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CFC - Family Ministries
Vancouver, British Columbia
January to March 2012
Move by the Holy Spirit,
one with the Catholic
blessed to witness to
Christ’s Love and service,
Couples for Christ is a
united global community of
family evangelizers that
sets the world on fire with
the fullness of God’s
transforming Love.
We are Couples for Christ.
We are committed to live in
God’s righteousness and
holiness, evangelizing
people through a life of love
and service; we shall work
for the renewal of families
that will serve God and
build generations of
Christian leaders; and, we
shall pursue Total Christian
Liberation through social
justice, respect for life, and
work with the poor.
KFC Events:
Couple Coordinators Training
ROCK Training
Kids Camp @ DBYC-OLGC (Sector event)
Feb 04
Feb 4-5
Mar 10-11
“Let the children come to me and don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14
KFC believes that to be able to build an attractive environment to the kids, the program should have the “ 4F ” principle:
Fun Friendship
KFC is gearing-up for the upcoming events this month, they all “ON FIRE” after all Sector events in January, looking forward to
more opportunities and blessings for the months ahead. First Kids Camp for the year at Don Bosco Youth Centre.
We are please to welcome our New KFC Area Coordinators Bro. Jojo and Sis. Chay Facun, Bro Jojo and Sis Chay were
serving as Cluster Coordinators for the fast few years before they accepted this new role.
CFC Youth Vision:
“Young People Being and Bringing Christ
Wherever They Are”
Covenant Orientation
Feast of Don Bosco
High-O2 Retreat
Youth Advocacies Workshop
Agnus Dei: Church & Sacrament
General Assembly
Discovery Camp
East Cluster
East Cluster
High School Base
East Cluster
Campus Base
Campus Base
Jan 14
Jan 27
Jan 28
Jan 28-29
Feb 04
Feb 05
Feb 24
Feb 26
Mar 02
Mar 30-01
Our CFC Youth are again full of enthusiasm and passion as they’re
getting to their second year Formation Track. They are supported by
our dedicated YFC Coordinators and YFC Full Time Pastoral Workers
Miguel and Candy.
This is CFC Youth ministry’s vision, in
response to the bigger vision of CFC. This is
our identity and our destiny.
CFC Youth Mission Focus:
God‘s specific calling for us is to be “light to
the nations”. Our Mission Focus will guide us
on how we will become light to the nations.
This is how we will concretely bring light to
our respective areas that the Lord has
entrusted to us. This will be our guide as we
plan and accomplish our mission for the next
at 3 years (2011-2014).
SFC Vision: “Every Single Man and Woman
All Over the World Experiencing Christ.”
SFC Events:
14 Issue of B & G relationship
CLP Training
General Assembly 1-5pm @ OLGC
Leaders Assembly
Covenant Orientation Weekend
Evangelization training
General Assembly
CLP @ St Mary
Jan 15
Jan 28
Jan 29
Feb 05
Mar 9-11
Mar 18
Mar 25
Feb 4- May 5
SFC is ready to Step-up and Stand for the challenge this year’s
evangelization and mission work, after the Spirit Filled Whistler
National SFC Conference last year, SFCs are mission ready full
of Hope and Spirit to fulfill SFC vision.
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Last year SFC Global Leaders Summit in
Bangkok, Thailand was over 200 SFC
Leaders and Coordinators from more than 10
countries were present, they drafted new
expanded SFC Vision.
New Expanded SFC Vision:
“SFC is the next generation of CFC,
empowered by the spirit to journey and
witness with single men and women in their
discovery and pursuit of their vocation and
the fullness of the mission towards building a
Christ centered society.”
We are please to welcome Bro. Ricky Ruiz and Sis Rosana in their new role as SFC Vancouver Area Head,
Bro Ricky and Sis Rosana prior moving to SFC were serving as KFC Area Coordinators for number of years.
Posted Schedule may
change if venue will
not be available;
updates will be sent
out to confirm
Using Time for God
God has given us the
gift of time to use
To serve our God
and our neighbour;
To grow to our full
maturity in Christ;
To pray for
ourselves and all
the world;
To give thanks and
glory to God in
everything we do.
“Do not think that
God is further
away from you
when you are in
the midst of the
busyness to which
your vocation calls
you than he would
be if you were
enjoying a tranquil
SFC Vancouver is growing in numbers and this year to better serve our young adult single men and women we
have established
two chapters East
and West.
God has been good to us, He blessed us with another
coordinators to serve in SFC, so we are please to welcome Bro. Louie and Sis Menchu Ramirez our new West
Chapter SFC Coordinators, Bro Louie and Sis Menchu were serving as Unit Head in Burnaby Chapter for the
past few2012
years before moving on to SFC. Bro Steve and Sis Ellen will continue to handle East Chapter.
HOLD Events:
Vancouver 1
Vancouver 3
CLP Training
St. Patrick (Sat 7pm)
OLGC (Sat 10am)
All Saints (Fri 7pm)
St. Joseph (Fri 7pm)
St Mary (Sun 10am)
OLM (Fri-Sun)
All Chapters
Jan 28-Mar31
Feb 04- Apr 21
Feb 17-Apr 30
Feb 24-Apr 27
Feb 05-Jun 17
Mar 31 – Apr
Jan 28
CFC Handmaids of the Lord aims to provide a Christian support environment for single mature women, widows,
separated or divorced, single parents, wives of overseas workers, and those whose husbands are incapacitated
or in prison.
We honor and thank Lorna for her wholeheartedly and faithful service and giving her all during the six (6) years
she served as HOLD Area Head for Vancouver. Through God's grace, our HOLD Ministry has grown not only in
numbers, but as one strong, unified and enriching Ministry. Sis Lorna is moving on to her new role as HOLD
We are pleased to announce the designation of Nody (ELnora) Boongaling as the new HOLD Area Head for
Vancouver. She was HOLD Chapter Head, for Burnaby, New Westminster, Surrey and the Tri-City. Please
Welcome Nody Boongaling our new HOLD Area Head in Vancouver.
SOLD Events:
No Schedule available for the first quarter, will keep you posted!
The CFC Servants of the Lord (SOLD) is the counterpart of the Handmaids for the men. As the male counterpart of HOLD, the
members of SOLD are single parents (widowers, separated or divorced), unmarried mature single men, married with wives
working overseas of physically incapacitated.
VISION: “A Ministry for the Empowerment of Men For them to be Holy, Fulfilled and Productive”
True Men Of God
Per “Familiaris Consortio” written in 1981 by Pope John Paul II as an apostolic exhortation to bishops, clergy and the faithful,
said that within the community that as family, “the man is called upon to live his gift and role as husband and father”. Fathers
are called to reveal and relive on earth the very fatherhood of God.
CFC Sector Events:
• February 11, Saturday – CFC ANCOP will be holding training for CFC Chapter Leaders, ministry heads and
ANCOP Coordinators at Holy Cross (beside the cafeteria) in Surrey starting at 10AM to 4PM.
• February 17-18 (Friday/Saturday) – Vancouver Archdiocesan Conference... more
• February 25, Saturday – CFC Leader’s Assembly from 9:00 AM to 4:00PM at St. Francis de Sales Gym
• March 10-11 (Saturday/Sunday) – MER 2 at Comfort Inn, Surrey
• March 17-18 (Saturday/Sunday) – MER 1 at Comfort Inn, Surrey
• March 24-25 (Saturday/Sunday) – Lenten Retreat at OLGC in Surrey from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
• March 31, Saturday February 26, Sunday – 40 Days for Life (Spring)
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