teacher's guide—pathfinder - National Geographic Explorer Magazine

pathfinder edition
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Penguin Power: Overview
Materials Needed
• Penguins are birds. They cannot fly, but they are
outstanding swimmers.
• i ndex cards
• There are at least 16 different species of penguins, and
they can be found in a variety of environments ranging
from the icy glaciers in the Antarctic to steamy beaches
at the Equator.
• While all penguins share some traits, penguins in
different environments are adapted to survive the
conditions where they live.
• t ape
lain white paper
• a rt supplies
• “ Penguin Palooza!” poster
• National Geographic video “Penguin Chick Rescue” at:
Curriculum in This Article
ational Geographic “Penguin Palooza” site at:
• Interpret information presented visually, orally,
or quantitatively and explain how the information
contributes to an understanding of the text in which
it appears. (RI.4-7)
ational Geographic’s “Penguins by the Number”
slideshow at:
Common Core State Standards
• Draw on information from multiple print or digital
sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an
answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem
efficiently. (RI.5-7)
• National Geographic’s penguin photo gallery at:
• With guidance and support from peers and adults,
develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing. (W.4/5-5)
Additional Resources
• C orrectly use frequently confused words. (L.4-1.g)
• Learn more about penguins:
• Use correlative conjunctions. (L.5-1.e)
• Learn more about emperor penguins:
Next Generation Science Standards
• C ore Idea: LS4.C: Adaptation—Particular organisms
can only survive in particular environments.
• Crosscutting Concept: Patterns
• Standard: Plants and animals have both internal and external structures that serve various functions
in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction. (4-LS1-1)
• See how emperor penguins swim: http://ngm.
• S cience and Engineering Practice: Analyzing and
Interpreting Data
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/info-books/penguin/
• Play National Geographic’s “March of the Penguins:
Save the Egg” game:
Page T1
January–February 2014
Penguin Power: Background
Fast Facts
• Although penguins do not fly, they are classified as
birds because they are exothermic (warm-blooded)
vertebrates that are covered in feathers; have modified
front limbs; and lay eggs. In most birds, the modified
front limbs are wings. For penguins, they serve as
• Th
e deepest recorded dive for a penguin is 565 m
(about 1,853 feet). The longest recorded dive is 22 minutes. Emperor penguins set both records.
• Penguins’ bodies are built for swimming. They have
large heads, short necks, wedge-shaped tails, webbed
feet, and elongated bodies that are tapered at both ends.
This creates a streamlined effect that helps the birds
move quickly through water.
hile molting, penguins live on shore. Without their
feathers, penguins aren’t fully waterproof.
• Penguins live on islands and distant coastal regions on
every continent in the southern hemisphere. Most can
be found between the latitudes of 45° and 60° S. One
species, the Galapagos penguin, lives at the Equator.
However, no penguins live in the northern hemisphere.
• Most penguins molt, or lose and regrow worn-out
feathers, once a year. Galapagos penguins usually
molt twice a year.
• Penguins can safely drink seawater because they
have glands under their eyes that help them get rid
of excess salt.
• Penguins have adaptations that help them survive in a
wide range of habitats, for example:
▶Emperor penguins live in Antarctica, where it is
exceptionally cold. Some physical adaptations that
help them survive are a thick layer of blubber and
an insulating layer of feathers.
▶Galapagos penguins rely on behavioral
adaptations to survive life near the equator. To
reduce body temperature, these birds may pant or
seek shelter under rocks. They may also expose
their feet, the only body part not covered with
thick feathers, to cool off quickly.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder Page T2
January–February 2014
Penguin Power: Prepare to Read
Activate Prior Knowledge
1. T
ell students to close their eyes and think about
1. Tell students that good readers use a variety of
2. I nvite a volunteer to tape his or her cards to the board
2. Have students turn to the Wordwise vocabulary
Visualizing Penguins and Where They Live
Making Connections Between Words
penguins. Then give each student five index cards. Ask
students to write one word on each card that describes
penguins or where they live.
in a vertical column. Have a second student do the
same, placing new words below those already posted
and repeats beside their match.
3. A
fter all students have posted their ideas, circle the
3. Invite volunteers to make connections between two or
after reading the article to see if they can make
more meaningful connections between the words,
specifically how each one relates to penguins.
Page T3
4. Tell students that you will revisit the vocabulary
supplies, and five minutes to draw a picture of a
penguin that incorporates each circled word on the
board. Gather all completed artwork, and tell students
they will revisit their ideas after reading the article.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder on page 9 of the article. Have volunteers read
aloud each vocabulary term and its definition.
more vocabulary words. Record students’ ideas.
words that appear most often. Be sure to include
words that describe both penguins and their
4. G
ive each student a piece of paper, access to art
strategies to help them understand a text. One strategy
is to make connections between words to see how they
work together.
January–February 2014
Explore Reading
Penguin Power: Language Arts
Answering Questions Quickly and Efficiently
1. A
ssign each student a partner. Tell the class that
they have two minutes to flip through their student
editions. In that time, each pair must write eight to 10
questions they have about penguins.
2. S ay, “Go!” Have students complete their task.
3. A
t the end of two minutes, have two pairs switch lists.
Then have students read the article with their partners.
As they do, have them answer each question and
identify where they found the information.
4. A
fter reading, combine pairs that answered
or explanatory text; or a narrative. Remind students
that each type of writing has specific guidelines.
Discuss the unique attributes of each. Then discuss
what they all have in common: an interesting
introduction, clear organization, details supported by
facts, precise language, and a concluding statement.
4. G
ive groups time to plan and write their articles. Then
pair two groups so they can edit each other’s work.
Have groups use those edits to revise their writing.
Invite groups to share their final articles with the class.
one another’s questions so they can share their
findings. Then regroup as a class. Discuss the article,
and have students highlight each answer on the
projectable edition. Ask: Which text features helped you
find information quickest and the most efficiently?
Explore Language
Use Frequently Confused Words Correctly
1. W
rite the following sentence on the board: I went to
the zoo two times, too!
2. U
nderline the words to, two, and too. Ask a volunteer
Common Core Grade-Level Differentiation
to read the words aloud. Explain to students that while
these words sound the same, they are different parts of
speech and have different meanings. (to: preposition
or infinitive; too: synonym for “also” or adjective/
adverb indicating excessiveness; two: a number)
Grade 4:
▶Review the diagram on pages 4-5 with students.
Have students identify questions the diagram
answered. Discuss how this text feature contributes
to an understanding of the text.
Grade 5:
▶Encourage pairs to write at least one question that
cannot be answered with the text. Instruct students
to draw on information from additional print or
digital resources to answer the questions. Then
invite students to share tips with one another about
how to answer questions quickly and efficiently
using a variety of resources.
3. D
isplay page 4 of the projectable edition, andbew
zoom in on the introduction. Which version of to/
too/two is used? (to) What other frequently confused
words are in the introduction? (it’s, here, sea, their)
Discuss each with students. Then encourage students
brainstorm creative examples using each word
correctly. Can they find other examples in the article?
Using Correlative Conjunctions
1. T
ell students that a conjunction is a word that links
Explore Writing
Developing and Strengthening Writing
1. W
rite the following on the board: Penguins are unique
birds. Then divide the class into small groups.
2. T
ell students that the sentence on the board is a topic
sentence. In their groups, they will write a short article
based on this topic sentence.
3. E
xplain that each group can select the type of article it
would like to write: an opinion piece; an informative
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder words, phrases, and clauses. Explain that a correlative
conjunction is a pair of conjunctions that work
together. Solicit examples from students. (both...and;
either...or; neither...nor; not...but; not only...but also)
2. D
isplay page 7 of the projectable edition.
Zoom in on the second paragraph of the “Eggs
on Ice” section. Can students spot the correlative
conjunctions? Repeat with the last paragraph on page 8. Then ask students to create their own sentences
about penguins using correlative conjunctions.
Page T4
January–February 2014 Penguin Power: Science
Explore Science
Penguins and their Environments
e1. D
isplay page 9 of the projectable edition to revisit edition
the Wordwise words. Ask students why these
particular words were selected as vocabulary words for
this article. How do the words connect to penguins?
2. G
uide students to understand that penguins live
in many different regions of the world. Like all
organisms, different species of penguins have adapted
to survive in particular environments.
3. D
isplay the “Penguin Palooza!” poster. Have students
match photos of the penguins on the map to the bigger
photos. Ask volunteers to read aloud each description.
Then add notes identifying the region where each
penguin lives and the adaptations that allow each
penguin to survive there.
NGSS Grade-Level Differentiation
Grade 4:
▶Challenge students to identify the various internal
and external structures that help penguins survive
in the different environments.
http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/penguinpalooza/. They may specifically want to investigate
“Penguins by the Numbers” at: http://channel.
3. W
hen all are finished, rejoin as a class and have each
group share its findings. Create a master chart on the
board. Have students fill in the blanks related to their
penguin as they make their presentations.
4. Th
en have students return to their groups. Challenge
each group to create a table, bar graph, pictograph,
or pie chart that reveals a pattern in each category
identified on the Activity Master.
and contrast how groups chose to represent the
information. Which method worked best for each
category? Does viewing the information in different
formats reveal more about the relationships between
the various penguin species? If so, how?
Extend Science
Recognizing Patterns
4. A
sk: What would happen if a penguin’s environment
1. R
etrieve students’ drawings of penguins that they
changed? Show students the National Geographic
video “Penguin Palooza: Penguin Chick Rescue” at:
created before reading the article. Post the drawings
on the board. Challenge students to identify patterns
in the appearance of their penguins.
http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/penguinpalooza/videos/penguin-chick-rescue/. Discuss what
happened to the chick and how it survived.
2. A
sk students if they think these illustrations accurately
depict all penguins. Then have students view National
Geographic’s photo gallery on penguins at: http://
Penguins by the Numbers
Penguin Power!
Activity Master
Penguins by the Numbers
Record information about one penguin species. Use this information and
the information other groups collect to create graphs, charts, and tables
about penguins.
Penguin Species
3. View the images one at a time. Instruct students to
Population size
© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
of the Activity Master and
divide the class into small
groups. Instruct each group to
select a different penguin species
from the article or the “Penguin
Palooza!” poster.
groups to conduct research online to
complete the Activity Master. Suggest that they begin
with National Geographic’s “Penguin Palooza” site at:
5. P
ost finished graphs in the room. As a class, compare
Grade 5:
▶Review Grade 4 concepts. Challenge students to not
only identify structures that help penguins survive,
but to explain how the various structures provide
advantages in the different environments.
1. G
ive each student a copy
2. webEncourage
Life span
Geographic location
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder
Activity Master,
page T6
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder note patterns they see in each type of penguin, such
as the thin black strip on the Chinstrap penguin.
Challenge them to find patterns in the appearance
of all penguins, regardless of species, as well. Which
characteristics would need to be present for a bird to
be classified as a penguin?
Page T5
January–February 2014
Penguin Power!
Activity Master
Penguins by the Numbers
Record information about one penguin species. Use this information and
the information other groups collect to create graphs, charts, and tables
about penguins.
Penguin Species
© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
Population size
Life span
Geographic location
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder
Page T6
January–February 2014
Penguin Power!
1. Why are there no penguins in the northern hemisphere?
A It’s too hot.
B It’s too crowded.
C It’s too dangerous.
2. What do all penguins have in common?
A They are the same size.
B They huddle to keep warm.
C They live near the sea.
3. Which text element in this article would quickly tell you how feathers help a penguin survive?
A the headline
B the diagram
C the Wordwise words
4. Which penguin species would survive best in a subtropical region?
A African penguin
B emperor penguin
C rockhopper penguin
5. Select one penguin species from the article. Describe two ways this penguin is adapted to survive in its environment.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder
Page T7
January–February 2014
© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
Read each question. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer or write your response on the lines.
Penguin Power!
Activity Master
Answer Key
Penguins by the Numbers
Record information about one penguin species. Use this information and
the information other groups collect to create graphs, charts, and tables
about penguins.
Penguin Species
All answers will vary depending upon
which species is selected.
© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
Population size
Life span
Geographic location
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder
Page T6
January–February 2014
Penguin Power!
1. Why are there no penguins in the northern hemisphere?
A It’s too hot.
B It’s too crowded.
C It’s too dangerous.
2. What do all penguins have in common?
A They are the same size.
B They huddle to keep warm.
C They live near the sea.
3. Which text element in this article would quickly tell you how feathers help a penguin survive?
A the headline
B the diagram
C the Wordwise words
4. Which penguin species would survive best in a subtropical region?
A African penguin
B emperor penguin
C rockhopper penguin
5. Select one penguin species from the article. Describe two ways this penguin is adapted to survive in its environment.
Possible responses: Emperorer penguins have a layer of blubber and huddle together to keep
warm; Rockhoppers team up against birds and hop to move among rocky boulders; Yellow-eyed
penguins find shade in the forest and pant to cool down; African penguins dig burrows and
have bare patches on their faces where heat can escape.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder
Page T7A
January–February 2014
© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
Read each question. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer or write your response on the lines.
Mission to Mars: Overview
Materials Needed
• Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Scientists are
exploring ways people could travel to and live on Mars.
• sentence strips
• The journey to Mars presents many challenges:
distance; suitable transportation; supplies; and
surviving the planet’s harsh environment.
• “Exploring Mars” poster
• plain
white paper
• drawing supplies
• Engineers are designing and testing new rockets and
spacecraft. They are also exploring medicines, supplies,
and ways to create meals that could someday make the
trip to the Red Planet a reality for humans.
• materials to build prototypes (optional)
Curriculum in This Article
Additional Resources
Common Core State Standards
• a collection of useful items from around the classroom
or students’ homes
earn more about Mars:
▶ h ttp://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/
• D escribe the overall structure of events, ideas,
concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
▶ h ttp://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.
• C ompare and contrast the overall structure of
events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or
more texts. (RI.5-5)
earn more about exploring Mars:
▶ http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov
• Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to
manage the sequence of events. In fifth grade, also
use clauses. (W.4/5-3.c)
▶ h ttp://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mars/main/index.
• Use correct capitalization. (L.4-2.a)
• Use a comma to set off the words yes and no, to set
off a question from the rest of the sentence, and to
indicate direct address. (L.5-2.c)
Next Generation Science Standards
• C ore Idea: Interdependence of Science, Engineering,
and Technology—Science and technology support
each other. Tools and instruments are used to
answer scientific questions, while scientific discoveries
lead to the development of new technologies.
• S cience and Engineering Practice: Developing and
Using Models
• Crosscutting Concept: Structure and Function
• Standard: Define a simple design problem...generate
and compare possible solutions...and plan and carry
out fair tests...to identify aspects of a model or
prototype that can be improved. (3-5-ETS1-1, 2, 3)
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder Page T8
January–February 2014
Mission to Mars: Background
• Mars, the fourth planet from the sun, is a solid, rocky
planet. Its surface boasts the tallest volcano in our solar
system along with the deepest canyon.
• The soil on Mars contains iron minerals that oxidize, or
rust. This makes the soil look red. Because of this, we
call Mars “the Red Planet.”
• Mariner 4, launched in 1965, was the first successful
mission from Earth to Mars. Since then, people have
sent more than 40 unmanned spacecraft to Mars. These
missions include flybys, orbiters, rovers, and landers.
F ast
ith current technology, it takes about eight months to
get from Earth to Mars.
• The extreme cold temperatures and thin atmosphere
on Mars make it impossible for liquid water to exist
on the planet’s surface.
ecause of the patterns in which Earth and Mars orbit
the sun, the distance between the two planets varies
from about 56 million km (about 35 million miles) to
400 million km (249 million miles).
• Although people are exploring the possibility of
a manned mission to Mars, the Red Planet isn’t
compatible with life as we know it:
▶The average temperature on Mars is -62.7° C (-81° F). The average temperature on Earth is
13.8° C (57° F).
▶The atmosphere on Mars, which is only 1% as
thick as Earth’s, contains 95.32% carbon dioxide,
2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and 0.8% carbon
monoxide. Earth’s atmosphere is 78.09% nitrogen,
20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, and 0.039% carbon
dioxide. Both atmospheres also contain trace
amounts of other gases.
▶E arth’s normal atmospheric pressure is 101,325
Pascals. On Mars it’s only 600 Pascals. The human
body cannot withstand pressure below 6,300
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder Page T9
January–February 2014
Mission to Mars: Prepare to Read
Activate Prior Knowledge
Putting Technology Words into Context
Analyzing Knowledge of Mars
1. Display pages 10-11 of the projectable edition,
covering the article’s headline and deck. Invite
students to describe what they see. How many
students think this is a photo of an astronaut on the
1. Display the Wordwise words on page 16 of the
projectable edition. Review each word and its
definition with students. Make sure all students have a
thorough understanding of the terms.
2. Divide the class into small groups. Instruct students
2. Remove the cover and ask a student to read aloud the
to review the photos and illustrations in the article,
attempting to find one example that reflects the
meaning of each vocabulary word. For example,
students may say that the astronaut in one of the
illustrations is an engineer.
3. Write the words “If I were...” on the board. Challenge
3. Once groups have identified their examples, pair up
headline and deck. Based on this new information,
could this be a real photograph of an astronaut on
Mars? (No) Why? (No humans have ever been to
each student to complete the sentence based on what
they see in the photo or already know about Mars. For
instance: “If I were on Mars, the ground I walked on
would look red.” “If I were the astronaut in the photo,
I would need a special suit to protect me.” Encourage
students to be creative but realistic in their responses.
two groups so they can share their ideas. Are any
of their examples alike? Which ideas are different?
For those examples that are different, do both ideas
manage to successfully convey an accurate definition
of the term?
4. When groups have finished comparing their results,
rejoin as a class. Discuss with students how finding
examples allowed them to put the words in a context
that gave them a better understanding of each term.
ELL Connection
Connecting Vocabulary Words
1. Invite students to share what they know about each
vocabulary word. Brainstorm with students ways in
which the some or all of the vocabulary words are
connected. Help them find as many links as possible.
2. Guide students to understand that an engineer uses
technology to invent. An engineer also invents new
technology. Many objects that orbit in space are
examples of manmade technology. Some naturally
occurring objects in space have an atmosphere, others
don’t. If an object has an atmosphere, that atmosphere
travels with the object as it orbits in space.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder Page T10
January–February 2014
Mission to Mars: Language Arts
Explore Reading
Explore Writing
1. Write the word structure on the board and ask
1. Write the following phrases on sentence strips: After
Describing Overall Structure
Writing a Seamless Narrative
students what it means. Guide them to understand
that structure is how something is built, arranged, or
organized. In an article, that may relate to specific
events, ideas, concepts, information, or the overall
structure of the text.
I woke up; When I finished; and An hour later. Also
create strips for these sentences; I brushed my teeth; I
played basketball; and I ate breakfast.
2. Display the strips containing sentences in the order
shown above. Ask students if this sequence makes
sense. Why not? Have a volunteer rearrange the strips
and then insert the phrases between the sentences.
2. Remind students that when people write, they
organize, or structure, their texts in a way that
makes sense. In informational texts, like the articles
in this magazine, writers typically use one of four
organizational frameworks: chronology; comparison;
cause and effect; or problem and solution. Challenge
students to describe and give examples of each.
3. Display pages 12-13 of the projectable edition.
Ask students which elements jump out at them
to provide clues about the overall text structure on
these pages. If students do not mention the items in
bold—2035 and Today—zoom in on those words.
Discuss how these dates hint at chronology, but in
this case it is chronology in reverse. Explore reasons
why that structure makes sense for the introduction of
this article. (The article is about something that could
happen in the future.)
4. Divide the class into small groups. Have groups read
the article. As they do, challenge them to identify the
overall text structure as well as examples where the
writer used different strategies in specific locations.
Regroup as a class and give groups an opportunity to
share their ideas.
Common Core Grade-Level Differentiation
Grade 4:
▶Divide the class into nine groups. Assign each
group a section on pages 14-17. Direct them
to identify the structure used in their assigned
section and explain whether it applies to events,
ideas, concepts, or pieces of information.
of events. Explain that each phrase provides a smooth
transition from one event to the next.
4. Challenge students to identify multiple transitional
words and phrases. (For fifth grade, also have students
transitional clauses.) Write each on a separate
index card. Then assign partners and give each pair
three cards. Have students use the cards to expand
the introduction, telling more about what happened
before, during, or after what is already revealed.
Explore Language
Using Correct Capitalization
1. Display the first paragraph of page 13. Zoom in
on the words Earth and Mars. Ask students why
these words are capitalized. Which other words are
capitalized? Are they capitalized for the same reason?
2. Remind students that the first word of a sentence is
always capitalized, as are proper nouns. Have students
scan the article for more examples, explaining why
each is capitalized.
Using Commas Correctly
1. Write the following on the board: “Mars is beautiful,
Grade 5:
▶Provide additional resources on Mars
exploration. Challenge students to compare and
contrast the overall structure of this article with
two or more additional texts.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder 3. Identify the information on the board as a sequence
isn’t it?” “Yes, it is.” “Can you see it, Commander?” Point
out the commas in each. Explain that commas are
used to separate the words yes, and no in sentences, to
set off tag questions, and to indicate direct address.
2. Have students write a conversation between the
commander in the introduction and his crew. Instruct
them to include examples of each scenario, using
commas appropriately.
Page T11
January–February 2014
Mission to Mars: Science
tests to evaluate and improve their creations.
Explore Science
Learning About Mars
Extend Science
Relating Structure to Function
1. Display the “Exploring Mars” poster. Explain to
students that this poster tells about our attempts to
explore Mars over the past 50 years.
1. Gather a collection of useful items from the classroom
or have students bring items from home. In small
groups, have students inspect the items to determine
whether or not they would be useful on a trip to Mars.
2. Divide the class into groups. Assign each group one
spacecraft. Instruct students to conduct additional
research to learn more about their spacecraft.
2. Tell each group to select the one item it thinks would
be the most useful. Instruct students to closely
examine that object to understand how and why it
3. Once they have compiled as much scientific
information as possible, have students create a short
newscast featuring their spacecraft, its mission, and
how it has contributed to what we know about Mars.
3. Then, knowing that space and supplies would be
limited on an extended trip to Mars, ask students
to brainstorm multiple ways the item could be
used. Encourage students to brainstorm simple
structural modifications that would increase the item’s
4. Beginning with Mariner 4 and proceeding in
sequential order, have groups share their newscasts
with the class. When all groups are finished, instruct
students to create a time line showcasing the
highlights of Mars exploration. Discuss with students
how improved technology over the years has helped us
learn more about the Red Planet.
4. Invite groups to share their ideas with the class.
Designing Useful Solutions
1. Based on what they have learned, prompt students to
identify the biggest challenges facing people who want
to visit Mars. List those challenges on the board.
2. Review the potential solutions identified in the article.
Discuss the process engineers follow as they develop
solutions: ideas, inventions, testing, prototypes, etc.
Activity Master
Designing Useful Solutions
Brainstorm ideas about how to solve a problem related to exploring Mars. Use this graphic
organizer to identify, describe, and design your solution.
the Activity Master. Then, as
a class, select one problem to
Mission to Mars
Identify the problem.
Describe your idea.
List your materials.
Explain why it would work.
Draw a picture.
4. Divide the class into small
groups. Challenge each group
Activity Master,
to devise its own solution.
page T13
Instruct them to identify,
describe, and draw a model
of their solution on their Activity Masters. If time and
materials allow, challenge students to create prototypes
of their solutions.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder
Page T13
© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
3. Give each student a copy of
January–February 2014
5. Give groups an opportunity to compare their
solutions. Which ideas will work? Which won’t? Why?
Brainstorm with students ways they could conduct fair
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder Page T12
January–February 2014
Mission to Mars
Activity Master
Designing Useful Solutions
List your materials.
Page T13
Explain why it would work.
January–February 2014
Brainstorm ideas about how to solve a problem related to exploring Mars. Use this graphic
organizer to identify, describe, and design your solution.
Identify the problem.
Describe your idea.
Draw a picture.
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Mission to Mars
1. In which way is Mars similar to Earth?
A diameter
B length of day
C length of year
2. What did we learn after the first flyby around Mars?
A There are no landforms on Mars.
B There is no water on the surface of Mars.
C There are no signs of life on Mars.
3. The article explains how engineers use technology to address challenges. What type of text structure is this?
A cause and effect
B problem and solution
C chronology
4. Why do astronauts’ bones weaken in space?
AThere is no atmosphere.
B There is no gravity.
C There is too much radiation.
Identify and describe one invention engineers are developing to help people travel to Mars.
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Page T14
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Read each question. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer or write your response on the lines.
Mission to Mars
Activity Master
Answer Key
Designing Useful Solutions
Page T13
Explain why it would work.
January–February 2014
Brainstorm ideas about how to solve a problem related to exploring Mars. Use this graphic
organizer to identify, describe, and design your solution.
List your materials.
Identify the problem.
The class will agree upon a problem before groups complete the Activity Master. Possible
problems include: suitable fuel and transportation; lack of food, water, and air; medical issues;
increased radiation; lack of gravity and atmosphere; and compatible crew members.
All answers for the remainder of the Activity Master will vary depending upon the solution
identified. However, students should describe their ideas fully and their models should depict
realistic solutions to the problem.
Describe your idea.
Draw a picture.
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© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
Mission to Mars
Read each question. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer or write your response on the lines.
1. In which way is Mars similar to Earth?
A diameter
B length of day
C length of year
2. What did we learn after the first flyby around Mars?
A There are no landforms on Mars.
B There is no water on the surface of Mars.
C There are no signs of life on Mars.
3. The article explains how engineers use technology to address challenges. What type of
A cause and effect
B problem and solution
C chronology
4. Why do astronauts bones’ to weaken in space?
AThere is no atmosphere.
B There is no gravity.
C There is too much radiation.
Identify and describe one invention engineers are developing to help people travel to Mars.
Students may identify and describe rockets, other spacecraft, spacesuits,
exercise machines, ways to extract water or oxygen, or 3-D printers for meals.
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text structure is this?
A Sense of Plants: Overview
Materials Needed
• Although they do not have the same sensory body parts
as animals, plants can sense what is going on around
• drinking straws
• Scientists have conducted experiments to prove that
plants can see and respond to light. They can also feel
and smell. It is still unknown if plants can hear.
• masking
Curriculum in This Article
• slips of paper
Common Core State Standards
• a paper bag
• E xplain how an author uses reasons and evidence to
support particular points in a text. (RI.4-8)
• bean seeds
• string
• 2 chocolate bars or something similar
• a sticky note
• E xplain how an author uses reasons and evidence
to support particular points in a text, identifying
which reasons and evidence support which point(s).
• Recall relevant information from experiences or
gather relevant information from print and digital
sources. Take notes and categorize (fourth grade)
or summarize or paraphrase (fifth grade) the
information. Provide a list of sources. (W.4/5-8)
• potting soil
• egg cartons
• water
• scissors
• clear plastic wrap
• dark tape
• clear tape
• BBC video “Hair Trigger” at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/
• D emonstrate understanding of words by relating
them to their opposites and to words with similar
but not identical meanings. (L.4-5.c)
• paper clips
• Use the relationship between particular words
(e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better
understand each of the words. (L.5-5.c)
Additional Resources
earn more about author Daniel Chamovitz:
Next Generation Science Standards
• C ore Idea: Information Processing—Different sense
receptors are specialized for particular kinds of
• S cience and Engineering Practice: Planning and
Carrying Out Investigations
ead about an experiment on a plant’s sense of smell:
• Crosscutting Concept: Cause and Effect—
Mechanism and Prediction
• Standard: Cause and effect relationships are
routinely identified, tested, and used to explain
change. (4-ESS3-2, 5-PS1-4)
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January–February 2014
A Sense of Plants: Background
•Daniel Chamovitz, who has a Ph.D. in genetics, is the
Director of the Manna Center for Plant Biosciences at
Tel Aviv University. He explores the world of plants and
their senses in his book, “What a Plant Knows: A Field
Guide to the Senses.”
•Plants can see light. When they see light, plants react in
different ways. Phototropism is a plant’s movement in
response to light. This results in plants leaning toward
light as they grow. Photoperiodism is a plant’s reaction
toward darkness. In different plants this can promote or
inhibit germination, stem elongation, dormancy, or the
ability to bloom.
Fast Facts
•Plants have specific genes that regulate their response
to light. These same genes are also part of human DNA.
•When a Venus flytrap snaps shut, it doesn’t close
completely for a few seconds. This allows tiny insects
that won’t provide much food for the plant to escape.
•Plants use their senses to determine up from down.
•A plant’s sense of touch can affect how it grows.
Some plants grow toward objects they encounter.
Vines that coil around other objects exhibit this
phenomenon. Contact with objects causes other
plants or plant parts grow in the opposite direction.
Many roots “feel” their way through the ground in
this manner.
•The Venus flytrap is a plant well known for its sense
of touch. This plant’s leaves are lined with short stiff
hairs. When an insect lands on a leaf, the hairs are
triggered and the two sides move toward each other,
creating a trap.
•Through their sense of smell, plants can detect things
such as when their fruit is ripe and when neighboring
plants have become injured. Some plants, like the
dodder vine, even use smell to find suitable victims
to latch onto. The dodder vine is a parasite that finds,
wraps around, and kills tomato plants.
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January–February 2014
A Sense of Plants: Prepare to Read
Activate Prior Knowledge
1. Prior to conducting this activity, gather drinking
1. Display the Wordwise words on page 23. Review eedition
Asking Questions About Plants
Outlining the Scientific Method
straws, string, and masking tape. Cut the string into
pieces that are about 60 centimeters (two feet) long.
You will need one straw and one piece of string for
each student.
each word and its definition with students.
2. Ask students if they have ever seen this combination
of words before. Point out that these are all parts
of the scientific method. Explain that the scientific
method has several key steps: identify a problem or
question; make observations; conduct research; form
an opinion; conduct an experiment; interpret the
results; and come to a logical conclusion based on
those results.
2. Give each student a straw, a piece of string, and four
small pieces of tape. Tell students to hold the straw
upright and tape it to their desks. Then instruct
them to tape one end of the string to the desk,
approximately 15 centimeters (six inches) from the
3. Divide the class into small groups. Challenge them
3. Explain to students that the string represents a vine
and the straw represents another plant. Ask: If that
vine were real, what would it look like as it grew up the
other plant? Give students a few minutes to test their
4. Evaulate students’ responses. How many students
leaned their strings toward the straw and wound the
string around the straw? Guide students to understand
that this is likely how a vine would grow around
another plant in real life.
5. Ask students how the vine knew which direction to
lean. Brainstorm answers with the class.
6. Display pages 18-19 of the projectable edition.
Zoom in on the headline and deck. Encourage
students to ask additional questions such as: Can the
vine see the plant? Can the vine smell the plant? Can
the plant feel the vine as it wraps its way around?
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder web
to determine where in the scientific process each
vocabulary word belongs. (Note: Observe can be used
in multiple steps.)
ELL Connection
Word Association in Definitions
1. Display the Wordwise words on page 23. Zoom
in on the word conclusion and its definition. Discuss
what this word means. Ask students which word in
the defintion tells them exactly what this word is.
(opinion) Highlight that word.
2. Repeat this procedure for each of the other vocabulary
e- words.
web When you get to the word observe, ask students
how this word is different from the others. Point out
that observe is an action, making it a verb. All of the
other words are nouns. Challenge students to identify
how they could change this word to turn it into a
noun. (observation)
Page T17
January–February 2014
A Sense of Plants: Language Arts
Explore Reading
Explore Writing
1. T
o complete this activity, you will need two chocolate
1. D
isplay page 22 of the projectable edition. Invite
2. D
raw students’ attention to the chocolate bar in the
2. E
ncourage students to think about their own
3. G
ive students a few moments to investigate. When
3. I nstruct students to write a brief description of their
Analyzing Reasons and Evidence
Noting Personal Experiences with Plants
bars or something similar. Place one on a desk in the
front of the room. Remove the other from its wrapper.
Crumble the wrapper and put it on your desk. Then
write “I love chocolate” on a sticky note. Put the note
on your shirt.
front of the room. Tell them that you originally had
two bars of chocolate. You need their help finding out
what happened to the other one.
they point out the sign on your shirt, emphasize that
the sign might be a reason for them to suspect you
took the chocolate bar, but it is not proof. Make them
find the evidence. (the wrapper on your desk)
4. E
xplain to students that writers go through this same
process when they write. They may have reasons for
what they think, but to be effective in their craft they
must give readers evidence that proves their point.
5. T
ell students that in this article the writer states that
plants can see, feel, and smell. Divide the class into
small groups. Have them read the article to identify
reasons the writer thinks this and evidence he uses to
prove his point. After reading, rejoin as a class to have
groups share their thoughts. Do they agree or disagree
with the writer’s thoughts?
Grade 4:
▶Examine the role scientific investigations played
in this article. Help students understand how
reasons prompted scientists to conduct each
investigation and how the evidence gleaned from
each investigation supported specific points.
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder
a volunteer to read aloud the section “A Sense
of Smell.” Point out to students that in the second
paragraph, the writer is recalling a past experience. In
the third paragraph, he is using facts gathered through
investigation to explain his experience.
experiences with plants. Have they ever witnessed
something that might indicate that plants can see, feel,
or smell?
experience. Then give them time to conduct research
to explain why the plant reacted as it did. Tell students
to take detailed notes and document their sources.
Common Core Grade-Level Differentiation
Grade 4:
▶When all are finished, categorize students
experiences as “See,” “Feel,” or “Smell.”
Grade 5:
▶Have students summarize or paraphrase their
research into one paragraph, telling whether the
plant in their experience could see, feel, or smell.
Explore Language
Understanding Figurative Language
1. R
eview with students the concepts of synonyms and
Common Core Grade-Level Differentiation
Grade 5:
▶The writer states scientists disagree on whether
plants can hear. What reasons and evidence
support either side of this argument?
antonyms. (For fifth grade, cover homographs as well.)
2. D
isplay page 20 of the projectable edition. Zoom
in on the first paragraph of the section, “The
Experiment.” Invite a volunteer to read it aloud.
3. H
ighlight the sentences relating to the dark and glass
caps. Ask students if dark and glass are opposites. (No)
But are they used as opposites in this case? (Yes) How?
(Glass is a synonym for clear.)
4. D
ivide the class into small groups. Encourage them
to find additional examples where synonyms or
antonyms aid in their understanding of the text. (For
fifth grade, challenge them find homographs, too.)
Invite groups to share their results with one another.
Page T18
January–February 2014
A Sense of Plants: Science
Explore Science
Extend Science
1. P
rior to conducting this investigation, write see, smell,
1. R
eview with students which plants in their experiment
How Plants Sense
Using Cause and Effect to Predict
or feel on slips of paper. Make multiple copies. Put
slips of paper in a paper bag.
grew toward the light and which didn’t. Guide them
to understand that plants that could sense light grew
toward the light. For that to happen, the tip of the
plant must be able to see the light.
2. R
emind students of the string and straw that they
experimented with prior to reading the article. Based
on what they have learned, how does a vine make its
way to another plant? (It uses its senses.)
2. E
ncourage students to identify other materials that
could be used in the experiment. For example, what
would happen if you covered a tip with transparent
tape or a cotton ball? How would a long period of
cloudy days affect the plant? What if you put up a
shield to block sunlight, such as sunglasses?
3. D
ivide the class into small groups. Have each group
pick a paper from the bag. Instruct them to conduct
research to learn more about how a plant sees, smells,
or feels. Have them write a short explanation and find
a video or draw an example of a plant using the sense.
3. H
ave students predict how each change would effect
the growth of the plant. If you have time, allow them
to continue their experiment, testing each variable.
4. D
irect groups that studied the same sense to compare
results. Then mix the groups so students can teach
others what they learned about their assigned sense.
React Like a Venus Flytrap
1. S how students the BBC video “Hair Trigger” at: http://
Using the Scientific Method
1. F or this investigation, you will need bean seeds,
Discuss how a Venus flytrap operates.
potting soil, egg cartons, water, scissors, clear plastic
wrap, dark tape, and clear tape.
Experiment” with students. Tell
students they will repeat Darwin’s
experiment to see if they get the
same results. Give each student
a copy of the Activity Master to
record their results.
Activity Master
Using the Scientific Method
Duplicate Charles Darwin’s experiment outlined in the section “The Experiment.”
Use the Activity Master to record your results.
My hypothesis was correct because:
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3. D
ivide the class into small groups.
2. D
ivide the class into pairs. Give each pair a paper
© 2014 National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. Teachers may copy this page to distribute to their students.
2. R
eview the section “The
A Sense of Plants
My hypothesis was incorrect because:
Activity Master,
page T20
Have each group plant several seeds.
Give them a few days to grow. (You
may want to plant the seeds several days in advance so
students can proceed directly with the investigation.)
4. W
hen the shoots are several centimeters tall, have
students replicate Darwin’s actions. Leave one shoot
alone. It is the control. Cut off one tip, cover one with
dark tape, cover one with clear plastic wrap, and cover
the middle of one with dark tape.
clip and a piece of string that is about 20 centimeters
(about seven inches) long. Ask them to tie one end of
the string to the paper clip. Explain that they will use
the string to see if they can react to touch just like a
Venus flytrap does.
3. T
ell pairs that one of them will be the Venus flytrap
and the other will be the fly. Instruct the “Venus
flytraps” to put their hands together with the base of
their palms touching, forming a “V.” Ask them to close
their hands so their fingers interlock, practicing the
movement a few times. Then direct them to mak the
“V” again and close their eyes.
4. H
ave the “flies” dangle the string above the “Venus
flytraps.” Tell the “Venus flytraps” to snap shut after
they feel the “fly” hit their hands two times. Can they
catch the fly? Give partners a chance to play each part.
5. I nstruct groups to put all shoots in front of an open
window or bright light. After several days, examine the
shoots. Did students’ plants respond as Darwin’s did?
National Geographic Explorer, Pathfinder Page T19
January–February 2014
A Sense of Plants
Activity Master
Using the Scientific Method
Duplicate Charles Darwin’s experiment outlined in the section “The Experiment.”
Use the Activity Master to record your results.
My hypothesis was correct because:
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My hypothesis was incorrect because:
Page T20
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A Sense of Plants
1. Charles Darwin had a _________ that plants could see light. Then he did an experiment.
A conclusion
B method
C hypothesis
2. How is the Venus flytrap different from many other plants?
A It can hear.
B It eats bugs.
C It can see light.
3. Scientists don’t know if plants can hear. What evidence does the writer use to support this point?
A Some plants like classical music.
B Two studies had different results.
C Only two plants have been tested.
4. Which sense causes avocados to soften when placed with a ripe banana in a brown paper bag?
A sight
B touch
C smell
5. Which statement is true?
A Plants react to everything they feel.
B Plants can feel wind and rain.
C Plants can feel pain.
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Read each question. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer.
A Sense of Plants
Activity Master
Answer Key
Using the Scientific Method
Duplicate Charles Darwin’s experiment outlined in the section “The Experiment.”
Use the Activity Master to record your results.
Possible response: What part does a plant use to sense light?
Students may note plants they have seen growing toward light. Their research should explain how
and why plants do this.
Possible response: We grew five bean seeds. We left one alone. It was the control. We cut off the
tip of one. We covered the tip of one with clear plastic wrap and the tip of another with dark tape.
We covered the middle of another with dark tape. Then we set all of the plants in front of a bright
Possible response: The control plant, the one covered with clear plastic wrap, and
the one with tape in the middle grew toward the light. The other two plants didn’t.
My hypothesis was correct because:
My hypothesis was incorrect because:
Possible response: All plants
that could sense light through
their tips grew toward the light.
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Page T20A
January–February 2014
Possible response: A plant uses its tip to sense light. If its tip is intact, the plant will grow toward
A Sense of Plants
1. Charles Darwin had a _________ that plants could see light. Then he did an experiment.
A conclusion
B method
2. How is the Venus flytrap different from many other plants?
A It can hear.
B It eats bugs.
C It can see light.
3. Scientists don’t know if plants can hear. What evidence does the writer use to support this point?
A Some plants like classical music.
BTwo studies had different results.
C Only two plants have been tested.
4. Which sense causes avocados to soften when placed with a ripe banana in a brown paper bag?
A sight
B touch
5. Which statement is true?
A Plants react to everything they feel.
B Plants can feel wind and rain.
C Plants can feel pain.
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Read each question. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer.