APK 5127 Section 0338 Fitness assessment in exercise science Instructor: Email: Lecture Room: Lecture Times: Office hours Dr. Christine Brooks cmbrooks@ufl.edu FLG 107E R 6 – 8(12:50 – 3:50 pm) Posted as a Canvas announcement Office: Phone Lab rooms Lab times FLG 125 294-1763 See table below See table below Course Overview A fitness assessment provides guidance for developing an appropriate, individualize exercise or sport training program. It is also useful as a screening risk for heart disease and other chronic diseases. This course introduces students to fitness assessment tests that can measure five components of health-related physical fitness -body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance. Students will learn how to conduct selected fitness assessment tests in these five fitness components. Online lecture provide students with relevant physiological background that places the fitness assessment tests into context. An online overview (referred to as Lap Preps) of each lab is provided so students obtain sufficient understanding of the fitness assessment before attending the lab. Learning resources: All material for this course is made available through the CANVAS classroom site. Honor Policy: The University policy on academic honesty is clear and reads as follows: "We the members of the University of Florida Community pledge ourselves and our peers to the highest standard of honesty and integrity." This includes ALL COURSE EXAMS, REPORTS, and ASSESSMENTS! Students violating this policy will be sanctioned according to the Committee on Student Conduct, receive a grade penalty for the course or some other penalty for failure to abide by this standard of conduct. Class attendance You must attend all Fitness Assessment Labs. It is important to complete all relevant online background lectures and Lab Prep lectures BEFORE coming to lab. Also ensure you dress appropriately for the specific lab. You will act as clients for your fellow classmates. Grading scheme • Quizzes. There are six on-line quizzes that are designed to assess your understanding of the e-video lecture content. Check the Canvas classroom for details on the content and due date of each quiz. • Lab Presentation: You will select one lab for which you will be the lead instructor. Check the CANVAS classroom for details on what is expected from you for this assignment. • Lab Reports. There are 10 Lab reports. You will post your lab reports into the assigned Discussion Forum for comments by your fellow classmates. Please check the CANVAS Discussion Forums for detailed instructions and submission dates. • Term Paper: Instructions for the term paper can be found in the assignment section of CANVAS classroom. Term papers are due on the last day of class. Please follow instruction for submitting all assignments. You will find these instructions in the CANVAS classroom A B C D A (90 - 100) B+(87.0 – 89.9) C+ (77.0 – 79.9) D+ (67.0 – 69.9) B (80.0 – 86.9) C (70.0 – 76.9) D (60.0 – 66.9) F Below 60 The format for assigning points will not change. Submit all grade challenges in writing (please email) within one week after the specific assignment has been graded. Please do not ask for an exception to this rule. Tracking your points Assignment Possible points Forum 2: LAB 1 10 Forum 3: LAB 2 10 Forum 4: LAB 3 10 Forum 5: LAB 4 10 Forum 6: LAB 5 10 Forum 7: LAB 6 10 Forum 8: LAB 7 10 Forum 9: LAB 8 10 Forum 10: LAB 9 10 Forum 11: LAB 10 10 TOTAL 100 Quiz 1 25 Quiz 2 25 Quiz 3 25 Quiz 4 25 Quiz 5 25 Quiz 6 25 TOTAL 150 Lab presentation 100 Term paper 100 TOTAL 200 TOTAL POINTS 450 Your actual points Schedule This schedule may be subject to slight changes so please always check the announcements on the CANVAS classroom site regularly. Week Dates Lecture module review Labs Forums/quizzes Class for orientation. Forum 1 Introduction and syllabus 1 Aug 28-31 1. Exercise testing 2. Exercise prescription 2 Sep 1-7 3. Lab prep: Health screening Lab 1. Health screening 4. Putting assessment testing into perspective 3 Sep 8-14 5. Lab prep: Resistance prescription and testing 6. Men versus women 4 7. Children versus adults Sep 15 -21 8. Lab prep: Assessing vertical power 9. Lab prep: Assessing Horizontal power Lab 3. Vertical power Horizontal power Quiz 2 Forum 3 Lab 2 report 5 Sep 22-28 No Lab Forum 4 Lab 3 report 6 Sep 29 12. Osteoporosis Oct-5 13. Lab prep: Aerobic capacity No Lab Quiz 3 7 Oct 6-12 14.Lab prep: Sub-max aerobic capacity protocols Lab 4. Sub max protocols 8 Oct 13-19 15. Lab prep: VO2max (direct) protocols Lab 5. Max protocols 9 Oct 20-26 16. Overweight and Obesity 17. Lab prep: Body composition Lab 6. Body composition Quiz 4 Forum 6 Lab 5 report 10 Oct 27 18.Coronary heart disease Nov 2 19. Lab prep: Resting BP and hypertension 20. Lab prep: Exercise BP Protocol 10. Effect of Aging 11. Sarcopenia Quiz 1 Lab 2. Muscular strength Forum 2 & endurance testing Lab 1 report Lab 7. Blood pressure Forum 5 Lab 4 report Forum 7 Lab 6 report 11 Nov 3-9 21. Lab prep: Resting ECG 22. Lab prep: ECG electrode placement 23. Spinal cord injury Lab 8. ECG Quiz 5 Forum 8 Lab 7 report 12 Nov 10-16 24. Asthma 25. Diabetes mellitus 26. Lab prep: Lung function Lab 9. Lung function Forum 9 Lab 8 report 13 Nov 17-23 27. Arthritis 28. Lab prep: Flexibility Lab 10. Flexibility Quiz 6 Forum 10 Lab 9 Report 14 Nov 24-30 Final Paper preparation No lab Holiday Holiday 15 Dec 1-7 Final paper preparation No lab Forum 11 Lab 10 Report 16 Dec 11 16 Dec 11 Reading day – no class Final Paper due