Online RN to BS Completion Program

Online RN to BS
Completion Program
Program Handbook for Students
School of Nursing
Page 2
Table of Contents
―What do I do now?‖
―How do I prepare for my first class?‖
―What do I do on my first day of class?‖
Program Information
Important Phone Numbers and Information
Program Information and Requirements
Plan of Study—Non– Nursing Courses
Plan of Study—Nursing Courses
Academic Advising
Grading Scale
Registering for Courses, Withdrawal Policy
Enrollment Verification
Steps to Web Registration
Carousel of Nursing Courses
Getting Access to the Portal
Creating your Password
Logging into the Portal
Accessing the NBO Group Page
Snapshot of NBO Group Home Page
Gmail—Student Email
DegreeWorks—Degree Auditing System
EPIC—Course Management System
Getting Started—Credential Letter/ Login
Orientation to the System
Accessing your Courses in EPIC
Tuition / Payment Information
Making Payments for classes
Financial Aid
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s )
What is
Page 3
Getting Started
Welcome to PUC‘s Online RN/BS Completion Academic Partnership Program. By the time
you receive this program handbook you should be ready to or have already attended an online
orientation through Adobe Connect and received your . You may be wondering several things
now. ―What do I do now?‖ ―How do I prepare for my online classes?‖ ―What do I do on the first
day of class?‖ All of these questions are common to new students in this
program. Five
weeks is a short amount of time to complete a course and I‘m certain you want to be prepared so
you can be successful. You will be immersed in your course during that time so there are some
things you will want to do ahead of time to make things run more smoothly. This handbook will
help you with that process and preparation.
“What do I do now?”
Read the instructions in this handbook and any email instructions carefully. You want to
watch for a couple important emails. You will receive an email from Purdue with your login
information for the EPIC system, as well as, one from Purdue Admissions with your PUID number
and myPUC login information. Please read these carefully, print them, and keep them in a safe
place for future reference. You can even write down some of the important information from
these emails like your career account user name on page 5 of this handbook. You‘ll use this
information to access myPUC, to log in to the library, as well as, iTunes University. You‘ll also
have to access two important systems; myPUC (your portal to Purdue Calumet including your
Gmail—Purdue Calumet email account and DegreeWorks), and EPIC (your course management
system for the nursing courses).
Login to these systems. Browse around and familiarize yourself with their layout and
design. Within myPUC you will also want to join the NBO Group Page named Patricia Mellon
Advisees. Here you can chat with other RNs in the program and receive important announcements and updates about this program from your academic advisor. Being aware of these
systems, recognizing how they look and reading important information before classes start will be
an important part of your success in this fast paced program.
Page 4
Getting Started...Continued
“How do I prepare for my first class?”
There are several things you‘ll do to prepare for your first class. After your orientation, you
will email Mary Martinez, Registration Coordinator RN/BS Program, to request registration into your
first nursing course. Mary has to register all first time students. The next thing you‘ll need to do is
make sure that your computer meets the minimal requirements (see page 11) and is functioning
the way you need it to before your first day of class. You can also find these requirements at
http:// under Student Services access FAQs for Technology . Next, you‘ll
want to go through the EPIC orientation by using the login information from one of the emails you
received after being admitted to the program. You‘ll also want to check out the text book list at under Department Links ―Book List: NBO Students ONLY.‖ I
would recommend checking this list at least one month before each class starts to make sure a
book has not been updated with the newest edition or changed altogether. You will need to plan
to spend at least 3 to 4 hours per credit hour each week on top of the time you‘ll need to spend
completing and submitting assignments in the course. In other words, you‘ll spend 9 to 12 hours a
week immersed in a 3 credit hour course besides the time you‘ll need to complete and submit your
assignments. You‘ll spend this time reading materials, reading posts from the professor, coach,
and other classmates, viewing lectures and accessing information in the online library. So, plan
ahead and make sure you schedule your time wisely. Remember, 5 weeks will go by fast and it‘s
better to stay on top of things from the very beginning in order to successfully complete your
“What do I do on my first day of class?”
Now that you‘ve prepared for your first day of class, what do you do when that day
comes? You want to log in to that class sometime during the day. Review the syllabus for the
course, familiarize yourself with the contents of the files available to you and check for any assignments your professor has assigned. IMPORTANT: If you are having trouble getting into the syllabus, an assignment, etc. you‘ll want to contact the EPIC support team. Their contact information is
in this handbook (see page 5). If you are still having difficulties, check the NBO Group Page in the
myPUC portal, for announcements and updates. If nothing seems to work (and you know it isn‘t
your own personal computer issue) you can email or call your academic coach or instructor.
Although you may be concerned about how fast the course may go in that 5 week time period, the
first day may take a little time to get everyone in and acclimated to the format of that particular
class. Don‘t panic, but be proactive.
Page 5
Important Numbers and Information
Purdue Student ID #
User Name: ____________________________________
This username and password combination is
sometimes referred to as your ―Windows login‖ or
―career account‖ information. —
You will also need this combination to login to the
Password: _____________________________________ library online and to access i-Tunes University.
Gmail (PUC Student Email) is found in myPUC
Email Address:
EPIC (Course Management System)
You must use your Purdue Gmail
Account for this program. Gmail
is accessed through your myPUC
Username: __________________________________________
Password: __________________________________________
Course/System Related:
EPIC Learning System — Help Desk
EPIC Student Coordinators
Kelly Kochevar ext.— 4077
Kristi Hanley ext. – 1200
(contact once course begins for assistance)
Financial Aid/Student Accounts Related:
Student Accounts—Payment Information
Billing Information—RN/BS program
Kendra Bates
Financial Aid Coordinator RN/BS program
Kathryn Smith
SON Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Jill Ullmann
Nursing Program Related:
Secretary for the RN/BS program
Ronda Hamilton
Purdue Gmail/ myPUC - Help Desk
219-989-2888 press 2
Academic Advisor for the RN/BS program
Patricia Mellon
Page 6
Program Information & Requirements
All courses must be paid for in full by the Friday before the course starts.
Students who have not paid by the deadline will be dropped from that course. No
exceptions will be made.
There are no clinical requirements for this program. Instead, students will complete
evidence based projects.
All students enrolled in the program must keep their RN license current/active.
NUR 182, NUR 384, NUR 390, must be completed FIRST, before you can progress into
any other nursing courses in the program.
Of the non-nursing courses, English Composition 2 and Statistical Methods, MUST be
completed before you can progress into NUR 390.
All Non-nursing course must be completed with the exception of 6 credit hours upon the
completion of the capstone course – NUR 498.
A cumulative GPA of 2.5 must be maintained in order to continue in the program.
If a student receives a grade less than ―C‖ in a nursing course, a first fail letter will be
issued to them. This letter serves as a warning that they must repeat the course again
with a passing grade. If the student receives another grade less than ―C‖, in that course
again or any other nursing course, they will then be dismissed from the program.
Students in this program may not mix ―regular‖ 16 week classes with the 5,8 or 10 week
carousel classes that are designed for this program in a current semester.
Students must continue to take courses and not sit out for more than 2 consecutive 5
week sessions in order to keep their partnership tuition rate. Students with the partnership tuition will be grandfathered in under the discounted rate they have had for their
nursing courses even if regular tuition goes up. If a student sits out more than the allotted 2 consecutive sessions, then that student would come back in under the current tuition rate, which would be the higher tuition. If a student is sitting out of the carousel more
than the 2 consecutive sessions, but is working on pre-requisite work at another school
and can provide transcripts to confirm that, the student could still secure their partnership
rate when coming back into the program.
Page 7
Plan of Study - Non-Nursing Courses
Non-Nursing Coursework
In addition to the upper division nursing courses, students admitted to the RN/BS completion
program are required to complete 24 hours of non-nursing electives. These courses satisfy the
general education requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and are, therefore, required
for completion of the degree.
Those courses are:
Statistical Methods (3 cr)*
English Composition 2 (3 cr)*
Communication elective (3 cr)
Humanities elective (6cr)**
Free elective (9 cr)
* These courses must be taken prior to beginning NUR 390
** Humanities includes (but is not limited to) literature, philosophy, history, art, music, theater or
foreign language. Courses outside of those areas must have approval by your advisor as to
whether or not it will count as a humanities elective.
Purdue is now offering non-nursing courses online in 5-week and 10-week sessions. For the schedule of these
courses please check the group page in the myPUC portal or call the school of Nursing at 219-989-8450.
Courses that are ready and in rotation are:
ENGL 105—English Composition 2— 10 weeks
BHS 201—Statistics Methods— 10 weeks
COM 214—Communication Elective— 5 weeks
PHIL 110—Philosophy — 5 weeks
ENGL 231—Literature — 5 weeks
POL 130—Political Science—5 weeks
HIST 151—History—5 weeks
Page 8
Plan of Study - Nursing Courses
Nursing Coursework
The nursing program consists of 12 required upper division nursing courses:
NUR 182 Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (2 credits)*
NUR 384 Concepts of Role Development: Professional Nursing (3 credits)*
NUR 390 Nursing Research (3 credits)*
NUR 388 Nursing of Families and Groups (3 credits)
NUR 394 Health Promotion and Education (3 credits)
NUR 397 Nursing Care of the Aged, Disabled and Chronically Ill (3 credits)
NUR 415 Pathophysiology (3 credits)
NUR 483 Community and Public Health Nursing (5 credits)
NUR 391 Professional Ethics (2 credits)
NUR 482 Nursing Leadership and Management (2 credits)
NUR 451 Nursing Informatics (3 credits)
NUR 498 Capstone Course in Nursing (3 credits)
All students will begin taking the same block of three courses. Students may begin with either
NUR 182 or NUR 384. Once these two courses have been completed, students may register for
NUR 390, keep in mind Statistics and English Composition 2 are prerequisite courses for 390
Research. These three nursing courses (*) serve as prerequisites and must be completed prior
to taking the remainder of the nursing courses.
NUR 483 is 8 weeks in length. This course will overlap into the next 5 week session for two
weeks. This is the only course that is not 5 weeks in length. The 8 week session will not disrupt
the 15 month completion due to the 2 week overlap.
NUR 391 and NUR 482 are taken concurrently in the same 5 week session. Make sure to
register for both in the same session.
You can view course descriptions for the Nursing Core courses at:
Page 9
Academic Advising
Who is my advisor?
Your academic advisor for the RN/BS Completion Program is currently Patricia Mellon.
What is the role of my Advisor to me?
The role of the advisor is to guide you through your program and help you along your ―educational
pathway.‖ The advisor will direct you to the appropriate people for help, and make sure you are
getting the answers you need about the different areas and aspects relating to school and your
program. All students will need to attend the online orientation where they will ―meet‖ their advisor
for their initial entrance into the program. Once registered for classes for the first semester, it is up
to you, the student, to contact your advisor for additional help. Email is the best method. Due to
the large volume of students currently enrolled and coming into the program, it is essential for you
to make sure you read through and understand ALL the materials your advisor provides to you.
Most importantly… this handbook. This program is designed for students to be able to be selfsufficient in their education, with guidance as needed.
Will my advisor register me for classes?
No, your advisor does not register you for classes.
Upon your admission, you will be asked to choose a date for an online orientation via email
correspondence with Ronda Hamilton, program secretary. Upon completing the orientation, you will
know the format for emailing Mary Martinez for registration into your first set of courses.
Subsequent semesters, you will need to register yourself via web registration or email Mary
Martinez for the next sessions. Please follow the email guidelines on page 12 for emailing Mary
Martinez or follow the Steps to Web Registration found on page 14 in this handbook.
When should I be in Contact with my Advisor?
Touch base with your advisor periodically. Since the program moves at such a fast pace, it is
recommended at least once a semester. It is important that it is noted in your file how you are
doing and that you are making progress. You should also let your advisor know if you will be
stepping out of the program at anytime or make any changes to your plan.
Page 10
Grading Scale
Effective August 24, 2009, the School of Nursing has established a plus and minus grading scale to
be used for all courses taught in the Undergraduate Programs. Grades and quality points will be
assigned according to the following scale:
Page 11
Technology Requirements
You will need regular access to a computer with an Internet connection. The minimum computer requirements for the virtual classroom are:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 / Mac OS 9 or better /Linux
Any current Flash-compliant browser (e.g. Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox 3.0)
512 MB of RAM, 1 GB or more preferred
Broadband connection required – courses are heavily video intensive
Video display capable of high-color 16-bit display – 1024 x 768 or higher resolution
A sound card and speakers or headphones
Current anti-virus software must be installed and kept up to date
Most home computers purchased within the last 3-4 years meet or surpass these requirements.
You will need some additional free software for enhanced web browsing. Ensure that you download
the most current free versions of the software.
Adobe Reader
Adobe Flash Player
At a minimum, you must have Microsoft Office 2003, XP, 2007 or OpenOffice.
Microsoft Office is the standard office productivity software utilized by faculty, students, and staff.
Microsoft Word is the standard word processing software, Microsoft Excel is the standard spreadsheet software, and Microsoft PowerPoint is the standard presentation software.
Copying and pasting, along with attaching/uploading documents for assignment submission, will
also be required.
If you do not have Microsoft Office, you can purchase it at the Calumet Campus Shop (Bookstore)
on campus at PUC at a discounted rate. You must provide a photo ID and current class schedule
to purchase it at the discounted rate.
Some classes may have specific class requirements for additional software. These requirements will
be listed in the Textbook List.
Page 12
Office of the Registrar
Registering for Courses
During periods of web registration, you can process your own registration by signing into myPUC
and clicking on the PCStar/Enrollment Services tab. Specific instructions regarding web
registration can be found on page 14. When web registration is not available, you can contact
Mary Martinez, Registration Coordinator, directly via email at in
the following format:
Please Note:
ALL new students must register
the Monday before classes begin.
There are no exceptions made to
this deadline date. Returning
students (who have already
successfully completed a nursing
course within EPIC) can register
up until the Thursday before the
next course starts.
Important: If you have specific questions regarding the courses you should be registering for, you
should consult the carousel of courses (see page 15) or email your academic advisor for
Withdrawal Policy
If you decide to withdraw from a course once it has started, you should contact Mary Martinez in
the Office of the Registrar. Please note that you will not receive a refund. The deadline to drop a
course in this program is by the Wednesday into the 4th week of class. Your withdrawal will
impact your transcript as shown below:
Withdrawal Day
Grade Received
Business Days 1-8
No impact – course is removed from your record
Business Day 9 thru 4 Wednesday
Page 13
Office of the Registrar (continued)
Degree Works
DegreeWorks is an electronic degree audit application and advising tool designed to assist you
and your advisor in reviewing your degree progress. Once you have registered for the first time,
you can access your DegreeWorks audit by signing into myPUC and clicking on the PCStar/
Enrollment Services tab. Your advisor will used DegreeWorks to show you what courses have
transferred in what classes you have completed. Please see page xx for more information about
DegreeWorks and it‘s function. If you need additional assistance accessing your DegreeWorks
audit or understanding it, please contact us in the Office of the Registrar.
Enrollment Verification
Enrollment verification services are provided for students who receive educational loans, good
student auto insurance discounts, medical insurance, tuition reimbursement for employers and
other situations in which official verification of enrollment status is needed. If you are in need of
enrollment verification, please contact our office.
Feel free to browse our web pages at for information on other
services offered by the Office of the Registrar, such as requesting a transcript, changing your
address or other contact information and graduation.
Mary Martinez
Registration Coordinator for Academic Partnerships
Page 14
Steps to Web Registration
Students who have never been registered in the Online RN to BS Completion Program
need to be registered by a PUC administrator their very first time. Once you have been
registered the first time by your advisor or PUC administrator, you may then use web
registration to register yourself.
From the PUC website homepage:
Login to the
Once you have logged on to
Click the tab:
Enrollment Services
Right side of the screen, 3rd box down is titled registration tools.
Click the link:
Look up classes to search for available courses.
Click the link:
Add or Drop classes to register for or change your classes online.
Look for NUR classes that have
“NBO Majors only” in the
description—that will indicate
the 5-week sections
Select term and click submit
Select at least one subject and click class search.
Note: To view class description, click on the CRN # and click view catalog entry.
Then click on Return to Previous or Class Search
Once all courses have been selected, you will need to click submit
Click on tab marked fee assessment
Your registration has been successfully submitted
Print your detailed schedule
Once you register yourself online it will be easier each time, so give it a try.
If you experience technical difficulties, please call (219) 989-2888 / Option 2.
Page 15
Carousel of Nursing Courses
Students can use this carousel to see the course rotations. The start dates for the 5 week
session are in red at the top of the page. Based on your admission date into the program, pick a
date to start classes. You can then determine the rest of your courses by reading from left to
right based on where you started.
Please see the example above highlighted in yellow. This person is starting with NUR 384 on
1/10/11. Then would continue with:
NUR 182
NUR 390
NUR 394
NUR 397 and so on…
This carousel is updated and kept at:
In the left column:
Look for Department Links
Click—NBO Online Completion Program Course Offerings by Semester
Page 16
Getting Access to the Portal
What is
is the hub of Purdue Calumet‘s online content. It is a web portal enabling you to access many
of the university‘s online resources from a central location by entering a single username and
password only once.
There are a couple of different ways to access the web portal. Below are the different ways you can
access your web portal. Choose whichever route works best for you.
To access
directly, visit:
To access from Purdue Calumet‘s homepage,
go to
Hover your cursor over the ―Start Here‖ tab in the right hand corner
select the icon from the screen that appears.
Page 17
Creating Password & Logging In
First Create Your Password
New students to Purdue Calumet will not have a password yet so you‘ll need to follow the steps
below to create that password for the first time (same steps to reset a password):
Go to
Fill out the form using the PUID number provided in your admission letter, as well as your last
name and date of birth and then select ―OK.‖
Your user name will show on the next page that allows
you to create a
password meeting the criteria listed
You can now login to
Logging into
To log in, enter your Career Account username and password in the required fields. This is the same
username you received in your admission letter.
Page 18
Accessing the NBO - Group Page
Accessing the NBO Group Page—Patricia Mellon Advisees
Step 1 : Go to myPUC portal
myPUC login page -
Step 2: Stay in myPUC
Go to the right hand corner of the screen
click on the icon Groups
Step 3: click on the Groups Index tab
Step 4: click on the file icon Academic
Step 5: Under the section Groups in Academic
click on Patricia Mellon Advisees
click the button Join Group
NOTE: This group is open to the public student body of Purdue. Once you request to join this group,
you will have immediate access. Problems accessing this group, please call 219-989-2888 and
press option 2.
Page 19
Snapshot of the NBO Page
NBO Group Home Page Snapshot
This is a snapshot
view of the NBO
Group Homepage.
In here you will find
links, uploaded files,
and other relevant
information sent by
your advisor, faculty,
and staff. This was
designed for NBO
Page 20
Gmail— Student Email
Your username for logging into Gmail will be the same as your career account. Therefore, you willl
be able to login to myPUC, campus computers, and Gmail all with the same username and
password. More importantly, you can access your Gmail within the myPUC portal.
To enter your Gmail Account:
1. Log into myPUC as previously explained on pages 16-17 in this handbook.
2. Upon successfully logging into the portal, in the upper right hand corner of the page you
will see the Gmail icon. Click on this and you will have access to your student Gmail
If you have any questions or problems with your Gmail account, please call
219-989-2888 /option 2.
Please note:
The RN/BS Completion Program in the School of Nursing at Purdue
University Calumet REQUIRES that all students enrolled must use their student Gmail accounts.
Page 21
DegreeWorks— Degree Auditing System
DegreeWorks is an electronic degree audit application and advising tool designed to assist you
and your advisor in reviewing your degree progress. Once you have your transfer credits
processed into the system, you can access your DegreeWorks audit by signing into myPUC and
clicking on the PCStar/Enrollment Services tab, and following the instructions on the tutorials
Once you are moving through the program and complete courses at Purdue, your audit will
automatically update itself upon grades posting. This way, you can keep track of your progress
as you move through the program.
Please review instructions on how to access and navigate Degree Works by reviewing the
―Student Guide to Degree Works‖
Video Tutorial on ―Student login process to Degree Works‖
If you experience technical difficulties with DegreeWorks, please call (219) 989-2888 / Option 2.
Page 22
EPIC — Course Management System
The following information will guide you to access your online courses through the Epic Learning
Management platform. This platform provides an engaging, multi-media learning environment.
Approximately one week before your first course starts, you will receive an email ―credential letter‖
from Purdue Calumet Student Services with the subject PUC Online Course Access. This letter will
give you your login information for the EPIC system. This letter is sent upon your admission
automatically. If you do not receive this letter within a week before your first class is supposed to
start, please call 1-866-908-4783, choose option 3 for student support.
To Get Started:
You will need your EPIC login information
Open a browser window and type the web address:
Click the Course Login link located in the upper right corner of the page.
When prompted:
Type your User Name
Type your Password
Click the Login button
Please note that access to your regular (for credit) courses will expire at the end of each term. If
there are resource materials that you would like to access after the course ends, please save them
to your hard drive or jump drive.
If you run into issues accessing your course, please contact the EPIC Help Desk. They
are available to assist you by phone (1-866-908-4783):
8:00am – 11:00pm EST Mon–Fri
9:00am – 9:00pm EST Sat-Sun & Holidays
Or you can email the Help Desk at any time –
Page 23
EPIC — Online Program Orientation
Once you are logged in to the EPIC system:
You should see an Online
Program Orientation listed to the
left of the screen. Please review
the orientation carefully, paying
close attention to the
―Technology Cruise.‖ This portion
of the orientation is mandatory
for you to complete. It will provide
you with an overview of how to
navigate through the Epic player,
define program policies and procedures, and instruct you on how
to participate in course activities,
discussions, assignments, and
quizzes. Additionally, the orientation will provide an overview of
skills to assist you in becoming a
successful online student.
Here is a snapshot
of what the Online
Program Orientation
looks like when
Page 24
EPIC — Accessing Your Courses in EPIC
After you have completed
the EPIC Online Orientation,
you can then get ready to
view your class you are
registered in. On the left
hand side of the page, you
will find the course. Choose
the course you would like to
access and double
click it.
Once in your course, it
should look somewhat similar to this…
Pay attention to the modules, make
sure you familiarize yourself with,
To-Do Lists, Assignments, Discussion,
Readings, and Module Checklist Sections.
It is important that you understand the
―flow‖ of how the class operates. — Don‘t
be afraid to click around and view the
different elements of your course
Page 25
Payment and Billing
It is important that you make your payment on or before the Friday before the start of class in order
to avoid being dropped from the class. An invoice and periodic reminders will be sent to you
regarding payment amounts due and payment deadlines.
Payment Submission
Here are steps to paying online:
Access the Purdue University Calumet website at
Click on ‗Students’, then click on ‗myPUC Portal‘.
Login using your career account and career account password.
Click on the ‗Enrollment Services/PC Star’ tab.
Click on ‗On-Line Payment System’
Click on ‗Access your personal student records‘.
Click on the ‗Payment Options’ tab.
Wait until your information appears.
You can maximize the screen for a better view.
Click on ‗Student Account Suite’.
If you would like to pay your tuition and fees using Webcheck, Visa, Master Card or Discover using
our On-line payment system option, you may select the ―Pay My Bill‖ Option under the same tab
mentioned above and follow the prompts. Please pay the exact amount due as shown and do not
round your payment up.
Continued on next page
Page 26
Payment (continued)
Note: If you are enrolled in more than one NUR online course per semester, the system
brings up the full amount due for all courses. Once you enter your credit card or check
information, you can then put in the amount you wish to pay should you decide to only pay
for the most recent 5 online course you are taking at that time.
If you experience problems trying to pay your tuition, please contact our Student Accounts
Department listed below. Payment can be made over the phone. Once Purdue University Calumet
receives your payment, you will receive an e-mail confirmation from our student accounts area.
Account Information
If you would like to view your student account information, log into your myPUC account. From
there, click on the ―Enrollment Services/PC Star tab‖. This will allow you to view your account
information at anytime.
Payment Questions Contact::
Student Accounts
219- 989-2560
Billing Questions Contact:
Kendra Bates
Page 27
Financial Aid
How to Apply for Financial Aid
To learn how to apply for financial aid for the RN/BS Online Partnership Program, go to:
Types of Financial Aid
Federal Pell Grant: The federal government offers Pell Grants to undergraduate students in
need, which is the foundation of a student‘s financial aid package. Eligible students must be
enrolled in a minimum of 1 credit hour.
Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan: For students with financial need based on the results
of your FAFSA. Recipients must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours). Recipients are
not charged interest while in school at least half-time and during grace or deferment periods.
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan: You are not required to demonstrate financial need
to receive this loan. Interest accrues (accumulates) from the time it is first paid out. Recipients
must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours).
How enrollment is determined for Financial Aid
Your enrollment, for financial aid purposes, is based on the total number of credit hours for which
you are registered in all five-week sessions during the semester/term. You must be enrolled in a
minimum 3 credit hours at PUC to include enrollment in any non-nursing courses at University of
Texas at Arlington for financial aid.
Federal Pell Grant awards will be based on your enrollment as of the census date and will not
be adjusted for subsequent increases or decreases in enrollment. If eligible for a second consecutive Pell Grant award during a single award year, you must maintain half-time enrollment
during the semester to receive those funds.
Stafford Loans will be adjusted for changes in enrollment. If you fall below 6 credit hours your
eligibility may change. If refunds have been issued, you may have to return funds to the university. Contact Kathryn Smith if you are considering withdrawing from any classes to discuss how
this might affect your financial aid eligibility.
Kathryn Smith
Page 28
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there clinical requirements for the RN/BS degree?
There are no clinical requirements in the traditional sense. Since you are a practicing RN, clinicals
are accomplished through assignments that can be completed in your work environment through
evidence based projects.
What if an emergency happens and I have to take a temporary break from the program?
We hope that the flexibility of the courseware will allow you to finish the course you are currently
taking. If you cannot continue and you withdraw from the course, you can re-take the course you
dropped when it is offered. The last day to withdraw from a course is the Wednesday during the 4th
week of the course. However, in order to receive a full refund for the course tuition you must
withdraw before the course starts.
Must I be connected to the Internet to complete the coursework?
Yes. You will need Internet access to download your individual course and online readings onto your
computer and to periodically submit and receive feedback on assignments and assessments as
well as participate in online discussions.
Are refunds given for courses?
The refund policy for sessions of 5, 8 , or 10 weeks or less is as follows:
Before the first class session- 100% refund
No refund for drops or withdrawals after the first class session
How much preparation time should I expect to commit to my courses?
Please plan on allocating 3 - 4 hours per week per credit hour to complete the didactic coursework.
For example, if you are enrolled in a 3-credit hour course, you should anticipate spending
approximately 9 - 12 hours per week completing coursework.
This time will be spent completing readings, viewing lectures, participating in discussion boards and
accessing information in the online library. This does not include the time needed to complete and
submit assignments in the course.
Can I take the capstone course when I have completed the nursing credits, but not the non-nursing
All nursing courses must be completed prior to the capstone course. However, students may take
up to 6 hours of non-nursing coursework after completion of the capstone course.