Instructor: Richard Boogar AP Computer Science A Course Expectations 2013-14 Our Vision for this course is consistent with that of the Goals as outlined by the College Board: Namely, "The goals of the AP Computer Science course are comparable to those in the introductory course for computer science majors offered at university. It is not expected, however, that all students in the course will major in computer science at the university level. The AP Comp. Sci. A course is intended to serve both as an introductory course for computer science majors and as a course for people who will major in other disciplines that require significant involvement with technology.” Source: Computer Science A Course Description, ( Contact Information Rick Bōgär School Website: Teacher Website: Virtual Back to School: Voicemail: (714)893-6571 x4220 Email: Email is the preferred method of contact Text Fundamentals of Java, AP Computer Science Essentials, Kenneth A. Lambert and Martin Osborne, 4th Edition, Course Technology, Cengage Learning, 2011 Course Overview The purpose of this class is to introduce the student to the object oriented programming paradigm using the Java language. Concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and code reusability will be covered. Individual hands-on laboratory work will help solidify each concept taught. At the end of each semester students will complete a semester programming project demonstrating their mastery of the major concepts taught. Course Objectives The student will: 1. develop an understanding of the concept of a class and an object. 2. develop an understanding of how objects model real world objects. 3. implement inheritance to construct an object inheritance hierarchy. 4. implement polymorphism to process collections of objects. 5. study and extend the GridWorld case study project. 6. design and implement a semester programming project. Required Materials The following should be brought to class everyday: 1. a three-ring binder with paper for taking notes and storing class handouts 2. two or more pencils or pens 3. course Textbook 4. USB Memory Key Important: Materials from other classes are not allowed at any time and will be confiscated by the instructor. AP Computer Science A Expectations Classroom Behavior Any behavior that in any way diminishes the learning environment in the classroom is not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to any off task behavior, lack of respect for other people, and not being prepared for class. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. I find students generally know what is and is not acceptable classroom behavior. I follow the discipline procedures as outlined by the school when necessary. School rules for attendance will be enforced. Grading I use a weighted grading system rather then total points. Grades break down as follows: Final semester grade distribution will be as follows: Exams & Quizzes 45% Programs & Assignments 25% Semester Project 10% Participation 5% Final 15% 90 % - 100% = A 70% - 79% = C 80% - 89% = B 55% - 69% = D Extra Credit There is a small amount of extra credit available. This is offered to help students make-up missed points caused by the inevitable infringement of real life upon their education. These precious few assignments are scattered throughout the semester and not saved until the very end. Students are encouraged to take advantage of them as they come. Tutorial I follow the Math Department Guidelines. For more information go to: Please print the next page, complete, and return. AP Computer Science A Expectations Please return the completed portion below STUDENT: It is a class expectation that you take the AP exam in May. Check the box next to the statement that applies to you. I fully intend on taking the AP exam in May. Other, please describe: I have read and understand all the information on this document. My signature below indicates my willingness to cooperate with my teacher and follow these class procedures. Print Student Name _______________________________ Period ________ Student Signature ____________________________ Date ______________ PARENT: Most of the nation’s colleges and universities, plus colleges and universities in 24 other countries, grant students admission, college credit, and advanced placement based on the AP Exam grades, not on the AP course grades. This is why students enrolled in an AP course at Marina High School are expected and highly encouraged to take the AP exam. For more information regarding AP course policy at Marina High School, please go to: I have read the information on this document and understand what is expected. Print Parent Name _________________________________ Parent Signature ______________________________ Date ______________________________ Parent phone: ____________________________ Parent email: ____________________________ Bōgär 2013-2014