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Higher National Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management
Second Year First Semester Examination 2014
THM21183- Information Technology III
Instructions for Candidates:
Answer four (04) questions first question is compulsory
All question carry equal mark
No. of questions: 05
No. of pages
: Two hrs. (02)
Q1. Select the correct answer and write it in the answer sheet.
1) iframe in HTML is used to display a web page within a web page.
a. True
b. False
2) An HTML file written in notepad can be saved with an extension:
a. .htm
b. .html
c. Any of the above
d. None of the above.
3) Which of the following is true about links by default?
a. An unvisited link is underlined and blue.
b. A visited link is underlined and red.
c. An active link is underlined and purple.
d. All the above.
4) The href attribute in the link tag specifies the:
a. Destination of a link.
b. Link.
c. Hypertext
d. None of the above
5) HTML Form Events ___________, fires the moment that the element loses focus.
a. onblur
c. onchange
b. onfocus
d. onlostfocus
6) Which of the following tags below are used for a multi-line text input control?
a. textml tag
c. textarea tag
b. text tag
d. Both b and c above
7) What is cell padding?
a. Used to separate cell walls from their contents.
b. Used to set space between cells
c. Both a and b above
d. Used to provide width to a cell
8) What are meta tags used for?
a. To store information usually relevant to browsers and search engines.
b. To only store information usually relevant to browsers
c. To only store information about search engines.
d. To store information about external links.
9) Which is the correct CSS syntax?
a. body:color=black
b. {body;color:black}
c. {body:color=black(body}
d. body {color: black}
10) What does an HTML tag do?
a. It specifies formatting and layout instructions for your web page.
b. It hides programming instructions from view.
c. It determines the organizational structure of your Web site.
d. It connects your web site to an operating environment
( Total Marks=2.5 x 10)
1) Do all HTML tags come in pair? Justify your answer giving two (02)example
(02 Marks)
2) State four (04) types of lists that can be used in HTML document?
(04 Marks)
3) What is the advantage of collapsing white space?
(02 Marks)
4) What is the advantage of using frames?
(02 Marks)
5) What are different ways to integrate a CSS into a Web page?
(04 Marks)
6) Explain in brief about the term CSS
(02 Marks)
7) What are the various style sheets?
(04 Marks)
8) What is a <DL> tag in HTML?
(05 Marks)
(Total Marks 25)
1) Write the HTML tag which is used to add comment in your HTML document
2) II) State four (04) required attributes of the <IMG>tag ?
(02 Marks)
(04 Marks)
3) III) Write HTML tag to create a hyperlink to link w3school.com web site to your web page
(hint: www.w3schools.com)
HNDTHM-2- Information Technology III--2014
(04 Marks)
4) Write HTML tags to create the following web page?
(08 Marks)
Write HTML tags to create the following web page
(07 Marks)
(Total Marks 25)
1) Write HTML tags to create a button to link a web page?
(04 Marks)
2) What is difference between HTML and XHTML?
(04 Marks)
3) What is the purpose of <FORM> tag?
(02 Marks)
HNDTHM-2- Information Technology III--2014
4) Create the following web page using HTML tags?
(15 Marks)
(Total Marks 25)
1) What is the basic tag used to create a table in HTML page?
(01 mark)
2) What are the purpose of the following tags?
a) <tr>
b) <td> c) <th>
(03 Marks)
3) What is the purpose of the block element?
(02 Marks)
4) Explain terms, Cell Padding and Cell Spacing.
(03 Marks)
5) What is the Use of SPAN in HTML and give one example?
( 04 Marks)
6) Create the following table using HTML tags?
(12 Marks)
(Total Marks 25)
HNDTHM-2- Information Technology III--2014