IBM Business Partner Case Study Build-A-Bear Workshop’s Scandinavian franchise boosts business intelligence with IBM Cognos and EG Overview The Challenge The Solution The Benefits Build-A-Bear Workshop’s Working with EG (, an Daily reports enable managers to Scandinavian franchise had grown IBM Business Partner, the make timely decisions, based on rapidly, opening fourteen stores in company implemented IBM accurate, up-to-date information. three countries. To keep on top of Cognos 8 Business Intelligence, Cognos provides information on its supply chain and distribution which analyses data from a new sales at each store and stock levels network, the franchise needed Microsoft Dynamics ERP system at the warehouse, simplifying access to accurate daily sales and automatically sends daily replenishment and making it easier figures and inventory reports – but reports to key management teams. to meet consumer demand. The its existing ERP package was automated reporting process is unable to cope. designed to minimise workload for IT staff and eliminate data quality issues. Build-A-Bear Workshop was founded native reporting tools in Dynamics AX, manually from the ERP system, which in 1997 in St. Louis, Missouri, and has or deploying software from Targit, a was cumbersome and time-consuming,” grown to become one of the world’s Danish BI vendor – but the in-house says Jesper Thomsen. “Now, everything most successful children’s brands, team ultimately selected IBM Cognos is fully automated: the reports are with more than 400 stores worldwide. 8 Business Intelligence. delivered every day and we don’t have to lift a finger.” The company owns all its stores in the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, France and “We wanted to choose software the UK, and operates on a franchise from a major player in the business He concludes: “We are always careful model in other countries. intelligence market, so that it would not to take on new IT projects unless be easy to find partners to support there is a compelling business case, In 2004, a new Build-A-Bear franchise the new environment,” says Jesper but BI is addictive – once users become was set up to expand the business into Thomsen. “Cognos is one of the accustomed to receiving daily reports, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The leading global business intelligence they start seeing the advantages of more franchise was an immediate success, brands, and IBM has a network of detailed analysis. IBM Cognos will help and quickly grew to encompass 14 Business Partners in Scandinavia with us extend our BI environment and give stores across the three countries. expertise in business intelligence.” users the information they need to make Today, this franchise employs more the right decisions for our business.” than 180 people – 160 in the stores, Partnering for success and a further 25 based at the head EG, an IBM Business Partner with office in Tommerup, Denmark. offices throughout Denmark, Norway and Sweden, helped the company “When we started out, with just a deploy both the new ERP software couple of stores, we used a Microsoft and the IBM Cognos 8 Business Navision C5 solution for ERP – but Intelligence environment. this just wasn’t scalable enough as the business grew,” explains Jesper Jesper Thomsen recalls: “We Thomsen, Head of IT at Build-A-Bear made the decision for Cognos in Workshop’s Scandinavian franchise. January 2007, and the software was implemented in June. The Cognos “Build-A-Bear’s unique selling point consultants from EG were extremely is to allow customers to create and skilled and knowledgeable, and they personalise their own bear, and there worked hard to help us overcome the is a large number of options to choose initial challenges of the project – we from. Since some items are more had a few stability problems caused popular than others, we need to know by the ERP implementation.” exactly what is selling in each store so that we can send the right stock from EG helped the company create a the warehouse, and order the right range of reports, tailored for different components from Build-A-Bear in users. For example, the store the US. We needed a better reporting managers receive a daily sales report solution to help us extract and analyse by email every morning, and a more this information.” detailed version of this report is sent to managers at head office in Denmark. Finding the ideal solution In addition to these sales reports, The company decided to move to the Cognos solution also analyses a new Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP inventory and stock movements, package, and asked several suppliers and creates reports for Build-A-Bear for proposals on how to implement an corporate headquarters in the US. effective business intelligence solution IBM Danmark A/S Nymoellevej 91 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark The IBM home page can be found at IBM, the IBM logo, and Cognos are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. A current list of other IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. References in this publication to IBM products, programs or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program or service is not intended to imply that only IBM’s product, program or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program or service may be used instead. All customer examples cited represent how some customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions. IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts,or new and used parts. In some cases, the hardware product may not be new and may have been previously installed. Regardless, IBM warranty terms apply. This publication is for general guidance only. for daily reporting. Various approaches “Formerly, when we needed to create were suggested, including using the a report we had to extract the data Photographs may show design models. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2009. All rights reserved. BIC03020-DKEN-00 (April 2009)