stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:25 PM Page 1 INTRODUCTION I. World Economy and World Trade Law 1 The founding of the World Trade Organization, and the entry into force of its rules on January 1, 1995 marked a turning point in the development of international economic relations. Following a long period of lesser significance and effectiveness of the international trade system, the WTO today can be considered the most relevant regulatory body in global economic relations. However, its impressive institutional framework and complex body of law, should not lull one into forgetting that its coverage is still limited. International financial matters are dealt with by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Furthermore, important other issues, as, for example, investment, have scarcely been addressed by the WTO so far, but primarily remain the subject of numerous bilateral treaties.1 Moreover, the international system of technical and economic cooperation is significant. In addition, a multitude of other organizations are active in the area of international economic relations. These include the United Nations, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), regional economic organizations, as well as the OECD and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Together, these various institutions and regulations form the world economic legal and institutional order. 2 The concept of order, as commonly used in this area, is also similarly used in national economic policy and law. It characterises a set of principles, laws and institutions which governs social or economic activities. In this sense, the WTO can be seen as an important pillar of the world trade order, which mainly builds on the principles of the liberalization of trade and non-discrimination. In addition, it is also worth noting that this world trade order is only one part of an extensive world economic system which contains the above-mentioned elements. 1 It should be noted, however, that a more comprehensive regime on investments is on the agenda of the ongoing Doha round, paras 799 et seq. stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:25 PM Page 2 2 II. World Trade in Numbers International trade, i.e. the exchange of goods and services, as well as investments, has grown steadily since the end of the Second World War. However, trade activities differ considerably between regions. While Asia has seen an increase in its share of world trade, the figures show a decrease as far as Africa is concerned. In 2003, world exports amounted to some 7,294 billion US-Dollars, representing a fifth of the worldwide gross national product. These developments have many causes. However, it can hardly be doubted that the opening up of national markets by lowering tariffs and reducing trade barriers made an important contribution to it. 3 Development of world trade (export) by regions and selected national economies 1948–2003 – Billion US$ and Percentage 2 World 1948 1953 Billion US Dollar 1963 1973 1983 1993 2003 58.0 157.0 579.0 1838.0 3671.0 7249.0 19.3 41.4 5.7 12.4 3.5 1.3 2.4 72.8 16.9 45.4 4.8 14.9 6.4 1.0 3.4 81.8 15.4 38.9 4.5 19.1 8.0 1.2 5.3 76.5 16.6 45.0 2.5 26.1 9.9 2.5 9.2 89.5 13.7 43.1 2.4 26.1 6.5 6.0 9.7 94.3 84.0 Percentage North America Western Europe Africa Asia Japan China Tiger States GATT/WTO Members 27.3 31.5 7.3 13.6 0.4 0.9 3.0 60.4 24.2 34.9 6.5 13.1 1.5 1.2 2.7 68.7 4 In 2003, the European Union was the largest exporter (19,4%), followed by the USA (12,7%), Japan (8,3%), China (7,7%) and Canada (4,8%). As far as imports are concerned, the EU ranks second (18,7%) after the US (21,8%).3 5 Trade in commercial services is growing and today amounts to approximately one fifth of world trade. In 2000 commercial services4 worth some 1,450 million US Dollars were exported. However, those figures are likely even to underestimate the role of the service sector due to inconsistent methods of calculation and difficulties with the collection of data. For instance, services of foreign suppliers provided by way of commercial pres- 2 Source: WTO Annual Report, International Trade Statistics 2004, 30. Source: WTO, Leading exporters and importers in world merchandise trade (excluding intra-EU (15) trade), 2003, 4 The heading of commercial services includes areas such as transport services, travel services and other industry related services. For further definitions, see also para. 540. 3 stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:25 PM Page 3 3 ence are not included. In 2000, the EU’s share of exported commercial services was 41.2%, followed by those of the USA (18.67%), Japan (4.69%) and Canada (2.49%). Within this period, 40% of the EU’s trade in commercial services was with the USA, while only 13% was with European Free Trade Association States, 6% with African States, and 18% with Asia.5 III. Literature, Information and Research Tools Marci Hoffman, International Economic Law and the Internet: Content, Quality and Research Methods, JIEL 4 (2001) 4, 231–244; Juan M. Mesa, Legal and Documentary Research at WTO: The New Documents On-Line Database, JIEL 4 (2001) 4, 245–259; Marci Hoffman & Jill Mc. Watson (eds), ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources of International Law, ASIL Bulletin No. 14, 2nd ed., Washington 2002. 1. Documents of the WTO 6 Official documents of the WTO6 are available on the Internet for free in the three authentic languages, English, Spanish and French7 – as long as they are not classified or kept confidential for a particular length of time.8 The documents can be searched with the help of the document symbol, which is assigned on the basis of the WTO document nomenclature. This nomenclature reflects the relevant body and the type and content of the document. Each document symbol consists of a combination of letters, digits and additional specifications.9 The following general indications are used, and appear as the first letter of a document symbol: G IP JOBS S WT OFFICE SCHD PLURI trade in goods intellectual property unsigned documents trade in commercial services WTO committees Administration schedules of concessions and commitments plurilateral agreements 5 Source: Eurostat and IWF, see also Eurostat, Statistics summary Nr. 117/20014: EUFigures for the Ministerial Conference at Doha, <>. 6 <>. 7 <>. 8 For details, see the General Council’s accepted principles and the procedure of release, WT/L/160/Rev. 1, 8.7.1996. 9 E.g.: G/SPS/W/63/Rev.1 – (collection/series/type/digit/status). stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:26 PM Page 4 4 The letters after the stroke specify the subject matter more closely. For instance, documents concerning anti-dumping matters are denoted by the letters G/ADP[. . .], whereas WT/DS[. . .] relates to dispute settlement. The type of the document is further specified by another letter as follows: M N Q R W minutes notification question/reply report working paper Further indications concern the document’s status: Add. addendum Corr. corrigendum Rev. revision Suppl. Supplement 7 The WTO Secretariat produces a number of publications, which can in most cases be downloaded. These include the annual reports, international trade statistics; studies and parts of reports relevant to trade policy reviews (see para. 27). The reports and awards of the Panel and Appellate Body under the DSU are accessible by way of the WTO database (<>) and are also published on paper.10 8 The Analytical Index – Guide to GATT Law and Practice (6th ed., Geneva) is a particularly useful reference tool for legal practitioners. It is published by the Secretariat and includes relevant decisions concerning the particular provisions of the GATT. A collection of important decisions, reports, protocols and other documents of the GATT 1947 generated between 1952 and 1995 has been published by the GATT Secretariat under the title: Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (BISD). It is based on an initial four-volume edition. Since 1953, “Supplements”11 have been published annually. The BISD has also been published in a microfiche edition. 9 The WTO has published its first edition of a WTO Analytical Index, covering the period from 1 January 1995 to 30 June 2001, which is also accessible via the Internet.12 The Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards13 covers the case law of the Appellate Body between 1995– 10 WTO Dispute Settlement Reports 1996–2003, Cambridge University Press. Example of citation: BISD 39S/62 = Basic Instruments and Selected Documents, 39th Supplement, Page 62. 12 < analytic_index_e.htm>. 13 <>. 11 stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:26 PM Page 5 5 2004 by reference to cases, subject matter and relevant provisions. The WTO Focus Newsletter covers current activities of the WTO and recent developments. It is freely available and can be ordered by way of electronic subscription.14 2. Literature a. Textbooks, Monographs, and Collections (Selection) Bhagwati, Jagdish & Panagariya, Lectures in International Trade, 2nd Arvind & Srinivasan, ed., Cambridge 1998 Thirukodikaval Bhala, Raj & Kennedy, Kevin World Trade Law: The GATTWTO System, Regional Arrangements, and U.S. Law, Charlottesville 1998, with Supplement 1999 Carreau, Dominique & Juillard, Patrick Droit international économique, Paris 2003 Corden, W. Max Trade Policy and Economic Welfare, 2nd ed., Oxford 1997 Cottier, Thomas GATT-Uruguay Round, Bern 1995 Dam, Kenneth W. The GATT, Law and International Economic Organization, Chicago 1970 Flory, Thiébaut L’organisation mondiale du commerce, Brussels 1997 Hilf, Meinhard & Oeter, Stefan (eds.) WTO-Recht, Baden-Baden 2005 Hoekman, Bernard M. & Kostecki, Michel M. The Political Economy of the World Trading System, 2nd ed., Oxford 2001 Hudec, Robert E. The GATT Legal System and World Trade Diplomacy, 2nd ed., Salem 1990 14 <>. For further sources, see the link, “Resources”, on <>. stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:26 PM Page 6 6 Jackson, John H. The World Trading System, 2nd ed., Cambridge/London 1997 Jackson, John H. The World Trade Organization – Constitution and Jurisprudence, London 1998 Jackson, John H. & Sykes, Alan O. (eds.) Implementing the Uruguay Round, Oxford 1997 Krugman, Paul R. & Obstfeld, Maurice International Economics, Theory and Politics, 5th ed., Reading 2000 Lowenfeld, Andreas F. International Economic Law, Oxford 2001 Matsushita, Mitsuo & Schoenbaum, Thomas & Mavroidis Petros C. The World Trade Organization, Oxford 2003 Meerhaeghe, Marcel A. van International Economic Institutions, 7th ed., Dordrecht 1998 Ortino, Federico & Petersmann, The WTO Dispute Settlement Ernst-Ulrich (eds) System 1995–2003, The Hague et al. 2004 Palmeter David & Mavroidis, Petros C. Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization, Practice and Procedure, 2nd ed., Cambridge 2004 Picone, Paolo & Ligusto, Aldro Diritto dell’organizzazione mondiale del commercio, Padova 2002 Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz International Economic Law, 3rd ed., The Hague 1999 Stern, Brigitte & Ruiz Fabri, Hélène The Case-Law of the WTO, Leiden/ Boston, Vol. 1 2004, Vol. 2 2005 Trebilcock, Michael J. & Howse, Robert The Regulation of International Trade, 3rd ed., London, 2004 Senti, Richard & Conlan, Patricia WTO: Regulation of World Trade after the Uruguay Round, Zurich 1998 Siebert, Horst World Economy, 2nd ed., London/ New York 2002 stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:26 PM Page 7 Sykes, Alan O. & Davey, William J. & Jackson, John H. Cases and Legal Problems of International Economic Relations, 3rd ed., St. Paul 2002 Viner, Jacob A Problem in International Trade, Chicago 1923 Weiler, Joseph H. H. (ed.) The EU, the WTO, and the NAFTA, Oxford/New York 2000 7 b. Manuals – WTO Secretariat, Guide to GATT Law and Practice (Analytical Index), 6th ed., 2 Vol. Geneva 1995. – WTO Secretariat, Guide to Dispute Settlement, 2002. – WTO Secretariat, WTO analytical index, Geneva 2003. – WTO Secretariat, A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System, 2004. – Dennin, Joseph F.‚ (ed.), Law & Practice of the World Trade Organization, (Loose leaf ) New York 2001. – Pescatore, Pierre & Davey, William & Lowenfeld, Andreas (eds): Handbook of WTO/GATT Dispute Settlement, 11th ed. (March 2002), (Loose leaf ) New York 1992. – Prieß, Hans-Joachim & Berrisch, Georg (eds), WTO-Handbook, Munich 2003. – Wolfrum, Rüdiger & Stoll, Peter-Tobias (eds), Max-Planck-Commentaries on WTO Law, 2005. c. Collections of Legal Texts World Trade Organization The Legal Texts – Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 2nd ed., Cambridge 1999 World Trade Organization The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures, 2nd ed., Cambridge/ Geneva 2001 Tietje, Christian Welthandelsorganisation, 2nd ed., Munich 2003 Zamora, Stephen & Brand, Ronald A. (eds) Basic Documents of International Economic Law, Chicago 1990 Henkin, Louis & Smit, Hans & Pugh, Richard C. & Schachter, Oscar International Law: Cases and Materials 4th ed., St. Paul 2001 stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:26 PM Page 8 8 Kunig, Philip & Lau, N. & International Economic law – Basic Meng, Werner Documents, 2nd ed., Berlin 1993 Cheng, Chia-Jui (ed.) Basic Documents on International Trade Law, 3rd ed., 1999 Hilf, Meinhard & WTO-LawRecht, Text Collection Schorkopf, Frank (eds) English/German, 2nd ed., Hamburg 2003 10 d. Journals In the journals field, very few are aimed specifically at WTO law. These include – Journal of International Economic Law ( JIEL) – Journal of World Trade ( JWT) – World Trade Review A number of other titles regularly include reports and articles on this area of law – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 11 American Journal of International Law (AJIL) Aussenwirtschaft Brooklyn Journal of International Law Common Market Law Review Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) European Journal of International Law (EJIL) European Journal of Political Economy Fordham International Law Journal Harvard International Law Journal (HVILJ) International and Comparative Law Quarterly Legal Issues of Economic Integration Leiden Journal of International Law Michigan Journal of International Law Minnesota Journal of Global Trade Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW) Review of International Economics The World Economy World Competition World Trade and Arbitration Materials Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (ZaöRV) e. Information services There are also information services on offer, to allow tracking of the latest developments in international trade law, and especially WTO law. These are offered both in printed form and on the Internet. “Bridges Weekly Digest” is a weekly information letter of a non-governmental organisation, the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Develop- stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:26 PM Page 9 9 ment (<http://>), which is freely available. Another valuable information source is the World Trade Law website (http://www., which has a commercial section, but also contains free material. f. Internet sites for WTO Law 15 European Commission, Directorate General Trade Int. Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development International Law Association – Int. Trade Law Com. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Monetary Fund (IMF) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Trade and Development Centre UN Commission on International Trade Law UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United States Trade Representative (USTR) World Bank World Custom Organization (WCO) World Trade Organization 15 See JIEL 5 (2002) 1, 251–264 and JIEL 7 (2004) 1, 199–201, for more detailed lists of links regarding the WTO and international trade law. stoll_f2_1-10 10/6/05 6:26 PM Page 10 10 g. Research Tools on the Internet Michigan State University – global EDGE (Statistics) Institute of International Economic Law, Georgetown University home.htm New York University School of Law, WTO and GATT and Research wtoguide.html Max-Planck-Institute of comparative public and international law – UN Library Inhalt.cfm Transnational Law Database – Lex Mercatoria