There are many "best" lists of healthy foods, superfoods, and live

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There are many "best" lists of healthy foods, superfoods, and live
foods in the media. What is missing, however, is a context for choosing
what best serves you and your life's purpose. In my set of twenty-two
recommendations, I will provide a framework to help you understand
which appropriate herbs and superfoods to select for your specific
constitution, condition, and your immediate and long-term life's
In 1987, I activated a shift in the live-food movement consciousness
toward using diet and lifestyle to enhance spiritual life by becoming a
superconductor for the Divine. This took us beyond focusing solely on
general good health, and longevity, which was the predominant
paradigm. In 1990 and again in 2000 (with my second edition of
Conscious Eating), I refined the use and integration of Ayurvedic
understanding into a live-food nutrition perspective, and I also
introduced the constitutional and metabolic types ("fast and slow
oxidizer" types, and "parasympathetic and sympathetic" types) to help
each person discover his or her optimal live-food diet according to
one's specific overall constitution.
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I am delighted that these considerations have become relatively
mainstream. Now I am adding a new dimension to this understanding,
which is how to select herbs and superfoods according to the energies
of the Taoist Three Treasure system. For this, I am calling upon my
two-year study of Chinese herbalism and my acupuncture diploma
from UCLA, as well as my work with different Taoist herbalists, as a
basis for expanding our nutritional awareness.
The interface of these three treasures (Jing (constitutional vitality),
Chi (immediate daily energy), Shen (spirit) help one to select energy
intake in the form of foods, supplements, herbs, and superfoods, not
merely according to one's constitution, but also the three basic energies
necessary for creating the highest quality of life from a Taoist point of
An elegant analogy of the Three Treasures paradigm is to view them
as the composite parts of a burning candle. Jing, as essence and
physical substance, is symbolized as the wax and wick of the candle.
The density and quality of the candle determines how long it will burn
(i.e. how long one will live in wellness). Chi, as energy and metabolism,
is symbolized as the candle's flame. It creates light, but also heat that
melts the wax and burns the wick of the candle. Balancing Chi is
essential for regulating how fast the Jing is burned up. Finally, Shen, as
spirit, including presence, wisdom and spiritual understanding, is
symbolized by the candle's light. This is the light of consciousness that
we are ever seeking, in the context of expanding the energy of Shen.
This is the guiding light and context for individualizing your dietary
choices and lifestyle. If your goal is simply more energy, and improving
athletic or sexual performance, this approach can also be used to
optimize your approach.
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You can see by this analogy that the Three Treasures must be
regulated and guided in an intelligent way for optimal support of your
life purpose. If the wax and wick (Jing) are weak, only a small flame
(Chi) with mediocre light (Shen) will be produced. If the flame (Chi) is
too strong it will shine much light (Shen), but only briefly, as it quickly
consumes the wax and wick (Jing). The light (Shen) is obviously
dependent upon the quality of the flame (Chi), while the quality of the
flame (Chi) determines the quality and longevity of the wax and wick
(Jing). Considering that my primary motivation and life purpose is
spiritual development and enlightenment, I recognize that we must
cultivate Shen by conserving Jing and balancing Chi. This may or may
not be your agenda, so this system can be focused to serve your
personal ends. My list of twenty-two top herbs, supplements, and
superfoods can help you find your balance as a unique individual.
Jing (Primordial Lifeforce and Constitutional Energy)
Jing energy is similar to the Vedic ojas. It is the energy of our
reproductive force, our basic seed energy, and the genetic strength we
pass to future generations. Jing is housed in the kidneys, adrenals,
testes, and ovaries. It is theorized that it comes out in the lower dantian,
in the area slightly lower than the solar plexus. Jing has two levels: We
are born with 'prenatal' or 'primordial' jing. It is our natural,
constitutional, primordial strength. Our 'postnatal' jing is superficial
and is conditional upon the quality of our environment, lifestyle, and
food choices. We have the most effect on our post-natal jing through
Jing is the essence of our deep health, youthfulness, and our ability to
function and reproduce in the world. It allows us to handle life's
stresses and challenges. Prenatal jing, when depleted from toxic
lifestyle, is difficult to rebuild. It takes years of a live-food lifestyle to
begin to build it up, after depleting it through abuse. Post-natal or
superficial jing, on the other hand, can be built up through the use of
herbs, live-food, structured water, and living the Six Foundations and
Sevenfold Peace. The primary yin jing herb is goji berry.
Chi (Immediate Vital Lifeforce)
Chi is the vital lifeforce we use for our daily energetic needs. Chi is
the force behind talking, eating, digestion, and all metabolic functions.
Chi is located in the realm of the middle jiao region of the stomach,
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spleen, and liver. Chi comes from food and oxygen metabolization. It is
one step above jing and protects it. Chi is also depleted by toxic lifestyle
and poor diet. When this occurs we feel fatigued and worn out. If that
chi is not reestablished by chi-building foods and exercises, we begin to
use up our jing. This results in the degeneration of our health.
When these jing and chi energies are added together, combined with
a strong constitution and a Culture of Life and Liberation lifestyle, we
can continue to cultivate our chi and live a long, healthy, and spiritually
expansive life. Strong chi helps us to assimilate nutrients from our food,
such as minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. The bioavailability of
nutrients is determined by the amount of chi we have. In other words a
strong chi empowers our digestion. The most powerful chi-building
herb is ginseng and second to that is the goji berry.
Shen (Spirit)
From my perspective on Spiritual Nutrition, we are each put here to
reach our highest spiritual potential. Because of this, for me Shen is the
most important of the Three Treasures. Shen is the essence of spiritual
nutrition. It is the foundation that allows our spirit to ascend and the
kundalini to awaken and unfold. Shen is often considered the ability to
access spiritual awareness. Strong jing and chi are necessary to help our
body become a superconductor for the Divine. Shen helps us detoxify
and strengthen our body and expand the mind and consciousness to
become a superconductor for the Divine.
As I pointed out in 1987, becoming a superconductor for the Divine
is the goal of our spiritual nutrition and lifestyle. Shen is this state of
expanded awareness. Enhancing Shen is the essence of Spiritual
Nutrition. As Taoist masters taught, without spiritual purpose, there is
a lack of depth, quality, meaning, and value in life. This is why I teach
that the purpose of life is not longevity, but that, properly used,
longevity can create an opportunity to expand our consciousness and
our knowledge of God as our primary life purpose or dharma. These
herbs, nutrients, and superfoods can help us to more easily ascend to
the Throne of God. While we cannot eat our way to God, a healthy and
conscious dietary lifestyle can enhance our way. The most powerful
herb for building and expanding shen is reishi mushroom.
For a lucid discussion of Taoist Three Treasure theory, I recommend
the book Healing Thresholds by Dean "Rehmannia" Thomas. I also
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recommend Ron Teeguarden's books on Chinese tonic herbalism.
Herb / Supplement / Nutrient Descriptions
The following are my top twenty-two herbs, supplements, and
nutrients. They are arbitrarily ordered, and I do not consider any one
more important than another. Each person is encouraged to use the
Taoist Three Treasure paradigm to cultivate jing, chi, and shen as best
suits their personal proclivities. I have included each item's nutritional
qualities as well as each items energetic value within the Three Treasure
system. It is up to you and your intuition to select those elements, at
the appropriate times, to support your journey toward becoming a
superconductor for the Divine.
Goji Berries - These are one of my favorite
superfoods. They grow in great abundance in
Arizona, and we grow them at the Tree of Life. Goji is
an adaptogen and primarily supports Yin Jing. It is
almost always included in soups and broths as a tonic
in Chinese home cooking. They are one of the main
foods consumed by Li Ching Yuen, who was said to
have lived 252 years. (He also consumed reishi
mushrooms, he shou wu, and ginseng.) The Ningxia
Province in China, where these berries grow, has more
centenarians than the rest of China. The residents age
gracefully, and they are more active, healthy, and
vibrant than elderly Westerners. Chinese medicine
teaches that it builds yin jing energy in the body,
especially the adrenal and kidneys where the jing is
centered. Strengthened jing energy creates and
maintains basic ojas, endurance, strength, sexual
energy, immunity, and longevity. Life in our toxic
world depletes the prenatal and post-natal jing. Goji
berries also help to alkalyze the system. They are
outstanding for building and maintaining general
vitality and longevity on every level, as well as being
a general anti-oxidant. They could be one of the top
longevity foods in the world. New research has found
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some unique bio-active molecules that are only found
in goji berries, called lycium barbarum
polysaccharides, which may be the secret of the goji
berry's power.
Goji berries boost Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
production, which helps us to retain our
youthfulness. They are high in sesquiterpenoids,
which are anti-inflammatory and stimulate the
pituitary and pineal glands, increasing glandular
production of HGH. Gojis contain the anti-oxidants
zeaxanthin and lutein in high concentrations, which
are the key phytonutrients to build eyesight. The goji
berry boosts immunity through its concentration of
polysaccharides, beta-carotene, and organic
germanium, which boasts cancer-fighting properties.
They help with choline production, as an essential
brain, memory, and nervous system nutrient that
combats free radical damage linked to neurological
degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. Gojis also
combat oxidized cholesterol, which causes heart
disease. They increase production of superoxide
dismutase (SOD), which acts as an anti-oxidant
preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. The berry
detoxifies the liver and guards against liver damage
from carcinogens and hepatitis. I recommend eating a
handful of goji berries every day. You may also soak
goji berries in water or add the berries to your herbal
tea blend. The best quality berries are a deep red and
come soft and moist.
1) Ron Teeguarden
2) Quantum Goji are the best quality goji.
3) Vivapura has the best price in bulk.
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Ginseng - Ginseng is the primary chi tonic of Chinese
tonic herbalism. As an adaptogen, it can strengthen
our basic capacity to adjust, both mentally, and
physically to life's changes. Ginseng, which is at least
seven years-old before harvested, contains multidimensional nutrients that increase our physical and
emotional endurance and adaptability. Ginseng helps
regulate body functions, or strengthens the functions
that regulate other body functions. Ginseng contains
saponins called ginsenosides, which specifically
improve adaptability and are believed to help build
muscle and endurance. This makes ginseng popular
with athletes. It is very effective for elderly people,
having a mental stimulant effect in aged persons. It
improves memory and cognitive power, and can
reverse intellectual and mental deterioration.
There are many varieties of ginseng. American builds
yin jing, and is often harvested after two or three years
growth, (these are even better harvested after five
years). Chinese younger ginsengs are classified as Chi
and adaptogenic. The Chinese believe Ginseng should
grow for at least seven years before being consumed,
because the younger, immature roots can produce a
nervous effect in the consumer. One receives more chi
with the "processed' ginseng, which has been steamed
with other herbs to make it red. The older the root, the
more shen it bears. Wild older roots build all three
treasures. Korean red ginseng is yang jing tonic and
warming/invigorating to deep life force, but these are
counter-indicated as too yang for those with a pitta
constitution. Most high quality ginseng is good for
both men and women. Ginseng roots may be heating,
cooling, or neutral. Wild and semi-wild ginseng is
preferable to cultivated, commercial varieties. The
higher the quality, the more shen (spirit) a ginseng
root is said to contain. It's primarily functions are as a
chi tonifier, adaptogenic, and immune modulator. It is
said to prolong life, overcome fatigue, increase blood
volume, aid in recovery from illness or trauma,
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sharpen and calm the mind, stabilize the emotions,
counteract stress, and enhance wisdom. Ginseng is
used as a tonic for general weakness, poor appetite,
low sex drive, shortness of breath, cold limbs,
spontaneous sweating and premature aging. It has
been shown to improve the accuracy of work by
promoting concentration.
Advanced Tachyon Technologies provides high
quality whole ginseng and prescribes varieties
specific to individual constitutions and conditions. It
is important for each person to take the appropriate
ginseng for them.
Reishi: Reishi mushroom is known as ganoderma
reishi. The correct pharmaceutical name of reishi is
Ganoderma Lucidum (denoting its shiny surface). The
Chinese name is Ling Zhi This anti-stress herb
strengthens the nervous system and brain. It calms
the mind, and improves memory. Reishi increases
spiritual wisdom. It is the mushroom of spiritual
potency. While you cannot "reishi" your way to God,
it improves the intensity and quality of spiritual
energy to support the expansion of consciousness and
the unfolding of the kundalini. Reishi, ginseng, and
goji berries together make one of best rejuvenative
and anti aging formulas. Reishi is known as the "elixir
of immortality", and builds health on all levels: jing,
chi, and shen. It is also known as the great protector.
Reishi has attained an unparalleled reputation in the
Far East, as the ultimate herbal substance. For over
three thousand years it has been the most sought-after
herb amongst sages and royalty. In Shen Nong's
Pharmacopeia (the first Chinese herbal text written
2,400 years ago) it was classified as a superior herb,
which serves to maintain life, promote radiant health
and long life because of its normalizing action,
causing no side effects, even when used continuously.
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The text goes on to say that reishi "continually
consumed, makes your body light and young,
lengthens your life and turns you into one like the
immortal who never dies". It is recognized as a major
tonic for all Three Treasures.
As a Jing tonic, it is said to build primal power and to
replenish energy spent handling stressful situations.
As a Chi tonic, reishi builds energy and immunity. It
has been shown to be an immune regulating agent,
activating immune functions in cases of
immunodeficiency and reducing the excesses
associated with auto-immune conditions. It is a tonic
for people suffering from allergies. It benefits the
lungs and the liver. Studies show that it protects the
liver from damaging toxic chemicals, including
pharmaceutical metabolites. It appears to help
regulate coronary and cerebral blood flow, and also
seems to help reduce levels of blood lipids and lower
elevated cholesterol. It is good to build liver, and it is
my number one herb for treating hepatitis C.
It builds body resistance, detoxifies, is an aphrodisiac,
a sedative, prolongs life, and enhances intelligence
and wisdom. It has traditionally been used as an
anti-aging herb, and is called the "Elixer of
Immortality" by Taoists, who have used it to improve
meditation and to protect the body, mind and spirit.
Reishi contains Beta-1, 3-glucans, which helps
regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels. It is widely
used in Asia to improve the cardiovascular system. It
may prove to be the greatest prevention against
cancer, because it helps us to protect ourselves by our
own power. Peacefulness seems to accompany its use.
Reishi is the supreme Shen tonic. It is believed to
protect the Spirit and to nurture the growth of
intelligence, wisdom, and spiritual insight. Reishi is a
superb anti-stress herb. Reishi makes the mind
peaceful, and has helped many people break drug
addictions. It has a cumulative strengthening effect on
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the nerves and shifts our perceptions of reality. It was
believed by Taoists to calm the mind, ease tension,
strengthen the nerves, improve memory, sharpen
concentration and focus, build will power, and, as a
result, help build wisdom. Reishi improves quality of
life, because it improves inner spiritual life.
Shaman Shack provides whole reishi and a high
quality 10:1 pure powdered extract. This herb is not
digestible in its raw state.
D3 Serum supports multiple organ systems,
including healthy bones, nerves, heart, brain, lungs,
esophagus, breasts, colon, stomach, pancreas,
prostate, uterus, ovaries, and the kidneys. D3 helps to
prevent and treat type 1 and type 2 Diabetes. Research
shows that D3 may protect against 70% of all cancers,
and builds the immune system. Daily D3 intake
should be 1,000-2,000 IU daily for adults, and 100-200
IU daily for children. D3 up-regulates all 200
anti-infective compounds that the body's immune
system makes, and be a primary protector against all
types of flus, viral infections, and bacterial infections,
giving far superior immune protection from all the
flu's than any vaccination. Of course all the studies on
the vaccinations show minimal effectiveness. Vaccines
are 0-4% effective and have many deadly side-effects,
so comparing vitamin D3's tremendous up-regulation
of the immune system is not really saying much. It is
better to say that vitamin D3 is a powerful immune
activator. Our modern lifestyle leaves many of us
deficient in this absolutely crucial nutrient. A blood
serum of 45-50 ng/ml is recommended as a good
level. Newer research suggests that D3 works
synergistically with vitamins A and K. But initial
research is not yet clear for me to make a
recommendation. Many of us spend the majority of
our days indoors and are unaware that it can take
24-48 hours for vitamin D3 to be absorbed into the
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body after being in the sunshine, which results in
much of the D3 that our bodies created being washed
off in the shower before it enters our system. Vitamin
D3 needs to be on your list of crucial nutrients if you
are interested in vibrant health, superior immunity,
and longevity. Those living above the line from San
Francisco, CA to Baltimore, MD need to take it
regularly. Twenty minutes in the sun will produce
20,000 units per day. Vitamin D3 is primarily a chi
building energy. Premier Research is our choice for a
live D3.
B Vitamin Nano-Complex: This unique supplement
contains end chain, living B vitamins, including
vitamin B12 and folic acid in their most metabolic
form. These never before available nanized living B
vitamins are derived from live vegan sources and give
maximum cellular resonance. This formula offers
advanced support for the liver, immune system, heart,
brain, and adrenals (stress) while promoting high
energy and mood balance. Nicknamed the "Happy
Juice" here at the Tree, this product provides a force
field of stress protection and neurological resilience. A
perfect supplement for vegans and vegetarians
concerned about maintaining healthy levels of
vitamin B12. It is the only source of human active
vegan B12 available. After six years, 80% of vegans
and live-fooders, as well as carnivores are deficient in
B12 at its optimal level in the blood and urine. Please
understand it is absolutely necessary to take. Our
choice is Max Stress B (a nanized B) from Premier
Research. Max Stress B is primarily a chi energy, but
also enhances shen, because it improves brain
neurotransmitter function. Recommended dose for
adults and children is 1/2 to 1 tsp. two times each
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Aloe Vera: Provides immune support, mucus
membrane rejuvenation, colon health, healthy joints
and tissues, and acts as a perfect delivery vehicle for
alkalizing minerals. It's also extremely hydrating and
delicious, making it one of our favorite items for
desert living. I have used it effectively in colitis and
Chron's disease cases as well as for general immune
strength and lymphatic cleansing. It primarily builds
chi and secondarily post-natal shen. Quantum Aloe
Vera from Premier Research Labs is our top choice.
This is 100% organic hand-filleted Aloe Barbadensis
without questionable preservatives or water added;
all liquid present is from the aloe's inner leaf.
Phytonutrients, Anti-oxidents, and Anti-aging
Energies: As a supplement category for protecting
against anti-oxidant stress, radiation exposure,
upgrades, and protecting DNA function, and slowing
aging. Here are five excellent anti-aging supplements.
1) Coenzyme Q-10 is a super-antioxidant and
activator of cellular ATP production that provides a
massive cell energy boost, while increasing
circulation, protecting against infection and cell
degeneration. It enters your blood stream 60 seconds
after you drink it and immediately begins reviving
and literally saving your cells from free-radical
induced self-destruction. CoQ-Quinol is specific for
enhancing heart energy, metabolizing and therefore
strengthening heart function and while helping to
lower hypertension. It is specific for treatment of
CoQ-10 depletion secondary to statin drugs.
CoQ-Quinol (Premier Research Labs' form of CoQ-10)
is a vegan live source, fully reduced (unoxidized)
form of CoQ-10 known as ubiquinol (CoQ-10H) and
is very important for jing, cell energy.
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2) Super Nano Green Tea especially protects one from
ionizing radiation. On a single 4-5 hour flight we are
exposed to the equivalent amount of ionizing
radiation exposure as we would normal experience in
an entire year on the earth, and at least the equivalent
to one chest X-ray. We are living in a world in which
we are exposed to unnatural levels of radiation on a
regular basis from power lines, cell phones, airport
scanners, and radioactive materials. One full body
CT-scan for medical diagnostics is equal to 900 chest
X-rays. Green tea has been shown to provide
protection from the free-radical onslaught brought on
by exposure to radiation. Super Nano Green Tea
provides this protection without any of the potential
down sides of regular green tea. This nanized green
tea has almost no caffeine left in it; it contains no
fluoride, and no aluminum dioxide, all of which can
be a concern with many regular green teas. It
supports all three treasures. It is particularly good for
brain inflammation for a variety of reasons.
3) Resveratrol – This is a powerful anti-aging,
DNA-upgrading nutrient and antioxidant with a wide
range of immune-boosting properties. It protects cells
while deactivating undesirable cells by controlling
acetylation/deacetylation reactions. It supports direct
immune enhancement, activates the longevity gene
and promotes healthy inflammatory activity. It is also
important for healthy DNA maintenance. It has been
proven to provide anti-aging and longevity benefits
by activating our "longevity genes" which extends
maximum lifespan. One study demonstrated a 60-80%
increased lifespan in yeast cells using resveratrol. It
has also been proven to reduce the amount of DNA
mistakes during cell replication by an unprecedented
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60%, thus promoting more efficient cellular repair and
significantly prolonging to cell life. We carry several
products that offer amazing natural and bioavailable
sources of this antioxidant. In general the dose I
recommend is 1/2 to 1 tsp. two times daily. It builds
post-natal jing, and some pre-natal jing. Poptosin is
our first choice.
4) Alphalipoic acid (dihydrolipoic acid) is a more
potent form of alphalipoic acid. This is one of the
most potent anti-oxidants we carry here in the Tree of
Life Dispensary and Culture of Life Store. It is the
only nutrient that is able to quench every free-radical
that exist both in the human body's water and fat
tissues. This product provides unprecedented free
radical and excitotoxicity protection, which helps
revitalizes cellular energy, prevent
nuerodegeneration, and stimulates anti-aging. In the
last 25 years there has been a 50% reduction of the
antioxidant content of foods, which makes this
modern day super-antioxidant a crucial player for
protecting ourselves from accelerated aging and
nuero-degeneration. Quantum DHLA, a special
reduced form of alphalipoic acid is my top choice.
Combine a ½ tps. of this in a quart of water with the
Super Nano Green Tea, CoQ Quinol, and Max Stress B
for a powerful boost in cellular energy, neurological
protection, stress relief, and anti-aging. It is
specifically used in Europe and at the Tree of Life
Rejuvenation Center to help reverse diabetic
neuropathies. Our choice is the live, hydrogenated
alphalipoic acid from Premier Research Labs. These
support post-natal jing.
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5) Anti-oxidant extreme is a highly concentrated fruit,
seed, nut, vegetable, herb extract. Antioxidant
Extreme is a superior food-concentrate anti-oxidant,
which I use regularly. According to anti-oxidant
research, free radical excess is a major cause of aging
and inflammatory disease. Anti-oxidant Extreme
supports both yin and yang jing. General dosage is 4
capsules, two times daily. (I take double this amount
when flying.)
Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) aka Liquid Zeolite:
NCD is the most purified and powerful zeolite
available today. Imagine countless of tiny molecular
cages circulating around in your body with the ability
to selectively capture molecular toxins such as heavy
metals, pesticides, herbicides, depleted uranium,
radioactive ions, viral particles and other damaging
molecules before safely escorting them out of the
body without depositing them in the kidneys and
brain, as other chelators tend to do. NCD also helps to
alkalize the body, and boost immunity and diseaseresistance in the process. Zeolites have been used
safely for over 800 years in traditional remedies
throughout Asia, and were given to those affected by
the nuclear fallout from Chernobyl to remove
radioactivity (20 tons of it was also dropped on the
reactor area itself to mop up the radioactivity). It can
be used safely in pregnant and nursing mothers and
is a key part of the detox programs at the Tree of Life
Rejuvenation Center for prospective mothers. We also
use it during our spiritual fasting and detox programs
as it facilitates detox. As long as you are breathing the
air, drinking the water, and eating food, you are well
served taking NCD. Fasting dose is 15 drops, 4 times
daily. When not fasting, the dose is 10 drops, 4 times
daily. Here are some key reasons to be taking NCD:
1. It is completely safe and non-toxic
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2. Removes heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead,
arsenic, aluminum, strontium, and excess iron)
3. Helps remove pesticides, herbicides and dioxins.
4. Reduces viral load
5. Helps to buffer pH
6. Helps buffer blood sugar
7. Helps reduce risk of cancer
8. Reduces symptoms of allergies
9. Increases immune system function
10. Anti-aging
11. Removes depleted uranium
12. Removes pesticides and herbacides
NCD is a simple, elegant, extraordinary, and
necessary for maintaining healthy living in today's
modern toxic world. This primarily strengthens jing.
Culture Of Life High Intensity Proteolytic
Enzymes– This revolutionary blend of systemic
enzymes and antioxidants is specially formulated to
support healthy circulation and removes plaque from
the arteries as well as thinning the blood as a
protector against increased tendency to clot with age.
It is helpful in normalizing immune hyperfunction as
in auto-immune disease. It has been documented to
decrease swelling after trauma by 50% (such as in
cases of sports injuries, wisdom teeth extractions, and
other physical traumas). It is helpful in inflammatory
conditions in general as well as for dissolving external
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and internal scar tissue such as post-operation
adhesions and scaring of the ducts of the B-cells of the
pancreas as in type 1 and advanced type 2, insulindependent diabetes. When taken at least 1 hour,
before or after food, 70% is absorbed through the
Peyer's patches in the small intestine and goes directly
into the blood. Endogenous Blood Particles (EBP's)
are unwanted materials that normally accumulate in
the blood; these can include decayed cells, fibrin, fatty
proteins, and yeast. Cleaner blood, with a reduced
level of EBP's can support healthy inflammatory
responses and their relation to joint discomfort and
stiffness, such as in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
arthritis. Reduced EBP's sustains healthy and
relatively normal blood clotting factors as well.
Because of it's powerful anti-inflammatory,
anti-oxidant, and anti-edemic components this
product can be effectively used by people to promote
joint comfort, healthy circulation, healthy immune
function, support for sports and work injuries. I use it
for all diabetics in our diabetes program. We have
discovered that it increases the detox rate by 400% in
our fasting program and so helps to minimize fasting
crises. During the fast I recommend 1 scoop or 5
capsules three times per day, and preventatively in
healthy adults - 1 scoop or 5 capsules two times per
day. It is also recommended for long flights to prevent
peripheral thrombosis, which is the leading cause of
medical deaths while flying. It is a powerful chi
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E3 Live: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) – This is
the world's only live frozen AFA blue-green algae
being brought to you as close to it's natural state as
possible. Packed with chlorophyll, amino acids,
antioxidants, phycocyanin, phenethylamine (PEA),
vitamins (B2, B6, and 14 others), minerals, enzymes,
and essential fatty acids (high in DHA and EPA). As a
physician working with thousands of clients, I find
that E3Live helps to restore overall brain biochemical
balance by nourishing the brain at a cellular level. The
positive response from the use of E3Live has been
extraordinary. E3Live has the potential to enhance
every aspect of our lives, including mind, body, and
soul. It is quite a nice addition to smoothies, elixirs,
chocolates, and some even enjoy it straight. Be sure to
try the BrainOn, which is the same AFA super
blue-green algae, with additional PEA added, to
encourage a fully tuned-in and turned on brain. I
have been using various forms of blue-green algae
since 1982 and E3Live is the most potent form I have
found. It is a specific tonic for the brain, enhancing
memory, clarity, and creativity, as well as for the
immune system. It is one of the few vegan foods that
increase DHA and EPA levels. I have published
research showing that it has partially reversed
Alzheimers. Recommended dose is 1 Tbsp, three
times daily, or 4 capsules, 2-3 times daily in its
freezedried form. In toxic people start with 1/4 the
dosage (as it is a powerful detoxifier) then gradually
increase. E3Live supports jing, chi, and shen.
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Magnesium – The body requires magnesium intake
everyday in amounts that are not being provided by
most of our diets, leaving many of us vastly deficient
in this critical mineral. About 80% of the US
population is magnesium deficient. Magnesium
deficiency can contribute to symptoms of stress, low
energy, muscle tension, spasms, cramps, headaches,
insomnia, abnormal heart rhythms, PMS and
hormonal imbalances, weak bones, constipation,
nervousness, anxiety, and irritability. It activates over
300 neurotransmitter enzymes. Magnesium is one of
the best alkalizing minerals so it is great to help
reverse tissue acidity. Our favorite way to supplement
magnesium at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center is
with the Angstrom Magnesium by Mother Earth
Minerals. Just a tablespoon of this tasteless liquid held
under the tongue for 30 seconds can begin to relieve
symptoms of magnesium deficiency. If very deficient,
one can take up to 4 Tbsp. daily. Hold in your mouth
for 30 seconds, as it is absorbed through the mouth.
We carry several magnesium products, which offer a
variety of ways to get this crucial nutrient into the
body. Magnesium, and minerals in general, can have a
beneficial affect on jing, but eventually ground and
fortify shen. The CALM form is very good for
constipation if 1 Tbsp. is taken in hot water 2-4 times
daily, when coming off a fast.
Carnosine: This amino acid is crucial for nerve and
muscle cell health and development, because it
prevents the accumulation of advanced glycation
end-products (AGE's), free radicals, and excitotoxins
that can wreak havoc on both muscle and nerve cells.
AGE's accelerate aging with all its degenerative
symptoms. Carnosine comes only from meat and is
not available in a vegan diet. Its deficiency causes
cross-linking from glycasolation, which accelerates
aging. Skin wrinkles are a sign of glycation on the
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outside, representative of the aging that is going on
internally. AGE's and excitotoxins are two of the main
culprits in neuro-degenerate conditions such as
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Those of us who are on
extreme exercise regimens will also benefit from the
protection provided by carnosine, as naturally
occurring free-radicals are created during both
physical and mental exertion. This product provides
important protection for central nervous system's
day-to-day maintenance as well as in the case of
injury or inflammation of the central nervous system.
To get the equivalent of the 1/8 tsp. daily dose of
carnosine from flesh, one would have to eat one steak
3 times daily. This is the only vegan source of this
critically important anti-aging nutrient. It supports
post-natal jing and chi. I recommend Premier Research
Labs Carnosine product.
Iodoral - Iodine is an essential element. It is one of the
most potent lymphatic cleansers available. Although
its main function is in the production of thyroid
hormones by the thyroid gland, other organs in the
body have a need for iodine in order to function
normally. Iodine builds jing and chi. Several studies
have demonstrated the relationship not only between
iodine and the thyroid gland, but also between low
iodine and fibrocystic disease of the breast (FDB), and
breast cancer. Studies showed Japanese women living
in Japan consumed a daily average of 13.8 mg of
elemental iodine and then experienced one of the
lowest risk for breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer (1
in 20). Recommended dosage is 1 tablet daily for
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Tachyon Water and Tachyon Silica: Tachyon Water is
a fluid of life that energizes the Subtle Organizing
Energy Fields (SOEF), transforming your body into a
superconductor of life-force energy, dramatically
increasing energy, endurance, balance and harmony
within your whole being. Tachyonized Water works
from the inside out, as do all Tachyonized Internals.
Tachyonized Water draws life-force energy to every
cell in your body, allowing your body to begin a
physical and emotional detoxification. As your body
detoxifies, it is able to draw in more life-force energy
on its own. This potential has been measured! My
research in 1990 showed that using Tachyonized
Water will balance the energy meridians within 20
minutes of taking it sublingually (under the tongue).
"Tachyonization" means that this water has gone
through a proprietary 14 day process at the
sub-molecular level, and is no longer regular water.
Research at Heartmath Institute found it to be the
only substance to reverse telomere unwinding. This
study suggests that it is a powerful anti-aging water.
Start slowly at 6 drops per day to minimize detox.
One may take up to 1 dropper full 2 times daily, with
or away from food. Tachyon Silica turns the whole
musculo-skeletal system into a tachyon antennae. It is
particularly powerful in building bone and connective
tissue strength and is helpful in reversing
osteoporosis. These both build post-natal jing, chi, and
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Marine Phytoplankton – For an estimated three
billion years, marine phytoplankton have directly
supported virtually all living creatures in the ocean
and, indirectly, all the those creatures on land. Marine
phytoplankton contains a unique and extraordinary
combination of life-sustaining nutrients including
omega-3 essential fatty acids (including DHA),
nucleotides, DNA, RNA, protein, chlorophyll,
vitamins, trace elements, and polysaccharides.
Phytoplankton is 100% bioavailable to the human
body. Benefits include: energy without loss of energy
to digestion, immune support, decrease in aches and
pains, improves speed and safety of detoxification,
weight loss, improved memory, and physical
strength. I find it is an excellent way to alkalize and
mineralize the body and almost everyone benefits
from it as a general nutrient concentrate. All algaes
support chi, but through their body-toning qualities,
eventually fortify jing. My choice is Oceans Alive 1-2
dropper-full per day.
Vegan long-chain omega 3 from marine micro-algae
sources. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a critical
nutrient that is one of the main components of brain
tissue, as well as embryo, brain, eye, and nervous
system development. Low levels of DHA have been
found in persons with: heart disease, high blood
pressure, cancer, Alzheimer's, Attention Deficit
Disorder, depression, insomnia, stress, hyperactivity,
dyslexia, and it is always part of the healing program
for postpartum depression. I recommend it as part of
pre- and post-natal breastfeeding nutritional program.
Research shows that up to 90% of American women
during pregnancy are deficient in it. Because it is so
critical to the baby's brain, nervous system, and visual
development, the baby will draw it from the mother.
A basic dose for pregnancy and breastfeeding is a
minimum of 300 mg. daily. Maintenance can be closer
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to half that amount.
The other important long-chain omega 3 is EPA,
which supports the cardio-vascular system. V-Pure is
a mix of EPA and DHA from yellow algae. It gives the
essential key long chain omega 3 fatty acids. The
other important long chain omega 3 is EPA. Both EPA
and DHA help create optimal cellular brain cell
membrane function and stabilization, which is
particularly important in helping to ameliorate manicdepression. E3Live, the herb called purslane, and
micro-algae sources such as yellow algae, are the
primary sources of both EPA and DHA in the vegan
world. One tablespoon of coconut oil amplifies the
conversion of short chain omega's found in chia, flax,
hemp seeds, and walnuts from a 3-5% conversion rate
to as high as 10%, which is a 200% increase in
production of long chain omega 3's. EPA helps to thin
the blood and protect against cardiovascular
problems. I have found high doses are helpful in
manic depression. It is far superior to fish oil, which
has only 2% EPA, often is rancid, and carries the
heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides that have
accumulated in the fish. Two capsules, twice daily is a
good maintenance dose. The long chain omega 3's
build chi and post-natal jing.
Bee Pollen – This is an alkaline food that is
considered by many to be one of the most complete
food sources found in nature. It is one of the highest
ojas foods, and is a powerful shen builder. As the
semen of the plant kingdom, pollen is essentially pure
ojas, and therefore absolutely essential for balancing
the spiritual nutrition diet, needed to grow, create,
and evolve on both the physical and spiritual planes.
It is good for building chi and both prenatal and
post-natal jing. Bee pollen is loaded with antioxidants,
it is a hormonal booster and aphrodisiac, and
increases strength, endurance, energy, and speed. Bee
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pollen helps restore ovarian function. It is loaded with
B-vitamins, (including human-active B12, but this
human-active B12 is blocked by B12 analogs). It
reduces the presences of histamine, thus ameliorating
many allergies. Bee pollen contains 18 vitamins,
carotenes, 56 minerals, all 22 essential amino acids,
over 5,000 enzymes, polysaccharides and simple
sugars, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), and 15 % lecithin
(different from soy lecithin) that is especially good for
brain development. Research done by doctors from
France, Italy, and Russia, shows that bee pollen is one
of the richest sources of bioavailable protein in nature.
Bee pollen is approximately 20 percent protein. Gram
for gram, bee pollen contains an estimated five times
more protein than meat, eggs, or cheese. Because the
protein in bee pollen is in a predigested form, it is
easy to assimilate. Like algae, bee pollen, as a multidimensional food, supports chi, but through its
body-toning quality, eventually fortifies jing. E3 Live
and reishi are its super-complements. I recommend
1-3 Tbsp per day for everyone. Because it is phase 1.5,
those on phase 1.0 need to wait until they have
reached phase 1.5 before using it.
[See Phase Chart here]
Maca - Maca is a member of the cruciferous family, it
is a root that grows high in the Andes. Maca is a
powerfood to support the overall endocrine system
and especially the thyroid, adrenals, and male and
female gonads. Strong thyroid energy is heating, and
the cold conditions in which it is grown make maca
an excellent superfood choice for individuals living in
cold climates, at high altitudes, and/or with extreme
adventure lifestyles. Maca is a wonderful adaptogenic
herb, which will help the body-mind cope with
stressors including physical, chemical, biological
agents, and emotional and mental stressors, returning
your body to homeostasis. It has the ability to balance
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and stabilize the body's glandular-hormonal system,
nervous system, cardiovascular system, and
musculature. I recommend it as a basic thyroid,
adrenal, general endocrine, and sexual support and
rejuvenator for many. Maca does slightly raise blood
sugar, so it is not recommended for diabetics. It builds
post-natal jing and chi.
Betaine HCL - Hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) is
necessary for adequate absorption of protein, calcium,
vitamin B12, iron, folic acid, and minerals in general.
Because it helps calcium absorption, I regularly use it
for reversing osteoporosis. The low pH of the
stomach's hydrochloric acid not only breaks down
nutrients like fats and proteins, but is also destroys
ingested bacteria, parasites, and other
microorganisms. If you have deficient stomach acid
even the best food cannot be properly digested, and
when we are unable to absorb nutrients it can lead to
a variety of health problems. Many over the age of 40
and 50% of the people over age 60 have deficient
stomach acid. By age 85, 80% have deficient stomach
acid. Weak stomach acid can cause indigestion, and
believe it or not, too little stomach acid is the common
cause of an acid stomach, not excess acid. Many
people use antacids to temporarily relieve a queasy
stomach, but in the long run, regular use of antacids
makes the problem worse. This vegan natural plantsource (beets) hydrochloric acid supplement is a must
have for anyone who is trying to improve and
maintain the best possible digestion and nutrient
absorption. Efficient and complete digestion is critical
to health and longevity, making this supplement
invaluable. In addition, one of the most important
aspects of Betaine HCL is to replace methyl groups,
which is important for DNA and enzyme repair. Each
cell has 90 million methyl groups in reserve. We lose
18 million per cooked food meal and 12 million per
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live food meal. It primarily builds chi. I recommend at
least 2 capsules at the end of a meal for anyone over
the age of 40.
Digestive Enzymes – Enzymes function as protein,
carbohydrate, and lipid digestive enzymes. They are
highly active substances that play a crucial role in
digestion. In digestion, enzymes are produced by the
body to completely break down food for proper
assimilation. All uncooked foods naturally contain
enzymes that many believe help digestion, but this
affect may be overrated and has limited scientific
research to back it. Our enzyme systems gradually
weaken with age, and a healthy digestive system is
essential for good health, vitality, and rejuvenation.
Taking enzymes does not suppress our own digestive
enzyme production. With regular use of oral enzyme
supplements, the body's enzyme production burden
becomes much less, so the number of years that the
body can produce these can actually be extended.
Digestive enzymes primarily build chi. I recommend
PRL Quantum Digest, PRL Quantum Digestase SP,
DigestEnz, or Dr. Howell's Genuine Enzymes.
Probiotics - The body functions as a complex bacterial
ecosystem. Maintaining a balance of beneficial
microbes throughout the gastrointestinal tract is vital
to optimal health, the immune system, and the
stability of this inner ecosystem. The colon contains
3-4 pounds of bacteria. There are also over 700 types
of harmful intestinal bacteria, while there are only 20
types of beneficial microbes. To maintain health the
colon needs a ratio of 85% health promoting "good"
bacteria to 15% or less of the harmful bacteria. When
this balance is disrupted a variety health problems
can present themselves including toxemia (toxic
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blood), dysbiosis, candiditis, poor digestion, and a
weakened immune system. We carry several live
vegetarian-source probiotics that can help you create
a healthy and balanced inner ecology. Probiotics assist
chi. All but Dr. Friedlander's formula need to be taken
at least one hour from food. I recommend PRL
Quantum Probiotic, Syntol, Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics,
Ultra-Probiotic, Ultrablend, or Latero-Flora formula
(which specifically needs to be taken at least one hour
away from food).
Complete Vitamin C from food concentrates : For
centuries, the Amazon's indigenous people have
gathered wild Camu Camu berries (the world's
richest source of vitamin C and the primary
ingredient in Pure Radiant C – my first vitamin C
concentrate choice) to protect and enhance their
health and immune systems. The is a 100 % whole
food vitamin C supplement containing all of the
needed cofactors and enzymes necessary to fully
absorb and utilize vitamin C. Radiant C strengthens
and helps to strengthen artery and vein walls.
German research shows vitamin C to be the most
cardio-protective vitamin. A full food concentrate, C
also builds and supports the adrenals against all
levels of stress. Vitamin C also protects against
glycosylation. It is a basic and important anti-oxidant,
and plays a role in building neuro-transmitters.
Vitamin C builds jing and defensive chi.
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