Where to in 2015

North Cascade
January and February 2015
Where to in 2015
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
North Cascade
H.O.G. Officers
Tom Dostart
(360) 367-1003
Asst. Director:
Catherine Dostart
(360) 202-4418
Angela Fox
(360) 410-6353
Vince Danner
(360) 722-6965
Membership Officer:
Linda Downing
Head Road Captain:
Dave Ballard
(360) 202-0438
Safety Officer:
Jan VanMuyden
(360) 914-1322
Bob Tisdal
Michelle Ballard
(425) 359-0880
Ladies of Harley:
Angie Haynes
Jeff Fox
(360) 393-9200
Buzz Harrington
Leon Eargood
(360) 848-5731
Kenny Vickers
(425) 770-2061
Blooper Award:
Ken Lee
(360) 421-7970
Hope Star
Director’s Corner
Tom Dostart
This is the first issue
of our new Newsletter ,which will be
every other month. I
will be sending out
email blasts as needed to keep you informed of the upcoming activities.
Also, you can check the NCHOG calendar
At the January meeting, we welcomed in all
of our new officers for 2015. I want to thank
the new officers for all of the support and enthusiasm. Everyone has jumped in and started planning for this year. All of the officers
met with Sig on Jan 10 to discuss the year in
As we get started this year, everyone seems to
be excited to start riding again. Although
January weather has not been very inviting, it
only takes a couple hours of sunshine and we
see lots of motorcycles on the road.
Our Road Captains will be meeting in early
February to discuss and plan the rides for this
year. We currently have the First Saturday
and Third Sunday rides planned out through
April. They will be adding to these rides
through the summer and planning some of the
overnight rides as well. Some of the options
we are discussing are starting the rides at different times, as examples, starting a ride after
lunch or having a midweek ride. We want to
schedule rides so more members can participate.
There are currently 4 overnighters we are
working on. First is the Memorial Day
Weekend Ride (known as the FBR) which
would be a 4 day ride, Friday through Monday. This year, the FBR will return to the
traditional route, which includes Lolo Pass.
In June, Vince is discussing his Summer Solstice ride. This date is still in flux. In July,
there is a ride being planned to the Wyoming
State Rally in Sheridan, then continuing to the
Montana State rally in Missoula. These two
rallies are only one week apart, so in between,
there are great possibilities like Yellowstone
Park, Grand Tetons and even Glacier Park.
Dates would be around July 7th–July 19th. In
August, we are planning a ride to Central Oregon. We would ride to Sisters, OR and stay
for 4 nights, with rides from Sisters to Crater
Lake one day, a ride to the coast, Newport,
one day and possible a ride east on the high
desert for one day. Dates look like Aug 5th –
9th. I have also heard of a late summer ride
up through BC which includes Vancouver
Island, with a ferry ride from Port Hardy back
to the mainland and home through BC. With
these events we could have a very exciting
summer. As I said at the meeting, if you have
a favorite ride, short or long, and would like
friends to ride with, let us know and we will
forward the information. There will be signup sheets at the Feb meeting for all of the
overnight rides.
North Cascades Harley-Davidson is again
having a Mileage Contest Jan 1st through Mar
31st. There are 3 prizes this year. Stop in at
the dealership and register your starting mileage. It is not too late to register and win!
On Jan 31st, North Cascades HarleyDavidson is hosting the Men’s Night Out.
This is a great opportunity to get yourself or
your significant other a great Valentine’s gift.
A new motorcycle would make an awesome
Valentine’s Day gift. There will be food,
beer, and a raffle for a great doghouse.
Time will be from 6 to 8 PM.
The Valentine’s Day Party will be on Feb
14th at North Cascades Harley-Davidson.
Finally, remember that the end of February is
the deadline for NCHOG registration. Please
get your dues paid before then. We will be
changing the password for the NCHOG
website on March 1. Membership forms
are included in this newsletter.
See you the Feb. 1st for Sunday meeting.
Ride Safe and stay warm!
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
Safety with Jan
Jan VanMuyden
The T-CLOCK Inspection worksheet!
T-CLOCK is a mnemonic developed by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation for assisting you in doing a comprehensive pre-ride (or a pre-purchase) inspection of a motorcycle.
A good start for a new riding season! You can visit the website and print it off, keep
it in your garage near your bike or tuck it in a saddle bag, good to memorize and
The Ladies of Harley Report
Angie Haynes
My name is Angie Haynes, and I’m super excited to be your LOH officer this year!
Some of you may recognize me from North Cascades Harley Davidson or Bellingham
Harley-Davidson where I’ve held several positions over the past 10 years, including
Sales, Finance, Sales Manager, HOG liaison, and now Business Manager. I’m looking forward to being more involved with North Cascade HOG, and will be attending
H.O.T training in Albuquerque at the end of February. I’m excited to learn as much as
I can while I’m there and bring that knowledge back to the chapter. I hope to see all
the ladies at the monthly L.O.H. meeting at Bobs Burger & Brew on Old Hwy 99 in Burlington. The meetings
are the third Tuesday of the month, and start at 6:30pm, but we love to show up at 5:30pm for dinner and chat
beforehand. Looking forward to a fabulous year with all of you!
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
December 2014 Toys for Tots
& Dealership X-mas Party
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
Riding the FBR
Hope Star
The Flaccid Buns Run was started by Senior Road Captain, Don Carter. There were always a few,
maybe 6-8, hardy soles willing to take off on the 1200 plus miles for a quick ride to Montana and back over
Memorial Day weekend. The route is known for the diagonal sweep across Washington, with some great
blacktop two-lane hidden roads, and then up over Lolo Pass. Anyone that has ridden out of state knows that
Lolo Pass is a ‘must ride’ when you head across Idaho.
My first FBR was in 2005, riding two-up with Paul. That was the ‘hot ride’ where we hit over 100 degrees out of Moses Lake and Don went, non-stop, all the way to Lewiston. Everyone was about dying. I remember seeing ‘Ice Cold Pepsi’ signs as we got near Starbuck, WA….. yep, ICE cold. But we flew by. By
the time we reached Lewiston and the Red Lion Motel most of us were at the point we couldn’t get our legs to
work just to get off the bikes. Several folks had just pulled off and taken a break, but then didn’t know how to
get to the motel. But as we all piled into the restaurant patio for some cold ones and food spirits started to rise.
There’s an inside joke about ‘Flood Lights’ that goes along with that night on the patio.
By 2006 I had gotten a 2006 Deluxe and was ready to take off on the FBR, sort of a trial by fire since I
would be put in number two position with Don Carter leading. This was the year that the weather really didn’t cooperate and we weren’t able to get over Lolo Pass, or to Thompson Falls. We stayed on the west side of
the Bitterroot Range, low but not necessarily dry. Heading into Idaho we passed through a small town getting
ready for a parade. Everyone was lining the main street, waving and smiling. We rode down the main street
right ahead of the parade, lucky for us. After a overnight at Plummer, Idaho, just south of Coeur d’Alene, we
all met in the lobby to look at the weather forecast. Good thing they had nice couches. We hung out waiting
for Roadkills to get info about passes and where the snow was hitting. Our option was to stay low, try to keep
dry and get to Omak. The group photo shows us at Grand Coulee dam. We finally hit Omak where I have one
of my favorite photos of Buzz and Darlene, sitting between two angles.
We did get back over Hwy 20, just ahead of snow hitting and closing the road during a late spring storm. Our
last group photo was at a pit stop between the two passes. Snow surrounded our group, but we were all smiling.
Yes, I think every FBR has memories for many of our riders. Those Ride Determining Moments,
RDMs, that make great ride memories. Those times when later someone will say something really random and
everyone that was on the ride starts to laugh. ~ Hope
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
At North Cascades Harley-Davidson
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
There is still time to sign up for North Cascades Harley-Davidson mileage contest. Fill out and print the entry
form below and ride on in to the Dealership. The go rack up some miles!
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on
line at www.ncHOG.com
Coming Events
Remember, all FSR’s and TSR’s leave North Cascades Harley-Davidson at 10:00AM Pacific Standard Time. Then due to Daylight savings time on March 8th all rides after that will leave at 9 am
NCHOG Meeting
The First
NCHOG Meeting
(American Legion Hall, SedroWoolley)
Breakfast at 9and meeting at 10
First Sunday meetings in SedroWoolley. Meeting
starts at 10 am but
come early and enjoy a great breakfast
for a small charge.
Great opportunity to
visit and find out
what is going on in
the upcoming month.
The First
NCHOG Meeting
(American Legion Hall, SedroWoolley)
Breakfast at 9 and meeting at 10
The Third
HOG Trough Dinner
Iron Skillet in Sedro-Woolley
The Seventh
First Saturday Ride @ 10am
Vince and Bob
The Tenth
Road Captains Meeting
Stanwood @ 6pm
The Fifteenth
Third Sunday Ride @ 9am
Chet and Vince
The Fifteenth
Third Sunday Ride @ 10am
Jan and JD
The Seventeenth
LOH Meeting
(Bob’s Burgers and Brew - 6:30PM)
Happy St Patrick's Day
The Seventeenth
LOH Meeting
(Bob’s Burgers and Brew - 6:30PM)
The Twenty Fourth
Officers Meeting
5:30pm at Foothills Toyota
The Eighth (Clocks Ahead)
Pool Shoot Tourney
At the Sports Keg
Breakfast then tourney starts at
The Tenth
HOG Trough Dinner 6:30pm
The Fourteenth
Valentines Day
Party at the Dealership
The Nineteenth
HOG Trough Dinner 6:30pm
Bobs Burger and Brew
The Seventh
First Saturday Ride @ 10am
Len and Dave
The Twenty First
Kick Off Riding Season Party
At the Dealership
HOG Trough
Happening twice a
month at different locations. A chance to
get together in some
old favorite places
and maybe explore
some new ones. Visit with long time
friends and meet
new people!
The Twenty Second
Shoot out
Skagit Range 9:30am
Chapter will be covering the $10
range fee
The Twenty Sixth
HOG Trough Dinner 6:30pm
The Twenty Seventh
Ladies Garage Party
@ The Dealership
The Thirty First
Mileage contest at Dealership ends
Officers Meeting
5:30pm at Foothills Toyota
North Cascade Chapter 3587
5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
page 9
North Cascades HOG Is Active
by Bob Tisdal, Activities Officer
Greetings to all brother and sister HOG members. I’m
looking forward to a fun and exciting year of riding and
socializing. In the next few months we have a few HOG
trough dinner nights planned. They start at 6:30 and everyone is invited for a good time and a few laughs. On Feb.
3rd (Tuesday) we will meet at the Iron Skillet in SedroWoolley and on Feb. 19th (Thursday) the dinner will be at
Bob’s Burger and Brew. The first Saturday ride Feb 7th,
Vince and myself will meet at the dealership by 9:45 and
leave for the Snohomish county area with a lunch planned
ar Roadhouse in Lake Goodwin. Hope to see a lot of
friends on the ride. On Feb 15th, Jan and JD will be leading a ride in the local area with lunch planned at Conway
Tavern. Of course we have our Chapter meeting on Mar
1st and if the weather is good someone may want to lead
a ride after the meeting, never know. Len and Dave are
the road captains for our 1st Saturday ride on Mar 7th.
Destination unknown. Our annual pool shoot tourney is
the next day Mar 8th and it begins with breakfast and the
tourney starts at 10:00am. The Sports Keg is the location
and I heard that their breakfast is good. Hope to see a lot
of our members there. The 3rd Sunday ride Mar 15th @ 9
am has Chet and Vince as the road captains, destination
unknown. HOG trough dinner nights are scheduled for
Mar 10th (Tuesday) and Mar 26th (Thursday). If someone
has a hankering for a certain spot for dinner on one of
those nights please let me know and I will arrange it. Bob
HOG Trough Dinner 11/20/14 @ Rhodes River Ranch
Chaplin’s Corner
By Buzz Harrington
I just received my 24th HOG membership packet this
month. My first Harley ride was in 1955 on the handle bars of an iron head 45”. In Aug of 1959, I
bought my first motorcycle, a 1956 BSA Goldstar.
Since that day, in 1959, God has blessed me with a
motorcycle most all of those 56 yrs. Near the back of
the 2015 HOG membership guide, it tells us, “When
you’re out on the road, who you know is everything.”
I believe they’re advising that we get connected with
a good Harley
Davidson dealer, to trust our mechanic, and rely on
H-D Insurance. This is good advice. The Bible tells
us in Psalm 139:1&2 “O Lord, you have searched me
and know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise, you perceive
my thoughts from afar.” You see, God knows us bet-
ter than anyone, our hopes and fears are not new to
him and he also wants us to trust in His guidance and
get to know Him, and believe in Him that everlasting
life might be ours.
Hug your Harley brothers and sisters for we are better
Ride Safe, Buzz
For prayer contact Buzz
@ BuzDar@comcast.net
or 360-568-9889
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
Head Road Captain
Dave Ballard
First thing I would like give big thank you to Keith for the hard work he put in last year, I really appreciated it!
There were some great rides last year, probably my favorite was Keith’s Hurricane Ridge picnic ride leading
into an overnight ride around the peninsula because it gave a chance for people to go just for the day or the
weekend. Now in the upcoming New Year, there are lots of multi day rides being planned that many are anxiously looking forward to attending. While you are planning and making preparations for this year’s big adventures, let’s not forget about the first Saturday and third Sunday rides! There are still lots of good roads and
destinations within a few hours ride to be explored.
I will be working hard this year to encourage the Road Captains to think outside the box & look for places perhaps a bit more off the beaten path when planning their rides. A little hard to do perhaps in the winter when we
seem to become trapped in the Skagit Valley Lowlands. but rest assured spring and its warmer days are not
too far distant. I hope we can all work toward making the little ole one day rides a little less predictable and
into something you don’t want to miss out on.
The third Sunday ride this month seemed perhaps to be a bit doomed from the start, it was after all scheduled
for a Seahawks NFC championship game day (to be fair it was scheduled before the Hawks decided to make
the playoffs), and the weather promised to be a bit damp. Then with the sweep coming down with the creeping crud and having to bow out, things did not bode well. Sunday morning arrived and I geared up and headed
for the dealership, expecting a quick trip up and back. As I got off the freeway, I found I was actually following another bike, when we arrived at the dealership, I discovered the bike I was behind belonged to Ron Hubbard, a new member who had purchased his bike at the black Friday sale, and that he had not been at a meeting
or a ride yet. After a bit of visiting the two of us decided to head out for a ride, and yes it was just going to be
the infamous ride around the Skagit Valley, however for Ron, who is new to the Skagit area, these were all
new roads and scenery. Even Mother Nature gave us a break for most of the ride. I look forward to seeing Ron
at the next meeting and riding with him through the year.
Moral of the story, let’s get out and ride – no matter where the ride takes you or how long it is, you never
know what you will find, or who you will meet along the way.
Editors Notes
Michelle Ballard
I had no idea what all was involved with being an editor when I volunteered for this and am sure I still have no
idea. Mike and Vickie have done such an amazing job for many years and I am very thankful he is such a kind
man to help me out with this as I stumble through.
I am really hoping that this will be an opportunity for me to meet a lot of the NCHOG members as I am looking forward to adding more and more stories of favorite rides and fun experiences you have. To do this I need
you to mail your stories to me. You can email them to me at editor@nchog.com, write them down and bring
them to a meeting or even text to them to me 425-359-0880 Pictures and stories wanted! Thanks, Michelle
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
Minutes, December 2014 Meeting
December 2, 2014 Chapter Meeting
The meeting began at 10:00 a.m.
By Angela Fox, Secretary
In honor of Pearl Harbor Day Vince Danner said a few words and we all recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The first Saturday ride in November was led by Len Northrop who took the group up to Sandy Point. It was a little
rainy with breaks of sun. They stopped at the Hilltop for lunch and came back HWY 9 through Deming and back
to Sedro Woolley. There were 5 bikes and 6 riders.
Head Road Captain Keith Aldrich spoke about the Toy Run on December 6th. He was very impressed with the 59
bikes that turned out. They raised $400 plus all the donated toys. He wanted to thank everyone and is looking forward to next year. He also wanted to thank everyone for the support over the last year as head road captain because
it is a lot of work. He wishes Dave Ballard all the best in the coming year.
Hope Star is our bowling coordinator and she said this years’ bowling event was well attended by 36 people of
those 25 participated in the bowling. She did hand out certificates. These are once a year bowlers and we sure do
have a lot of fun.
Catherine Dostart let us know that the Ladies Night at the dealership on November 15 th had a good turn out and
everyone had a great time. We are all looking forward to the next Ladies night.
Activities J.D. Stewart read the scores for the Glock Challenge that they had at the shooting event at the Skagit
Shooting Range. The top shooters were J.D. Stewart, Devin Blakesley and Mike Downing. The boobie prize went
to Ken Lee. He did say that he had a good time because he got to shoot guns. We will look forward to having a
shooting event quarterly in the coming year. J.D. wanted to thank everyone for the year and participating in the
Christmas party, pool shoot, bowling and BBQ.
Bob Tisdel said all had a great time at the HOG trough at the Ranch in Oso. The next one will be at Gentlemen
Gene’s on December 9th and then the Farmhouse on January 8th.
Today is Election Day and we will be collecting ballots for the activities person.
Ken Lee handed out some bloopers. Ayse Kut-Williams received a left arrow patch and Angela Moquin received a
pants alarm. Good times ladies!
The ballots from today’s elections will be counted by Vince, Jan and Jeff. For the upcoming year it was also decided to not elect any assistant officers. The 2015 chapter newsletter will also come out 4 times a year. We would
like to get the chapter calendar to correspond with the website calendar.
North Cascades Harley Davidson will be having their Winterfest party on January 24 th, Men’s Night is on January
31st and there will be a Valentine’s party on February 14th. . In January a poker chip worth $5 in store credit will be given
for each $100 you spend (excluding motorcycle purchases) . Angie Haynes is our LOH Officer for 2015. If you have any
questions please contact her at angieh@northcascadesharley.com
The Director’s ride will be December 31st leaving the dealership at 10 a.m. with a stop for lunch at the Brown Lantern in Anacortes. Darcy Kirkman will be heading out for the Polar Bear Run on January 1 st, with everyone meeting at Sharps Corner, kickstands up at 9 a.m.
Mary Quehrn let us know that the registration for the European Posse Ride 2016 will begin February 2015.
The HOG number in the newsletter went to Alex Coleman, Door prize winner was Ayse Kut-Williams and the
50/50 winner was Vince Danner.
Tom wished everyone Happy Holidays.
The meeting closed at 11:05 a.m.
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
Minutes, January 2015 Meeting
By Angela Fox, Secretary
January 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting
The meeting started at 10:00 a.m.
Our director Tom Dostart Welcomed and wished everyone a Happy New Year! Stan Bryant opened the meeting with a prayer and asked us to love one another as you would love yourself.
We would like to welcome our new members Larry who rides a black Dyna and Dave who rides a blue
Bob Tisdel received a certificate for helping with the Burn Camp. All 2015 new
officers stood to be recognized. Tom presented the outgoing officers plaques.
Thank you to J.D. Stewart, Len Northrup, Keith Aldrich, Rhonda Anderson, Tara
Corona and Vicki Tanner. Mike Tanner was presented with a special clock for all
his years of hard work. Mike Tanner offered a couple pieces of advice for the
newsletter 1. Inform 2. Entertain and keep it 3. Non Political. Thank you to all the
officers that did submit your articles over the years.
There will be a couple of plaques that will be at the dealership. One is for the J.B.
Bryson volunteer of the year. This year’s volunteer award went to Debbie Fournier. The member of the year went to Bob Tisdel and Road Captain of the year
went to Dave Ballard.
Safety Jan VanMuyden will be working close with the road captain Dave Ballard as far as group riding, classes
that will be offered and safety tips. Jan will be planning the FBR ride (Flaccid Buns Run) for May 22-24.
Angie Haynes is our dealer employee manager for our HOG Chapter and also our LOH officer. Here is a rundown of the events happening at the dealership, January 24th is the Winterfest party with a balloon pop for additional discounts, January 31st is Men’s night from 6-8 p.m. They will be raffling off a dog house, tickets are
$5.00 a piece and all proceeds will go to the Humane Society and February 14th is the Valentine’s Day party.
Starting January 2nd to March 31st the dealership is having their mileage contest. Sign up at the dealership.
There will be 3 winners this year. The next LOH meeting will be on January 20th at Bob’s Burger and Brew in
Burlington, the meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. But come early for dinner and conversation.
Treasurer Vince Danner read the treasurers report. With a few expenses going out and membership dues coming in we are still looking pretty good. If you would like to look at the books contact Vince. Membership Linda Downing let us know that our current membership is at 247.
Assistant Director Catherine Dostart has signups at the front table to work the HOG table at the February 14th
party at the dealership. The PNW state rally is August 27-29 in Portland OR. There is a link on our website
that will take you to their website if you are looking for information. There are still 4 spots open to attend the
HOT training this year. If you are an officer and are interested in going please contact Catherine. If you are
not signed up on HOG.com you are missing out on all the benefits that you get by being a member of HOG.
Take advantage of these programs. This allows you discounts for AT & T, Best Western’s and more.
Activities Bob Tisdel let us know that the 1st scheduled ride is January 18th with Dave and Jan. The January 8th
HOG trough is at the Pantry and Pub in La Conner, January 20th HOG trough is at the Conway Pub. We are
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
January Meeting continued ...
scheduling the Pool Shoot for March 8th at the Sports Keg in Burlington at 10 a.m. and the next shooting event
will be on March 22nd at the Skagit Shooting Range at 9:30 a.m. Bob also wanted to know if anyone would be
interested in going as a group ride to a Mariners game, Woodland Park Zoo or having a Mother’s/Father’s day
ride? We are open to all suggestions.
Vince also asked if anyone would be interested in going to the Wyoming State Rally July 8-11th and heading
back through Yellowstone and hitting the Montana State Rally July 16-18th on the way back. If you are interested get in touch with Vince. Tom Dostart will also be heading out on the Crater Lake Ride August 6th. The
group will set up in Sisters, OR and then hit the beach one day and go to the desert the next day. The PNW Tri
State Rally is August 27-29th in Portland OR. Jan will be planning another Canadian ride in September. Mark
these rides on your calendar if you are interested.
Road Captain Dave Ballard let us know that the 1st and 3rd rides will be depending on the weather. The next
road captains meeting will be in March. If you are interested in becoming a road captain please contact Dave.
Editor Michelle Ballard is willing to take your article submissions any time now. If you have pictures you
would like to send forward to Michelle, Leon or Kenny or you can post them on the FTP website.
Webmaster Kenny Vickers asked if you have checked out the NCHOG web page lately. There is a members
section that has forms available, you can look up events, activities and check out the NCHOG calendar. The
password to the website will change in March. Make sure you get your membership renewed.
Patches Hope Star has patches available. If you have not gotten your J.B. patch yet there are still some available. She has the chapter rockers available and she has also placed a signup sheet on the front table for the
chapter shirt order. Hope has also brought back NC. NCHOG is a little pig that travels around from place to
place getting his picture taken. This picture will be passed around at the Sunday meeting so everyone will
have a chance to guess where NC is? This last meeting the picture of NC was in the Pool room at the dealership. Linda Downing was our lucky winner.
Photographer Leon Eargood will be placing Harry and Harriet pig out in the county somewhere and will post a
picture soon.
Historian Jeff Fox wished everyone a Happy New Year and safe riding.
Bob Tisdel and Keith Aldrich are planning the 2015 Christmas party at the Sedro-Woolley Eagles on December 5th. This will be catered with music and dancing.
The door prize winner was Sandi Castano and the 50/50 winner was Dave Ballard.
Tom reminded everyone to get your membership in and Have a great January!
The meeting ended at 11:14 a.m.
North Cascade Chapter 3587 H.O.G. Press / on line at www.ncHOG.com
Historian’s Report
By Jeff Fox, Historian
HOG Over The Last 30 Years
HOG at 10 Years 1983-1993
1984 The earliest H.O.G. events were either largely
unofficial or tacked on to existing motorcycle events
(or both). The first official “stand-alone” events were
the two North American National Rallies in Reno,
Nevada and Nashville, Tennessee.
1985 Riders lined up on a street in front of the U.S.
Capitol, during the Ride for Liberty.
1986 A woman’s place: Ladies of Harley (LOH)
makes its debut.
1988 85 Anniversary – Hair styles and fashion have
changed a lot over the years, but a black leather
Harley jacket never goes out of style.
HOG at 20 Years 1994-2004
1996 H.O.G. spreads its wings in East Asia with the
1st Japan National H.O.G. Rally.
1998 A homecoming weekend. More than 53,000
members from 42 countries come home to Milwaukee to celebrate 15 years of H.O.G. Over the years,
countless couples tied the knot at H.O.G.
events. Local and global H.O.G. surpasses 1,000
chapters worldwide.
HOG at 30 Years 2005-2013
2008 Several hundred riders
tackle every mile of historic
Route 66, from Chicago to
Los Angeles. They encounter
searing heat and frosty mornings and 2,448 miles of history during one hell of an adventure.
2009 H.O.G. celebrates 25
years with CLUB H.O.G. 25, a
party and concert at Miller
Park in Milwaukee.
2010 members across the globe unite to log more
than 3 million miles on the inaugural Million Mile
Monday. Today, this annual ride is known as HarleyDavidson ® World Ride. Harley owners from countries
around the world logged 10 million miles in 2013.
2013 H.O.G. members and riders from around the
world unite in Milwaukee to celebrate 30 years of
H.O.G. and 110 years of Harley-Davidson.
2003 Riders celebrate 100 years of Harley-Davidson
and 20 years of H.O.G. with a yearlong, global celebration at the party in Milwaukee
North Cascade H.O.G. is sponsored by
North Cascades Harley-Davidson
1337 Goldenrod Rd
Burlington, Washington
(360) 757-1515
(888) 434-6447