This is D. One simple letter. A capital D. Nowhere else does one letter encompass so much passion, boldness, style, and innovation than here in Dallas. And like our namesake city, we’re on a mission. To explore the city’s richness of community, character, and culture. To discover what’s next, who’s next, and where we’re all headed. To introduce Dallas to itself. “No one knows Dallas better than D.” MARK CUBAN // DALL AS MAVERICKS Since 1974, the city has been both our hometown and our inspiration. We stay rooted in our heritage, but, like Dallas, we’re constantly reinventing ourselves. So today, we’re more than just a single magazine. We’re an award-winning editorial platform across a range of media, finding new ways to connect our loyal readers to a fascinating city, carefully crafting stories that offer depth and insight. It all flows from our deep respect for our readers, our clients, and our city. That’s D. You. Us. There’s so much to see and do. Let us introduce you to all of it. Reach the most powerful and influential executives in the city. There’s something about the environment in Dallas that breeds a different kind of CEO. Big vision. Bold strokes. Brash thinking. It’s no wonder some of the world’s top corporations begin here. And why others moved here. In fact, Dallas has one of the largest concentrations of Fortune 500 companies in the nation. So there are stories to be told, people to meet, and dreams to be realized. And D CEO connects you to them. Our editors are among the most respected in the Dallas executive community for their ability to stay ahead of the market. They tell the stories that help our readers learn from those who are leading the market in North Texas, oftentimes with implications around the world. They connect the Dallas executive class to itself, ensuring these leaders know their community and what’s happening in it. “I read D CEO for great insights, and I hope you will, too.” ROSS PEROT, JR. // HILLWOOD The A geless Boone Pickens, December 201 3 1.9M $ D C E O AV E R A G E N E T W O R T H Compare our reader profile to other national business magazines, and you’ll see that our audience is truly the executive class. In Dallas, big deals are made, and our readers have the spending power to celebrate. “You can bank on D CEO for the news on business in Dallas.” ELAINE AGATHER // CHAIRMAN OF JP MORGAN CHASE IN DALLAS 73% $829,567 Readers with a C-suite title Readers average home value CONSIDER THIS: AV E R AG E H O U S E H O L D I N C O M E D CEO..........$371,693 DBJ..........$259,000 FORBES..........$127,000 INC...........$96,423 FORTUNE..........$91,574 Ross Perot and Ross Perot Jr., July/August 201 3 For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at SOURCE: Circulation Verification Council readership study, 2014 “BEST IN THE U.S. ” T H E A L L I A N C E O F A R E A B U S I N E S S P U B L I C AT I O N S In 2013 and again in 2014, D CEO won the most awards and acclaim in the business publication industry, garnering five gold medals in AABP’s Editorial Excellence Awards, including Best Regional Business Magazine. “If you want unique insights into the business leaders who make Dallas such a dynamic place to do business, I suggest you pick up the latest issue of D CEO.” ROGER STAUBACH // JLL 102,519 94% Total monthly readership Subscribers regularly read D CEO 70% 37 min. Readers who keep D CEO one month or more Average time spent reading D CEO Karen Katz , Women in Charge , September 2014 For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at SOURCE: Circulation Verification Council readership study, 2014, 2013, 2012 4.1 MILLION D M A G A Z I N E . C O M AV E R A G E M O N T H LY PA G E V I E W S And we’re just getting started. D Real Estate Daily (launched in 2011) and D Healthcare Daily (launched in 2012) feature breaking news reports and on-the-ground perspectives from more than 100 contributing editors who are experts in their fields. Both news sites are considered must-reads in their respective industries. Winners of “EXCELLENCE ONLINE” in 2012, surpassing all other CRMA titles. Busine ss Daily page on For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at Connect with the most desirable business audience in Dallas. D CEO signature events are the most talked-about and well-attended in the city. But we do more than throw a great party. Our events fuse our award-winning content with sponsorship opportunities that are tailored to meet our clients’ marketing objectives. We deliver high-impact, highly targeted events that encourage connections with our c-level audience. “One of the best networking opportunities out there. I have seen an increase in sales and received great referrals.” RYAN BE AUPRE // DALL AS COWBOYS FOOTBALL CLUB For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at The DETAILS SPECS 2015 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS: DIGITAL FILES ONLY: • InDesign (with all supporting images and fonts), Illustrator EPS, TIF, or PDF files are accepted. • All images should be 350 dpi and color as CMYK. SPREAD (W/BLEED) 17.75" X 11" FULL (W/BLEED) 9" X 11" FULL (LIVE AREA) 7.75" X 9.75" • Please supply a composite proof for color. Without a proof, D CEO is not responsible for the content of your ad. • Ads created in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Power Point or any PC-based program cannot be accepted. • We will be glad to recreate the ad at our normal ad production rate. 2/3 VERTICAL 5" X 9.625" 1/2 HORIZONTAL 7.75" X 4.75" 1/3 VERTICAL 2.25" X 9.75" MAGAZINE TRIM SIZE: • 8.75” x 10.75”. For bleed allow .125” beyond all trim. • Keep live matter .25” from all trim. • Magazine format is three-column and is perfect bound. • Art will be held at D CEO for one year from date of use. FTP INFO: Contact Kate Mitchell at for information For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at 2015 EDITORIAL CALENDAR deals! dallas a 52-page directo 2013 transa ry of ctions real estate annual 2014 a global powerhouse S P EC I A L I SSU E : D R E A L E STAT E ANNUAL M AY/J U N E 2 0 1 5 EDITORIAL: Financial Executives Awards EVENTS: Financial Executives Awards, EDITORIAL: 2015 Commercial Real your complete guide to north texas commercial real estate. PLUS: 2014 office market outlook COVER_REA13.indd 1 Estate Forecast, Scorecard of 2014 Deals EVENTS: Real Estate Annual Release Party SPACE RESERVATION: November 21 D Real Estate Daily (Commercial Real Estate), Mergers & Acquisitions Awards SPACE RESERVATION: March 12 JAN/FEB 2015 J U LY/A U G U ST 2 0 1 5 EDITORIAL: Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards EVENT: Technology Networking AD SECTION: Ernst & Young Entrepreneur AD SECTION: Women Leaders in Law, Data Centers of the Year Awards SPACE RESERVATION: November 27 SPACE RESERVATION: May 14 MARCH 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 EDITORIAL: Commercial Real Estate, EDITORIAL: Oil & Gas Power Brokers EVENT: Power Brokers AD SECTION: Downtown Dallas SPACE RESERVATION: January 15 EVENTS: Oil & Gas, D Real Estate Daily (Commercial Real Estate) SPACE RESERVATION: July 16 SEPTEMBER 2014 APRIL 2014 EDITORIAL: Commercial Real presenting our commercial real estate awards 2014 workplaces inside the office of dallas fed ceo richard fisher rags to riches The inspiring success of Southlake's Pakistani-born fast-food entrepreneur, Aslam Khan. W W W . D M A G A Z I N E . C O M 3/3/14 9:06 AM Estate Awards EVENT: Commercial Real Estate Awards, Top Chief Marketing Officers SPACE RESERVATION: February 12 CEO I N S I D E D A L L A S lsg sky chefs leads a revolution Think Tank Scandal the rise and fall of ncpa president john goodman wonder women meet five of the most powerful female executives in dallas in airline SEPTEMBER 2014 $7.95 Elaine Agather JPMorgan Chase Bank W W W . D M A G A Z I N E . C O M Cover_Sept14.indd 1 O CTO B E R 2 0 1 5 EDITORIAL: Residential Real Estate Awards B U S I N E S S food W W W. D M A G A Z I N E . C O M W W W. D M A G A Z I N E . C O M $7.95 A New Downtown Why investors are flocking to dallas’ urban core APRIL 2015 CEO CEO CEO of the top custom clothiers in dfw winners! COVER_APR14.indd 1 EDITORIAL: Corporate Counsel Awards EVENT: ACC & D CEO 2015 Corporate Counsel Awards SPACE RESERVATION: September 17 12/11/13 10:25 AM EDITORIAL: Technology AprIl 2014 N OV E M B E R 20 1 5 8/5/14 2:21 PM EVENTS: Residential Real Estate Awards, Top Risk Managers AD SECTION: Top Risk Managers SPACE RESERVATION: August 13 D EC E M B E R 20 1 5 EDITORIAL: CEO of the Year, Excellence in Healthcare Awards EVENT: CEO of the Year, Healthcare Awards SPACE RESERVATION: October 15 2015 AUDIT FAST FACTS “BEST REGIONAL BUSINESS MAGAZINE IN THE U.S.” TH E A LLIA N CE O F A RE A BUSI N E S S P U B LI CATI O NS , 2 0 1 3 A N D 2 0 1 4 D CEO SUBSCRIBERS: • 60% are a company’s CEO, Owner, and/or President • 73% are a member of the C-suite • Average net worth is $1.9M • 54% have frequently purchased products or services from ads seen in the magazine • Average time spent with each issue: 37 minutes • 94% regularly read or look through D CEO (The average for national magazines is 77%) SOURCE: Circulation Verification Council readership study, 2012, 2013, 2014 $371,693 Average household income 102,519 Total readership For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at 21,583 Average net circulation 71% Subscribers who prefer to receive their business news in print SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 2015 SPRING/SUMMER R E A L E S TAT E A N N U A L R E L E A S E PA R T Y C O M M E R C I A L R E A L E S TAT E A W A R D S EVENT: January ISSUE: Special Issue ATTENDANCE: 200+ HOST SPONSOR: 19,500 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 10,000 EVENT: March ISSUE: April ATTENDANCE: 500 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 16,500 GOLD SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 10,000 This event in January celebrates the release of our D Real Estate Annual special issue. A definitive guide to DFW’s commercial real estate industry, the publication features an office leasing outlook for 2015, blog excerpts from D Real Estate Daily’s contributing editors, a comprehensive list of lease and sales transactions culled from the site’s exclusive DealTicker, and much more. Top industry executives will be invited to this private release party event. The editors of D CEO will publish the results of our third annual Commercial Real Estate Awards in the April issue. Categories include developer, broker, and executive of the year, along with top office, industrial, retail, and mixed-use projects. Winners are revealed at this special pre-publication awards event, which attracts the best and brightest in the industry. Our first two events sold out within days. F I N A N C I A L E X EC U T I V E S AWA R D S T EC H N O LO GY N E T WO R K I N G EV E N T EVENT: January ISSUE: January/February ATTENDANCE: 200+ TITLE SPONSOR: 16,500 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 10,000 As the tech industry continues to boom in North Texas, D CEO will continue its annual tradition of focusing on the sector in its January/February issue. We’ll feature profiles of the leaders and companies behind high-tech growth in DFW. Our Technology Networking Event will bring together these players for an intimate cocktail party, featuring North Texas’ top tech talent. POWER BROKERS EVENT: February ISSUE: March ATTENDANCE: 300 TITLE SPONSOR: 16,500 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 12,500 HOST SPONSOR: 19,500 The editors of D CEO will work with the leaders of commercial real estate firms in North Texas to list their top brokers for 2015. The March issue of D CEO will feature the results. To honor the winners, we will host a VIP pre-publication event. The top commercial real estate brokers will be invited to bring a guest and celebrate. EVENT: April ISSUE: May/June ATTENDANCE: 300 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 16,500 GOLD SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 12,500 D CEO collaborates with the Association for Corporate Growth, Dallas CPA Society, and Financial Executives International to select the top financial executives in North Texas. Winners are revealed at a VIP pre-publication awards event. D R E A L E S TAT E DA I L Y S P R I N G N E T W O R K I N G EVENT: May ATTENDANCE: 200+ HOST: 17,500 TITLE SPONSOR: 12,500 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 8,500 Launched in April 2011 and led by D CEO’s Managing Editor Christine Perez, D Real Estate Daily has quickly become the go-to source for commercial real estate news and deals in North Texas. We’ll invite our all-star roster of contributing editors and Dallas’ top tennant reps and other commercial real estate pros to this exclusive networking event. M E R G E R S & AC Q U I S I T I O N S AWA R D S EVENT: May ISSUE: May/June ATTENDANCE: 250+ PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 14,000 D CEO with the Association for Corporate Growth for our second annual Mergers and Acquisitions Awards. All finalist deals will be featured in the May/June issue of the magazine (pre-event) with the winners announced at this exclusive event in early May. We expect a crowd of 250-300. For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 2015 FALL/WINTER O I L A N D G AS N E T WO R K I N G E V E N T AC C & D C EO C O R P O R AT E C O U N S E L AWA R D S EVENT: August ISSUE: September ATTENDANCE: 250 TITLE SPONSOR: 15,000 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 8,500 EVENT: October ISSUE: November ATTENDANCE: 350 PLATINUM SPONSOR (TWO MAX): 18,500 GOLD SPONSOR (SIX MAX): 11,000 As in 2014, D CEO will focus on the entrepreneurs and executives leading the way in DFW’s bustling oil and gas sector. The trail-blazers featured in the magazine are invited to celebrate and network at this special pre-publication event, supported by Young Professionals in Energy. Our 2014 oil and gas party was standing room only. D CEO is proud to partner with the Association of Corporate Counsel for the 6th consecutive year to present the Corporate Counsel Awards. We will feature the nominees and winners in our November issue and host an event that honors the top corporate attorneys in six categories. This is your chance to network with in-house attorneys and the managing partners from top law firms. D R E A L E S TAT E D A I L Y FA L L N E T W O R K I N G EVENT: September ATTENDANCE: 200+ HOST SPONSOR: 17,500 TITLE SPONSOR: 12,500 PLATINUM SPONSOR: 8,500 Launched in April 2011 and led by D CEO’s Managing Editor Christine Perez, D Real Estate Daily has quickly become the go-to source for commercial real estate news and deals in North Texas. We’ll invite our all-star roster of contributing editors and Dallas’ top tennant reps and other commercial real estate pros to this exclusive networking event. TOP RISK MANAGERS EVENT: September ISSUE: October ATTENDANCE: 150 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 10,000 D CEO partners with the Risk Management Society to recognize North Texas’ top risk managers. The awards program highlights the importance of risk management as a key driver in business. These super stars work behind the scenes to deliver significant business benefits through risk management in new and innovative ways. Winners will be revealed at this exclusive event. R E S I D E N T I A L R E A L E S TAT E A W A R D S EVENT: September ISSUE: October ATTENDANCE: 350+ PLATINUM SPONSOR (THREE MAX): 16,500 GOLD SPONSOR (THREE MAX): 10,000 Building on the success of its successful Commercial Real Estate Awards program, D CEO will recognize outstanding leaders, companies, and projects in the residential realm. Categories will include outstanding developer, real estate agent, and residential community. Winners will be revealed at this special pre-publication event in September. For more information, please contact Advertising Director Rhett Taylor at E XC E L L E N C E I N H E A LT H CA R E AWA R D S EVENT: November ISSUE: December ATTENDANCE: 250 PRESENTING SPONSOR (THREE MAX): 17,500 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 9.500 D CEO will announce the winners for Excellence in Healthcare for the following categories: Executives; Practitioners; Innovation; Medical Research; Medical Devices/Technology; Pharmaceuticals; Community Outreach; Wellness Programs; Medical Real Estate; Healthcare Volunteers; Lifetime Achievement Award. CEO OF THE YEAR EVENT: November ISSUE: December ATTENDANCE: 250 TITLE SPONSOR: 16,500 PLATINUM SPONSOR (FOUR MAX): 12,500 D CEO partners with the SMU Cox School of Business to survey the C-level executives in North Texas for the annual CEO Sentiment Survey which includes the CEO of the Year. At this elite event at the SMU Collins Center, we unveil the survey results and the most admired CEO in North Texas. Don’t miss the opportunity to align your brand with this popular feature.