How to Set Up Alerts in Library Databases

How to Set Up Alerts
in Library Databases
What are alerts? The GBC Library Learning Commons databases provide alert services in different
formats. An alert service sends e-mails to the subscriber about particular updates in a database.
Depending on the format the database provides, subscribers can receive emails alerting them to things
such as new journal issues, new articles for a specific search, or updates on industry and company news.
Why use alerts? Alerts are used to keep up-to-date in a specific field, topic or research area. Setting up
an alert for a specific keyword search will retrieve the most current material on that topic even after you
have finished your initial search. Alerts can also help you track a favorite journal or newspaper or receive
updates on newly published company or industry information.
Please remember that in order to access the links sent to your e-mail, you will be required to login using
your GBC library ID and PIN. If you have questions about your login information please consult:
How can I set up alerts?
Typically, you are required to:
1) create an account with the database vendor (i.e. EBSCO, ProQuest, Gale)
2) choose the way you would like to receive the alerts; either through e-mail alerts or by RSS feeds.
What are RSS feeds? RSS feeds take new information from websites or databases and “feed” that
information to a single page called a RSS reader or RSS aggregator. The advantage of using RSS feeds is
that they do not clutter your e-mail inbox and usually do not require you to sign in with the database
vendor. They do, however, require you to sign up for a RSS reader account. A variety of providers such as
Google and Yahoo offer free RSS reader accounts. Information on how to set up an account with a specific
provider is outlined in the links below:
Google Reader | My Yahoo! | Feedly | Bloglines | Netvibes | MySyndicaat | Superfeedr
Instructions on setting up an alert will vary depending on which database is being used so
please check the following instructions for specific database providers.
If you require assistance with this process, please contact your Liaison Librarian.
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George Brown College - Library Learning Commons
Revised: April2013
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EBSCO/ Search Everything
Includes Academic Search Premier, Alt HealthWatch, Business Source Complete, Canadian Reference Centre,
Canadian Points of View, CINAHL, ERIC, Health Source, Hospitality & Tourism Complete, MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES.
1. Perform a search by entering keywords that reflect your area of interest; for example: “social media” AND
marketing AND (teenagers OR adolescents).
2. Locate the “Alert/Save/Share” area at the top right-hand corner of your search results.
3. Once you have opened the “Create Alert” box, you will have the option to set up an e-mail alert for your
search or to copy the RSS feed URL to your RSS reader.
4. To set up an email alert, you will be required to login / create an Ebsco account. This is a personal account
separate from your GBC Library login.
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Revised: April2013
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Includes Canadian Newsstand, CBCA Complete, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source.
1. Perform a search by entering keywords that reflect your area of interest; for example: counselor AND career
2. Locate the “Create alert” and “Create RSS feed” buttons at the top right-hand corner of the page below the
search box.
3. Click on the “Create alert” link and login or register with Proquest, or click the “Create RSS feed” link to copy
the feed URL to your RSS reader.
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Revised: April2013
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Includes Academic Onefile, CPI. Q, Chilton Auto Repair Library, Culinary Arts Collection, Hospitality, Tourism and
Leisure Collection, Criminal Justice Collection, Psychology eBooks, Virtual Reference Library.
1. Perform a search by entering keywords that reflect your area of interest; for example: green AND construction
AND materials.
2. Click the “Create Search Alert” link at the top right-hand corner of the page under “Tools”.
3. Enter your e-mail address in the box provided or copy the Feed URL to your RSS reader.
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Revised: April2013
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1. Perform a search by entering keywords that reflect your area of interest; for example: “collaborative nursing”
AND healthcare.
2. Locate the “Save search alert” link and the “RSS feed” link above the search results page.
3. Click on the “Save search alert” link and login or register with ScienceDirect, or click the “RSS feed” link to
copy the feed URL to your RSS reader.
Questions? Please contact your Liaison Librarian who will refer you to Copyright Services, as appropriate.
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George Brown College - Library Learning Commons
Revised: April2013
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