2010 — 2011 1 THIS ROSTER is issued for the exclusive use of members of The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa and officials of Rotary International to give names, pictures, phone numbers, business and residential addresses and business or professions of Rotarians for fellowship. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD IT BE GIVEN OR LOANED TO NON-ROTARIANS! It is to be returned to the Club Secretary on termination of membership. Members are asked to provide changes in information to the secretary in a timely manner. 2 Table of Contents Club Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Object of Rotary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Brief Facts about Rotary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Officers and Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Club Roster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Past Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rotarian of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Rotary Foundation Paul Harris Fellows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation, Inc. Officers and Trustees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Major Donors, Patrons & Founders . . . . . 56 Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Legends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Where Rotary Meets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3 4 THE ROTARY CLUB OF SANTA ROSA, INC. P. O. Box 505 SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA 95402 2010 Club Roster 2011 CLUB NO. 410 Organized October 26, 1921 Chartered December 2, 1921 PRESIDENT: SECRETARY & ATTENDANCE: Don McMillan SGT-AT-ARMS: Jack Geary Vocational Counselor Geary & Associates, Inc. 1100A Coddingtown Center P.O. Box 3774, 95402 Tel: 525-8085 Fax: 525-8088 Res: 2121 Grace Drive, 95404-3025 Tel: 546-5582 geary@gearyassociates.com Attorney 50 Santa Rosa Ave Suite 200, Santa Rosa 95404 Tel: 525-5402 Fax: 576-7955 don.mcmillan@mcmillanshureen.com Jack Abercrombie Retired: Printing Rotary Address: PO Box 505, Santa Rosa 95402 Tel: 538-4770 Res: 328 Singing Brook Circle, 95409 Res: 538-4868 jackabercrombie@sbcglobal.net 5 6 THE OBJECT OF ROTARY To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in particular, to encourage and foster: 1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. 2. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society. 3. The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal, business and community life. 4. The advancement of international under- standing, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service. THE FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do I . II. III. IV. Is it the TRUTH? Is is FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 7 BRIEF FACTS ABOUT — ROTARY — The first Rotary club in the world was formed in Chicago February 23, 1905, by Paul Harris, a lawyer, who suggested the form of organization to three friends, and with them instituted the first club. Three years later a Chicago Rotarian told the story in San Francisco and the second club was organized in November, 1908. Other clubs were soon organized in the United States. In 1910 there were sixteen clubs whose representatives met in Chicago for the first Rotary convention. Shortly after that, clubs were organized in Canada, England and Ireland. Rotary undertakes to inspire people to realize fully their individual capacity for patriotic citizenship in their states and nations, to deal justly with their customers or clients, their employees and others with whom they have business or professional relations, to have concern for the welfare of their neighbors and, individually and through their association in Rotary clubs, to bring about international understanding, good will and peace. Rotary is not merely a state of mind. They who serve must act. Rotarians, through all their daily business, social and civic contacts, are endeavoring to reconcile the conflict between the desire for profit for one’s self and the obligation to serve others. They think of service before self because that is the right thing to do. They believe also that “He profits 8 most who serves best.” Rotary is not a religious organization. Rotary does not seek to supplant or interfere with any religious organization. It assumes that its concepts are in accord with all religions. Rotary does not concern itself with a Rotarian’s religion or politics. Rotary expects him to be faithful to his religion and loyal in his citizenship. Each Rotary club is a group of representative business and professional people who have accepted the idea of service and have organized to study this idea as a true basis for success and happiness in business. Each Rotarian is endeavoring to translate this ideal into practice in business and everyday life, and to encourage its acceptance both in theory and practice by all non-Rotarians as well as all Rotarians. Attendance at meetings of a Rotary club is strongly encouraged. Any member absent from four consecutive meetings of his club without excuse acceptable to the club directors may suffer forfeiture of his membership. Attendance, however, at the regular meeting of any other Rotary club within two weeks immediately preceding or following his absence, counts for any Rotarian as attendance at his own club. 9 OFFICERS 2010-2011 President President Elect President Elect Nominee Past President Secretary Treasurer Sergeant at Arms Don McMillan Marnie Goldschlag Bill Rousseau Fred Levin Jack Abercrombie Cecil Humes Jack Geary DIRECTORS 2010-2011 Term Expires June 30, 2011 Mark Burchill, Genie Delles, Bill Hatcher, Stoney Newton Term Expires June 30, 2012 Rick Allen, Layne Bowen, Casey D’Angelo, Sam Faye, Craig Meltzner PRESIDENT OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Ray Klinginsmith Kirksville, Missouri GOVERNOR, DISTRICT 5130 Jim Flanson Rotary Club of Calistoga PO Box 7, Calistoga, CA 94515 Tel: 942-4664 Cell: 481-0873 shortform@aol.com ASSISTANT GOVERNOR, DISTRICT 5130 David McDonald 2017 Cooper Drive, Santa Rosa, 95404 Bus: 284-5902 Res: 571-7517 Fax: 284-5990 david-mcdonald@leavitt.com 10 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEES Don McMillan, President, 2010 - 2011 By-Laws: Co-Chair: Fred & Jeanne Levin Jack Abercrombie Classifications Jack Abercrombie Nominations: Chair: Fred Levin Yale Abrams, Ray Dorfman, Les Crawford, Kathleen Archer, Don McMillan, Debi Zaft Marnie Goldschlag, Jack Abercrombie ***** PAST PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEES Fred Levin, President 2009-2010 Debunking Past President’s Circle Past President’s Luncheon ***** 11 president-elect committees Marnie Goldschlag Fundraising, Raffle: Chair: Jack Abercrombie Rick Allen, Nicole Le, Debi Zaft, Bill Rousseau, Don McMillan Finance Committee: Chair: Marnie Goldschlag Jack Abercrombie, Cecil Humes, Don McMillan, Roy Thylin, Fred Levin, Bill Rousseau ***** SECRETARY Jack Abercrombie Roster: Chair: Jack Abercrombie ***** SERGEANT AT ARMS Jack Geary Meeting Set-up/Take Down: Co-Chair: Jack Geary Co-Chair: Dan Schell Knick Knickerbocker Roy Thylin Meeting Fellowship: Co-Chair: Dick Jenkins Co-Chair: Bob Sorenson 12 Attendance: Chair: Jack Abercrombie Co-Chair: Roy Thylin ***** CLUB SERVICE I genie delles: DIRECTOR Membership Development & Retention: Chair: Jack Atkin Rotary Information: Chair: Barry Silberg Red Badge: Co-Chairs: Yale Abrams, Nicole Le Magazine: Co-Chairs: Nona Lucas, Debi Zaft ***** CLUB SERVICE II Stoney Newton: DIRECTOR Invocation/Pledge: Chair: Chip Rawson Birthdays: Chair: Sam Faye Sunshine: Chair: Eileen Carlisle Programs: Chair: John McHugh 13 CLUB SERVICE III stoney newton: DIRECTOR ***** CLUB SERVICE IV sam faye: DIRECTOR Club Sports: Chair: Carmen Sinigiani District/International Awards: Chair: Sam Faye Socials: Chair: Chuck Reilly ***** CLUB SERVICE V Layne Bowen: DIRECTOR Marketing/Public Relations: Chair: Tony Walker Historian: Chair: Jim Johnson Bulletin: Chair: Layne Bowen Website: Chair: Mike Truesdell Photography: Co-Chairs: Nicole Le & Kris Anderson 14 ***** COMMUNITY SERVICE I Mark Burchill: DIRECTOR Charitable Projects: Chair: Will Haymaker Vice-Chair: Roy Thylin ***** COMMUNITY SERVICE II member Involvement Casey D’angelo: DIRECTOR Senior Services: Chair: Vacant Disability Awareness: Chair: Tony Roehrick Vets Program: Chair: Nick Knickerbocker Bell Ringing: Chair: Jack Atkin ***** COMMUNITY SERVICE III - YOUTH Bill hatcher: DIRECTOR Children’s Christmas: Chair: Suzanne Drace Vice-Chair: Tim Fawcett High School Recognition: Chair: Bill Hatcher Vice-Chair: Jack Atkin 15 Interact/RYLA: Chair: Bill Rouseau Vice-Chair: Jennifer Peschken 3rd Grade Dictionaries: Chair: Ted Wilmsen Vice-Chair: Sam McMillan Literacy: Co-Chairs: Casey D’Angelo & Diane Moresi **** VOCATIONAL SERVICE Craig Meltzner: DIRECTOR Youth In Agriculture: Chair: Sam McMillan Vice-Chair: Steve Olson Public Safety Awards: Chair: Lee Abramson Vice-Chair: Jim Johnson Four-Way Test: Chair: Julia Parranto **** 16 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE rick allen: DIRECTOR Rotary International Foundation: Chair: Vickie Hardcastle Youth Exchange: Chair: Larry Miyano Ambassadorial Scholarships: Chair: Will Haymaker World Community Service: Chair: Tony Roehrick 17 18 Jack Abercrombie Club Secretary Retired: Printing 1991 Res: 328 Singing Brook Circle, 95409-6483 Rotary business: 538-4770 (phone) Tel: 538-4868 jackabercrombie@sbcglobal.net Pris Birthday: June 30th yale abrams President 2004-05 Management Consultant 1995 Abrams Consulting P.O. Box 374, Fulton, CA 95439-0374 Res: 440 Mayfield Drive, 95403-1471 Tel & Fax: 526-3532 Cell: 481-3963 Terry yale.abrams@gmail.com Birthday: November 8th lee abramson Retired: Carnation Company Res: 2560 Barona Place 95405-8716 Tel:523-1670 Fax: 575-5546, leeterab@sonic.net Terri Birthday: September 20th 1976 richard allen Real Estate Appraiser 3915 Rincon Ridge Drive, 95404 Tel: 573-0500 Fax: 573-0500 Patricia ricka@sonic.net Birthday: March 13th 2004 19 edwin c. anderson, jr. President 1970-71 Tax Law 1964 Anderson, Ziegler, Disheroon & Gray 50 Old Court House Square P.O. Box 1498, 95402-1498 Tel: 545-4910, Fax: 542-0260 Res: 1711 Proctor Drive, 95404 Tel: 542-4726 Jeanne Birthday: January 31st KRIS ANDERSON Mortgage Loans 2002 Allstate Mortgage 1260 North Dutton, Suite 274, Santa Rosa, 95401 Tel: 521-3434 Fax: 521-3449 Res: 620 Leafhaven Lane, Windsor 94952 Res: 838-2760 Cell: 486-8933 krisanderson@manos.us Jim Manos Birthday: October 16th Kathleen archer Real Estate President 2008-2009 Coldwell Banker Res: 910 Quarry Pointe, 95405 Tel: 538-3411 VM: 538-1999 Fax: 538-1399 archerk@pacbell.net William Birthday: November 23rd 1999 Jack Atkin Real Estate 20 2002 Landmark Properties 725 College Avenue, 95404 Bus: 579-9155, Fax: 579-9102 P.O. Box 1033, Kenwood 95452 Res: 833-1825 Cell: 529-1867 jatkin@sonic.net Eva Birthday: June 16th charles r. bartley President 1967-68 Retired: Pumps Distributor Res: 1569 Manzanita, 95404-2021 Tel: 539-1094 c-bart@sonic.net Birthday: February 16th 1956 Clarice Bolles Real Estate-Investing First Priority clariceb@sbcglobal.net Res: 2012 Knolls Drive, 95405-8336 Tel: 575-5184 Cell: 484-7506 Birthday: December 29th 1994 gary bondi Insurance 2006 NorthWest Insurance Agency 418 B Street, 95401 Tel: 573-1300 Fax: 573-0313 Res: 4790 Devonshire Place, 95405 Tel: 539-2445 Dee Birthday: December 11 gbondi@sonic.net daniel a. bornstein, dmd Dentistry 1515 Montgomery Drive, 95405 Tel: 546-4989 Res: 5913 Featherlight Place, 95409 Tel: 537-3006 dabdmd@sonic.net Linda Birthday: October 10th 1985 21 layne bowen Building Maintenance 1998 Redwood Building Maintenance Co. P.O. Box 750985, Petaluma 94975 Tel: 782-9100 x102, Fax: 782-9393 Res: 230 Ridgway Ave., 95401-4321 Tel: 526-4397 lbowen@rbmco.com Michelle Greene Birthday: December 10th john breazeale Jeweler Breazeale’s Fine Jewelry & Design 2408 Dunaway Drive, 95403 Tel: 569-0118 breazealesfinejewelry@yahoo.com Davina Birthday: June 2nd 2009 david brown President 2000-01 YMCA 1990 President & CEO 1111 College Ave., 95404-3905 Tel: 545-9622 x3221, Fax: 544-7805 Res: 381 Graciela Drive, Windsor, 95492 Tel: 838-2527 Email: dbrown@scfymca.org Birthday: August 20th john e. brown President 1989-90 Retired: Shoes - Wholesale 1981 22 Retired: Regional Manager Santa Rosa Shoe Company Res: 1042 Winding Ridge Road, 95404-2562 Tel: 542-2183 jeb06usmc@aol.com Birthday: September 16th Keven brown Stationery/Gifts 1996 Owner, Corrick’s 637 4th Steet, 95404-4405 Tel: 546-2423 Fax: 546-8750 Res: 1906 Hexem Ave., 95404-2305 Tel: 575-4737 kbrown@corricks.com Jeri Yamashiro Brown Birthday: July 6th mark Burchill Office Furniture 1987 Owner Advent Office Furniture 1849 Piner Road, 95403-1911 Tel: 575-8200 x 204 Fax: 579-9554 markb@adventoffice.com Res: 2529 Caballo Ct., 95401 Tel: 542-2529 Fax: 579-8799 Mary Lou Konrad Birthday: March 26th Carl Campbell Public Affairs Director 1982 Kaiser Permanente 401 Bicentennial Way, 95403 Tel: 566-5394 Fax: 566-5782 Cell: 291-7413 carl.campbell@kp.org Res: 740 Carr Avenue, 95404 Res: 527-9329 Kathleen Birthday: September 19th eileen Carlisle Investment Broker 2001 Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc. 703 Second Street, Suite 300, 95404 Tel: 542-3521 Fax: 542-5926 1754 Happy Valley Road, 95409 Res: 546-7187 carlislee@stifel.com Birthday: March 29th Terry 23 troy carrington Contractor Carrington Construction PO Box 9130, 95405 Bus: 545-8869 Cell: 478-2734 Res: 537-6889 troycarrington@sbcglobal.net Eliza Birthday: October 1st 2008 Douglas Chase, dds Family Dentistry 20 Doctors Park Drive, 95405 Tel: 578-7701 Fax: 538-3509 5921 Channel Drive, 95409 Res: 539-3447 douglasc37@aol.com Robbie Birthday: September 29th 2004 sandra cooper Library Director 2006 les crawford President 2005-06 Retired: Education 1993 24 Sonoma County Library 211 E Street, 95404 Tel: 545-0831 x537 Fax: 525-9563 scooper@sonoma.lib.ca.us P.O. Box 758, 95402 Tel: 538-1396 Birthday: August 22nd Res: 4185 Burnside Rd., Sebastopol, 95472-9195 Tel: 322-5484 lescrawford323@msn.com Birthday: September 19th casey d’angelo Education, Superintendent 2008 Wright Elementary School District 4385 Price Avenue, 95407 Tel: 542-0550 Res: 803 Spring Street, 95404 Res: 527-0931 cdangelo@wrightesd.org Pam Birthday: July 27th Rich de lambert Past President 1987-88 Senior Active, Banker Retired 1275 Fourth Street, #235, 95404 Tel: 322-8648 richdelambert@att.net Birthday: August 4th 2010 Ed dechant Past President, Guerneville 1993-1994 2010 Attorney PO Box 1708, 95402 Tel: 604-0042 Res: 14120 Buttner Rd, Guerneville Tel: 869-0516 ed@doo.com Kathleen Birthday: December 8th Genie Delles Real Estate (Property Management) President, Ham Delles Company, Inc. 386 Tesconi Ct., 95401-4674 Tel: 578-8840 Fax: 578-3778 Res: 5771 Crystal Drive, 95404 Tel: 545-5844 genie@hamdellescompany.com Craig Birthday: September 22nd 1995 25 Joel r. Desilva President 1999-00 Architecture Commercial 1983 DeSilva, Starrett, & Associates 201 Concourse Blvd., Suite A, 95403 Tel: 526-9645 Fax: 525-3574 5549 Marit Drive, 95409-3861 Res: 539-6486 joel@archstarrett.com Vicki Birthday: March 5th janice marie diez Director of Nursing Park View Gardens 3751 Montgomery Drive, 95405 Tel:. 525-1250 Res: 650 Cordelia Dr. #4, 95405 Tel: 545-5031 jmariediez@gmail.com Raoul Birthday: November 24th 2009 M. Ray dorfman President 2007-08 Commercial Insurance 2000 Dorfman Insurance Services 6020 Commerce Blvd., Rohnert Park. 94928 Tel: 584-8575 Fax: 584-8590 Res: 2639 Spring Oaks Drive, 95405 Tel: 578-7096 raydorfman@yahoo.com Birthday: July 4th Cell: 321-2641 suzanne drace Real Estate, Owner/Manager 2009 26 Pacific Union International Real Estate 50 E Street, 95404 Tel: 569-1855 Fax: 546-5921 Res: 1700 Crystal Springs Court, 95404 Cell: 483-7000 suzanne.drace@pacunion.com John Birthday: December 20th eduard (eddy) erslovas Family Law 600 Bicentennial Way, Suite 300, 95403 Tel: 541-0100 Res: 191 Dartmouth Way, Windsor, 95492 Tel: 236-0815 eduard@erslovaslaw.com Birthday: May 16th 2010 matt everson Financial Planning MJ Everson Financial 1423 13th St, Santa Rosa, 95404 Tel: 968-7237 Cell: 292-8416 mje@mjeverson.com Birthday: January 11th 2002 Matt Fannin Certified Financial Planner 110 Stony Point Road, Suite 260, 95401 Tel: 524-7526 Fax: 524-7525 Res: 205 Buena Tierra Way, Windsor, 95492 Res: 837-9646 matthew.j.fannin@ampf.com Michelle Birthday: May 3rd 2010 Timothy D. fawcett Wireless Solutions Verizon Wireless P.O. Box 4749, Santa Rosa, CA 95402-4749 Tel: 579-9639, Fax: 538-8300 Email: airdata@cds1.net Res: P.O. Box 4749, Santa Rosa, CA 95402-4749 Tel: 579-9639 Birthday: October 2nd 1996 27 sam faye Executive Director Varenna at Fountaingrove 1401 Fountaingrove Parkway, 95403 Tel: 526-1226 Res: 1107 El Macero Way, Windsor, 95492 Res: 620-0987 sam.faye@aegisliving.com Marilyn Birthday: April 28th 2008 guy fieri Restaurant Owner 2006 Johnny Garlic’s 917 Piner Rd., 95403 Tel: 328-4018 guy@johnnygarlics.com Res: 2039 Marsh Road, 95401 Tel: 570-0777 Lori Birthday: January 22nd ray foreaker President: San Rafael, 1990-91 Retired: Civil Engineer 390 Benicia Drive, 95409 Tel: 539-3472 raypoppafox@sbcglobal.net Jeanne Birthday: June 16th 2004 Robert (Robby) Fouts Pest Control 2003 28 Hitmen Termite & Pest Control, Inc. 2150-A Bluebell Drive, 95403 Tel: 526-6055 Fax: 526-6038 foutsey@aol.com Res: 696 Miramar Court, Windsor 95492 Res: 836-1071 Delinda Birthday: March 28th Gesine Franchetti Restaurant Manager Rosso’s Pizzeria & Wine Bar 53 Montgomery Drive, 95401 Cell: 695-2589 gesinef1004@gmail.com Res: 1004 Raccoon Lane, 95401 Tel: 542-1563 Birthday: April 29th John 2007 Jack t. geary Vocational Counselor Geary & Associates, Inc. 1100A Coddingtown Center Tel: 525-8085 Fax: 525-8088 Res: 2121 Grace Drive, 95404-3025 Tel: 546-5582 geary@gearyassociates.com Edelweiss Birthday: August 19th 1980 marnie goldschlag Real Estate Agent Prudential California Realty 1045 College Avenue, 95404 Tel: 396-3968 Fax: 866-279-7726 Res: 5883 Mountain Hawk, 95409 Tel: 539-5533 marnie4homes@comcast.net Eric Birthday: January 27th 2004 Blaine goodwin The Salvation Army 93 Stony Circle, 95401 Tel: 535-4247 Fax: 542-5904 Res: 5732 Bennett Valley Road, 95404 Tel: 527-5104 blaine.goodwin@usw.salvationarmy.org Sidne Birthday: July 7th 2007 29 jeff gospe Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 111 Santa Rosa Avenue, Suite 200, 95404 Tel: 571-5714 Fax: 526-1103 Res: 4595 Pearl Drive, 95409 Tel: 545-4747 Cell: 494-9249 jeffrey.d.gospe@mssb.com Ann Birthday: January 29th 2006 Deborah Gray Real Estate 2004 Century 21 1057 College Avenue, 95404 Tel: 303-3460 Fax: 544-5284 133 Flamingo Road, Cotati 94931 Res: 792-0213 Cell: 318-2168 deborah.gray@century21.com Michael Birthday: July 29th jose guillen Court Executive Officer 600 Administration Drive, 95403 Tel: 521-6855 Fax: 521-6750 Res: 1801 Casita Vista Dr., 95409 Res: 540-1840 tavoguillen@sbcglobal.net Esthela Birthday: October 15th 2010 paul hamilton Insurance (Claims Consultant) 1988 30 Paul Hamilton Property & Casualty Claims Consultant P.O. Box 14423, 95402-6423 Tel: 545-4109 Fax: 545-7831 Res: 3150 Montecito Meadow Drive, 95404-1850 Tel: 545-4109 Lin phamil@earthlink.net Birthday: July 6th Vickie Hardcastle CPA (Business Advisement) Muegge, Baldi, Hardcastle, CPA 747 Fifth Street, 95404-4412 Tel: 544-9510 Fax: 544-4145 vickie@mbhcpa.net Res: 4727 Hillsboro Circle, 95405-8777 Tel: 546-1381 Allan Birthday: August 10th 1994 william w. hatcher, jr. Real Estate Law 1995 Attorney at Law, Hatcher & Rundel 114 Pierce Street, P.O. Box 1942, 95402-1942 Tel: 542-1921 Fax: 545-0220 whatcher@sonic.net Birthday: August 11th Denise will haymaker President 2002-03 Real Estate Broker 147 White Oak Drive, 95409-5912 Tel: 537-1169 Fax: 538-4005 jwhay@pacbell.net JoAnn Birthday: December 17th 1985 melvin d. herman Retired: Banking Executive V.P., Exchange Bank 365 Denton Way, 95401-4809 Tel: 545-2632 Joan Birthday: October 26th 1972 31 mike higgins Real Estate 2002 Century 21, Valley of the Moon 6580 Oakmont Drive, 95409 Bus: 539-3200, Fax: 539-3202 Res: 463 Woodley Place, 95409 Res: 538-5157 Cell: 326-5629 Marlene higgins321@sbcglobal.net Birthday: June 28th robert e. higgs Insurance Services David Haynes Insurance P.O. Box 3639, 95402 Tel: 568-2880 Res. 5201 Honor Oak Ct. 95405-7460 Tel: 539-5996 Fax: 539-1965 bobhiggs@sbcglobal.net Birthday: May 2nd Kay 1973 Frank r. hodges, dds Pediatric Dentistry 1111 Sonoma Ave., Suite 102, 95405-4813 Tel: 544-4611 Fax: 544-6835 Res: 3074 Las Mesitas Drive, 95405-8212 Tel: 539-9124 fdhodges@gmail.com Dianne Birthday: August 29th 1978 darrell horn Manufacturing (Food Processing Equipment) 32 1997 President, Blentech Corporation P.O. Box 3109, Rohnert Park, 94927-3109 Tel: 523-5949 Fax: 523-5939 Res: 3707 Llyn Glaslyn Pl., 95403-0950 Tel: 528-7677 dhorn@blentech.com Nancy Birthday: August 5th Lena Humber Resort Owner Breakers Inn P.O. Box 389, Gualala, 95445 Tel: 884-3200 Fax: 884-3400 Res: 10 Moncada Way, San Rafael, 94901 Tel: 415-454-9001 Fax: 415-456-4001 lenahumber@yahoo.com Birthday: August 18th 2006 cecil g. humes Treasurer Certified Public Accountant 1983 Partner, Linkenheimer LLP CPA’s & Advisors 187 Concourse Blvd., 95403 Tel: 546-0272 x4460 Fax: 546-5642 Res: 2819 Creekside Road, 95405-8733 Tel: 542-8871 cecil@linkcpa.com Gerry Birthday: September 26th roy hurd Education (Business College) 1989 President, Empire Business College 3035 Cleveland Ave., 95403-2126 Tel: 546-4000 Fax: 546-4058 Res. 1556 Furlong Rd., Sebastopol 95472 Tel: 823-7921 Sherie rhurd@empcol.edu Birthday: December 14th schuyler l. jeffries, aia Achitecture Res. 4747 Medica Road, 95405-5501 Tel: 539-6112, callskyj@aol.com Shelly Birthday: March 1st 1969 33 richard e. jenkins Retired: Engineering V.P. Sales Fluor Engineers & Constructors Res: 2519 Grosse Ave., Santa Rosa 95404-2608 Tel: 545-3641 Margie Birthday: May 27th 1970 james d. johnson Group Insurance Jim Johnson & Associates, Inc. 2425 Cleveland Ave, Suite 220, 95403 Tel: 571-0226 Fax: 526-7939 Res: 2017 Stonefield Lane 95403-0952 Tel: 579-9110 Jim@JimJohnsonAssociates.com Birthday: November 20th Bergen 1981 Dan johnston Honorary AJ Printing & Graphics, Inc. 1350 Central Avenue, #1, 95401 Tel: 525-8600 Fax: 525-8923 Res: 1403 Snowy Cloud Way, 95409 dan@ajprinting.com Birthday: April 13th 2005 greg johnston Commercial Printing 1999 34 AJ Printing & Graphics, Inc. 1350 Central Avenue, #1, 95401 Tel: 525-8600 Fax: 525-8923 Res: 1506 Branch Owl Place, 95409 Tel: 539-4347 Email: greg@ajprinting.com Birthday: October 12th Herman (Nick) Knickerbocker Retired: Aviation (Test Pilot) McDonnell Douglas Corporation Res: 4078 Sacramento Ave., 95405-7755 Tel: 544-1668 Camille Birthday: June 2nd 1994 marcia j. konkel Retired: Electronic Business Forms 4711 Tee View Ct., 95405-8756 Tel: 528-0298 MarciaKonkel@hughes.net Eckhard Birthday: February 2nd 1995 nicole le Family Dental Care 55 Mission Circle, Suite 105, 95409 Tel: 539-3999 Fax: 539-3998 Res:902 Pinot Noir Way, Windsor, 95492 Tel: 836-7336 John Savko nicolenle@yahoo.com Birthday: October 9th 2006 peter j. lescure Engineering Consulting President, Lescure Engineers, Inc. 4635 Old Redwood Hwy., 95403-1411 Tel: 575-3427 Fax: 542-2353 Res:378 Mayfield Drive, 95403-1437 Tel: 578-5484 Demerus plescure@lescure-engineers.com Birthday: January 7th 1995 35 fred levin Tax Payer Advocate Sonoma County Taxpayers’ Association P.O. Box 14241, 95402 Tel: 481-1089 Fax: 476-1460, taxpayer@sonic.net Res: 3554 Brookdale Dr., 95404-1546 Tel: 228-6366 Cell: 481-1089 Email: flevin@sonic.net Jeanne Birthday: November 25th 2001 Jeanne levin President 1998-99 Estate Planning Attorney 1990 Jeanne Levin, Attorney at Law 2455 Bennett Valley Road, Ste C-107, 95404-5657 Tel: 579-5076 Fax: 579-0512 Res: 3554 Brookdale Dr., 95404-1546 Tel: 228-6366 trustattny@sbcglobal.net Fred Birthday: February 17th Sharon Liddell Education Santa Rosa City Schools 211 Ridgway Avenue, 95401 Tel: 528-5181 Fax: 528-5440 Res: 1965 Knolls Drive, 95405 Res: 975-0131 Birthday: March 7th sliddell@srcs.k12.ca.us 2006 Martha lovejoy Residential Care Facility 3260 Hidden Valley Drive, 95404 2009 36 Tel: 526-7321 Res: 3261 Hidden Valley Drive, 95404 Tel: 540-0806 Cell: 318-9401 lovejoymartha@yahoo.com Birthday: June 26th wally lowry President 1991-92 Education: Business Management Res: 5209 Honor Oak Ct. 95405-7460 Tel: 537-1998 Fax: 538-8800 Ellie wlowry@calon.net Birthday: November 20th 1976 Nona lucas Civic Activities 3628 Alta Vista Avenue, 95409 Tel: 579-5221 nonalucas@comcast.com Birthday: December 27th 2000 Carrie ludtke Pharmaceutical Sales 2009 AstraZeneca 1055 W College Ave, #282, 95401 Tel: 495-5434 Res: 2518 Greenvale Ct, 95401 Res: 528-2324 carrie.ludtke@astrazeneca.com Josh Birthday: October 6th jerald marquis Auto Body Repair Jerald Marquis Auto Body 940 & 950 Petaluma Hill Road, 95404 Tel: 544-5222 3511 Deer Trail Court, 95404 Res: 539-0286 jmarquisab@sbcglobal.net Anna Birthday: January 10th 2004 37 john Mcdonald Senior Active, Civil Law PO Box 2588, 95405-0588 Tel: 545-1322 Fax: 545-2411 Res: 3267 Hermit Way, 95405-5133 Res: 545-7788 mcdonald@sonic.net Joan Birthday: June 2nd 2009 John Mchugh Business Consultant 2007 Winning Workforce 3644 Cypress Way, 95405 Tel: 527-8580 Fax: 527-8597 Res: 3644 Cypress Way, 95405 Tel: 528-4556 Birthday: December 26th john@winningworkforce.net donald mcmillan Attorney McMillan & Shureen, LLP 50 Santa Rosa Avenue, Suite 200, 95404 Tel: 525-5402 Fax: 576-7955 Res: 4731 Woodview Drive, 95405 Res: 545-2725 don.mcmillan@mcmillanshureen.com Birthday: May 20th Jackie 2002 Jackie McMillan Legal Administrator 38 2010 McMillan & Shureen, LLP 50 Santa Rosa Avenue, Suite 200, 95404 Tel: 525-5426 Fax: 576-7955 Res: 4731 Woodview Drive, 95405 Res: 545-2725 jackie.mcmillan@mcmillanshureen.com Don Birthday: September 4th Sam j. mcmillan Mobile Home Park Manager, Wayside Garden Mobile Home Park 2389 Santa Rosa Ave., 95407-6234 Tel: 545-7055 Res: 2425 Dunaway Drive, 95403-2344 Tel: 528-2303 samsway@att.net Rita Birthday: August 28th 1996 joseph e. mcneany Real Estate Bertolone Realty 1910 Grace Drive, 95404 Tel: 545-1442 Res: 568-7567 Cell: 291-2504 joemcneany@yahoo.com Anne Katherine Birthday: October 11th 2005 Jock mcneill Property Management Alliance Property Management 1611 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, 95404 Tel: 524-8380 Fax: 527-1255 Res: 1818 East Foothill Dr., CA 95404 Tel: 975-0805 jock@go-alliance.com Laura Birthday: March 14th 2005 Craig Meltzner Consultant, Community Development 1916 Diamond Court, 95404 Bus: 526-6336 Res: 544-7036 Fax: 526-6951 Elaine meltzner@callatg.com Birthday: November 14th 2001 39 Larry Miyano Engineering mkm & Associates 441 College Ave., 95401-5141 Tel: 578-8185 Fax: 578-7153 Res: 4004 Garnet Place, 95405-8748 Tel: 538-5520 larry@mkmassociates.com Mary Birthday: March 10th 1994 diane moresi Education, Superintendent Rincon Valley Union School District 1000 Yulupa Avenue, 95405 Tel: 542-7375 Fax: 542-9802 Res: 2103 Manzanita Avenue, 95404 Res: 539-5723 Robert dmoresi@mac.com Birthday: November 20th 2008 kim murphy Investment Broker 1993 Edward Jones Investments 52 Mission Circle, Suite 116, 95409 Bus: 539-1077 Fax: 866-346-3985 Res: 3572 Alkist Court, 95403-1769 Res: 579-9112 Email: kim.murphy@edwardjones.com Birthday: July 15th Dewayne stoney newton Banker 2008 40 Exchange Bank 2201 Mendocino Avenue, 95403 Tel: 523-4080 Fax: 573-8349 Res: 645 Green Way, 95404 Cell: 326-8866 Res: 525-0940 Heidi newtons@exchangebank.com Birthday: February 13th stephen a. olson President 1994-95 Education, Agriculture (Retired) Dean, Occupational Eduation & Economic Development, Santa Rosa Junior College Res:2409 Dunaway Drive, 95403-2344 Tel: 525-8118 Email: olsonsa@sbcglobal.net Elaine Birthday: January 21st 1976 knoel owen Judiciary Sonoma County Superior Court 600 Administration Drive, 95403 Res: 4750 Vine Hill Road, Sebastopol, 95472-2237 Tel: 823-1792 hilltk@aol.com Trish Birthday: July 25th 1986 Norman M. Owen President, 1996-97 District Governor 5130, 2003-04 Real Estate Law 1978 Lawyer & Mediator, Norman M. Owen PO Box 330, 95402 Tel: 544-6947 Res: 5258 Beaumont Way, 95409 Tel: 538-2287 Fax: 538-0101 nmowen@earthlink.net Beverly Birthday: December 28th Joy Parker Accounting Services Management Joy M. Parker, CPA, Inc. P.O. Box 12247, 95406 Tel: 525-8111 Fax: 576-7235 Res: 4627 Sonoma Hwy., 95409 joysoff@vbbn.com Bob Birthday: August 3rd 1998 41 julia parranto Attorney 2008 Law Offices of Julia J. Parranto 819 Sonoma Ave, 95404 Tel: 573-8868 Fax: 573-8886 Res: 4000 Saddlerock Court, 95405 Res: 537-0745 parrantolaw@sbcglobal.net Rose Birthday: November 1st stephan passalacqua Criminal Prosecution 2009 Sonoma County District Attorney 600 Administration Drive, Suite 212-J, 95403 Tel: 565-3098 Fax: 565-6187 Res: 201 Ferrero Drive, Healdsburg 95448 Res: 433-1977 spassala@sonoma-county.org Angie Birthday: January 27th vinay patel Restaurant Owner 2009 Sizzling Tandoor 409 Mendocino Avenue, 95401 Tel: 579-5999 Fax: 579-9099 Res: 100 Massimo Cir. 95404 Res: 758-5589 vinay@sizzlingtandoor.com Mohini Birthday: October 7th william O. pedersen President 1965-66 Retired: Furniture, Retail 1954 42 Pedersen Furniture Company Res: 1653 Julianne Place, 95404-3132 Tel: 545-7547, tahoebill@yahoo.com Birthday: August 25th jennifer peschken Marketing Director 2009 Varenna at Fountaingrove 1401 Fountaingrove Parkway, 95403 Bus: 526-7586 Fax: 526-9018 Res: 1631 Neotomas Avenue, 95405 Res: 576-8711 jennifer.peschken@aegisliving.com Mica Birthday: June 30th robert pierce Photographer Robert Pierce Studios, Owner Bus: 528-0850 438 Walten Way, Windsor 95492 Cell: 953-1077 unclebob.smile1@juno.com rpstudios@sbcglobal.net Birthday: December 21st 2002 john r. poremba Retired: Employment Services Res: 4715 Devonshire Place, 95405-7407 Tel: 539-8676 Judy jrporemba@att.net Birthday: October 6th 1997 chip rawson Painting Contractor 2191 Warwick Avenue, 95405 Tel: 566-8969 Fax: 591-9862 chiprawson@sbcglobal.net Lynn Birthday: August 30th 2009 43 chuck reilly Property Manager The Moore Building 615 Healdsburg Ave, #312, 95401 Tel: 415-608-1612 chuck@chuckreilly.com Birthday: December 26th 2009 j. stephen (steve) reuter Additional Active (Stocks & Bonds) First Vice President, Merrill Lynch 90 South E Street, 95402 P.O. Box 4660, 95402-4660 Tel: 575-6374 Fax: 703-1170 Res: 3655 Preston Trail Circle, 95403-0936 Tel: 527-6356 steve_reuter@ml.com Lee Ann Birthday: June 12th 1998 tony roehrick Education, Superintendent Bellevue Union School District 3223 Primrose Avenue, 95407 Tel: 542-5197 Fax: 542-6127 Res: 2164 Francisco Avenue, 95403 Tel: 576-1478 troehrick@bellevueusd.org Laura Birthday: February 24th 2008 william f. Rousseau Assessor, Deputy Assessor 1998 44 County of Sonoma, Assessor’s Office 585 Fiscal Drive, Suite 104-F, 95403-2872 Tel: 565-1863 Fax: 565-3317 Cell: 479-5421 Res: 3607 Crown Hill Drive, Santa Rosa, 95404 Tel: 541-0929 billyrou@sbcglobal.net Joan Birthday: December 25th wayne rowlands Senior Financial Advisor 2003 Vice President, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 111 Santa Rosa Avenue, Suite 200, 95404 Tel: 571-5761 Fax: 526-1103 Res: 909 Quarry Pointe, 95405 Tel: 538-1912 rowlands@sbcglobal.net Birthday: December 18th sam p. saunders CPA (Tax Service) Owner, Sam P. Saunders, CPA 131-A Stony Circle, Suite 500, 95401-9522 Tel: 578-2340 Fax: 578-2371 Res: 382 Benicia Drive, 95409 Tel: 538-7287 Linda samsamtaxman@yahoo.com Birthday: August 22nd 1982 Dan schell Agriculture Equipment-International International Commercial Enterprises 1941 Calaveras Drive, Santa Rosa 95405 Tel: 576-1559 Nancy ddschell48@gmail.com Birthday: December 27th 2000 barry silberg Plastic Surgeon 1111 Sonoma Ave., Suite 210, 95405 Tel: 528-0911 Fax: 528-4602 Res: 1818 Morley Way, 95404 Res: 576-0623 barry@silberg.com Michele Birthday: July 15th 2009 45 michael sinatra Insurance Broker 418 B Street, 95402 Tel: 360-4137 Fax: 573-0313 Res: 2440 Cactus Ave., 95405 Res: 478-7902 msinatra@nwinsure.com Gina Birthday: August 9th 2010 carmen sinigiani Attorney DeMeo, DeMeo & West 565 W. College Avenue, 95401 Tel: 545-3232 Fax: 545-1725 Res: 7059 Lynch Road, Sebastopol, 95472 Res: 829-3224 cdsinigiani@comcast.net Brian Birthday: June 7th 2007 debra smith Financial Planning 1260 N. Dutton Ave., Suite 105, 95401 Tel: 538-7000 Fax: 538-7013 Res: 3131 Montecito Meadow Dr, 95404 Tel: 573-3007 dsmith@summitbrokerage.com Birthday: April 14th 2010 peggy soberanis Girl Scouts (Retired) 1993 46 Res: 3645 Bones Road, Sebastopol, 95472-9708 Tel: 823-4028 Lou pegsobranis@gmail.com Birthday: June 11th l. robert sorensen ph.d. Education: Administration Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Cal Poly Res: 6523 Pine Valley Drive, 95409-5888 Tel: 538-3661 lrsms@earthlink.net Birthday: November 10th 1970 Sonaya Stevens Retirement Living-Administration Executive Director, Lodge at Paulin Creek 2375 Range Avenue, 95403-9474 575-3722 Fax: 575-1666 Res: 80 Knolls Lane, 95405 Res: 528-7771 sonayaks@yahoo.com Birthday: October 5th 1998 tim stewart CPA 2010 3510 Unocal Place, Suite 101, 95403 542-0140 Fax: 525-1098 Res: 2319 Warwick Dr., 95405 Res: 542-5701 timcpa@sonic.net Carol Birthday: October 28th robert g. stone President 1983-84 Real Estate PO Box 1392, 95402-1392 Tel: 953-9493 Res: Tel: 539-9955 Pamela stonebob@sbcglobal.net Birthday: May 30th 1973 47 chet swanson Self Employed - Investor 3967 Shelter Glen Way, 95404 Tel: 480-0828 Res: 623-9766 chetswanson@natel.net Catherine Birthday: August 31st 2009 ryan thomas Attorney 1400 N. Dutton Ave., Suite 21, 95401 Tel: 545-6542 Fax: 545-1522 Res: 1726 Proctor Dr., 95404 Tel: 544-4804 rthomas@johnstonthomas.com Amy Birthday: September 20th 2003 roy d.thylin Retired: CPA 3531 Daybreak Court, 95404 Tel: 579-4377 Fax: 579-4378 Bruni rdthylin@sbcglobal.net Birthday: October 5th 2003 jack h.tolin, d.d.s. Dentist: Oral Surgery 1983 48 1174 Montgomery Drive, 95405 Tel: 545-4625 Fax: 545-4940 Res: 4734 Woodcliff Court, 95405-8750 Tel: 527-0567 Cheryl goofyguy@msn.com Birthday: August 13th michael R. “Mike” Truesdell High School Administrator 2004 Cardinal Newman High School, President & CEO 50 Ursuline Road, Santa Rosa, 95403 Bus: 546-6470 x102 Fax: 544-8502 Res: 103 Truman Drive, Novato, 94947 Tel: 415-898-0340 truesdell@cardinalnewman.org Sheila Cell: 322-4010 Birthday: September 3rd gary s.vice Appraisal Service Owner: Vice Appraisal Company P.O. Box 5545, Santa Rosa, 95402-5545 Tel: 546-4422 Fax: 546-4427 Res: 1720 Proctor Drive, 95404 vice@viceappraisal.com Tel: 579-4767 Birthday: May 15th 1979 cathy vicini Proprietor Trecini Wines 441 Beaver St., 95404 Tel: 525-9400 Fax: 525-9407 Res: 3811 Skyfarm Dr., 95403 Tel: 888-8685 cathy@trecini.com John Birthday: November 5th 2009 tony walker Marketing The Walker Group 822 Vaughn Street, 95409 Tel: 538-4088 Fax: 539-4910 Res: 822 Vaughn Street, 95409 Cell: 328-3965 tony@walker-group.com Birthday: June 5th 2008 49 charles k. wear, d.d.s. Orthodontics 1880 Sonoma Ave., 95405-4953 Tel: 546-8600 Fax: 546-0166 Res: 5350 Idlewood Road. 95404 Tel: 539-9070 Ellen Birthday: December 28th 1980 Jerry wells Scout Executive Redwood Empire Council 1000 Apollo Way, 95407 Tel: 546-8137 Res: 1019 Tahiti Ln., Alameda, 94502 jerwells@bsamail.org Rene Birthday: January 27th 2009 Pamela williams Real Estate McBride Realty 6520 Oakmont Drive, 95409 Cel: 322-9231 Res: 392 Rockgreen Place, 95409 pamwilliams@sbcglobal.net Kit Kersch Birthday: July 21st 1996 ted e. wilmsen Retired: Geothermal Energy 50 1975 Res: 4931 Montecito Ave., 95404-1975 Tel: 528-4198 Fax: 527-8947 tedwilmsen@comcast.net Deanie Birthday: December 19th creed wood Orthopedic Surgeon (Retired) 565 Curtin Lane, Sonoma 95476 Tel: 996-7045 cwwson@comcast.net Birthday: August 2nd 2009 daniel e. wright Civil Engineer 1994 1995 Dimensions 4 Engineering, Inc. 2952 Mendocino Ave., 95403-2807 Tel: 578-3433 Fax: 526-3433 Res: 512 Jefferson Street, 95401-6118 Tel: 545-8936 dan@d4e.net Patsy Birthday: November 24th debi zaft President 2006-2007 Mortgage Loan Officer/Realtor Fountaingrove Lending / Platinum Realty 2911 Cleveland Avenue, 95403 Tel: 921-2420 Fax: 525-0826 Res: 2738 Mohawk Street, 95403-3221 Tel: 545-0806 debizaft@sonic.net Birthday: April 20th 51 Rotary Club of Santa Rosa 2010 – 2011 New member information CANNON, GINNY Mfrs. Rep The Cannon Collection 732 Benjamin Rd. 95409 Tel: 539-3846 Fax: 539-9475 gincan@sonic.net Birthday: April 20th LUFT, SHANNAN Real Estate Sales Coldwell Banker 600 Bicentennial Way, Ste. 100, 95403 Tel: 535-8804 Fax: 527-0617 Res. 1958 Great Heron Drive, 95409 Res: 479-9701 shannan.luft@cbnorcal.com Birthday: August 12th HERNANDEZ, JUAN Computer Sales & Service Mawson Computer Center, Inc. 350 College Ave, Ste. 100, 95401 Tel: 538-3841 Fax: 579-2492 Res: 4251 Prospect Ave. Tel: 537-7876 juan@mawson.com Cindy Birthday: April 11th PAST PRESIDENTS ROTARY CLUB OF SANTA ROSA William O. Pedersen Frank W. McLaurin** Charles R. Bartley Mitchell Soso* Robert A. Call* Edwin C. Anderson,Jr Harry C. Empey* Evert B. Person** Arthur Re** John E. McDonald Michael Panas** Thomas P. Konicek* Dudley S. Moore* Haskell E. Boyett* John R. McNeil* Rod Sherry* Allen Wilmore* Gordon A. Lofgren* Robert G. Stone Roy G. Mikalson* Robert Schlager* Donald H. Bromley** Richard de Lambert Theodore A. Ingham** John E. Brown Lawrence P. Bello* Wallace M. Lowry Robert A. Burpee** Charles P. Niles** Stephen A. Olson Spencer Flournoy* Norman M. Owen James M. Cruit** Jeanne Levin Joel DeSilva David Brown John Burgess** Will Haymaker Barbara Beedon** Yale Abrams 52 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 *Deceased **No Longer Club Member Les Crawford Debi Zaft Ray Dorfman Kathleen Archer 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 ROTARIAN OF THE YEAR 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Al Agnew Leonard Talbot Alex Sokol Jim Durnford Gordon Shurtleff Bill Hutchinson Ernie Comalli Rick Horner Larry Bello Tom Farrell Lee Linkenheimer Lew M. Robbe Jean-Marie Foster & Lloyd Yandell John E. Brown Gordon A. Lofgren Herman “Knick” Knickerbocker Joel R. DeSilva Dan E. Wright Norm Owen Susan Zachensky-Walthall Stephen A. Olson Sam McMillan Lee Linkenheimer Barbara Beedon Jack Abercrombie Sam Saunders Roy Thylin Jeanne Levin Cecil Humes The Harold D. Bostock LIFETIME OF SERVICE AWARD Harold Bostock Stanley Lance John E. Brown Norm Owen Steve Olson 53 Rotary foundation Current Paul Harris Fellows John E. Abercrombie Yale Abrams Lee Abramson Edwin E. Anderson, Jr. Kris Anderson Kathleen Archer Jack Atkin Charles R. Bartley, Sr. Clarice Bolles Daniel Bornstein David Brown John E. Brown Keven Brown Mark Burchill Carl Campbell Eileen Carlisle Les R. Crawford Rich de Lambert Joel R. DeSilva M. Ray Dorfman Timothy Fawcett Ray W. Foreaker Robert Fouts Jack T. Geary Judith Glenn Blaine Goodwin Paul Hamilton Vickie J. Hardcastle William W. Hatcher Willis G. Haymaker Melvin D. Herman Mike Higgins Robert E. Higgs Frank R Hodges Lena Humber Cecil G. Humes Roy Hurd Schuyler Jeffries Richard E. Jenkins James D. Johnson Marcia J. Konkel Peter Lescure Fred Levin Jeanne Levin 54 Wallace M. Lowry Nona Lucas Jerald Marquis Donald T. McMillan Samuel J. McMillan, Jr. Craig Meltzner Larry Miyano Kim I. Murphy Stephen A. Olson Knoel Owen Norman M. Owen Joy Parker William O. Pedersen Robert Pierce John R. Poremba Stanley L. Quock Steve Reuter John H.C. Riley Bill Rousseau Wayne Rowlands Sam P. Saunders Barry Silberg Peggy Soberanis I. Robert Sorensen Robert G. Stone Chet Swanson Roy Thylin Jack H. Tolin Michael Truesdell Gary S. Vice Charles K. Wear Pam Williams Ted E. Wilmsen Daniel E. Wright Debi Zaft ROTARY CLUB OF SANTA ROSA FOUNDATION, INC. P.O. BOX 1513 SANTA ROSA, CA 95402-1513 The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation, a California non-profit, public benefit corporation, was incorporated November 15, 1989. The purpose of the Foundation is to distribute financial assistance to qualified organization having activities or providing benefits within the local community. The Foundation will distribute its income as required to maintain tax-exempt status under state and federal laws. Notwithstanding the expectation that substantial support for the Foundation will come from Rotarians, gifts to the Foundation may be accepted from sources other than members of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa, Inc. OFFICERS & TRUSTEES 2010-2011 President: .......................................... Steve Olson Vice President:...............................Eilleen Carlisle Secretary:......................................... Jeanne Levin Treasurer:............................................ Judy Glenn Trustee:................Marnie Goldschalg (Pres. Elect) Trustee:...........................................Sam Saunders Trustee:..................................................Joy Parker Trustee:............................................... Wally Lowry Trustee:............................................Sam McMillan Trustee:............................................... Norm Owen Trustee:..................................................Bob Stone Trustee:.............................................. Ted Wilmsen 55 Rotary Club of Santa Rosa FOUNDATION DONORS MAJOR DONORS ($10,000) Ben Nutter Trust, D.W. & Catherine Drucquer Trust, J. Ralph & Lois Stone Foundation, Robert Stone, Stan and Mary Ellen Lance and Family, Spencer & Shirley Flournoy, Nancy Bello, Gordon N. Shurtleff, Ray Dorfman PATRON DONORS ($5,000) Larry & Nancy Bello, John E. & Elizabeth J. Brown, Jeanne Levin, Wally Lowry, Rotary Club of Santa Rosa, Ted Wilmsen, Carol Schaffner, Dan Erickson LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS: Barbara Armstrong, Eileen Carlisle, Dan Erickson, Matt Everson, Fred Levin, Jeanne Levin, Mike Panas, Sr., Carol Schaffner, Gordon Shurtleff 56 FOUNDER DONORS ($1,000) Jack Abercrombie, Carl Anderson, Edwin C. Anderson, Jr., Kathleen Archer, Chuck Bartley, Lawrence C. Bello, Harold & Mary Bostock, Mark Burchill, Conlon Accountancy Corp., Constance Coughlan, Diane Curtin Memorial (Merrill Lynch), David Del Monte, John W. Doolittle, Dan Erickson, Mary Graves, Florence Griswold, Vickie Hardcastle, Cecil Humes, Lena Humber, Ted Ingham, Dick Jenkins, Jim & Bergen Johnson, Fred Levin, Sharon Liddell, Wally Lowry, Robert Matteri, Mike McCallum, Don McMillan, Sam J. McMillan, Craig Meltzner, George “Bud” Merrill, Tim Mitchell, Steve Olson, Norm Owen, Mike Panas, Sr., Joy Parker, Bill Pedersen, Steve Reuter, John Riley, Wayne Rowlands, Sam Saunders, Carol Schaffner, Bob Sorensen, Bill Swisher, Jack Taylor, George & Olivia Thebolt, Roy Thylin, Dan Wright, Robert Yarbrough, Rotary Club of Rohnert Park-Cotati CONTRIBUTORS 57 Yale Abrams Richard Allen Kris Anderson Jack Atkin Clarice Bolles Gary Bondi Dan Bornstein Layne Bowen David Brown Kerry Brown Kathy Burger Carl Campbell Doug Chase Sandy Cooper Casey D’Angelo Linda Daube Ken Davenport Joel DeSilva Shishir Doctor Matt Everson Tim Fawcett Guy Fieri Ray Foreaker Robert Fouts Gesine Franchetti Jack Geary Judy Glenn Marnie Goldschlag Jeff Gospe Deborah Gray Judith Hall Paul Hamilton Sandra Handley Will Haymaker Mel Herman Mike Higgins Frank Hodges Darrell Horn Lena Humber Schuyler Jeffries Greg Johnston Knick Knickerbocker Marcia Konkel Nicole Le Pete Lescure Nona Lucas Jerry Marquis Larry Miyano John McHugh Joe McNeany Kim Murphy Knoel Owen Robert Pierce John Poremba Stan Quock Steve Reuter Bill Rousseau Gary Smith Peggy Soberanis Mitch Soso Sonaya Stevens Mark Tate Jack Tolin Michael Truesdell Beth Tuxhorn Gary Vice Judith Warren Charles Wear Pam Williams Peter Witter Debi Zaft Rotary legends The “Legends Fund” was established by the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation to honor deceased members of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa through the establishment of a memorial endowment fund to recognize their contributions to Rotary and service to others. The Foundation Board of Trustees is pleased to recognize and honor the following Rotary Legends. Al Agnew Carl Anderson John Anderson Cathleen Barnier Larry Bello Duane Blackwill Hack Boyett Lucius Button Robert Call Ernie Comalli Tom Cox John Doolittle Bill Fistor Spence Flournoy Benny Friedman Florence Griswold Walter Hansel Wray Hildabrand Dorothe Hutchinson Paul Imhof Wes Jamison John Kelly Tom Konicek Stan Lance Jack Landis Jack Levar Lee Linkenheimer Gordon Lofgren Jim Maguire Mel Marple Gordon Matthews Frank McLaurin Sam McMillan Bill McNeany Bud Merrill Tom Merz Roy Mikalson Woody Mikesell Jim Novelli Ben Nutter Phil Paterson Harold Peletz Jack Reuter Lew Robbe Gene Rowden Robert Schalger Bud Seaton Everett Shapiro Rod Sherry Gary Smith Mitch Soso Roger Sterr Harvey Sullivan Wayne Taylor George Thebolt Gene Tunney Herbert Von Der Porten Ed Winters Babe Wood 58 Where Rotary Meets MONDAY EUREKA-12:00-Wharfinger Building HEALDSBURG-12:15-Masonic Temple, 304 Center SANTA ROSA WEST-12:15-St. Rose Business Center TUESDAY CLEARLAKE-12:15-Howards Grotto FERNDALE-7:30pm-Turf Room-Humboldt Co. Fairgrounds GARBERVILLE-12:00-Healy Senior Center, Redway NORTH NAPA-6:30pm-Wine Train Commisary OLD TOWN EUREKA-7:00am-Red Lion ROHNERT PARK/COTATI-7:15 a.m.- Doubletree Inn RUSSIAN RIVER-6:30pm-Highland Dell, Monte Rio SANTA ROSA EAST-12:15-Flamingo Hotel ST. HELENA-12:15- Native Sons Hall, 1313 Spring St. UKIAH - 12:00-Walter Cafe, 920 N State Street WINDSOR-7:15 a.m.-Charlie’s Grill-Windsor Golf Club WEDNESDAY ARCATA-12:15pm-Plaza View Room, Jacoby Building DEL NORTE SUNRISE-7:00am-Lighthouse Inn FORT BRAGG-12:15pm-North Coast Brewery Restaurant FORTUNA SUNRISE-6:45am-Hot Brew HEALDSBURG SUNRISE-7:00am-Senior Center LAKEPORT-12:10pm-Elk’s Club NAPA-12:00-Elks Lodge, 2840 Soscal Avenue, Napa PETALUMA VALLEY-12:10-Rooster Run Golf Club SANTA ROSA-12:00-Flamingo Hotel, 4th & Farmers Lane SEBASTOPOL SUNRISE-7:15 am-Masonic Lodge, 373 N. Main SONOMA VALLEY-12:15-The Lodge at Sonoma THURSDAY CALISTOGA-12:15-Calistoga Fairgrounds CLOVERDALE-12:15-Citrus Fair Tea Room CRESCENT CITY-12:15-Elk’s Lodge FORTUNA-12:10-Hunan Village Restaurant MAD RIVER-12:00-Azalea Hall MENDOCINO-12:15-Hill House Inn MIDDLETOWN-7:15am-Greenview Restaurant NAPA SUNRISE-7:00am-Silverado Country Club PETALUMA-12:00 noon-Mister Magoo’s RANCHO-COTATI-12:00noon-The Event Center SANTA ROSA SUNRISE-7:15am-Fountaingrove Inn SOUTH UKIAH-7:00am-North State Cafe WILLITS-12:15-Senior Center FRIDAY ARCATA SUNRISE-7:00am-Days Inn GUALALA-12:15-St. Orres Inn KELSEYVILLE SUNRISE-7:00am-Saw Shop Bistro PETALUMA SUNRISE - 7:15am, Boulevard Cafe and Grill SEBASTOPOL-12:15-Community Church, 1000 Gravenstein N. 59 SOUTHWEST EUREKA-12:15-Red Lion Motor Inn Valley of the moon, 7:15am, Quail Inn