HealthBeyond Report, 2011

This document for HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience was created by the Health Informatics Society of Australia Ltd (HISA). The information in
this document is confidential and must not be used or without first obtaining the written consent of HISA.
Receivers of this document undertake to:
accept the proposal in confidence and acknowledge that the information and ideas in the proposal is secret;
acknowledge that all rights and interests (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights) in connection with the proposal belong to HISA;
agree not to copy, use or disclose the proposal (or any other information and material submitted in connection with the proposal) without first
obtaining written consent; and
immediately at HISA’s request, or if we do not enter into another contract about the proposal, whichever happens first, return the proposal and any
other materials that are submitted in connection with it to HISA.
These confidentiality obligations continue until all of the information in the proposal and any related materials cease to be confidential (other than because any
breach of these confidentiality obligations are breached).
30th August, 2011
HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
The Interactive E-Health Experience
Concept and Initial Evaluation
This document provides an overview of the concept behind and initial evaluation of HealthBeyond: The Interactive EHealth Experience. This interactive display is planned to take e-health to the masses, to educate, advocate and
inform Australian consumers and health professionals as to the scope of e-health and their role in a healthcare
future enabled by e-health.
HealthBeyond’s mission is to close the gap through effective promotion of e-health literacy amongst healthcare
professionals and the general public. It is designed to educate and inform through engagement that motivates and
excites people. E-health literacy is at the heart of HealthBeyond.
The HealthBeyond E-Health Experience is an ideal vehicle for the
E-health literacy is at the
Federal Government and NEHTA to use to communicate, promote
heart of HealthBeyond.
and inform the Australian public about the personally controlled
electronic health record (PCEHR). It offers a completely unique and
exciting medium, with significant reach into stakeholder groups to
effectively communicate with large groups of people across Australia and spread the e-health and PCEHR message.
It offers unparralled opportunities to reach healthcare professionals, the general public, and those who stand to
benefit most from the PCEHR – the ‘frequent flyers’ of healthcare, being people with chronic conditions, the aged
and people with disabilities.
HealthBeyond had its debut in conjunction with Australia’s biggest and longest running e-health conference – HIC
2011, 1-4 August at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. It is intended that following the launch,
HealthBeyond will commence an Australian-wide roadshow – taking e-health to Australians in their cities and
regional centres. Timing and scope is dependent on funding and flexible to fit the needs of HealthBeyond’s major
The HealthBeyond E-Health Experience builds on the HealthBeyond Consumer E-Health Day– a consumer-focused ehealth conference and exhibition held in Melbourne in May 2009 by HISA and sponsored by NEHTA.
HealthBeyond comprises various ‘sets’ – designed to transport visitors into real-life settings and to experience how
e-health technologies and processes can be integrated into that setting. For example: a personally controlled
for health consumers, for health professionals, for all | join HealthBeyond & bring your e-health vision to life
HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
electronic health record that is utilised by the consumer, in the doctor surgery and at the community pharmacy; a
telehealth video consultation that occurs in a GP office, a specialist centre and within the comfort of a person’s own
lounge room; and, a gaming device played by residents in a nursing home which is used as part of a therapeutic
physiotherapy program.
Where possible, HealthBeyond is staffed by ‘real’ health professionals, consumers and e-health experts who take
the visitor on a journey through this virtual e-health world.
HealthBeyond explores the rich diversity of innovations that are taking place between individuals, their healthcare
providers and carers and which will continue to transform how healthcare is conceptualised and delivered across
places and time.
HealthBeyond was the first major exhibition in Australia showcasing the technologies and innovations that will
reshape how we think about and experience healthcare. The success of its launch in Brisbane includes an extensive
reach into the community, positive feedback from the diverse range of people who visited and experienced
HealthBeyond, requests from specific health jurisdictions asking for
HealthBeyond to ‘come to their community’, constant requests for
Why HealthBeyond works – it is
information on when the roadshow will begin and even interest in
run by and for Australia’s
launching HealthBeyond in Canada!
e-health community.
This document and associated video presentation is designed to
relay what HealthBeyond is, why it works, to share our passion for
all things e-health and convince you to join HealthBeyond to help
discover the potential of e-health in the Australian healthcare
sector, and to foster growth nationwide of e-health literacy.
Let our passion infect you!
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
HISA: About Us
HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience is an initiative of the Health Informatics Society of Australia
HISA is a member-driven, non-profit association that strives to represent, support and promote Australia’s health
informatics and e-health community. HISA was established almost 20 years ago as a scientific society, for health
informaticians and those with an interest in health informatics. In that time, HISA has grown to effectively become
Australia’s peak body for health informatics and e-health.
HISA aims to improve Australian healthcare through the use of technology and information. An essential
component of this is the promotion of e-health literacy – something that we do directly and indirectly. Directly, we
provide a national focus for the science and practice of health informatics, and e-health. We advocate on behalf of
our members and provide opportunities for learning and professional development. Indirectly, we derive strength
and reach from our members – a national group of people working in all aspects of the healthcare system, all of
whom are passionate evangelists for e-health. We support our members and promote the need for a healthcare
system that is supported by e-health
HISA represents a very broad church. Our membership is drawn
from consumers, clinicians and health information systems users, as
A healthcare future without
well as health informaticians, engineers, scientists, technologists,
e-health is unthinkable.
systems developers, managers, psychologists, lawyers, policy
officers, researchers and others. As a non-profit, we have links
within the non-profit community and HealthBeyond is part of our
‘outreach’ to fellow non-profit groups that represent healthcare consumers (eg chronic disease groups such as
Diabetes Australia) and healthcare professionals (eg professional peak bodies such as OT Australia and the Royal
Australian College of General Practitioners).
One of the activities of HISA is the annual national Health Informatics Conference (HIC), which attracts over 1,000
participants and features a sizeable trade show. HISA is the national affiliate of the International Medical Informatics
HISA is experienced in delivering events of the highest standard. Our in-house event team is backed by 19 years of
experience in delivering high quality e-health events in the area of technology and healthcare. We cover all aspects
of planning and event management and execution, including financial, communications, design and branding,
marketing and promotion, venue management and stakeholder relationship management. This experience,
combined with an unmatched link to the wider health and IT community, and our links within the non-profit space
have contributed to the success of HealthBeyond.
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Concept - HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
To be promoted and branded with the eHealth brand and logo recently developed by NEHTA
Help bring the e-health brand to life
Showcase Australia’s vision for e-health to a national audience
Educate the general public as to what constitutes e-health, with a particular focus on Federal Government
initiatives – the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) and telehealth delivery
Drive interest in e-health in local consumer and clinical communities
Engage Australian consumers, clinicians and stakeholders in the health and IT sectors to showcase their role
in a healthcare future enabled by e-health
Bring e-health ‘to life’ by building an experiential exhibition, full of excitement, colour and movement and
take that experience to local communities
Embed e-health into the minds (and hearts) of Australians through immersion in narrative and experiential
activity that is relevant, educational, entertaining, interactive and inspiring
Drive e-health literacy through credible “patient journeys”
Build a 1000m2 interactive ‘science works’ style e-health exhibition which showcases technologies and
innovations that can and are being used in a range of healthcare related settings, including the home and
the community. The settings have been built as ‘sets’ so visitors have an immersive experience.
Launched HealthBeyond at HIC 2011 (Australia’s biggest and longest-running e-health conference)
Roadshow HealthBeyond throughout Australian capital cities and rural centres – scope to be determined.
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
NEHTA and DOHA to provide Principal Sponsorship
Change and Adoption Partner to provide communications objective support
HISA to project manage HealthBeyond, and drive its implementation
HealthBeyond Strategic Advisory Committee – to be made up of DOHA, NEHTA, HISA, consumer and
healthcare professional representatives and other stakeholders
Commercial vendors will be invited to participate, with a financial model matching their “footprint” in
HealthBeyond. Also their ability to match the “flow” of the patient journey will be of utmost import.
(completed) Launched HealthBeyond at HIC 2011, 1-4 August, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
o Reach: more than 1400 people experienced HealthBeyond over the course of 4 days
o National audience of clinicians, e-health leaders and experts
o Engagement of healthcare community, general community, schools and tafe/universities
o National media exposure (TV, radio, newspaper, online, social networking) leading up to launch and
during HIC 2011 – (attached Media Report)
o Supported and promoted by many groups/associations that represent chronic disease and
healthcare professional groups
o Supported and promoted by Australia’s e-health community
o Supported and promoted by Australia’s e-health technology and services sector – from aged care,
hospital systems, community systems and consumer technology companies
Roadshow: HealthBeyond tours Australian capital cities and rural centres (and key conferences)
o Tens of thousands of visitors to HealthBeyond
o HealthBeyond spans multiple events, 20+ cities and towns (scope TBC)
o National media exposure, including local news outlets over the course of 12 months
o Proactive educational tour with e-health literacy at its core
Permanent Home: HealthBeyond takes up permanent residence in Melbourne
o HealthBeyond evolves as e-health evolves, the ‘sets’ continue to be used by government and
commercial vendors to showcase e-health innovations, implementations and possibilities
HealthBeyond will reach its target audience via numerous mechanisms, such as:
Strategic targeted PR and advertising campaign – combination of paid and unpaid media
Creation of 15 and 30 second “call to action” television and radio commercials following launch
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Production and distribution of 3 minute HealthBeyond documentary – pre promotion to target audiences
Development of targeted social media campaign
Direct promotion to community groups, schools, universities, TAFEs, chronic disease and health consumer
groups and clinical groups/associations/peak bodies
E-health flavoured competitions, with the nominees invited to a presentation at the local launch of
HealthBeyond eg primary school e-health artwork competitions; share your e-health story etc
Partnering with schools, universities and TAFEs early so that visits to HealthBeyond form part of the
HealthBeyond will partner with chronic disease groups and associations, offering strategic alignment and
promotion with other non-profit community health campaigns. For example, Diabetes Australia promotes
HealthBeyond throughout their networks and during ‘Diabetes Week’ the e-health journeys essential to
HealthBeyond’s success feature the stories of people with diabetes and how e-health supports their health
and wellbeing.
Partnerships with health professional associations and colleges – offering joint promotional opportunities
and engagement with their members eg OT Australia, RACGP etc which will enable the HealthBeyond
message to reach all healthcare professionals in Australia
Calls for expressions of interest from local pockets of e-health activity to showcase at the local
Where possible, the dates of the HealthBeyond roadshow will be chosen to coincide with other healthrelated local activities to take advantage of cross-promotional opportunities.
HealthBeyond content
HealthBeyond will be staffed by ‘E-Health Ambassadors’ – actual health professionals and consumers who
use the technology in ‘real life’ and can explain to visitors how e-health is making a real difference to their
lives and the delivery of healthcare services
Educational brochures/flyers will make up a “showbag” of information visitors collect as they experience
Visitors are given a “walking map” on arrival and encouraged to visit all demonstrations for a “passport
stamp”. A completed walking map becomes entry into a draw to win a major prize. This ensures all
demonstrations are engaged and the complete e-health journey undertaken by each visitor.
Each visitor encouraged to download free HealthBeyond mobile phone application – for continued
interaction post event.
The Look
An exciting, informative display made up of ‘rooms’ or ‘sets’ showcasing different areas of application of ehealth within a person’s life and within the healthcare system
HealthBeyond Ambassadors engage with visitors, tell stories (“this is how I use this device in my practice and
this is all the benefits my patients and I receive as a result”), explain technology and help visitors find further
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Each display area has a take home brochure to explain the innovations and the journey of the technologies,
case studies and product information.
HealthBeyond is an enticing exhibit with information to whet the appetite for more information – which will
be available via brochures, the HealthBeyond magazines produced by NEHTA, and online sources - moving
forward provision of an electronic “key” to collect such data is an idea being developed
The Content
HISA proposes the following areas of focus within HealthBeyond to facilitate engaging e-health stories and a
platform to showcase innovative technologies.
At Home
Set design: looks like your house, your lounge room
Focus on home monitoring and technologies that are currently available and how best to use them.
It will address the extensive work that has been done on the benefits associated with using these
devices and what areas of health they deliver the best results. It could also look at the important
issue of how to maintain the consumers’ ongoing engagement in using these systems including
games for health programs. Assistive and ‘smart’ technologies will be featured.
The home at the Brisbane Launch
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NEHTA’s Model Healthcare Community
Set design: HealthBeyond will host NEHTA’s mobile Model Healthcare Community.
References to this will also be made throughout the various sets in HealthBeyond
Set design: community clinic in remote Australia, specialist clinic in metro and person’s home. Could also
include a mobile van (literally) parked in the exhibit and set up to deliver healthcare services.
Visitors can experience a real-life video consultation - perhaps ‘smoke and mirrors’ or perhaps connect to an
actual healthcare setting outside HealthBeyond
Set design: pictures of a university classroom, a hospital, and other settings where health professionals are
Designed to show how e-health is being embedded into education – both curriculum and during clinic
Community Care
Set design: the community: a mix of rural and metropolitan landscapes
Visit the GP, talk with a mobile nurse and a home-visiting occupational therapist and see how e-health
shapes the patient and practitioner experience.
Mobile as well as desktop applications will feature in this area.
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Aged Care
Set design: will look like a ‘typical’ residential aged care facility
Essentially 4 themes of technology use:
i. By older adults eg Wii games as a social activity, using Skype to communicate with family,
ii. Technologies, used by health care professionals/carers, to enhance quality of care and health eg
medication trolley with computer dispensing system, clinical care system on mobile computers with a
complete electronic care record, community and visiting GP, pharmacy
iii. By admin/managerial staff eg computer use for business/management tasks
iv. Advanced ICT to support & enable independent living - ‘smart’ appliances eg internet fridges, electronic
photo frames that are also a communication device, bracelets that let carers know your location
The aged care facility at the Brisbane Launch
Set design: the PCEHR could be spread between different ‘sets’ as well as have a dedicated set for visitors to
learn more information about Australia’s PCEHR
Learn about this significant step Australia is taking towards an e-health enabled healthcare future
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Acute Hospital Care
Set design: a hospital room, which initially looks like a ‘usual’ patient room in a hospital, but what is fully
equipped with e-health technologies
Will showcase a range of technologies and services that are available in a digital hospital and include a focus
on optimum clinical workflow
For example:
By patients eg using a tablet/laptop for Skype, updating their personal health record etc
Monitoring equipment eg vital signs that are monitored and information sent directly to the electronic
health record; medication trolley with computer dispensing system
Mobile use of tablet computers / iPads in the hospital ward by staff
Desktop computers at the ‘nurses station’ or at computer stations in the corridors
Tracking technology that enables equipment to be easily located eg infra-red devices on a wheelchair
Technologies used in operating theatre
The hospital at the Brisbane Launch
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Overview of the launch
HealthBeyond debuted in Brisbane from 1-4 August, held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in
conjunction with HIC 2011, Australia’s largest and premier e-health event. The event was made possible thanks to
the financial and participatory support of NEHTA, a range of Technology Partners, a diverse mix of Supporting
Organisations and the hard work and dedication of the HealthBeyond team at HISA.
Results overview:
o Reach: more than 1400 people experienced HealthBeyond over the course of 4 days
o National audience of clinicians, e-health leaders and experts
o Engagement of healthcare community, general community, schools and TAFE/universities
o National media exposure (TV, radio, newspaper, online, social networking) leading up to launch and
during HIC 2011 – (attached Media Report)
o Supported and promoted by many groups/associations that represent chronic disease and
healthcare professional groups
o Supported and promoted by Australia’s e-health community
o Supported and promoted by Australia’s e-health technology and services sector – from aged care,
hospital systems, community systems and consumer technology companies
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Technology Partners – Brisbane 2011
With just 3 months lead time for the appointment of Technology Partners, we are delighted that the following
organisations joined HealthBeyond with great enthusiasm and shared vision of its mission.
Information on the Technology Partners can be found in the attached appendix.
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The HealthBeyond Map
On arrival at HealthBeyond, visitors received the below map of the physical floorplan. This ‘walking map’ served as a
way to engage the visitor with the demonstrations and highlight the contributions of our technology partners. For
HealthBeyond, the roadshow, the map will be a reference guide to the patient journeys/stories and how technology
integrates with their care and improves their healthcare experience.
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HealthBeyond Supporters
HealthBeyond partnered with 17 organisations including community, medical colleges and chronic disease groups
who assisted in the promotion of the event. Our supporters promoted HealthBeyond to their membership base
through various electronic communications, including e-news, website listings, blogs and social media.
Representatives and members from many of these groups attended HealthBeyond, and expressed strong interest in
partnering for the roadshow.
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Supporting Partner Promotional Samples
For their part, our Supporting Partners aided our community appeal by actively promoting approved collaborative
messaging to their membership. Moving forward, the power of these partnerships will be realised as HealthBeyond
is promoted through their national and state databases, giving exceptional and relevant reach. The number and
diversity of Supporting Partners for the roadshow will vastly increase, furthering the penetration of the event to
relevant stakeholder groups.
Commitments for the Brisbane launch were as follows;
ANU Centre For Mental Health Research (Ehub Group) -
Australian Disease Management Association -
Australian Federation of Medical Women
Australian Lung Foundation -
Diabetes Australia -
Eczema Foundation -
Kidney Health Australia -
Occupational Therapy Australia -
Queensland Divisions of General Practice -
The Australian Resource Centre for Health Innovation -
The Human Genetics Society -
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
National Roadshow – Expressions of Interest
HISA has received over 100 expressions of interest from organisations interested in supporting and being part of
HealthBeyond. Of particular note is the interest specific health jurisdictions have expressed, in ensuring
HealthBeyond visits their region. Some of these organisations include:
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Community Engagement
It was no accident that HISA launched HealthBeyond at HIC 2011. Given our historic successes in attracting the
cream of the Australian e-health community over the past 19 years, HIC represented the ideal platform to launch
this exciting new program.
HealthBeyond was visited by;
More than 1000 HIC delegates, exhibitors and speakers
More than 600 general public “free admission” consumers
300 nursing, aged care and health sciences tertiary students were shown through HealthBeyond on
prearranged personalised tours
We selected a local high school (Year 9) and primary school (Grade 6) to visit HealthBeyond as a “proof of
concept” exercise to develop a strong education program for schools – linking into learning outcomes of
their respective curriculums.
Personalised tours were prearranged for representatives from supporting groups including: Heart
Foundation, Lung Foundation, Obesity Prevention Australia, General Practice Queensland, RANZCR, Brisbane
Seniors Online – paving the way to partnerships with chronic disease groups for the national roadshow.
Visitors were required to complete a simple survey on touch screen kiosks to register for HealthBeyond. From this,
we collected vital statistics on their demographics, their reasons behind visiting HealthBeyond and most importantly
their knowledge of e-health. HealthBeyond visitors were encouraged to complete post-event evaluation surveys to
assist us in assessing the knowledge gained from their visit and we are currently collating this information.
The results will help shape the future educational standards for HealthBeyond and its national roadshow. This is a
great opportunity to embed specific e-health literacy outcomes into the HealthBeyond experience.
Below is a sample of responses to the question “Why did you decide to visit HealthBeyond?” surveyed at registration
prior to the event.
Better understanding for my aged parents
A better understanding of the future devices and aids that I will be using when working in the health care field
I want to gain knowledge of the health of our future generations
Learn about new technologies that merge into everyday living and connect home and health(care) services
Understand the options for technology incontinence care of older people
I'm interested in understanding the level of awareness of the digital economy within the healthcare industry and the
advantages and opportunities that it can provide in relation to telemedicine
Learn about new innovations in Assistive Technology to aid my role as an Occupational Therapist
Knowledge of upcoming new systems and a better understanding of my role in the role out of these innovative systems
I would like to know about new technologies in the health industries to assist me with my nursing studies
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Sample of Results
Visitors to HealthBeyond, excluding HIC delegates stated:
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Online Exposure
The HealthBeyond website played an integral role in the dissemination of valuable information about the event.
As the ideal source for up to date information, the website was developed as a multi-user portal to deliver key
communication objectives.
Incorporating live feeds from social media outlets and real time updating, the website was visited by more than
7000 unique viewers since going “live” in July 2011.
Moving forward the website will play a vital role in delivery of e-health literacy educational outcomes.
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Mobile Web Application
The development and subsequent release of the FREE HealthBeyond Mobile Application
was implemented to provide visitors to HealthBeyond with the most up to date, real time
event interaction.
Designed to be accessed by any internet capable smart phone, this “app” is fully featured
allowing users to interact on the app itself and more importantly share information across
all social media platforms.
For the National roadshow, the power of such an application will be harnessed to allow
on-going communications to consumers through “push notifications” and real time data
collection. This will provide credible information direct from individual consumers,
allowing for the measure of nationwide e-health literacy growth.
Excitingly, our development team have designed an application that can deliver broad
communications messages, and allow for high level consumer interactivity.
Social Media Strategy
The intention is to drive growth in the social media space for the Roadshow in conjunction with a strategic
marketing plan. For the purposes of the Brisbane launch, we registered HealthBeyond on the 2 major social media
sites – Facebook and Twitter.
We have a unique Facebook URL –
Given the time and budgetary constraints posed for this launch, we leveraged social media exposure through these
platforms, incorporating our website and mobile phone application.
HealthBeyond has quickly recognised that undeniably social media sites are the key to reaching the consumer. With
the development and implementation of a targeted campaign, sites such as Facebook and Twitter have the very real
ability to positively influence consumer e-health literacy – giving the very real sense of “personally controlling” their
health outcomes.
It is our strongest intention to capitalise on this opportunity.
Public Relations Activity
With no budget for above the line promotions, HISA devised a strategy to leverage public support and media
attention from a modest, yet targeted PR campaign.
Whilst the event did receive some good coverage, the appointment of a Celebrity Ambassador would have resulted
in a greater media response. This is due to the fact that little is known of “e-health” in the public domain and
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HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
therefore the media require a more tangible “hook” to cover the story – this is especially true for talk back radio and
day time television shows – all of which deliver key messages to our target consumer audience.
For the Roadshow, the appointment and development of a key celebrity spokesperson will be a priority, so that
maximum value can be obtained from a PR campaign.
This of course will be bolstered by a strategic marketing plan and appropriate budget and resources.
Media Coverage – Brisbane 2011
612 ABC Brisbane, August 3, 2011 –
ABC Brisbane, August 4, 2011 –
Hospital & Aged Care, July, 2011 - Interactive E-Health
City News (Milton), August 4, 2011 – eHealth is the future
Courier Mail – A photographer was sent across to Stuart Smiths’ video games workshop but the story didn’t
go ahead due to technical failure.
Sky Business News, August 15, 2011 – Also shown on Qantas flights in September
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Technology Partner Evaluations
Each of our Technology Partners were asked for their honest feedback about their HealthBeyond experience. As this
was the launch, each Partner signed on with the intent to “prove the concept” and to work with HISA to grow and
strengthen the exhibition offering.
The questions posed on the evaluation form are intended to evoke constructive criticism to assist HISA in growing a
strong campaign to tour nationally in 2012.
Questions posed were;
1. Were you happy with your placement within HealthBeyond?
2. Did your visitors reference the Walking Map? Were you pleased with your representation? Why/Why not?
3. What are your thoughts on the “flow” of the exhibition?
4. Were the HealthBeyond staff approachable and helpful?
5. Given HealthBeyond is moving away from the traditional “trade show” vibe, what value did you find in
demonstrating your solution or product through a “patient journey”?
6. What value did you find in demonstrating your journey to the public/school groups as well as to the health
7. During HealthBeyond, what did you find to be the most common line of questioning from visitors to your
8. What is your feedback on the HealthBeyond website and the mobile phone application? Were you happy
with your representation?
9. Were your expectations met by HealthBeyond? Why?
10. What value did you derive from your investment in HealthBeyond?
11. What elements of HealthBeyond did you think worked well?
12. How can HISA improve HealthBeyond?
13. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Whilst the launch of HealthBeyond was an outstanding success, we learnt some very valuable lessons that will help
shape the future of the event.
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Given we are still collating data from visitor feedback and Technology Partner evaluations, the following is not
exhaustive but gives a guide to the feedback we are receiving:
Key Lessons to date;
1. Creation of a continuous patient journey – perhaps most likely will be several journeys across all spaces
within the expo, giving scope to utilise the entire space
2. Organisation of “group tours” through the expo – best way to showcase each vendor and their story – this
was attempted with groups of school children as well as tertiary groups. In a roadshow situation careful
forward planning and promotion will ensure this strategy is implemented.
3. Creation of an interactive “walking map” for visitors to engage with each vendor – especially powerful for
the consumer market
4. Installation of “touch screen” kiosks at both entrance and exit of the exhibition – capture critical “before and
after” survey results – especially important on a national roadshow – to prove e-health literacy education.
5. Post event evaluation and follow up with visitors – added to mailing lists, encouraged to interact with the
website and mobile apps
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Conclusion – moving forward
As highlighted in the proceeding pages, the HealthBeyond team plans to take HealthBeyond ‘on the road’. We are
planning a 26 city roadshow throughout Australia that will take e-health to the masses.
The success of the roadshow will depend on the financial and participatory support of key stakeholders. Given the
Federal Government’s e-health agenda, their investment into the PCEHR and telehealth, and the need to
communicate with the Australian public and healthcare sectors – HISA will continue to work with NEHTA and the
Department of Health and Ageing to posit that HealthBeyond be one of the communication and engagement
strategies the Federal government adopts over the coming 12 months.
We look forward to engaging the healthcare sector and the general public with Australia’s vision for a connected,
high quality healthcare system, transformed through e-health and one that, thanks to the PCEHR gives them more
control over their healthcare information and better health outcomes as a result.
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Appendix – Technology Partners
The National E-Health Transition Authority Limited
nehta is the lead organisation supporting the national vision for e-health in Australia; working openly, constructively
and collaboratively with consumers, providers, funders, policy makers and the broader healthcare industry; to
enable safer, higher quality, accessible, equitable, efficient and sustainable healthcare.
nehta was established by the Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in 2005. It aims to
develop better ways of electronically collecting and securely exchanging health information, to:
- improve the quality of healthcare services, allowing clinicians to more easily access accurate and complete
information about their patients.
- streamline the care of people with long term illness, who need to be looked after by many different health
professionals, by enabling seamless handovers of care through for example electronic referrals and
discharge summaries.
- improve clinical and administrative efficiency, by standardising certain types of healthcare information to
be recorded in electronic systems; uniquely identifying patients, healthcare providers and medical products;
and reforming the purchasing process for medical products, while maintaining high standards of patient
privacy and information security.
iSOFT - iSOFT puts the patient at the heart of healthcare with a comprehensive solution suite underpinned by the
iSOFT Health Information Exchange. The electronic movement of health-related information to
external organisations is fully supported and is in line with available nationally recognised standards (NEHTA).
GP Clinic
The iSOFT GP solution improves accessibility to information and helps clinicians to operate more efficiently,
eliminate uncertainties and make better decisions.
Aged Care
iSOFT's Medication Management is revolutionising aged care by linking prescribing, formal pharmacy review and
drug administration all in the one system to reduce medication errors, enhance communication and streamline the
pharmacy supply chain. The open architecture design allows seamless integration into existing GP clinical, Aged Care
administrative and pharmacy dispensing systems.
The iSOFT Mobility Suite on iPad and iPhone ensures the entire healthcare team can access patient management
and clinical information anywhere, anytime. Clinicians can view results and diagnostic images, order test and
approve treatment.
for health consumers, for health professionals, for all | join HealthBeyond & bring your e-health vision to life
HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
Australian Centre for Health Innovation - “Health Services around the globe are struggling with providing clinicians
easy and rapid access to clinical systems. The Australian Centre for Health innovation will demonstrate a consistent
user desktop experience instant and secure access to a mobile clinical desktop - an enabler to deploying Clinical
Information systems supporting eOrdering and clinical workflow.”
TechnoGym - Technogym’s innovative solutions make wellness simple and achievable for all. Their Forma range of
equipment offers performance and functionality with a unique design for the home; mywellness key is a device that
measures the quantity and intensity of movement to encourage you to adopt a more active lifestyle; and Easyline
provides circuit training with non-intimidating and easy-to-use equipment.
CSIRO - Established in 2003, The Australian e-Health Research Centre (AEHRC) is a leading national research facility
in ICT for healthcare innovations. A joint venture between CSIRO and the Queensland Government, AEHRC’s Research
Program (directed at Health Data and Information, Biomedical Imaging and Tele and Mobile Health) to improve the
quality and safety of healthcare for individuals and communities through an ICT research program focused on
applied outcomes and active adoption by the health system.
Care Innovations - “The Health Guide” from Care Innovations is designed to help people with chronic disease
manage their healthcare at home more effectively. By providing them access to monitoring, education and
communications tools in one easy to use solution they are empowered to become better managers of their own
healthcare, with technology as their tool.
Motion Computing - For healthcare professionals who have to compute while standing or walking, a Tablet PC from
Motion Computing® enables them to deliver enhanced point-of-care treatment. Rugged to handle harsh medical
environments, easily disinfected for infection control and rich with in-built features, Motion Tablet PCs improve
medication management, clinician productivity, documentation and care team collaboration.
HTR - The technology is wireless blood pressure and blood glucose meters that transmit wirelessly blood pressure,
pulse, and blood glucose readings to a tablet. A nurse practitioner takes the readings and enters the patient’s details
and other assessment information in electronic forms on the tablet and submits to a central electronic health record
(EHR) system via the Internet. The system calculates the patient’s health risk level. The patient’s General
Practitioner (GP) logs in remotely, reviews the patient’s health record and manages the patient’s care plan and
makes recommendations for the patient’s care givers to follow.
Life Tec - The Life Tec Smart Home Concept demonstrates how intelligent assistive technology, integrated in a
holistic ambient living environment, enables people to maintain their dignity and independence in the home.
Assistive technology in the home is becoming a viable option for the elderly and people living with a disability, who
would prefer to remain in the comfort of their homes rather than move to a healthcare facility. Life Tec is the leader
in assistive technology and smart home applications, providing people with solutions to everyday practical activities
– at home, at work or in the community. Featuring innovative solutions from Technogym, Motion Computing,
Tunstall, ComCare and Smartfit.
for health consumers, for health professionals, for all | join HealthBeyond & bring your e-health vision to life
HealthBeyond: The Interactive E-Health Experience
ComCare - ComCare is a community care solution, which enables people to receive the right care, at the right time,
so they can live better lives in their homes longer. ComCare schedules and rosters carers to find their home, it lets
the carer know everything they need to know about the person who needs the care like their care plan, access to
the house, any warnings, and any other health information they might need to know.
IBM - IBM® Australia is a leading supplier of information technology hardware, software & services; business
consulting services, business transformation outsourcing and IT Financing. One of our focus areas is on helping our
Healthcare customers, of all sizes succeed through innovation.
Autumn Care - “Care, communication and control are at your fingertips with AutumnCare Solutions. AutumnCare
enables the creation of, and access to, the latest clinical information contained within forms, assessments, care
plans, case notes and appointment tasks. Messaging, alerts, visual indicators and proactive advice all make caring
easier. No limitations - information can be created or reviewed using a variety of fixed or mobile computer devices.”
HillRom - Hill-Rom is world renowned when it comes to incorporating the latest technology in bed and surfaces
designed to care for your patients comfort and safety as well as increasing the efficiency of your staff. No longer
does "one bed” suit all patients. Features such as Integrated Surface Technology, In - Bed weigh scales, Profiling
Platforms, Brake -Off Alarms, Underbed lights will soon be standard features with regard to what is expected in a
Healthcare Bed. With the Hill-Rom range of bed and surfaces, you are able to choose the Right Product for the Right
Patient at the Right Time.
Panasonic - Panasonic Toughbook Medical Clinical Assistant (MCA) devices provide healthcare professionals with
rugged, lightweight mobility. They enhance patient care, reduce the risk of errors and increase productivity by
delivering continuous workflow, and access to critical information.
Telstra -‘MyGlucoHealth is a mobile and online service, provided by Telstra. MyGlucoHealth allows the electronic
measuring, tracking and graphing of blood glucose levels simply. It provides an automated online system for alert
notifications, testing and reminders and allows the sharing of the results with healthcare professionals and/or
personal carers.’
Inviza - The Inviza patient education product range was developed in partnership with clinical experts and specific
patient populations. It is designed as an adjunct to the surgical informed consent process and to facilitate doctorpatient communication. Inviza online complements patient education in a variety of healthcare settings
SAP - SAP® Collaborative E-Care Management leverages SAP’s mobile applications, mobile device management,
medical device integration, eLearning and collaborative platforms to better manage patients’ health wherever they
are and wherever they go. Improved collaboration and coordination of care activities outside the hospital provide
higher quality of care, while also reducing healthcare costs.
Simavita - Simavita has developed a revolutionary new wireless technology solution that dramatically improves the
quality of life for aged care residents worldwide. The product, called SIM®, provides a better system for assessing
and managing incontinence. SIM® is the result of a decade of research in Australia and is now recognised
for health consumers, for health professionals, for all | join HealthBeyond & bring your e-health vision to life