Guidance Software Celebrates 50,000 EnCase® Students

Guidance Software Celebrates 50,000 EnCase®
• Achievement of milestone underscores EnCase® software as
the product of choice for digital investigations professionals
• Schaumburg Police Department honored as milestone
participant in world-renowned EnCase training programs
PASADENA, Calif. (September 20, 2012) - Guidance Software
Inc. (NASDAQ:GUID), the World Leader in Digital
Investigations, today announced that 50,000 attendees had
completed EnCase training courses in its classroom, online
training, or certified partner training programs, learning
professional investigation techniques in such areas as computer
forensics, cybersecurity and advanced threats and electronic
Detective Christopher Nowicki of the Investigations Division of
the Schaumburg, IL, Police Department was recognized by Al
Hobbs, vice president of Professional Development and Training
Operations at Guidance Software, with a plaque of appreciation
for his participation in this notable milestone.
³In the first year of our training programs, we trained 32 students.
This year, we expect to train over 6,000, and we are very proud
to now celebrate our 50,000th student² said Hobbs. ³I want to
thank Detective Nowicki, and all of our students, for their support
and trust in our products and training over the years. I look
forward to training the next 50,000!²
Guidance Software Training provides state-of-the-art training
courses for critical, real-world digital investigations, including
investigations, e-discovery and cybersecurity incident response.
The range of courses is designed not only for professionals just
beginning their careers in digital forensics, but also for
investigative experts requiring specialized skills.
³We at the Schaumburg Police Department strive to be at the
forefront of law enforcement, and Guidance Software¹s EnCase
products and training programs are part of that effort,² said
Commander Dawn McDermott. ³From cutting edge training
courses to flexible training options, such as the Training Annual
Passport, we¹ve found Guidance Software to be at the top of
their game and their products, training programs and
certifications, such as the EnCE® (EnCase Certified Examiner)
certification becoming the de-facto industry standard.²
³I have found Guidance Software¹s EnCase and training
programs to be in-depth, comprehensive and reflective of realworld issues facing law enforcement and computer forensic
professionals today,² said Detective Nowicki. ³We have
successfully investigated, cleared and prosecuted many
suspects using their products and methodology learned from
their training courses.²
³Fifty thousand students trained underscores the dominance of
EnCase software; we believe no competitor is close to that
achievement² said Victor Limongelli, president and chief
executive officer, Guidance Software. ³We are humbled by the
trust tens of thousands of EnCase users have placed in our
training and in EnCase software².
For more information on Guidance Software Training programs,
Guidance Software is offering a limited edition 50,000th student
milestone t-shirt to all students that register for any training
course between now and December 31, 2012. Please visit the
Guidance Software website for more details on this offer.
About Guidance Software, Inc.
Guidance Software is recognized worldwide as the industry
leader in digital investigative solutions. Its EnCase® platform,
with more than 40,000 licenses distributed worldwide, provides
the foundation for government, corporate and law enforcement
organizations to conduct thorough, network-enabled, and courtvalidated computer investigations of any kind, such as
responding to e-discovery requests, conducting internal
investigations, responding to regulatory inquiries or performing
data and compliance auditing - all while maintaining the integrity
of the data. The EnCase Enterprise platform is used by
numerous Federal Civilian and Defense agencies, more than 60
of the Fortune 100, and thousands attend Guidance Software's
renowned training programs annually. For more information
about Guidance Software, visit
EnCase®, EnScript®, FastBloc®, EnCE®, EnCEP®,
CaseCentral®, CaseCentral eDiscovery Cloud® Guidance
Software and Tableau are registered trademarks or
trademarks owned by Guidance Software in the United States
and other jurisdictions and may not be used without prior written
permission. All other trademarks and copyrights referenced in
this press release are the property of their respective owners.
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