PIG FARMING Its Impact On The Environment Kes Kajian : Mukim Batu Kuala Langat i ^ •»•!•••• .1. i • « — t t s t w."tr • i- '"• . M " l T TSOAK DDBEPSA&KAW I Oleh PROJEK "'PELAJAR (Students' Projects) Rahman bt. Md. Sheriff Rakiah bt. Haji Laidin Satu Kajian Akhir Yang Disediakan Untuk Memenuhi Sebahagian Dari Syarat Untuk Penganugerahan DIPLOMA PERANCANG BANDAR DAN WILAYAH Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Wilayah Kajian Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur Institut Teknologi MARA SHAH ALAM April 1985 COPYRIGHT © UiTM INST I TUT TEKNOLOGI MARA KAJiAN SENIBINA, PERANCANGAN 6 UKUR JABATAN PERANCANG BANDAR 6 WILAYAH Adalah d i s y o r k a n bahawa t e s i s i n i yang d i s e d i a k a n i'KOji:iC I'ELAJAR (Students' Projects) oleh RAHMAH HP. MB. SHARIFF & RAKIAH BT. HAJI LAIDIN bertajuk PIG FARMING I t a I m p a c t On The E n v i r o n m e n t Kes K a j i a n ; Mukim B a t u , K u a l a diba^/ah p e n y a l l a a n saya/kami sebahagian d a r l s y a r a t Langat d i t e r i m a sebagai memenuhJ untuk Diploma Perancang Bandar Dan Wlletyab, FOTSSTAT T W ^ K B J M N ^ i ! ! Diluiuskan oleh: ^ r p u s t a k a a n Tun Abdul R—k Institiut Teknologi MARA Shah Alans Sdsogo*. ( EN. Uvm YAP BOO HEQNJL.) (PENYELIAJ COPYRIGHT © UiTM PIG FARMING Its Impact On The Environment Case Study : Mukim Batu Kuala Langat By Rahmah bt. Md. Shariff Rakiah bt. Haji Laidin A Final Studies Submitted For The Partial Fulfillment Of The DIPLOMA IN TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Department of Town and Regional Planning Sqhool Of Architecture, Planning and Survey Mara Institute Of Technology Shah Alam April 1985 COPYRIGHT © UiTM Table of Contents Page Acknowledgements 1 Abstract - iii - Statement of Problems Aim of the Study vi Hypothesis Work Flow Chart vii List of Tables viii List of Figures ix List of Plates x List of Charts xi xii Bibliography xiii Appendix Chapter 1 1.0 MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 The 3 1 .3 What i s P o l l u t i o n ? 3 1.4 P o l l u t i o n Due t o Farming A c t i v i t i e s 6 Impact of Early Man on His Environment Chapter 2 2.0 PIG REARING IN MALAYSIA 2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 Types of Pigs 15 2.2.1 Local Types 15 2.2.2 Exotic Types 15 2.2.3 Cross-breds 16 COPYRIGHT © UiTM 2.5 The Economics of Pig Production 17 2.5.1 Size of Pig Unit 18 2.5.2 Site of Pig Farm 19 2.5.5 Capital Cost of Buildings .19 2.5.4 Quality of Stock 20 2.5.5 Number Litters Per Year 20 2.5.6 Litter-Size 21 2.5.7 Breeding Life of Sows 22 2;5«8 Feed Conversion 22 2.5.9 Feed Quality and Costs 22 2.5.10 Labour Cost 25 2.5.11 Market Price of Pigs 25 2.4 Management 24 2.5 Nutrition 26 Chapter 5 5.0 THE STUDY AREA 5.1 Historical Background 50 5.2 Location 52 3.3 Physical Features 32 5.4 Topography 54 5.5 Infrastructure 55 5.6 Occupational Structure 56 5.7 Population Structure 57 Chapter 4 4.0 SURVEY OF PIG REARING INDUSTRY IN STUDY AREA 4.1 Introduction 40 4.2 Pig Rearing 40 COPYRIGHT © UiTM 4.2.1 Sample Size 41 -43 4.2.2 Size of Pig Farm 43 4.3 Acreage of Pig Farm 44 4»4 Level of Education 45 - 46 4.5 Types of Stall 46 496 Disposal of Waste 46 - 47 4.7 Methods of Disposal of Wastes 48 - 49 4.8 Expansion of Pig Farming 49 - 50 4*9 Pig Farmer's Attitude 50 - 53 Chapter 5 5.0 IMPACT OF PIG FARMING ON THE ENVIRONMENT 5.1 Introduction 62 5.2 Pollution Existing in Study Area 62 - 64 5.2.1 Water Pollution 64 - 72 5.2.2 Smell Pollution 74 - 76 5.3 Direct and Indirect Effect 76 5.3.1 76 - 78 Environment and Aesthetic Value 5.3«2 Social Problems 78 - 80 5.3.3 Health 80 5.3.4 Location of The Polluting Agent 82 5.3.5 Local Authority 82 - 84 Chapter 6 6.0 PROPOSED STRATEGIES AND CONCLUSION 6.1 Introduction 93 - 94 6.2 Malaysia Environmental Policy 94 - 96 COPYRIGHT © UiTM 6.3 Existing Environmental Control 6.4 Identification of Problems and forming of Strategies 6.4*1 99 - 100 Restructure Government Organization 6.4.2 96-99 100 - 110 Improvement in Local Planning Authority 110 - 113 6.4*3 Introduction of New Technology 113 - 120 6.4*4 Increase the Environmental Awareness 120 - 122 6-4*5 Preventive Measures 123-125 6.4*6 Conclusion 125 - 126 COPYRIGHT © UiTM -1- Acknowledgeroents We wish to express our gratitude to the following people who have in one way or another helped in special the preparation of this Final Studies. In this respect special acknowledgement goes in particular to Mr. David Yap Boo Heong, Department of Town and Country Planning, ITM, for his guidance, and valuable assistance in the preparation of this paper and also for his constant encouragement, understanding and advice which has helped to overcome the many difficulties and frustration encountered along the way in the preparation of this paper. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to the following 1. persons and authorities concerned j Encik Abdullah b. Said Lecturer, Department of Town and Country Planning, ITM, Shah Alam . 2. Pejabat Daerah Kuala Langat, Selangor. 3. State Secretary Department Shah Alam. 4. Veterinary Department Kukim Tanjung Sepat, Kuala Langat, Selangor. COPYRIGHT © UiTM 5. Health Department Mukim Tanjung Sepat, Kuala Langat, Selangor. 6. Encik Saini b. Long Ketua Kampong Mukim Batu, Kuala Langat Selangor. 7. Land Department Daerah Petaling P.J. New Town Selangor. We are very gratified to have received much co-operation from the community in our study area and the encouragement of our friends and classmates and also their assistance in various ways. COPYRIGHT © UiTM *-iii- Abstract Through the pressure of man's activities, environmental pollution has been more acute. The pattern of animal farming has also changed, becoming more intensive and thus leading to greater environmental pollution. Pig rearing is gaining importance as a source of protein in Malaysia especially for the Chinese. The number and size of pig farms have also increased greatly leading to changes in management techniques. However, in a multi-racial society, the disposal of pig wastes has led to increase in sensitivities especially among the muslims. Certain areas tend to have a higher concentration of pig farms. One of the areas is the Mukim Batu in the Kuala Langat District. The community in this mukim is multi- racial and the rearing of pigs has caused varies problems to arise. The pig farms are traditionally managed and through the increase in numbers, pollution of the environment has occured. The situation arose out of a series of problems among which are economic, cultural, physical, educational and political. Pollution of the area has resulted in poor water quality of the streams and rivers, odour, lower the visual quality COPYRIGHT © UiTM -IV- and caused social unrest among the residents. Short term and long term measures are proposed to solve the pollution due to the disposal of pig wastes in the country, in general, and Mukim Satu , in particular. COPYRIGHT © UiTM _v. Statement of Problems Pig rearing activity in Malaysia is fairly profitable, but the pig farmers seem to ignore the negative impact on nature (environment) that they have created by not disposing off the pig wastes in a manner that will not pollute the environment, and thereby not arouse the sensitivities of other communities. Aim of the Study The major objectives of this study are to investigate and find out:~ 1. How far pig farming activities has affected the environment and the comfortability of the comnunity. 2. The effect of pollution on the community. 3. The effectiveness of local authority concerned with dealing and combating the pollution problem arising from such operations. COPYRIGHT © UiTM — Vi— General Hypothesis Pig Farming on a large scale witnout proper disposal of wastes will lead to severe environmental pollution. Working Hypothesis a. Proper management of pig farming including waste disposal is important to the surrounding environment. b. Proper planning will help to contribute to the environment from being polluted. c. Proper policies to be formulated and the enforcement of the policies is necessary to keep the environment pollution free. COPYRIGHT © UiTM -vii- WORK PLOW CHART Statement of Problems Objectives and Goals Literature Review Information Prom Relevant Authorities and Organisations Interview Surveys Processing Analysis of Data Problem Identification COPYRIGHT © UiTM Formulation of Policies and Strategis -viii- List of Tables 2.1 Page Relationship Between Farming Interval 21 and Litters per Sow 3.1 Population St Mukim Batu 37 3.2 In-migration 39 4.1 Sample Size 41 4.2 Size of Pig Farm 43 4.3 Acreage of Pig Farm 44 4.4 Level of Education 45 4.5 Methods of Disposal of Waste or Faeces 48 4.6 Expansion Plans of Pig Farms 49 4.7 Rearer's Attitude 51 4.8 Relocation of Existing Pig Farms 52 COPYRIGHT © UiTM -IX- List of Figures Page Pig. 1 Location Map 31 Fig* 2 Pig Farming Area 33 Fig. 3 Sample Area 42 Fig. 4 Nutrient Flows From Its Component to the Aquatic Environment 65 Fig. 5 Water Pollution Control 66 Fig. 6 River Exposed to Farming Pollution 67 Fig. 7 Effect of Organic Pollutants on Water Condition 71 Fig. 8 Water Quality Conditions 73 Fig. 9 Interactions Between Animal Faecal Wastes and Infectious Diseases in Man and Animal 81 Fig. 10 The Waste Cycle 114 Fig. 11 Element of A Watershed System and Their Broad Lingkage 115 Pig. 12 Proposed a Lagoon for Collecting Waste and Formation Fig. 13 at Pig Farming Proposed Coral System 117 for Confinement Pig Pig. 15 116 Proposed a Slurry or Waste Handling System Fig. 14 of a Biogas 118 Proposed a Secondary Oxidation Pond (Regroup) COPYRIGHT © UiTM 124 -X- List of Plates page •4.1 54 4.2 55 4.3 56 4.4 57 4.5 58 4.6 59 4-7 60 4.8 61 5.1 75 5.2 83 5.3 85 5.4 86 5.5 87 5.6 88 5.7 89 5.8 90 5.9 91 COPYRIGHT © UiTM -xi- L i s t of Charts —• -—-.-• Page — — — ,.W....— 1. Decision Tree 2. Interrelationships of Ecological Groups 5. Proposed Structure for the Department of Ecology 98 102 106 4. Proposed Structure for the Public Services Branch 107 5. Proposed Structure-Administration and Planning Branch COPYRIGHT © UiTM 108 Eist of Bibliography Page Chapter 1 12 Chapter 2 29 Chapter 5 92 Chapter 6 12? COPYRIGHT © UiTM -xiii- List of Appendix A. Definations and Abbreviations . B. Tables - Standard of Fresh Water Tolerance Limits for Various Uses. C. Articles - Newspaper. D. Questionaires. COPYRIGHT © UiTM -1- 1.0 MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT 1-1 Introduction Man, now, has the power to make tremendous changes to his environment for better or for worse. of man to his environment is nothing new. The relation He has always influenced it and been influenced by it. The ecosystem in which man lives always strives toward an equilibrium and as long as man's actions on this equilibrium is at minimum, the ecosystem will remain very much in the same state. However, as soon as man's influence becomes substantial, the whole ecosystem becomes upset a totally new environment may or may not be conducive to his living conditions. When environment is altered unfavourable, environmetal pollution occurs. Environment pollution is attributed to three main 1 causes:- a. The increased density in the number of people occupying a limited space. 1. As a result, straining MARQUIS RALPH W (1966), "Environmental Improvement", page 1. COPYRIGHT © UiTM -2- the ecosystem from the increase of constant activities, whether good or bad to influence it's surrounding. b. The cumulative effect of all our past actions is becoming so great which therefore making unfavourable impact on the environment. c. The product of advancements in science and technology created a situation in the long term effects on the environment. Actually there is a great da.nger in man's present method of exploiting the land and his new discoveries only leads to a worsening of his happiness and satisfaction with life. "If we believe that mankind should have a future, it is time for us to ensure that it is a future which we can bequeath to our descendants without feeling shame and guilt. V/e need in fact to reorientate our attitude to time, absorbing more from the past, fussing less about the present and reaching out toward the future in a friendly and helpful way - Max Nicholson". 2. 2 EMMEL THOMAS C (1977), "Global Perspectives on Ecology", page 486. COPYRIGHT © UiTM -3- 1.2 The Impact of Early Man on His Environment Actually there is not much evidence that early man did pollute his environment. Even if they did, it is not serious and unwittingly. Through historical discovery, the ancient primitive agriculturists has used to practise shifting agriculture or other slash-and-burn agriculture where these activity gave a disastrous effect on the land such as erosion. But the practice might have been defensible so long as the pollution was small. Only favourable sports were cultivated and the period of rotation was long enough for vegetation and soil to recover somewhat. Pollution is the symptom of ecological imbalance. If the energy level of the environment is being reduced, the ecosystem will affect man late on. man acted in ignorance. In the past, We do not have the excuse 3 today. 1.3 What is Pollution? According to the environmental Pollution Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee, 1965, USA. 1 3. ' DIMBLEY G.W. (1972), "The Impact of Early Man on His Environment", page 7. COPYRIGHT © UiTM . i1 -4- Pollution has been defined as follows :•- "Environmental pollution is the unfavourable alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as a by-product of man's action, through direct or indirect effects of changes in energy patterns, radiation levels, chemical and physical constitution and abundances of organisms. These changes may affect man directly, or through his supplies of water and of agricultural and other biological products, his physical objects and possessions, or his opportunities for recreation and 4 appreciation of nature. Pollution is a world wide world problem, it is not the problem of scientist only. When it affects human lives, it has become a health problem. When it affects property and health, it is an economic problem. Later still when it affect living organisms, it is a problem in conservation of natural resources. Thus when it affects the senses, it has become an aesthetic problem. Naturally man cannot survive wihtout having some effect on the environment, ever since the early primitive man, 4. WILLIAM ANDREWS (1972), ''A Guide to the Study of Environment Pollution", page 4• COPYRIGHT © UiTM