CSCI-B100 – Problem Solving Using Computers INFO-I101 Introduction to Informatics Fall 2013 Lecture: Monday, Wednesday at 5:30pm – 7:45 pm, NS 340 Lab: Tuesday at 5:30 – 7:30pm, NS 164 Instructor: Dr. Hossein Hakimzadeh (pronounced Hakim-Zadeh) Office: Northside 160-H Telephone: 574-520-4517 (Office) 574-520-5521 (Dept. Secretary) E-mail: Home Page: Office Hours: M,T,W (3:30PM - 5:30PM), or by appointment. Lecture notes (Provided on the course website) Text: This course employs a novel approach to prepare students interested in majoring in informatics or computer science. It is developed by Computer Science and Informatics faculty at Indiana University South Bend. Currently the books below are also used to supplement the lecture notes and provide structured ready for students. The following books and online resources can be used as reference for this course. th 1. An Introduction to Programming using Visual Basic 2012, 9 edition, Pearson, ISBN: 9780133378504. References: 2. Murach’s Visual Basic 2010, by Anne Boehm, Murach & Associates, Inc., 2010. ( 3. Beginning VB (Online Book)^B&bo okid=25219 The software for this course is Microsoft Visual Studio .Net (2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 or 2012). The campus labs currently run the 2012 edition. Software: Visual Studio 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, or 2012 are not functionally that different from each other. My recommendation is that you download the 2010 edition and install it on your computer. You can obtain the Visual Studio software in two ways: 1) IUSB bookstore sells the package for a nominal cost to IUSB students. 2) You can download the package for free from Course Information: Major Topics Covered in the Course This course introduces problem solving techniques, critical thinking skills, algorithm development, and computer programming, using real-world problems. Topics include: computer literacy, hardware, data representation, structured and object oriented programming techniques, modularity and reusability, and testing and debugging techniques. • • • • • Basic understanding of hardware (Memory, Processor, Instruction, Data) Basic data representation (text, numbers, images, sound, video) Structured Programming Techniques (sequence, repetition, condition) Problem Solving Techniques (top-down, bottom-up, object oriented) Critical thinking skills o (critical reading, listening, observing, interpreting, integrating, analyzing, • • • How do I get help? developing alternative solutions, evaluating solutions, communicating coherent explanations to others, ability to make inference, ability to deduce.) Modularity, reusability Testing and debugging techniques Object-oriented concepts There are a number of different resources that can help you succeed in this course. These include: • The course web site • Lecture notes • Video Lectures • Office hours • Chat room interaction with other students • Sample code Your final grade will be determined as follows: Assignments Labs Hour Exam Participation Grading System: 40% 10% 40% 10% (6 to 8 assignments) (15 to 20 Labs) (2 to 3 hour exams) (Classroom attendance, Group meeting attendance, Classroom discussion, in class presentations, OnCourse chat, Group participation, etc.) >= 90% A >= 80% B >= 70% C >= 60% D Below 59% F Plus and minus grades are given if an average falls within 1.5% of the cutoff score; for example, an average of 88.6% will earn a B+. No make-up exams will be given unless an excused absence is approved BEFORE the exam Make-Up Policy: is given. There are no make-ups on programs since they are assigned well before they are due. Assignments: Assignments will be provided online. They are typically due approximately 7 days later. Due dates will be given on each assignment or in class. Late programs or assignments are th accepted, at 10% penalty per day (up to 5 days). Assignment submitted past the 5 day will be worth up to 10%. (No exceptions.) Start your assignments early. Send Copy to Instructor: Assignments should be submitted via the course drop box. We will discuss the process for uploading files into OnCourse’s drop box facilities. Copying Policy: No student is permitted to copy another person's assignment. If copying has occurred, I will give both individuals an "F" for the assignment and/or course. Final Exam: Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. Hour Exams, In-class projects & Quizzes TBA ADA Disability Statement If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. Contact Director of Disabled Student Services as soon as possible to work out the details. Once the director has provided you with a letter attesting to your needs for modification, bring the letter to me. For more information please visit the Office of Disability Support Services Administation Building – room 113 Office Phone Number: 574-520-4832 Religious If any student will require academic accommodations for a religious observance, please Accommodatio ns Statement Academic Honesty Statement provide me with a written request to consider a reasonable modification for that observance by the end of the second week of the course. Contact me after class, during my office hours, or by individual appointment to discuss the issue. If after discussion we reach no consensus, either party or both should seek the advice of the Department chair or the Dean, and if no consensus is reached, then the advice of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (“VCAA”). Either the instructor or the student may appeal the VCAA’s decision to the Office of Affirmative Action within ten business days of the determination. It is the responsibility of the student to know of the prohibited actions such as cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, academic, and personal misconduct, and thus, to avoid them. All students are held to the standards outlined in the code. Please reference the entire code for a complete listing ( Any violation may result in serious academic penalty, ranging from receiving a warning, to failing the assignment, to failing the course, to expulsion from the University. The use of laptops should be limited to taking notes or viewing lecture material online. (No chatting, web surfing, checking email, social media, etc.) Use of Laptops, PDAs and Cell The use of Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited. You may leave the phones in class classroom and use these devices if necessary. However, making calls or texting in class is not allowed. How to do well in this course As with most things in life, you will get out what you put in. If you want to do well in this course, you should do the following: 1) Attend all lectures, labs, group meetings, etc. 2) Study the related material (notes, slides, videos, etc) before coming to the lecture and review your notes and lecture material after each lecture. 3) Participate in class discussion and ask questions if you don’t understand the subject. 4) Start your assignments early (on the day they are assigned) and ask for guidance or help if you are not sure what you are expected to do. 5) If you are have having difficulty, get help. I will be happy to help you. No question is a dumb question. 6) Check the course web site(s) frequently. This course has been approved to enforce the IU South Bend Attendance and Course Commitment Policy and the full text of this policy is available at IU South Bend Attendance and Course Commitment Policy What is considered minimum active participation in I101/B100? As a student in this course, you are expected to attend scheduled class meetings and actively participate in all class activities. Students who miss the first week of the semester or who do not attend 50% of the scheduled class meetings before the end of the fourth week of the semester may be subject to administrative withdrawal. Regardless of attendance, students who do not actively participate in this class by not submitting a majority of their assignments by the posted due date are subject to administrative withdrawal. Students who are administratively withdrawn from this class after the fourth week will not be eligible for a tuition refund. Administrative withdrawals may have an impact on the student’s financial aid awards and visa status. Attend class on-time, Take notes (or augment the provided powerpoint slides), Ask questions and answer questions when appropriate, Be attentive, Participate in group activities, Prepare before coming to class (watch the related video lecture, read the appropriate chapter, complete the proper labs) I101 / B100 Fall 2013 (Tentative Schedule) Last Update 8/25/2013 Week of Topic Assignment Due Lab Due Tests / Quizes Part 1 Aug. 26,27, 28 Sept. 2,3, 4 Sept. 9, 10, 11 Sept. 16, 17, 18 Sept. 23, 24, 25 Sept. 30 Oct. 1, 2 Oct. 7, 8, 9 Oct. 14, 15, 16 Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer Hardware, Software. and Operating System, Number system Group Activity: Lecture 2: Introduction to Problem Solving, Software Development Life Cycle (Requirement specification, problem analysis, algorithm design, implementation, testing, documentation, maintenance. Group Activity: Labor day holiday Lecture 3: Basic Operators (+,-.*,/), writing algorithms with arithmetic operators, variables, data types, more on operators (MOD, Integer division), Random numbers, precedence, associativity, Group Activity: Lecture 4: Conditionals (IF, Select Case) Loops (Do…While, For…Next) Group Activity: Test Review Lecture 5: Loops Group Activity: Lecture 6: Modularity and reusability (Procedures and Functions) Group Activity: Lecture 7: Modularity and reusability (Procedures and Functions) Group Activity: Lecture 8: Group Activity: Family Legacy Project Assign. 1 (P1) Due Assign. 1 (P2) Due: Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 GeoTagging Lab 6 Assign. 2 (P1) Due Assign. 2 (P2) Due: Lab 7 Lab 8 Lab 9 Poker Game Assign. 3 (P1) Due Lab 10 Assign. 3 (P2) Due: Lab 11 Test 1 (Sept 23) Lab 12 Part 2 Oct. 21, 22, 23 Oct. 28, 29, 30, Nov. 4, 5, 6 Nov. 11, 12, 13 Nov. 18, 19, 20 Nov. 25, 26, 27 Dec. 2, 3, 4 Dec 9 Lecture 9: File I/O Test Review Lecture 10: File I/O Group Activity: Lecture 11: Arrays Group Activity: Assign. 4 or Assign 1 (P3) Lecture 12: Arrays Group Activity: Lecture 13: Objects and User defined data types Thanksgiving Recess Begins after class (Nov. 27) Lecture 14: Objects and User defined data types Group Activity: Lecture 15: Objects and User defined data types Group Activity: Classes End (Dec. 4) Test Review Final Exam (Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.) Assign. 5 or Assign 2 (P3) Lab 13 Lab 14 Test 2 (Oct 28) Lab 15 Lab 16 Lab 17 Assign. 6or Assign 3 (P3) Lab 18 Lab 19 Test Review Final Exam (Dec. 9)