessable value was displayed for output VAT on works contract
instead of nett amount.
This issue has been resolved.
In an interstate sales invoice recorded with more than four stock items and CST ledger, if
additional income ledger enabled for apportionment was selected, the CST amount was
displayed in decimals in Statutory Details screen.
This issue has been resolved.
Filtering vouchers in VAT Computation screen using the Range feature was not working.
This issue has been resolved.
In alteration mode of purchase invoice, the additional tax/surcharge amount was vanishing in
few scenarios.
This issue has been resolved.
For cash transactions recorded by selecting Party Ledger in Party Details screen using Alt+M
button, the Type of Dealer predefined for the ledger was not displayed if the option - Allow
Separate Buyer and Consignee Names was set to No in F12: Invoice configuration.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording transactions by selecting stock items with negative quantity, the additional tax /
surcharge was captured incorrectly in Statutory Details screen.
This issue has been resolved.
On accepting sales voucher recorded in versions lower than Release 3.6 in alteration mode of
a specific data the application was not responding if Stat.900 file was present in the Tally.ERP
9 installed folder.
This issue has been resolved.
In a company data if two ledgers predefined with different type of dealers were created and
one of them was used while invoicing, incorrect type of dealer was being displayed in party
details screen if mailing name of one ledger was matching with name of another ledger.
For example: Consider that for a party ledger with name Party 1, the mailing name was
entered as XYZ Agencies and dealer type was set to registered dealer. Another party ledger
was created with name XYZ Agencies with dealer type set to unregistered dealer. On selecting
party 1 in the invoice, the mailing name was appearing as XYZ Agencies with dealer type
unregistered dealer in Party Details screen since mailing name of one ledger was same as the
name of another ledger.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 175
Issues Resolved
In the VAT Payment voucher recorded using auto-fill feature of Stat Payment, the ledgers
predefined with VAT/Tax class provided for surcharge and additional tax on CST were getting
displayed for off-setting dues against Input VAT.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 174
Issues Resolved
On changing the language using G: Language button in VAT Computation report, the
values were being displayed incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 173
Issues Resolved
The reference number entered in sales invoice was not getting captured in the Supplier
Inv/Ref. No./Date column of VAT Classification Vouchers screen (VAT Computation
drill-down report).
This issue has been resolved.
Version 171
Issues Resolved
From VAT Computation screen of the member company, if VAT Computation report was
generated for the group company, the values were being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
On altering the values in purchase/sales invoice recorded using voucher class with additional
ledgers enabled for apportionment, the value of apportioned ledger was being displayed
incorrectly in Statutory Details screen.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 168
Issues Resolved
In the VAT Computation of group company, only the details of first child company loaded for
generating this report was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved and the details of all child companies are being captured in VAT
Computation report of the group company.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 166
Issues Resolved
The input surcharge value got incorrectly computed when a purchase transaction was
recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for Job Work taxable at 1%, 4%, 5%,
12.5% and 20%.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 164
Issues Resolved
In Gujarat and Punjab, when Zero Rated entries were accounted by using Voucher Class Exclusive of VAT, the Additional Tax/Surcharge was getting calculated based on the
Standard Rate or rate specified in previous transactions.
This issue has been resolved.
In Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, if a sales invoice with two or more stock items attracting
different VAT rates was altered to remove one taxable stock item, then the corresponding
Additional Tax amount was being retained despite the removal of the stock item.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 163
Issues Resolved
In a sales invoice if Discount ledger grouped under sales accounts by setting Type of
Ledger as Discount was selected while recording sales using VAT/Tax classifications Exports and Consignment/Branch Transfer Outward, the value shown in VAT
Computation was not matching with VAT Classification Vouchers report.
This issue has been resolved.
In a Composite VAT enabled company, the value of stock items invoiced at different VAT
rates with additional tax in a single purchase invoice was being displayed incorrectly in VAT
Composition Computation report.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording purchase entry in voucher mode using VAT/Tax classifications provided for
Interstate Purchases with CST ledger, the CST amount was not being displayed in VAT
Computation report.
This issue has been resolved.
In a sales invoice if VAT inclusive voucher class predefined to override item defaults was
used to record sale of both taxable and zero valued goods, the assessable value and tax
amount was not being captured in VAT Computation.
This issue has been resolved.
In the ledger-wise Forms Issuable report, the effective date of interstate purchases
recorded against declaration forms was being captured incorrectly.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In the Print Report screen of group-wise Forms Issuable report if the effective dates were
specified and the option - Start fresh page for each Account was set to No, the same was
getting generated for the entire report period irrespective of the effective dates specified.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In Forms Receivable/Issuable report, the transactions with more than one party recorded
using VAT/Tax class - Sales (Against Form-H Deemed Export) and Purchases (Against
Form-H Deemed Export) were not being displayed for Maharashtra VAT enabled company.
This issue has been resolved.
In excise and service tax sales invoice the surcharge/additional tax amount was calculating
This issue has been resolved.
Version 158
Issues Resolved
In an excise sales invoice recorded using voucher class predefined to override item defaults, if
an item exempt from surcharge/cess was selected, the surcharge/cess calculated on taxable
items was vanishing.
This issue has been resolved.
On Printing the following VAT forms, the Date was not printing properly.
 Delhi
- Form DVAT 51 (Regular Dealer)
 Delhi
- Form DVAT 17 (Composition Dealer)
 Daman
 Dadar
and Diu - Form DVAT 17 (Composition Dealer)
and Nagar Haveli - Form DVAT 17 (Composition Dealer)
 Madhya
Pradesh - Form 5 (Composition Dealer)
This issue has been resolved.
Version 157
Issues Resolved
In an item invoice if the additional tax / surcharge / cess values were rounded-off manually,
the same was not getting retained and the values were being displayed in decimals.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 149
Issues Resolved
On reaccepting the bank ledgers created earlier and recording payment entry using Stat
Payment button, the amount was not being captured in VAT/CST Payment challans.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 143
Issues Resolved
On generating VAT Computation report for entire year in company having huge volume of
data, the error message - Out of Memory was being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
The discount amount entered for ledger predefined with Type of Ledger as Discount while
invoicing exports and consignment/branch transfer outward was not being captured in VAT
This issue has been resolved.
Version 132
Issues Resolved
In the Invoice Print Configuration of purchase/sales Voucher Printing screen if the
option - Print VAT Analysis of items was set to Yes, incorrect assessable value was being
displayed in the printed invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 129
New VAT/Tax classifications are provided effective from January 1, 2011 for calculation of
Surcharge on CST for Haryana and Punjab VAT enabled Companies to arrive at the total
surcharge amount in VAT Computation report for Interstate sales transactions.
Version 123
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality for Delhi and Gujarat.
Version 122
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality for Orissa, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.
Issues Resolved
The Supplier Invoice Number entered in purchase invoice was being captured in Voucher
Register (drill down screen of Purchase Register) displayed in Columnar format only
after reaccepting the entry.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 121
Issues Resolved
In purchase invoice, if Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation was set to Yes in
F12: Configure and multiple stock items were selected with CST ledger while invoicing, the
CST amount was being apportioned only to the first stock item when viewed in Stock
This issue has been resolved and the CST amount is being apportioned to all stock items and
displayed in Stock Summary.
Version 113
The facility to record inter-state transactions at multiple CST rates in a single invoice is
provided with enhanced CST functionality for Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.
On selecting party ledger in voucher mode, the Party Details screen will be displayed with
Supplier’s/Buyer’s Details section consisting of the fields - Name, Address, TIN/Sales
Tax No. and CST Number. In addition to this, the Type of Dealer, Despatch Details, VAT
Details etc. will be displayed based on the State selected for VAT Compliance.
Version 106
Issues Resolved
In an invoice, the value of cash/trade discount specified for each item without selecting the
ledger predefined with Discount as the Type of Ledger was being captured in VAT Forms of
Chandigarh and Punjab.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 102
The option to select Type of Dealer in Party Details screen while recording Excise Purchase
and Sales is provided for Excise and VAT enabled companies.
Issues Resolved
On recording purchase and sales entries in Accounts Only Company, the Surcharge and
Social Security Cess amount was not being automatically calculated and displayed for
Punjab and Kerala respectively.
This issue has been resolved.
On generating E-Returns, the data was not being exported to the appropriate worksheet of
template file as there was a mismatch between the Output Sheet Name of Report
Generation screen and the E-CST template of Chandigarh and Punjab.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 101
Issues Resolved
On recording an Dealer Excise purchase entry, the TIN of company was being captured
instead of Supplier TIN in purchase annexures of Delhi, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu
and Himachal pradesh.
This issue has been resolved.
On recording entries for Works Contract in Accounts Only company, VAT was being
calculated on Sale value.
This issue has been resolved for Chandigarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharastra, Punjab and
Tamil Nadu.
Version 98
Issues Resolved
On changing the Purchase voucher date in the alteration mode, the Supplier Invoice date
specified earlier was being modified automatically.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 94
The apportionment of value entered for additional ledgers to CST amount in case of
interstate purchase transactions has been supported for Purchase Order and Receipt Note.
Issues Resolved
The value of entries made in debit/credit notes to account for sales related adjustments were
not affecting the Total Sales column of Composition Form DVAT 17 of Delhi, Dadra &
Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 90
The Supplier invoice No. and Date fields have been provided in purchase voucher for Goa
and Madhya Pradesh.
Issues Resolved
On selecting multiple CST ledgers taxable at different rates in a single payment voucher, only
the CST amount entered for the first ledger in the entry was being captured in CST Form 1 of
Chandigarh and Punjab (Physical and E-CST).
This issue has been resolved.
In a journal entry recorded using Tax on URD Purchases as the VAT Adjustment, the
assessable value for Additional Tax was not being captured automatically in VAT enabled
companies of Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
In case of cash transaction, if the party name was entered manually or selected using M:
Party List button (Alt+M) in the Supplementary Details screen, the Party Name was not
being captured in CST Appendix I and II of Gujarat and Annexure II of Uttarakhand.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 89
As per the return form specific requirements of each state, new fields have been enabled in
the Company VAT Details sub-screen of F3: Statutory & Taxation features. The details
entered in here will be captured in the respective fields of the return forms of Chhattisgarh,
Goa, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya,
Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
The Supplier invoice No. and Date fields have been provided in purchase voucher for
Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Maharashtra and Puducherry.
Facility has been provided to export the data using Restricted (ASCII) with Excel
Spreadsheet format for VAT enabled companies of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh,
Bihar, Mizoram, Sikkim and Tamil Nadu.
Issues Resolved
On enabling the additional ledgers for apportionment and selecting the same in taxable
purchase entries, the additional expense amount was being captured as inter-state purchases
in Form DVAT 30 of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Delhi.
This issue has been resolved.
On selecting two purchase ledgers with different VAT and additional tax rates, the VAT
Assessable value was being doubled and displayed in VAT Classification Vouchers report
for additional tax classifications of Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 88
As per the return form specific requirements of each state, new fields have been enabled in
the Company VAT Details sub-screen of F3: Statutory & Taxation features. The details
entered here will be captured in the respective fields of the return forms of Andhra Pradesh,
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Delhi,
Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Manipur, Mizoram,
Puducherry, Punjab, Tripura and West Bengal.
Version 86
The functionality has been enhanced to capture apportioned values of additional ledgers
for non-taxable and/or exempted purchases and sales classifications in VAT forms of all
the states.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Facility has been provided to select Restricted (ASCII) with Excel Spreadsheet format to
export the VAT and Composite VAT return forms along with annexures as per the VAT
requirements supported in Tally.ERP 9 for Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal
Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, Orissa, Rajasthan (Composite return),
Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal (Annexures).
Version 85
In case where the VAT/Tax classifications (Sales/Purchase, Input/Output VAT) are not
selected while invoicing, a warning message will be displayed to ensure proper selection of
the VAT/Tax Classifications.
The VAT/Tax Classification List is provided with date of activation and deactivation effective
from April 1, 2009 in master creation/alteration screen.
Issues Resolved
On setting the command for multiple copies while printing the return form, only one copy
was being printed.
This issue has been resolved for Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Dadra &
Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir,
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Puducherry, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu,
Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Note: The Stat.900 Version 85 is compatible ONLY with Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release
1.2 and above versions. This version is not to be used with any lower versions of Tally.ERP 9
9.34 Other Enhancements
Version 81
Migration of Data from Tally 9 Release 2 and 3 Family
The option Show Statutory Details will be displayed on enabling VAT for company data created
using Tally.ERP 9. In case of the company data which is migrated from Tally 9 Release 2 and
Release 3 family to Tally.ERP 9, this option will not be displayed.
The option Show Statutory Details will be displayed for old data only when any changes are made
in the transactions. During further modification of values in the voucher, to re-calculate the correct
values an option F5: Refresh button is provided in the Voucher entry main screen.
The appropriation of values will be done based on quantity or value as per the options set in the
additional ledger masters in the entry pertaining to old data being changed.
The values of the VAT Return filed earlier with old data and the return form displayed after migrating
the data and making changes at the entry level in Tally.ERP 9 will display a difference due to the
appropriation done in statutory details sub-screen as per the options set in the Additional ledgers.
Note: For detailed explanation on the new functionality, please refer the State-specific Statutory
Reference Manual.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.35 International Taxation – Bangladesh
Version 178
The following VAT/Tax classifications are provided for VAT rate and supplementary duty:
 Output
VAT @ 4% on Services / Sales of Services @ 4%
 Supplementary
Duty @ 20% - On Services
 Supplementary
Duty @ 20% - On Goods
 Supplementary
Duty @ 30% - On Services
 Supplementary
Duty @ 30% - On Goods
 Supplementary
Duty @ 45% - On Services
 Supplementary
Duty @ 45% - On Goods
 Supplementary
Duty @ 60% - On Services
 Supplementary
Duty @ 60% - On Goods
The value of entries recorded using the aforesaid classification will be currently captured only
in VAT Computation report.
Note: In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the
value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for VAT rate and
supplementary duty in VAT Forms.
Version 169
Issues Resolved
In MUSAK 18, the opening balance was being displayed but the transactions related to VAT
were not getting captured.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 81
The following statutory forms for VAT have been provided:
 VAT
Return Form MUSAK 19
 Annexure
 Challan
patra MUSAK 11, MUSAK 11A, MUSAK 12, MUSAK 12A
9.36 International Taxation – Botswana
Version 153
The Value Added Tax feature is introduced and the Statutory Form - VAT 002.1 is provided
to facilitate VAT Registered Persons to file monthly return.
Note: To know the procedure of recording transactions and generating VAT 002.1 refer to Statutory Reference Manual for Botswana available at the Download Centre.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9.37 International Taxation – Ghana
Version 134
The Value Added Tax feature is introduced and the following Statutory Forms are provided:
 VAT
& NHIL Return - Monthly Return form to be filed by every Registered Person.
  VAT
& NHIL Invoice - The Tax invoice issued on making taxable supplies to Registered
Note: To know the procedure of recording transactions and generating VAT & NHIL Invoice as
well as Returns refer to - Getting Started with Ghana VAT available at the Download
9.38 International Taxation – Kenya
Version 185
The VAT Form 3 and VAT Form 3A are provided as per the requirements of Kenya Revenue
Version 184
On generating Forms - VAT 3 and Annexure the logo of Kenya Revenue Authority
(KRA) gets printed.
Issues Resolved
The PAN was getting captured instead of PIN on printing purchase and sales invoice.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 168
Issues Resolved
In the ledgers grouped under Sundry Debtors and Creditors, only 10 characters were being
captured in PIN field.
This issue has been resolved and 12 characters can be entered in PIN field.
Version 163
The values of entries recorded for 12% and 16% VAT rates in Debit Note by selecting
Purchase Returns or Rejected in Used for field are captured in physical and e-VAT
Purchase Annexures.
Version 162
The e-VAT feature is introduced with the facility to export data in .csv format to the online
KRA tool for e-filing.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In data having excess tax credit or tax refundable amount, the Pay-in-Slip of VAT Return
was displaying the text - NOT AN AMOUNT OR NUMBER ONLY.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 154
For better user experience the following enhancements are provided:
 VAT
TIN field is renamed as VAT No. in Company Operations Alteration screen and party
ledger masters.
   The
field - PIN is provided in ledger masters grouped under Sundry Debtors, Sundry
Creditors, Bank Accounts and Branch/Division.
 In
Purchase voucher creation screen, the option - Custom Entry No. is provided. The
details entered here will be captured in Annexure.
Version 153
The Value Added Tax feature is introduced and the following Statutory Forms are provided:
 VAT
3 - Monthly Return form to be filed by every Registered Person.
 VAT
3A - Monthly Input VAT Analysis Annexure.
Note: To know the procedure of recording transactions and generating VAT 3 and VAT 3A
refer to - Statutory Reference Manual for Kenya available at the Download Centre.\
9.39 International Taxation – Malaysia
Version 184
Issues Resolved
In the Rate column of Service Tax form, tax rate was appearing as 5% instead of 6%.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 182
Advances received against taxable services when adjusted in Sales invoice, now reflect in
Value of Goods/ services taxable and Total of Tax columns of Service Tax Register.
Issues Resolved
When a Receipt Voucher was recorded to account partial receipt (with value in decimals),
against a Service Tax sales entry, the subsequent tax amount was not getting rounded-off
correctly in Service Tax register.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Version 178
Issues Resolved
The values of services sold by raising a sales invoice and the amount entered in receipt
voucher against it were being displayed incorrectly in Service Tax Register.
This issue has been resolved.
Against the receipt of advance amount entered in receipt voucher if sales invoice was raised
for sale of services, the advance amount was not getting displayed in Service Tax Register.
This issue has been resolved.
Version 161
Issues Resolved
In a data for which sales and service tax features were not enabled, if P: Print button was
clicked in Sales Invoice and then F12: Configure button was clicked, Tally.ERP 9 was
This issue has been resolved.
Version 93
Issues Resolved
On recording a sales invoice, if F12: Configure button was used to view the Print
Configuration, more time was being consumed to display the configuration screen.
This issue has been resolved.
9.40 International Taxation – Singapore
Version 167
Issues Resolved
In form GST F5, the decimals were being captured from rows 1 to 5 but the boxes for the
same were not being displayed.
This issue has been resolved.
Tally.ERP 9 Release Notes for Stat.900
©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.