Introduction to Microbiology Lab Biol 132L (1 credit hour) Dr. Kathryn Sutton, Assistant Professor of Biology Spring, 2007 Tuesdays 8-10:50, CBH 227 General Information Office Location Office Phone Email Mail Station Office Hours CBH 222 588-6526 (or 6526, if on campus) MS 1791 MW 10-11 W 2-4 Th 11-12 F 10-12, 2-3 Or by appt. (please call or email me) Required Text Morello A, Mizer H, and Granato P. Microbiology, Applications to Patent Care, 8th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003 Course Description Introduction to Microbiology Lab gives students “hands-on” experience in Microbiology. Emphasis will be on relating lab exercises to patient care and diagnosis of infectious disease. Course Goal and Statement Connecting goals to the Clarke College Mission: Students who complete this course will have a broad understanding of Microbiology and how this field relates to human health. Because this course is designed for Nursing majors, moral issues within the medical fields and compassion for the ill will also be a focus, in conjunction with the mission statement of the college. 1 Expectations Attendance: You are expected to attend all labs. There is no opportunity to make up labs. If you cannot attend a lab, you may complete those assignments that you can; however, you cannot get credit for in-class assignments (quizzes included). There are many opportunities to earn points for your lab grade. A single absence (due to funeral attendance or illness) should not impact your grade if you regularly attend all labs and study for your weekly quizzes. Repeated absences and/or lateness will impact your grade in a negative way and you have no one to blame but yourself. Preparedness: You must prepare for each lab by reading the assigned pages in the lab manual or text and familiarizing yourself with the key terms for the lab. Assignments: All assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the lab on the day they are due. There are no exceptions to this rule. Any assignments due the day you miss class must be given to me prior to the start of class (via email in WORD or copied into the body of the email or delivered by a classmate). This rule stands no matter what reason you have for missing lab. 10% will be deducted right off the top of the assignment for late work. 10% will also be deducted for each addition late day. After 4 days, do not bother to turn the assignment in to me. Lab Safety: You must follow at all times the safety procedures outlined in your lab manual. Participation: You are expected to participate fully in each lab. I, as the instructor, reserve the write to deduct points from your individual grade if I suspect that you are not pulling your own weight in group assignments and lab work. If you sleep during lab, you will be asked to leave. Repeat sleepers will be asked to withdraw from the course. Learning and fun: Hands-on is the best way to learn science. If you have a good attitude, you will succeed!! 2 Course Outcomes-Students will successfully…. Proper use and care of the microscope. Activity/Project/ Performance Assessed by the instructor during the first three weeks of class Program Outcomes Successful completion of the questions assigned for each lab exercise. Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate scientific concepts and findings in writing Students will demonstrate knowledge of structure and function of cells Students will correctly use technology in the lab Sterile technique and handling of live cultures. Follow procedures for staining bacteria. Apply classroom knowledge to patient care. Define and properly use terms that are critical to microbiologists. Demonstrate understanding of means by which microbes grow and how that growth can be controlled. Weekly quizzes on key terms. Lab exercises, quizzes and homework. Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate scientific concepts and findings in writing Students will demonstrate knowledge of structure and function of cells Statement on American with Disabilities Act Any student who needs accommodations must contact Myra Benzer in the Learning Center. Be sure this happens very early in the semester. The Learning Center is located in the upper level of the Clarke College Library. You will not be able to take exams in the Learning Center unless there is a documented reason for doing so. Statements on Academic Integrity Clarke College Statement: Although course activities encourage collaboration and shared learning, acknowledging others for their contribution is crucial. Do not copy words, ideas, papers or parts of papers from any source without giving credit through acceptable forms of documentation. Do not lend out your ideas, papers, or parts of papers to others. Passing off someone else’s work as your own or allowing your work to be used this way is a serious break in the academic integrity of this class and the college. It may result in failure or expulsion. (See student handbook on academic integrity). 3 Dr. Sutton’s Statement: Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. This includes tests, quizzes, homework assignments, and group projects and will result in a zero for the test or assignment. It is considered cheating if you fail to cite your references (internet sites included). It is never acceptable (and you will fail the assignment if you do this) to copy ANYONE’S work word for word. You must always use your own words and then credit your source, using an acceptable and consistent style format. I will not accept work that does not have a bibliography. Grade Assignment The following is the basis for your grade: Quiz or Assignment 10 quizzes (10 points each) Homework assignments (34 questions total, 5 points each) Results table p. 148 Proper use and storage of microscope Point Value 100 170 10 20 Your grade will be based on the percentage of the total number of points that you earn throughout the semester. Points earned 279+ 270-278 261-269 249-260 240-248 231-239 219-230 210-218 201-209 189-200 180-188 179 and less Out of 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Percentage 93+ 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 59 and below Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 4 Tentative Lab Schedule (instructor reserves the right to make changes, if necessary) Date Exercise # and Description Pre-lab Assignment and Quiz 1/16 Introduction to Course None Review of Lecture and Lab Syllabi Lab Safety and procedures 1/23 #1 Microscope Quiz 1 #4 Simple Stain Quiz 1 #11 Culturing from the environment Read lab 11 Read lab 3 (p. 26 and section 3.2) 1/30 #3 Wet Mount-demonstration #5 Gram Stain Quiz 2 on key terms # 9 Streaking to pure culture from environment Read lab 9 plate (you will need to come to lab 3 additional times over Post-lab Assignments None p. 36 # 4,6,8 Due: discuss results next week p. 31 #1 Due: p. 41 #4,7,8,9 Due: p. 63 #3 Due: the next 2 weeks to obtain pure culture) #2 Handling cultures 2/6 2/13 2/20 2/27 3/6 3/13 #7.1 Endospore staining DNA-RNA-Protein (working with models) Review for Lecture Exam I Lecture Exam I in lab@ 9 AM Quiz 3 on key terms Quiz 4 on key terms Gram, and Endospore stain pure culture from environmental plates; make storage slant Lecture on factors that influence microbial growth Oxygen and temperature influence microbial growth #28 Anaerobic bacteria No Lab-winter Break Lecture on next week’s experiment @ 8 AM Exam II following lecture Review Labs 5 and 7.1 Quiz 5 on key terms Read text p. 156-163 Read test p. 170-173, 178- p. 23 #1,4, 5 Due: p. 52 #4,6 Due: Fill in worksheet prior to leaving lab #1,2,3 Text p. 180 Review questions # 3, 5 and MC questions # 3 & 4 (explain answers for MC) Due: Text p. 180 Review questions # 1,10 Due: 5 Day/ Date 3/20 3/27 4/3 4/10 4/17 4/24 Exercise # and Description Bacterial growth (handout) #13 The Autoclave #16 Diagnostic Microbiology #20 The Staphylococci No Lab-Easter Break Exam III in lab; begins @ 9 AM #14 Disinfectants The Effects of UV light-Handout #15 Antibiotics: The Kirby-Bauer Method Continue Staph isolation Hand Washing Experiment (handout) Effectiveness of Alcohol (handout) Pre-lab Assignment and Quiz Quiz 6 on last week’s lecture Read text p. 170-173, 178 Quiz 7 on key terms Lecture Post-lab Assignments Quiz 8 p. 93 #5,6,7 Due: p. 104 #4,10,11 Due: Read handout Read handout Quiz 9 (read both handouts) Discuss results in lab next week Copy the results table p. 148 p. 148 #1,4,8,9 Continue staph 5/1 #26 Culture Techniques- Urine Case Study III assigned Latex agglutination of Staph Examine Urine Culture plates Case study presentations Text p. 180 Review questions # 1,10 Due: p. 86 #6,9 Due: Lab manual p.132; & Fig. 19.1 Quiz 10 6