Involving children and young people in violence prevention and protection Improving children’s status? Children as rights holders? ! We should have MORE protection from being hit and hurt ! Executive summary of regional technical workshop for Save the Children and partners Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok, 5-6 March 2009 Respect our human dignity & physical integrity…! Save the Children works for: A world which respects and values each child A world which listens to children and learns A world where all children have hope and opportunity. Belief in the future since 1919 Save the Children fights for children’s rights. We deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives worldwide. Published 2009 by Save the Children Sweden on behalf of the International Save the Children Alliance. © Save the Children Sweden Author: Carolyne Willow Project manager: Dominique Pierre Plateau Graphic Design: Manida Naebklang Cover Design: Manida Naebklang Save the Children Sweden, Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific 14th floor, Maneeya Center, South Building, 518/5 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: +662 684 1046/7 Fax: +662 684 1048 Email: Website: 2 Prohibiting all corporal punishment in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Involving children and young people in violence prevention and protection Executive summary of regional technical workshop for Save the Children and partners Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok, 5-6 March 2009 Resourced by Carolyne Willow Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 1 Table of contents Overview......................................................................................................................................................................3 Background..................................................................................................................................................................5 Style and content of workshop........................................................................................................................7 Participants...................................................................................................................................................................7 Day1: 5 March 2009............................................................................................................................................. 8 Day2: 6 March 2009.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Annexes: • Appendix 1: Workshop agenda..............................................................................................................19 • Appendix 2: List of participants..............................................................................................................22 2 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 1. Overview In March 2009, over 35 Save the Children staff and partners from 18 countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific participated in a regional technical workshop on involving children and young people in violence prevention and protection. The two-day workshop was part of a weeklong workshop on ‘Building effective child protection’; the theme of the first three days was ‘Prohibiting all corporal punishment in Southeast Asia and Pacific’. The United Nations Study on violence against children made 12 overarching recommendations; the seventh urged UN member states to ‘actively engage with children and respect their views in all aspects of prevention, response and monitoring of violence against them…’ Save the Children Sweden organised this workshop in order to encourage wide-ranging and systematic action across the region in meeting the UN Study’s recommendation 7. Broadly, the workshop stressed two points: that the child’s views and experiences should be at the centre of all matters affecting his or her protection; and that effective child protection must be part of a broader strategy to fully implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). There were three objectives for the two-day workshop: • Increase participants’ understanding, knowledge and skills so that they can effectively involve children and young people in the design, implementation and evaluation of legislation, policies and interventions that seek to prevent and protect them from all forms of violence Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 • Demonstrate how child protection systems can realise the rights of individual children and young people to be heard and taken seriously, as well as the different ways in which children and young people can be involved collectively in the design, implementation and evaluation of legislation, policies and interventions • Working within a human rights framework, provide guidance on ethical considerations, minimum standards of practice, and other specific requirements, including the allocation of resources, human and financial. At the closing session, participants were asked to share their action plans for their respective countries. A variety of commitments were made – these are summarised on page 11. This was the first time a technical workshop of this nature had been delivered as part of the effective child protection programme. Adjustments were made to the programme on the second half of the first day in response to concerns expressed by some participants – see below. Not every participant completed an evaluation form but of the 23 returned: • 65% of participants believed the workshop had met the first objective ‘completely’ or ‘above average’ (22% responded ‘average’, 9% ‘not at all’ and 4% ‘don’t know’) 3 • 52% of participants believed the workshop had met the second objective ‘completely’ or ‘above average’ (35% responded ‘average’, 9% ‘not at all’ and 4% ‘don’t know’) • 56% of participants believed the workshop had met the third objective ‘completely’ or ‘above average’ (30% responded ‘average’ and 13% ‘not at all’). Feedback on the individual sessions was more positive, with 83% of evaluation form responses indicating that the aims of the sessions were met (11% of responses indicated the aims were not met and 5% of responses were ‘don’t know’). 4 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 2. Background The UN Secretary-General’s Study on violence against children uses Article 19 of the CRC as its framework for defining violence: … all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child. The World Health Organization’s definition also informs the Study: … the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against a child, by an individual or group, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity. The question of how to effectively involve children and young people in violence prevention and protection straddles three major areas of law, policy and practice – child protection, children’s participation and children’s rights. This workshop set out to challenge traditional approaches to child protection and to make the case for new ways of understanding and working, where children’s views and experiences are always centre-stage and child protection is part of a broader strategy to fully implement the CRC. Child protection is typically understood as action taken to prevent or stop child abuse – significant (and measurable) harm caused Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 to children on purpose or through neglect. The most common categories of abuse are physical, sexual, emotional and neglect. The CRC, ratified by all UN member states in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, is much broader in its recognition of the harm that can be done to children. The child is entitled to full protection from all forms of violence in inter-personal relationships as well as from damaging aspects of wider society – harmful work, media and school discipline for example. A human rights approach to child protection has three overriding concerns – to promote and protect the child’s human dignity, physical integrity and self-respect. The most relevant provisions in the CRC are: • The child’s right to survival and maximum development (Article 6) • The right to protection from torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 37) • The child’s right to be protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation (Article 19) • The right to protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (Article 34) • The right to protection from abduction, sale and trafficking (Article 35) • The right to protection from traditional practices prejudicial to the child’s health (Article 24(3)) 5 • The obligation on States Parties to ensure the recovery and reintegration of children who have been subject to violence1, with priority given to the child’s health, self respect and dignity (Article 39) • The child’s right to express their views and to have these views given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity in all matters affecting them (Article 12) Other relevant rights in the CRC are: the right to an adequate standard of living (Article 27); the right to the highest attainable standard of health and health care services (Article 24); and the right to information (Article 17) and education (Article 28). The availability and quality of assistance offered to parents (see, for example, Articles 18 and 23) and arrangements for determining separation from parents, as well as the provision and review of alternative care are also critical (see Articles 9, 20, 21 and 25). • The child’s right to protection from unlawful interferences with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence, as well as with unlawful attacks on his or her honour or reputation (Article 16) • The obligation on States Parties to take action to protect the child from information and material injurious to his or her well being (Article 17) • The obligation on States Parties to ensure school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity (Article 28(2)) • The obligation on States Parties to ensure children in contact with the criminal justice system are treated in a manner consistent with their dignity and worth • The child’s right to protection from work that is harmful to his or her health or development (Article 32). The article does not use the term violence but refers to child victims of ‘any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; or armed conflicts’. 6 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 1 3. Style and content of workshop The workshop had one facilitator throughout the two days, with ongoing support from Dominique Pierre Plateau and colleagues from Save the Children Sweden. A range of methods were used, including: • Short lectures accompanied by PowerPoint slides and handouts • Small and large group discussions The aim was to create an informal and relaxed environment, where participants could share their own knowledge and experience, as well as critically engage with the ideas and tools in the workshop materials. The workshop would help build the knowledge and skills of participants whilst contributing to the preparation of a forthcoming publication on involving children and young people in violence prevention and protection. • Group activities, including practice sharing • Question and answer sessions. 4. Participants The vast majority of participants were Save the Children staff performing a variety of children’s rights roles. Civil servants from several countries also participated, as did representatives from other children’s non-governmental organisations and human rights bodies. In all, there were 39 participants from 18 countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 7 5. DAY 1: 5 March 2009 Session 1 began with small groups of participants identifying five words they most associate with the terms ‘child protection’, ‘participation’ and ‘children’s rights’. Each table had only one of the terms and they were asked to either be themselves or to try to answer from the perspective of children. Adult descriptions Child protection Abuse, system, prevention, empowerment, response Safe, love, respect, belonging, care Participation Boys, interactive, engaged, respect, well informed Hearing, play, friend, authority, knowledge, housework Children’s rights Entitlement, needs, access to What?! Power, food, playtime, privacy, safety services, freedom, voice There were clear differences in the emotional content and language used by adults imagining themselves as children and those speaking for themselves. The starkest differences were in the words associated with child protection: all five words put forward by the adults were professional process words, whereas the words put forward by the “children” were all feeling words. There followed a lecture on ‘Why involve children in violence prevention and protection’. Four main reasons were put forward: • To considerably improve protection and rehabilitation • To demonstrate respect to children • To support children in exercising their rights • To meet our human rights obligations. 2 3 8 “Child” descriptions Only children can tell us about their lives – who and what is important to them, their hopes and fears, whether they feel safe and who or what might help them. Once intervention has occurred, children are usually the only ones who can say whether the intervention has worked.2 More broadly, research is now undertaken on children’s views and experiences in violence prevention and protection, and this shows interventions are often lacking. Only by engaging with children on an ongoing basis can we find out what works and what does not work. Furthermore, children’s testimonies and analysis help us to better understand the causes and consequences of violence. Children frequently relate their experiences of violence as an abuse of adult power; they speak directly and with emotion. Not involving children in violence prevention and protection is disrespectful – ‘the child is a person and not an object of concern’.3 Despite strong socialization Babies and some young disabled people will rely on others to observe and communicate the impact of interventions. Statement made by Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss in Report of the Inquiry into Child Abuse in Cleveland 1987 (UK child abuse public inquiry). Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 that trains us to believe that adults have superior knowledge and wisdom, and that children are unfinished human beings that have little themselves to contribute to decision-making, adults do not have all the answers and we do get things wrong. In the area of child protection, adults have made cataclysmic mistakes in not listening to children – we have doubted their testimony and left them in abusive situations, we have created interventions that are inaccessible to them or make them feel even more unsafe, and we have added to their feelings of powerlessness and invisibility. Violence is a denial of the child’s human dignity: we should not compound this. Putting children at the centre of all interventions is not only the right thing to do for individual children; it also helps to create wider social change and is consistent with human rights values and principles. Violence against children is culturally acceptable in most, if not all, societies. This reflects the low status of children. Ensuring full legal protection from all forms of violence, including corporal punishment, and involving children in violence prevention and protection are the strongest ways of asserting children’s equal status as human beings with the right to human dignity, physical integrity and self respect. Children’s self-advocacy helps raise awareness of children’s rights – among children and adults alike; it gets information into family homes, schools, communities and the media. Children are very powerful and effective children’s rights defenders / activists. There is a great deal that adults in the children’s rights movement can do to support children in bringing about change – from lobbying for effective legislation to making available resources in our own organizations (training and information, office space, computers, telephones) to ensuring child protection interventions place children’s views and experiences at the centre. Children speaking for themselves can help break the culture of silence around violence against children, just as women and Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 other groups have spoken out about their mistreatment and demanded change. These are all compelling reasons to involve children but really there is no choice. States, organizations and all those working with children must uphold the CRC, and acknowledging the personhood of children and supporting their free expression is central to this. Two Articles in the CRC stand out: Article 12 which grants all children the right to have their views given due weight in all matters affecting them; and Article 39 which requires that children who have been subject to violence can recover in an environment which fosters their health, self-respect and dignity. Contributions from participants included a question about whether the statement that ‘only children can tell us what is happening to them’ applies to young children (under 5s). There was some doubt as to whether this is plausible; indeed, much legislation and practice is predicated on the view that young children are unable to form credible views. There followed a discussion about ways in which babies communicate their needs and feelings to parents and other caregivers and research with very young children about corporal punishment (in the UK and Vietnam). Session 2 introduced 12 overarching principles for involving children in violence prevention and protection: 1. Protection from all forms of violence is a fundamental human right - for all children in all settings 2. Violence hurts inside and outside; it is never justifiable 3. Violence degrades individual children and is demeaning to children collectively 4. Violence prevention and protection is key to asserting children’s personhood and status as rights holders 9 5. Each child is an individual person with his or her own feelings, personality, views, ideas and beliefs 6. Every child is an expert on their own lives; children know more about being a child today than adults do 7. It is not possible to adequately protect children from violence without hearing, understanding and acting on their views and experiences 8. It is not possible to determine the child’s best interests without understanding his or her views and experiences 9. All children have the right to have their views given due weight in all matters affecting them 10.Violence prevention and protection must not further diminish a child’s human dignity, physical integrity or selfesteem 11.Children are never to blame for violence inflicted upon them 12.Children are not responsible for ending violence, though their meaningful and effective involvement is vital. Following the introduction, several participants raised some contextual points about child protection in their countries, including: • The child protection system in Timor Leste is very weak; it receives little government assistance. Staff are threatened and the Government does not support them. There is no guarantee that children will have a safe place to go once they have disclosed violence • When disasters happen in the region, local organisations assist governments with child protection but this is not a systematic approach. For example, they 10 set up a shelter – and then children stay there forever. What is the solution to this problem? • In Papua New Guinea (PNG), a girl who was sexually assaulted revealed this during a children’s right session. Her case was referred to the Government, but there is no alternative care in PNG. After several volunteer placements, a paid carer was found but the adult was stigmatised because she was being paid. This impacted negatively on the child. In addition, the police did not want to prosecute and the case is still ongoing two years later. This is not an isolated case • An example was given of a positive resolution occurring without having to involve the police or other authorities in the Solomon Islands. A child revealed abuse by his father to a Save the Children worker who spoke to the chief about it. The abuse then stopped. Some participants asked for information on the positive impact of participation on children’s development. This kind of information was seen to be critical in encouraging government action. Participants were reminded of the Save the Children Sweden positive discipline programme for parents which can be downloaded here: aspx?ItemId=4917759 The facilitator urged caution in advocating developmental arguments for participation, as these do not challenge adult power and decision-making or children’s low status. Involving children simply because it helps brain or social development participation denies the fact that participation is an inalienable human right. It maintains traditional attitudes towards children and leaves adult power intact: participation simply becomes another thing adults do to children for their own good. Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 Some queries and comments were made about specific principles, including: Comments on point 7 • Child protection and participation are sometimes thought, wrongly, to be incompatible. In Europe, social workers usually take children away from families if they are being subject to serious violence. One participants asked: ‘how old does a child have to be to have their opinion given due weight in a social work context?’ • Some expressed concern upon hearing that the facilitator, when a child protection social worker, had left a sibling group in their family home alone overnight rather than immediately removing them to foster placements. This was done to respect the wishes of the children who needed time together to prepare for the major upheaval of living apart. Comments on point 11 • Revealing the social constraints on children not to hit, a child in Lao PDR said to an adult ‘If everyone hit people when they are unhappy, I would hit you just as much as you hit me.’ Comments on point 12 • There was some debate about whether children do in fact share responsibility in seeking to end violence: if we are drawing parallels between children and women and other oppressed groups, we should consider that liberation movements are defined by oppressed people taking action for themselves; on an individual level, children’s personal protection often relies on them taking action – for example, in Timor Leste the police refuse to investigate child marriage unless the child reports; children can be very strong and effective advocates for change; also, children can Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 be perpetrators of violence too. One person explained that Save the Children programmes say that all people are responsible for ending violence. Another asked if the UN definition of violence includes violence between children • There was general consensus that children have a right to help end violence, but not a responsibility or duty. Conversely, the State has clear legal obligations under the CRC for ending violence against children. The different roles children take in violence prevention and protection were outlined in session 3, including: campaigners, counsellors, educators, evaluators, investigators, reporters, researchers, trainers, witnesses, writers. There was discussion about children’s campaigning activities. One participant from China explained that children involved in a committee are fulfilling all these roles: there are lots of ways to achieve participation and change. A participant from Indonesia shared her experiences of supporting childled research in alternative care settings. Two particular issues stood out – the need to prepare decision-makers (in this case, managers of institutions) to respond appropriately to children’s views and experiences; and the importance of offering appropriate support to children. One participant explained that Samoa ratified the CRC in 1994, but not in full – because some articles are seen to be culturally unacceptable. The facilitator confirmed that no State Party has made a reservation to Article 12 of the CRC. In session 4 participants were asked to indicate on flipcharts posted throughout the workshop room the extent to which their country’s legislation and policies fully support children’s involvement in violence prevention and protection. The framework for this was included in the session 1 and 2 handout: ‘review of current legislation, policies and interventions’. 11 Legislative framework for participation snapshot CRC fully incorporated into domestic law 5 All violence against children prohibited by law 4 Children have right to access free legal advice and assistance 11 Children have rights to access rights based programmes and intervention 12 Law requires child’s view given due weight in all judicial and administrative proceedings 3 School curriculum included information about right to protection and seeking help 2 Parental responsibility difined in law rights-based 4 All those working with childrenrequired by law to promote and protect their rights 2 Child’s right to privacy fully protected Children themselves can seek remed for rights violations 6 1 Child-led programmes and organisations supported by law 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Policy framework for participation - snapshot 8 Violence against children is treated as a rights violation Children’s views and experiences underpin national and local strategies to end all violence against children 1 Children’s involvement is the dominant feature of individual interventions as well as policy development Child’s views and experiences are at the centre of all interventions Individual pfractitioners are required to get to know the individual child and promote his or her human dignity, physical integrity and self-respect Training is provided to all those working with children on respecting children’s views and supporting self-advocacy 3 Children are involved in staff recruitment, appraisal and performance management complaints and whistle-blowing are promoted as a means of protecting children’s rights Programmes are routinely “child-proofed” and children are engaged in monitoring and evaluation ongoing data collection ensured children’s views and experiences inform policy development 1 0 2 As the charts above show, most countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific do not have an adequate legislative or policy framework for involving children in violence prevention and protection. The vast majority of children in the region (actually less than the legislation chart suggests) do not enjoy full legal protection from violence, including corporal punishment, and only a small minority of countries require decision-makers (judges, social workers, 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 teachers) to give due weight to the child’s views. Very few countries require schools to raise awareness of the CRC and parental obligations in relation to the CRC are rarely set out in domestic law. Less than a third of countries have fully incorporated the CRC into domestic law, though this on its own is no guarantee that children can enjoy all of their rights – as demonstrated by the policy snapshot. Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 The policy snapshot revealed very little mainstreaming of children’s rights – not one country/participant indicated that children’s participation is at the forefront of individual interventions and policy development; that children’s views and experiences are at the centre of all interventions; or that individual practitioners must get to know the child they are seeking to help. Children’s involvement in staff recruitment was overwhelmingly judged as lacking, together with children’s role in monitoring and evaluation. Lunch on the first day was cut short so we could show a video made by children and young people in Mongolia for the UN Committee of the Child’s forthcoming State Party examination. The video was very well received – see page 11. A group of 28 children came together in June 2007 and worked throughout the summer. They divided themselves into smaller groups, met every day and evaluated their work daily. The work was sometimes stressful – because the children were dealing with difficult issues – so social workers were Setting available and fun activities were arranged. Children organised their own budget. They documented the process as well as made the film itself. Project workers encouraged parental support. There was some discussion about the programme and workshop style, which was not meeting everyone’s expectations. There were three types of suggestions: • Give more attention to the practicalities (the “how to”) of participation • Give more attention to how to advocate for and sustain participation • More practice sharing – between participants and from the facilitator. Session 5 gave participants the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience of positive participation in five different settings – the home, school, alternative care, the workplace and wider community. Discussion points Home • Child helplines are important in supporting and empowering children • Supporting participation takes a lot of time and effort; this is not always appreciated by decision-makers • There are examples in North Thailand of children educating and supporting other children who are used for illegal child labour • In Lao PDR children were asked in a survey how they should be disciplined and some supported corporal punishment. School • There are opportunities in schools for children to take on leadership roles – for example, head boy/girl, students’ president etc (though this is not necessarily indicative of a broader respect for children’s human rights) • A punitive / strict school culture obviously impedes the realisation of children’s human rights • In Mongolia there is a social worker in every school. There are also comment boxes in schools, where children can make comments on teachers, including on those who use corporal punishment. These are then discussed at teachers’ meetings Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 13 Setting Discussion points • In Chinese schools, children learn about how to set up and maintain children’s centres. Alternative care • In Vietnam, children aged 9+ years can legally make decisions about their care, though in practice this doesn’t happen. There is no training or capacity for staff to counsel children and help them to decide – children are often coerced into adoption. There is no State foster care; only NGOs. The Government gives some money to relatives of orphans, so children can stay in their own communities • Children have undertaken research on alternative care settings in Indonesia. Workplace • In Timor Leste and Vanuatu, children are on the board of workplace organisations. Resources are needed to enable active participation. Also, meetings are scheduled in working hours – problematic for children. Community • In the Philippines, children sit on village council for protection of children – they can influence village officials. General discussion points: • It is essential to prepare family members, village, community etc for participation – not just children – ‘otherwise participation will only be words’ • Must consider ethical / political issues. For example, at the Congress on Sexual Abuse in Brazil, the children participating were exhausted – the congress opened 14 at 11pm. There are other examples of children working very hard and becoming too tired. Some participants felt strongly that children should not be exploited whilst others considered that it was important that children understand the responsibilities of their roles and are able to undertake them (e.g. where they are selected by their peers to represent other children) Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 6. DAY 2: 6 March 2009 Session 6 re-introduced the framework for systemic change covering legislation, policies and interventions. Children’s rights advocates must review their countries’ legislative and policy framework and seek legally enforceable rights relating to children’s’ involvement in violence prevention and protection. This is not only about Article 12 being reflected in law – though this is of utmost importance and is usually lacking – it is also about other human rights, such as the child’s right to privacy and the obligations of parents and policy makers and those that work with children being reflected in national law. The legal and policy snapshot conducted the day before revealed major gaps, including in the policy knowledge of some children’s rights advocates. Participants were asked to reflect on the framework and point out any omissions and raise any queries: • Continuing discussions from the day before, one participant stressed that policy makers should be required to assess the consequences of participation on individuals and groups of children. Need to ensure that children don’t suffer from their participation – e.g. Significant challenge miss education, become at greater risk of violence. Another suggested that ‘preventing negative consequences of participation’ could be added to the list of outcomes for the individual child • There were requests to use existing Save the Children frameworks for the forthcoming publication, for example ‘The 5 dimensions of change’ • Some participants expressed frustration that in their countries there is virtually no child protection system (there were also examples of new systems being developed which are more rights-based than established welfare-based child protection systems). The next session gave participants the opportunity to discuss the main challenges they face in achieving systemic change, and how to overcome these. Before dividing into smaller groups, the facilitator shared the PowerPoint slide indicating the challenges facing children in speaking out about violence (individual and societal factors). Highlights of the “challenges” discussion are included below. Action that has / can be taken to overcome challenges Children not used to speaking out • Inform children about their rights and what they can do • In Korea, children often use YouTube videos to speak out. Government resistance to child participation • Save the Children staff need to really believe in child participation – if they’re not convinced, they’ll give up easily • Training for government officials; also identify and maintain relationships with supportive officials • Include participation in national and local child protection plans Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 15 Significant challenge Action that has / can be taken to overcome challenges • Forge partnerships with young people’s organisations. In Lao PDR, Save the Children staff use the slogan of the Lao Youth Union: ‘Children should participate in the development of countries and communities’ • Children’s participation in international high-level meetings can have an impact on domestic ministers and officials – take every opportunity to bring together decision-makers and children. Lack of common understanding about what child participation is • It can be difficult to persuade government to use CRC framework because it already has its own framework (example given of Samoa). However, we need to push the CRC as the international framework for all actions concerning children. Adults’ response / negative culture of schools and other institutions • Traditional attitudes and cultural obstacles are often very strong, for example in Indonesian families, a child cannot call his or her parents by their first names (they have to say “Mrs” or “Mr”). Here, the full implementation of the CRC is crucial – bringing changes in values and attitudes and inter-personal relationships as well as in law, policy and practice. No resources (human and financial)/ services: • Advocacy organisations like Save the Children can raise money and lobby for adequate financial investment as well as provide technical expertise to governments on CRC implementation. Police not responding • Save the Children in the Solomon Islands has produced a guide for police officials on child protection, which is underpinned by child participation. Negative consequences of child participation • Hold meetings outside school hours • Provide enough resources for travel, support etc. • Consult and involve the child’s carers wherever possible. One example shows the extreme pressures children face: in Timor Leste, a child living in an orphanage became very involved in a project, spent lots of time on it, and didn’t have enough time to do the chores she was required to do. She was subsequently thrown out of her orphanage. 16 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 Session 8 focused on the features of a rights-based child protection system (see PowerPoint slides). One participant raised a question about the definition of violence. The facilitator explained that the framework for the whole workshop – and the forthcoming publication – is the CRC, though not exclusively focused on Articles 19 and 39 (see session 1). Another participant asked that respect for others, as well as self-respect, be emphasised. Session 9 gave participants the opportunity to share information about law and practice (preparatory exercise ahead of workshop). Examples included: • In Australia, the law says that children’s views on where they live when their parents divorce must be taken into consideration – there is no minimum age. This is the same in Fiji • In 2008, Save the Children in Fiji conducted a baseline survey on child participation, which included children’s views on future legislation. This will be enacted later this year • Save the Children in the Philippines works with a core group of children in the capital city. There were only three young people to begin with – now there are about 50 involved from two villages – they have created an organisation. Children’s knowledge and skills have grown – they can write proposals and reports, monitor and evaluate activities and run the organisation. They are now working on corporal punishment and sit on village councils for child protection. Some have seats on the village youth councils. Also, different children formed themselves into groups following the UN Violence Study and did awarenessraising work on corporal punishment, including work with parents in 2006. There have been changes in their family Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 relationships since. Some of this has been documented on a video • Save the Children in Vietnam tries to integrate child participation into programmes. There is good co-operation with government, which consulted children for its CRC implementation report. The right to participate is about to be formalised in law • There is no law on child participation in the Philippines, but the Government’s National Child and Youth Participation Framework should guide all agencies. Also the Local Government Code states that every village, town and city must have a youth council – the members are local government officials. The chair of the youth council sits on the village council for child protection. There is a law on children who travel with their parents – they must fulfil some Department of Social Welfare conditions in order to leave the country • Child participation is protected by law in China – through the Law on the Protection of Minors. Children are encouraged to make decisions on running children’s centres (as young as five years old). Save the Children is seeking to make a child-friendly version of the Protection Law • In Indonesia, the National Action Plan on the Elimination of Violence Against Children 2007 – 2012 includes ‘To encourage children participation in all the process and actions of the ending of the violence against children’ as one of its four objectives. At the end of day 2, participants gave country presentations summarising their personal action plans for the next 3, 6 and 12 months. There were a variety of pledges, including: 17 • Against Child Abuse Ltd in Hong Kong is organising a “Spank Out Day” on 30 April 2009 and a summit on banning corporal punishment and increasing children’s participation in January 2010. They will be conducting a survey with children to find out their views and recommendations, and will support children to speak directly with the media • Participants from Lao PDR intend to focus on prohibiting corporal punishment in schools and aim to support the creation of a new form of school committee. Children’s participation will be included in a new joint Save the Children Australia and Save the Children Norway proposal on developing a child protection programme. In the longer term, they hope to support child-tochild activity • Participants from Papua New Guinea aim to establish a Kids Link similar to that supported by Save the Children Fiji • In Vanuatu, child participation workshops will be arranged with the Ministry of Justice and Social Welfare – including police – and it is hoped children will become members of the National Children’s Committee, established by the Government in 2001. Support will be given to children to establish their own children’s rights group offering educating and training to others. Children will be encouraged to join Save the Children and women’s rights NGOs 18 advocacy relating to a “no drop” policy (all cases that come to the attention of the police must be taken forward even if the complaint is dropped by the victim) on domestic violence and sexual assault of children. Save the Children will lobby for child-friendly court practices – awareness-raising of child development and child questioning techniques among judges; judges in civilian clothes; separate children’s court; closed court; screens to separate child from perpetrator for direct evidence etc • Several participants pledged to review their country’s legislative and policy framework in relation to children’s involvement in violence prevention and protection and to make detailed recommendations for law reform where necessary. Participants from Vietnam included government officials who can act quickly on this. Participants from Papua New Guinea pledged to have the Constitutional and Law Reform Commission undertake a law review. In Mongolia, family law is being revised and there are plans for a new child protection law – these are major opportunities to ensure children’s views and experiences are understood and acted on • Several participants said they were motivated by the work of children and young people in Mongolia and would explore ways in which they could support similar initiatives in preparation for their State Party examinations. Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 Annexes: Appendix 1:Workshop agenda DAY 1:Thursday 5 March 2009 Morning 0900-1030 90 mins. Session 1: Why involve children in violence prevention and protection Plenary presentation by Carolyne Willow, followed by group activities AIM: To make the case for children and young people’s effective partici pation in violence prevention and protection; and to introduce overarching principles and a basic framework 1030-1100 Break 1100-1230 Session 2: Review of current legislation, policies and interventions 90 mins. Group activities facilitated by Carolyne AIM: To encourage participants to reflect on the extent to which children and young people’s views and experiences are already integrated into their child protection legislation, policies and interventions; and the challenges they face in achieving this 1230-1400 Lunch Afternoon 1400-1500 Session 3: Features of a rights-based child protection system 60 mins. Plenary presentation by Carolyne AIM: To review the minimum standards relating to child protection systems set by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, emphasising the child’s human dignity, physical integrity and self-respect 1500-1530 Break 1530-1630 Session 4: Review of current legislation, policies and interventions 60 mins. Group activities AIM: To encourage participants to reflect on the extent to which their child protection legislation, policies and interventions serve to enhance or diminish the child’s human dignity, physical integrity and self-respect; and the challenges they face in achieving this Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 19 1630-1700 Session 5: Testimonies of children and young people 30 mins. Plenary presentation by Carolyne AIM: To use the powerful testimonies of children and young people obtained through the UN Secretary General’s Global Study on Violence against Children and other sources to inspire and motivate participants to lead change in their own countries 1700-1800 Session 6: Group / individual work on national strategies to involve children and young people in violence prevention and protection 60 mins. AIM: To encourage participants to use what they have learnt so far (including through their preparatory work) to begin to identify key actions and actors for making change happen DAY 2: Friday 6 March 2009 Morning 0900-1030 Session 7: Eliciting children’s views and experiences 90 mins. Plenary presentation by Carolyne followed by case study discussions AIM: To describe the factors which inhibit children and young people from seeking help and to provide practical guidance on how to sensitively elicit children and young people’s views and experiences 1030-1100 Break 1100-1230 Session 8: Responding to children’s views and experiences 90 mins. Plenary presentation by Carolyne followed by case study discussions AIM: To consider the needs and rights of individual children and young people who have been subject to violence; and to describe in practi cal terms how these needs and rights can be met effectively 1230-1400 Lunch Afternoon 1400-1530 Session 9: Group / individual work on national strategies to involve children and young people in violence prevention and protection 90 mins. AIM: To assist participants in developing detailed strategies for building effective child protection systems; and to encourage public pledges on outcomes to be achieved within the next 3, 6 and 12 months 20 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 1530-1600 Break 1600-1730 Session 10: Involving children and young people in violence prevention and protection: the way forward 90 mins. Group presentations on action to be taken following the workshop AIM: To encourage positive action following the workshop, including ongoing sharing of progress between workshop participants and Save the Children Sweden SEAP RO 1730-1800 Workshop evaluation and closure 30 mins. Facilitated by Dominique Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 21 Appendix 2: List of participants Name Position Address Email Tel/Fax Regional Level - Bangkok Dominique Pierre Plateau (Mr.) Regional Advisor Child Protection Save the Children Sweden dominiquepp@ 14th Floor, Maneeya Center, South seap. Building, 518/5 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Tel: 662 664 1046/7 Fax: 662 684 1048 Noppadol Regional Assistant Manachaiyarak (Mr.) Programme Officer Child Protection and Education Save the Children Sweden noppadolm@ 14th Floor, Maneeya Center, South seap. Building, 518/5 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Tel: 61 2 9211 8800 Fax: 61 3 9211 8866 Sophapan Ratanachena(Ms.) Programme Officer: Tsunami Response/ CLDRR Save the Children Sweden sophapanr@seap. Tel: 662 664 14th Floor, Maneeya Center, South 1046/7 Building, Fax: 662 684 518/5 Ploenchit Road, 1048 Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Pariphan Uawithya(Mr.) Programme Officer for Child Rights and Civil Society Save the Children Sweden pariphanu@seap. Tel: 662 664 14th Floor, Maneeya Center, South 1046/7 Building, Fax: 662 684 518/5 Ploenchit Road, 1048 Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Pathamapond Yiamsudhisopon (Ms.) Child Rights Advisor Save the Children Australia Suite 205, Level 2, 410 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 AUSTRALIA (PO Box 36, STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012) pathamapondy@ Tel: 662 664 seap. 1046/7 Fax: 662 684 1048 Child Rights Advisor Save the Children Australia Suite 205, Level 2, 410 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 AUSTRALIA (PO Box 36, STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012) holly. doelmackaway@ savethechildren. Tel: 61 2 9211 8800 Fax: 61 3 9211 8866 liping@ savethechildren. Tel: 8610 85323225-527 Fax: 8610 65006554 Australia Holly DoelMacaway(Ms.) China Li Ping (Ms.) 22 Director of Child Rights, Save the Children UK China China Programme SC Programme UK Apartment 051, Entrance 2, Building No.2 Jianwai Diplomatic Compound, Changyang District Beijing, P.R. CHINA Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 Name Position Address Email Tel/Fax China Nan Fang (Ms.) Child Rights Officer, China Programme SC UK Save the Children UK China Programme, Apartment 051, Entrance 2, Building No.2 Jianwai Diplomatic Compound, Changyang District Beijing, P.R. CHINA nanfang@ savethechildren. Tel: 8610 85323225-531 Fax: 8610 65006554 He Yunxiao (Ms.) Advocacy Officer, China Save the Children UK China Programme SC UK Programme, Apartment 051, Entrance 2, Building No.2 Jianwai Diplomatic Compound, Changyang District Beijing, P.R. CHINA Heyunxiao@ savethechildren. Tel: 8610 85323225-582 Fax: 8610 65006554 Child Rights Manager Save the Children Fiji 25 Pender Street, Suva, FIJI iris@ savethechildren. Tel: 679 3313 178 Fax: 679 3302 214 Social Worker Against Child Abuse Ltd. Room 407-409, Ting Cheung House, On Ting Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T., HONG KONG Tel: 679 3313 178 Fax: 679 3302 214 Advocacy and Research Specialist Save the Children Indonesia Jl. Pejaten Barat No.8, Jakarta Selatan 12550 INDONESIA tsudrajat@ Tel: 62 812 1010519 Fax: 62 217 8835665 Yasumichi Mori (Mr.) Attorney at Law Committee on the Children’s Rights, Japan Federation of Bar Associations Takaoka Bldg.2nd Floor,2-621,Ichibancho, Matsuyamacity,Ehime 790-0001 JAPAN mori0529@ Tel: 81 89 947 1788 Fax: 81 89 947 2018 Shigeyuki Tazawa (Mr.) Program Coordinator, Save the Children Japan Division of Child Rights Head Office and Protection Yamada Buidling 4F 2-8-4 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047 JAPAN tazawa@ Tel: 81 3 6859 6869 Fax: 81 3 6859 0069 Researcher and Program The child rights center Officer of SC/Korea 364 Sinchonno Mapo-gu Seoul, 121-881, KOREA hyun.ryu@sc.or. kr Fiji Iris Low Mckenzie (Ms.) Hong Kong Lee Yu Po (Ms.) Indonesia Tata Sudrajat (Mr.) Japan Korea Hyun Ryu (Ms.) Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 Tel: 82 2 6900 4454 Fax: 82 2 6900 4499 23 Name Position Address Email Tel/Fax Lao PDR Chittaphone Santavasy (Ms.) Thematic Manager, CRC/Child Protection Save the Children Norway, LAO PDR 338 Thaphalanxay village, Sisatthanak District, PO.Box 7475, Vientiane, LAO PDR chittaphone@ Lalongkone Chantamaly (Mr.) Project Officer Save the Children Australia Laos Save the Children Australia Sub-office Sayaboury P.O. Box 155 LAO PDR lalongkone. Tel: 856 74 chanthamaly@ 211959 savethechildrenlaos. Fax: 856 74 org Save the Children Australia Laos Save the Children Australia Sub-office Sayaboury P.O. Box 155 LAO PDR Chanthaboulouth. Tel: 856 74 boualaphanh@ 211959 savethechildrenlaos. Fax: 856 74 org Jargal Chuluuntulga Child Protection (Ms.) Programme Manager Save the Children UK, Mongolia Programme 4th Floor, Arizona Centre, 1st Khoroo, Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar City Central Post Office, Box 1023, Ulaanbaatar-13, MONGOLIA jargal@ savethechildren. mn Tel: 976 11 329371 Fax: 976 11 329361 Dulamsuren Capacity Vuilding and Erdennebileg (Ms.) Child Participation Project Officer Save the Children UK, Mongolia Programme 4th Floor, Arizona Centre, 1st Khoroo, Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar City Central Post Office, Box 1023, Ulaanbaatar-13, MONGOLIA dulamsuren@ savethechildren. mn Tel: 976 11 329371 Fax: 976 11 329361 Chanthaboulouth Boualaphanh (Mr.) Education Programme Manager Tel: 856 21 314813-8 Fax: 856 21 351001 213160 213160 Mongolia Oyunchimeg Naimaldai (Ms.) Director of the Capacity Implementing Agency of the Building Department Government - National Authority for Children Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar City-48, Bagatoiruu-48 MONGOLIA ncc@magicnet. Tel: 976 11 mno_naimaldai@ 322048 Undrakh Galjav (Ms.) Child Protection Officer National Authority for Children of Mongolia Baga toiruu – 44A, Ulaanbaatar 48, MONGOLIA enkh_und@ Altantsetseg Tserenjav (Ms.) Otgontenger University, Otgontenger University, Director of Law School, Association of Mongolian Advocate Advocates Otgontenger University, Jukov Street 51-35, Peace Avenue, Ulaanbaatar MONGOLIA tse_Altai@yahoo. Tel: 99150170 com Fax: 976 11 458635 24 Tel: 976 51 262814 Fax: 976 11 322048 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 Name Position Address Email Tel/Fax Mongolia Orkhon Sukhbaatar Officer of the Strategic (Ms.) Planning Department Ministry of Social Welfare and orkhon2000@ Labourm, United Nation Street-5, Ulaanbaatar-210646 MONGOLIA Tel: 976 51 262 691 Fax: 976 11 328634 New Zealand Dennis Uba (Mr.) Pacific Programme Manager Save the Children New Zealand National Office, 3rd Floor, 204-210 Willis Street, PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, NEW ZEALAND dennis.uba@ savethechildren. Tel: 644 381 7583 Fax: 644 385 6793 Debbie Jack (Ms.) Programme Director Save the Children New Zealand National Office, 3rd Floor, 204-210 Willis Street, PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, NEW ZEALAND dennis.uba@ savethechildren. Tel: 644 381 7583 Fax: 644 385 6793 Elizabeth Wood (Ms.) Spokesperson EPOCH New Zealand 20A Ngaumatau Rd, Pt Howard, Lower Hutt, NEW ZEALAND bethwood@xtra. Tel: 644 568 3221 Fax: 644 568 6276 Hennie Kama (Ms.) Senior Project Officer - Child Rights Resource Team Save the Children in Papua New Guinea P.O. Box 667, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province, 441, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hkama@ savethechildren. Tel: 675 732 2473 Fax: 675 732 2767 Esther Gaegaming (Ms.) Team Leader - Anti Discrimination and Human Rights Unit Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea P.O. Box 1831, Port Moresvy, PAPUA NEW GUINEA esther. gaegaming@ ombudsman. Tel: 675 308 2684 Fax: 675 320 3267 Raka Raula (Ms.) Legal Officer PNG Constitutional & Law Reform Commission P.O. Box 3439, BOROKO, National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA raka.raula@clrc. Tel: 675 325 2840 Fax: 675 325 3375 Papua New Guinea Philippines Wilma Banaga (Ms.) Programme Officer Save the Children Sweden wilmab@seap. 3/F OTM Building, 71 Scout Tuazon St., Barangay, South Triangle 1103 Quezon City, PHILIPPINES Tel: 632 372 3483 Fax: 632 372 3484 Mapusaga o Aiga(SAMOA) Inc. (Family Heaven) Suite J, Nia Mall, SALEUFI, SAMOA Tel: 685 22 640 Fax: 685 22 549 Samoa Kalolo Sene Liuliu (Mr.) Child Rights Officer Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 25 Name Position Address Email Tel/Fax Solomon Islands Donald Raka (Mr.) Child Advocacy Project Manager Save the Children Australia P.O. Box, 1149, Honiara SOLOMON ISLANDS cpm@ savethechildren. Child Protection Programme Officer Naiyanat@seap. Save the Children Sweden 14th Floor, Maneeya Center, South Building, 518/5 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Tel: 662 664 1046/7 Fax: 662 684 1048 Save the Children UK Southeast and East Asia Regional Office, 14th Fl., Maneeya Center Building, 518/5 Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Patumwan Bangkok 10400 THAILAND ratjai@ savethechildren. Tel: 662 652 0518 ext.304 Fax: 662 684 1289 Program Manager & Co- Ba Futuru Founder Rua Vila Verde Suco Haksolok Dili, TIMOR-LESTE sierrajames@ Tel: 670 724 6022 Child Rights Manager Save the Children Australia in Vanuatu Tel: 678 22794 Fax: 678 25214 Tran Ban Hung (Mr.) Head of Sector: Child Protection Save the Children Sweden No.6 Dang Van Ngu Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi, VIETNAM hungtb@ savethechildren. Tel: 84 4 3573 5050 Fax: 84 4 3573 6060 Nguyen Khan Hoi (Mr.) Project Officer Save the Children Sweden No.6 Dang Van Ngu Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi VIETNAM hoink@ savethechildren. Tel: 84 4 3573 5050 Fax: 84 4 3573 6060 Antonia Luedeke (Ms.) Project Officer Italian Association for Aid to Children (CIAI) No.18, Lane 31/46, Xuan Dieu Street, Hanoi, VIETNAM luedeke@ciai. Tel: 84 4 6296 1820 Fax: 84 4 3719 1464 Dang Hoa Nam (Mr.) Ministry of Labour, Vietnam Television Invalid and Social Affairs 43 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Bandinh Distric, Hanoi, VIETNAM Tel: 677 22400 Fax: 677 25920 Thailand Naiyana Thanawattho (Ms.) Ratjai Adjayutpokin Thailand Cross-border (Ms.) Project Manager Timor-Leste Sierra James (Ms.) Vanuatu Elizabeth Emil (Ms.) Vietnam dangnam@yahoo. Tel: 84 80 48217 com Resource Persons Carolyne willow (Ms.) Elinor Milne (Ms.) 26 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 Executive summary of regional technical workshop, 5-6 March 2009 27 Save the Children works for: A world which respects and values each child A world which listens to children and learns A world where all children have hope and opportunity. Belief in the future since 1919 Save the Children fights for children’s rights. We deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives worldwide. Save the Children Sweden, Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand Tel: +66 2 684 1046 Fax: + 66 2 684 1048 Email: