D.N.MISRA & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 54, Ganesh Chandra Avenue 1st Floor, Kolkata-700013 Phone : (033) 2215-6144 D.N.MISRA M.COM, L.L.B. F.C.A. GOPALI YOUTH WELFARE SOCIETY NO-SHOOTING, SALUA, DIST – PASCHIM MEDNIPUR Dr. Receipts & Payments Account for the year ended 31 st March 2011 Cr. Receipts Amount Amount Payments Amount Amount Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. To Opening Balance: By General Cash in Hand 184.00 Expense : Cash at Bank 2,235.96 2,419.96 ,, Tea & Tiffin 3,019.00 ,, Traveling Exp. 36,134.00 ,, Subscription from ,, Audit Fees 4,000.00 Members 58,500.00 ,, Electricity Bill 2,115.00 ,, Telephone & 7,123.00 ,, Subscription from Internet Staff 1.250.00 59,750.00 ,, Generator charges 1,440.00 ,, Fuel Charges 1,220.00 ,, Donation from ,, Postage 191.00 Public 98,805.00 ,, Maintenance 4,860.00 ,, Meeting Expenses 4,854.00 ,, Donation from ,, Miscellaneous 1,587.00 Business Men 95,065.00 ,, Bank Charges 1,343.50 67,886.50 ,, Donation from Kharagpur IIT Students ,, Donation from Advisory Committee ,, Donation from Societies trustee Members ,, Donation for Educated child ,, Donation from TIARA Foundation (New Delhi) 27,800.00 50,000.00 ,, Loan from Mr. A. Halder 30,000.00 ,, Staff Loan Recovery 4,400.00 ,, Sales proceeds (Paper Bags) 4,137.00 579.36 Cutting for paper Bag 6,477.00 Leadership for Women 2,000.00 ,, Cultural Activities: Games & Sports 7,500.00 5,000.00 Carried Over 8,300.00 7,757.10 ,, Govt. Grant from NYK ,, Bank Interest ,, Training & Capacity Building: SHG formation for rural women 56,633.00 16,777.00 69,365.00 3,43,560.10 ,, Notable Days Republic Day Saraswati Puja Independence Day Children Day ,, Loan paid to staff 5,596.00 1,700.00 3,845.00 4,929.00 16,070.00 5,800.00 44,116.36 4,49,846.42 Carried Over 1,75,898.50 D.N.MISRA & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 54, Ganesh Chandra Avenue 1 st Floor, Kolkata-700013 Phone : (033) 2215-6144 D.N.MISRA M.COM, L.L.B. F.C.A. GOPALI YOUTH WELFARE SOCIETY NO-SHOOTING, SALUA, DIST – PASCHIM MEDNIPUR Dr. Receipts & Payments Account for the year ended 31 st March 2011 Cr. Receipts Amount Amount Payments Amount Amount Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. To Brought Forward 4,49,846.42 By Brought Forward 1,75,898.50 ,, Awareness Prog. PAKSHA Eye donation Camp 2,911.00 WBNRGS Camp 6,501.00 Orientation of the school students on Environment & 6,000.00 Ecology Work shop on Global worming Life skill Development prog. For adolescent girls Women trafficking Camp Consumer Rights Awareness Camp in the rural area 4,500.00 3,665.00 3,500.00 ,, School Programme Jagriti Vidya Mandir Remuneration of Teacher & Staff 1,13,510.00 Printing & Stationery 12,299.00 Books distribution for school students 10,395.00 House Rent for School Building 11,000.00 Xerox Poster & Banner Carried Over 5,000.00 4,49,846.42 Carried Over 32,077.00 6,921.00 1,596.00 1,55,721.00 3,63,696.50 D.N.MISRA & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 54, Ganesh Chandra Avenue 1 st Floor, Kolkata-700013 Phone : (033) 2215-6144 D.N.MISRA M.COM, L.L.B. F.C.A. GOPALI YOUTH WELFARE SOCIETY NO-SHOOTING, SALUA, DIST – PASCHIM MEDNIPUR Receipts & Payments Account for the year ended 31 st March 2011 Receipts Amount Amount Payments Amount Rs. Rs. Rs. To Brought Forward 4,49,846.42 By Brought Forward Dr. Advertisement for School 1,400.00 Maintenance 2,859.00 Mise. Expenses for School ,, Loose Tools Internet Mortem Tools Ram Electric Board ,, Closing Balance : Cash in Hand Cash at Bank : State Bank of India (A/c No. 30887886663) Punjab National Bank (A/c No. 3872000109004866) Syndicate Bank (A/c No. 910010026952229) Axis Bank Carried Over Date : Place : Kolkat 4,49,846.42 Cr. Amount Rs. 3,63,696.50 2,808.00 7,067.00 2,720.00 780.00 700.00 249.00 4,449.00 757.36 68,225.00 2,018.96 3,579.85 52.75 74,633.92 4,49,846.42 For D.N.MISRA & CO. D.N.MISRA & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 54, Ganesh Chandra Avenue 1 st Floor, Kolkata-700013 Phone : (033) 2215-6144 D.N.MISRA M.COM, L.L.B. F.C.A. GOPALI YOUTH WELFARE SOCIETY To General Expenses ,, Less outstanding Audit Fees in 2010 NO-SHOOTING, SALUA, DIST – PASCHIM MEDNIPUR Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 st March 2011 Amount Amount Income Amount Rs. Rs. Rs. By Subscription from 58,500.00 67,886.50 67,386.50 Members 500.00 ,, Subscription from 1.250.00 Staff ,, Training & Capacity building ,, Donation from 16,777.00 Public 98,805.00 ,, Cultural Activities ,, Donation from Business Men 95,065.00 69,365.00 16,070.00 ,, Donation from Kharagpur IIT 32,077.00 Students 56,633.00 Dr. Expenditure ,, Notable Days ,, Awareness Prog. ,, School Prog. (Jagriti Vidya Mandir) ,, Less outstanding House Rent for 2010 1,62,788.00 1,61,788.00 1,000.00 ,, Donation from Advisory Committee ,, Donation from Societies trustee Members ,, Donation for Educated child ,, Excess of Income over Expenditure Amount Rs. 59,750.00 7,757.10 27,800.00 7,500.00 44,562.46 ,, Donation from TIARA Foundation (New Delhi) ,, Govt. Grant from NYK ,, Less receivable in the 2010 ,, Sales proceeds (Paper Bags) ,, Bank Interest 4,08,026.46 Date : Place : Kolkat Cr. 50,000.00 3,43,560.10 5,000.00 5,000.00 Nil 4,137.00 579.36 4,716.36 4,08,026.46 For D.N.MISRA & CO. D.N.MISRA & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS D.N.MISRA M.COM, L.L.B. F.C.A. 54, Ganesh Chandra Avenue 1st Floor, Kolkata Phone: (033) 2215 – 6144. GOPALI YOUTH WELFARE SOCIETY NO-SHOOTING, SALUA, DIST – PASCHIM MEDNIPUR Liabilities Amount Rs. General Fund : As per Last A/c Add Excess of Income over Expenditure Loan 1,98,371.10 44,562.96 Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2011 Amount Assets Rs. Fixed Assets : Furniture . Computer & 2,42,934.06 Accessories Amount Rs. 32,224.64 77,217.50 Printer Machine 7,007.40 Sports Equipments 8,434.10 Tailoring Machine 53,390.00 30,000.00 DVD Player 2,720.00 780.00 700.00 249.00 Current Assets: Loan & Adv. Add further paid during the year 11,950.00 5,800.00 17,750.00 Closing Balance : Cash in Hand Cash at Bank : State Bank of India (A/c No. 30887886663) Punjab National Bank (A/c No. 3872000109004866) Syndicate Bank (A/c No. 910010026952229) Axis Bank 2,72,934.06 2,227.50 Loose Tools Internet Mortem Tools Ram Electric Board Less Recovery Date : Place: Kolkata Amount Rs. 4,400.00 4,449.00 13,350.00 757.36 68,225.00 2,018.96 3,579.85 52.75 74,633.92 2,72,934.06 For D.N.MISRA & CO.