STANWEAVER&CO S T O C K C ATA L O G & LPIRNI E C EC A L IRSD T w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m B I O G R A P H Y O F S TA N W E AV E R A N D H I S C O M PA N Y Stan was born in Janesville, Wisconsin in 1931. His family relocated to St. Petersburg, Florida in 1934 in order for his father to be closer to the VA Hospital. In 1937 Stan’s family relocated to Clermont, Florida where Stan was raised. Stan refers to Clermont as God’s country and after a few trips to Clermont I would agree. He enjoyed playing baseball & football as a youth and graduated from high school in 1948. Stan later attended the University of Florida where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. During his college years, he spent time in the merchant marines skidding across the Great Lakes to bring ore, wheat and other commodities over the lakes to earn money for school. All that for a dollar an hour. After his graduation from the University of Florida in 1954 (Go Gators!) he went to work for General Electric in the sales engineering training program and then enlisted in the Air Force in 1955 where he spent some time across the pond in Germany and other parts of Europe. 2 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T In 1957 Stan joined the Trane Company and spent a year at their facility in Lacrosse, Wisconsin before relocating to Tampa, Florida with Trane. He worked for the Trane Company until 1967. That year Stan accepted a position with the Middleton Company to manage their Tampa office where he worked until 1977. In 1977 Stan and his wife Cathy (married for 42 years until her death in 1996) founded Stan Weaver and Company in Tampa, FL. In 1996 the company opened a second office in Orlando, FL and in 2008 a third office in Jacksonville, FL. He has led the company for over 30 years with his experience and integrity. He is one of the greatest gentlemen of our industry. Stan is remarried to his lovely wife Betty and together they have 10 children and 26 grandchildren. From all of your loyal employees we say thank you Stan for being a major part of our lives. TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Sidewall Grilles & Registers 3 Square Cone Diffusers 4 Louver Faced Ceiling Diffusers 5 Round Celing Diffusers/Spiral Gril 6 Perforated Supply & Return Grilles 7 Egg Crate/Door Grilles 7 Lay-in Filter Back Returns 8 Air Distribution Accessories 9 Fire Dampers & Transitions 10 Ceiling Radiation Dampers 11 Access Doors 12 Access Panels 13 Flexible Duct 14 Spin-Ins 15 Roof Exhaust Direct Drive 16 - 17 Roof Exhaust Belt Drive 18 - 20 Upblast Roof Exhaust Belt Drive 21 - 23 Inline Direct/Belt Drive Fans 24 - 26 Ceiling Exhaust Fans 28 - 31 Roof/Wall Discharge Accessories 32 - 34 Gravity Ventilators 35 Pipe Portal System/Equipment Rails 36 Roof Curbs 36 Spiral Ductwork Fan Selection Rules Line Card 37 - 38 39 40 - 41 TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRICES All prices listed are F.O.B. our warehouse plus applicable taxes. Minimum charge $25.00. Prices are subject to change without notice. TERMS All orders shall be cash, certified check or credit card unless prior credit terms have been approved. PAY M E N T All invoices are net thirty days from date of invoice. A 1.5% per month service charge will be added after thirty days until full payment is received. Also, all reasonable legal and collection fees shall be assessed in the event it becomes necessary to collect indebtedness. D E L I V E RY Requested shipped items will be sent by our choice via UPS or designated carrier on a prepaid and add basis. Air freight or bus shipments will be sent only on a C.O.D. basis. All goods become customer’s property when either the freight carrier or customer signs for them at the shipping dock. Customer is responsible for checking all shipments for shortages and/or visible damage and advising the carrier of any discrepancies on the delivery receipt. WA R R A N T Y Stan Weaver & Company makes no expressed warranties as to the goods sold, but extends to the buyer the manufacturer’s standard warranty which is available on request. DAMAGES Stan Weaver & Company shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, or consequential damages or losses of any kind resulting from the purchase or installation of any merchandise. RETURNS Merchandise may not be returned without written authorization of Stan Weaver & Company. All goods must be in resaleable condition and be provided with a copy of the original invoice and within thirty days of delivery. A 25% restocking/handling fee will be assessed upon all returned merchandise. 2 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T S I D E WA L L M O U N T E D G R I L L E S & R E G I S T E R S MODEL 300FS • Supply Register • Double Deflection • Aluminum Construction • Opposed Blade Damper • White Finish MODEL 350FL • Return Grille • Fixed Horizontal Bars (45 degree angle) • Aluminum Construction • White Finish Size Price Each Size Price Each 8x4 10 x 4 12 x 4 6x6 8x6 10 x 6 12 x 6 14 x 6 16 x 6 18 x 6 20 x 6 24 x 6 30 x 6 36 x 6 8x8 10 x 8 12 x 8 14 x 8 16 x 8 18 x 8 20 x 8 $25 $30 $33 $30 $30 $33 $37 $40 $44 $45 $47 $52 $71 $79 $33 $37 $41 $44 $47 $48 $54 24 x 8 30 x 8 36 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 10 14 x 10 16 x 10 18 x 10 20 x 10 24 x 10 30 x 10 36 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 12 16 x 12 18 x 12 20 x 12 24 x 12 30 x 12 36 x 12 16 x 16 $63 $78 $89 $41 $44 $48 $50 $55 $57 $69 $87 $103 $47 $50 $55 $63 $67 $75 $100 $112 $70 Size 8x4 12 x 4 6x6 8x6 10 x 6 12 x 6 14 x 6 16 x 6 18 x 6 20 x 6 8x8 10 x 8 12 x 8 14 x 8 16 x 8 18 x 8 24 x 8 ****10 x 10 12 x 10 14 x 10 16 x 10 Price Each $17 $21 $18 $18 $21 $22 $22 $24 $25 $26 $21 $22 $23 $23 $25 $26 $31 $23 $24 $25 $29 Size 18 x 10 20 x 10 24 x 10 30 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 12 16 x 12 18 x 12 24 x 12 30 x 12 36 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 16 18 x 18 20 x 20 *22 x 10 **22 x 22 24 x 24 ***46 x 22 Price Each $29 $30 $33 $44 $25 $29 $29 $31 $37 $47 $52 $29 $36 $40 $45 $31 $49 $55 $101 * For lay-in T-Bar ceiling, 24 x 12 panel. ** For lay-in T-Bar ceiling, 24 x 24 panel. *** For lay-in T-Bar ceiling, 48 x 24 panel. **** For surface mount or lay-in T-Bar ceiling, 12 x 12 panel. See page 9 for damper pricing. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 3 SQUARE CONE DIFFUSERS MODEL TMS TMS STEEL CONSTRUCTION • Round Neck Neck Sizes Panel Sizes Price Each • Lay-In Style 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 6,8 24 x 24 12 x 12 $44 $32 • Steel, Aluminized or Aluminum Construction • Removable Inner Core • Available with Volume Damper • White Finish TMS-AS ALUMINIZED CONSTRUCTION Neck Sizes Panel Sizes Price Each 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 6,8 24 x 24 12 x 12 $54 $40 TMS-AA ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION Neck Sizes Panel Sizes Price Each 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 6,8 24 x 24 12 x 12 $71 $68 ADD FOR R6 INSULATED BACKS Neck Sizes Panel Sizes Price Each 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 24 x 24 $16 Sold Separately. Shipped loose. See page 9 for damper pricing. MODEL OMNI OMNI STEEL CONSTRUCTION • Round Neck Neck Sizes Panel Sizes Price Each • Lay-In Style 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 6,8 24 x 24 12 x 12 $42 $32 • Steel or Aluminized Construction • Removable Inner Core • Available with Volume Damper • White Finish OMNI-AS ALUMINIZED CONSTRUCTION Neck Sizes Panel Sizes Price Each 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 6,8 24 x 24 12 x 12 $52 $40 ADD FOR R6 INSULATED BACKS Neck Sizes Panel Sizes Price Each 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 24 x 24 $16 Sold Separately. Shipped loose. See page 9 for damper pricing. 4 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T L O U V E R FA C E D C E I L I N G D I F F U S E R S MODEL TDC-6, TDC-AA-6 • Surface Mount • V-Beveled Border • Steel or Aluminum Construction • Removable Inner Core • White Finish MODEL TDC-6 STEEL CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZE PRICE EACH WITH OBD 6x6 9x9 12 x 12 15 x 15 18 x 18 $33 $40 $52 $64 $80 $40 $49 $63 $79 $99 MODEL TDC-AA-6 ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZE PRICE EACH WITH OBD 6x6 9x9 12 x 12 15 x 15 18 x 18 $42 $52 $67 $84 $102 $48 $62 $78 $99 $120 See page 10 for square to round transitions. MODEL TDC-3, TDC-AA-3 • Lay-In Style • Steel or Aluminum Construction • Removable Inner Core • White Finish MODEL TDC-3 STEEL CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZE PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH WITH OBD 6x6 9x9 12 x 12 15 x 15 18 x 18 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 $45 $52 $63 $76 $75 $50 $62 $73 $91 $93 MODEL TDC-AA-3 ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZE PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH WITH OBD 6x6 9x9 12 x 12 15 x 15 18 x 18 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 $54 $64 $79 $94 $97 $61 $73 $89 $109 $116 See page 10 for square to round transitions. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 5 ROUND CEILING DIFFUSERS MODEL TMR, TMR-AA MODEL TMR - STEEL CONSTRUCTION • Round Ceiling Diffuser • Low Profile Flush Mount • Steel or Aluminum Construction SIZE PRICE EACH 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 $61 $67 $81 $95 $117 $151 $171 $193 $322 MODEL TMR-AA - ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION SIZE PRICE EACH 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 $101 $109 $131 $156 $190 $247 $280 $310 SPIRAL DUCT MOUNTED GRILLES MODEL 5300-FS • Superior performance in exposed duct applications • Vertical front blades • Installation in round duct diameters 6 in. to 48 in. • Integral gasket seals grille tightly to duct • Built-in extractor to allow accurate balancing and uniform air flow • Galvanized steel construction 6 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T SIZE CFM 12 x 4 18 x 4 12 x 6 30 x 4 24 x 6 36 x 6 0-250 251-400 251-400 401-700 401-700 701-1000 SPIRAL SIZE PRICE EACH 6 to 24 8 to 24 12 to 24 8 to 24 12 to 24 12 to 24 $83 $95 $87 $132 $128 $159 P E R F O R AT E D S U P P LY & R E T U R N G R I L L E S MODEL PAS, PAS-AA • Lay-in Style Supply Grille • Face Mounted Pattern Deflector • Adjustable Pattern • White Finish MODEL PAS STEEL CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZES PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH 6 , 8 ,10 ,12 ,14 24 x 24 $32 MODEL PAS-AA ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZES PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH 6 , 8 ,10 ,12 ,14 24 x 24 $42 See page 10 for damper pricing. • Available with Butterfly Damper MODEL PAR, PAR-AA • Lay-in Style Return Grille • White Finish • PDDR-3 (Steel) APDDR-3 (Aluminum) MODEL PAR STEEL CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZE PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH 22 x 22 24 x 24 $29 MODEL PAR-AA ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION NECK SIZE PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH 22 x 22 24 x 24 $38 See page 10 for damper pricing. E G G C R AT E / D O O R G R I L L E S MODEL 50-F • Return Grille • 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 Cube Core • Aluminum Construction SIZE PRICE EACH SIZE PRICE EACH 6x6 8x8 ****10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 $17 $18 $21 $24 $25 16 x 16 18 x 18 22 x 10 * 22 x 22 ** 46 x 22 *** $37 $42 $30 $55 $138 • White Finish * For lay-in T-Bar ceiling, 24 x 12 panel. ** For lay-in T-Bar ceiling, 24 x 24 panel. *** For lay-in T-Bar ceiling, 48 x 24 panel. **** For surface mount or lay in T-bar ceiling, 12 x 12 panel MODEL CT-700L • Door Grille • Double Flange • Aluminum Construction NECK SIZE PRICE EACH NECK SIZE PRICE EACH 10 x 10 12 x 12 18 x 12 $76 $93 $107 24 x 12 18 x 18 24 x 24 $119 $148 $239 • White Finish w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 7 L AY- I N F I LT E R B A C K R E T U R N S MODEL 50FF • Lay-In Style NECK SIZE PANEL SIZES PRICE EACH 20 x 20 24 x 24 $84 NECK SIZE PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH 20 x 20 24 x 24 $81 • Aluminum Construction • 1/2” x 1/2” x 1/2” Cube Core • Hinged Access • Filter Not Included • White Finish MODEL 350FLFI • Lay-In Style • Aluminum Construction • Fixed Horizontal Bars 45 Degree Angle • Hinged Access • Filter Not Included • White Finish 8 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T AIR DISTRIBUTION ACCESSORIES MODEL AG-95 • Steel Construction • For Square Neck Returns • Opposed Blade Damper SIZE PRICE EACH SIZE PRICE EACH 6x6 8x8 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 $9 $10 $11 $13 $15 16 x 16 18 x 18 22 x 10 22 x 22 $17 $21 $16 $29 • Screw Driver Adjustable • Mill Finish MODEL AG-100 • Steel Construction • For Round Neck Grilles • Radial Shutter Damper • Screw Driver Adjustable SIZES PRICE EACH 6 8 10 12 14 $11 $13 $14 $15 $22 PANEL SIZE PRICE EACH 12 x 12 24 x 12 24 x 24 48 x 24 $18 $22 $25 $32 • Mill Finish MODEL TRM • T-Bar Frame • Steel Construction • For Plaster Ceilings • White Finish w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 9 FIRE DAMPERS & TRANSITIONS MODEL DFD 150 • Dynamic Rated Type A • 1.5 Hour UL Label • Use With Fire Partitions (2 Hours) • Galvanized Steel Construction • Horizontal & Vertical Installation • Closure Springs & Latches • Fusible Links UL listed (165ºF) • Mill Finish • No Sleeve • Fire Damper D+2 D+2 2.1 D SIZE PRICE EACH $37 $37 $37 $37 $45 $41 $41 $41 $48 $48 $56 $56 $45 $45 $56 $56 $63 $63 12 x 12 14 x 12 16 x 12 18 x 12 20 x 12 24 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 14 18 x 14 20 x 14 24 x 14 16 x 16 20 x 16 24 x 16 18 x 18 24 x 18 20 x 20 24 x 24 $48 $61 $61 $66 $66 $70 $69 $69 $73 $73 $79 $69 $73 $79 $82 $93 $82 $97 SIZE PRICE EACH • Dynamic Rated Type R Fire Damper 16” long sleeve 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 24" $78 $88 $96 $103 $147 $147 $174 $208 • 165 degree fusible link 16 PRICE EA. MODEL DFD-150X16 • 1.5 Hour UL Label Damper Location SIZE 6x6 8x6 10 x 6 12 x 6 14 x 6 8x8 10 x 8 12 x 8 14 x 8 16 x 8 18 x 8 20 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 10 14 x 10 16 x 10 18 x 10 20 x 10 • Galvanized Steel Construction • Mill Finish TRANSITION • Square To Round • Use With Ceiling Diffusers 10 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T SQUARE SIZE ROUND SIZE PRICE EACH 6x6 8x8 9x9 10 x 10 12 x 12 15 x 15 18 x 18 20 x 20 22 x 10 22 x 22 22 x 22 6 8 6, 7, 8, 9 8, 10 8, 9, 10, 12 12, 14 6,8,10,12,14,16 Blanks Blanks All Blanks $6 $6 $8 $8 $9 $11 $14 $15 $17 $17 $17 C E I L I N G R A D I AT I O N D A M P E R S MODEL CRD-1 • Butterfly Type Damper • Galvanized Steel Construction (22 ga) • Non-Asbestos Ceramic Blanket Blades • Fire Resistance Rating – 3 Hours • Fuse Link - 165ºF SIZE PRICE EACH 6x6 8x8 9x9 10 x 10 12 x 12 15 x 15 16 x 16 18 x 18 22 x 22 $28 $30 $41 $41 $50 $55 $62 $66 $90 SIZE PRICE EACH 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 $29 $32 $34 $34 $50 $55 $68 $68 SIZE PRICE EACH 24 x 24 $21 • Warnock Hersey Label MODEL CRD-2 • Butterfly Type Damper • Galvanized Steel Construction (22 ga) • Non-Asbestos Ceramic Blanket Blades • Fire Resistance Rating – 3 Hours • Fuse Link - 165ºF • Diameter Is 1/16 Undersized • Warnock Hersey Label THERMAL INSULATION BLANKET • 1(in.) Thick Mineral Wool • Use with any ceiling radiation damper furnished with 5(in.) diameter center hole, trim for other sizes w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 11 ACCESS DOORS MODEL RADU • Round Duct Access Door • Uninsulated Access Door DUCT SIZE DIAMETER (IN.) HOLE SIZE DOOR SIZE PRICE EACH 5-9 10 - 20 22 - 36 7x3 11 x 7 15 x 11 8x4 12 x 8 16 x 12 $41 $63 $63 • Molded Knobs Threaded • Galvanized Construction MODEL CAD / HAD • Duct Access Door • Cam Latch & Hinge • 1(in.) Thick, Double Wall Door • 22 Gauge Frame • 24 Gauge Door • Knock Over Frame Edges 12 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T SIZE PRICE EACH 6x6 8x8 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 16 18 x 18 24 x 24 $20 $23 $27 $29 $34 $38 $42 $54 A C C E S S PA N E L S MODEL TM • Flush Access Panel • Use On All Surfaces • Easy Access To HVAC Systems • 16 Gauge Frame DOOR SIZE ROUGH OPENING PRICE EACH 8x8 12 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 16 18 x 18 24 x 24 8.25 x 8.25 12.25 x 12.25 14.25 x 14.25 16.25 x 16.25 18.25 x 18.25 24.25 x 24.25 $32 $39 $47 $50 $57 $82 • 14 Gauge Door MODEL FD • Universal Fire Rated Access Panel • Use On All Surfaces • 16 Gauge Frame • 14 Gauge Door DOOR SIZE ROUGH OPENING PRICE EACH 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 16 18 x 18 24 x 24 10.25 x 10.25 12.25 x 12.25 14.25 x 14.25 16.25 x 16.25 18.25 x 18.25 24.25 x 24.25 $155 $157 $172 $186 $194 $232 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 13 FLEXIBLE DUCT SYSTEMS ATCO FLEX MODEL ATCO 36 LENGTH LIST PRICE 29 4" 25' • R6 insulation, UL 181 listed 5" 25' 29 6" 25' 35 • For use in medium pressure supply and return duct 7" 25' 39 8" 25' 42 • Metalized Polyester Jacket 9" 25' 47 10" 25' 52 • Maxium velocity of 5000 FPM 12" 25' 65 14" 25' 78 16" 25' 90 18" 25' 105 20" 25' 128 Size Length List Price 6" 25' 59 8" 25' 69 10" 25' 88 12" 25' 108 14" 25' 132 16" 25' 152 18" 25' 186 • 25’ per bag THERMAFLEX MODEL M-KE • R6 insulation, UL 181 listed • For use in medium pressure supply and return duct • Metalized Polyester Jacket • Acoustically rated CPE core • Maxium velocity of 5000 FPM • 25’ per bag 14 SIZE S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T FLEXIBLE DUCT ACCESSORIES SPIN-INS • Galvanized steel construction Use on galvanized steel: • S3S-Fitting with damper • S4S -Fitting with damper & 45 degree extractor • S4S W/SO-Fitting with damper, 45 degree extractor, & 2” standoff bracket. • C302-Conical fitting with damper & 2” standoff bracket. SIZE 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" S3S $9 $9 $12 $12 $12 S4S $6 $6 $9 $9 $9 $9 $12 $15 $15 $9 $24 S4S W/SO $10 $10 $12 $12 $12 $15 $17 $17 $20 $24 $27 DB4S $9 $9 $12 $12 $12 $18 $15 $21 $24 $28 $34 DB4S W/SO C302 $15 $20 $15 $22 $18 $24 $21 $29 $34 $54 $66 $66 Use on fiberglass ductboard: • DB4S-Fitting with damper and 45 degree extractor • DB4S W/SO-Fitting with damper, 45 degree extractor, and 2” standoff bracket. STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP • Worm drive, swivel action • Suitable for high or low pressure, insulated or uninsulated MODEL SIZE (IN.) PRICE EACH SSC-6 4-6 $2 SSC-8 7-9 $3 SSC-12 10-12 $3 SSC-18 13-18 $6 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 15 ROOF EXHAUST DIRECT DRIVE - G ROOF EXHAUST DIRECT DRIVE - G Model G Centrifugal Roof Exhaust fans are direct drive. These fans are specifically designed for roof mounted applications exhausting relatively clean air. Fan wheels are centrifugal, backward inclined, and constructed of aluminum. PERFORMANCE Performance capabilities range from 73 cfm to 4,295 cfm and up to 1 in. wg of static pressure. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES • Aluminum housing • Non-overloading backward inclined wheel B • Aluminum curb cap with prepunched mounting holes • Integral reinforced bead for strength on hood • Galvanized birdscreen C* • Ball bearing motors (sizes 101-180), sleeve bearing motors (sizes 060-095) • Motor isolated on shock mounts 1 3/4 in. A • Corrosion resistant fasteners • Nema-1 disconnect G CONDENSED PERFORMANCE & DIMENSIONAL DATA DAMPER IN STOCK MIN/MAX SONES @ RPM 0 in. SIZE SIZES (■) MODEL A B C* ROOF OPENING G-060 17 193/8 121/8 10½ x 10½ G-065 17 193/8 121/8 10½ x 10½ G-070 17 193/8 121/8 10½ x 10½ G-075 17 193/8 121/8 10½ x 10½ ■ G-080 17 21¾ 145/8 12½ x 12½ ■ G-085 17 21¾ 145/8 12½ x 12½ ■ G-090 17 21¾ 145/8 12½ x 12½ G-095 17 21¾ 145/8 12½ x 12½ ■ G-101 19 245/8 20 14½ x 14½ ■ G-121 19 245/8 20 14½ x 14½ G-131 22 287/8 20 18½ x 18½ G-141 22 287/8 20 18½ x 18½ G-150 26 35½ 211/8 18½ x 18½ ■ G-160 30 35½ 215/8 20½ x 20½ ■ G-170 30 35½ 215/8 20½ x 20½ G-180 30 35½ 22¾ 20½ x 20½ ■ 8x8 10 x 10 12 x 12 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 16 x 16 18 x 18 ■ 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 860 1725 860 1725 860 1725 860 1140 860 1140 860 1140 860 1140 860 1140 1.7 4.2 2.2 4.9 2.7 5.6 3.6 6.1 3.8 7.3 4.0 7.6 4.0 7.6 5.4 9.6 4.3 12.1 5.6 14.1 6.5 19.2 6.8 10.4 7.9 11.7 8.0 13.6 9.7 16.3 12.1 19.5 0 138 203 187 276 254 374 296 438 335 495 399 588 520 768 717 1059 766 1536 922 1849 1193 2393 1376 1824 1772 2348 2008 2662 2572 3409 3240 4295 PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG .125 .25 .5 .75 73 166 110 232 179 327 200 377 249 439 307 529 420 700 569 969 588 1454 723 1753 1011 2310 1160 1667 1552 2184 1783 2489 2329 3226 3002 4122 1 120 176 274 310 134 379 179 464 292 633 389 863 239 1374 449 1659 771 2222 919 1498 1305 2016 1535 2319 2077 3042 2733 3933 238 308 472 623 1181 974 1453 1223 2030 1820 1555 1112 1629 552 1932 1417 2647 1978 3509 1115 1411 2182 1458 2971 2247 *May be greater depending on motor. All dimensions in inches. Dimension A - given is the inside dimensions of the curb cap. The roof curb should be 11/2 in. less than the curb cap to allow for roofing and flashing. Performance certified is for installation type A: Free inlet, Free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings include the effects of a birdscreen. The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type A: Free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. 16 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T G PERFORMANCE DATA - IN STOCK RPM MODEL G-060-DGEX-QD 1/60 HP 3 Speed G-065-DGEX-QD 1/30 HP 3 Speed G-070-DGEX-QD 1/30 HP 3 Speed G-075-DGEX-QD 1/25 HP 3 Speed G-080-DGEX-QD 1/20 HP 3 Speed G-085-DGEX-QD 1/20 HP 3 Speed G-090-DGEX-QD 1/15 HP 3 Speed G-095-DGEX-QD 1/8 HP 3 Speed G-101-BX-QD 1/6 HP G-101-AX-QD 1/4 HP G-121-BX-QD 1/6 HP G-121-AX-QD 1/4 HP G-131-BX-QD 1/6 HP G-141-BX-QD 1/6 HP G-150-BX-QD 1/4 HP G-160-BX-QD 1/3 HP E G D E G D E G D E G D E G D E G D E G D E G D .25 in stock sizes include birdscreen, disconnect switch, UL/cUL 705 Electrical. PRESSURE IN INCHES WG .375 .5 .625 1050 1300 1550 1050 1300 1550 1050 1300 1550 1050 1300 1550 1050 1300 1550 1050 1300 1550 1050 1300 1550 1050 1300 1550 .125 73 125 166 110 178 232 179 257 327 200 294 377 249 348 439 307 421 529 420 564 700 569 780 969 1140 893 747 568 1725 1454 1374 1277 1181 1140 1078 918 734 335 1725 1753 1659 1560 1453 1341 1140 1452 1303 1129 889 1140 1667 1498 1313 1140 2184 2016 1140 2489 2319 .75 PRICE EACH $372 WD-100 Damper Size Add GPI-Curb Size Add 8x8 $53 17 $97 8x8 $53 17 $97 8x8 $53 17 $97 8x8 $53 17 $97 $413 10 x 10 $57 17 $97 $413 10 x 10 $57 17 $97 $413 10 x 10 $57 17 $97 $413 10 x 10 $57 17 $97 $644 12 x 12 $60 19 $109 $675 12 x 12 $60 19 $109 $724 12 x 12 $60 19 $109 $744 12 x 12 $60 19 $109 381 $731 16 x 16 $69 22 $139 1112 794 $737 16 x 16 $69 22 $139 1837 1629 1398 1115 $849 16 x 16 $69 26 $163 2135 1932 1697 1411 $969 18 x 18 $88 30 $181 120 $372 91 176 96 171 274 190 195 310 134 272 379 179 340 464 292 478 633 389 640 863 $372 $372 214 175 314 238 233 393 308 169 373 558 472 338 493 745 184 623 474 1086 974 1223 Performance certified is for installation type A: Free inlet, Free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings include the effects of a birdscreen. The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type A: Free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. UL/cUL 705 E40001 - G Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the G models shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and AMCA Publication 311 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 17 R O O F E X H A U S T B E LT D R I V E - G B ROOF EXHAUST BELT DRIVE - GB Model GB Centrifugal Roof Exhaust fans are belt drive. These fans are specifically designed for roof mounted applications exhausting relatively clean air. Fan wheels are centrifugal, backward inclined, and constructed of aluminum. Adjustable motor pulleys allow for final system balancing. PERFORMANCE Performance capabilities range from 140 cfm to 44,690 cfm and up to 2.0 in. wg of static pressure. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES • Aluminum housing • Non-overloading backward inclined wheel B • Galvanized birdscreen • Integral reinforcing bead for strength C* 13/4 in. A UL/cUL 705 E40001 - GB • Motor out of airstream • Nema-1 disconnect • Lifting lugs (mid and larger sizes) Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the GB models shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and AMCA Publication 311 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. GB CONDENSED PERFORMANCE RANGES & DIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL A B C* ROOF OPENING GB-071 19 243/8 233/4 141/2 x 141/2 n GB-081 19 243/8 233/4 141/2 x 141/2 n GB-091 19 243/8 233/4 141/2 x 141/2 n GB-101 19 243/8 233/4 141/2 x 141/2 GB-121 19 243/8 233/4 141/2 x 141/2 n GB-131 19 283/8 233/4 14½ x 141/2 n GB-141 22 283/8 233/4 181/2 x 181/2 n GB-161 22 283/8 233/4 181/2 x 181/2 GB-180 30 351/2 28 201/2 x 201/2 GB-200 30 351/2 28 201/2 x 201/2 GB-220 34 423/4 311/2 261/2 x 261/2 GB-240 34 423/4 311/2 261/2 x 261/2 GB-260 40 50 36 321/2 x 321/2 GB-300 40 50 36 321/2 x 321/2 GB-330 46 583/4 381/2 381/2 x 381/2 GB-360 46 583/4 381/2 381/2 x 381/2 GB-420 52 651/4 44 441/2 x 441/2 42 x 42 GB-480 58 733/4 471/4 501/2 48 x 48 GB-500 64 83 503/4 561/2 x 561/2 83 503/4 561/2 x 561/2 GB-540 18 64 x 501/2 DAMPER IN STOCK MIN/MAX SONES @ SIZE SIZES (n) RPM 0 in. 12 x 12 16 x 16 18 x 18 24 x 24 30 x 30 n n n n n n 36 x 36 54 x 54 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T 600 1710 600 1710 600 1710 700 1800 595 1725 595 1685 525 1705 478 1375 495 1460 440 1200 330 985 425 910 270 835 300 890 255 700 215 685 180 600 150 485 160 460 160 505 1.2 11.1 2.2 12.5 2.7 13.4 3.7 13.2 3.3 17.4 4.5 16.9 4.4 20 4.7 21 4.3 26 6.5 24 6.6 23 5.9 24 7.7 23 9.3 28 5.2 28 4.8 30 2.5 30 5.6 31 5.9 33 6.3 40 0 .25 131 372 301 856 455 1295 593 1525 721 2093 844 2391 974 3163 1412 4062 1924 5677 2434 6640 2507 7484 3902 8355 3487 10784 4859 14416 6159 16908 5750 18321 7417 24724 9015 29148 12893 37068 14160 44694 68 334 175 784 271 1179 455 1418 PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG .5 .75 1 1.25 1.5 292 245 198 710 629 480 1061 934 785 1320 1208 1064 793 1871 1.75 2.0 3765 1984 655 2278 709 3020 1030 3815 1150 5514 1743 1600 1426 2157 2020 1857 1654 2883 2739 2574 2370 3571 3304 3007 2609 2073 5335 5155 4938 4698 4426 4123 6336 5968 5650 5274 4828 4177 3077 7212 3422 7916 6898 2691 7467 6568 6106 5547 4883 6932 6240 5388 3707 10292 3976 13897 9794 9225 8606 7932 7157 6024 4294 13335 12716 12072 11379 10536 9568 7963 16185 15408 14564 13624 12640 11538 10184 17560 16711 15773 14710 13534 12119 23765 22709 21620 20103 18584 16590 27622 26016 24290 22106 19516 34991 32805 30342 27917 25310 43221 41157 38813 36503 33869 31293 26758 GB PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL GB-071-4X-QD-R2 873-1256 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-071-4X-QD-R3 1221-1710 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-081-4X-QD-R2 873-1256 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-081-4X-QD-R3 1221-1710 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-091-4X-QD-R2 863-1256 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-091-4X-QD-R3 1221-1710 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP HP ¼ ¼ ¼ GB-101-4X-QD-R3 1056-1400 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-101-4X-QD-R4 1324-1688 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-101-LMDX-QD 588-1800 RPM GB-121-4X-QD 980-1395 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-121-LMDX-QD 595-1550 RPM GB-131-4X-QD 942-1315 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-131-5X-QD 1299-1685 RPM 1/2 HP, 115/208-230/60/1 ODP GB-131-LMDX-QD 540-1685 RPM GB-141-4X-QD 614-865 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-141-3X-QD 906-1170 RPM 1/3 HP, 115/60/1 ODP GB-141-5X-QD 1049-1360 RPM 1/2 HP 115/208-230/60/1 ODP GB-141-LMDX-QD 450-1545 RPM ¼ 1/3 ¼ PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG RPM TS SONES @ 0 IN. MAX BHP .125 600 1757 1.2 0.006 68 .25 .375 .5 .625 .75 PRICE EACH 1 939 2750 3.4 0.021 169 127 1247 3652 6.5 0.05 246 217 185 154 109 1556 4558 9.3 0.098 319 296 274 248 223 197 120 1710 5009 11.1 0.13 353 335 312 292 269 246 198 600 1757 2.2 0.008 175 $727 939 2750 4.7 0.031 404 330 1247 3652 7.6 0.073 575 525 470 403 284 1556 4558 10.8 0.14 740 700 660 615 571 517 1710 5009 12.5 0.19 821 785 748 710 669 630 600 1757 2.7 0.011 271 604 454 $727 939 2750 5.7 0.042 606 490 263 3652 9.2 0.098 866 785 698 1556 4558 11.8 0.19 1116 1052 988 919 848 772 504 1710 5009 13.4 0.25 1238 1180 1122 1062 999 934 785 700 2039 3.7 0.020 455 1165 3393 6.8 0.091 905 830 731 578 1400 4077 8.9 0.16 1117 1051 989 909 810 633 1635 4761 11.1 0.25 1325 1269 1214 1161 1094 1019 792 1800 5242 13.2 0.33 1471 1418 1367 1320 1270 1208 1064 595 2035 3.3 0.021 542 820 2804 5.2 0.054 877 728 3574 7.3 0.111 1177 1078 962 805 GPI-Curb Size Add Size Add 12x12 $60 19 $109 12x12 $60 19 $109 12x12 $60 19 $109 12x12 $60 19 $109 12x12 $60 19 $109 12x12 $60 19 $109 511 1247 1045 WD-100 Damper $727 $750 $766 $809 1395 4770 12.5 0.25 1625 1557 1484 1404 1315 1214 907 1/3 1550 5300 14.6 0.33 1820 1759 1696 1629 1555 1475 1289 $826 12x12 $60 19 $109 ½ 1725 5899 17.4 0.50 2038 1984 1928 1871 1810 1743 1600 $880 12x12 $60 19 $109 12x12 $60 19 $109 ¼ 595 2044 4.5 0.024 655 720 2474 5.4 0.043 879 650 960 3299 7.6 0.103 1262 1144 990 $814 1315 4518 13.2 0.26 1794 1718 1637 1545 1435 1305 1/3 1440 4948 15.0 0.35 1978 1911 1838 1759 1674 1571 1299 $830 12x12 $60 19 $109 ½ 1685 5790 16.9 0.56 2335 2279 2219 2158 2093 2020 1857 $870 12x12 $60 19 $109 525 2010 4.4 0.030 709 710 2718 5.7 0.074 1147 908 $69 3522 7.7 0.16 1576 1439 1258 961 $856 16x16 920 ¼ 22 $134 1075 4115 10.0 0.26 1881 1771 1646 1489 1265 1/3 1170 4479 11.4 0.34 2066 1966 1858 1733 1574 1355 $872 16x16 $69 22 $134 ½ 1360 5207 14.6 0.53 2433 2346 2258 2166 2062 1942 1602 $913 16x16 $69 22 $134 ¾ 1545 5915 17.6 0.78 2787 2709 2634 2556 2475 2384 2176 $1,003 16x16 $69 22 $134 1 1705 6528 20 1.03 3091 3020 2952 2883 2811 2739 2574 $1,125 16x16 $69 22 $134 Performance certified is for installation type A: Free inlet, Free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings include the effects of a birdscreen. The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type A: Free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 19 R O O F E X H A U S T B E LT D R I V E - G B GB PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL GB-161-4X-QD 634-865 RPM 1/4 HP 115/60/1 ODP GB-161-5X-QD 852-1100 RPM 1/2 HP 115/208-230/60/1 ODP GB-161-LMDX-QD 425-1375 RPM HP ¼ GB-180-LMDX-QD 495-1460 RPM .125 478 2080 4.7 0.044 1030 625 2720 6.4 0.097 1574 1221 .25 .375 .5 .625 .75 1 GPI-Curb WD-100 Damper PRICE EACH Size Add Size Add $969 16x16 $69 22 $134 $986 16x16 $69 22 $134 3764 10.6 0.26 2359 2162 1932 1624 4113 12.6 0.34 2612 2433 2236 2009 1692 ½ 1100 4787 15.3 0.53 3094 2943 2786 2614 2428 2197 $1,026 16x16 $69 22 $134 ¾ 1250 5440 17.9 0.79 3556 3421 3288 3149 2997 2838 2443 $1,116 16x16 $69 22 $134 $1,238 16x16 $69 22 $134 $1,142 18x18 $88 30 $181 1 1375 5984 21 1.05 3938 3815 3694 3571 3444 3304 3007 495 2397 4.3 0.078 1645 1150 730 3535 7.4 0.26 2667 2469 2212 1882 1/3 810 3923 8.8 0.35 2997 2832 2623 2375 2052 $1,158 18x18 $88 30 $181 ½ 940 4552 12.7 0.55 3526 3387 3234 3052 2843 2600 $1,199 18x18 $88 30 $181 ¾ 1055 5109 16.2 0.77 3989 3866 3741 3596 3432 3251 2811 $1,297 18x18 $88 30 $181 1 1185 5739 19.0 1.1 4507 4400 4290 4179 4045 3900 3575 $1,503 18x18 $88 30 $181 18x18 $181 1½ 1335 6465 22 1.54 5102 5010 4912 4814 4715 4599 4343 $1,646 $88 30 2 1460 7071 26 1.97 5595 5514 5424 5335 5245 5155 4938 $1,846 18x18 $88 30 $181 440 2462 6.5 0.103 1975 3357 8.5 0.26 2984 2637 2088 $1,142 18x18 $88 30 600 $181 665 3721 9.6 0.35 3378 3084 2705 2087 $1,158 18x18 $88 30 $181 ½ 770 4308 12.1 0.55 4013 3744 3477 3140 2643 $1,199 18x18 $88 30 $181 ¾ 860 4812 14.1 0.77 4548 4289 4068 3810 3504 3085 $1,289 18x18 $88 30 $181 1 965 5400 16.7 1.09 5157 4927 4719 4519 4285 4015 3239 $1,411 18x18 $88 30 $181 1½ 1090 6099 20 1.57 5870 5681 5473 5301 5123 4924 4449 $1,441 18x18 $88 30 $181 2 1200 6715 24 2.09 6493 6336 6144 5968 5812 5650 5274 $1,466 18x18 $88 30 $181 425 2726 5.9 0.21 3422 2691 460 2950 6.7 0.26 3784 3188 2036 $1,528 24x24 $96 34 $207 ¼ 1/3 505 3239 7.8 0.35 4241 3760 3059 $1,544 24x24 $96 34 $207 ½ 585 3752 10.3 0.55 5030 4665 4194 3562 2112 $1,584 24x24 $96 34 $207 24x24 $207 ¾ 660 4233 13.1 0.79 5756 5449 5093 4636 4073 3217 $1,674 $96 34 1 730 4682 15.8 1.06 6427 6157 5861 5506 5076 4567 $1,797 24x24 $96 34 $207 1½ 825 5291 19.7 1.54 7331 7091 6844 6573 6261 5901 5002 $1,826 24x24 $96 34 $207 2 910 5836 24 2.06 8134 7916 7699 7467 7214 6932 6240 $1,852 24x24 $96 34 $207 300 2395 9.3 0.19 3976 365 2914 9.2 0.35 5222 4339 $2,028 30x30 $107 40 $248 ½ 420 3353 9.6 0.53 6221 5536 4640 $2,068 30x30 $107 40 $248 ¾ 475 3792 11.4 0.77 7197 6615 5954 5094 $2,158 30x30 $107 40 $248 1 530 4231 13.4 1.07 8149 7639 7094 6455 5667 4194 $2,281 30x30 $107 40 $248 1½ 600 4790 15.9 1.55 9334 8906 8445 7951 7387 6721 $2,310 30x30 $107 40 $248 1/3 GB-300-LMDX-QD 250-890 RPM MAX BHP 945 1/3 GB-240-LMDX-QD 300-910 RPM SONES @ 0 IN. 865 ¼ GB-200-LMDX-QD 440-1200 RPM TS 1/3 ¼ GB-180-5X-QD 676-940 RPM 1/2 HP 115/208-230/60/1 ODP PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG RPM 2 665 5309 18.8 2.12 10424 10059 9648 9228 8772 8268 7025 $2,336 30x30 $107 40 $248 3 760 6068 23 3.15 12007 11703 11357 10996 10629 10241 9369 $2,458 30x30 $107 40 $248 5 890 7106 28 5.05 14157 13897 13638 13335 13027 12716 12072 $2,617 30x30 $107 40 $248 Performance certified is for installation type A: Free inlet, Free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings include the effects of a birdscreen. The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type A: Free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. 20 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T U P B L A S T R O O F E X H A U S T B E LT D R I V E - C U B E UPBLAST ROOF EXHAUST BELT DRIVE - CUBE Model CUBE Centrifugal Roof Exhaust fans are belt drive. These fans are specifically designed for roof mounted applications. Exhaust air is discharged directly upward, away from the roof surface. Fan wheels are centrifugal, backward inclined, and constructed of aluminum. Adjustable motor pulleys allow for final system balancing. PERFORMANCE Performance capabilities range from 258 cfm to 30,000 cfm and up to 5 in. wg of static pressure. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES • Aluminum housing • Non-overloading backward inclined aluminum wheel • Curb cap with prepunched mounting holes • Motor and drives isolated on shock mounts • Drain trough • Ball bearing motors • Adjustable motor pulley • Adjustable motor plate • Fan shaft mounted in ball bearings • Static resistant belts • Corrosion resistant fasteners • Nema-1 disconnect B D C* 13/4 in. A UL/cUL 705 UL/cUL 762 MH 11745-CUBE Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the CUBE models shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and AMCA Publication 311 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. CUBE CONDENSED PERFORMANCE RANGES & DIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL A B C* D CUBE-098 19 247/8 28¼ 173/8 CUBE-101 19 247/8 28¼ 173/8 CUBE-121 19 247/8 28¼ 173/8 CUBE-131 19 247/8 28¼ 173/8 CUBE-141 22 29¾ 24¾ 193/8 CUBE-161 22 29¾ 24¾ 193/8 30 353/8 285/8 21 CUBE-200 30 353/8 285/8 21 CUBE-220 34 4225/32 337/8 25½ CUBE-240 34 4225/32 337/8 25½ CUBE-300 40 50 36 29 CUBE-360 46 5611/16 391/8 293/8 CUBE-420 52 653/16 44¾ 35¼ CUBE-480 58 743/16 481/8 36 CUBE-180 ROOF OPENING 14½ x 14½ 14½ x 14½ 14½ x 14½ 14½ x 14½ 18½ x 18½ 18½ x 18½ 20½ x 20½ 20½ x 20½ 26½ x 26½ 26½ x 26½ 32½ x 32½ 38½ x 38½ 44½ x 44½ 50½ x 50½ DAMPER IN STOCK MIN/MAX SONES @ SIZE^ SIZES (n) RPM 0 IN. 650 8.1 n 1725 13.8 860 4.6 n 1820 14.3 12 x 12 685 4.4 n 1725 15.6 650 6.2 1645 17.9 590 5.0 n 1725 26 16 x 16 730 8.1 n 1390 22 630 7.1 n 1495 28 18 x 18 500 6.2 n 1210 25 450 7.3 955 25 24 x 24 410 6.4 n 930 24 355 6.9 30 x 30 n 905 32 300 6.9 36 x 36 690 30 220 6.5 42 x 42 600 29 180 5.5 48 x 48 490 24 0 445 1180 732 1549 809 2037 892 2256 1069 3125 2098 3996 2380 5648 2812 6806 3585 7607 3717 8431 5777 14727 8092 18611 9353 25508 11016 29988 PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG .25 .5 .75 1 1017 625 1459 824 481 1350 1234 1106 1923 1816 1710 1571 2128 2001 1864 1684 3005 1669 3806 1861 5443 1822 6451 2624 7202 2471 7985 4227 14266 6023 17884 5075 24604 2865 2711 2539 3584 3340 3078 5254 5082 4921 6108 5748 5350 6799 6347 5844 7536 6953 6375 13788 13223 12614 17115 16236 15243 23451 22295 21023 27291 25704 23674 28697 2 586 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 3564 9178 21 U P B L A S T R O O F E X H A U S T B E LT D R I V E - C U B E CUBE PERFORMANCE DATA MAX BHP 3302 9.2 0.006 672 522 3786 10.7 0.09 804 689 361 4412 13.0 0.14 966 878 644 502 860 2505 4.6 0.04 625 481 1205 3509 7.7 0.100 957 873 782 662 1660 4834 12.7 0.26 1364 1313 1251 1189 1125 1056 861 1820 5300 14.3 0.35 1505 1458 1406 1350 1293 1234 1106 685 2342 4.4 0.029 669 845 2889 5.3 0.056 885 757 1045 3573 6.5 0.105 1141 1053 944 798 1410 4821 11.1 0.26 1594 1528 1463 1398 1315 1224 965 1545 5283 12.8 0.34 1760 1698 1639 1580 1518 1441 1262 590 2259 5.0 0.040 851 1105 4230 10.9 0.26 1905 1792 1667 1515 1318 998 1/3 1210 4632 12.2 0.34 2106 2006 1896 1772 1628 1442 ½ 1390 5322 14.9 0.52 2445 2361 2271 2173 2068 1949 ¾ 1595 6106 20 0.79 2825 2757 2683 2601 2517 2429 730 3177 8.1 0.15 1904 1669 1389 875 3808 11.0 0.26 2361 2177 1974 1743 1364 1/3 965 4200 12.4 0.35 2637 2476 2300 2109 1893 1583 ½ 1110 4831 15.0 0.54 3072 2940 2796 2640 2475 2297 ¾ 1265 5505 18.5 0.79 3532 3425 3301 3172 3035 2893 1 1390 6049 22 1.05 3900 3806 3698 3584 3464 3340 630 3051 7.1 0.16 2154 1861 1403 HP RPM CUBE-098-4G-QD 1259-1725 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP 1160 ¼ 1330 1550 CUBE-101-4G-QD 1191-1660 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP CUBE-101-3G-QD 1408-1820 RPM 1/3 HP, 115/208-230/60/1 ODP ¼ CUBE-101-LMDG-QD 960-1820 RPM 1/3 CUBE-121-3G-QD 1068-1545 RPM 1/3 HP, 115/230/60/1 ODP CUBE-121-LMDG-QD 685-1545 RPM CUBE-141-5G-QD 951-1400 RPM 1/2 HP, 115/208-230/60/1 ODP CUBE-141-7G-QD 1215-1595 RPM 3/4 HP, 115/208-230/60/1 ODP CUBE-141-LMDG-QD 590-1595 RPM CUBE-161-7G-QD 935-1265 RPM 3/4 HP, 115/208-230/60/1 ODP CUBE-161-LMDG-QD 730-1390 RPM 1/3 .125 .25 .375 .5 .625 .75 745 3608 9.2 0.26 2616 2448 2143 1763 820 3971 11.2 0.34 2915 2759 2525 2257 1866 ½ 940 4552 13.8 0.52 3388 3243 3115 2879 2654 2363 ¾ 1075 5206 16.5 0.78 3919 3786 3666 3554 3344 3141 1 1185 5739 18.5 1.04 4347 4223 4108 4005 3903 3702 1½ 1360 6586 23 1.58 5025 4913 4811 4710 4620 2 1495 7240 28 2.10 5545 5443 5345 5253 5162 500 2797 6.2 0.15 2386 1821 605 3385 8.1 0.26 3054 2674 2144 1/3 665 3721 9.4 0.35 3421 3095 2699 2072 ½ 760 4252 12.1 0.52 3993 3718 3413 3048 2517 ¾ 875 4896 16.3 0.79 4676 4438 4192 3922 3626 3240 Size $1,038 19 1,038 19 $1,054 19 $1,077 GPI-18 Add 19 $109 19 $109 $116 19 $109 19 $116 19 $109 $1,093 19 $116 19 $109 $1,136 22 $123 22 $134 $1,153 22 $123 22 $134 1642 $1,193 22 $123 22 $134 2225 $1,291 22 $123 22 $134 $1,237 22 $123 22 $134 $1,253 22 $123 22 $134 1770 $1,293 22 $123 22 $134 2582 $1,383 22 $123 22 $134 3078 $1,506 22 $123 22 $134 $1,367 30 $123 30 $181 ¼ 1/3 VCE PRICE EACH Size 1 ¼ ¼ CUBE-200-LMDG-QD 500-1210 RPM TS ¼ ¼ CUBE-180-LMDG-QD 630-1495 RPM PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG SONES @ 0 in. MODEL Add $116 $116 $1,383 30 $140 30 $181 $1,424 30 $140 30 $181 2652 $1,514 30 $140 30 $181 3336 $1,636 30 $140 30 $181 4531 4232 $1,666 30 $140 30 $181 5082 4921 $1,647 30 $140 30 $181 $1,511 30 $140 30 $181 $1,527 30 $140 30 $181 $1,567 30 $140 30 $181 $1,657 30 $140 30 $181 1 960 5372 18.7 1.04 5175 4957 4742 4508 4253 3985 3168 $1,780 30 $140 30 $181 1½ 1100 6155 23 1.57 5991 5798 5610 5420 5216 5006 4528 $1,809 30 $140 30 $181 2 1210 6771 25 2.09 6628 6450 6279 6108 5932 5747 5349 $1,835 30 $140 30 $181 Performance certified is for installation type A: Free inlet, Free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type A: Free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. 22 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T CUBE PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL HP ¼ CUBE-240-LMDG-QD 410-930 RPM TS SONES @ 0 in. MAX BHP .125 PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG .25 .375 .5 .625 .75 410 2629 6.4 0.18 3169 2471 465 2982 7.6 0.26 3767 3187 1 2162 PRICE EACH GPI-Curb Size Add WD-100 Damper Size Add $1,612 34 $146 34 $207 $1,982 34 $146 34 $207 $2,022 34 $146 34 $207 1/3 510 3271 8.9 0.34 4242 3716 3134 ½ 585 3752 11.5 0.51 4960 4539 4093 3565 ¾ 670 4297 14.3 0.79 5762 5460 5052 4059 4202 3524 $2,112 34 $146 34 $207 1 735 4714 16.6 1.04 6370 6133 5764 5409 5037 4618 $2,235 34 $146 34 $207 1½ 845 5419 19.6 1.58 7399 7183 6947 6615 6304 6002 5282 $2,264 34 $146 34 $207 2 930 5965 24 2.10 8194 7985 7798 7536 7233 6953 6375 $2,290 34 $146 34 $207 355 2834 6.9 0.31 5131 4226 365 2914 7.2 0.34 5316 4463 $2,482 40 $187 40 $248 ½ 420 3353 9.0 0.52 6314 5659 4820 $2,523 40 $187 40 $248 ¾ 480 3832 11.0 0.77 7376 6844 6231 5440 $2,612 40 $187 40 $248 1 530 4231 13.3 1.05 8231 7771 7245 6636 5879 $2,735 40 $187 40 $248 1½ 605 4830 17.0 1.56 9500 9127 8705 8226 7707 7083 $2,765 40 $187 40 $248 2 665 5309 20 2.07 10508 10192 9410 8967 8495 7270 $2,790 40 $187 40 $248 3 765 6108 24 3.15 12176 11903 11607 11273 10938 10553 9743 $2,912 40 $187 40 $248 5 905 7226 32 5.19 14496 14266 14036 13788 13505 13203 12614 $3,071 40 $187 40 $248 1/3 CUBE-300-LMDG-QD 355-905 RPM RPM Performance certified is for installation type A: Free inlet, Free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type A: Free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. WA L L D I S C H A R G E A C C E S S O R I E S HINGE KIT MODEL PRICE EACH • Allows maintenance personnel to hinge the entire fan up to gain access to wheel and ductwork for regular inspection and cleaning. 98-200 $76 240 $227 300 $236 GREASE TRAP KIT PRICE EACH $134 • Aluminum trap designed to collect grease residue to avoid drainage onto roof surface. (Roof Upblast only). w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 23 I N L I N E D I R E C T D R I V E A N D B E LT D R I V E - S Q / B S Q INLINE DIRECT DRIVE AND BELT DRIVE - SQ/BSQ Models SQ and BSQ are the ideal selection for clean air applications (intake, exhaust, return, or make-up air systems) where space is a prime consideration. Fan wheels are centrifugal, backward inclined, and constructed of aluminum. Model SQ Centrifugal Inline fans are direct drive. Maximum operating temperature is 130º F Model BSQ Centrifugal Inline fans are belt drive. Maximum operating temperature is 180º F. PERFORMANCE SQ performance capabilities range from 80 cfm to 5,025 cfm and up to 1.75 in. wg of static pressure. BSQ performance capabilities range from 62 cfm to 26,600 cfm and up to 3.5 in. wg of static pressure. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES • Galvanized steel housing • Non-overloading backward inclined aluminum wheel • Side access panels • Inlet and outlet duct connection flanges • Ball bearing motors • Adjustable motor pulley • Adjustable motor plate • Fan shaft mounted in ball bearing pillow blocks • Static resistant belts • Corrosion resistant fasteners A 1 in. A 1 in. B sq. C sq. C sq. B sq. B sq. C sq. C sq. D* SQ BSQ UL/cUL 705 E40001 - SQ/BSQ 24 Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the SQ, BSQ models shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and AMCA Publication 311 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T * May vary depending on motor size. SQ STANDARD CONDENSED PERFORMANCE RANGES & DIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL A B C SQ-60 13 12 87/8 DAMPER SIZE IN STOCK SIZES (■) SQ-65 13 12 87/8 SQ-70 13 12 87/8 SQ-75 13 12 87/8 ■ ■ ■ 9x9 SQ-80 16 15 117/8 SQ-85 16 15 117/8 ■ ■ 12 x 12 SQ-90 16 15 117/8 SQ-95 16 15 117/8 17 137/8 14 x 14 ■ 16 x 16 ■ SQ-100 21 SQ-120 21 19 157/8 SQ-130 21 21 177/8 18 x 18 SQ-140 22 23 197/8 20 x 20 SQ-160 26 26 227/8 23 x 23 ■ PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG MIN/MAX RPM SONES @ 0 in. 0 .125 .25 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 1050 1550 860 1725 860 1725 860 1725 860 1725 860 1725 1.7 4.0 2.1 4.2 2.7 5.6 3.6 6.1 3.8 7.3 4.0 7.6 4.0 7.6 4.9 9.6 4.8 13.1 4.5 14.7 6.3 17.4 7.1 20 8.9 26 126 186 154 228 212 313 241 356 306 451 357 528 500 738 623 919 725 1454 971 1948 1180 2368 1637 3283 2506 5027 145 79 184 118 252 146 294 225 394 272 474 369 654 475 829 611 1402 843 1883 1048 2307 1487 3211 2334 4941 105 .5 .75 1 1.25 1.75 1227 1077 830 1692 1562 1416 1239 2105 1961 1791 1559 2985 1605 4683 2825 2645 2424 1624 4504 4312 4094 3575 128 189 229 104 342 142 413 188 564 274 720 410 1349 704 1818 890 2247 1316 3139 2147 4856 201 254 334 461 BSQ STANDARD CONDENSED PERFORMANCE RANGES & DIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL A B C D* BSQ-70 21 15 117/8 9 9 DAMPER SIZES MIN/MAX RPM SONES @ .125 in. .125 ■ 790 2486 790 2645 790 2691 790 2556 790 2490 790 2355 790 2135 590 2001 590 1645 390 1375 390 1225 375 967 300 811 325 670 6.0 25 6.0 28 6.0 28 6.0 26 6.5 31 6.9 30 6.1 30 6.1 40 9.9 29 10.0 27 8.6 41 9.6 33 10.1 33 7.6 39 107 521 239 1065 353 1579 528 2066 758 2779 914 3111 1341 4009 1470 5713 2153 6656 1609 7313 3271 11972 6176 17693 7524 22967 12424 27237 ■ BSQ-80 21 15 117/8 BSQ-90 21 15 117/8 9 17 137/8 9 14 x 14 ■ 9 16 x 16 ■ BSQ-100 21 12 x 12 ■ BSQ-120 21 19 157/8 BSQ-130 21 21 177/8 9 18 x 18 ■ BSQ-140 22 23 197/8 9 20 x 20 ■ BSQ-160 26 26 227/8 11 23 x 23 ■ 11 24 x 24 ■ BSQ-180 28 28 237/8 BSQ-200 32 32 277/8 13 28 x 28 13 35 x 35 BSQ-240 34 39 347/8 BSQ-300 38 46 417/8 13 42 x 42 52 477/8 13 48 x 48 58 537/8 13 54 x 54 BSQ-360 BSQ-420 42 50 PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG IN STOCK SIZES (■) ■ .25 .5 .75 1.25 2.25 504 468 426 334 1041 994 944 834 534 1549 1488 1420 1271 866 2029 590 2736 676 3074 1160 3958 1101 5648 1777 6565 1956 1882 1734 2650 2563 2386 1984 2970 2876 2659 1988 3856 3741 3494 2861 5519 5390 5103 4392 6376 6178 5744 4450 7191 2342 11801 5271 17396 6149 22607 11253 26778 6947 6677 6076 11460 11070 10245 8149 16776 16124 14888 11047 21888 7320 25749 21011 19146 14128 24660 22322 *May vary with motor size. All dimensions in inches. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 25 I N L I N E D I R E C T D R I V E A N D B E LT D R I V E - S Q / B S Q Stock Model SQ fans include disconnect switch. Sizes 100 and above also include a motor cover and UL/cUL 705. SQ PERFORMANCE DATA - IN STOCK MODEL MAX BHP PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG HP RPM TS SONES @ 0 IN. 1/90 1050 2233 3.6 0.011 146 1/45 1300 2765 4.1 0.210 224 133 1/25 1550 3297 6.1 0.035 294 229 1/50 1050 2989 3.8 0.016 225 104 1/30 1300 3701 5.4 0.032 312 244 140 1/15 1550 4412 7.3 0.055 394 342 280 1/140 1050 2989 4.0 0.017 272 142 1/30 1300 3701 5.5 0.033 377 298 185 1/15 1550 4412 7.6 0.057 474 413 343 1/50 1050 2989 4.0 0.020 369 188 1/25 1300 3701 5.4 0.040 519 397 245 1/10 1550 4412 7.6 0.068 654 564 457 1/30 1050 2989 4.9 0.031 475 274 1/15 1300 3701 7.6 0.059 659 522 352 1/8 1550 4412 9.6 0.100 829 720 603 .125 SQ-75-DGEX-QD 3-Speed SQ-80-DGEX-QD 3-Speed SQ-85-DGEX-QD 3-Speed SQ-90-DGEX-QD 3-Speed SQ-95-DGEX-QD 3-Speed .25 .375 WD330 PRICE EACH NEO HANG. HVI KIT- SPRING HANGING VIBRATION ISOLATOR Size Add Add Add $609 9x9 $86 65 $214 $627 9x9 $86 65 $214 $627 9x9 $86 65 $214 $627 9x9 $86 65 $214 $627 9x9 $86 65 $214 .5 137 201 254 334 461 Performance certified is for installation type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Power rating (BHP/kW) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type B: free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. I N L I N E FA N O P T I O N S & A C C E S S O R I E S C HANGING ISOLATORS A Complete hanging isolator kits are available with either neoprene or spring isolators. The isolators are sized to match the weight of the fan. (Hanging rods supplied by others). ss ce Ac nel Pa BASE ISOLATORS C 26 A S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T Complete base isolator kits are available with either neoprene or spring isolators and are sized to match the weight of the fan. BSQ PERFORMANCE DATA - IN STOCK MODEL BSQ-70-4X-QD 1368-1970 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP BSQ-80-4X-QD 1222-1835 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1, ODP BSQ-80-LMDX-QD 1050-2485 RPM BSQ-90-4X-QD 1168-1690 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP BSQ-90-LMDX-QD 1050-2690 RPM BSQ-100-4X-QD 1073-1610 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP BSQ-100-LMDX-QD 1050-2555 RPM BSQ-120-4X-QD 923-1370 RPM 1/4 HP, 115/60/1 ODP BSQ-120-LMDX-QD 1000-2490 RPM HP ¼ ¼ 1/3 ½ ¾ ¼ 1/3 ½ ¾ 1 ¼ 1/3 ½ ¾ 1 ¼ 1/3 ½ ¾ 1 1½ ¼ BSQ-130-LMDX-QD 900-2355 RPM 1/3 ½ ¾ 1 1½ ¼ BSQ-140-LMDX-QD 800-2135 RPM 1/3 ½ ¾ 1 1½ 2 ¼ BSQ-160-LMDX-QD 650-2000 RPM 1/3 ½ ¾ 1 1½ 2 3 1/3 BSQ-180-LMDX-QD 700-1645 RPM ½ ¾ 1 1½ 2 3 ½ BSQ-240-LMDX-QD 500-1225 RPM ¾ 1 1½ 2 3 5 RPM SONES @ 0 IN. MAX BHP 1370 1730 1970 1050 1835 1885 2100 2645 1050 1360 1695 1750 1910 2220 2690 1050 1265 1610 1765 2030 2325 2555 1000 1370 1500 1725 1974 2170 2490 900 1293 1424 1630 1866 2053 2355 800 1075 1180 1355 1550 1710 1960 2135 650 860 960 1100 1265 1390 1590 1750 2000 700 790 905 1035 1140 1310 1440 1645 500 570 650 715 820 900 1035 1225 11.8 16.1 19.1 8.0 17.2 17.7 21 28 8.0 11.7 16.0 16.5 18.1 22 28 7.9 9.8 15.0 16.3 19.7 23 26 7.7 11.0 12.4 15.2 19.7 23 31 7.7 11.9 13.7 16.2 21 25 35 6.3 10.7 12.0 14.2 16.2 18.3 24 30 6.6 8.7 9.8 12.3 15.6 18.0 22 28 40 10.0 10.6 12.2 14.5 16.5 20 23 29 10.7 12.3 14.3 16.1 19.4 22 28 41 0.088 0.18 0.26 0.049 0.26 0.28 0.39 0.79 0.061 0.14 0.26 0.29 0.37 0.59 1.05 0.073 0.13 0.26 0.34 0.52 0.79 1.05 0.102 0.26 0.34 0.52 0.785 1.05 1.57 0.087 0.26 0.35 0.52 0.78 1.05 1.58 0.11 0.26 0.35 0.52 0.78 1.05 1.58 2.04 0.11 0.25 0.35 0.52 0.79 1.05 1.57 2.08 3.07 0.24 0.35 0.52 0.78 1.04 1.58 2.07 3.14 0.35 0.53 0.78 1.04 1.56 2.07 3.15 5.22 PRICE EACH PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG .125 .25 .375 .5 265 349 404 372 721 742 834 1065 547 753 966 1000 1100 1291 1578 774 966 1266 1398 1623 1872 2065 1026 1475 1629 1893 2183 2410 2779 1084 1652 1838 2126 2448 2702 3112 1362 1925 2132 2474 2852 3161 3640 3975 1671 2333 2637 3058 3550 3920 4509 4979 5710 2649 3046 3546 4101 4545 5259 5803 6656 4518 5279 6121 6795 7874 8689 10058 11973 227 323 383 298 688 710 805 1041 443 684 915 951 1057 1255 1548 671 893 1207 1345 1577 1832 2028 914 1396 1557 1831 2129 2361 2737 911 1563 1754 2050 2389 2655 3074 1185 1808 2029 2390 2781 3096 3584 3923 1391 2165 2497 2941 3448 3827 4428 4905 5645 2387 2840 3366 3947 4408 5145 5699 6566 4001 4845 5757 6476 7616 8457 9856 11802 186 293 358 184 651 675 775 1018 290 605 859 898 1009 1216 1519 498 798 1149 1292 1531 1791 1991 783 1315 1484 1768 2075 2312 2694 635 1462 1672 1983 2324 2592 3026 860 1679 1916 2295 2702 3030 3528 3872 140 260 330 1966 2331 2808 3346 3734 4347 4831 5581 2023 2569 3167 3789 4265 5021 5590 6475 3325 4363 5360 6133 7317 8198 9653 11631 614 640 743 995 509 798 841 958 1175 1487 $1,170 Size Add NEO HANG. HVI KITAdd 12x12 $93 65 $214 WD330 SPRING HANGING VIBRATION ISOLATOR Add $1,195 12x12 $93 65 $214 $1,211 $1,252 $1,342 12x12 12x12 12x12 $93 $93 $93 65 65 65 $214 $214 $214 $1,195 12x12 $93 65 $214 $1,211 $1,252 $1,342 $1,464 12x12 12x12 12x12 12x12 $93 $93 $93 $93 65 65 65 65 $214 $214 $214 $214 683 1089 1240 1484 1750 1954 $1,199 14x14 $100 65 $214 $1,215 $1,255 $1,345 $1,468 14x14 14x14 14x14 14x14 $100 $100 $100 $100 65 65 65 65 $214 $214 $214 $214 1230 1410 1705 2020 2262 2651 $1,270 16x16 $109 65 $214 $1,286 $1,327 $1,417 $1,539 $1,569 16x16 16x16 16x16 16x16 16x16 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 65 65 65 65 65 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 1328 1568 1908 2266 2357 2971 $1,288 18x18 $122 65 $214 $1,304 $1,344 $1,434 $1,557 $1,586 18x18 18x18 18x18 18x18 18x18 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 65 65 65 65 65 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 1535 1795 2195 2619 2955 3469 3821 $1,305 20x20 $134 65 $214 $1,321 $1,361 $1,451 $1,574 $1,603 $1,629 20x20 20x20 20x20 20x20 20x20 20x20 $134 $134 $134 $134 $134 $134 65 65 65 65 65 65 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 1691 2142 2662 3226 3638 4266 4757 5516 $1,550 23x23 $157 93 $214 $1,566 $1,606 $1,696 $1,819 $1,848 $1,874 $1,996 23x23 23x23 23x23 23x23 23x23 23x23 23x23 $157 $157 $157 $157 $157 $157 $157 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 2210 2928 3606 4122 4896 5476 6377 $1,573 24x24 $164 93 $214 $1,613 $1,703 $1,826 $1,855 $1,881 $2,003 24x24 24x24 24x24 24x24 24x24 24x24 $164 $164 $164 $164 $164 $164 93 93 93 93 93 93 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 3704 4933 5757 7016 7926 9420 11460 $2,307 35x35 $277 93 $214 $2,397 $2,520 $2,579 $2,575 $2,697 $2,856 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 $277 $277 $277 $277 $277 $277 93 93 93 93 93 93 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 Performance certified is for installation type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Power rating (BHP/kW) does not include transmission losses. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for installation type B: free inlet fan sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to sone ratings only. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 27 CEILING EXHAUST - SP CEILING EXHAUST - SP Model SP Ceiling Exhaust fans are designed for clean air applications where low sound levels are desired. Low sound levels are achieved through quiet running forward curved wheels. PERFORMANCE SP-A SP-B Models SP-A, SP-B, and SP-C are compact exhaust fans with performance capabilities of 29 cfm to 1600 cfm and up to 1 in. wg. OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES • Grilles • Lights • Ceiling radiation dampers (CRD) • Vibration isolation kits • Roof discharge accessories • Wall discharge accessories • Speed controls SP FANS • Motion detectors A B C • Time delays ✓ ✓ ✓ • Transitions ✓ • Filters • Contractor paks ✓ SP-C SERVICE CHART Standard Construction IN 3 STOCK DAY ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Backdraft Damper - Prevents unwanted backdrafts. Spring Loaded Aluminum Backdraft Damper Eliminates rattling or unwanted backdrafts (sizes 110 and up). Outlet - Both square and round outlets are field rotatable from horizontal to vertical discharge. Round Outlet (4 or 6 in.) - up to size A90. Versatile for quick, easy connections. Power Assembly - Removes quickly for maintenance. External Electrical Access - Eliminates removing motor pack, saving installation time. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Electrical Juntion Box - Large for easy wiring. ✓ ✓ Attractive Designer Grille - Concealed attachment screws securely to fasten grille to housing for quiet, rattle free operation. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Electrical Knockout - Eliminates drilling holes. ✓ Disconnect (Plug Type) - Servicing is quick and safe. Speed Control, Mounted & Wired ✓ Light, SP-A50, 70, 90, 110, 125 SP-B50, 80, 150 ✓ ✓ Light, SP-B70, 90, 110 ✓ ✓ Fan/CRD UL Listed Assembly ✓ ✓ 277 volt SP-A 110, 125, 190 ✓ ✓ 277 volt SP-B 110, 150, 200 ✓ ✓ Contractor 4-Packs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PSC Compatible Motors - 50 cycle, 220v, and 240v options. 60 cycle, 115v, 208v, 220v, 230v, and 277v options. (Check factory for availability) ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 Year Warranty ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ UL listed for above showers w/ GFCI branch protected circuit Contractor Packs-Housings (sizes B70-B110) - Miami ✓ Motion Sensor - Grille Mounted 28 10 DAY ✓ STANDARD FEATURES S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T ✓ ✓ Mounting Brackets - Fully adjustable for multiple installation types. Housing - Embossed galvanized steel for rigidity and low profile for height restricted areas. B B A D E B B A A E C C SP-C50 SP-A110 through SP-A510 and SP-A710 & SP-A780 D E C D A E C D SP-A700, SP-A900 & SP-A1550 SP-B50 through SP-B200 SP PERFORMANCE & DIMENSIONAL DATA - IN STOCK MODEL A B C SP-C50-QD 7½ 7¼ 35/8 SP-B50-QD 137/8 11½ 615/16 OUTLET D E RPM AMPS WATTS 3 dia. x 15/8 1680 4 dia. x ¾ SONES @ 0 IN. GRILLE SIZE .100 .125 PERFORMANCE IN INCHES WG .250 .375 .500 .625 .750 0.80 46 2.9 9¼ x 9 49 48 46 43 625 0.50 38 1.7 14½ x 12¾ 53 51 40 29 37 1.00 29 PRICE EACH $91 $128 SP-B70-QD 137/8 11½ 615/16 4 dia. x ¾ 675 0.53 45 1.7 14½ x 12¾ 70 68 57 49 39 SP-B80-QD 137/8 11½ 615/16 4 dia. x ¾ 900 0.60 54 2.9 14½ x 12¾ 80 78 68 61 54 44 SP-B90-QD 137/8 11½ 715/16 6 dia. x 1¼ 700 0.65 50 1.9 14½ x 12¾ 92 88 75 59 45 30 SP-B110-QD 137/8 111/2 715/16 6 dia. x 1¼ 950 1.14 80 2.0 14½ x 12¾ 114 110 97 95 94 91 85 50 $144 SP-B150-QD 137/8 111/2 715/16 6 dia. x 1¼ 1050 1.70 129 3.0 14½ x 12¾ 156 155 154 152 149 147 138 92 $161 715/16 187 184 181 166 128 $180 SP-B200-QD 137/8 2.20 173 4.4 14½ x 12¾ 195 194 191 SP-A50-QD 137/8 105/8 115/8 6 dia. x 1 700 0.31 18 0.7 14¾ x 12¾ 51 47 30 SP-A70-QD 137/8 105/8 115/8 6 dia. x 1 850 0.27 20 1.1 14¾ x 12¾ 70 66 42 SP-A90-QD 137/8 105/8 115/8 6 dia. x 1 900 0.34 29 1.1 14¾ x 12¾ 88 84 61 11 1/2 6 dia. x 1¼ 1100 $128 30 $128 $128 $206 $206 25 $206 SP-A110-QD 13¼ 105/8 10½ 8 6 950 0.58 49 1.3 14¾ x 12¾ 110 106 88 SP-A125-QD 13¼ 105/8 10½ 8 6 1100 0.62 53 1.4 14¾ x 12¾ 123 121 104 SP-A190-QD 13¼ 105/8 10½ 8 6 1400 1.30 113 3.2 14¾ x 12¾ 197 192 167 133 SP-A200-QD 137/8 11½ 65/8 8 8 900 0.43 48 2.0 14¾ x 12¾ 225 220 196 172 142 105 67 $270 83 2.9 14¾ x 12¾ 251 246 227 210 185 157 119 $270 $229 $229 $270 SP-A250-QD 14 117/8 11½ 8 8 1000 0.77 SP-A290-QD 14 117/8 11½ 8 8 1050 0.72 81 3.2 14¾ x 12¾ 293 287 257 231 207 175 124 $300 SP-A390-QD 14 117/8 11½ 8 8 1350 1.34 135 5.4 14¾ x 12¾ 395 391 368 345 325 307 279 $318 SP-A410-QD 18 143/8 14½ 8 8 1000 1.74 121 4.1 193/8 x 163/8 413 405 351 305 SP-A510-QD 18 143/8 14½ 8 8 1070 3.30 224 6.1 193/8 x 163/8 512 501 439 392 325 8 1100 3.20 350 1.9 251/8 x 131/2 729 723 700 679 649 613 SP-A700-QD 137/8 111/2 115/8 191/2 $338 $338 560 396 $502 SP-A710-QD 18 143/8 14½ 10 8 1080 4.40 285 7.4 193/8 x 163/8 714 701 653 588 485 320 SP-A780-QD 18 143/8 14½ 10 8 1600 3.30 348 10.2 193/8 x 163/8 782 775 741 704 665 625 SP-A900-QD 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 950 4.00 285 5.2 25 x 163/8 907 896 841 773 701 SP-A1050-QD 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 1095 6.30 420 7.2 25 x 163/8 1059 1043 964 885 796 662 SP-A1410-QD 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 1450 7.40 786 11.6 25 x 163/8 1414 1404 1353 1307 1262 1218 1174 $751 SP-A1550-QD 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 1610 8.60 818 12.4 25 x 163/8 1568 1558 1506 1449 1407 1369 1323 $830 $514 581 $514 $751 $751 All dimensions in inches. Performance certified is for installation type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings include the effects of an inlet grille and backdraft damper. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values are for installation type B: free inlet sone levels. The AMCA Certified Ratings Sound Seal applies to sone ratings only. UL/cUL 507 E33599 Ceiling Exhaust Fans are also UL Listed for sizes 50 through 390 for above bathtub/ shower with GFCI branch protected circuit. File No. E33599 Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the SP models shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and AMCA Publication 311 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 29 INLINE CABINET EXHAUST - CSP INLINE CABINET EXHAUST - CSP Model CSP Inline Cabinet fans are designed for clean air applications where low sound levels are desired. Low sound levels are achieved through quiet running forward curved wheels. PERFORMANCE Models CSP-B110 through A3600 are duct mounted with performance capabilities of 77 cfm to 3,778 cfm and up to 1 in. wg of static pressure. OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES • Vibration isolation kits • Speed controls • Motion detectors • Time delays • Roof discharge accessories • Wall discharge accessories • Transitions CSP FANS STANDARD FEATURES A B ✓ ✓ Aluminum Backdraft Damper- Prevents unwanted backdrafts. Spring Loaded Aluminum Backdraft Damper Eliminates rattling or unwanted backdrafts. ✓ ✓ ✓ Power Assembly - Removes quickly and is rotatable from horizontal to vertical discharge. ✓ ✓ External Electrical Access - Eliminates removing motor pack, saving installation time. ✓ ✓ Access Panel - Gain easy access to internal components once installed. ✓ ✓ Mounting Brackets - Fully adjustable for multiple installation types. ✓ ✓ Compatible with Speed Controllers SERVICE CHART IN STOCK 3 DAY 10 DAY CSP-B110 through -A1550 115 Volt Mtr Construction ✓ ✓ ✓ CSP-A1750 through -A3600 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 Year Warranty CSP-B110 through -A190 with 277 Volt Motor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ UL listed for above showers w/ GFCI branch protected circuit. 30 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T CSP PERFORMANCE AND DIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL A B C D E F G RPM AMPS WATTS WT CSP-B110 137/8 11½ 715/16 6 1¼ 10¼ 3¼ 950 1.14 80 10¼ CSP-B150 137/8 11½ 715/16 6 1¼ 10¼ 3¼ 1050 1.70 129 10¼ CSP-B200 137/8 11½ 715/16 6 1¼ 10¼ 3¼ 1100 2.20 173 10¼ CSP-A110 13¼ 105/8 10½ 8 6 12 9¼ 950 0.62 51 16 CSP-A125 13¼ 105/8 10½ 8 6 12 9¼ 1100 0.63 55 16 CSP-A190 13¼ 105/8 10½ 8 6 12 9¼ 1400 1.10 100 16 CSP-A200 14 107/8 11¼ 8 8 127/8 10 900 0.43 48 23 CSP-A250 14 107/8 11¼ 8 8 127/8 10 1000 0.79 83 23 CSP-A290 14 107/8 11¼ 8 8 127/8 10 1050 0.71 80 23 CSP-A390 14 107/8 11¼ 8 8 127/8 10 1350 1.33 144 23 CSP-A410 18 143/8 14½ 8 8 167/8 13¼ 1000 1.87 139 36 CSP-A510 18 143/8 14½ 8 8 167/8 13¼ 1070 3.11 217 36 235/8 115/8 10½ 19½ 8 225/8 115/8 1100 3.20 350 34 CSP-A700 CSP-A710 18 143/8 14½ 10 8 167/8 13¼ 1080 4.40 325 36 CSP-A780 18 143/8 14½ 10 8 167/8 13¼ 1600 3.77 405 36 CSP-A900 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 225/8 13¼ 950 4.87 328 39 CSP-A1050 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 225/8 13¼ 1095 6.65 455 39 CSP-A1410 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 225/8 13¼ 1450 7.80 822 39 CSP-A1550 23¾ 143/8 14½ 18¾ 8 225/8 13¼ 1610 8.32 830 39 CSP-A1750 35 14¾ 14¾ 28 6 32¾ 13 1130 6.60 550 68 CSP-A2150 35 14¾ 14¾ 28 6 32¾ 13 1100 7.80 735 68 CSP-A3600 45½ 16½ 16½ 40 11 43¼ 145/8 1100 7.10 1330 122 CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones CFM Sones .125 99 2.1 149 2.7 183 3.7 110 1.1 124 1.3 198 2.2 225 0.8 241 1.5 292 1.8 397 2.8 403 2.2 506 2.8 752 2.4 688 3.2 776 3.6 840 2.0 1093 3.1 1533 4.0 1604 5.3 1749 6.0 2156 5.8 3622 6.1 PERFORMANCE .25 .375 98 97 2.3 2.6 148 147 2.9 3.1 182 180 4.0 4.1 102 77 1.3 1.3 113 91 1.4 1.7 180 159 2.7 2.9 203 177 1.3 1.5 221 205 2.3 3.3 265 248 2.6 3.3 382 363 3.2 3.7 364 316 2.5 2.7 464 405 2.8 2.7 739 726 2.4 2.5 635 566 3.3 2.7 741 707 3.5 3.4 782 714 2.3 2.6 1013 922 3.1 3.4 1483 1439 4.1 4.2 1542 1484 5.4 5.4 1619 1463 5.5 5.3 2044 1900 5.2 5.0 3460 3280 5.7 5.4 IN INCHES WG .5 .75 96 86 2.7 3.3 145 134 3.4 3.9 178 169 4.1 4.5 1 PRICE EACH $144 $161 $180 $229 $229 121 3.0 145 1.9 187 3.4 229 4.0 339 4.7 217 2.7 324 3.1 702 2.6 474 2.5 671 3.5 631 2.9 832 3.4 1395 4.3 1427 5.1 1283 4.7 1701 4.6 3091 5.1 $270 70 2.1 132 3.0 144 3.4 309 6.5 $272 $272 $300 $318 $338 $338 635 3.0 418 4.9 $502 $514 603 3.8 527 4.3 $514 $751 $751 1293 4.6 1306 5.2 771 3.8 1114 3.4 2551 4.7 1181 5.0 1171 5.8 $751 $830 $830 $969 1750 4.3 $1,613 All dimensions in inches. Performance certified is for Model CSP inline for installation type D: Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings include the effects of a backdraft damper. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft. (1.5m) from the test inlet duct in a hemispherical free field calculatd per AMCA Standard 301. Values are for installation type D: Ducted inlet fan sone levels. Ratings do not include the effects of duct end correction. Ratings are based on 10 ft. of insulated duct. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance only. Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the CSP models shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. UL/cUL 507 E33599 Cabinet Fans are also UL Listed for above bathtub/shower with GFCI branch protected circuit. File No. E33599 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 31 ROOF DISCHARGE ACCESSORIES D C MODEL RJ PITCHED ROOF CAP E • Steel construction with black enamel finish A B RJ-4 & RJ-6 X 9 D C 11 /8 1 91/4 31 /2 10 MODEL EL - 10X3 ELBOW DISCHARGE WITH GRILLE • Integral flashing flange • Designed for installation under roof eaves • Built in birdscreen and damper • Painted steel louvered grille 11 1 /2 5 /8 1 E • Built in damper • For SP/CSP sizes 50-290 B A RJ-10 X 10 FOR USE WITH SIZES MODEL A B C D E THROAT PRICE EACH RJ-4 C50, B50-B80 11 9¼ 8¼ 5 5/16 4½ 4 in.Dia. $41 RJ-6 x 9 B90-B200 A50-A390 18¾ 14¼ 14½ 10 3/8 6½ 6x9 $49 235/8 9½ 10 x 10 $110 RJ-10 x 10 A410-A1050 18½ 27½ 15¾ MODEL PRICE EACH EL-10 x 3 $57 F L AT R O O F C A P S CURB CAP FLASHING FLANGE B MODEL RCC-7 D Dia. • Weathertight aluminum construction • Integral birdscreen • Built in curb cap • Requires roof curb C 11/2 in. MODEL RFC-7 B D Dia. • Weathertight aluminum construction C • Integral birdscreen • Built in flashing flange A A B MODEL GRS B D • All aluminum exterior construction • Galvanized steel internal supports • Integral birdscreen • Built in curb cap • Requires roof curb C Dia. A 13/4 in. MODEL GRSF D • All aluminum exterior construction C • Galvanized steel internal supports Dia. A • Integral birdscreen • Built in flashing flange FOR USE WITH SIZES MODEL FOR USE WITH SIZES A B C D Dia. PRICE EACH RCC-7 50-390 15 12 10 63/8 7 $136 RFC-7 50-390 18 410-710 23 780-1050 26 MODEL A B D 12 10 63/8 7 $126 20½ 6¼ 3 10¼ $169 24¾ 77/8 3¼ 12¼ $178 8¾ 3¾ 165/16 $258 9¼ 4¼ 205/16 $321 GRS-10 410-710 19 20½ 6¼ 3 10¼ $163 GRSF-10 GRS-12 780-1050 22 24¾ 77/8 3¼ 12¼ $180 GRSF-12 8¾ 3¾ 165/16 $268 GRSF-16 1410-2150 30 285/8 9¼ 4¼ 205/16 $332 GRSF-20 3600 34 35 GRS-16 1410-2150 26 285/8 GRS-20 3600 30 35 32 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T Dia. PRICE EACH C ACCESSORIES HANGING VIBRATION ISOLATORS Vibration isolator kits are available for suspended installations. Kits include all hardware necessary to mount one unit, with the exception of 10-32 threaded rod to be supplied by others. Fan mounting brackets include prepunched mounting holes for ease of installation. A B 10-32 hanging support rod by others UNIT SIZE A B PRICE EACH B50-B200 4½ 155/8 $18 A50-A190 5½ 145/8 $18 A200-A390 6¾ 151/2 $18 9¼ 195/8 $29 $29 $59 A410, A510 A710, A780 A700 5½ 251/8 A900-A1050 A1410-A1550 9¼ 253/8 A1750, A2150 9¼ 36¾ $85 A3600 9¼ 485/8 $110 WA L L D I S C H A R G E A C C E S S O R I E S B A G MODEL WC D (ROUND CONNECTION HOODED WALL CAP C E • Aluminum construction aluminum finish (SQUARE/RECTANGULAR CONNECTIONS) HOODED WALL CAP E C • Steel construction with black enamel finish A • For outside wall applications D E MODEL WC F B • For outside wall applications • Built-in birdscreen (except WC-4) and damper MODEL WC-4 WC-6 WC-8 WC-10 WC-12 FOR USE WITH SIZES C50, B50-B80 B90-B200 A50-A190 A200-A510 B C D E 6½ 8 11 12 14 6 8 11 12 14 4 6 8 10 12 2¾ 41/8 51/8 7 9 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 PRICE EACH $15 $19 $27 $41 $48 FOR USE A WITH SIZES WC-10 x 3 50-290 5½ WC-8 x 8 200-510 10¼ WC-18 x 8 700-1550 10¼ MODEL MODEL WL WALL C B • Anodized aluminum grille FOR USE WITH SIZES A B C D E PRICE EACH WL-10 x 3 50-290 12 5¼ 10 7¾ 3½ $171 WL-18 x 6 390-1550 19 ¾ 8 18 9 6 $231 * Not recommended for exterior applications exposed to severe weather conditions. An external wall louver is recommended for such applications. 12¾ 10¼ 20¼ 3½ 8¼ 8¼ D E F G 10¼ 8¼ 18¼ 111/8 4¼ 6¾ 6¾ 5 5 5 8¼ 18¼ PRICE EACH $36 $57 $69 • Anodized aluminum construction B C MODEL C • Designed for installation in masonry walls • Built in damper A B MODEL BVE BRICK VENT A LOUVERED DISCHARGE E D A • Built in birdscreen and damper • Built in aluminum mesh insect screen MODEL FOR USE WITH SIZES A B C PRICE EACH BVE808 50-290 8 1/8 7¾ 4 $41 BVE128 390-510 12 7¾ 4 $48 700-1050 15 5/8 7¾ 4 $56 BVE157 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 33 PRODUCT LISTING AEROSONICS * DCA Sound Attenuators, Sound Panels STC Walls, Acoustical Panels Make Up Air Pool & Natatorium Dehumidification AIR MONITOR CORPORATION * DYNASONICS Air Flow Measuring Devices Sound Attenuators, Sound Panels STC Walls, Acoustical Panels ATCO FLEX EHG Flexible Duct & Greenguard Flex Spiral Duct - Round & Oval Galvanized, Aluminum, Stainless Steel PVC Coated BERNER INTERNATIONAL CORP Commercial and Industrial Air Doors 0 0 FABRICAIR Round Fabric Duct Systems GLOBAL PLASMA SOLUTIONS Ozone Test Results IAQ Testing Results Before & After Mold Test GREENHECK FAN CORP Roof Ventilators, Sidewall Fans, Gravity Vents, Centrifugal Blowers, Kitchen Ventilation Systems, Energy Recovery Units, Make-Up Air Units, Fan Coil Units, Indoor Air Handling Units, Lab Fume Exhaust Systems, Dampers, Louvers BRASCH ** BRASCH Wall, Baseboard, Ceiling, Duct Heaters CAMFIL FARR Air Filtration Equipment Bag-In/Bag-Out Filter Housing Clean Room Products Room side Pharmaceutical Filters CLEVAFLEX Specialty Flexible Duct for Clean Rooms & Hospital Applications CLIMACOOL ** ™ Modular Chillers T H E U LT I M AT E C H I L L E R S O L U T I O N CLIMATE MASTER fill in HAMLIN SHEET METAL c o m p a n i e s Spiral Duct - Round & Oval Galvanized, Aluminum, Stainless Steel PVC Coated HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY * Wrap Around Heat Pipes & Package Duhimidifiers KEES Security Bars, Security Grilles, Security Panels, Architectural Stamped Bar Grilles KOCH FILTER CORPORATION HVAC Filter Media LEADER LG Variable Refrigerant A/C Systems & Controls DC DIMPLEX ** HazMat, Cabinet, Pump House, & Kick Space Heaters 40 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T Dampers & Hurricane Enclosures G R AV I T Y V E N T I L AT O R S SPUN ALUMINUM GRAVITY VENTILATORS - GRS Model GRS is an aluminum ventilator designed for intake (Model GRSI) or relief (Model GRSR) applications with either natural gravity or positive pressure systems. The GRS appearance blends with other Greenheck products and with its low silhouette, avoids the problem of detracting from architectural aesthetics. Exceptional design and construction features make this unit a rugged, efficient, and economical air inlet or outlet. B D STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES C Dia. A 13/4 in SIZES 8-24 • Aluminum housing • Aluminum curb cap with prepunched mounting holes • Recommended roof opening dimension is at least 2.5 in. larger than the damper size B C D Dia. A n. 13/4 in. SIZES 30-48 GRS DIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL A B C D DIA. THROAT STOCK SIZES AREA (■) (FT2) 19 20½ 7¼ 1½ 8¼ 0.37 ■ GRS-10 19 20½ 7¾ 2 10¼ 0.57 ■ GRS-12 22 29 10 3½ 12¼ 0.82 ■ GRS-15 22 29 10 3½ 14¼ 1.12 ■ GRS-16 26 29 11 4¼ 16¼ 1.45 ■ GRS-18 30 35½ 9¾ 1¾ 20¼ 1.83 ■ GRS-20 30 35½ 11¼ 3¾ 20¼ 2.25 ■ GRS-24 34 38¼ 11 4 24½ 3.24 ■ GRS-30 40 48 18¾ 57/16 30½ 5.032 ■ GRS-36 46 56¾ 21¼ 6 36½ 7.291 GRS-42 52 63¼ 24¼ 6¼ 42½ 9.765 GRS-48 58 72 26¼ 6½ 48½ 12.83 GRS-8 CAPACITIES (CFM) RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE RELIEF INTAKE .04 203 182 310 283 440 406 630 560 820 751 995 913 1220 1111 1780 1440 2460 1770 2990 2567 4200 3437 5900 4516 .06 250 224 387 348 557 500 762 690 1025 925 1240 1124 1520 1368 2215 1820 2890 2360 3820 3420 5400 4580 7500 6017 .08 291 257 450 399 643 572 890 790 1190 1059 1440 1286 1785 1565 2580 2120 3260 2580 4515 4127 6320 5527 8800 7262 .1 .125 .187 325 365 462 286 315 394 505 570 695 445 490 611 724 818 1000 637 702 876 1004 1125 1375 880 970 1210 1340 1515 1845 1180 1301 1623 1630 1835 2245 1434 1580 1972 1995 2235 2730 1745 1923 2399 2920 3255 3990 2418 2722 3330 3615 4015 4920 3270 3680 4470 5075 5670 6990 4739 5330 6475 7030 7820 9710 6347 7138 8671 9850 11050 13750 8339 9378 11393 .25 559 448 814 697 1165 999 1625 1380 2160 1850 2615 2248 3166 2735 4650 3836 5665 5130 8140 7430 11450 9950 15650 13073 .3 636 493 908 765 1290 1097 1819 1515 2385 2031 2910 2468 3513 3003 5140 4235 6222 5524 9005 8006 12850 10722 16950 14087 PRICE EACH .35 713 $163 530 1003 $180 823 1395 $189 1180 2014 $258 1630 2610 $268 2186 3189 $323 2656 3859 $332 3232 5650 $492 4580 6778 $737 5820 9820 $979 8436 14210 $1,138 11298 18200 $1,245 14844 WD-100 Damper Size Add GPI-18 Size Add 8x8 $53 19 $109 10x10 $57 19 $109 12x12 $60 22 $134 16x16 $69 22 $134 16x16 $69 26 $163 18x18 $88 30 $181 18x18 $88 30 $181 24x24 $96 34 $207 30x30 $107 40 $248 36x36 $141 46 $322 42x42 $249 52 $366 48x48 $268 58 $409 All dimensions in inches. Dimension A - given is the inside dimensions of the curb cap. The roof curb should be 11/2 in. less than the curb cap to allow for roofing and flashing. 35 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 35 ROOF CURBS AD MODEL GPI ROOF CURB GPI MODEL AD B 12 10 1/2 14 1/2 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 $97 • 1in. Insulation 15 13 1/2 17 1/2 11 1/2 x 11 1/2 $97 • 18in. High Flat (No Damper Tray) 17 15 1/2 19 1/2 13 1/2 x 13 1/2 $97 19 17 1/2 21 1/2 15 1/2 x 15 1/2 $109 22 20 1/2 24 1/2 18 1/2 x 18 1/2 $134 26 24 1/2 28 1/2 22 1/2 x 22 1/2 $163 30 28 1/2 32 1/2 26 1/2 x 26 1/2 $181 34 32 1/2 36 1/2 30 1/2 x 30 1/2 $207 40 38 1/2 42 1/2 36 1/2 x 36 1/2 $248 • Wooden Nailer P I P E P O RTA L S Y S T E M & E Q U I P M E N T R A I L S PP-1 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES • 18 Guage Galvanized Steel • Unitized Construction with Integral Base Plate • Welded Construction • Wood Nailer PP-4 • Galvanized Counter Flashing with Lag Screws • Internally Re-Inforced • 18in. High Flat 2 36 PRICE EACH ROOF OPENING • Galvanized Construction (18 GA.) B DIMENSIONS S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T LENGTH PRICE 24 $121 36 $136 48 $181 60 $226 MODEL PRICE PP1 or PP4 $101 Roof Curb Size 12x12 OD $97 SPIRAL DUCTWORK SPIRAL PIPE & FITTINGS • A complete line of self sealing spiral duct and fittings • Factory installed gasket - no loose parts • Fast and easy installation • Adjustability - fittings can be rotated 360 during installation and still maintain the seal’s integrity • Environmentally friendly, no harmful sealants required. • Rolled over edges for easier installation, reduces risk of injury and adds strength • Can be installed in all weather conditions • Performance rated from -20°F to +212°F • Triple lipped gasket minimizes the risk of leakage in the event of damage • Manufactured to publish tolerance standard • Gasket U.L. classified (ratings of Flame Spread = 0, Smoke Developed = 5) in accordance with ASTM standard E84-91a SR BSG/BSFG NPG/MF ILRG TCPG TEE (NONPIPE FITTING COUPLING COUPLING TAKE-OFF REDUCING) ESG DSG END CAP MANUAL DAMPER DIAMETER SPIRAL PIPE 45° ELBOW 90° ELBOW 4 $24 $13 $19 $6 $4 $7 $34 5 $34 $14 $20 $6 $5 $8 $34 6 $34 $15 $22 $7 $5 $7 $35 $9 $34 8 $39 $18 $33 $8 $5 $7 $42 $9 $38 10 $51 $25 $50 $10 $6 $8 $61 $11 $46 12 $60 $32 $60 $14 $6 $11 $79 $13 $52 14 $75 $43 $72 $17 $6 $14 $17 $68 16 $104 $53 $108 $19 $7 $17 $24 $80 18 $113 $63 $139 $21 $8 $19 $31 $85 20 $123 $72 $166 $23 $9 $21 $36 $92 22 $137 $88 $188 $32 $10 $27 $41 $98 24 $152 $98 $230 $34 $10 $30 $50 $110 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 37 SPIRAL DUCTWORK REDUCERS 90° SADDLE TAP PRDT/RDT Reducers feature fitting gaskets on both ends. RCG 38 DIAMETER 1 DIAMETER 2 REDUCER 6 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 18 18 20 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 24 4 6 6 8 8 10 8 10 12 8 10 12 14 14 16 14 16 18 16 18 20 18 20 22 $15 $19 $24 $24 $28 $28 $31 $31 $31 $40 $40 $40 $40 $47 $47 $53 $53 $53 $62 $62 $62 $70 $70 $70 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T PSG TAP DIAMETER MAIN DIAMETER SADDLE TAP 6 6 - 18 $20 8 8 - 24 $21 10 10 - 24 $23 12 12 - 24 $30 14 14 - 24 $33 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O FA N S E L E C T I O N DETERMINING CFM geographic location and average duty level of the area. For hot climates and heavier than normal area usage, select a lower number in the range to change the air more quickly. For moderate climates with lighter usages, select a higher number in the range. After the model is known, the cfm must be determined. Consult local code requirements or the table below for suggested air changes for proper ventilation. The ranges specified will adequately ventilate the corresponding areas in most cases. However, extreme conditions may require “Minutes per Change” outside of the specified range. To determine the actual number needed within a range, consider the To determine the cfm required to adequately ventilate an area, divide the room volume by the appropriate “Minutes per Change” value. SUGGESTED AIR CHANGES FOR PROPER VENTILATION cfm = Room Volume Min./Chg. Area Assembly Hall . Attic . . . . . . . Auditorium . . . Bakery . . . . . . Bar . . . . . . . . Barn . . . . . . . Boiler Room . . Bowling Alley . Cafeteria . . . . Church . . . . . . Classroom . . . Club Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Min./Chg. . . . 3-10 . . . . 2-4 . . . 3-10 . . . . 2-3 . . . . 2-4 . . .12-18 . . . . 1-3 . . . . 3-7 . . . . 3-5 . . . 4-10 . . . . 4-6 . . . . 3-7 Room Volume = L x W x H (of room) Area Dance Hall . . . . Dining Room. . . Dry Cleaner . . . Engine Room . . Factory . . . . . . Foundry . . . . . . Garage . . . . . . Generator Room Gymnasium. . . . Kitchen . . . . . . Laboratory . . . . Laundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Min./Chg. . . . . . 3-7 . . . . . 4-8 . . . . . 2-5 . . . . . 1-3 . . . . . 2-7 . . . . . 1-5 . . . . 2-10 . . . . . 2-5 . . . . . 3-8 . . . . . 1-5 . . . . . 2-5 . . . . . 2-4 Area Machine Shop . . Mill . . . . . . . . . . Office . . . . . . . . Packing House . . Projection Room . Recreation Room Residence . . . . . Restaurant . . . . . Rest Room . . . . . Store . . . . . . . . Transfer Room . . Warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Min./Chg. . . . . 3-6 . . . . 3-8 . . . . 2-8 . . . . 2-5 . . . . 1-2 . . . . 2-8 . . . . 2-6 . . . 5-10 . . . . 5-7 . . . . 3-7 . . . . 1-5 . . . 3-10 SAMPLE PROBLEM A building requires an exhaust fan to ventilate a general office (see diagram below) which measures 30 ft. x 40 ft. x 8 ft. The office is often crowded. Solution: The total room volume is 30 ft. x 40 ft. x 8 ft. = 9600 cubic feet. From the chart, the range for general offices is 2-8 minutes per change. Since the office has heavier than normal usage, 4 minutes per change is recommended. Therefore, the required exhaust is: 9600 ft3 4 min. = 2400 cfm Since the air to be exhausted is relatively clean, this is an ideal application for a model GB fan. Note: In this example, make-up air was provided through a set of louvers at the wall farthest from the exhaust fan. If there were no provisions for make-up air in this room, a supply fan would also have to be sized. The supply cfm should equal the exhaust cfm. Supply fan location should be as far as possible from the exhaust fan. Exhaust fan to be sized 30 ft. Louvers to supply Makeup air 8 ft. 40 ft. w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 39 PRODUCT LISTING AEROSONICS * DCA Sound Attenuators, Sound Panels STC Walls, Acoustical Panels Make Up Air Pool & Natatorium Dehumidification AIR MONITOR CORPORATION * DYNASONICS Air Flow Measuring Devices Sound Attenuators, Sound Panels STC Walls, Acoustical Panels ATCO FLEX EHG Flexible Duct & Greenguard Flex Spiral Duct - Round & Oval Galvanized, Aluminum, Stainless Steel PVC Coated BERNER INTERNATIONAL CORP Commercial and Industrial Air Doors 0 0 FABRICAIR Round Fabric Duct Systems GLOBAL PLASMA SOLUTIONS Ozone Test Results IAQ Testing Results Before & After Mold Test GREENHECK FAN CORP Roof Ventilators, Sidewall Fans, Gravity Vents, Centrifugal Blowers, Kitchen Ventilation Systems, Energy Recovery Units, Make-Up Air Units, Fan Coil Units, Indoor Air Handling Units, Lab Fume Exhaust Systems, Dampers, Louvers BRASCH ** BRASCH Wall, Baseboard, Ceiling, Duct Heaters CAMFIL FARR Air Filtration Equipment Bag-In/Bag-Out Filter Housing Clean Room Products Room side Pharmaceutical Filters CLEVAFLEX Specialty Flexible Duct for Clean Rooms & Hospital Applications CLIMACOOL ** ™ Modular Chillers T H E U LT I M AT E C H I L L E R S O L U T I O N CLIMATE MASTER fill in DC DIMPLEX ** HazMat, Cabinet, Pump House, & Kick Space Heaters 40 S T O C K C ATA L O G & P R I C E L I S T HAMLIN SHEET METAL c o m p a n i e s Spiral Duct - Round & Oval Galvanized, Aluminum, Stainless Steel PVC Coated HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY * Wrap Around Heat Pipes & Package Duhimidifiers KEES Security Bars, Security Grilles, Security Panels, Architectural Stamped Bar Grilles KOCH FILTER CORPORATION HVAC Filter Media LEADER Dampers & Hurricane Enclosures R Source Capture Systems MARS AIR DOORS ROBERTS-GORDON Commercial and Industrial Air Doors Infrared & Unit Heaters, Make Up Air MAT STERLING Roto-Twist Cable Operated Dampers Gas Fired & Hydronic Heating Equipment MONOXIVENT TEK AIR Carbon Monoxide Fume Exhaust System, Welding Smoke Removal, Cartridge Collectors Valves & Controls for Labs, Hospitals, Fume Hoods, Isolation/Clean Rooms MSA TOWER ENGINEERING TOWER ENGINEERING Ceramic Tile Cooling Towers Gas Detection & Safety Equipment TRI-THERMAL Packages Stainless Steel Cooling Towers NORTEC - WALTER MEIER * Humidifers & Controls UNITED ENERTECH * Louvers and Dampers NYSTROM Access Doors, Roof Hatches, & Smoke Vents Technologies, Inc. VITAL AIR ** Pool & Commercial Dehumidification PRECISION COILS HVAC Coils & Tube Bundles WARREN TECHNOLOGY WARREN TECHOLOGY Electric Duct Heaters REDD-I Electric Fan Froced Heaters, Duct Heaters WESTERN CANWELL WESTERN CANWELL Smoke Vents & Roof Hatches THE WHALEN COMPANY ** Vertical Riser Heat-Exchange Fan Coil * Available through SW Tampa & Orlando ** Available through SW Jacksonville w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m 41 STANWEAVER&CO L O C AT I O N S TAMPA OFFICE 4607 North Cortez Avenue Tampa, FL 33614 PH: (813) 879-0383 FX: (813) 878-2932 Toll Free: 1-800-783-6915 ORLANDO OFFICE 3663 All American Blvd Orlando, FL 32810 PH: (407) 581-6940 FX: (407) 581-6950 Toll Free: 1-800-515-9244 JACKSONVILLE OFFICE 4255 Emerson Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 PH: (904) 695-9295 FX: (904) 695-9296 w w w. s t a n w e a v e r . c o m