Use of Pre-visit Patient Questionnaire for Education and Self-Reporting of Adverse Events UCLA Anticoagulation Management Service Jason S. Fish, MD, MSHS Anticoagulation Management Service UCLA Division of GIM and HSR UK Users Group Meeting October 5, 2010 UCLA Anticoagulation Management Service UCLA Labs Physicians NPs Outside Labs AMS Home Monitoring Nursing Homes Staff Home Health Two AMS Programs Westwood Santa Monica Management PCP 5 Physicians Labs Phlebotomy Point of Care-Fingerstick Computer System DAWN AC DAWN AC Education PCPs initially Staff routinely over the phone Computer Current Enrollees 1010 303 Program: informed consent and education Consult prior to entry Staff routinely face to face Safety and Quality of Care Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal Goal 3E: “Reduce the likelihood of patient harm associated with the use of anticoagulation therapy.” Goal: a single management service or concerted effort for the entire institution UCLA Department of Medicine Commitment to Increased safety Efficiency with reduction of duplicative efforts Evidence Based Practices Goals of Anticoagulation Management Determine appropriateness of care Manage anticoagulation dosing Provide systematic monitoring and patient evaluation Provide ongoing education Communicate with other providers involved in the patient’s care Sources: Ansell 2005, Wilson 2003, Ansell 2003 Sample of Online Tutorial Limitations of Current Healthcare System Challenges of Open System of Healthcare Tracking medication changes in real time Tracking changes in health status Coordinating care across multiple providers Limitations of DAWN AC System does NOT consider when dosing: History of adverse events (recent/remote) Other medications Change in health status Preparation for surgery Risk Status (bridging or GI bleeding risk) How Can We Address These Limitations? Option 1: Do NOT address them and hope for the best Option 2: Hire staff to track patients across healthcare settings Difficult to implement and very costly Option 3: Develop patient education and reminder system UCLA Patient Education All new patients undergo AMS consult to determine appropriateness of care and educate patient on anticoagulation risks and benefits as well as review the online tutorial All patients receive education pamphlets on anticoagulation But, does any of this work? Literature suggests probably not too much benefit UCLA Patient Education What if we make concerted effort to remind patients of important educational points at every encounter? Each visit for INR, patient completes questionnaire with 15 key, evidence based questions Key Reminders Collects self-reported adverse events On dosing reports, patient receive key reminders about changes in medication Patient Questionnaire Questionnaire and DAWN AC Questionnaire and DAWN AC 2009-10 Data POCT site with patient education % Time INR in Range by Site % Time INR in Range 80.00 75.00 70.00 IMS Cardiology 65.00 SM 60.00 55.00 50.00 November February May August November February Status Quo 2010 Data: All Sites with POCT and Patient Education Site 1: Average >70% Site 2: Trending to 70% 80.00 70.00 Goal: > 70% 60.00 IMS-POCT 50.00 IMS-Combined Non-POCT 40.00 Cardiology 30.00 SM 20.00 10.00 Introduction of POCT/Patient Education Site 2 be r Se pt em t Au gu s Ju ly Ju ne ay M Ap ril M ar ch 0.00 Status Quo Next Steps Develop Adverse Event tracking Physician Feedback Gratitude Syd Stewart Louise Pearson Heather Stevenson 4S – DAWN AC 4S – DAWN AC 4S – DAWN AC Brandon Koretz, MD AMS Staff UCLA Medical Director