~--- Retakakibatubahsuairumah Oisebabkanberlakunya keretakanterbabit, penyewayang mendudukirumahnya terpaksaberpindah keluarempatbulanlalu keranafaktor keselamatan. Pemilik perumahan dua tingkat di JalanWawasan 4/6, di sini kesal kerana tinda.kan jiran~ nya yang mela:trnkan pengubahsuaian dengan l11erobbhkan keseluruhan struktur rumah tidakmendapat kebenaranl11a} pindahkeluar empat bulanlalu kerana faktor keselamatan. Pemilikyanghanyamahu dike.nalisebagai Tayberkatil, dia hanya menyedari jiran sebelahrumahnya merobohkan keseluruhan struktur rumah teres dua tingkat pada bulan Jun lalu. Katanya, Perkara terbabit dimaklUmkanoleh penyew(j. rumahnya yang memberitahu rumah yang terletak bersebclahan rumalmya 'hilang' dan dirobohkansebaik mereka pulang dari kampung. "Ketika menghubungi saya,penyewa memaklumkan rumah sebe1ahsudah 'hHang' ,dansaya Yangterkejut ketika itu bertanya bagaim(j.naboleh tidak mahuberjumpa dengannya. "~aya cubapergi ke pejabatnya untuk mendapatkan penjelasan namun sering kali diberitahu dia tiada oleh pekCljanya. "Malah saya sudah, membuat aduan kepad<J. pihak Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ).mengenai. perkara ini nanlun sehinggakini tiada tindakM diambil," kat<J.nya ketika difemui di sini,semalam. lisperbandaran. hilarig. nya. "Saya difahauwanpemilik terbabit tidak nlendapat kebenaran MflSJ, untuk merobohkankeselurtihan.bangunM itu. . "Juste11l,saya,mJ.:nggesa pihak berkenaan mengambil langkah supaya tidak memberi permit membiria kem- NURFARHANA ABDUL MANAN . PUSATBANDAR PUCHONG- . Beliau mendakwa tindakan pengubahsuaian itu l11emberi kesan negatif apabila rurnannYil mengalami keretakante.ruk di.bahagian dalam. Beliau turut mendakwa disebabkan berlakunya keretakan terbabit, penyewayang menduduki rumahnya terpaksa ber- '~Kel11udian penyewa men- jelaskan11lmah berkenaan dirobohkan pemiliknya menyebabkan wujud beberapa keretakan di dalam bahagian rumah," katanya. Tay berkata, dia kesa:Ikeranajirannyatidakmemaklumkan mengenai perkara itu dan ~.'~ Jelas Tay,pi4akny<J. kesal keranadi(j. hanyamanu menuntut haknya itPatah lagi kos memperbaiki b£lhagianretak belum tentumenj\}minkeselamatan pengh1ffiidirumah- '4~ ~4-f-J 0 17MAY 2008 Teresa.(tiga dari kiri)melihat tapak rumah yang diroboh menyebabkan keretakan di rumah bersebelahan yang' boleh mengundang bahaya kepada penghuni. bali 11lmahberkenaan kecuali . pemilik l1Jnlahmemberi penje1asandan berbincangterlebih dahulu,"katanya. Sementara itu, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kimara, Teresa Kok Suh Sim yang mengadakan lawatan ta- pak ke rumah berkenaan berkata, pihaknya akan membuat susulan dengan MPSJ. "Kita meriggesa MPSJ mengambil tindakan terhadap pemilikyang me1~nggar undang-undang dan cuba menyelesaikan masalah ini untuk mengelakkan ia berlaku kepada oranglain. "Perbuatan ini juga dianggaptidakbertanggungjawab kerana, pemilik me1akukan pengubahsuaian tanpa memikirkan ketenteraman penduduk seke1iling,"katanya: -<J (N /)r(L Perkampungan wargaasingbimbangkanpenduduk ... '" ~ ~ , ~. f Keadaankawasanyang terdapat rumah kongsi wargil asingyang menimbulkan keraguankepada penduduk mengenai status mereka sebagaipendatang. SUBANG JAVA- Kewujudan puluhan rumah kongsi yang menempatkan warga asing sejak empat tahun lalu di Bandar Puteri 11disini menimbulkan kebimbangaJlpenduduk setempat mengenai keselamatan mereka. Bukan itu sahaja, penduduk juga mendakwa sikap warga asing yang kini sudah naik lemakseringmengganggu pelajar sekolahdan menimbulkan kekecohan. Penduduk yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Din berkata, dia hairan bagaimana kewujudan rumah kongsi berkenaan boleh bertahan terlalu lama tanpa disedari pihak berkuasa. "Apa . yang dilihat kebanyakan projek rumah di situ sudah siaptetapi bilangan warga asingJndonesia itu semakin bertambah setiap hari. Sikap mereka yang keterlaluan dengan mengganggu pelajar serta kaum wanita yang pulang bekerjajuga menaikkan kemarahanpenduduk. Beliau mendakwa sepanjang warga asing ini berkampung di situ hanya sekali sahaja pihak berkuasa mengadakan operasi besar-besaran ~~nangkap pendatang tanpalZIll. "Sekarangbilanganwarga asing yang menduduki rumah kongsi berkenaan juga bertambah dan lebih 500 orang yang tinggal di situ. Jika dibiarkan pihak berkuasa tanpa mengambil apa-apa tindakan, tidak mustahil kumpulan ini akan menjadi lebih besar dan penduduk bimbang sekiranya ini berlaku,banyakmasalahsosial akan timbul," katanya. Diajuga mendakwawarga asing di situ turutmenjalankan aktiviti laga ayam,berjudi serta aktiviti~aktivitilain yang ti- daksihat. Justeru,katanyadia meminta pihak berkenaansupaya 'l1emantaumasalahini memandangkaniamembabitkan keselmnatanribuanpenduduk. "Sekarang ini juga banyak kes jenayah yang timbul antaranya mmah penduduk di pecah masuk, motosikal serta basikal kami turut dicuri. "Kami tidak mahu menuduh sesiapa cuma sekiranya pihak berkuasa mengmnbil tindakan tegas pasti pendatang asing ini tidak sewenang-wenangnya membuat apa-apa perkara sesuka hati mereka," katanya. Sementara itu, tinjauan yang dibuat ke kawasan itu mendapati, mmah-rumah kongsi yang dibina ditutup denganzinkbagimengelakkan pihak berkuasa menyedari kewujudannya. $'l ~ ~ 0 fj MAY 2008 Af-J \.)-( fX(L Stopping the rot Liu promises action against abusive and corrupt officers AWKERS and traders in Se1angorhave been urged to »We understand provide information to the state government if they have evithe plight of the dence of abusive and corrupted « councilenforcementofficers. Accordingto Selangor local govRONNIE LlU ernment, research and study committee chairman Ronnie Liu,there may be some enforcement officers wtio are high-handed in their dealings with the business peo- sary dinner of the Federation of ple. Hawkers and Petty Traders "If hawkers or traders are bul- Associationsof Malaysiain Klangon lied by enforcement officers,please Monday night. let me know and I will deal with More than 1,000people attended them. the function. Liusaid before he was elected as "I cannot deny that there are enforcement officers who are abu- an assemblyman and made an sive and corrupt, but not many vic- executive councillor, he had tims have come forward to give us received many complaints from the evidence,"he said. hawkers and traders that enforceLiusaid this at the 53rd anniver- ment officers were giving them a --- traders hardtime. "We understand the plight of the traders and, as a new responsible government, we want to get rid of the unhealthy practices. "Please give us time to resolve the situation," he said. Liu also apologised to the hawkers and traders who had been ill-treated by enforcement personnel. He said while the state government was doing its part to eliminate corruption, the traders and hawkers should also do their part and adhere to the rules and regulations. Meanwhile, Federation of Hawkers and Petty Traders Associations of Malaysia president Datuk Ghai Soo Ming urged the hawkers and petty traders to look for ways to survive the current inflationary situation instead of just passing on the cost to con- Tarikb: SlAR 7" MAY2008 ''''''''''0& sumers. 'The prices of the main ingredients such as rice and noodles are going lip and up and everyone is facing great pressure from the effects of inflation. "Hawkers and traders should not just keep increasing prices because of the rising costs although a slight increase is unavoidable. "The high prices will only force the consumers to spend less, which mean lesser sales and profits for traders," he said. Ghai also said they hoped the problems facing the traders, especially when dealing with enforcement officers,could be resolvedfast by the new Pakatan Rakyat state government. "Many are penalised unjustly, which affects their rice bowls," he said. - '."-.-'" ", , ~ "","""" dlfiUrrnillRiJ.dllib fifir.m61UtlliDWlfi ~1iD!ljumurrLb6JIiiJrJIJ C.rrllDrrllDmlj,tr, "JJ&..e adilirr.v .lIDrr llirr CID.7 ~ tr IDrrJlIID,u8.v d&(6 alftolll. eOJDl&1II dI(6CQlrrm "'.l1li...,tr..&.d...tr o9I61fIH arr..I11''''.''' ""''''J.!'''.'' lIIo..illSIDlilDtr LiiCf6rr<!d llilllHillII.D.rr.ClliJbIPl C..aI ...guliarr.r. GUL.(B 6!J1fI6!!)1lJGi;@)6!!)!D~~ 616M!DITITa;6iT. ~6iJlIT60, 6U!ffi~6!JITW [..-iIJ.ilir~U>d;.JIJ.I9lO(J..&B1J §l6\)ITr:iilffillT LDITi&l6\)~~6M Ib IT60 G8'IT6M6iJI L[!)I~ ffi 6U L ~LL~6!!)fb 6!J 1f16ID W Gi; ~LD60Uffi~fb GLDITtPJ6!!)1lJ ~6!JIT a;6TTIT60 i&l6!!)lD~6!JID!D QPIg.IlJ6U!606!!)6\). §16\)ITr:iilffillT LDIT!BI6\)~~60 (gjDIDW QP6M~6iJlW ~6!!)LDrt~6iT ~!!5!Gi;6IDa; ~~ 6TT 61~IT Gi;a;L§1 ~IJ 8'ITr:iila;~- ~6M !b<!!>~ i&l6!!)6\)fbrr6M. ~6!!)6!JGl1J6i)61)rrw LD1ixr.61'i16Ma;6Uma;6!!)61J~~!!JGi;a; 616M[!)I ~6!JIT ~fblT fb~Gi;@)QP6M6iJl1T~6!JITa;6iT 6!JITGi;@)[!)I~a;6iT a;IT~L a;(!!)~~6IDrr jDIT 6iT ~61T1~fb U\ If 8'6!J a;ITuua;~stJ60 !Bl6!!)!D~6!J!DIT u6iT61T1Gi;@) QPri>~1lJ GULffi 6!J1fla;6iT @6!!)!Drt~ 6U!ffiw 616M!D jDwU\Gi;6!!)a;uJJ60ffilL LDGi;a;6iT6!JrfGi;a;61T1~~(I!>Gi;a;6\)rrw. ~(!!)6!JIT,Gi;@)[!)I~6!!)1lJ ~61T1uu~ QPGi;ffilIlJLD606\).~rbfb 6!JITGi;@)[!)IstJ ~LD60Uffi~fbuuLGi;ffillg.llJfbIT? 6U!Gi;@) ~6ilG6!JIT(!!) 0 7 MAY2008 i&l6!!)!D~6!JID!DUULGi;ffillg.llJfbIT? jD6U?LQP6!!)!D.$@ ~~ ~6!J rrGi;ffil Ig.llJfbIT? 616MG!D606\)ITW ~l1JIT§lGi;a; ~6!J6WIffiw. G6!J[!)ILD~6iJI 6!JrrGi;@)[!)I~a;6iT 6!JWr:iil@)6!J~60 61rbfb ~IT ~fbQPW @606ID6\)616M!DITIT ~IT. (gjDIDW @r:iiI@) jD6IDLGUID!D GfbITtPJ6\)IT6TTIT ~6iJlW LDIDWW fbIDa;rruLj ~6IDLD5§16M §1!Drtlb u6Irn'iIIlJIT6TTITa;@!IGi;@) 6U!(!!)~ 6!JWr:iil@)Wi&la;W5§1uJ160 ~6!JIT ~u§l6iJlITIT. 90 §l6\)ITr:iilffillfl60 @)Wrb6!!)fbGi;@)W 100 vylT ~!Di&l~, 6U!Luuffiw a;@!IGi;a;ITa; Lj,~.0rrt!ffij)Dsjlu fbLDIT 6!Jrtfbrr60 6U!ffiQP6ID!D, @)!!51 6!!)6!J~~ G8'WllJuuffiw ~(!!) (!PIlJID§1~1lJ fb6U!rr, !lL6Um6!!)LDuJ160~~ 0\..4- ( ~6ID6mur5Irr G6lI6iT61T1uJ1,60 GfbITLr:iiI@)W ~. LIT6M~ 6U!<B$6ffil(!!)rbfb ~fbITIT. U\!Drbfb ~6ilG6!JIT(!!) 61606\)ITW 6!Jrr Gi;@)a;6!!)6TTGi; M4 lXI-\A-L.- QPIg.IlJTT~ 616MW @UrrIT~W @)!!5!'~~ 616MU- @6ID!DGi;@)ID LDrt~1fI48'ITIT 61~ITGi;a;L§I ~L§lGi;@) ~ffiW ffil!!5!6iJlITIT. GUTT(I!>6TTIT- fbITrrW jD606\) i&l6ID6\)uJ160 @606!!)6\) U\ 6iT 6ID.6TT- LDITfbrb~fbrrww 75 G6!J6iT61T1, urr6\)IT u6iT61T1 a;60- @)!Pri>6IDfb.$~W G 6!J 6iT 61T1, u 6O'a; 6!!) 6\) Gi;a; W a; Ib G8'60~u) fb@)~ GUID!D ~ 50 ID @)5 LDIT6m6!JIT&- @!I.$@)G6!J. 1,000 6T6M(pJ 6)rrIT6TTLDIT6iJI 6!J ITGi;@)[!)IstJ a; 6!!)6TT 61 ~ ITGi;a; C§1 a; 6iT 6!Jwr:iilffil6iJlrrlT a;6iT 616M[!)I . jD~u BiLIg.Gi;- a;ITLIg.6iJlITIT @fb6O'i16IDL(gIlJ, ~6iJlfbITa; (gu§l1lJ ~6!JIT, 6!J(!!)W Lj~1lJ ~rrBi i&la;W5§1uJJ60 ~tPJIlJITa;6iT ~6ID6iJI- 8'6!Jrr60a;6ID6TT 61~ITGa;IT6iT- 6TT~ fbllJITrrITa; ~6!J6WIffiW 616MWW fbr:iila;- 6ID6TT5 BiID!!51jDLGi;ffil6M!D LDITID!Dr:iila;@!IGi;(ga;IDu fbr:iila;6ID6TT LDrrID!!'iIGi;Ga;TT 6iT@!Iw LD6iJlUUGi;@)6!JW GU!D (g6!J6WIffiw 616M[!)I Lrrmr't!ffij ~lij~6b a;rr&;h.:' $u!1rr~Lb ~6!JIT ~a;LffiGi; Ga;IT6WILITIT. LDGi;a;@!IGi;@) ~6M~W §1!Duurra; 6TUUIg. (g8'6!!)6!J G8'WIlJ6\)TTW 616MU~ uID!!'iI ~6!JITa;6iT §1rt~Gi;a; ~6!J6WIffiw., vylT ~Gi;a;uy,IT6!JLDIT6iJI ~rrBi (g8'6!!)6!J6!!)W ~6ID6iJl6!J(!!)W (g8'ITri>~ L(!!)6!JIT Gi;a; ~6!J6Umffiw 616M!DITIT ~6!JIT. GUIT6iJlITLDIT - Selangor failure to deliver a lesson to voters, says Najib KUALALUMPUR:The Selangor government has not lived up to the Pakatan Rakyat's pronrises of lower taxes and free education, the deputy prime IfiiIiistersaid. Datuk SeriNajibRazaksaid the failure of Selangor would be an "eyeopener and a lesson" to voters. He said the Federal government had long predicted that opposition parties would have difficulty fulfilling their promises made in the general election. Najib was refeq:ing to Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's announcement on Monday that the state government was not in a posit;i.onto reduce quit rent by 20 per cent as pronrised in the Parti Keadilan Rakyat election manifesto. The state government will, instead, be giving incentives so thatpeople settl€ their arrears. Khalid had also said that a study was being carried out to determine whether it would be apt to reduce the quit rent since the state's economy was not growing at the desired rate, land prices were high and housing projects were ongoing. Najib said people were often taken in by promises oflower taxes. "During the elections, anyone can make pronrises," he said, adding that t-f~ "We must have the maturity and the wisdom to decide for ourselves." Higher Education. Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin also criticisf;Jdthe Selangor government for making promises it could not keep. He said this was the obvious differ- I ence between the Pakatan Rakyat, which took a populist approach to gain popular support, and the ruling Barisan Nasional, which had experiencein government and only made responsible promises. Khaled was speaking after officiating the opening of the International \ . . Conference On Educational Innova- tion, jointly organised by Universiti Malaya and the Malaysia!} National Commission for UnescQ (United Na-tions Educational, Scientific ao.d Cultural Organisation) in Kuala Lumptir. "If they bring down the rates,how can they ensure that quq.litystandards within the jurisdiction of the various local authorities are maintained?" Higher Education Minist~r patul.<.Seri Khaled asked, addit1gthat the. opPQsiMohamed Khaled Nordin says the' tion's pronrise of free education for all opposition's promise offree was unrealistic.' education for all is unrealistic "If fuIitls are channelled towards fihe hoped that people would realise nancing free educatiQn, and not that what was importantwas not the enough is allocated to -develop ~e economy, graduates won't be able to pronrises but how likely tI;leywere to be get jobs." kept. '. NEW STRAI TS TiMES Tarikh: "'''''&.1''MAY.''tOO'.'' I ~ Wrathofhouse-buyers . By Noel Acharlam noe/@nstp.com.my KUAlA LUMPUR: More than 2,000 house-buyers in Puchong have had enough with developers. After waiting for more than three years for their houses, they bave demanded that the Ministry of Housing and Local Government act to solve their problem. They have bought houses in Taman Lestari Permal, Tmnan Lestari Puchong, Tanum Saujana Puchong 9 m1d Tmnan Puncak JaIi1 Phase 10 which have aU become abandoned projects. The house buyers bave also threatened to stage a protest march to Parlimnent and seek legal redress against the developers Iftheir houses are not delivered by 2009. The owners are also asking for the developers to pay them liquidated and ascertained dan1age claims ~ <.-:'~ /:;j;i" ..,.,.;.:. '!1i ' .;;;tl:ll I ,J::;; """II!>' .../ ---- ;,,~ '" I~ ~ ,JI'. (LAD). The four housing schemes were scheduled for completion between em'ly2003 and 2005. Some 100 owners, representing the unfortunate house buyers, hm1dedover a memorandmn to the ministrv's deputy director-general Dr'G. Parameswaran at his officein Pusat BandaI'Danmnsara on Monday. Tmnan Lestati Permai representative Mat Ali Hanafiah Mohamed said the scheme was due for completion in 2005. but has since been abandoned. "Maybefor some. this is a smallmalter but not to us.We are having sleepless nights thinking about our investment. '''We have been burdened wilh our monthiyloan installment. At the same thne, we are also payingfor our house rentals because we cannot mov" into our houses," he said. He said some of them had alsobeen blacklistedbybanks fortJleirfailuretoservice their loans. "We have tried raising our problems with the developer and the ministry but to no avail.\I arc desperate now," hesaia. Mat AU said pI'olmses by .heir deveioper that their 10llseswould be ddivered on ,cWn dales were ne, \f kenl. , Ayamany (right) was among the irate house-buyers complaining to deputy director general of housing Dr G, Parameswaran I ~ 'l1"oo- I IY'C"~\ I ',. "'~ , ~ it ~ ... hf . ~'.i -I >~\' -, ,', ",:, AI Lestar; Penna! lestari Puchong November2009 TamanSaujana PU(hongge2009 - - -- TamanPuncakJalilPhaselOA - .._~, ... Taman Taman S68 5 i 569 5 ; 649 -- 200 4 --- 4 ",., Mat All Hanafiah Mohamed S.Ayamany "Now, the developer has abandoned the project, leaving us in the lurch," he said. Mat Ali claimed tJ1at to compound matters, the ministry had done nothing to solve their probiem despite nun1erous complaints lodged with the millisiry since 2005. "h1 fact. we are confused about the mIDistry's role in this matter. ill their website,it states that it is their duty to make sure that all housing projects are carried out in a proper and efficientmanner, and the interest of the purchasers willbe protected. But that's not the case,"he said. Mat Alisaid ail they wanted was for their houses to be completed and delivered to them. Taman Puncak Jalii Phase 10 house-buyer G.Ayamany said by right, the project comes under the jurisdiction of the ministry as after signing the sales and purchase agreement, the buyers were supposed to be automatically protected bythe ministry. "It lookSlike the ministry does not care about our predicament," he said, when approached after a meeting with Parameswaran. Ayamany said they raised many issues with Parameswaran and the latter had agreed to meet them next week. "We have had enough of meetings and if they do not provide a solution to our problem, we will organise a protest march to the Parliament. We jl1st want our problem to be solved," he said. NEW STRAITS TIMES '. 0 1 MA'<WQ\f 'tarlkh: """'" ......... \.. (left) in Pusat Bandar Damansara, ,. , ~ / Ayamany said the developers should issue a commitment letter, saying that their houses would be completed and delivered to them within a stipulate time. Parmneswaran said he had a meeting with the new developer last week and was told that the company had agreed to complete the four projects within one year from December. "They have also agreed to start work by end of this month," he said. Parameswaran also gave his assurance that he would arrange a meeting between the company and house buyers for the latter to raise their concerns and queries. "Wewill also get the company to issue a letter of commitment to the house buyers that their house willbe com, pleted within a stipulated time," he said. $( .IHL. Opentoth~ public:.Khalidsigniqg .emthe plaque to commemorate the op~l1ingof tbeHulu Langat parliamentary and KaJangstafe assembly service ,Cl;)ntr~iI1Kaj~ng.With h.im,;sI..ee. 1 ! "'~ """ ,.:~Uf"'tfU)1 >;/'0,4J \ ,( II H ,p." ~ .,~ - II iU" mH 18R. ,fi1:.. ~; f '!!!fc "' <; ~ * ~ .. tit!!;;, v,r.f,}t .~ , ~ ~-~- --_ -"""-,~ ~ - "..-,. ..~ >,-,~ i - -,II ._~ I '" No landfills . near rivers State acts to prevent water contamination By GEETHA KRISHNAN geetha@fhestar,com,my Photo courtesy of NANYANG PRE~S F UIURElandfills in Selangorwill not be located close to waterways. MentriBesar TanSriKhalidIbrahimsaid in sourcingfor new landfill sites, the major consideration would be to ensure that there would be no threat to any water treatment system. Khalidsaid such a measure was needed in view of possible raw water contamination when leachate from landfills and dumpsites seeped into the waterways. Most of the Selangorwater treatment plants are located near intake points and there had been contamination incidents ih Sungai Selangorand SungaiChembong. Khalid was speaking to reporters after attending a briefing by various department heads at the Huh.! Langat District Office in Bangi assemblyman Lee Kim Sin. On opening more landfills for ihe state, Khalid said there was a request from the Refuse II DerivedFuel(RDF)factoryin Semenyihto reopen the former BukitChembonglandfill. "The RDFhas offered to reopen the landfill and equip it with the latest technology.The Kajang Municipal Councilis looking into the viabilityofthe proposalandthe request has also been,forwardedto the federalgovernment,"he said. Earlier, Khalid said the state government would examine the legal mechanism when tackling the issue of abandoned and stalled housing projects in Selangor. "We want to explore the options available and the solution that will be best for all - the buyer, developer, banker and the state. 'Those responsible will have to adequately compensate the affected parties. "The state will provide its support in the form of advice on land administration and related matters," he said. I \ last Friday. TheMentriBesarhadearlieropened thejoint service (entre in Kajang operated by Hulu Accordingto Lee,there are 11 abandoned I: Langat MP Dr Che RosliChe Mat and Kajang projects in the Hulu Langat constituency. STAR Tarikb: 0 7 MAY2008 .."'" .~_#u## ... <" 'II II< 1 .\1''1 u ~ ,:\.;""" f... " ,', '~c,; There 411[ -,..' it is: Loh pointing to the billboard site near the Federal Highway. Loh says highway billboard project is illegal ON ONE of his trips back home, Kelana Jaya MP Loh Gwo Burne noticed a steel cage built close to the Glenmarie turnoff along the Federal Highway. "Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the structure is a base pole being built for a billboard project. "It is obviously illegal because the relevant permits have not been dis- played,"Loh said during a press conference at the site recently. 'The approvals deemed necessary for billboards include a temporary occupation licence (TOL) from the Land Office, licence and planning approvals from the local authority and the approval of the Public Works Department (PWD)," he added. Loh said the contractor only seemed to have the approval of the PWD. He also said if the billboard project was carried out, it would block the clock tower located close to the highway. Under the National Land Code Act, anyone found advertising on illegal billboards could be charged with abetment. "I checked with the various local authorities and discovered the area comes under the purview of the Shah Alam City CounciL ''The council said the application for the billboard project was received. but the approval had not been given," Loh said. He added that when he approached the project manager, the person claimed the company had applied for approval more than a year ago. "If the relevant authorities are serious about nipping the problem of illegal billboards in the bud, they should work towards a better system where approvals are speedily granted," Loh said. According to him, billboard advertising generates huge revenues for advertising companies while councils tend to gain from the annual licensing fees and service charges. Loh said the issue of illegal billboards in Selangor would be brought to the attention of Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. STAR Tarikb: ...~.7..M~'!...2ov.Q....