Inside 3Q2009 2-3...Haynes and Boone Raises the Bar on Client Value 4-5...ACCA-DFW’s Margolies Memorial Scholarship Awarded to Law Students Pursuing Summer Internships with Pro bono agencies 5-6...KPMG and Prescott Legal Search Present Results of In-House Counsel Compensation Survey 6-7...Personal Risk Mitigation for In-House Counsel focus President’s Message Marcia Stuart Ceplecha It’s Been a Great Year for Our DFW Chapter! We are coming to the close of our fiscal year and have completed elections for the Officers and Directors for the 2009-10 year. And we are just coming off our signature Golf & Spa event – a time for networking, great golf at the world class Four Seasons resort, and fabulous spa treatments. Now is the time for reflecting on how the year has been proceeding. The DFW Chapter hit important milestones this year and rolled out some exciting new initiatives. The most significant milestone was that the Chapter crossed the 600 member mark in January and continues to grow! Just five years ago, the Chapter membership was in the 300s. Our goal is to ensure the Chapter continues its impressive growth while we, as a Board, seek to provide even more value to our members. We revamped our sponsorship packages this year to provide improved programs to our members while increasing sponsor effectiveness and satisfaction. As part of this commitment to member value, we instituted our In-Sight program series, challenging our sponsors and the Board leadership to include in-house counsel panelists on as many presentations as possible. I’m proud to say that we have exceeded our expectations – nearly all of our presentations this year included distinguished in-house panelists sharing critical and useful insight, unique to inhouse experience. As part of our Chapter improvement, the Board also expanded in size last year not only to increase the diversity of ideas and experience, but to provide greater opportunities for participation in Chapter leadership. We will continue to work on new programs and events, so look for these over the next year. Our DFW area has also experienced its share of hardship from the troubled national and world economy. ACC has expanded its services to include more in-transition assistance programs and services, and we, as the local face of the in-house bar, are introducing our own new initiatives for in-transition members. Our Chapter established an In-Transition Member Committee to develop ideas and programs to assist those members transitioning between jobs. I take this opportunity to invite you to contact us if you wish to participate on this Committee as we strive to improve services for all our members. And I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the privilege of serving as your Chapter President. I am proud to have worked with such a vibrant group of attorneys and can sincerely say that our Chapter is one of the best in ACC. The DFW Chapter is fortunate to have so many distinguished attorneys in its midst, and remains a fantastic home for networking, development, friendship and just plain fun! For me, ACC and our DFW Chapter, is the place to be for in-house counsel and I look forward to seeing and working with you all in the future -- in our home, the Big D and Cowtown! ACC-DFW 2009/10 Board of Directors Officers Todd Martin (President), Bank of America Penny Phillips, (1st Vice President), Pinnacle Partners in Medicine Kenneth Johnson (2nd Vice President), Quest Diagnostics Incorporated Jeff Everett (Treasurer), Sabre Holdings Corporations Richard Mosher (Secretary), Loctronix Corp. Marcia Stuart Ceplecha (Past President) Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Directors Christopher Ducanes, Allegro Development Corporation Michael Cameron, Ericcson Inc. Rhonda L. Lenard, PNMR Services Company Bipasha Mukherjee, Cinemark, Inc. P.J. Putnam, Gearbox Software, LLC Robert Robinson, BancTec Haynes and Boone Raises the Bar on Client Value All of us have read about the challenges law firms are facing in the light of the prevailing economic conditions, and with several well-known firms laying off attorneys, sky-rocketing first-year associate salaries seem a distant memory. However, prior to these developments, the ACC formulated its Value Challenge - a national coordinated effort by corporate counsel to enhance the value our clients receive from outside counsel. In support of the Value Challenge, the DFW chapter has hosted several events focusing on various aspects of the relationship between outside counsel and their corporate clients, and our June Chapter Meeting, sponsored by Haynes and Boone, was one of the most compelling events we have held this year. On June 23rd (Fort Worth) and July 9th (Dallas), Haynes and Boone lawyers and a panel of distinguished general counsel discussed this sacrosanct relationship with frankness and goodwill during a panel discussion titled “The Changing World of Pricing and Cost Management of Legal Services.” Tony Bangs – Senior Vice President, General Counsel for The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.; David Goldberg, Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary for Union Drilling, Inc.; and Bob Robinson – Vice President, General Counsel for BancTec, Inc., served as in-house panelists. Lawyers from Haynes and Boone included partners Brian Barnard, Terry Conner, and Steve Jenkins. During the session, the panelists assumed that a transformational change from the traditional billable hour model to client value-based models will occur and discussed how law firms and in-house legal departments can work together to navigate the changing world. Jenkins, Chairman of Haynes and Boone’s Client Value Task Force, noted that in their firm’s view, the transformational change is certain to come and likely to come sooner than many law firms anticipated, primarily because of the extraordinary economic uncertainty of the past year and the reality that every company is actively looking for ways to reduce costs. He described the 2 Dallas Fort Worth Chapter FOCUS 3Q09 resulting push by in-house counsel for greater predictability, improved efficiency (less cost) and improved value in legal services as a “tsunami effect” that will accelerate transformational change. “Last year we thought it would happen, but we thought it might occur over ten years; but this year, it has become clear that these changes will happen much sooner than we first thought,” Jenkins said. When asked if they thought these changes are perhaps merely a fad, in-house panelists at the Fort Worth presentation, Robinson and Goldberg, agreed with Jenkins that these changes are imminent. But Haynes and Boone is doing quite a bit more than forecasting – they are leading the change and shaking things up along the way. In their presentation, Haynes and Boone shared how they see the industry models for fee arrangements changing (See Figure 1 – Change in the Mix and Use of Fee Arrangements). No one would be surprised to see that “Hourly Rates” arrangements presently dominate among current fee arrangements. And while Haynes and Boone believes that “bet the company” matters (“BTC”) will remain fairly constant, they are planning for the likelihood that everything else will change. Figure 1 – Change in the Mix and Use of Fee Arrangements Current BTC Future BTC Hourly Rates/ Efficiency Expectations Hourly Rates Budgets with Implications Fixed Fees Budgets with Implications Fixed Fees Jenkins predicted that within the next three to five years, the industry-wide use of “Fixed Fee” arrangements and “Budgets with Implications” will dramatically increase . . . specifically because clients want greater predictability and improved efficiency. Haynes and Boone is not waiting to see if this transformational change will, in fact, occur. Instead, Haynes and Boone is proactively taking steps now to be ahead of the curve. For example, the firm is building tools for enhanced budgeting, including a data warehouse to contain historical fees across the firm for all matters handled, broken down by phases of the engagements. They intend to use this tool to offer fixed fee arrangements or project budgets at levels that will be competitive for clients and reasonable for the firm. Building such a data warehouse that can meaningfully serve this purpose will be no small undertaking, but they are undeterred and have identified several key impediments that will need to be overcome. In addition to the data warehouse, the firm has already developed a real-time cost management tool that allows the client and the Haynes and Boone lawyers the ability to track costs (including unbilled time) in real time against a budget. Finally, Haynes and Boone is working on a firm-wide project management training program that they expect to roll out this fall. While billing by the hour will continue to be the arrangement of choice for many matters, Haynes and Boone expects that in the relatively near future, the open ended billing by the hour approach will be used far less often and then with important changes which they refer to as “Efficiency Expectations” . . . common sense best practices such as front end discussions of anticipated range of costs, cost transparency, and surprise avoidance alerts, as well as increased emphasis on and improved use of technology, knowledge management and project management. Haynes and Boone has heard clients’ demands for greater predictability of costs and increased efficiency, and they are working to formalize ways to improve on both counts. (continued on page 3) Haynes and Boone Raises the Bar on Client Value (continued from page 2) As an example of “Budgets with Implications,” Haynes and Boone foresees its use of “risk sharing” alternative fee arrangements playing a significant role in the firm’s Client Value initiative in engagements that might not be appropriate for a Fixed Fee arrangement. As seen in the illustration below (See Figure 2 – Risk Sharing), this arrangement blends predictability for the client with sharing of savings and risk with the firm. If the firm is able to conclude the matter under the mutually agreed budgeted amount, the client keeps the first 10% of savings and shares evenly with the firm the savings in excess of 10%. If the costs exceed the budgeted amount, the firm is responsible for anywhere from 50% to 100% of the fees exceeding the budgeted amount. The actual percentages vary depending on the type of engagement and actual circumstances, but the intent of the firm in offering a “risk sharing” alternative fee arrangement is to demonstrate to the client a dual focus on doing a great job substantively while at the same time being very alert to managing the costs of the engagement within the client’s expectations as reflected in the budget. Perhaps your outside counsel would be willing to take similar committed steps to enhancing the value they offer to your client. Why not ask them and further the dialog of the ACC’s Value Challenge? At Your Feedback, right, see how you can help Haynes and Boone and other firms identify opportunities for greater predictability and improved efficiency. Your Feedback Whether you use Haynes and Boone or one of their competitors, all of our clients stand to benefit significantly from Haynes and Boone’s efforts. What are the inefficiencies you’ve seen at law firms that you have used? Please send your feedback to Kathleen Yarborough at with the words “Law Firm Feedback” in the subject line. We will pass your comments along to Haynes and Boone and other ACC-DFW sponsors on an anonymous basis to assist them in finding ways to enhance the value they deliver to all of our clients. 1 Budget Target Figure 2 – Risk Sharing In conclusion, Jenkins noted that for Haynes and Boone and the legal industry as a whole, this is not a trend but a “sea change,” and they are determined to be at the front of the curve as a thought and action leader, rather than being behind the curve by taking a wait-and-see approach. They believe that by working together, clients and law firms can achieve a “win-win” result. 3 ACCA-DFW’s Margolies Memorial Scholarships Awarded to Law Students Pursuing Summer Internships with Pro bono agencies By Penny Phillips, Corporate Counsel, Pinnacle Partners In Medicine; ACC’s DFW Chapter Secretary and Pro bono Committee Chair Our chapter awarded two Margolies Memorial Scholarships this year. The memorial scholarship was named after Larry Margolies, a former DFW chapter board member who was active in pro bono efforts. The scholarships are provided to area law students, selected by the Board through an application process, who pursue summer pro bono work at approved legal services organizations. Organizations that have received such help from the chapter’s scholarship recipients in the past include Legal Aid of North West Texas, Catholic Charities and Central Dallas Ministries’ LAW Center. This year’s scholarship recipients attend Southern Methodist University’s (SMU) Dedman School of Law in Dallas and Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) School of Law in Fort Worth. Both of this year’s scholarship recipients are currently providing their services at the Central Dallas Ministries Legal Action Works (LAW) Center. The Legal Action Works (“LAW”) Center has served over 2,000 low-income people since opening in 1999. The LAW Center has three full time attorneys and two legal assistants representing Dallas County residents who cannot afford traditional legal services. Over 80% of the LAW Center’s cases involve women, and nearly half of these involve some form of domestic violence. Most of the cases involve Family Law, which includes Divorce, Suits Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, Adoption, Motions to Modify, Protective Orders, Temporary Restraining Orders and Temporary Injunctions. The rest of the LAW Center’s cases are a mix of Probate and Heirship proceedings, drafting simple wills, consumer matters, Social Security Disability appeals, employment related claims and other matters. As summer interns, Ms. Sohn and Mr. Redd are assisting the LAW Center’s legal team with legal tasks including the drafting of pleadings, filing of motions, setting of hearings, interviewing clients and other tasks approprite for their skill and experience level. 4 Dallas Fort Worth Chapter FOCUS 3Q09 Both of our scholarship recipients will be honored at our chapter’s annual meeting on September 11, 2009, which is held at the luncheon portion of our signature Golf & Spa event, with members of the Margolies family present. SMU Law student Yon Sohn Prior to attending law school, Yon Sohn earned two Bachelor of Science degrees and a Master of Science degree. One of her bachelor degrees is in Professional Chemistry and the other is in Materials Science & Engineering. Her M.S. degree is in Metallurgical Engineering. Ms. Sohn told the panel that her interest in serving in the area of pro bono arose from her “desire to open [her] mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute and to judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy” and that this desire is so fundamental to her that it is what lead her to seek to become a lawyer. “Experiential education is at the core of learning the legal practice, and I am grateful for being able to work in a fast-paced, non-profit family law office serving indigent clients who cannot afford traditional legal representation. Observing a case from in-take to post-judgment is hard to do in six weeks of internship, but, because of high volume of cases that Central Dallas Ministries L.A.W. Center handles, I get to see each piece of the puzzle from several different cases. Most rewarding of all, I can see why the attorneys at the L.A.W. Center continue to enjoy their work despite the scanty salary when the clients thank them profusely for resolving their crises. It has been a tremendous experience for me, and I am deeply appreciative of ACCA’s financial support.” Yon S. Sohn Candidate for Juris Doctor, 2012 SMU Dedman School of Law TWU Law student DeJon Redd Prior to starting law school, DeJon Redd served on active duty in the United States Air Force for over seven years. He has a bachelor of Business Administration in marketing and a Master of Art degree in journalism and mass communication. When asked to explain his desire to serve in the pro bono arena, Mr. Redd told the panel, “I have never viewed public service as a hobby or an interest, but more as a mandatory requirement.” Mr. Redd is enjoying his internship, as he eloquently expressed in his gracious thank you to the chapter for this scholarship, below. To the ACCA-DFW Chapter: After completing my first week as an interning fellow with the Central Dallas Ministries’ LAW Center, I write to express my gratitude. My initial time with CDM has been both wonderful and sobering. Working with the attorneys and staff has been a privilege and joy beyond my expectations. Yet, the need for their expertise and services is also well beyond my expectations. I have also been surprised by the breadth and diversity of CDM’s legal aid services, and I appreciate having seven more weeks to learn and assist. It is only due to ACCADFW’s contributions on my behalf that I have this opportunity. I am thankful and indebted. Very respectfully, DeJon Redd (continued on page 5) ACCA-DFW’s Margolies Memorial Scholarships Awarded to Law Students Pursuing Summer Internships with Pro bono agencies By Penny Phillips, Corporate Counsel, Pinnacle Partners In Medicine; ACC’s DFW Chapter Secretary and Pro bono Committee Chair (continued from page 4) Texas Pro bono Requirements While Texas does not have mandatory pro bono requirements, the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors has a Pro bono Policy, which establishes an aspirational goal of 50 hours of pro bono legal services to the poor each year for each Texas attorney. In addition, Section 6 of the Preamble to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, 1995 revision, provides the following guidance on our professional obligations to the poor: A lawyer should render public interest legal service. The basic responsibility for providing legal services for those unable to pay ultimately rests upon the individual lawyer, and personal involvement in the problems of the disadvantaged can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the life of a lawyer. Every lawyer, regardless of professional prominence or professional workload, should find time to participate in or otherwise support the provision of legal services to the disadvantaged. The provision of free legal services to those unable to pay reasonable fees is a moral obligation of each lawyer as well as the profession generally. A lawyer may discharge this basic responsibility by providing public interest legal services without fee, or at a substantially reduced fee, in one or more of the following areas: poverty law, civil rights law, public rights law, charitable organization representation, the administration of justice, and by financial support for organizations that provide legal services to persons of limited means. KPMG and Prescott Legal Search Present Results of In-House Counsel Compensation Survey KPMG and Prescott Legal Search presented the results of the In-House Counsel Compensation Survey conducted by ACC-DFW at breakfast meetings on August 19th and 20th in Fort Worth and Dallas, respectively. Russell Weifling, Dave Swiney, and Steve Law attended on behalf of KPMG, and Mark Prescott attended on behalf of Prescott Legal Search. While in-house attorneys across the state of Texas were invited to participate in the survey, these presentation focused on the aggregate responses received from in-house counsel in the DFW area. Weifling said that the survey results had been compiled into a PowerPoint presentation exceeding 100 pages. While that document will be made available to ACC members and survey participants, the presentations in Fort Worth and Dallas highlighted the most meaningful findings. Reflecting on 2008, Prescott noted that the in-house job market in Texas has slowed as a result of the economy and depressed oil and gas prices. But in looking forward, he said he has seen signs of thawing and believes growth and hiring will return to Texas in the latter part of Q1 of next year. He added that the temporary attorney market, which Prescott Legal Search serves as well, is getting stronger and typically precedes a strengthening of permanent attorney hires. Approximately 450 in-house counsel participated in the survey throughout Texas, 168 of whom indicated that they work in the DFW area. Among the other participants, 207 were from the Houston area, 59 were from San Antonio, 6 were from Austin, and approximately 10 were from elsewhere. significant increases from 2007 to 2008. Senior Counsel average base salary increased from $133,333 to $148,333, and Staff Attorneys saw a year-over-year increase from $116,694 to $133,036. Over the same period, CLOs, GCs and Deputy/ Assistant General Counsel saw increases of 6.7%, 6.3% and 6.4%, respectively. The average base salary of DFW participants was $181,136, which is $5,378 higher than the average base salary of all Texas participants, but the average total compensation for DFW participants was $3,860 lower than the statewide average. While the average base salaries for Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) and General Counsel (GCs) in DFW is about the same as the average base salary for all Texas CLOs and GCs, DFW CLOs and GCs average total compensation lags behind the average total compensation for all Texas CLOs and GCs by around $27,000. In fact, except for Deputy/Assistant General Counsel, DFW participants had lower average total compensation (grouped by titles) as compared to average total compensation for all Texas participants. The average cash bonus for DFW participants in 2008 was $41,121, an increase of about 3% from 2007. While, CLOs saw a 24% decrease ($26,667) in their average cash bonuses in 2008, Staff Attorney participants saw their cash bonuses for 2008 increase by 114% ($7,898), as compared to the prior year. Average cash bonuses for GCs decreased by 4% ($2,151), and Senior Counsel experienced an increase of 4% ($850). The average base salary of $181,136 for participants in the DFW area represents an increase from 2007 to 2008 of 6.6%. Among DFW participants, Senior Counsel and Staff Attorneys saw the most In an effort to gather information on the impact the economic downturn has had on in-house counsel compensation, the survey also asked participants to report on changes they had seen in their annual raises or bonuses for 2009. As of the date of the survey, more than 70% of the DFW participants indicated that annual raises, or merit increases, and bonuses were down over the prior year, with nearly 30% indicating that their raises or bonuses had declined by more than 10%. (continued on page 6) 5 5 KPMG and Prescott Legal Search Present Results of In-House Counsel Compensation Survey (continued from page 5) More detailed information about compensation changes occurring from 2008 to 2009 will be covered in next year’s survey. However, more than 40% indicated that upon separation, their employer would not provide them with continuation of their healthcare benefits (or reimbursement) for any period of time. In light of the rise in unemployment and reports of lay-offs in late 2008 and 2009, this year’s survey inquired about benefits available to in-house counsel in the event of a job loss. More than 70% of DFW participants indicated that their company would pay them some form of cash severance, with nearly 40% reporting that they would receive between 25% and 100% of their base salary as severance. We appreciate the participation of everyone who took 5-10 minutes to complete this year’s compensation survey online. All ACC members and survey participants will receive a complimentary copy KPMG’s full report by email. If you did not receive a copy of the report for the DFW area by email, or would like a copy of KPMG’s reports for the Houston or Austin/San Antonio areas, please contact Kathleen Yarborough at” Personal Risk Mitigation for In-House Counsel By Jon G. Sheperd, Alston & Bird LLP There are many misconceptions about the life of an in-house lawyer: Forty hour work weeks, weekends off, shunt the hard issues off to outside counsel, etc. Another common misconception is that going in-house means you can’t be sued for legal malpractice and similar claims. The numerous lawsuits filed against in-house lawyers over the last several years demonstrates how untrue the latter misconception is. In-house lawyers at both public and private companies are at risk of having claims arising out of the performance of their duties for their employers asserted against them. Additionally, companies continue to bring complex legal tasks once performed by outside counsel in house. What does not follow those tasks, however, is outside counsel’s liability insurance. In-house lawyers often do not consider that they can face liability as a result of the professional advice they provide to their employers or from actions that they take in the course of their employment. Second, a bankruptcy trustee or receiver might assert claims against an in-house lawyer if the company finds itself in the bankruptcy courts. Third, shareholders might bring derivative or other lawsuits directly against in-house counsel. Fourth, governmental entities – such as the Department of Justice, Securities and Exchange Commission, and State Attorneys General – may pursue civil, criminal, or administrative claims against in-house attorneys. Fifth, various third parties – such as banks doing business with the company – may bring claims against in-house counsel.1 Even if such claims are ultimately determined to be unfounded, defending against them likely will be an expensive and time-consuming process. However, there are steps that inhouse counsel can take to provide protection in the event disaster strikes.2 6 Dallas Fort Worth Chapter FOCUS 3Q09 One potential method to minimize the liability of in-house counsel is to broaden the employer’s Director & Officer (“D&O”) policy. Many companies specifically include the general counsel as a named insured.3 It also is sometimes possible to include other in-house counsel positions as named insureds under a D&O policy, particularly where the employer is not a public company. Increasing the number of named insureds may cause an increase in the cost of the policy, but the cost increase typically is not substantial for most companies. 3 An insurer still may argue that the general counsel is protected only for those actions taken in the capacity as an officer or director and not for legal advice provided to the company; accordingly, the policy also should contain a description of the general counsel’s duties to prevent the insurer from arguing that he or she 1 See, e.g., JP Morgan Chase Bank v. Winnick, 406 F. Supp. 2d 438 (S.D.N.Y. 2005) (syndicate of commercial banks sued, among others, company’s general was protected only for acts undertaken in the D&O capacity but not for legal advice being provided to the company. counsel and a second in-house attorney). 2 The potential parties who may pursue claims against an in-house lawyer are numerous. First, the employer might assert a claim, particularly following a management change or change in control. 1. Broaden The Company’s Insurance Coverage This article focuses on general steps that in-house counsel may take to minimize risk. Of course, there are many other risk minimization actions counsel may pursue depending on the particular situation. For example, counsel employed by a parent company but asked to provide advice to a subsidiary could seek a conflict of interest waiver to reduce exposure in the event the advice provided is beneficial to the corporate employer and detrimental to the subsidiary. (Continued on page 7) Personal Risk Mitigation & In-House Counsel (Continued from page 6) Unfortunately, most D&O policies exclude claims brought by one insured against another, thereby providing in-house counsel with no protection should the corporate employer, or someone standing in the shoes of the employer, decide to bring a claim against counsel. As a result, most efforts to broaden the company’s D&O coverage to include in-house counsel, even if successful, will leave a substantial gap in coverage.4 2. Amend The Company’s By-Laws A second potential method for decreasing in-house counsel’s exposure is to amend the company’s bylaws to specifically list the general counsel as an officer of the company and the duties of the office to include the provision of legal services on behalf of the company. Even if the general counsel is not specifically listed as a named insured under the company’s D&O policy, the policy arguably still should provide coverage for anyone holding the office given the company’s by-laws.5 Additionally, other members of the in-house legal department can be named in the by-laws as assistant officers, although such a designation ultimately may not provide any additional protection to the individuals holding those positions.6 You also should review the company’s D&O policy to determine whether it 4 contains a “professional services” exclusion as such an exclusion would negate coverage for in-house counsels’ provision of legal services to the company. This also should provide the general counsel with any indemnification protections 5 afforded to officers and directors under the applicable state corporate indemnification statute. See, e.g., Del. CodeAnn. tit. 8, § 145. The company’s Errors & Omissions (“E&O”) policy likewise will typically not 6 3. Obtain Contractual Indemnification Rights In addition to indemnification provided by operation of state corporation statutes, an in-house lawyer might seek contractual indemnification rights from the corporate employer or the employer might offer such an inducement to its lawyers. In Texas, such arrangements are not prohibited by the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct so long as the employer is independently represented by counsel in making the agreement.7 This also is consistent with the ABA’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct.8 However, in-house counsel should review the applicable ethical obligations for her state to ensure that seeking or entering into an indemnification agreement with the corporate employer is not prohibited.9 Moreover, given the ethical requirements, in-house counsel should be wary of negotiating the terms of an employment agreement solely with the company’s human resources department and instead should verify that the company is being represented by counsel in connection with the agreement. 4. Purchase ELP Insurance Insurers now offer companies the option of purchasing employed lawyers professional (“ELP”) liability insurance policies. ELP insurance essentially is a type of malpractice insurance for in-house counsel and typically provides protection to in-house lawyers for claims that could be asserted by both their employers – or someone standing in the shoes of their employers – and third parties.10 For example, ELP policies may provide coverage not only for malpractice claims brought by the employer, but also for charges resulting from Sarbanes-Oxley violations. provide protection to corporate counsel. These policies usually cover only errors When purchasing an ELP policy, in-house counsel should carefully review the terms to confirm full coverage. For example, the policy form should provide coverage for claims brought by one insured (e.g., the company) against another insured (e.g., the lawyer). Other coverage concerns include “severability as to application defenses and exclusions [and] trigger language in personal conduct or fraud exclusions.”11 The ELP policy also should clearly state that the coverage being provided is in addition to and not in derogation of the coverage provide by any other policy, such as the company’s D&O or E&O policies. Additionally, many ELP policies do not provide coverage for disgorgement, restitution, and civil and criminal fines. Similarly, an ELP policy cannot insure a lawyer against reprimand, suspension, or disbarment by the state bar association. Consequently, ELP insurance is not a standalone solution to the risk minimization problem. CONCLUSION As with life, disability, and health insurance, ELP insurance is a critical component of the insurance protection package that a business should offer to its in-house counsel. Particularly when combined with broad D&O coverage and contractual indemnification rights, an ELP policy provides substantial protection to an in-house lawyer in the event claims are asserted by the corporation, bankruptcy trustees, shareholders, governmental entities, and other third parties.12 See, e.g., Va. Legal Ethics Op. 877 (Apr. 1, 1987) (“It is not proper for an 9 attorney to solicit indemnification from a corporate employer which limits the liability of the attorney’s own legal malpractice.”), overruled by Va. R. Prof. Conduct Rule 1.08(h) (allowing in-house lawyers to arrange for the same indemnity available to other officers and employees where employer is independently represented in making the arrangement). One side benefit is that many policies also should provide coverage for 10 in-house lawyers providing pro bono services. and omissions occurring in the performance of services that the company 7 See Tex. Disciplinary R. Prof. Conduct Rule 1.08(g) (“Alawyer shall not make provides to third parties, not in-house legal services. Additionally, E&O an agreement prospectively limiting the lawyers liability to a client for malpractice Docket at 115 (Sept. 2008). John C. Tanner et al., Does the Gatekeeper Lawyer Need Insurance?, ACC policies frequently exclude claims arising out of the rendering of services to unless permitted by law and the client is independently represented in making the 12 another insured. agreement”). article, see id. at 94-117. 11 For a more fulsome description of some of the issues discussed in this SeeABAModel R. Prof. Conduct Rule 1.08(h). 8 7 Board Members and Contacts President Todd Martin Asst. General Counsel Bank of America 214-209-3061 1st Vice President Penny Phillips Corporate Attorney Pinnacle Partners in Medicine 972.663.8527 2nd Vice President Kenneth Johnson Director, Legal Compliance Quest Diagnostics Incorporated 972.884.1063 Treasurer Jeff Everett Deputy General Counsel Sabre Holdings Corporation 682.605.1560 Secretary Richard Mosher Chief Legal Officer Loctronix Corporation 214-252-6124 Past President Marcia Stuart Ceplecha Chief Counsel, Business Integration Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company 817.763.2332 Board of Directors Christopher Ducanes Michael Cameron Rhonda L. Lenard Bipasha Mukherjee P.J. Putnam Robert Robertson Welcome New Members Charles Boehler, PepsiCo, Inc. Adrienne Brown, PepsiCo/Frito-Lay Nic Cheneweth, Friendship Developmental Services Ellen Curnes, Logile Inc. Julie Davis, Verizon Business Joseph Dearing, Nortel Networks James Doyle, Celanese David Ehrhart, Lockeed Martin Auronautics Company Jana Ferguson, PepsiCo/Frito-Lay Joseph Ferretti, FritoLay Inc. Stephanie Giotes, ePP Management, LLC Otto Grunow, American Airlines Mary Holohan, Fluor Corporation Jeffery Hunt, Ratheon Company William Imwalle, Halliburton Energy Services Steven Kemps, Dean Foods Company Marc Kesselman, FritoLay, Inc. Dale Kimball, Cadbury Melanie Stapp, MetrcPCS Communicatons, Inc. Wayne Lewis,Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Shauna Martin, GENBAND Philippe McAllister, Alcatel Lucent Scott Wilson, Eagle Materials Inc. Melissa Winchester, Attorney Brian Wittneben, First Southwest Company Donna McNamara, Attorney Chirstopher McRorie, Highlander Partners, LP John Neumann, Bank of America, N.A. Linda Newman, Bank of America, N.A Ruairid Ross, HewlettPackard Company Thad Schaefer, Comerica Incorporated Clay Scheitzach, Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. Thomas Schur, FritoLay, Inc. Ty Simmons, Union Standards Insurance Company Sarah Smith, Behringer Harvard Sinead Soesbe, Energy Future Holdings James Stafford, BT North America Inc. Jeffrey Tschirhart, MGC Mortgage, Inc. John Vestal, HewlettPackard Company Executive Director Kathleen Yarborough 214.819.9709 8 Dallas Fort Worth Chapter FOCUS 3Q09 8