The Science of the Total Enuironment, 61 (1987) 15- 22 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam ~ Printed CONTRIBUTION PRECIPITATION OF ALKALINE IN ISRAEL AND 15 in The ACIDIC Netherlands SOURCES TO Y. MAMANE Enuironmental Engineering Technion, Haifa 32000 (Israel) U. DAYAN Israel J.M. Atomic Energy Commission, Soreq Laboratory, Silver Nuclear Research Center, Yavne (Israel) MILLER NOAA, (Received Air Resources July 2nd, 1986; accepted July Spring, 24th, MD (U.S.A) 1986) ABSTRACT Event precipitation samples were collected at eight sites in Israel during three hydrological years between 1979 and 1982 using bulk collectors. The chemical composition of these events was correlated with backward air trajectories, to determine sources of acidic and alkaline materials transported to the Eastern Mediterranean. The four major source regions studied were: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Asia and the North African Coast. Most of the rain falls during the winter season, which is characterized by trajectories moving along the Mediterranean sea or along the North African Coast. These trajectories were associated with alkaline rain rich in soil and sea components. On the other hand air flow originating in Eastern Europe was associated with acid rain in Israel, probably due to the absence of alkaline material in the air, mostly carbonates, which could neutralize the rain acidity. INTRODUCTION The chemistry of precipitation has been the subject of detailed studies by various research groups all over the world. Only few, however, have related chemistry to meteorology. Meteorological factors may determine the composition of precipitation, since they affect the transport of the air masses, the evolution of clouds, and the scavenging of pollutants in and below the cloud base. On the other hand, because of these complications, correlation is not simple to determine. The “Meteorology of Acid Deposition” was recently the main topic of an APCA Conference (Samson, 1984), and of other conferences devoted to acid rain. Saxena et al. (1984) have integrated the chemistry of (acid) rain in a two-dimensional traject,ory model which comprises emissions, transport, dispersion and deposition of pollutants. Analysis of precipitation chemistry using air parcel trajectories has also been performed by Kurtz and Scheider (1981), Henderson and Weingartner (1982), Munn et al. (1984), and Castillo et al. (1985). Almost all groups have 0048.9697/87/$03.50 1”~ 1987 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 16 found some dependence of rain composition (mainly acidity, sulfate and nitrate ions) on air movement. In general, trajectory analysis provides only a general relationship in the synoptic scale between sources and receptor sites. It is not always a precise tool (Castillo et al., 1985), and in some cases trajectories are too complex and difficult to interpret (Munn et al., 1984). Others have related the concentration of rain constituents to meteorological variables. Kahl et al. (1984) found that annual variations in meteorological conditions have a strong effect on the relative contribution of upwind source regions to sensitive receptor areas in the United States. Stensland and Semonin (1982) went even further to hypothesize that the chemistry of the 1955556 precipitation was not different in acidity from the current levels of eastern North America, if the 1955-56 data is adjusted for current concentrations of alkaline constituents. They suggested that the drought in the mid1950s which affected large parts of the Midwest and Southeast United States, caused dust storm events which neutralized the acidity of precipitation. Doty and Semonin (1984) used trajectory analyses to provide evidence for potential transport of dust storm aerosol and its incorporation with precipitation in the Midwest; however, that study was limited to one event only. In Israel, precipitation samples have been collected since 1979 and analyzed for pH, conductivity and major anions and cations (Mamane, 1984). Preliminary analyses of data from three hydrological years (19791982) indicate that pH values range from fairly acidic rain events (pH 3 4.1) to very alkaline (pH 6 8.7). In this paper the interrelationship between precipitation chemistry and meteorological parameters in the form of back trajectories at the 850mb pressure level is described. PRECIPITATION CHEMISTRY NETWORK The sampling and analytical methods have been described elsewhere (Mamane, 1984) and only a short summary is included here. Bulk precipitation samples were collected manually on an event basis following WMO’s protocols (WMO, 1978). Rain events usually last from one to five days during the winter months of November to March. All rain samples were shipped from the various stations to the Technion Environmental Engineering Laboratories for analysis, which included precipitation amount, pH, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, and ammonium ions, the metals sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, alkalinity and conductivity. BACK TRAJECTORY MODEL The modified trajectory model of the Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) (Harris, 1982) was used to identify the origins of airflow patterns during precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean. The original ARL model was described by Hefter and Taylor (1975), but the essential principles of the modified version are presented here. The operational model uses meteorological parameters to investigate long-range transport and dispersion of effluents on a regional scale. 17 The input wind data for the ARL model consist of gridded wind components at standard pressure levels produced by a global atmospheric model. This model calculates trajectories to each receptor twice daily at standard pressure surfaces: surface level, 850mb, and the 700 mb level. The interpretation of rain chemistry and backward trajectories was mostly based on the 850mb level, which is around the height of the boundary layer. As such it represents the layer of air transport which may affect processes in and below the clouds. Trajectories were calculated for each day for a period of 5 years, 19781982, and were grouped according to the major source regions in the area (Dayan, 1986). Based on past studies in the region (Dayan and Graber, 1981: Martin et al., 1984; Dayan, 1986) each trajectory reaching Israel during a rainy period was assigned one of four sectors: northwest, north, east, or southwest. Figure 1 shows a map of the Mediterranean Sea with the main trajectories arriving in Israel from the major source regions: (1) a long fetch of maritime air masses from Northwest Europe crossing the Mediterranean Sea (northwest sector); (2) north-northwest continental flow originating in Eastern Europe (northern sector); (3) East Asia flow (eastern sector); and (4) southwest flow along the North African coast and the Saharan desert. In the winter season most of the trajectories are either assigned to sector 1 (45%) or sector 4 (35%). Sector 2 comprises only 17% and sector 3 only 3%. Normally, precipitation is not associated with trajectories from sector 3 (Dayan, 1986). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The precipitation-weighted mean concentrations for three hydrological years, 19791982, were very distinct and different from those reported for northwest Europe and northeast America: (a) precipitation in Israel is mostly F’ig. 1. Map of the main sectors 1 and 4. trajectories arriving in Israel. During winter most trajectories are from 18 alkaline (pH 6.5 i- 0.8, range 4.1L8.7); (b) precipitation contains high concentrations of soil minerals and sea salts (Mamane, 1984). We chose one station, in the coastal plain of central Israel, the Beit-Dagan station, to correlate chemistry with meteorology. This station regularly measures meteorological parameters, as well as vertical profiles of wind and temperature. This data was incorporated in the modified trajectory model to provide back trajectories each 12h. Each rain event was characterized by several trajectories, sometimes of different origin. Out of 27 rain events at Beit-Dagan, over a period of three hydrological years, 12 were mostly associated with the Northwest Europe trajectory (trajectory l), eight were from Northeast Europe (trajectory 2) five originated in the southwest over the North African Deserts (trajectory 4), and the remaining two were of undefined category. Table 1 lists the precipitation-weighted mean concentrations (in peq 1 ’ ) for each category. It shows rather clearly that there are differences between the three major categories: air flow originating in Northeast Europe and Russia brings non-alkaline precipitation, i.e. pH 5.5, while trajectories from Northwest Europe and North Africa bring alkaline rain with pH 6.4- 6.7. Although the number of cases is limited the difference between trajectory 2 and other trajectories in hydrogen ion concentration is significant above the 0.05 level. The calcium ion concentration on the other hand is higher, as expected, for trajectory 4 which passes over the North African deserts. It has been documented that dust blowing from the Saharan desert towards the East Mediterranean is rich in calcites (Ganor. 1975; Ganor and Mamane, 1982). The behavior of sulfates in precipitation is more complex; on one hand the sulfate ion is associated with the “acidic” rain originating in Northeast Europe (trajectory 2) but also with sea spray (trajectory 1) and desert particles (trajectory 4) as reported by Mamane et al. (1980); the averages for sulfate ion for trajectories 1, 2 and 4 are 77, 111 and 143peql ml respectively, after correction for sea salt. It should be stressed again that assigning one trajectory to a rain TABLE 1 Precipitation-weighted (197%1982; Beit-Dagan mean station) concentrations Trajectory Number PH CaL 4 Mg’ K’ Na’ NH, NO, Cl so:- of rain events 12 6.4 217 95 6.5 229 14.5 18.6 332 105 (,ueq I ‘) for back 1 Trajectory 8 5.5 190 128 11.7 240 15.3 19.3 381 140 trajectories 2 arriving in Israel Trajectory 5 6.7 368 211 37.1 458 13.1 28.6 564 199 4 19 event lasting a few days was not a straightforward task, due to changes in air flow during the rain event. Another way to study the relationship between air trajectories and precipitation chemistry is to look at the extreme pH cases. We chose all rain events, at all stations during the three winters, where the pH was < 5.1 and > 7.6; 9 and 10 cases were found respectively. Table 2 lists the mean concentrations for the low and high pH cases. The acidic precipitation events were completely different from the alkaline events. The former contained less Ca, Mg, K, Cl and SO, ions, but more hydrogen and nitrate ions, the ammonium and sodium ions were about the same. We could find no explanation for the higher chloride ion levels in alkaline precipitation. The ion balance in acidic precipitation is within 2% of the ions listed in Table 2. In the alkaline cases the anion levels were only 76% of the cations. The missing anion could be bicarbonate, which was not measured directly and is known to be a constituent of calcareous soils. The trajectories associated with the nine acidic precipitation events were mostly (7 out of 9) from Northeast Europe (trajectory 2), one was mixed, but again mostly from Northeast Europe and for another no trajectories were available. Thus one may conclude that trajectories from Northeast Europe are associated with acidic rain. Industrial emissions from these regions and the absence of buffering constituents results in the rain being acidic. All the alkaline rain events, but one, were associated with trajectories 1 and 4, which pass over the Mediterranean and the North African deserts. In these cases the buffering capacity of carbonate far exceeds any acidic emissions from Northwest Europe. One alkaline rain event had seven trajectories from Northeast Europe, but the first (as the rain event started) was from North Africa. Apparently the amount of alkaline material transported to the Eastern Mediterranean during the first 6 h was sufficient to control the subsequent chemistry of the rain. TABLE 2 Precipitation-weighted (197%1982) Number PH Ca’ ’ Mg’ K’ Na’ NH; NO, Cl SOi- of rain mean events concentrations (peq I-‘) for low and high Low pH events High pH events 9 4.7 21.6 51.2 4.3 253 11.9 2.8 273 68 10 7.4 313 139 22.1 233 10.6 11.1 392 143 pH rain events in Israel 20 Figure 2 shows an example of the trajectories for two extreme pH precipitation events, one acidic with a pH of 4.4 and one akaline with a pH of 8.7. For each case three trajectories are shown: the 700 mb (indicated by U), 850 mb (M) and 1OOOmb (L) level. In the first case the trajectories of 3 February 1980 at 12.00 GMT and the other four which precede them pass over Northeast Europe on their way to Israel, In the high pH case, it is rather evident that trajectories passed over the North African and Saharan deserts, picking up alkaline material. CONCLUSIONS The combination of backward air trajectories at three elevations and the chemistry of bulk precipitation enables us to identify the main sources of alkaline and acidic rain events in Israel. The alkaline sources were, as expected, associated with the deserts along the North African continent, which provide calcites and other soluble carbonates, and thus control the rain chemistry. The acidic sources were associated with trajectories arriving from Northeast Europe. Industrial emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides from these regions, as well as the absence of buffering alkaline material in the air, resulted in the rain being acidic. Trajectory analyses provide direct evidence for the long-range transport of acidic emissions to the Eastern Mediterranean. This type of flow, however, is less frequent during the winter months, less than 20% of all winter trajectories (Dayan, 1986). Acidic pti Case = Co*+= Alkaline Case 4.4 25 NO; = 59 so; = 89 No* = 257 ASIA Fig. 2. Trajectories of two extreme cases: acidic from northeast Europe, while in the latter they and alkaline cross North rain. Africa In the former trajectories arrive carrying desert dust with them. 21 Since most of the trajectories cross the Mediterranean in sea salt components such as chlorides and sulfates and potassium. Sea, the rain was rich of sodium, magnesium ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the assistance of the Israeli Meteorological Service, and especially of Mr A. 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