1. КНИГИ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ГРАММАТИКЕ 1.1 Essential Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy Advanced Grammar in Use – Martin Hewings 1.2 Round-Up (Longman) [7 книг, включая starter + Teacher’s book ко всем книгам] – Virginia Evans 1.3 Beginner level: English grammar in Context, Essential (Macmillan) – Simon Clarke Английская Грамматика в Картинках (Washington Square Press) – I.A. Richards and Christine M. Gibson Picture Grammar for Children (Macmillan) – David Vale Elementary level: English Grammar and Vocabulary (Macmillan) – Michael Vince Intermediate level: English grammar in Context (Macmillan) – Michael Vince Just Grammar (интерактивные упражнения по грамматике) – Jeremy Harmer with Hester Lott English grammar Test it Fix it (Oxford) – Kenna Buorke Upper-Intermediate level: English Grammar and Vocabulary, FCE (Macmillan) – Michael Vince Advanced level: Advanced English Grammar Practice, C.A.E. (Longman) – Richard Walton (+ 2 CD’s) English grammar in Context (Macmillan) - Michael Vince English Grammar and Vocabulary (Macmillan) – Michael Vince CAE, CPE: Grammar for CAE and Proficiency + 2 CD’s (Cambridge) - Martin Hewings + 2 CD’s 1.4 + Исчерпывающая презентация по всем модальным глаголам + English guide: Articles (Collins) – Roger Berry 1.5 Голицынский (4-е издание) + ответы Сокращения: SB - student’s book WB - workbook TB - teacher’s book PC - pronounciation course 2. КНИГИ-КУРСЫ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ 2.1 NEW ENGLISH FILE (Oxford) (Все Уровни): Beginner: SB, WB, TB, tests, + CD’s Elementary: SB, WB, TB, tests, + 3 class CD’s Pre-Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, tests, + 3 class CD’s Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, tests, + CD’s Upper-Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, tests, + CD’s Advanced: SB, WB, TB, tests, + CD’s 2.2 NEW HEADWAY (Oxford) (Все уровни): Beginner: SB, WB, TB, + CD’s Elementary: SB, WB, TB, PC, + CD’s Pre-Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, PC, + CD’s Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, PC, tests, word lists+ CD’s Upper-Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, PC, tests, phrasal verbs & idioms + CD’s Advanced: SB, WB, TB, tests, phrasal verbs & idioms + CD’s 2.3 AMERICAN HEADWAY (Oxford) (Все Уровни): A Level (starter): SB, WB, TB, + CD’s Level 1: SB, WB, + CD’s Level 2: SB, WB, + CD’s Level 3: SB, WB, + CD’s Level 4: WB, + CD’s 2.4 Level 1: SB NEW HEADWAY Academic Skills (Oxford): Level 2: SB Level 3: SB TOTAL ENGLISH (Longman) (Все уровни): 2.5 Starter: SB, WB, Teacher’s Resource Pack + CD’s, DVD’s, CD-ROM Elementary: SB, WB, TB, tests, + CD’s Pre-Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, tests, + CD’s, DVD’s, CD-ROM Intermediate: SB, WB, TB, Teacher’s Resource Pack + CD’s, test master CD-ROM Upper-Intermediate: SB, WB, TB + CD’s Advanced: SB, WB, TB, tests, phrasal verbs & idioms + CD’s, test master CD-ROM MARKET LEADER (Pearson/Longman) (Все уровни): 2.6 Elementary: Course Book, Practice File, TB, tests, + CD’s Pre-Intermediate: Course Book, TB, tests, + CD’s Intermediate: Course Book, Practice File, TB, tests, + CD’s Upper-Intermediate: Course Book, Practice File, TB, + CD’s Advanced: Course Book, TB, tests English for Business: Course Book + CD SUPER ME (Oxford) (Для маленьких детей): 2.7 Super Me 1: Class book, TB, Flash cards book, Fun book, Story book, Songs book, + CD Super Me 2: Class book, TB, Fun book, Songs book, + Audio GOLD (Longman): Advanced: Course Book, + CD’s STRAIGHTFORWARD (Macmillan): Elementary: SB, WB, + CD’s 3. LISTENING & SPEAKING Books & Courses 3.1 Elementary: Elementary listening Course Book + CD Listen Carefully Course Book + CD (Oxford) Top-Up.Listening 1+ CD Top-Up.Listening 2+ CD Top-Up.Listening 3+ CD Pre-Intermediate: Just Listening and Speaking Course Book + CD Intermediate: Just Listening and Speaking Course Book + CD Upper-Intermediate: Just Listening and Speaking Course Book + CD 3.2 AUDIO COURSE I IN THE CITY MEETING A PERSON AT THE PARTY WEATHER & NATURE APARTMENT MAIL & BIRTHDAY APPEARANCE AUDIO COURSE II – ‘Real American - Frankly Speaking’ Great conversations on various topics AUDIO COURSE III – ‘100% аудио английский’ 20 great conversations 4. READING & WRITING Books & Courses МНОЖЕСТВО КНИГ по методу чтения Ильи Франка МНОЖЕСТВО АУДИО КНИГ и ИСТОРИЙ Story books for kids How to write correct English Just Reading and writing Course Book Upper-intermediate Short Stories (with great exercises) Fairy tales WRITING BUSINESS LETTERS 5. GAMES & Activities, Learning thru Pictures LOTS OF BOOKS 6. DICTIONARIES and VOCABULARY Books & Courses 6.1 PICTURE DICTIONARIES: (словари в картинках) Word by word (Pearson/Longman) – workbook, songbook, vocabulary teaching strategies book + 8CD’s The Oxford Picture Dictionary (English/Russian) The New Oxford Picture Dictionary + Teacher’s Book Oxford Dictionary for Advanced learners 6 Picture Dictionaries for children 6.2 VOCABULARY IN USE for BUSINESS: (GREAT EXPLANATION AND EXCERCISES!) Business Vocabulary in Use (Elementary) (Cambridge) Business Vocabulary in Use (Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate) (Cambridge) Business Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) (Cambridge) Business Vocabulary in Use (66 tests) (Cambridge) – Bill Mascull Professional English in Use – Finance Build your Business Vocabulary Business Writing Clear and Simple Business Phrasal Verbs (with explanation and examples) Dictionary of Business 1000 Everday Idioms in Business (English-Spanish) Telephoning in English 6.3 GENERAL (English Vocabulary in Use, Just, …) Beginner, Elementary: English Vocabulary in Use (Cambridge) Pre-Intermediate: Just Vocabulary + CD English Vocabulary in Use (Cambridge) (100 units) – Stuart Redman Intermediate: Just Vocabulary + CD English Vocabulary in Use (Cambridge) (100 units) – Stuart Redman Upper-Intermediate: English Vocabulary in Use (Cambridge) (100 units) – Stuart Redman Advanced: English Vocabulary in Use (Cambridge) (100 units) – Stuart Redman Wordlists from Total English (Elementary – Upper-Intermediate) (English-French) 6.4 CHECK YOUR VOCABULARY for: Academic English Banking & finance Business & Administration Check your vocabulary for colloquial English Computers & IT FCE + Human Resources IELTS TOEFL TOEIC Law Leisure, travel & tourism Living in the UK Medicine PET Phrasal verbs & idioms 6.5 Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Elementary) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Pre-Intermediate) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Intermediate) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Upper-Intermediate) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) Test Your Vocabulary for FCE 6.6 Dictionaries activities Vocabulary Games And Activities (!) Учим английские слова, 6000 слов + Audio Crazy Antonyms Greeting phrases ABC, 5 senses, colors English Trainer (игра для компьютера на развитие словарного запаса) 7. IDIOMS, PHRASAL VERBS, COLLOCATIONS 7.1 Oxford Dictionary of Idioms Thematic Dictionary of American Idioms Dictionary of American Idioms (McGraw-Hill’s) Easy American Idioms (20 lessons + 4 CD’s) Essential Idioms in English (39 lessons + Audio) Can You Believe It? Stories & Idioms from real life (exercises with Audio) (Oxford) English Idioms in Use (Cambridge) 125 exercises on idioms (Oxford) Test your English Idioms Lots of Idioms in power point with Russian translation Listen And Learn 101 American English Idioms + Audio 1000 Everday Idioms in Business (English-Spanish) All Clear, Idioms in Context (12 lessons) 800 American Idioms Colloquial English Idioms Illustrated American Idioms Everyday Idioms (great explanation, great exercises!) Idioms Organizer (114 units + great exercises!) 7.2 English Phrasal Verbs in Use English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced Business-phrasal verbs dictionary with explanation Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary Longman Phrasal Verbs Dictionary (over 5000 phrasal verbs) Test your Phrasal Verbs Making Sense of Phrasal Verbs (GREAT illustrative BOOK, lots of speaking tasks) Phrasal Verbs in Context (over 300 Ph. V., in pictures) Phrasal Verbs Workbook (Collins) (great exercises!) Practise your phrasal verbs (great explanation, great exercises!) Really learn 100 phrasal verbs (great explanation, great exercises!) THE ULTIMATE PHRASAL VERB BOOK (great exercises!) 7.3 Phrasal Verbs and Idioms (Upper-Intermediate) Phrasal Verbs and Idioms (Advanced) Check your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms Oxford Collocations Dictionary (with exercises at the end) English Collocations in Use (Cambridge) English Collocations in Use Advanced (Cambridge) 8. TOEFL, IELTS and Academic Vocabulary 8.1 100 необходимых слов для TOEFL TOEFL IBT exam vocabulary list (1700 words) Academic vocabulary in use TOEIC Vocabulary 342 TESTS 500 words, phrases, idioms for the TOEFL IBT (lots of QUIZES & typing strategy) Master TOEFL Vocabulary (with 2 practice tests) Essay's structure TOEFL Writing Topics 185 English essays for TOEFL (+template phrases+strategy+exercises) 185 topics with 450 6.0 score essays + writing tips for applying to colleges 8.2 Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS + CD Check you voc for IELTS (tests on 100 subjects) Complete Guides on IELTS Writing Task 1 Improve your IELTS writing Writing Topics (for IELTS) 8.3 Essay Writing for English Tests WRITING BUSINESS LETTERS 9. TESTS (Все уровни): Placement tests Тесты для уровней от Elementary до Advanced (mid-course, final, end-of-course) Business English tests British Bulldog + Audio – для 3-11 классов English grammar tests (elementary, intermediate, advanced) English idioms and expressions (elementary, intermediate, advanced) English synonyms (elementary, intermediate, advanced) Errors in English usage tests (elementary, intermediate, advanced) Test your vocabulary skills Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Elementary) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Pre-Intermediate) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Intermediate) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Upper-Intermediate) Test Your Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) Test Your Vocabulary for FCE Test your English Idioms Check your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms Test your Phrasal Verbs TOEIC Vocabulary 342 TESTS 500 words, phrases, idioms for the TOEFL IBT (lots of QUIZES & typing strategy) 10. TOEFL & IELTS Books & Courses TOEFL 10.1 How to prepare for the TOEFL IBT TOEFL IBT comparison tables Tips on TOEFL IBT sections 10.2 Essay's structure TOEFL Writing Topics 185 English essays for TOEFL (+template phrases+strategy+exercises) 185 topics with 450 6.0 score essays + writing tips for applying to colleges 10.3 Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL IBT (4th ed.) + 8 CDs Kaplan TOEFL IBT Preparation (+ CD) Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL IBT (+ 8 CDs + CD-ROM) Thompson Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT (+ 5 Cd’s) 13 practice tests on listening Master TOEFL reading skills (2 diagnostic & 2 practice tests+how to apply to US colleges) Master TOEFL Vocabulary (with 2 practice tests) A resource for reading and words (practicing reading comprehension skills) 500 words, phrases, idioms for the TOEFL IBT (lots of QUIZES & typing strategy) TOEFL IBT exam vocabulary list (1700 words) IELTS 10.4 Tips for IELTS Helpful hints for IELTS Presentation on structure of IELTS IELTS Handbook Information for Candidates Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermediate Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced 10.5 IELTS Listening strategies Imrpove IELTS Listening & Speaking Skills IELTS speaking tests Improve your IELTS Reading Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS + CD Check you voc for IELTS (tests on 100 subjects) Improve your IELTS writing Complete Guides on IELTS Writing Task 1 Writng Topics 10.6 Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1 + CD’s Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 2 + CD’s Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 3 + CD’s Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 4 + CD’s Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 5 + CD’s Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 6 + CD’s Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 7 + CD’s Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 8 + CD’s 10.7 KAPLAN IELTS Preparation Course Book (2009-2010 edition) + CD’s IELTS Graduation + CD’s (Macmillan) IELTS Masterclass (student's & teacher’s books + Cd’s) (Oxford) IELTS Testbuilder + CD’s (Macmillan) IELTS Testbuilder 2 + CD’s (Macmillan) 11. Other ВИДЕО И ПЕСНИ ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ СУБТИТРЫ к известным фильмам Tales about animals (The Audio Book with text) (для детей) Стихи, загадки, пословицы, поговорки, кроссворды (для детей)