April - Spartanburg HOG

April 2012
Please wake up...
Please wake up...
happy easter
Riding Safe
Director’s Cut
Gary Vanover
Isn’t the weather we’ve been having just
about perfect?
But first things first… As I’m sure everyone has heard by now,
Brian Wofford had to resign as our assistant director, due to his job
demands. He will be missed, but he’s said he will drop in from time to
time, and I’m sure we’ll see him on ride events, and at rallies, etc.
After discussing many potential candidates with Randal and
Goldie of Spartanburg Harley Davidson, Campbell Martin was approached and he has agreed to serve as assistant director for the remainder of 2012. He has been a very active member of our chapter over
the last couple of years attending many, if not most, of our rides and
events. Most of you already know Campbell, but for those that don’t,
you should make it a point to introduce yourself. Everyone please join
me in congratulating Campbell, and wishing him well in his new role.
Riding season is definitely here. I can’t remember a year
where I’ve ridden so much in short sleeves, in March. Now that we’re
in April, we can look forward to even more of the same as the temperatures continue to rise, and the days continue to get longer!
For those that missed the chapter’s first overnight ride for
2012, the Savannah GA St. Patrick’s weekend ride, you missed a really
great time. We had 19 members on the trip! Check out the pictures
that have been posted on the Chapter’s Facebook page at:https://www.
The calendar details lots of fun riding opportunities this
month. Check them all out on our chapter’s calendar at www.spartanburghog.net.
The next overnight ride, to Charleston SC, is only a weekend
away. We hope to see you on this one. The calendar is loaded up with great riding fun and fellowship opportunities. We hope you’ll take advantage of them every chance you get.
As a note, Betsy and I will be heading down to the Panama
City Beach, Florida Rally the first week in May, so the May business
will be taken care of by some of our other officers.
Wishing you fun & Safe riding!
Gary Vanover
Time Capsule
Gene Epley
Well, it has been a fast year so far...they
say the older you get the faster it goes..I wish it
would slow down just a bit...well there have been plenty of rides so far,
and a lot more coming, so get out and ride...this is the last of the H.O.G.
Rallies I Have for you, So PLEASE This is your paper, If there is something you would like me to write about, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
2006...The motor company’s first authorized dealership
in China, Beijing Harley Davidson, opens in April. The Moscow
H.O.G. Chapter is founded in Spring of 2006...H.O.G. reaches the
ONE-MILLION-MEMBER Milestone in 2006 also. The TWIN
CAM ‘’96’’ engine and 6 Speed Cruise Drive Transmission are introduced (2007 Model Year)...Harley Davidson dirt track legend Scott
Parker breaks ground for the Harley Davidson Museum in Milwaukee 2007...The Posse Ride turns 10 years old-and returns to Portland, Oregon, which was the start of the Original Posse Ride, with the Great
American Adventure.... Well that’s it for now, but do your best to get out and enjoy
some of the rides with the group, so keep the rubber side down and the
breeze in your hair...be safe and have fun.
James Owens
Sorry for not writing last month. I would like
to take the time to thank everyone for the kind
thoughts and prayers. I’m feeling much better.
On one of the Sunday rides I was riding with the group thinking what should I write about this month, and out of the blue some lady
turning on to 74 decided to turn in front of me causing me to brake very
quickly...Well the long and short of it after I pulled the seat from my
Ultra out of my tail I thought to myself, well now ya gotcha topic...
The majority of wreaks involving cars and trucks 9 times out
of 10 the driver tells the Police officer they never saw the motorcycle.
During my short ordeal the lady never saw me she was so focused on
the car ahead, she never took the time to look up the road.
In 1992 I had another accident where a 4x4 pick-up truck
pulled out in front of me, never giving me time to re-act. I sustained
major injuries and was air lifted to the trauma center. I broke both collar bones, had a compound fracture to the right arm, lost my right ring
finger, broke both femurs, broke both lower legs, all ten of my toes,
four ribs, ruptured my spleen, fractured my pubis bone, had a hair line
fracture to my back and broke both hip bones.. I could not walk for
over a year, all because the driver never saw me.
Guy’s and Gal’s please drive cautious, look ahead, watch the
other drivers, and for goodness sake please keep your mind on point.
“Please wear your helmets.” The reason I survived my wreck was
because I wore my helmet.
Let’s think about this, let’s just say the driver really does see
you… Some think well motorcycles smaller stops faster, or heck with
it they will stop or get run over, who cares? People are “crazy” they
could care less about you.
On the same Sunday group ride I spoke of earlier, we saw
an SUV weave in and out of our group without a care in the world for
anyone’s safety, because he appeared to be in a hurry.
Sorry for the rambling, but I want everyone to THINK,
LOOK, and Pay-attention. Passenger cars don’t see motorcycles because they’re in a hurry, thinking about what they’re gonna wear later,
putting on make-up, talking on phones, TEXTING, and ten-thousand
other things. Look out for yourself, and your fellow group riders, stay
focused and have the time of your life.
ride safe..
James Ladies Of Harley
Kathy Hendrix
As the weather gets warmer there will be more
opportunities to ride. You never know what the weather
is going to do, so the LOH CBA Swap Meet that was
scheduled for March 24th was cancelled because it is suppose to rain. There
will be plenty of chances to ride. The Open House will be at the Harley Shop
on April 28th lets support Randal and Goldie with a good turnout. Goldie will
have more details of times and activities. The Savannah Ride was very enjoyable thanks Doug and Dee.
Thanks everyone for supporting the LOH.
Road Rave
Campbell Martin
Assistant Director
Welcome to Cambell Martin
Good Luck to Brian Wofford
Members Only
Wayne Hendrix
Well we have three months of 2012 behind us now and we have 144 members at this
time. I hope we will have a few more by the time
we have our Business meeting. Remember the best way to have a
friend join Spartanburg Harley Owners Group is to ask them to join.
About 90% of new members join because someone asked them to! So
if you know of someone who is not a member, invite them to a meeting
or on a dinner ride. We still have lots of time to reach our 200 member
goal. Think of all the activities we have planned this year. We had 19
people and 11 bikers go on the Savannah trip which was a whole lot
of fun. Still, there was a Sunday ride too for those who did not go to
Savannah. Ladies of Harley has a full schedule so with Chili cook-offs,
Dealer events and everything else we have plenty of things to do. But
you gotta be a member to have all this fun so let’s talk up Spartanburg
HOG and get some more new/old members to join. BTW, some people
have asked for reminders when their National membership expires so I
started in March to send our reminders. We don’t want to lose a member with an expired National membership. Well Spring has sprung so
let’s go riding.
Ride Hard – Ride safe.
Hit The Road
Michael Massengil
Director of Rides
Our riding season is underway. We have
started off March by initiating our regular Sunday
afternoon rides, which will run through the end of
October. Unless otherwise announced, all Sunday afternoon rides will
depart from the dealership at 1:30. Because most of these rides are
unannounced as far as the destination is concerned, you should always
bring your helmet just in case we are headed out of state. Of course, it
goes without saying that these rides are “weather permitting” rides, so if
it is raining or there is a strong likelihood of thunderstorms, the ride will
automatically be cancelled without necessarily having prior notification.
In addition to starting off our Sunday rides, we had our season
opening ride on the first Sunday in March. Even though we have been
blessed with a mild winter and an early spring, that first ride was a bit chilly
and extremely windy. We started off with 9 bikes and gradually worked our
way down to two. At that point the ride was over. While not a great way to
get the season started, the rides since then have been very pleasant.
And then there was the St. Patrick’s Day ride to Savannah. Road
Captain Doug, led us on a truly enjoyable back road ride to Savannah
and a fantastic weekend. We had one very short sprinkle of rain on the
way down on Friday and another on the way home on Sunday. Those
occurrences were nothing to write home about, but the ride and the fun
in Savannah was definitely a trip to be remembered as one of the best.
Now as it turns out, a few other people must have heard about the event
in Savannah and decided to come to town for the parade. The crowd
was estimated to be 1 million or more. I lost count somewhere around
754,693, but I’ll take their word for it. I can assure you that we saw
some really weird looking people at this event and a few of those were
from our own chapter. Names will be omitted to protect the innocent
but pictures can be seen on Facebook, if you’re interested.
Next up will be the weekend Charleston ride lead by me and Allie. That
ride is on the 14th of April. All details are listed on the chapter calendar.
At this point it appears that those of us on this trip that are interested, will
be lead around the low country by members of the Charleston Chapter,
to culminate with supper at Folley Beach. There is plenty to see and do
in the Charleston area, so it should be a fun filled time for all involved.
Near the end of the month, Road Captain Ben Burnet will have a nice
day ride to Asheville, NC on Saturday, April 29th. Again, you can find all of
the details on the departure location and times listed on our HOG calendar.
So let the riding begin and everyone have a safe and enjoyable
riding season in 2012.
abc’s of Touring
Mick Shelley
ABC’s & Webmaster
State Rally Coordinator
ABC’s of Touring
I am trying to work out a day that we can take a tour through Spartanburg, and rack up some points towards receiving some of the prizes
ABC’s of Touring are giving out. I am looking to probably take this
tour on a Saturday if possible. As you might know already, the chapter
has put up a gift of $100.00 to the individual that has the most points at
the end of the year. If you need to get a set of rules, you can go to the
HOG website and down load them along with the entry form.
Just to make it short and sweet, I ask that the members look over the
Calendar often because of the changes and updates that take place on
a daily bases. As I receive information, I have it posted to the calendar
within a short period of time. This way the calendar is always up to date.
Anyone selling something that they would like posted on our SWAP
& SHOP, please forward it to me, and I will get it posted. I will also
post it on the Whole HOG Swap & Shop as well. Don’t forget to send
me pictures as well.
SC. State HOG Rally
Pre-registration is up, and running. We are looking for volunteers to
help out. If you go to the scstatehogrally.com there is a link for you to
sign up under volunteers. There are many reasons to pre-register. Each
month we will be having a drawing for those that pre-register. Please
go to the rally website (scstatehogrally.com) for all the information.
This is the 20th Anniversary of the South Carolina State Rally and we
would love to have you take part in it. Hope to see you there.
Thank you, Mick Shelley, Site Coordinator.
Up to the Minute
Vicki McCraw
March 1, 2010
Gary Vanover called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
Rev. Price led prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Gary Vanover, Director:
Officers planning meeting was successful with 25 events added to the calendar
Mick Shelley is doing a great job keeping the website up to date
Online SC State HOG rally registration opened today
Took a vote to see if the group would like a pictorial member directory. Nadia will take the photos. Participation is voluntary.
The Sunday afternoon rides start this weekend and go through the end of October.
Brain Wofford, asst. director:
Recognized the chili cook off winners
Recruited 4 new members at the chili cook off
Daytona bike week is March 9-18
There are 45 bikes in the parking lot tonight!
Praised Marietta for doing a great job with the newsletter
Asked that the Christmas party planning committee meet with him after the meeting tonight
Wayne Hendrix, membership officer:
Currently we have 141 members. Our goal is 200.
If you have friends or relatives that ride, invite them to join.
The kick off ride is scheduled for this Saturday. There is bad weather forecast at this time so be sure to check your email in case the ride gets cancelled.
Mike Massengill will be leading this Sunday’s ride
Mike Massengill, rides director:
Randall and Goldie gave me a great deal on the new Harley I just bought. I thank them and encourage anyone looking to buy to pay them a visit.
I am leading this Sunday’s ride. Bring helmets on all Sunday rides. We will be going to Lake Lure and Chimney Rock.
Ben Burnette’s ride on March 18 will be departing from the Kangaroo at I26 and Hwy 11 instead of Spartanburg HD.
Doug Merchant is leading the ride to Savannah which is departing at 9:00am. There are 4 rooms left; we will be attending the parade, ghost tour, bands, etc.
Doug will also be leading the LOH ride on March 24 to the CBA swap meet and dealership in Charlotte.
The Charleston trip will be April 14-15 led by Mike. Contact Mike if the reserved rooms are gone.
Kathy Hendrix, LOH:
Thanks to those of you who attended the Valentine dinner at Basils. Thanks to Allie for the decorations and party favors.
LOH will be assisting the dealership with Open House in April.
We will have at event in May for Mother’s Day, as well.
Mick Shelley, ABC’s and Webmaster:
SC State HOG Rally registration is now open. We have great events planned.
Please let me know of any additions, cancellations or changes so I can update the website. I am also updating Facebook.
The first ABC ride will be in April. The winner will receive a $100 gift card this year also.
The rules for obtaining points are easier than ever. Just look on HOG’s website.
Tim Powers, treasurer:
Reviewed financial report in the newsletter
Door prize tonight is $33.00.
Suggested that if members are thinking of selling or trading their bike, please have it posed to the website and send to Frank in case another member is interested. You may get a better deal!
Gary reminded the group that our Habitat for Humanity day is March 24 and we promised 10 volunteers to lay flooring.
Nationwide suggested that if several groups are traveling to the same location such as Sturgis, that they pre-plan a meeting spot or dinner there.
Gary recognized the new members.
Bill Yelverton asked that if anyone finds a good deal in Sturgis or Milwaukee to share the information with the group.
Donnie Mitchell said that registration for the Alabama rally closes March 20th.
The 4 door prizes were won by Mick Shelley, Mick Shelley, Rev Price and Linda Mitchell.
Gary adjourned the meeting at 7:40pm
Vick McCraw
Loose Change
Tim Powers
financial summary
Harley Club revenues
Chapter store sales
Door receipts - meetings
Dues income
Fundraising and auctions revenue
LOH Fundraising income
Newsletter ad sales
Harley club expenses
Chapter store purchases
Door prizes
Events - Activities expense
Events - Fundraising expense
Newsletter printing
Office supplies
Other meeting supplies
Web site maintenance
Net income
Checking balance beginning of year
Checking account balance ending
other assets:
Petty Cash
cash LOH
undeposited cash-LOH
other undeposited cash
Net cash available
$ 3,343.00
$ 2,647.59
ne r
Rodney & Vicki
april 2012
Palm Sunday
April Fool's
Sunday Ride
Good Friday
Business Meeting
Lawson’s Fork
Southern Café
930 E Main St, Sptbg
Income Tax
The Mason Jar
202 Trade St, Greer
Sunday Ride
Earth Day
Sunday Ride
1541 W Floyd Baker
Blvd, Gaffney
Sunday Ride
Open House
Sptbg. Harley
H.O.G. News
Goldie Coleman
We have three events this month.
Tues - April 10 Women’s Garage Party 6pm
Sat - April 21 Vintage Days 10am-4pm
Sat - April 28 Open House
We could use some volunteers to serve the food
and help with demo rides for Open House
for sale
Mens size large leather motorcycle jacket - $60.00 Mens size large denim Harley jacket for $25.00.
Call Tom Poag
Home 864-439-3730, Cell 864-621-0947
or e-mail tommyguitr@mindsspring.com
For sale
Ladies chaps worn once.
Made by UNIK Leather Apparel
Size Medium $50.00
Contact Marc White: marc33@vzw.blackberry.net
www.spartanburghog.net 
Sponsoring Dealership
Harley - Davidson
365 Sha Lane
Spartanburg S.C.
864 • 583 • 8840
Helen Coleman  Randal Coleman  Goldie Coleman