Model Test Coverage Measurements in an Industry Setting

Model Test Coverage
Measurements in an Industry
Xiaowei Ma
July 8, 2013
Master’s Thesis in Computer Science, 30 credits
Supervisor: Eduard Paul Enoiu
Examiner: Daniel Sundmark
Mälardalen University
School of Innovation, Design and Engineering
721 23 Västerås
Test coverage (e.g., statement, branch or condition-type coverage like MC/DC) is typically
measured with respect to source code when performing unit testing. However, in the case of
model-driven development, particularly in cases where state-based or similar models out of
which code is automatically generated constitute the de facto means of implementation, it is
valuable to be able to measure test coverage on this more abstract level of implementation.
Recent results from model-driven development in the aviation industry have shown that
there is not always a 100% compliance between the coverage attained by the same test suite
when measuring at the model level, as compared to when measuring at the code generated
from the aforementioned model. In some cases (such as statement coverage), the reasons for
this are obvious. However, considering logic-based coverage criteria, such as MC/DC, the
reasons are less intuitive, even to the point that they may suggest that some test suites that
yield 100% coverage on model-level are not fully adequate when considering the behavior of
the generated code.
We propose a MSc Thesis with a threefold objective: (1) to facilitate the measurement
of coverage on the model level, (2) to investigate the difference in coverage when measured
at the model- and the code levels, and (3) to see if any mechanism can be added on the
model-level to ensure adequate testing even with respect to code-level coverage.
This thesis could not have been done without the great support of my examiner Daniel
Sundmark and my supervisor Eduard Paul Enoiu. Thank you for your patience, knowledge,
experience, and willingness to help me.
I am very thankful to Robert, David, Dimitris,Rasul and many more for the great time
we have spent together during my stay in Västerås.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife and my parents for their enduring
Västerås, June 2013
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Model Driven Development Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Background
2.1 Logic-based Coverage Criteria PC, CC and CACC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 MDD With Rational Rose RealTime
3.1 Rational Rose RealTime Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Logic Coverage of State Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 RoseRT Transformation Rules for Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Experimental design
4.1 Experiment Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Procedure and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5 Experimental Results and Analysis
5.1 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2 Source of Gap in Test Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.3 Test Coverage Comparison Between Model and Code Level . . . . . . . . . . 32
6 Conclusion And Future Work
List of Figures
RoseRT Views and Software Development Lifecycle . . . . . .
Trigger and Guard Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Action Code Attached to Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RoseRT state diagram for a simple booking system . . . . . . .
Example of direct transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example transition specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Code Implementation for Transition chain32 allocateCrntiCfm.
Code Implementation for Function chain32 allocateCrntiCfm. .
Transformation of Direct Transition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of indirect transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Code Implementation for Trigger of Transition watSpConfCfm.
Code Implementation for Chains of Choice Points. . . . . . . .
Transformation of Indirect Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Schematic view of the experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
RoseRT Initial Point Example . . . . . . . . . . . .
Code Implementation for Example Initial Point. . .
Code Implementation for Shared Port. . . . . . . .
Predicate Coverage Comparison in S1 . . . . . . .
Predicate Coverage Comparison in S6 . . . . . . .
Predicate Coverage Comparison in All Subsystems
List of Tables
Truth table for predicate p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Choices for CACC TR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Predicates from simple booking system diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Summary of experimental subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Number of test artifacts in RoseRT model vs C++ implementation.
Composition of Predicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Impact on test requirements for logic-based criteria. . . . . . . . . .
Predicate Coverage Comparison in S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1
Software testing is becoming increasingly important for software development, as the result
of constantly pursuing higher quality of software products. Accordingly, various testing
techniques are introduced to software industry. As the increasing attention of Model-Driven
Development (MDD), there are more and more discussions about how the testing process
and techniques can be adapted to an MDD environment. Straeten et al. [1] summarized a
series of presentations held on MoDELS’08 conference and raised some challenges for MDD.
As stated by them, in the context of MDD, it imposes a number of additional challenges,
one of which is how to verify, validate, debug, and test the models and the code generated
from those models. Compared to testing the models, techniques of testing the generated
code may be more commonly known. However, as the development of model-based testing
approaches and tools, there are more testing techniques that target design models as testing
artifacts (e.g. [2]). Hence, how to test models and code become less of a problem, instead,
more attentions have been paid to the correlation between mode level and code level test
in terms of coverage level. The next section will describe the problem and our objectives,
followed by an overview of Model-Driven Development.
Problem Description
There are regulations [19] specifying that test for safety critical software in avionics must be
designed based on specifications, besides, structural test like Modified Condition Decision
Coverage (MCDC) [20] needs to achieve 100% coverage on code level. Thus, if full structural
code coverage is not met, additional tests must be designed based on the specifications on
model level, but not directly based on the code implementation. Whereas tests on model
level designed for the specifications normally tend to be centered on functional testing, this
can not guarantee that the additional tests will fill the gap of structural coverage on code
level. Consequently, much more efforts will be paid to redesign additional tests from model
level in order to meet the code level coverage requirement until it reaches 100%. In an
MDD context, one solution is to have structural test taken into account on model level as
well, since the code is generated from the model there is possibility that the structure of
the code is consistent with the structure of the model. Whereas the consistency needs to
be verified, and it can be reflected to the correlation between test coverage on model and
code level. If the structural coverage on model level is totally in accordance with code level,
then the structural test on model that achieves 100% coverage will have good chance to
achieve 100% coverage on code level. On the contrary, if there is no strong correlation of
Chapter 1. Introduction
structural coverage between the two levels, it still requires to iterate the process of design
from model level and aim for code level. Thus, whether the solution works depends on if
there are structural test coverage gaps between the two levels.
Model transformation is known as a key role in an MDD environment. One of the
goals that model transformation intends to achieve is generating lower-level models, and
eventually code, from higher-level models [8]. Whereas, one question is how to preserve
the structure of the models and ensure they are consistent throughout the transformation
process. As the concern raised by Kirner [9] , when using model-based testing in an MDD
environment, there is the question of whether the structural code coverage achieved at the
original program representation is also fulfilled at the transformed program representation.
It is the code generator, also known as model compiler, that responsible for the transformation. The way it transforms is so flexible that the only constraint is the transformed program
computes the same results as the original program specification. Thus, after model-to-code
transformation, the structure of the generated code could be differed from the original model,
depending on the techniques used by the model compiler and the programming language of
the target source code. The differed structure could further result in structural test coverage
gap between model and code level, as structural test for the model and the code will target
diagrams and generated code respectively as testing artifacts.
The main objectives of this thesis encompasses:
– 1. Investigate the impact of model-to-code transformation on the test artifacts on both
model and code level. In an MDD context after the model-to-code transformation if
the structure of the code are differed from the structure of model, the number of test
artifacts could change accordingly.
– 2. Based on the logic-based coverage criteria, measure the test coverage for model and
code level respectively.
– 3. Locate the source that causes the test coverage gap between model and code level.
Model Driven Development Overview
In the early phase of a software project, high-level requirements will be defined and handed
over to development team. With the old traditional development techniques, there most
possibly are two options for the development team to proceed. One is to take time to define
solutions in the beginning without yielding software artifacts. The other is to go directly to
focus on code implementation for the requirements without structuring the overall solution.
Either option could pose risks to the project, for example the former may increase the
time to market, the later may increase difficulties in future maintenance. Model-Driven
Development (MDD) approach is another option which focuses on the use of models on
each level of the software development process. In an MDD context, models can be used
to represent different aspects of a system at all levels, such as requirements and design
specifications and so forth.
Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) [4, 10] is a typical model-driven software development
approach which was launched by the Object Management Group (OMG) in 2001. A common
MDA paradigm starts with defining a platform independent model (PIM), which is followed
by manually or automatically translating it to one or more platform-specific models (PSM),
and ends with a code generation from PSMs. PIM is used to define formal high-level
specifications of the structure and functions of a system, and it abstracts away technical
details, while PSM is used to specify the realization of the functionality defined in the
1.2. Model Driven Development Overview
PIM on a target platform that can run PSM. Both PIM and PSM are typically expressed
in Unified Modeling Language (UML) [11], which is one of the core standards in MDA.
Extensions to UML such as Executable UML [7] could also be used for translation of PIM
into PSMs.
The translation from PIM to PSMs as well as the code generation from PSM could
be time-consuming, error-prone and of poor efficiency if they are all done by hand. As
stated by Czarnecki et al [12] ”The MDA approach promises a number of benefits including
improved portability due to separating the application knowledge from the mapping to a
specific implementation technology, increased productivity due to automating the mapping,
improved quality due to reuse of well proven patterns and best practices in the mapping, and
improved maintainability due to better separation of concerns and better consistency and
traceability between models and code.” In order to achieve these benefits, it is imperative to
have an automatable way of ensuring the models are consistent throughout the translation,
and model transformation does the job. Therefore, model transformation is believed to
play a key role in Model-Driven Development. Model transformation encompasses not only
model-to-model transformation but also code generation from PSM. As summarized by
Czarnecki et al [13], code generation falls into the category of model-to-text transformation
One goal of MDA approach intend to achieve is to make the high-level models executable
and testable, so that faults can be discovered and eliminated at early phase, given that
design and requirement faults found at implementation phase will be expensive to correct.
However, the way of testing in MDA may be different from in the traditional development
approach. In MDA, the use of UML models introduces varieties of UML diagrams such as
state machine diagrams, use-case diagrams, sequence diagrams, etc. All these diagrams are
tangible software artifacts from which the test cases can be derived. Thus in MDA, as the
change of the way software systems are built, the software artifacts under test, as well as
the way they are tested will also be changed. However, there are possibilities that the same
coverage criteria used on source code can also be applied to software artifacts on model
level. Take structural test for example, in a traditional development approach it tends to
focus on coverage analysis for code implementation based on related coverage criteria, such
as logic-based coverage criteria. To some extent, the structure of the executable models in
MDA can also be examined by logic-based coverage criteria.There are more details about
logic-based coverage in Section 2.1.
A test process which is modeled with MDA approach is called Model-Based Testing
(MBT). It also aims to test the system at early phase of the development process, thus
MBT techniques are recommended to be used in MDA, though the testing object of MBT
can be independent of MDA. MBT provides techniques for the automatic generation of
test cases using models extracted from software artifacts [14]. It is believed that the MBT
approaches are in line with MDA in terms of favor models over code. One benefit of using
MBT techniques in MDA is that since there are already existing software artifacts after the
use of models at each level, efforts of extracting test models from software artifacts in MBT
can be saved. Mussa et al. [15] summarized 15 model-based testing approaches, however,
the adoption of MBT by software industry remains low and signs of the anticipated research
breakthrough are weak [16].
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2
Since the main purpose of our study is to investigate the correlation between test coverage
on model and code level, it is necessary to select proper coverage criteria that are applicable
to test artifacts on both model and code level, which in our case are state diagrams and
C++ code. For example, data flow criteria can be used to measure the test coverage for
C++ code, however they are not so applicable to state diagrams.Thus it will be difficult to
compare the model coverage to code coverage with data flow criteria. Given that logic-based
coverage criteria are commonly used for structural test for source code, and it also applies
to test for state diagrams, they are suitable to be used to measures the test coverage gap
between model and code level. In this chapter an overview of the used logic-based coverage
criteria in our study will be presented, followed by an introduction of related work performed
by other’s previous study.
Logic-based Coverage Criteria PC, CC and CACC
Ammann and Offutt in their book Introduction to Software Testing [3] state that, almost all
testing techniques could be characterized into a small number of abstract models: graphs,
logical expressions, input domain characterizations, and syntactic descriptions. For each
of the four models, there are related coverage criteria that can be used by testers as basis
to select a set of test cases. Thus, test data generation could be simplified into two steps.
First abstract the target software artifact into one of the four models, and then design
test input based on related coverage criteria that are applicable to the abstracted model.
The use of logic-based criteria, among the four kinds of models, may be more of common
sense and essential knowledge for most of the software developers, especially in avionics
industry. One reason is that logical expression can easily be derived from almost all kinds
of software artifacts, such as source code, modeling diagrams, and function specifications
and so on. Another reason for their growing use in practice is that some of the logicbased coverage criteria are incorporated in standards. For instance, Modified Condition
Decision Coverage (MCDC) [20] is required by the US Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) for certification of safety critical software in commercial aircraft. In this section
we mainly introduce three commonly used logic-based coverage criteria, namely Predicate
Coverage(PC), Clause Coverage(CC) and Correlated Active Clause Coverage(CACC), as
well as their use in practice with examples.
Among the existing logic-based coverage criteria, there are many actually means the
same but with different terminology. Also, some versions of the coverage criteria, (e.g.,
Chapter 2. Background
MCDC) have some ambiguities. This often brings confusions to practitioners. In order
to eliminate the ambiguities and conflicting terminologies, Ammann et al. [21] abstracted
related criteria with more precise definitions of various possibilities and formalized logical
expressions in a common mathematical way. The criteria presented in this section are based
on their work.
A predicate is an expression that evaluates to a boolean value, and is the element with
topmost structure in a logical expression. A predicate consists of one or more clauses.
A clause is a predicate that does not contain any logical operators and can be one of the
following: a Boolean variable, non-Boolean variables that are compared with the comparator
operators, or a call to a Boolean function. . For simplicity, we call a predicate that consists
of only one clause a single-clause predicate, a predicate that consists of more than one clause
a multiple-clause predicate. A single-clause predicate itself is also a clause, and the clauses
in a multiple-clause predicate are joined by logical operators. For example, p = (a < b ∧
C) ∨ f (x) is a multiple-clause predicate that consists of three clauses: a relation expression
a < b, a Boolean variable C and a Boolean function call f (x), and it contains two logical
operators. The most common logical operators in source code are negation (¬), and (∧)
and or (∨). Other logical operators, implication (→), exclusive or (⊕) and equivalence (↔),
are more common in specifications. Ammann et al. defined coverage criteria in terms of
test requirement, thus we need to know the definition of test requirements before related
coverage criteria are presented.
Definition 2.1.1. Test Requirement: A test requirement is a specific element of a software
artifact that a test case must satisfy or cover. [3]
Clauses and predicates are used to introduce a variety of coverage criteria. Let P be a
set of predicates and C be the set of clauses in the predicates in P. For each predicate p ∈
P, let C p be the set of clauses in p, that is, C p = {c|c ∈ p}. C is the union of the clauses in
each predicate in P, that is, C = p ∈ P C p .
Definition 2.1.2. Predicate Coverage (PC): For each p ∈ P, TR contains two requirements:
p evaluates to true, and p evaluates to false. [21]
Predicate Coverage is equivalent to the edge coverage criterion which is used when a
graph-based model can be abstracted from the software artifacts under test. In some literatures, it is also referred to as Decision Coverage [22]. For the example predicate given above,
p = (a < b ∧ C) ∨ f (x), two test cases that can satisfy full predicate coverage are (a = 1, b
= 2, C = true, f (x) = false) and (a = 3, b = 2, C = true, f (x) = false). Though predicate
coverage is satisfied by these two test cases, the clause C and f (x) are not exercised. Thus,
one insufficient factor of predicate coverage is that not all the individual clauses will always
be covered. To overcome this insufficiency clause level coverage needs to be taken care of.
Definition 2.1.3. Clause Coverage (CC): For each c ∈ C , TR contains two requirements:
c evaluates to true, and c evaluates to false. [21]
In some literatures Clause Coverage is also referred to as Condition Coverage [22]. According to the definition, in order to satisfy clause coverage for the same predicate p = (a
< b ∧ C)∨ f (x), each of the clauses a < b, C, and f (x) needs to be evaluated to true
and false respectively. Thus, two test cases (a = 1, b = 2, C = true, f (x) = false) and
(a = 3, b = 2, C = false, f (x) = true) will be sufficient to satisfy CC. As presented, the
two test cases that satisfy predicate coverage can not guarantee clause coverage. Likewise,
the two test cases that satisfy clause coverage can not guarantee predicate coverage either.
Thus, clause coverage does not subsume predicate coverage, and predicate coverage does
2.1. Logic-based Coverage Criteria PC, CC and CACC
not subsume clause coverage. This brings inconvenience to testers, especially when tests
are designed aiming for clause coverage, the effect on predicate coverage is also desired. In
order to achieve this, coverage on a deeper level like Active Clause Coverage is introduced.
Definition 2.1.4. Active Clause Coverage (ACC): For each p ∈ P and each major clause
ci ∈ C p , choose minor clauses cj , j 6= i so that ci determines p. TR has two requirements
for each ci : ci evaluates to true and ci evaluates to false. [21]
ACC is fundamentally the same as MCDC, while MCDC may have some ambiguities
in terms of how it is interpreted. An identifier to distinguish the different interpretations
from each other is whether the minor clauses cj need to have the same values when the
major clause ci cause p true as when ci cause p false. To more precisely match ACC
to MDCD, Ammann et al.[21] introduced three flavors of ACC, General Active Clause
Coverage,(GACC) Correlated Active Clause Coverage (CACC) and Restricted Active Clause
Coverage (RACC). GACC allows the minor clauses to have different values, and it does not
subsume Predicate Coverage. The version of MCDC commonly called ”masking MCDC”
[23] is equivalent to CACC. The original definition of MCDC [20], sometimes also referred to
as ”unique cause MCDC”, corresponds to RACC. Since CACC is relevant to our experiment,
an example of CACC will be presented.
Definition 2.1.5. Correlated Active Clause Coverage (CACC): For each p ∈ P and each
major clause ci ∈ C p , choose minor clauses cj , j 6= i so that ci determines p (ci is active).
TR has two requirements for each ci : ci evaluates to true and ci evaluates to false. The
values chosen for the minor clauses cj must cause p to be true for one value of the major
clause ci and false for the other, that is, it is required that p(Ci = true) 6= p(Ci = f alse) .
Consider the predicate p = ((a ∨ b) ∧ c) ∨ d, which consists of four clauses, a, b, c, and
d. According to the definition of CACC, each of the clauses needs to be the major clause
once and be evaluated to true and false respectively to cause the predicate shift between
true and false. This result in eight test requirements to achieve CACC, however some of
them may overlap with each other. To show the specific test requirements, we present the
full truth table for the example predicatep = ((a ∨ b) ∧ c) ∨ d in Table 2.1. The truth
values for each of the clauses as well as the whole predicate are listed. The columns Aa , Ab ,
Ac , Ad stand for if clause a, b, c and d is active. For example in entry 1, clause c determines
the predicate, if c changes the value of the predicate will be changed accordingly, thus Ac
is active and set to T.
First, in order to make clause a the major clause and the change of a will also cause
the change of the predicate, row 4 and 15 must be selected, since a is only active in these
two rows. With the same reason for clause b, row 7 and 15 must be selected. At this
point the rows {4, 7, 15} are selected in order to cover clause a and b. In order to get
clause c also covered, we simply need to select one entry from rows{12, 13, 14} to make c
cause the predicate to be false, since row {4, 7} already can make c cause the predicate to
true. Hence, this result in three choices for minimal sets of rows,{4, 7, 15, 12}, {4, 7, 15, 13}
or {4, 7, 15, 14} to cover clause a, b and c. The final step is to cover d, which only needs
to select one entry from rows {2, 5, 8, 9, 10} to combine with any choice from {4, 7, 15, 12},
{4, 7, 15, 13} or {4, 7, 15, 14}. Finally there are 15 choices for minimal set of rows to satisfy
CACC for the example predicate, as shown in Table 2.2.
Ammann et al. stated that for a predicate with N independent clauses, it is sufficient
to achieve ACC coverage with the maximum number of test requirements N+1, rather
than 2N [21]. In a way, this is verified in our example predicate which consists of four
Chapter 2. Background
Table 2.1: Truth table for predicate p
Table 2.2: Choices for CACC TR
2.2. Related Work
independent clauses. For all the choices from Table 2.2, they all have 5 rows, which equals
to 4 + 1. As for Predicate Coverage, since it only requires the predicate to be evaluated to
true and false, in our case it can be achieved by the combination of any entry from rows
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and any entry from rows {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}. Thus, only two test
requirements are sufficient to satisfy PC for a given predicate, regardless of how many the
clauses it consists of. For Clause Coverage, each of the clauses needs to be evaluated to true
and false. However, the above mentioned overlap always happens. As shown in Table 2.1,
any choice from the set of rows {0, 11}, {1, 10}, {2, 15} , {3, 14}, {4, 8}, {5, 7} , {6, 13} or
{9, 12} can satisfy CC for the example predicate. Thus, two requirements are sufficient to
achieve CC for a given predicate, also regardless of how many clauses it consists of.
It needs to be clarified that deeper level logic coverage criteria such as ACC and MCDC
play an important role only when the predicates consists of more than one clause. If a
predicate only has one clause, all of the logic coverage criteria collapse into the same criteria
as Predicate Coverage and Clause Coverage.
Related Work
Baresel et al. [25] presented an empirical study that demonstrated the availability of structural coverage criteria for models and investigated the correlation between structural model
and code coverage criteria. The study used a code generator called TargetLink [26] to transform Simulink / Stateflow [27, 28] models into C programming language code. With the
use of model coverage analysis tool, Model Coverage Tool [29], the authors first attained
the test coverage on model level based on an initial test suite, and then with the aid of the
test system TESSY [30], test coverage for the same suite on code level was attained as well.
After comparison, the authors found that a strong correlation between decision coverage on
model level and branch coverage on code level. The strong correlation was further verified
by the experiment result that as the additional test data were designed to improve the test
coverage on code level, not only the updated suite yielded higher test coverage on model
level, but also the respective decision coverage and branch coverage on the two levels are very
close. The strong correlation was present in all the three subsystems of their experiment.
Rajan et al. [31] also used Simulink models to perform a empirical study that investigated
the effect of code and model structures on MCDC test adequacy criteria. The authors believe
that MCDC is sensitive to the structure of the code implementation or models under test,
thus they measured the test coverage on two different versions of implementations, namely
non-inline and inline implementations. In a non-inline implementation, additional variables
are introduced to factor complex Boolean expressions into simpler expressions which consist
of at most one logical operator. The authors first measured the MCDC coverage on a noninline implementation based on a test suite, and then used the test suite to measure the
MCDC coverage again on an inline implementation, an average of 29.5% decrease in the
coverage were discovered. It was stated that the decrease was mainly caused by the fact
that MC/DC measurement on non-inline implementation does not take the effect of masking
[24] into account while measurement on inline implementation does. The authors believe
that there is a serious need for coverage criteria that takes masking into account regardless
of the implementation structure, or as an alternative, a canonical way of structuring code
so that condition masking is revealed when measuring coverage in terms of related coverage
Rajan et al. [31] studied the effect of different implementations on MCDC, while Eriksson
et al. [5] presented an empirical study that investigated the effect of model transformation
on the test artifacts, as well as the impact on the number of test requirements when trans-
Chapter 2. Background
forming a platform independent design model to code. Their study used six applications
of aviation system software developed in xtUML[7] models, which were further transformed
into C++ code by model compiler. The number of test artifacts (predicates and clauses)
was counted before and after the model-to-coed transformation. Based on the number of
predicates and clauses, the number of test requirements for various logic-based criteria was
calculated for each application. Their results showed that as the increase in the number of
test artifacts, the test requirements for logic-based coverage criteria such as CACC will be
increased accordingly.
Chapter 3
MDD With Rational Rose
In our study, an MDD environment is provided by our industrial partner who uses Rational
Rose RealTime to develop their systems. In the following of this chapter, an overview of
Rational Rose RealTime will be presented, followed by introductions of how to derive logical
expressions from RoseRT state diagrams and further apply logic-based coverage criteria
to the diagrams. As mentioned in Section 1.1, after model-to-code transformation, the
structure of the code may be differed from the original model, RoseRT also supports code
generation from models to code. Thus, at the end of this chapter there will be introductions
to transformation rules that translate transitions in a RoseRT diagram into C++ code.
Rational Rose RealTime Overview
Rational Rose RealTime is an MDD tool that is developed specifically to design complex, event-driven, and concurrent systems, based on Real-time object-oriented modeling
(ROOM) methodology [17]. It can be used to create models of the software system based
on the UML constructs which can efficiently generate the implementation code, compile,
and run and debug the application. Around 90% of the implementation code can be directly generated from RoseRT models, and the rest of 10% needs to be manually written
and attached to the models by developers. In Addition to UML construct, RoseRT also
provides constructs that are based on UML modeling elements and are specialized for creating executable real-time models. Currently RoseRT supports the development of software
systems in C, C++, and JAVA.
A typical RoseRT development paradigm consists of four steps. Each step is taken under a view that can be aligned with a software lifecycle phase, shown in Figure 3.1. The
diagrams created under each view are the artifacts of the corresponding development phase.
Use-Case View describes system (subsystem, class, or interface) functionality without specifying how the system internally performs its tasks. Logical View represents the architectural
processes as the model moves from analysis, through design, and into development. It describes how system functionality is provided within the system. Static structure described
by class diagrams and dynamic behavior described by state, sequence, collaboration and
activity diagrams etc. mainly make up the logical view. Component View describes the
implementation modules and their dependencies, containing component and package dia11
Chapter 3. MDD With Rational Rose RealTime
Figure 3.1: RoseRT Views and Software Development Lifecycle
grams. Deployment View shows how the system is to be physically distributed. It defines
the processors, and contains a diagram of the nodes in the system. Since the executable
models that generate implementation code, as well as the main RoseRT UML constructs are
from logical view, and it is closely linked to our experiment environment, it will be mainly
Logical View involves various capsules, classes, and protocols to make up the design
solution for the problem. Main construct elements in the Logical View contain capsules,
capsule state diagrams and ports. Capsules can be thought of as special forms of classes,
but have higher degree of encapsulation and abstraction with some supporting mechanisms.
One major feature that distinguishes capsule from class is that capsules are triggered by the
receipt of a signal event, not by the invocation of an operation. Capsules are very useful
for building concurrent, event-driven systems, and are the fundamental modeling element of
real-time systems. The state diagram captures the high-level behavior of the capsule. States
from state diagrams can be hierarchical and nested. For capsule classes, a state diagram
results in a complete code implementation generated for the class. Ports are objects which
are used to send and receive messages to and from capsule instances. Typical paradigm of
creating the Logical View consists of following steps: creating a capsule, adding a state to
a capsule, drawing an initial transition, adding a port to a capsule and adding the detailed
code to a state machine.
The element most connected to our experiment in Logical View is state diagram from
which the test artifacts are derived. State diagram, together with structure diagram which
captures the interface and internal structure of a capsule, represent a capsule as a whole.
State machines, the main elements of state diagrams, are thought of as behavior models
that graphically present transitions between states. Three parts involved in a transition
are trigger, action and guard condition. A trigger defines which events from which ports
cause the transition to be taken, thus it consists of a port and an event, either a signal
event or a call event. Guard condition is always associated with a trigger. It exists in the
format of boolean expression which will be evaluated before the transition is triggered. If the
3.1. Rational Rose RealTime Overview
Figure 3.2: Trigger and Guard Condition
Figure 3.3: Action Code Attached to Transition
Chapter 3. MDD With Rational Rose RealTime
expression evaluates to True, then this trigger will cause the transition to be fired, otherwise
the transition is not fired. The default value of a guard condition is true. As the example
shown in Figure 3.2, a signal event and a port make up the trigger. A guard condition
evaluated to true are combined with the trigger, meaning trigger will be fired by the receipt
of signal ”go” on port ”commandP”. Actions are the behaviors that are performed before a
transition enters into next state. Typically in an action, a set of variables or attributes are
computed written in a programming language. Actions can be attached to a transition and
a state, either as an entry action or an exit action. As the example shown in Figure 3.3,
an action with example code is attached to the transition. The code will be executed after
the trigger is fired. A step further, after the action code is performed, the transition will
complete by entering into state S2 from State S1. Note that in this example there are no
actions attached to state. Most of the information about RoseRT presented above is based
on [18].
Logic Coverage of State Diagrams
The most common way to apply logic coverage criteria to state-based diagram is to consider
the trigger of a transition as a predicate, then derive the logical expressions from the trigger.
Consider the example RoseRT model state diagram in Figure 3.4, which models the behavior
of a simple booking system. There are four states in the diagram, idle, findResource,
waitingList and running. As mentioned in Section 3.1, a transition in RoseRT state diagram
consists of three parts, namely event message, port and guard condition. The event message
used is this example is signal event and the guard condition is true for all transitions, which
means the transitions will be triggered when the specified signals are received on the port.
Thus, the logical expressions derived from the triggers all consist of at least two clauses, a
port and a signal.
As presented in Table 3.1, in all there are nine transitions in the diagram, the initial
transition is not included in the table. In RoseRT model, the initial transition is triggered
when the object is constructed. For simplicity, one public port is designed to be shared by
all the signals, which explains why all the predicates have the same port in the table. It
needs to be clear that if a guard is false, then the predicate will be negative. Take transition
6 for example, if the guard is false, the predicate should be ¬ (port ∧ quitList). The
predicates of transition 1,2,3,4 and 5 consist of not only a port and a signal but also other
conditions, that is because after these transitions are triggered they also go through choice
points. A choice point allows a single transition to be split into two outgoing transition
segments, each of which can terminate on a different state, depending on the truth value
of the condition. Therefore going through one choice point will add one more clause to the
predicate. Transition 4 and 5 go through two choice points, thus their predicates consist of
two more clauses based on the signal and port, namely totally 4 clauses. One thing needs to
be clarified is that all the clauses of the eight predicates are joined by the logical operator ∧
”AND” , since by semantical translation, all the clauses of a predicate need to be satisfied,
if any of the clauses is not satisfied the transition will not be taken.
After the predicates are derived, logic-based coverage criteria such as PC, CC and CACC
can be applied. To satisfy PC and CC for the 8 predicates, 16 test requirements are sufficient
since it needs only two test requirements for each predicate. As summarized in Section 2.1,
for a predicate with N independent clauses, it is sufficient to achieve CACC coverage with
the maximum number of test requirements N+1. Therefore, to satisfy CACC, transition 1,
2 and 3 need 4 TRs for each, transition 4 and 5 need 5 TRs and transition 6, 7 and 8 need
3 TRs. All the logical operators in the predicates are ∧ ”AND”, this makes it easy to select
3.2. Logic Coverage of State Diagrams
Figure 3.4: RoseRT state diagram for a simple booking system
Table 3.1: Predicates from simple booking system diagram
Chapter 3. MDD With Rational Rose RealTime
Figure 3.5: Example of direct transition
test input to satisfy the three mentioned criteria, particularly for CACC, since any clause
of the predicates can be active when the rest of the clauses are evaluated to true. It needs
to be clear that in order to generate final executable test script there are a few more things
need to be taken care of. One is how to design the prefix of the test, since sometimes it
requires to enter into a specific state before the transition can be tested. For example, in
order to test transition 3, 4 and 5, it needs to be triggered from state findResource, while
state findResource can either be reached from state idle or waitingList. Thus, extra work
like design of the prefix of the test data is needed.
RoseRT Transformation Rules for Transitions
From all the state diagrams we traversed, there are mainly two kinds of transitions that
could be seen from RoseRT model. The first type is a direct transition that comprises only
one step of action, like the example transition shown in figure 3.5, circled in green line. This
kind of transition is triggered between two states that are located on the same level of the
multiple layered state diagrams. The example transition starts from state waitCmti to state
waitAddUe. They are on the same level, and both are the sub-states of another state from
upper layer.
The specification of the example transition is shown in below Figure 3.6. As described
in the transition specification, on model level, the predicate for this transition in nature
language is that signal allocateCrntiCfm is received on port rnhIfCellControlP, which could
be interpreted as the predicate comprises two clauses, namely port rnhIfCellControlP and
signal allocateCrntiCfm. And this rule applies to all the direct transitions since all the
triggers share the same pattern, that is, a given signal sent on a specified port. In any case,
a port name and a message signal name make up the trigger for a transition. Though in
3.3. RoseRT Transformation Rules for Transitions
Figure 3.6: Example transition specification
real implementation, a signal is unique, which makes the combination of a port and a signal
also unique, regardless of the signal is sent on which port. In this sense, the trigger of the
transition could also be treated as a predicate that comprises only one clause, namely, the
combination of the signal and the port. However, in theory a signal is not necessarily unique
to all ports. Therefore, the signal and port are still thought of as two separate clauses that
constitute a predicate for a trigger.
After the model-to-code transformation, this example transition is interpreted as code
fragment shown in Figure 3.7 which is extracted from the corresponding C++ file. The trigger is represented by a nested switch statement. The outer switch statement is used to represent the port, and the internal switch statement is used to represent the signal. Each case of
one switch statement is thought of as a predicate. As seen in the commented part of the code,
port 3 stands for rnhIfCellControlP , and RnhIfCellControlP::Base::rti allocateCrntiCfm
means signal allocateCrntiCfm is received. Attention needs to be paid that under the switch
statement of port 3 (rnhIfCellControlP ), there is another case for signal rti allocateCrntiRej,
which does not add any predicate to the example transition, because this is another trigger
for another transition, and it merely shares the same port as the example transition. There
will be more details with respect to the impact on the number of predicates and clauses
caused by shared port in Chapter 5.
Once the trigger of the example transition is satisfied, the function chain32 allocateCrntiCfm
is called. As shown in below code fragment, Figure 3.8, function chain32 allocateCrntiCfm
makes the transition started and further calls transition32 allocateCrntiCfm which is a manually added function. After that the transition is finished by entering into a new state. Note
that state waitCmti corresponds to state 5 in the code, and state waitAddUe corresponds
to state 6. When the function chain32 allocateCrntiCfm is called, there are no statements
such as if, switch, while or other statements that introduce extra predicates. According to
the definition of clause, it is obvious that the predicate that comprises two clauses for the
trigger in the state diagram is translated into two predicates, with each containing only one
clause in the C++ code.
For simplicity, assume that on the model level the predicate for the direct transition is “if
Chapter 3. MDD With Rational Rose RealTime
// {{{RME state ’:TOP:running:NewCell:waitCrnti’
switch( portIndex )
case 0:
switch( signalIndex )
case 1:
case 3: //{{{RME classifier port ’rnhIfCellControlP’
switch( signalIndex )
case RnhIfCellControlP::Base::rti_allocateCrntiCfm:
case RnhIfCellControlP::Base::rti_allocateCrntiRej:
// }}}RME
// }}}RME
Figure 3.7: Code Implementation for Transition chain32 allocateCrntiCfm.
INLINE_CHAINS void UehCellUpdateC_Actor::chain32_allocateCrntiCfm( void )
rtgChainBegin( 5, "allocateCrntiCfm" );
exitState( rtg_parent_state );
transition32_allocateCrntiCfm((constRnhIfCellAllocateRntiCfmD*) \n
enterState( 6 );
Figure 3.8: Code Implementation for Function chain32 allocateCrntiCfm.
3.3. RoseRT Transformation Rules for Transitions
if A
if B
Figure 3.9: Transformation of Direct Transition.
Figure 3.10: Example of indirect transition
A &&B”, what the transformation rule does is translating “if A &&B” into code fragment
shown in Figure 3.9.
Different from the first type of transition, the second one, indirect transition, contains
at least two steps of transition chains and normally goes through at least one choice point.
As the example shown in Figure 3.10, a transition from state watSpConfCfm to waitSpc is
marked in green lines. Along with the green line, there are in all four steps of sub-transition.
The first step is designed to trigger the whole transition path, and it shares the same pattern
as the direct transition, namely a signal is sent on a port. After the trigger is satisfied, the
example transition goes through three choice points. Each of the rest of the three steps is
a verdict result from a choice point. The example transition will be achieved only on the
condition that every step is satisfied. To be more specifically, the condition is: the trigger is
fulfilled, and the verdict result of choice point SPFlagok2 is true, and the verdict result of
choice point isUeRrcBarred is true, and the verdict result of choice point SpContBagBuildOk
is true. Hence, the predicate for the example transition can be expressed by “signal ∧ port
∧ SPFlagok2 =true ∧ sUeRrcBarred =true ∧ SpContBagBuildOk =true”, consisting of five
clauses. From the perspective of the composition of a predicate, it is evident that each
choice point will introduce one more clause to an indirect transition.
This example transition is expressed in code fragment shown in Figure 3.11 which is
extracted from the corresponding C++ file after the model-to-cede transformation. The
first step of the transition path, namely the trigger, is represented with a nested switch
statement. Same as the way direct transition is interpreted, the outer switch statement
Chapter 3. MDD With Rational Rose RealTime
// {{{RME state ’:TOP:running:NewCell:waitSpConfCfm’
switch( portIndex )
case 0:
switch( signalIndex )
case 1:
case 8:
// {{{RME classifier ’Logical View’ port ’dcsIfControlP’
switch( signalIndex )
case DcsIfControlP::Base::rti_spConfigCfm:
case DcsIfControlP::Base::rti_spConfigRej:
// }}}RME
Figure 3.11: Code Implementation for Trigger of Transition watSpConfCfm.
is used to represent the port, and the internal switch statement is used to represent the
signal. Each case of one switch statement is thought of as a predicate. Thus, the trigger
still introduces two clauses to the predicate of the transition. As shown in the commented
part, the two clauses are port 8 (dcsIfControlP ) and signal spConfigCfm.
Once the trigger is the fulfilled the function chain34 spConfCfm will be called. From
code fragment, Figure 3.12 , it can be seen that function chain34 spConfCfm will make
a verdict for choice point SPFlagOk2 by a if statement, the example transition path will
go through the case of true and further call function chain 35true. Similarly, chain 35true
will make a verdict for the second choice point, isUeRrcBarred, by another if statement.
Again, the case of true will be taken to go along the example transition path, and then
chain51 true will be called. Chain51 true again will make a verdict for the third choice
point, SpContBagBuildOk, also by a new if statement. The case of true once again will be
taken and chain36 true will be called and no extra if statement will be used for choice point
at this time. Finally, the transition will be finished by entering into state 9, namely waitSpc.
The whole process of an indirect transition is translated into nested if statements. Each
choice point corresponds to one if statement, and itself then will be wrapped up in an upper
layer if statement. Each layer of if statement consists of only two cases, namely either to
be evaluated to true or false. From the perspective of predicate and clause, this means that
after the model-to-code transformation, unlike the model level, there will be no predicate
that consists of more than one clause on code level. In other word, each single clause that
constitutes a predicate on model level will be transformed into a predicate that consists of
only single clause on code level. For example, if the predicate for a transition on model
level is “if A&&B&&C&&D”, then it will be transformed into the code fragment shown in
Figure 3.13.
Attention needs to be paid that there might be more than one transition path between
two states. For example in Figure 3.10, between state watSpConfCfm and state waitSpc,
3.3. RoseRT Transformation Rules for Transitions
INLINE_CHAINS void UehCellUpdateC_Actor::chain34_spConfCfm( void )
// transition ’:TOP:running:NewCell:waitSpConfCfm:Junction0:spConfCfm’
rtgChainBegin( 7, "spConfCfm" );
exitState( rtg_parent_state );
transition34_spConfCfm( (const DcsIfControlUeRefD *)msg->data,\n
(DcsIfControlP::Base *)msg->sap() );
if( choicePoint3_SPFlagOk2( (const DcsIfControlUeRefD *)msg->data,\n
(DcsIfControlP::Base *)msg->sap() ) )
INLINE_CHAINS void UehCellUpdateC_Actor::chain35_true( void )
// transition ’:TOP:running:NewCell:SPFlagOk2:true’
rtgChainBegin( 15, "true" );
if( choicePoint6_isUeRrcBarred( (const DcsIfControlUeRefD *) \n
msg->data, (DcsIfControlP::Base *)msg->sap() ) )
INLINE_CHAINS void UehCellUpdateC_Actor::chain51_true( void )
// transition ’:TOP:running:NewCell:isUeRrcBarred:true’
rtgChainBegin( 18, "true" );
if( choicePoint4_SpContBagBuildOk( msg->data, msg->sap() ) )
INLINE_CHAINS void UehCellUpdateC_Actor::chain36_true( void )
// transition ’:TOP:running:NewCell:SpContBagBuildOk:true’
rtgChainBegin( 16, "true" );
transition36_true( msg->data, msg->sap() );
enterState( 9 );
Figure 3.12: Code Implementation for Chains of Choice Points.
if A
if B
if C
if D
Figure 3.13: Transformation of Indirect Transition
Chapter 3. MDD With Rational Rose RealTime
in addition to the example transition path marked in green line, another transition path is
SPFlagok2=false ∧ SpContBagBuildOk=true. Though the two paths share the same trigger,
the predicates of them are different. One predicate is “signal ∧ port ∧ SPFlagok2=true
∧ isUeRrcBarred=true ∧ SpContBagBuildOk=true”, and the other is “signal ∧ port ∧
SPFlagok2=false ∧ SpContBagBuildOk=true”. These two paths are considered as two
different transitions though they share the same start point and end point. Therefore, the
meaning of transition in our study is not limited to state change. More precisely, it covers
every possible transition path between two states.
Chapter 4
Experimental design
The main target of our study is to investigate the correlation between code level test coverage and model level test coverage under an MDD environment. Firstly, an independent
replication of the experiment done by Eriksson et al. [5] has been performed in order to
investigate how the number of test artifacts is affected by the model-to-code transformation.
As stated by Eriksson et al., in their case, the transformation from model to code results
in introducing more test artifacts (predicates and clauses) on code level. It is pointed out
that their results are limited to the specific models and tools used in their experiment. Our
experiment has been performed using RoseRT models and corresponding generated C++
files. Secondly, related logic coverage criteria have been applied to those test artifacts that
are derived from state diagrams on model level, and then we calculated the model level
test coverage based on the total test requirements and actual tested artifacts, and finally
compared it with the code level test coverage that are obtained in a similar way.
Experiment Object
The subject used in our experiment is a radio network system software provided by our
industrial partner. In all there are six subsystems which are developed with IBM Rational
Rose RealTime. Table 4.1 shows a summary of the six subsystems. As mentioned in Section
3.1, capsules are the fundamental modeling element of real-time systems. A capsule can be
thought of as a special form of class, with higher degree of encapsulation and abstraction
than class. The states in a capsule can be hierarchical and nested. The number of the
states in Table 4.1 includes all the states from every layer of the hierarchical state diagrams,
meaning each sub-state is also thought of as an independent state. In our experiment all
the test artifacts (predicates and clauses) on model level are derived from these hierarchical
state diagrams. The transition column from Table 4.1 shows the total number of transition
paths between any two states in a subsystem, including all initial transitions. The number
of the transitions in a subsystem is ranged from 1116 of subsystem S1 to 39831 of S6, which
happens to reflect the actual complexity of the subsystems. From the perspective of system
design, S6 and S3 are the most complex subsystems and the rest of the subsystems are
relatively less complex. The diversity of the complexity serves our experiment purpose well
since we also want to observe if the same result will be present in all subsystems that have
different sizes.
Chapter 4. Experimental design
Table 4.1: Summary of experimental subject
Procedure and Tools
We started our experiment by trying to record the number of predicates and clauses that are
derived from the state diagrams of the RoseRT models, by using graphical analysis tools.
However, related tools for RoseRT models are very rare, and developing such tools will be
extremely time consuming and also beyond the scope of our study. Another option is to
develop a tool that opens RoseRT model files in a textual format and parse all the transition
objects of the models, and then to count the predicates and clauses that constitutes the
transition. After putting some efforts on parsing the models as text, it is found that the
transition informations in the file are not adequate enough to track an indirect transition
that comprises many steps of sub-transitions, particularly when a transition starts from a
nested sub-state and goes through its upper layer state and finally enters into another state
that is also from its upper layer.
As explained in Section 3.3, the transformation from model to code conforms to some
pre-defined patterns which are contained in the model transformation tool. These rules
can be determined deterministically which makes it suitable to track and recognize the
transitions on the model level in the C++ file. Therefore, it is possible to parse the C++
file and record all the transition paths for both model and code level. Hence, in order to
obtain the number of transitions on model level we actually parsed all the transition paths
in the C++ code and used the model transformation rules as a reference to our model level
tracing. Thus a tool called RoseRT Predicate Parser (RPP) that parses the C++ files was
developed using Python programming language. The main function of the tool is to count
all the predicates and clauses for code level and keep track of all possible transition paths
between two states for model level. It also records each step of a given transition path, and
counts the choice points on the path which can be used as basis to calculate the number of
predicates and clauses for model level.
As shown in Figure 4.1, with the tool RPP, the entire procedure of our experiment can
be simplified into below three steps.
– Step 1. Run the tool RPP, the records of all the transition paths as well as their port
and signal can be obtained from the C++ code, based on which the tool will generate
the output for code level by counting the predicates and clauses.
– Step 2. After the records of the transition paths are obtained, RPP can provide
statistics about the steps of each transition, which will be used as one of the two
inputs to calculate the number of predicate and clauses on mode level. The other
input is the transformation rules extracted from the model compiler.
4.2. Procedure and Tools
Figure 4.1: Schematic view of the experimental setup
– Step 3. Based on the result of Step2 and transformation rules explained in Section
3.3, the final output for model level can be obtained by basic calculations.
It needs to be clarified that, different from the definition of a transition in RoseRT model
compiler where each single step of a path is considered as a transition, we consider every possible path between two states that does not go through another state as a transition. Thus,
the tool used in our experiment, RoseRT Predicate Parser, searches all possible transition
paths between two states, and records each step of the possible paths.
Chapter 4. Experimental design
Chapter 5
Experimental Results and
As previously mentioned in Chapter 4, our experiment is a replication of the one performed
by Eriksson et al. [5]. Similarly, the number of test artifacts (predicates and clauses), were
counted before and after the transformation of RoseRT models to C++ code. Based on
the number of predicates P and clauses C obtained from our experiment, the number of
test requirements was further calculated for each subsystem in terms of three logic-based
criteria, namely Predicate Coverage criteria, Clause Coverage criteria and Correlated Active
Clause Coverage criteria. Compared to previous study [5], we share the same result in terms
of the increase in the number of predicates, as well as the increase in test requirements for
aforementioned logic-based criteria. However, there is no significant increase in the number
of clauses after the model-to-code transformation. Meanwhile, the source that causes the
increase in the number of predicates is different. Therefore, the focus of our data analysis will
be the source that causes the increase in the number of predicates and the reason why there is
no increase in the number of clauses. Moreover, though there are increased test requirements
on code level, a same test suite is possible to have the same test coverage between model and
code level. This is because that though the total test requirements are increased, the same
test suite also has a good chance of covering more test requirements. Hence, additional to
the analysis of test requirements, another assignment will be investigating if the model level
test coverage is in accordance with code level test coverage with a given test suite.
Data Analysis
As summarized in Table 5.1, in each subsystem, there is enormous increase in the number
of predicates after the model-to-code transformation. However, this is not the case for the
number of clauses. Only in subsystem S2, S4 and S5, there is a very slight increase in the
number of clauses. In the rest of the subsystems, the number of the clauses is decreasing.
In the two most complex subsystems S3 and S6, the decrease is especially obvious. From
Table 5.1 it can be seen that the number of clauses and predicates are the same on code
level, which is caused by the transformation rules explained in Section 3.3, again that is,
after transformation, in C++ implementation every predicate consists of only one single
clause, which makes the clause itself is a predicate. In short, predicate and clause means the
same after the model-to-code transformation in our experiment. Note that column “Code
Chapter 5. Experimental Results and Analysis
Table 5.1: Number of test artifacts in RoseRT model vs C++ implementation.
Table 5.2: Composition of Predicates
Level Infeasible clauses” from Table 5.1 stands for those clauses that cannot be satisfied on
code level. All these clauses are located in unreachable code of C++ implementation, and
there is no way to trigger these clauses from the perspective of test design. The number
of infeasible clauses is already included in Column “code level predicates” and “code level
clauses”. About these infeasible clauses we provide more explanations in Section 5.2.
Table 5.2 shows the composition of the predicates on both model and code level. Each
cell contains two numbers, of which the first is the number of test artifacts in the RoseRT
model, and the second is the number of test artifacts in the C++ implementation. The
number of the test artifacts on code level is not the same as in Table 5.1, because the
infeasible predicates and clauses are excluded. It can be seen that on model level, there is no
predicates that consists of only one single clause. All predicates on model level consist of at
least two clauses, because it requires at least a signal and a port to trigger a transition. While
only in subsystem S3 and S6, there are predicates that consist of more than four clauses on
model level. This is because there are more state diagrams in S3 and S6 containing more
transitions that go through more choice points. Again, there is no predicate that consists
of more than two clauses on code level since all predicates consist of single clause, which
makes the logic-based test on code level very cheap and easy.
Table 5.3 shows the impact on the number of test requirements for related logic-based
coverage criteria. As explained in Section 2.1, if the number of predicates P and clauses C are
5.1. Data Analysis
Table 5.3: Impact on test requirements for logic-based criteria.
already known, the number of test requirements for each subsystem for various logic-based
criteria can be obtained by some basic calculations. As presented in Table 5.3, the maximum
number of test requirements for PC (Predicate Coverage) and CC (Clause Coverage) is 2*P,
and the minimum number of test requirements for CACC (correlated active clause coverage)
is P+ C. As explained in Section 2.1, for a predicate with N independent clauses, it is
sufficient to achieve CACC coverage with the maximum number of test requirements N+1.
Therefore, P+ C can be calculated by below equation:
T RCACC = P × (N + 1) = P × N + P = C + P
Note that the results in Table 5.3 are also calculated based on the number of predicates
that excludes the infeasible test artifacts. The number of test requirements for the three
logic-based coverage criteria is increased in every subsystem. The increase for PC and CC
are evident more than the increase for CACC. Though the number of clauses on code level
is decreased compared to model level, the test requirements are dependent on the number
of predicates, but not the number of clauses. Because the maximum of test requirements
for PC and CC is 2*P, and P is increased after the model-to-code transformation in each
subsystem. Thus, the increase in the number of test requirements, regardless of the decrease in the number of clauses, is foreseeable. However, the rate of increase is not even
among the subsystems. Subsystem S3 and S6 evidently present much lower rate of increase
compared to the rest of the subsystems. This can also be observed from Table 5.1, in the
rest of the subsystems, the number of predicates is almost double after the model-to-code
transformation, while in S3 and S6, the rate of increase is merely around 55%. As for the
test requirements for CACC, subsystem S3 and S6 present apparent lower increase than the
rest of the subsystems. This is greatly caused by the fact that the number of clauses in
S3 and S6 are more drastically decreased compared to the rest of the subsystems, since the
minimum number for CACC is P+ C.
Chapter 5. Experimental Results and Analysis
Figure 5.1: RoseRT Initial Point Example
// {{{RME state ’:TOP:baseIdle’
switch( portIndex )
case 0:
switch( signalIndex )
case 1:
Figure 5.2: Code Implementation for Example Initial Point.
Source of Gap in Test Artifacts
As presented in Section 5.1, the results from our experiment show an increase in the number
of predicates for all subsystems, which in turn causes the increase in test requirements. An
analysis of the RoseRT model-to-code transformation rule and the generated C++ code
shows that there are two sources that contribute to the increase. One is the above mentioned
transformation rule itself that introduces more predicates by nested switch statements and
nested if statements. This will break down a predicates that consists of several clauses into
several single-clause predicates.
The other source is that there will always be extra infeasible code added for the initial
point of every sub-layer state diagram which is only one layer of a multi-layered state
diagram. For each layer of a multi-layered state diagram, no matter the current layer state
diagram has an initial transition or not, there will always be a case added in a switch
statement for the initial point, which will introduce extra predicates on code level. Figure
5.1 and 5.2 show the RoseRT state diagram for a initial point and its code implementation
respectively. It can be seen that there is no initial transition but only an initial point.
5.2. Source of Gap in Test Artifacts
case 12:
// {{{RME classifier ’Logical View:’ port ’uehRanapProcP’
switch( signalIndex )
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapCommonId:
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapLocationReportingControl:
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapRelocationCommand:
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapRelocationPreparationFailure:
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapRelocationCancelAcknowledge:
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapDirectTransfer:
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapErrorIndication:
case UehRanapProcP::Conjugate::rti_UehRanapDisconnectInd:
Figure 5.3: Code Implementation for Shared Port.
However, after the model-to-code transformation the infeasible code is added anyway. From
test design perspective, this kind of initial points are infeasible on model level since there
is no transition and cannot be triggered by any test data. As above presented in Table 5.1,
the column “Code Level Infeasible Clauses” lists the count of this kind of unreachable code
for each subsystem. On average, the infeasible test artifacts account for nearly 10% of the
total test artifacts on code level.
Eriksson et al stated that in their experiment the number of clauses is increased in
all the subject applications. While from the result of our experiment, only three out of
six subsystems have the same result as theirs, the rest of the three subsystems present an
opposite results. Even in the three subsystems that have increased number of clauses, the
increased number is very small, and the number of clauses is almost the same as it is on
model level. The total number of the clauses of the all six subsystems is decreased by 13.3%.
Particularly for subsystem S3 and S6, the rate of decrease in number of clauses is significant.
After an analysis of the state diagrams and corresponding C++ code, it is found that in
subsystem S3 and S6, a great number of ports are largely multiplexed by many signals. In
RoseRT’s state diagrams, public ports are ports that are part of a capsule’s interface and
can be shared by many states and message signals. Accordingly, in C++ implementation,
there will be many case statements for message signals under a switch statement.
For example, as the code fragment extracted from subsystem S6 shown in Figure 5.3,
there are eight cases in a switch statement, which means port 12 (’uehRanapProcP’) is
shared by eight message signals. For this example, in all there are eight triggers and the
number of predicates for the eight triggers in C++ code is nine, including one predicate
for port uehRanapProcP and eight predicates for eight signals. Each of the nine predicates
Chapter 5. Experimental Results and Analysis
consists of only one single clause, which makes the number of clauses also nine. However,
in the corresponding RoseRT state diagram, the number of predicates for the eight triggers
is eight, since the combination of port and signal make up a trigger. Each of the eight
predicates consists of two clauses, which are the combination of port uehRanapProcP and
one of the signals. The same port will be combined with eight signals on model level for
eight times, which makes the number of clauses sixteen. To make a comparison, there are
eight predicates and sixteen clauses before transformation, nine predicates and nine clauses
after transformation. Therefore, it is obvious that the more a port is shared by signals,
the more the number of clauses will be decreased on code level, and the less the number of
predicates will be increased on code level. This is why subsystem S3 and S6 increase the
least in number of predicates and decrease the most in the number of clauses.
Test Coverage Comparison Between Model and Code
It is already known that the number of test requirements is increased due to the new
introduced predicates on code level. However, the real test coverage gap between model
and code level remains unknown due to that with a given test suite, though the total
test requirements are increased, the actually covered test requirements are also increased.
Hence, it is necessary to investigate the real test coverage gap by a given test suite. Whereas
the limitation of test environment and lack of tools that can evaluate the real test coverage,
especially for RoseRT model, become the obstacles for us to compare the model test coverage
with code test coverage. However, it is possible to create a virtual test suite with specified
test data and to investigate how the virtual test suite covers the test artifacts on model and
code level respectively. Then a rough test coverage level can be obtained by calculations
based on the definition of test coverage on both model and code level. Ammann et al. [3]
have provided the definition of test coverage level as blow.
Definition 5.3.1. Coverage Level : Given a set of test requirements TR and a test set T,
the coverage level is simply the ratio of the number of test requirements satisfied by T to
the size of TR. [3]
Here in our study, coverage level is referred to as test coverage. According to the definition, the test coverage can be expressed as below equation.
Coverage Level =
T ested (T, S)
T otal Existing (S)
Test coverage for this virtual test suite will be calculated based on the equation. Take
subsystem S1 for example, assume there is a test suite to be executed, in which there are
439 different transition paths are covered by the included test cases. In order to test the
439 transition paths, 439 triggers must be satisfied, meaning there are 439 predicates on
model level evaluated to true. Then have the 439 signals all send on wrong ports, which
will evaluate the 439 predicates to false. Thus, the test suite would have 878 (439*2) test
requirements tested from the perspective of predicate coverage. Meanwhile, the total number
of test requirements for S1 is 1756(878*2), also shown in Table 5.3. By applying the tested
and total test requirements to the equation of test coverage, the predicate coverage on model
level would be obtained, namely 50% (878/1756). Have the same test suite execute on the
code level, the predicate coverage can be obtained similarly. However, since the actually
covered predicates in C++ code cannot be exactly accurate, there will be a best and a worst
5.3. Test Coverage Comparison Between Model and Code Level
Table 5.4: Predicate Coverage Comparison in S1
case for predicate coverage on code level. Based on the transformation rules, the maximum
and minimum number of the predicates that are covered by the same 439 transition paths on
code level can be calculated. As mentioned before, a signal and a port make up the trigger
for a transition, and a port can be shared by multiple signals. The transformation rule
decides the fact that the more a port is shared by signals, the less predicates will be in C++
code. Thus, the worst case is that all the 439 signals share the same port, which makes the
minimum number of predicates covered on code level 440 (439+1). On the other hand, the
best case is that each of the 439 signals has an exclusive port, meaning there will be 439 ports.
Thus, the maximum number of the predicates covered on code level is 878 (439+439). Having
the covered predicates evaluated to true and false respectively, the minimum and maximum
number of tested test requirements will be doubled, namely 880(440*2) and 1756(878*2).
Meanwhile, on code level, the total number of test requirements for predicate coverage is
3070(1535*2), also shown in Table 5.3. Thus, the predicate converge on code level is ranged
from 28.66% (880/3070) to 57.20% (1756/3070).
In the same way, predicate coverage for test suites with different number of transition
paths can be calculated on both model and code level. Table 5.4 shows a predicate coverage
comparison between model and code level in subsystem S1, with different number of covered
transition paths as input. As shown in above example, if the number of tested transition
paths are provided, the test cases can be designed by evaluating the predicates to true and
false respectively. The equation can be further expressed as below.
Coverage Level =
T ested T R
T esed P redicate × 2
T otal Existing T R
T otal P redicate × 2
Thus, in our study the test coverage actually equals to the ratio of tested predicates to the
total number of predicates. For simplicity, the number of test requirements will be replaced
Note that column Minimum Shared Port means the minimum number of ports that
shared by all signals under a given number of tested transition paths. It is not accurate to
always assume that all ports share one same port since there are constrains on the minimum
number of ports. For example, when the number of tested paths is greater than 238 it is
impractical to have only one port. If there were only one port shared by 239 signals,
the number of the rest of the predicates on model level would be 638 (878-239-1). Thus,
according to the transformation rule, for the rest of the 638 predicates, at most they will be
transformed to 1292((638-16)*2+16*3) predicates. However, the number of the rest of the
Chapter 5. Experimental Results and Analysis
Figure 5.4: Predicate Coverage Comparison in S1
predicates on code level actually is 1295 (1535 -239-1), which is greater than the most they
can be transformed into. This means there must be more than one port for the 239 signals.
According to related constrains, the feasible minimum number of ports can be obtained,
which narrows down the predicate coverage range on code level. It needs to be pointed
out that, all the data from Table 5.4 are calculated on the condition that the infeasible
predicates are not taken into account. Based on above mentioned calculations, the data in
the two cells with gray background exceed 1, which is impractical. The maximum predicate
coverage on code level is Min(1, P Ccalculated ). The data in cell with blue background is
98.70%, however, when all the transition paths in S1 are tested, all the predicates on code
level will also be tested. Thus, here the result is Max(1, P Ccalculated ).
Figure 5.4 and Figure5.5 present another view of predicate coverage comparison between
model and code level for system S1 and S6 respectively. Again,the infeasible predicates are
not taken into account. Both figures show that, the model level predicates coverage is always
in between the minimum and maximum predicate coverage on code level. Compared to S6,
the code level predicate coverage range in S1 is closer to the model level predicate coverage,
which is caused by the fact that on model level S6 has more predicates that consist of more
than two clauses.
For the total number of transition paths in all six subsystems, a similar chart is shown
in Figure 5.6. There are two more series data that are calculated by taking the infeasible
5.3. Test Coverage Comparison Between Model and Code Level
Figure 5.5: Predicate Coverage Comparison in S6
Chapter 5. Experimental Results and Analysis
Figure 5.6: Predicate Coverage Comparison in All Subsystems
5.3. Test Coverage Comparison Between Model and Code Level
predicates into account. It is evident that with the infeasible predicates included, the range
of predicate coverage on code level is biased downward. This is caused by the fact that the
total number of predicates on code level is increased and the number of tested predicates
remains the same. Furthermore, the maximum predicate coverage is 90.54% (54319/59994),
not 100%, since the infeasible predicates will never be covered. Similar to Figure 5.4 and
5.5, the model level predicate coverage is still in between the range of code level predicate
Chapter 5. Experimental Results and Analysis
Chapter 6
Conclusion And Future Work
Based on the MDD environment provided by our industrial partner, this study presents the
impact of the model-to-code transformation on the number of test artifacts. The number of
predicates P and clauses C were counted before and after the RoseRT model transformation
to C++ code. P and C were then used as the basis to calculate the test requirements for
the three logic-based coverage criteria, PC, CC and CACC. Finally a comparison between
model coverage and code coverage were presented based on the virtual test suite that specify
the number of covered transition paths.
Same as the experiment performed by Eriksson et al [5], our experiment found an increase
in the number of predicates which causes the increase in the number of test requirements
for PC, CC and CACC. However, the source that causes the increase are different in our
experiment. Kirner [9] summarized four possible factors that may contribute to the deviation
of structural code coverage at the model and code level:
– (i) The modeling language may use a different implementation style (e.g., data flow
instead of control flow).
– (ii) The modeling language may use components of high abstraction (hiding details
of complex implementation), which complicate the identification of a structural codecoverage metric’s scopes within the model.
– (iii) Code generation may be parameterizable (i.e., model semantics and implementation depends on the code generation settings).
– (iv) Many modeling environments are under continuous development. Thus, the semantics of language constructs may change over time. Further, modeling languages
are rarely standardized, often each tool provider has its own modeling language.
In the experiment of Eriksson et al [5], they studied the effect of abstraction (ii) and
parameterized code generation (iii ). Their analysis indicates that the increase in their case
is mainly caused by the fact that the used models contain conditions that are not expressed
explicitly as predicates. In a follow-up empirical study, Eriksson et al [6]presented that
the test artifacts gap can be greatly narrowed down by introducing some model-to-model
transformation rules which aims to make the implicit predicates explicit for xtUML model
before the model-to-code transformation. After the model-to-model transformation the
number of test artifacts will be very close to the number after model-to-code transformation.
Chapter 6. Conclusion And Future Work
However, the effect of implicit predicates was not present in our RoseRT models. In
our experiment, the increase of number of test artifacts is mainly caused by the transformation rules that translate RoseRT models into C++ code. The source that caused the
increase in our case is related to the category code generation (iii ) raised by Kirner [9].
Whereas parameterizable code generation is not accurate enough to represent the source of
increase in our case, thus we suggest transformation rules be added to complement Kirner’s
Based on the condition that model structural coverage is close to code structural coverage, Baresel et al [9] suggested an adaptation of traditional test strategy to model-based
testing as below:
– 1. Specification-based tests are carried out at model level in order to check whether
the requirements have been modeled correctly.
– 2. The model coverage reached by the specification-based tests is measured.
– 3. Additional white-box-tests are manually defined or automatically generated in order
to cover the yet uncovered model elements. These tests are executed and evaluated.
– 4. The program code generated from the model is tested with the tests defined in step
1 in order to check whether the requirements have been implemented correctly.
If requirements on high code coverage exist, the model-based effective test strategy
proceeds as follows:
– 5. The code coverage reached by the specification-based tests is measured.
– 6. Additional white-box-tests are manually defined or automatically generated in
order to cover the as yet uncovered program elements. These tests are executed and
Similar to the results presented by Baresel [9], strong correlation between model predicate
coverage and code predicate coverage is also present in our study. Thus the recommended
test strategy can also be applied to the development environment used in our experiment.
Before the experiments, we assumed the test coverage on model diverged from code level,
and we came up with the idea of adding some mechanisms on model level to ensure adequate
testing. However, the results of the experiments are so much better than we expected that
we believe that there is no need to investigate the mechanisms to be added on model level.
Another positive result is that after model-to-code transformation all predicates on code
level are single-clause predicate, which makes the logic-based testing very easy and cheap.
This also is the reason why we only present PC results, since CC and CACC are basically
the same as PC when there is only one clause in the predicates.
We believe there are several options for future study. Since our experiments are limited
to the MDD tool RoseRT, and RoseRT translates the code from the models in a relatively
fixed and intuitive way, we are not sure if our results will be applied to other model transform
techniques. Hence one future step is to extend the study to other MDD environments and
transform techniques. For RoseRT development software, to make the testing on model
level more efficient and effective, a future study could be developing a tool based on our
RPP (RoseRT Predicate Parser) for twofold use: design and generation of model test data
to achieve 100% model test coverage, and evaluation of model test coverage for a existing
model test suite.
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