Oswal Woolen Mills Limited 3.5 MW Rice Husk Based Cogeneration Project at Oswal Woolen Mills Ltd. Project Design Document CONTENTS A. General description of project activity B. Baseline methodology C. Duration of the project activity / Crediting period D. Monitoring methodology and plan E. Calculation of GHG emission reductions by sources F. Environmental impacts G. Stakeholders comments Annexes Annex 1: Information on participants in the project activity Annex 2: Information regarding public funding Annex-3: Baseline Data Appendix Appendix A: Abbreviations Appendix B: Reference List Enclosures Enclosure: Calculations A. General description of project activity A.1 Title of the project activity: 3.5 MW Rice Husk based Cogeneration Project at Oswal Woolen Mills Ltd. A.2 Description of the project activity: Purpose The purpose of the project activity is to utilize rice husk available in the region for effective generation of electricity for in-house consumption. The project activity is the part of cogeneration activity involving generation of electricity and steam for captive consumption. The project activity will indirectly help in reducing the power deficit in the state of Punjab and conserve natural resources like coal. Salient features of the project Oswal Woolen Mills Ltd. (OWML), a leading manufacturer of woolen, blended and acrylic yarns is the promoter of the project activity. The major equipments of the project activity will comprise a new 3.5 MW condensing cum extraction turbine and will replace the two existing low-pressure boilers with a new boiler of 25 Tonnes per hour TPH steam generation capacity at 67 atmosphere1 (atm) pressure. Present Scenario The total power requirement of the woolen mill is being met by Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) grid and total process steam requirement of around 13.5 TPH at 8 atm. is being met by existing two nos. of low pressure Atmospheric Fuidized Bed Combustion (AFBC) boilers, which are fed with rice husk. Diesel generator sets are being used as a standby provision for power. Project Scenario The project activity, which is a ‘carbon neutral fuel’ based cogeneration plant, generates electricity in addition to steam to meet OWML’s captive electricity requirement thereby displacing an equivalent amount of electricity the plant would have drawn from the PSEB grid. Diesel generator sets will continue to be used as standby. 1 1 atmosphere = 1.033 kg/cm2 Turbine details Steam Pressure Steam Temperature 1 No. X 3.5 MW 64 atm. 480 oC Boiler details 1 No. high efficiency boiler Pressure 67 atm. Temperature 485 oC Gross power generation 3500 kW Steam (TPH) 25 TPH Availability of rice husk Punjab — the grain basket of India, is the major agricultural State of the country. Paddy (rice cultivation) is an important cash crop for the state. Punjab produced 8.88 million tonnes of paddy during the year 2002-032, At present the number of rice mills in the state is stated to be more than 30003. Rice husk from these mills is available in plenty but it is utilised in-efficiently in furnaces and low efficiency boilers by most of the textile and paper industries in Punjab for meeting their steam requirements. The current requirement of 60-70 tonnes/day of rice husk at OWML is going to increase by 100 % with the new cogeneration scheme. The entire rice husk requirement for the project activity will be met from the rice mills located within a radius of 50 kms from the site. Project activity’s contribution to sustainable development This project activity has excellent contribution towards sustainable development and addresses the key issues: Environmental well-being Substituting the electricity requirement from grid by cogeneration scheme thereby eliminating the generation of equivalent quantum of electricity using conventional fuel feeding the state grid. Conserving coal and other non-renewable natural resource Mitigating the emission of GHG (CO2) as rice husk is a carbon neutral fuel Socio-economic well being Saving the power at grid and allowing it to be diverted to other needy sections of the economy Contributing to a small increase in the local employment by employing skilled and unskilled personnel for operation and maintenance of the equipment. 2 3 Adopting an advanced and sustainable technology for long term benefits. Helping to abridge the gap of electricity demand and supply at local level Source: Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Punjab http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040408/biz.htm A.3. Project participants Project promoter and official contact for project activity -Oswal Woolen Mills Limited, Sherpur, Ludhiana, Punjab, India (Detailed information is given in Annex 1) A.4 Technical description of the project activity: A.4.1 Location of the project activity: A.4.1.1 Host country Party: India A.4.1.2 Region/State/Province etc.: Punjab A.4.1.3 City/Town/Community etc: Ludhiana A.4.1.4 Detailed description of the physical location, including information allowing the unique identification of this project activity: The project is being implemented adjacent to the OWML manufacturing facility in Sherpur industrial area of Ludhiana, Punjab. The site measuring about 4046 m2 has already been acquired. The location also has the abundant availability of skilled and semi-skilled labour and is situated on GT road just 5 km away from the Ludhiana station. The geographical location with rail/road connectivity of Ludhiana is detailed in the maps below. Maps not to scale A.4.2 Type and category and technology of project activity Main Category: Type I - Renewable energy power project Sub Category: C–Thermal Energy for the User As defined under Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities, this category includes “biomass based co-generating systems that produce heat and electricity for use on-site”. For co-generation systems to qualify under this category, the sum of all forms of energy output shall not exceed 45 MW thermal [rating for the primary boiler shall not exceed 45 MW thermal]. This project activity clearly qualifies in the above category since the net thermal energy output from the project activity is approximately 25 MWthermal (< 45 MWthermal). The power requirement for operating the process plant at OWML is about 3.5 MW. Presently the power requirement is met by supplies from Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB). OWML is setting up the rice husk based cogeneration plant to meet its steam and power requirement from captive sources. The electricity produced by the project activity will replace the grid supply. Technology employed for the project activity The proposed plant will have one condensing cum extraction turbine along with a 25 TPH highpressure boiler with steam parameters of 67 atm. and 485 oC. The proposed boiler is of modern design with membrane furnace walls, atmospheric fluidised bed suitable for outdoor installation with electrostatic precipitators for dust collection. Uninterrupted flow of rice husk to the boiler will be enabled by a twin bunker system located in front of the boiler. In case of exigencies of biomass fuel scarcity, OWML proposes to use coal as fuel. The plant has three-days storage capacity for rice husk. Fuel Handling System: Rice husk will be loaded in the twin type bunkers, installed near the boiler with the help of conveyor belts. One drag chain conveyor for each bunker will be provided for mixing of fuel in the twin bunker. Feeding of rice husk from bunker to drag chain will be through rotary feeder. Rice husk will be fed to the boiler by pneumatic conveyor. The total capacity of fuel handling system is 12TPH. Monitoring of rice husk quantity fed as fuel is done at these bunkers/ silos using level assessment. For generating maximum of 100 % steaming capacity of the boiler at rated parameters, about 6.4 TPH of Rice husk (100 % Rice husk firing) is required. The plant will also have coal handling facilities with necessary crushers and conveyors to meet the requirement in case of exigencies of biomass fuel scarcity. The plant will have Distributed Control System (DCS)/Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) for operation and will generate a gross output of 3500 kW at the generator terminals. The power generation in the cogeneration plant will be at 11 kV level. The internal consumption requirements will be met by stepping down the voltage level to 415 V. No transfer of technology is involved to host country because technology is available within India from reputed manufacturers. Ultimate analysis of rice husk used as fuel4 Parameter Content (% w/w) Carbon 36.70 Hydrogen 3.00 Oxygen 31.20 Nitrogen 1.00 Sulphur 0.00 Moisture 10.00 Ash 18.00 Gross Calorific Value 3150 (Kcal/kg) The plant is designed with all other auxiliary plant systems like: 4 Rice husk and coal handling system Ash handling system Air pollution control devices Water system consists of following sub-systems: 9 Raw water system 9 Circulating water system 9 Condensate system As per the analysis report available with OWML 9 Water treatment system 9 Service and potable water system Compressed air system Fire protection system Air conditioning and ventilation system Complete electrical system for power plant including, instrumentation and control systems etc. A.4.3 Brief statement on how anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) by sources are to be reduced by the proposed CDM project activity: The proposed cogeneration plant will reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions by displacing fossil fuel based electricity generation with environmentally sustainable resource, rice husk (carbon neutral), which is a renewable biomass. The project activity leads to GHG on-site emissions in the form CO2 from combustion of rice husk which will be consumed by paddy plantations and other plant species, representing a cyclic process of carbon sequestration. Since, the rice husk contains only negligible quantities of other elements like Nitrogen, Sulphur etc. release of other GHGs are considered as negligible. In the last 10 years of operation of the existing boilers for process steam generation, OWML has never faced any shortage of rice husk. Although the project activity will entail approximately double the amount of rice husk consumption compared to the pre-project scenario, there is almost no possibility of rice husk supply shortage going by the excess availability of the same in the region. No transmission and distribution losses are considered since the project will supply power at a short distance. A conventional electrical energy equivalent of 261.12 Million kWh for a period of 10 years in Punjab would be replaced by the electricity from the proposed 3.5 MW non-conventional renewable resource (rice husk) based cogeneration plant with CO2 emission reduction of 222,670 tonnes in a period of 10 years. In the absence of the project activity, the same energy load would have been taken up by state grid comprised primarily of thermal power plants and emission of CO2 would have occurred due to combustion of conventional fuels like coal / gas. Percentage generation from grid feeding sources5 (Year: 2002-03) Coal-55.03 % Gas-6.98 % Hydro-33.70 % 5 Source: Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC)-tariff order for PSEB-FY2003-04 Nuclear-1.61 % Unknown-2.69 % The power sector profile as per Ministry of Power, for Northern Region6 gives the energy shortage (%) and peak deficit (%) for the state of Punjab as shown below. Energy Shortage (%) & Peak Deficit (%) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -0 5 20 04 -0 4 20 20 03 -0 3 02 -0 2 20 01 -0 1 00 -0 0 20 19 99 -9 9 98 19 19 97 -9 8 0 Energy Shortage Peak Deficit As per Ministry of Power, Punjab recorded 6.7 % peak deficit and 5.9 % energy shortage during 2003-04. As per the 16th Electric Power Survey of India, conducted by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the growth in energy requirement for Punjab is expected to be 7.05 % between 2002 and 2007 and 6.95 % between 2007 and 2012. This leads to the conclusion that replacement of grid electricity results in equivalent GHG (CO2) emission reductions related to corresponding reduction in fossil fuel usage in the power plants feeding the grid. If such replacement is brought about by a carbon neutral fuel like rice husk as in the project case, then project emission is zero and the entire emission reductions due to fossil fuel reduction in grid mix gets credited to the project activity. From the above we can conclude that the project activity results in a net reduction of GHG emissions in the form of CO2 emissions. 6 http://powermin.nic.in/indian_electricity_scenario/pdf/NR0105.pdf A.4.4 Public funding of the project activity No public funding as part of project financing from parties included in Annex I is involved in the project activity. A.4.5 Confirmation that the small-scale project activity is not a debundled component of a larger project activity: According to Appendix C of Simplified Modalities & Procedures for small scale CDM project activities, ‘Debundling’ is defined as the fragmentation of a large project activity into smaller parts. A small-scale project activity that is part of a large project activity is not eligible to use the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities. A proposed small-scale project activity shall be deemed to be a debundled component of a large project activity if there is a registered small-scale CDM project activity or an application to register another small-scale CDM project activity: • With the same project participants; • In the same project category and technology/measure; • Registered within the previous 2 years; and • Whose project boundary is within 1 km of the project boundary of the proposed smallscale activity at the closest point. The proposed cogeneration project is not a debundled component of a large project activity as: The project proponents do not propose another biomass power plant The project proponents have not registered any other small scale project activity within the previous two years; and Project boundary is not within 1 km radius of any other proposed small-scale activity. B. Baseline methodology B.1 Title and reference of the project category applicable to the project activity: Main Category: Type I - Renewable energy power project Sub Category: C – Thermal Energy for the User The reference has been taken from the recent list of the small-scale CDM project activity categories contained in Appendix B of the simplified M&P for small-scale CDM project activities B.2 Project category applicable to the project activity: Document ‘Appendix B of the simplified M&P for small-scale CDM project activities’, provides indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories. As per this document the proposed project falls under Type I.C – Thermal Energy for the User. Baseline methodology for projects under Type I. C has been detailed in paragraphs 18-20 of the above mentioned document. Paragraph 20 which applies to the project activity states that for renewable energy technologies that displace electricity the simplified baseline is the electricity consumption times the relevant emission factor calculated as described under Category I.D, paragraph 29. Paragraph 29 states that the baseline is the kWh produced by the renewable generating unit multiplied by an emission coefficient (measured in kgCO2/kWh) calculated in a transparent and conservative manner as: a) The average of the “approximate operating margin” and the “build margin”, where: i. The “approximate operating margin” is the weighted average emissions (in kg CO2equ/kWh) of all generating sources serving the system, excluding hydro, geothermal, wind, low-cost biomass, nuclear and solar generation; ii. The “build margin” is the weighted average emissions (in kg CO2equ/kWh) of recent capacity additions to the system, which capacity additions are defined as the greater (in MWh) of most recent 20% of existing plants or the 5 most recent plants.”; OR b) The weighted average emissions (in kgCO2equ/kWh) of current generation mix. Considering the available guidelines and the present project scenario, Punjab state grid has been chosen for baseline analysis by selecting “The average of the approximate operating margin and the build margin (combined margin)” for baseline calculations. Further details of the baseline are given in Annex 3. The Operating Margin estimates the effect of the proposed project activity on the operation of existing and or/future power plants and the build margin estimates the effect of the proposed project activity on the building of alternate power plants. Elements of operating and built margins are captured in the combined margin which is chosen as representative baseline for the credit period. B.3 Description of how the anthropogenic GHG emissions by sources are reduced below those that would have occurred in the absence of the proposed CDM project activity A two-step approach is followed to establish the additionality for the project activity: Step 1-Additionality test-the project is not a part of baseline scenario and hence different from what otherwise would have happened Step 2-Describing the appropriate baseline scenario and calculating the resulting GHG reductions. Step 1: Project’s Additionality Test In accordance with paragraph 28 of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities, a simplified baseline and monitoring methodology listed in Appendix B may be used for a small-scale CDM project activity if project participants are able to demonstrate to a designated operational entity that the project activity would otherwise not be implemented due to the existence of one or more barrier(s) listed in attachment A of Appendix. B. It is established here that the project activity has associated barriers to its implementation which would be overcome with the availability of carbon financing against a sale consideration of carbon credits that would be generated once the project is implemented. Investment barrier The major investment barrier to the project is the perceived risk to the project in case of reduced supply of rice husk in future since Punjab government is discouraging the cultivation of paddy in this state due to requirement of large quantities of water for cultivation of paddy7. Investors are worried that shortage in supply of rice husk in future, may lead to steep rise in prices of rice husk which might render the project financially unstable. This is evident from the fact that the cost of rice husk during the financial closure was around INR 1,400/ton, which has increased to more than INR 1600/ton in a period of one year8 (an increase of 14 %). This escalation in the rice prices is expected to continue in future because of reasons mentioned above. 7 http://www.punjabgov.net/roadmap1.asp 8 Documentary evidence regarding the price escalation would be shared with the validator during validation Annual expenditure on rice husk (@ INR 1400/ton) = INR 55,440,000 Annual expenditure on rice husk due to increased cost (@ INR 1600/ton) = INR 63,360,000 Annual increase in expenditure due to increased cost of rice husk: INR 84,480,000– INR 73,920,000= INR 7,920,000 Annual earnings from sale of CER (@ Euro 5/CER) = INR 6,123,4259 This enormous increase in cost of rice husk would be significantly compensated by the proposed carbon financing and will help to improve the sustainability of the project which will otherwise be rendered financially unstable. Due to high initial investment in starting the cogeneration plant and due to its associated risk mentioned above, majority of the textile mills in Punjab rather generate steam from low-pressure boilers to meet the process requirements and depend on the state grid for their power requirements. This is evident from the fact that out of total co-generation potential of 150 MW in the industry (apart from sugar industry) in the state, none has been tapped10. The project proponent had an alternative to continue to purchase power from PSEB and could have invested the money (used to install cogeneration plant) for enhancing the installed capacity of the woollen mill which would have delivered assured higher returns in view of favourable market for textile industry in Punjab. In spite of these factors, OWML is one such entrepreneur to initiate this GHG abatement project under Clean Development Mechanism. It is ascertained here that, if OWML is successful in securing the proposed carbon financing, it will help in offsetting this barrier and encourage other entrepreneurs to come up with similar project activities. Barriers due to prevailing practice Analysis of power data of Punjab state shows that installed capacity is dominated by thermal (63.18 %) and hydro (32.71 %) power. Also capacity additions worth 1168 MW are planned during the X five year plan11 which contains 2 x 500 MW coal based thermal power plants and 168 MW hydro power plant. As per Punjab government the power generation potential from biomass in the state is of the order of 1000 MW out of which only 20.5 MW (about 2 %) has been tapped. OWML will be among the first few organisations in the textile sector in Punjab to set up a rice husk based cogeneration plant. 9 1 Euro = INR 55.0 http://punjabgovt.nic.in/Industry/ind557.htm 10 11 http://powermin.nic.in/power-profile-NR_files/v3_document.htm This illustrates the low penetration of such projects and little willingness to change the current operating practice in the region. Implementation of the project activity is a voluntary step undertaken by OWML with no direct or indirect mandate by law or promotional policies. Other Barriers Energy is not a core business of OWML. They are mainly manufacturers of woolen, blended and acrylic yarns. The rice husk based cogeneration project activity is a steep diversification from the core business fields to power sector economics, where the project proponent has to meet challenges of techno-commercial problems associated with the project activity. It is estimated that, of the total textile mills in Punjab, only a few are successful in commissioning of the plant due to some of the above-mentioned barriers. Moreover, Punjab’s textile industry does not any incentive to invest in high efficiency biomass cogeneration for electricity generation in the future. In such circumstances they will continue to use rice husk for in-efficient burning in low pressure boilers with no electricity generation. The information on the state of rice husk-based cogeneration suggests that the barriers discussed are sufficient to hinder growth of the sector. While the country has a clean energy strategy, the reality is that coal will continue to dominate in the near term and the textile industry will burn rice husk in inefficient boilers unless financial incentives, such as carbon financing, exist. Step 2: Baseline scenario and corresponding GHG reduction The business as usual (BAU) for the textile industry in Punjab is not the project activity but to continue with the industry’s status quo, which is to burn rice husk in inefficient, low pressure boilers for process steam and depend on state grid for their power requirements. This project activity is a renewable energy project with net zero CO2 emission due to the carbon sequestration. Paddy re-grows at the same rate as it is being harvested, and acts as a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide and the net flux of CO2 to the atmosphere is zero. An analysis of the state grid generation mix gives the baseline emission factor of 0.85 kgCO2/kWh for the grid, and the 222,670 tonnes of CO2 emission reductions that the proposed activity will reduce over a period of 10 years. In view of the above mentioned prohibitive barriers and GHG emission reductions, it is understood that the project activity is additional. B.4 Description of the project boundary for the project activity: As mentioned under Type I.C. of ‘Annex-B of the simplified modalities and procedures for smallscale CDM project activities’, project boundary encompasses the physical and geographical site of the renewable generation source. For the proposed project activity the project boundary is from the point of fuel storage to the point of electricity supply to the woolen mill where the project proponent has a full control. The steam generation from the cogeneration activity has been excluded from the project boundary, as it is not included under the CDM project activity. Thus, project boundary covers fuel storage, boiler, steam turbine generator and all other accessory equipments. However, for the purpose of calculation of baseline emissions, Punjab state electricity grid is also included in the boundary. Flow chart and project boundary is illustrated in the following diagram: Project Boundary Biomass Source Biomass Biomass Storage Source Emission Generated Biomass fired Boiler Emission Sequestered Power Generation Unit Electricity to Woolen Mill Auxiliary Consumption Steam for Process Requirement at B.5 Details of the baseline and its development: B.5.1 Specify the baseline for the proposed project activity using a methodology specified in the applicable project category for small-scale CDM project activities contained in Appendix B of the simplified M&P for small-scale CDM project activities: The state grid has been considered as the baseline since the project activity will avoid the use of fossil fuel by existing thermal power plants for supply of power to OWML. The baseline methodology specified in the para 29 of the Appendix B of the Simplified M&P for small scale CDM project activities ‘The average of the approximate operating margin and the build margin’ of Punjab is used for the calculation of baseline. The calculation of the Emission Factor and corresponding CO2 emission reductions have been done in an excel sheet which is enclosed as Enclosure A and the same has been explained in Section E. Baseline data has been provide in Annex 3 B.5.2 Date of completing the final draft of this baseline section (DD/MM/YYYY): August 2004 B.5.3 Name of person/entity determining the baseline: Oswal Woolen Mills Limited GT Road, Sherpur Ludhiana-141003 Punjab India The person/entity is also a project participant as listed in Annex 1 of this document. C. Duration of the project activity and crediting period C.1 Duration of the project activity: C.1.1 Starting date of the project activity: September 2004 C.1.2 Expected operational lifetime of the project activity: 25 years C.2 Choice of the crediting period and related information: C.2.1 Renewable crediting period C.2.1.1 Starting date of the first crediting period: C.2.1.2 Length of the first crediting C.2.2 Fixed crediting period: C.2.2.1 Starting date: July 2005 C.2.2.2 Length (max 10 years): 10 years D. Monitoring methodology and plan D.1 Name and reference of approved methodology applied to the project activity: Monitoring methodology / guideline mentioned in the ‘Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small scale CDM project activities’ in the project category Type I.C. is considered as basis for monitoring methodology for the project activity. The document states that the monitoring shall consist of metering the electricity generated by the renewable technology through co-generation plant. D.2 Justification of the choice of the methodology and why it is applicable to the project activity: As established in Section A.4.2 the project activity falls under Category I.C. Generation of electricity for captive consumption using rice husk as fuel in OWML’s cogeneration plant will lead to mitigation of GHG emissions from the fossil fuel based plants, which supply power to PSEB grid. In order to monitor the mitigation of GHG due to at the project activity at OWML, the total electricity produced and auxiliary consumption need to be measured. The net electricity supplied to manufacturing facility of OWML by the project activity multiplied by emission factor for the grid will form the baseline for the project activity. Description of monitoring plan The project activity will have two separate meters to record the gross power produced, auxiliary power consumed and net electricity supplied. The monitoring and verification system would mainly comprise of these meters as far as power supplied to woolen mill is concerned. The rice husk input is also to be monitored. Quantity of coal will also be monitored when used. These monitoring and controls will be the part of the DCS/SCADA of the entire plant. All monitoring and control functions will be done as per the internally accepted standards of OWML. All instruments will be calibrated and marked at regular intervals so that the accuracy of measurement can be ensured all the time. The quantity of emission reduction claimed by the project will only be a fraction of the total generated emissions, which depends on the actual generation mix of the grid GHG SOURCES Direct On-Site Emissions Direct on-site emissions after implementation of the project arise from the combustion of biomass in the boiler. These emissions mainly include CO2. However, the CO2 released is very less as compared to the amount of CO2 taken up by the biomass during growing, therefore no net emissions occur. Direct Off-Site Emissions Direct off-site emissions in the proposed project arise from the biomass transport. The same type of CO2 emission (leakage) occurs during transportation of coal from coal mines to respective power plants and distance between the coal mine12 and power plant is much higher as compared to the average transportation distance considered between project site and biomass collection centres and hence higher CO2 emissions. Indirect On-Site Emissions The indirect on site GHG source is the consumption of energy and the emission of GHGs involved in the construction of rice husk based power plant. Considering the life of the cogeneration plant and the emissions to be avoided in the life span, emissions from the above-mentioned source is too small and hence neglected. No other indirect on-site emissions are anticipated from the project activity. Project Parameters affecting Emission Reduction Monitoring Approach The general monitoring principles are based on: Frequency Reliability Registration and reporting As the emission reduction from the project are determined by the number of units supplied to the woolen mill (and then multiplying with appropriate emission factor) it becomes important for the project activity to monitor the net power supplied to the woolen mill on real time basis. Net emission reductions also depend on the leakage estimated due to firing of coal in case of exigencies. Hence the second important thing is to monitor the quantity of coal used and quantify the power contribution from the same. 12 Coal mines situated in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal Frequency of monitoring The project developer will install all metering and check metering facilities within the plant premises. The measurement will be recorded and monitored on a continuous basis by the project developer. Reliability The amount of emission reduction is proportional to the net energy generation from the project. Since the reliability of the monitoring system is governed by the accuracy of the measurement system and the quality of the equipment to produce the result all power measuring instruments must be calibrated once a year for ensuring reliability of the system. All instruments carry tag plates, which indicate the date of calibration and the date of next calibration. Therefore the system ensures the final generation is highly reliable. The shift incharge will be responsible for data recording and the plant manager will ensure that data is recorded continuously and is archived properly. Also the shift incharge will under go an induction programme including plant operations, data monitoring, report generation etc. Registration and reporting Registration of data is on-line. Daily, weekly and monthly reports are prepared stating the generation. The other major factors, which need to be ensured and monitored, are the use of rice husk and coal Fuel related parameters: Quantity of Rice husk used in the boiler as fuel The rice husk received from the rice mills will be stored in the plants storage area specially designed for such storage. The amount of rice husk entering the plant will be measured and records of the same will be maintained. The weighing system needs to be calibrated regularly to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. The data will be recorded for further verification. The amount of rice husk purchased, will be based on invoices / receipts from fuel contractors. The amount of rice husk fed to the boiler will also be measured/ monitored through level assessment at the bunkers. Quantity of the coal used in the boiler as fuel Coal demands a similar monitoring system in place for the amount of coal fired. Quality of Rice husk used in the boiler The main type of fuel proposed for the power generation is only rice husk. The properties of the rice husk from ultimate analysis-calorific value, ash compositions etc. are already established and will be consistent in the region. Quality of coal fired in the boiler The properties of the coal from ultimate analysis - calorific value and composition etc. will depend on the quality of coal received. Operational Parameters of the power generating Unit Total Electricity Generated The total electricity generated by the power project will be measured in the plant premises to the best accuracy and will be monitored and recorded, on a continuous basis through DCS/SCADA. Auxiliary Consumption The electricity consumed by plant auxiliaries will be recorded in the plant premises to the best accuracy. This will be monitored and recorded on a continuous basis through DCS/SCADA. The total quantum of electricity consumed by the auxiliaries would affect the total electricity supplied to the woolen mill and therefore the amount of GHG reductions. Electricity exported to the woolen mill Net electricity exported to wolen mill would depend on total electricity generated and auxiliary consumption. All the above parameters / factors will demonstrate the performance of the project at any point of time. Verification The performance of the rice husk based power project leads to CO2 emission reductions. In other words, the longer the power plant runs and supplies power to woollen mill, more would be the emission reductions. Fully functional management information systems will be built in DCS/SCADA so that accessing and verification of actual data are possible at any point of time. The major activities to be verified are as under • Verification of various measurement and monitoring methods • Verification of instrument calibration methods • Verification of data generated by DCS/SCADA • Verification of measurement accuracy D.3 Data to be monitored: a) Parameters affecting the emission reduction potential of the project activity ID No. Data type Data variable 1 Energy Total electricity generated 2 Energy 3 Energy Auxiliary consumption Power supplied to woolen mill Data unit Recording frequency Proportion of data to be monitored How will the data be archived? (electronic/ paper) For how long is archived data to be kept? Comment kWh Measured (m), calculated (c) or estimated (e) M continuous Total Electronic Crediting Period (CP)+2 years kWh M continuous Total Electronic CP+2 years Measured in plant premises and monitored and recorded continuously through DCS/SCADA. -do- kWh M continuous Total Electronic CP+2 years -do- b) Fuel related parameters affecting the project activity ID No . Data type Data variable Data unit 1 Fuel Quantity Type of fuel used - rice husk - coal MT Measured (m), calculated (c) or estimated (e) M Recording frequency 2 Fuel Quality TJ/ton M Yearly - Electronic CP+2 years 3 Fuel Quality Net calorific value of fuels used - rice husk - coal CO2 emission coefficient of coal Ton CO2/TJ - Yearly - Electronic CP+2 years Daily Proportion of data to be monitored >95% How will the data be archived? (electronic/ paper) Electronic For how long is archived data to be kept? CP+2 years Comment To be monitored at purchase and usage. IPCC value to be considered c) Relevant data necessary for determining the baseline of anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG within the project boundary and identification if and how such data will be collected and archived. ID number Data type Data variable Data unit Will data be collected on this item? (If no, explain). How is data archived? (electronic/paper) For how long is data archived to be kept? Comment Not applicable d) Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures are being undertaken for data monitored. (data items in tables contained in section D.3 (a to c) above, as applicable) Data Uncertainty level of Are QA/QC Outline explanation why QA/QC procedures are or are data procedures not being planned. (High/Medium/Low) planned for these data? D.3.(a)1 Low Yes This data will be used for calculation of emission reductions by project activity. D.3.(a)2 Low Yes This data will be used for calculation of emission reductions by project activity. D.3.(b)1 Low Yes This data will be used as supporting information to calculate emission reductions by project activity. D.3.(b)2 Low Yes This data will be used as supporting information to calculate emission reductions by project activity Data Uncertainty level of Are QA/QC Outline explanation why QA/QC procedures are or are data procedures not being planned. (High/Medium/Low) planned for these data? D.3.(b)3 D.4 Low No Standard IPCC values are used Name of person/entity determining the monitoring methodology: Oswal Woolen Mills Limited The person/entity is also a project participant as listed in Annex 1 of this document. E. Calculation of GHG emission reductions by sources E.1 Formulae used: E.1.1 Selected formulae as provided in Appendix B: Since category I.C. does not indicate a specific formula to calculate the GHG emission reduction by sources, the formula is described below in E.1.2 E.1.2 Description of formulae when not provided in Appendix B: E.1.2.1Describe the formulae used to estimate anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHGs due to the project activity within the project boundary: (for each gas, source, formulae/algorithm, emissions in units of CO2 equivalent) The project activity leads to GHG on-site emissions in the form of CO2 emissions from combustion of rice husk The CO2 emissions from rice husk combustion process will be consumed by the paddy plantations, representing a cyclic process of carbon sequestration. Since the husk contains negligible quantities of other elements like Nitogen, Sulphur etc. release of other GHG emissions are considered negligible. GHG emissions during on-site construction work will be negligible and are not accounted for. Similarly emissions associated with transportation of construction materials are ignored. In case of exigencies of biomass fuel scarcity, OWML proposes to use coal as fuel. However as mentioned earlier, in the last 10 years of the operation of the existing boilers, OWML has never faced any shortage of rice husk. Hence the uncertainties in the project emissions are negligible. In case coal is used the CO2 emissions during the usage of coal will be calculated in the following manner: Tonnes of CO2 = Quantity of coal used in tonnes x Net calorific value of coal x CO2 emission coefficient of coal in kg CO2/TJ (IPCC value) Diesel generator (DG) sets will be used as standby. However the emissions from the usage of DG sets are not considered in the project activity emissions since the electricity generated by DG sets would be monitored separately E.1.2.2 Describe the formulae used to estimate leakage due to the project activity, where required, for the applicable project category in Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities. As prescribed in Appendix B of the Simplified Modalities and Procedure for small-scale CDM project activities, for Category I.C leakage estimation is only required if renewable energy technology is equipment transferred from another activity. This does not apply to the project case. However, the only source of leakage activity identified, which contributes GHG emissions outside the project boundary is transportation of rice husk from the supplying rice mills within a 50 km radius to OWML. The same type of GHG emissions occur during transportation of coal from coal mines in Bihar, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh to respective thermal power plants in Punjab. Since the distance between the coalmines and power plant (avg. 1500 kms.) is much higher as compared to the transportation distance of rice husk, the GHG emissions are higher in the earlier case. Considering the transportation leakages for the 2 fuels, there is a net positive addition on the baseline emission which will result in net increase in CO2 reduction from the project. To be on conservative side, this CO2 emission due to coal transportation and husk transportation has not been considered while calculating the baseline emissions and project emissions respectively. E.1.2.3 The sum of E.1.2.1 and E.1.2.2 represents the project activity emissions: The emissions from the project due to use of coal (if any) would give the project activity emissions. E.1.2.4 Describe the formulae used to estimate the anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG’s in the baseline using the baseline methodology for the applicable project category in Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities: PSEB grid supplying power to OWML has been considered as the baseline. Punjab’s present power generation mix has been used to arrive at the net carbon intensity/baseline factor of the chosen grid. As per the provisions of the proposed methodology the emission coefficient for the electricity displaced would be calculated in accordance with provisions of paragraph 29 (a) of ‘Appendix B of Simplified Modalities and Procedures for Small Scale CDM Project Activities’. The emission coefficient has been calculated in a transparent and conservative manner as: The average of the approximate operating margin and the build margin The step-by-step calculation of base line emission is as follows: Step 1 : Thermal efficiency = 35.51 % of coal based power plants Step 2 : Thermal efficiency = 50 % of gas based power plants Step 3 : CO2 emission factor = 96.10 kg CO2 / GJ for coal Step 4 : CO2 emission factor = 56.10 kg CO2 / GJ for gas Step 5 : Actual emission = factor for coal CO2 emission factor for coal/ Thermal efficiency of coal based power plants (kg CO2/kWh) Step 6 : Actual emission = factor for gas CO2 emission factor for gas/ Thermal efficiency of gas based power plants (kg CO2/kWh) Step 7 : Net emission factor = Actual emission factor for coal x for coal % of generation by coal out of total generation renewable, hydel excluding and nuclear power generation (kg CO2/kWh) Step 8 : Net emission factor = Actual emission factor for gas x for gas % of generation by gas out of total generation excluding renewable, hydel and nuclear power generation (kg CO2/kWh) Step 9 : Net operating margin = Net emission factor for coal + Net factor for grid emission factor for gas (kg CO2/kWh) Step 10 Net built margin = factor for grid Weighted average emissions of recent 5 plants built (kg CO2/kWh) Step 11 Combined factor margin = (Net operating margin factor for grid + Net built margin factor for grid)/2 (kg CO2/kWh) Step 12 Step 13 : : Units consumed at = Total Energy generation –Total OWML auxiliary consumption. Baseline emission = Combined margin factor for grid x Units consumed at OWML Since there is a gap between demand and supply in Punjab, the power supplied to OWML in the non-project scenario can be diverted to other utilities, in the project scenario. Hence the generation of power at OWML from the project activity will partially fulfill the power requirement for the state of Punjab. If the same amount of electricity is generated by the coal and gas based power project mix, it adds to the emissions that are ultimately getting reduced by the project activity. Hence, the baseline calculated using above methods / scenarios would represent the realistic anthropogenic emissions by sources that would occur in absence of the project activity. The uncertainties in the baseline, arising out of capacity additions and deletions are already taken into consideration during calculation of combined margin factor. Detailed calculation has been shown in Enclosure A. E.1.2.5 Difference between E.1.2.4 and E.1.2.3 represents the emission reductions due to the project activity during a given period: Following formula is used to determine Emission reduction CO2 emission reduction due to project activity = Baseline emission – Project Activity emission E.2 Table providing values obtained when applying formulae above: Using UNFCCC baseline methodology for small-scale CDM project, emission reductions by project activity for 10 year crediting period have been calculated and tabulated as under. Table 1 Emission Reductions Sr. Operating No. Years Net Baseline Emission Factor (Kg of CO2 / kWh) Baseline Emissions (Tonnes of CO2) Project activity Emission Reductions, Emissions (Tonnes of CO2) (Tonnes of CO2) 1. 2005-2006 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 2. 2006-2007 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 3. 2007-2008 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 4. 2008-2009 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 5. 2009-2010 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 6. 2010-2011 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 7. 2011-2012 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 8. 2012-2013 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 9. 2013-2014 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 10. 2014-2015 0.85 22,267 0 22,267 Total 222,670 0 222,670 Therefore a conventional energy equivalent of 261.12 Million kWh for a period of 10 years in Punjab would be saved by generating power from the 3.5 MW Biomass based power plant which in turn will reduce 222,670 tonnes of CO2 emissions considering baseline calculations. F. Environmental impacts F.1 If required by the host Party, documentation on the analysis of the environmental impacts of the project activity: The project does not fall under the purview of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) notification of the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. However the design philosophy of this cogeneration project activity is driven by the concept of providing the low cost energy with acceptable impact on the environment hence the environment and safety aspects of the project activity are discussed as follows: Particulate matter and gases The elements polluting the air that are discharged from the proposed Cogeneration power plant are, Dust particulate from fly ash in flue gas Nitrogen oxide in flue gas Sulphur di-oxide in flue gas Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is proposed for the plant steam generator to contain the dust emission from plant to a level of less than 115 mg/Nm3. The proposed Electrostatic Precipitator will be designed such that the dust concentration at the ESP outlet will be 115 Mg/Nm3, even during the plant firing Coal in future. Adequate height of the stack for the 25 TPH, 67 kg/m2, 485 oC Rice husk fired boiler, which disburses the pollutants has been provided as per guidelines given by the pollution regulations, for dust and sulphur-di-oxide emissions into the atmosphere. The temperatures encountered in the AFBC boiler while burning the specified fuels, are low enough not to produce nitrogen-oxides. Hence, no separate measures are taken to contain the nitrogen oxide pollutants. Dry fly ash The ash will be collected manually by using Trolleys. The dry fly ash from the economiser, air heater and ESP hoppers will be collected by dense phase ash handling system and stored in ash bunker, will be used for land filling in the nearby lowland areas. Provision will be made in the system for water spray to eliminate dust nuisance in the plant. Wastewater Effluent from water treatment plant: Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide will be used as regenerants in the proposed water treatment plant. The acid and alkali effluent generated during the regeneration process of the ion-exchangers would be drained into a lined underground neutralizing pit. Generally these effluents are self neutralizing. The effluent will then be pumped into the effluent treatment ponds which form part of the main textile unit as well as cogeneration power plant’s effluent disposal system. The neutralizing pit will be sized with sufficient capacity. The rejects from water treatment plant will have high TDS which could be diluted and used for cleaning purposes in the project activity. This water also could be used for plantation. Chlorine in cooling water: In the condenser cooling water, residual chlorine of about 0.2 ppm is maintained at the condenser outlet. This chlorine dosing is done mainly to prevent biological growth in the cooling tower system. This value would not result in any chemical pollution of water and also meets the national standards for the liquid effluent. Steam generator blow down: pH of the blow down water would be in the range of 9.8 to 10.2 and the temperature will be about 85oC. The quantity of blow down from the boiler is about 361 kg/hr, but however, part of this will be flashed in the blow down tank and the flashed steam will be taken to the deaerator for supplementing the steam supplied for deaerating the boiler feed water. Hence, the actual blow down water to be released to the drains will be about 230 kg/hr and the temperature will be about 60oC. As this quantity is very small, it is proposed to put the blow down into the trench and leave it in the plant sewerage system. Sewage from various buildings in the plant: Sewage from various buildings in the power plant area will be conveyed through separate drains to the septic tank. The effluent from the septic tank will be disposed in soil by providing disposing trenches. There will be no ground pollution because of leaching due to this. Sludge will be removed occasionally and disposed off as landfill at suitable places. Thermal pollution: A close circuit cooling water system with cooling towers has been proposed. This eliminates the letting out of high temperature water into the canals and prevents thermal pollution. Blow down from the cooling tower will be trenched out and ultimately conveyed to the drainage. Hence, there is no separate pollution on account of blow down from cooling water system. Noise pollution: The rotating equipment in the Power plant will be designed to operate with a total noise level of not exceeding 90 db (A) as per the requirement of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards. The rotating equipments are provided with silencers wherever required to meet the noise pollution. Monitoring The characteristics of the effluents from the proposed plant will be monitored and maintained so as to meet the requirements of State Pollution Control Board and the minimum national standards for effluent from thermal power plants. Air quality monitoring will also be undertaken to ensure that the dust pollution level is within limits. Air Quality Monitoring Programme: The purpose of air quality monitoring is the acquisition of data for comparison against the prescribed minimum standards and thereby assure that the air quality is maintained within the prescribed levels. The following will be monitored from the stack emissions: Suspended Particulate Matter. It is proposed to monitor the particulate emission at the stack , once in six months to keep a continuous check on the performance of the ESP. Adequate sampling openings will be provided in the stack. G. Stakeholders comments G.1 Brief description of the process by which comments by local stakeholders have been invited and compiled: The 3.5 MW biomass (rice husk) based cogeneration plant is implemented by OWML. The project activity will use biomass that is abundantly available. The various stakeholders identified for the project activity are as under 1. Punjab Pollution Control Board 2. Councillor, Municipal Corporation of Ludhiana 3. Industrial associates 4. Consultants 5. Equipment suppliers Stakeholders list includes the government and non-government parties, which are involved in the project activity at various stages. At the appropriate stage of the project development, stakeholders / relevant bodies were involved to get the clearance G.2 Summary of the comments received: Stakeholders Involvement The local community mainly comprises of other industrial associates around the project area. In addition to this, it also includes local manpower since, the project activity will provide direct and indirect employment opportunities to local populace thus encouraging the project activity. The project activity will not cause any displacement or adverse social impacts on the local population but will help in improving the quality of life for them. Punjab State Pollution Control Board (PSPCB) has prescribed standards of environmental compliance and monitor the adherence to the standards. OWML is in the process of getting NOC from the PSPCB Projects consultants are to be involved in the project activity to take care of the various pre contract and post contract issues / activities like preparation of basic and detailed engineering documents, preparation of tender documents, selection of vendors / suppliers, supervision of project operation, implementation, successful commissioning and trial run. The project proponent has received comments from its industrial associates and the area councilor, who have communicated their appreciation for such an effort on OWML’s part. They have no objection to the installation of the proposed co-generation plant. The copies of the comments received from the stakeholders would be shared with the validator during validation G.3 Report on how due account was taken of any comments received: The relevant comments and important clauses mentioned in the project documents / clearances like Feasibility Report, local clearances etc. were considered while preparing the CDM Project Design Document. As per UNFCCC requirement the PDD will be published at the validator’s web site for public comments. Annex 1 CONTACT INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROJECT ACTIVITY Organization: Oswal Woolen Mills Limited Street/P.O.Box: G.T. Road, Sherpur Building: -- City: Ludhiana State/Region: Punjab Postcode/ZIP: 141003 Country: India Telephone: 91-161-542501-07 FAX: 91-161-542509 E-Mail: oswal@owmnahar.com URL: Represented by: Title: Financial Controller Salutation: Mr. Last Name: Sood Middle Name: M First Name: R Department: (Finance) Mobile: 09814123544 Direct FAX: -- Direct tel: -- Personal E-Mail: rmsood@owmnahar.com Annex 2 INFORMATION REGARDING PUBLIC FUNDING No public funding as part of project financing from parties included in Annex I is involved in the project activity. Annex 3 Base line data Carbon emission factor of grid Punjab’s present generation mix, sector wise installed capacities, thermal efficiency, and emission co-efficient are used to arrive at the net carbon intensity/baseline factor of the chosen grid. As per the provisions of the methodology the emission coefficient for the electricity displaced would be calculated in accordance with provisions of paragraph 29 of Appendix B of Draft Simplified Modalities and Procedures for Small Scale CDM Project Activities for grid systems. The provisions of paragraphs 29 of Appendix B requires the emission coefficient (measured in kg CO2equ/kWh) to be calculated in a transparent and conservative manner as: (a) The average of the “approximate operating margin” and the “build margin” (or combined margin) OR (b) The weighted average emissions (in kg CO2equ/kWh) of the current generation mix. Complete analysis of the electricity generation has been carried out for the calculation of the emission coefficient as per point 29 (a) given above. Combined Margin The baseline methodology suggests that the project activity will have an effect on both the operating margin (i.e. the present power generation sources of the grid, weighted according to the actual participation in the state grid mix) and the build margin (i.e. weighted average emissions of recent capacity additions) of the selected grid and the baseline emission factor would therefore incorporate an average of both these elements. Operating Margin The “approximate operating margin” is defined as the weighted average emissions (in kg CO2equ/kWh) of all generating sources serving the system, excluding hydro, geothermal, wind, low-cost biomass, nuclear and solar generation; The project activity will have some effect on the Operating Margin (OM) of the Punjab State Grid. The carbon emission factor as per the Operating Margin takes into consideration the power generation mix of 2002-2003 excluding hydro, geothermal, wind, low-cost biomass, nuclear and solar generation of the selected grid, thermal efficiency and the default value of emission factors of the fuel used for power generation. The consumer of a state of Punjab gets a mix of power from the different sources. The figures of installed power capacity, share of the state in the central pool, and actual plant availability decides the content of power. The real mix of power in a particular year is however based on actual units generated from various sources of power. PSEB is operating major thermal and hydel power stations in Punjab. The state also gets share from the central sector generation plants and interstate power projects. The data collected and used are presented in Tables 2.1 to 2.4. The most important parameter in estimating the emissions is the thermal efficiency of the power plant. As per the CEA report, it is assumed that all the coal & lignite based plants coming up in tenth & eleventh & plan will use pulverized coal sub-critical / super critical pressure technology with the thermal efficiency of around 34%. The percentage of carbon that is not burnt is very low and, hence, complete combustion was assumed. The thermal efficiency of existing old power plants is less than 30% and for new modern power plants it is expected to be around 34%. Central Electricity Authority has presented the analysis of Station Heat Rates (SHR) for 43 thermal power plants using coal, in India, in the report ‘Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2003-04 Section 13’13. As per this report ‘Lehra Mohabbat’, a plant located in Punjab has the highest efficiency of 35.51 % among all the coal based power plants in Northern India. Hence the efficiency of ‘Lehra Mohabbat’ thermal power plant has been considered for the calculations. Average efficiency of gas based thermal plants as against the standard norms works out to be around 40-45% On conservative basis average efficiency for base line calculations is considered as 50%. Standard emission factors given in IPCC for coal and gas (thermal generation) are applied over the expected generation mix and net emission factor is determined. 13 http://cea.nic.in/opm/0304/sec-13_sush777.pdf The formulae are presented in Section-E and the calculations are presented in an excel sheet as Enclosure A. Carbon Emission Factor of grid as per OM is 0.91 kg CO2/kWh electricity generation. Build Margin The “build margin” emission factor is the weighted average emissions (in kg CO2equ/kWh) of recent capacity additions to the system, which capacity additions are defined as the greater (in MWh) of most recent 20% of existing plants or the 5 most recent plants. The project activity will have some effect on the Build Margin (BM) of the Punjab State Grid. The baseline factor as per the Build Margin takes into consideration the delay effect on the future projects and assumes that the past trend will continue in the future. For our build margin calculation we would take into consideration 5 most recent plants built in Punjab given in Table2.5. The thermal efficiencies of coal and gas based plants for calculating build margin have been assumed same as that for calculating operating margin. Carbon Emission Factor of grid as per BM is 0.80 kg CO2/kWh electricity generation. Net Carbon Emission Factor Grid for 2002-2003 as per CM = (OM + BM)/2 = 0.85 kg of CO2 / kWh generation respectively. (Refer to Excel Sheet Enclosure A and B). Table 2 Grid data for calculation of baseline emission factor of grid for 2002-0314 Table 2.1: Power Generation Mix of Punjab from the State Generating Stations (net generation) Sr. No. Energy Source I. Punjab State 1. Thermal (coal) 2002-2003 (MkWh) GNDTP, Bhatinda 2266 GGSTP, Ropar 7565 GHTP, Lehra Mohabat 2646 A. Thermal (Coal) Total 12477 2. Thermal (Gas) B. Thermal (Gas) Total C. Thermal (Coal & Gas)Total: 3. Hydro 0 13650 Shanan 469 UBDC 394 Anandpur Sahib 750 Mukerian 795 RSDHEP 1151 Micro Hydel 9 D. Hydro Total 3446 F. State Sector Total 17217 14 Source: Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC)-tariff order for PSEB-FY2003-04 Table 2.2: Power Generation Mix of Punjab from the Central Generating Stations Sr No Energy Source 2002-2003 (MkWh) II. Punjab’s share in Central Schemes 1. Thermal (Coal) Dadri thermal 75 Singrauli 1622 Rihand 908 Unchahar-I 352 Unchahar-II 445 A. Thermal (Coal) Total 3402 2. Thermal (Gas) Anta 357 Auraiya 685 Dadri gas 973 B. Thermal (Gas) Total 2015 C. Total Thermal (Coal & Gas) 5417 3. Hydel Salal 832 Bairasuil 307 Tanakpur 59 Chamera-I 232 Uri 333 D. Total Hydro 1763 4. Nuclear NAPP 363 RAPP 101 E. Total Nuclear 464 F. Central Sector Total 7644 Table 2.3: Power Generation Mix of Punjab from the Power Stations in Partnership Projects Sr No Energy Source 2002-2003 (MkWh) III. Punjab’s share in Partnership Projects 1. Hydel BBMB Projects 4515 Table 2.4: Power Generation Mix of Punjab from Other Sources Sr No Energy Source 2002-2003 (MkWh) II. Other Sources 1. Co-generation 78 2. Banking 467 3. PTC 126 4. Net UI 98 5. Western region 6 A. Total 77515 Table 2.5: Five most recent plants built in Punjab Sr. Year of Energy Source No. Commissioning Generation CO2 Emission (MkWh) Factor (kg/kWh) Thermal I. 1997 1323 0.973 1323 0.973 1992 GHTP, Lehra Mohabat (Unit 1) GHTP, Lehra Mohabat (Unit 2) GGSTP, Ropar (Unit 5) 1261 0.973 1993 GGSTP, Ropar (Unit 6) 1261 0.973 1151 0 1998 Hydel II. 15 2002 Ranjit Sagar Dam Due to lack of information and to be on conservative side, this quantity has been taken as renewable energy for calculation of emission factor for the grid Appendix A : Abbreviations AFBC Atmospheric fluidized bed combustion atm Atmosphere BBMB Bhakara Beas management board CDM Clean development mechanism CEA Central electricity authority CO2 Carbon dioxide DCS Distributed control system dB Decibel DPR Detailed project report ESP Electrostatic precipitator GGSTP Guru Gobing Singh super thermal Plant GHG Greenhouse gas GHTP Guru Hargobind thermal power plant GJ Giga joule GNDTP Guru Nank Dev thermal plant IPCC Inter governmental panel on climate change kg Kilogram km Kilometer kV Kilo volt kW Kilo watt kWh Kilo watt hour mg Milligrams MU Million units MW Mega watt Nm Normal meter cube OWML Oswal woolen mills ltd. PDD Project design document PEDA Punjab energy development agency ppm Parts per million PSEB Punjab state electricity board PSPCB Punjab State Pollution Control Board RSDHEP Ranjit Sagar dam hydro electric project T Tonne TDS Total dissolved solids TPH Tonne per hour UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 3 Volt V Appendix B: List of References Sl. No. Particulars of the references 1. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2. Website of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), http://unfccc.int 3. UNFCCC document: Clean Development Mechanism, Simplified Project Design Document For Small Scale Project Activities (SSC-PDD), Version 01 (21 January, 2003) 4. UNFCCC document : Simplified modalities and procedures for small–scale clean development mechanism project activities UNFCCC document: Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories, Version 02, 2nd December 2003 5. 6. UNFCCC document: Determining the occurrence of debundling 7. Statistics of Punjab State Electricity Board 8. Power sector profile for Northern region as on 30.04.04-Ministry of Power 9. Website of Ministry of Power (MoP), Govt. of India www.powermin.nic.in 10. Feasibility Report of OWML, Cogeneration Project 11. Paper on ‘Rice Processing Industry in Punjab: Problems and their Remedies’ published in Ind. Jn. of Agri. Econ., Vol.58, No.3, July-Sept 2003 12. http://www.owmnahar.com/index.html 13. http://punjabgovt.nic.in/Industry/ind557.htm (PEDA) 14. http://www.psebindia.org/pseb.htm 15. http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040408/biz.htm