Staff Orientation Checklist (Full Time Continuing and Term Temporary Full Time Employees) Staff Name: Item Employee Documentation and Announcement Employee ID# and Email Address UWO ID Card Email Distribution Lists Parking Action Once job offer is accepted, SAN is approved by Staff Relations and then forwarded to Payroll for keying on system. Staff announcement is sent out to faculty and staff prior to the individual’s first day. Once employee information is keyed by Payroll, this will set‐up employee payroll appointment, creating or re‐activating (if employee is a past employee at UWO) a UWO ID# and email address. For new employees, an envelope will be sent to the employees’ Home Unit/Department containing their UWO login/password. For past employees, they will be able to access their previous email email, MyHR, etc. by using their previous UWO id/password. For transferred employees, their access will remain and they will use their current email, MyHR, etc. If they cannot recall their login/password information, they can call the Computer Accounts Office at 519‐661‐3800. On employee’s first day they will be required to get their UWO ID card. They will be walked to WSS – Student Centre to obtain their card. They must have their UWO ID# and a piece of ID (e.g. Driver’s License) to obtain their card. For past or transferred employees, they can use current card or they can replace an old or lost card on their first day if needed.‐information/western_onecard.html On employee’s first day, access is set‐up on the required email distribution lists. Temporary parking will be set‐up in the Alumni‐Thompson parking lot for first few days until parking permit is obtained. On first day, employee will be walked to Parking Office to obtain parking permit and transponder. They will require their UWO ID card and car/licence plate information. For transferred employees, they will be asked ahead of their first day if they need to obtain a parking permit. General Orientation On employee’s first day they will be given an orientation package and a tour of and Tour of Western Engineering. They will be contacted one week ahead of their start date to Western set‐up their meeting with Sarah Williams on their first day to go over orientation items. Engineering Orientation Package will include (as applicable): Orientation Memo from Dean’s Office , Copy of Contract, Copy of Job Description, MyHR information, Parking Information, Key Form, Accessibility Pamphlet, Telephone Guide, Copy of Current WE Telephone Directory, Campus Map, Information on Staff/Faculty Family Practice Clinic, Copy of Staff Monthly Leave & Overtime Report, Benefit Summary sheet, PMA PER information/form, Health & Safety Training Sessions information, Bill 168 Training information, UWOSA Performance Review & Development information, PMA‐PDG information, Educational Assistance Plan information. Other items may be included or removed based on employee who is starting in the position (i.e. employee transferring from another unit). Western Meeting to be scheduled with Western Engineering’s Communications Specialist to Engineering learn about communications and public affairs at Western and more specifically, Communications Western Engineering. Set‐up Direct Employee must login to MyHR to set up their direct deposit information. This will be Responsibility Jan Millette / Sarah Williams Payroll / ITS Sarah Williams Sarah Williams Sarah Williams Sarah Williams Sarah Williams Sarah Williams / Page 1 of 4 Deposit for Payroll Pension & Benefits Meeting Keys and Building Access Telephone and Extension Set‐Up, UWO online Directory Engineering Computer Account / Network Access / Intranet Access Computer and Software Requirements Office Space and Supplies Employee Name Tags, Business Cards & Door Signs discussed with employee on their first day. MyHR Sign in: For new employees (full time continuing employees only), note the date/time of HR – Pension/Benefits appointment. This is indicated on the orientation schedule accompanying their offer letter. Contact: HR at 519‐661‐2194 Building access and keys are arranged through your Department Administrator or Dean’s Office. Keys are requested using the Keys Office process at the following website: Building card access is requested using the Card Access User Request and Authorization Form at the following website: For inside doors that require card access, the below list outlines who is responsible for setting this up for new employees. Department Administrator/Supervisor/Dean’s Office should contact the required individuals as needed. SEB/TEB/CMLP Perimeter doors and SEB U/G computer labs – Campus Police ( CMLP Roof Access – Campus Police ( SEB 2097 (U/G services) – Campus police ( SEB 3016, 3092, 3108 – Electronics Shop (Ron Struke) TEB 6, 28, 40, 50(UMS), 206, 240, 244, 252, 336, 338, 344, 346, 352, 420, 424, 454 – Mike Gaylard or Sue Chapman Telephone extensions and UWO online directory to be arranged through your Department Administrator or Dean’s Office. Email to be sent to to set up telephone extension/voicemail (must inform them of employee name, telephone extension, office number, date to make this change). Resources: ITS Computer Accounts Office ext. 83800 Western Directory: WE Telephone Directory: Employee HR / Employee Department Administrator to submit for new employees under Department. Sue Chapman to submit for new employees under Dean’s Office. Department Administrator to set‐up telephone extension and update UWO online directory for new employees under Department. Sue Chapman to set‐up telephone extension and update UWO online directory for new employees under Dean’s Office. Supervisor to contact ITG to set‐up Engineering computer account/login, network Supervisor to access and intranet access for employees. They will require employee name and UWO contact Lyle McLean / Jim email address and what network drives the employee will need access to once they Dobravec start. Supervisor to contact ITG to discuss computer and software requirements for Supervisor to employees as necessary. contact Lisa Vink Supervisor/Department Administrator to coordinate office/desk space and office supplies for employee. Western stationary supply ordering process: Supervisor/Department Administrator to coordinate ordering name tag, business cards and door sign for employee. Name tags can be requested through Sue Chapman. Business cards can be ordered by logging into;jsessionid=08b10db7ea991ac280bb74ef57 46?0 The square clear door plates can be requested through Mike Gaylard and the black Supervisor / Department Administrator Supervisor / Department Administrator Page 2 of 4 Required Employee Training Orientation with Supervisor PeopleSoft Access desk name plates can be ordered using Western stationary supply ordering process: . At Western, all employees are to complete four required training programs online using OWL: 1. Western’s Employee Health and Safety Orientation – Work Safely at Western 2. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) – Comprehensive 3. Safe Campus Community ‐ Preventing Harassment, Violence, and Domestic Violence at Western 4. Accessibility at Western ‐ One of: Accessibility in Service (for Academic and Administrative Leaders and Staff), or, Accessibility in Teaching (for Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistants, Archivists, and Librarians) Please complete these as soon as possible. They provide you with information you need to work successfully, safely, and in accordance with provincial legislation. Your successful completion will be recorded in your Human Resources training record. The above courses are accessed in OWL using Western id/password to login: For past or transferred employees, they would just need to provide proof that training occurred (i.e. WHMIS certificate, Employee Health and Safety Orientation certificate, etc.) – once they are keyed at Payroll we will be able to see their training record. All employees need to complete a Position Hazard Communication Form each time they start a new position – this is completed with your Supervisor. Position Hazard Form: Note: Depending on your role, you may be required to complete other job‐specific safety training. Please speak with your supervisor to find out what is required for your role. Other Health & Safety training: With your supervisor, review your role and the expected outcomes. Ensure that you understand what is expected of you during the first week. Ask how you will communicate with your supervisor or receive support as you orient to your role. Familiarize yourself with the physical space of your work area: ‐ where to hang your coat ‐ where to store and eat your lunch ‐ where the washrooms are...etc. Ask: ‐ how breaks and lunch work ‐ requesting vacation time ‐ how each other's absences are covered ‐ if there are special telephone and e‐mail protocols ‐ about relevant health and safety practices ‐call‐in sick procedures Familiarize yourself with the unit/department's role and organizational structure. As required for their role, on first day, employee should be directed to fill out the “Request for Access to Corporate Information” form to allow for access to PeopleSoft HR, HE and/or Financial, ROAMs, etc. as applicable to the position. This form is to be filled out and submitted to the Computer Accounts Office (SSB 3300); Fax 519 661‐ 3486. For current/transferred employees, they would need to fill out a new form for Engineering as their home until will terminate their access. This form must be signed by Christina MacDonald. There is an additional form that would need to be filled out “Request for Access to Human Resource Data, Transactions and Reporting” for applicable positions. Send the Supervisor / Employee Supervisor / Employee Supervisor / Employee Page 3 of 4 Vacation Tracking Performance Reviews Activate Email Address Ergonomics Assessment Other Information to know original completed and signed request to Christina MacDonald who will then request access online. For those staff who will need to have signing authority for specific department/units, a “Signing Authority Human Resource Data and Transactions” form must be filled out and submitted to Christina MacDonald. Employees are to fill out a monthly vacation/time sheet and submit to their supervisor at the end of each month for approval and submission to Jan Millette for tracking in our Timetracker system. Supervisor to review vacation request process with employee. For current/transferred employees (e.g. employees on secondment from another unit), they will be able to transfer up to 10 days to Engineering from their previous unit – this will be communicated to Jan Millette once staff member begins working in Engineering for tracking in Timetracker. Employees can access Timetracker to review their vacation balance at: UWOSA employees participate in a Faculty Performance Review and Development process annually. Supervisor to discuss this process with the new employee. Dean’s Office coordinates this process. PMA employees participate in a Western PMA Performance Dialogue and Goal‐ Setting process annually. Supervisor to discuss this process with the new employee. Dean’s Office coordinates this process via Western Human Resources. Employees must activate their email address by digitally signing the Acceptable Use Agreement. Contact: ITS Computer Accounts Office ext. 83800 (option 2) Employees are invited to review the below website and call HR with questions or request a free ergonomics consultation. Contact: Darcie Jaremey, Ergonomics Consultant, Health, Safety & Wellness, Human Resources, Support Services Building Room 4159, Tel: (519) 661‐2111 x84742 Collective Agreements: Benefits: Employment Opportunities: Awards: Educational Assistance Plan: Employee Assistance Program (EAP): ITS Computer Training: Staff/Faculty Family Practice Clinic: Campus Recreation: Campus Meal Plan: Supervisor / Employee to discuss Jan Millette tracks vacation in Timetracker Supervisor / Employee to discuss Dean’s Office coordinates processes. Employee Employee / HR Employee to Review Other Sources: Page 4 of 4