SPRING 2014 PRODUCT U P D AT E Computer Science Unix Your UNIX/Linux: The Ultimate Guide, 3e Sumitabha Das Published: 2/29/2012 ISBN: 978-0-07-337620-2 Your UNIX/Linux: The Ultimate Guide, written with both users and programmers in mind, is the ultimate UNIX/Linux text. Both pedagogical tool and exhaustive reference, it is well-suited to any course that includes UNIX or Linux. A strong pedagogical framework sets it apart from similar texts and allows beginning students to gain a firm grasp of fundamental concepts, while chapters on advanced topics inspire the more experienced reader to move beyond the basics. Nearly a thousand exercises and self-test questions provide a way for students to test and reinforce their understanding of the material. www.mhhe.com/das Software Engineering Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 8e Roger Pressman, Bruce Maxim Publishing: 1/31/2014 ISBN: 978-0-07-802212-8 McGraw-Hill is proud to offer Connect with the eighth edition of Pressman’s Software Engineering: A Practioner’s Approach. This innovative and powerful system helps your students learn more effectively and gives you the ability to assign homework problems simply and easily. Probl ems are graded automatically, and the results are recorded immediately. Track individual student performance - by question, assignment, or in relation to the class overall with detailed grade reports. ConnectPlus provides students with all the advantages of Connect, plus 24/7 access to an eBook. Pressman’s Software Engineering: A Practioner’s Approach edition, includes the power of McGraw-Hill’s LearnSmart--a proven adaptive learning system that helps students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge through a series of adaptive questions. This innovative study tool pinpoints concepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalized plan for success. The eighth edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach has been designed to consolidate and restructure the content introduced over the past two editions of the book. The chapter structure will return to a more linear presentation of software engineering topics with a direct emphasis on the major activities that are part of a generic software process. Content will focus on widely used software engineering methods and will de-emphasize or completely eliminate discussion of secondary methods, tools and techniques. The intent is to provide a more targeted, prescriptive, and focused approach, while attempting to maintain SEPA’s reputation as a comprehensive guide to software engineering. The book will be organized in five (5) partsProcess, Modeling, Quality Management, Project Management, and Advanced Topics. The chapter count will remain at 32, unchanged from the sixth edition. However, eight new chapters have been developed and another six chapters have undergone major or moderate revisions. The remaining chapters have undergone minor edits/ updates. Resources: Connect with LearnSmart for Engineering Connect Plus with LearnSmart for Engineering SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-922820-9 Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology, 1e David Kung Published: 1/25/2013 ISBN: 978-007-3376257 Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology by David Kung presents a step-by-step methodology that integrates modeling and design, UML, patterns, test-driven development, quality assurance, configuration management, and agile principles throughout the life cycle. The overall approach is casual and easy to follow, with many practical examples that show the theory at work. The author uses his experiences as well as real-world stories to help the reader understand software design principles, patterns, and other software engineering concepts. The book also provides stimulating exercises that go far beyond the type of question that can be answered by simply copying portions of the text. www.mhhe.com/kung Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 8e Stephen Schach Published: 7/19/2010 ISBN: 978-0-07-337618-9 Building on seven strong editions, the eighth edition maintains the organization and approach for which Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering is known while making significant improvements and additions to content as well as problems and projects. The revisions for the eighth edition make the text easier to use in a one-semester course. Integrating case studies to show the object oriented approach to software engineering, Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 8/e presents an excellent introduction to software engineering For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com 1 Calculus and Applied Calculus fundamentals, covering both traditional and object-oriented techniques. While maintaining a unique organization with Part I covering underlying software engineering theory, and Part II presenting the more practical life cycle, the eighth edition includes significant revision to problems, new content, as well as a new chapter to enable instructors to betterutilize the book in a one-semester course. Complementing this well-balanced approach is the straightforward, studentfriendly writing style, through which difficult concepts are presented in a clear, understandable manner. www.mhhe.com/schach Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 1e Stephen Schach Published: 9/05/2007 ISBN: 978-0-07-352333-0 Object-Oriented Software Engineering is written for both the traditional one-semester and the newer two-semester software engineering curriculum. Part I covers the underlying software engineering theory, while Part II presents the more practical life cycle, workflow by workflow. The text is intended for the substantial object-oriented segment of the software engineering market. It focuses exclusively on object-oriented approaches to the development of large software systems that are the most widely used. Text includes 2 running case studies, expanded coverage of agile processes and open-source development. www.mhhe.com/schach Java / CS1 Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach, 2e John Dean and Ray Dean Published: 2/01/2013 ISBN: 978-007-337606-6 This book teaches the reader how to write programs using Java. It does so with a unique approach that combines fundamentals first with objects early. The book transitions smoothly through a carefully selected set of procedural programming fundamentals to objectoriented fundamentals. During this early transition and beyond, the book emphasizes problem solving. For example, Chapter 2 is devoted to algorithm development, Chapter 8 is devoted to program design, and problem-solving sections appear throughout the book. Problem-solving skills are fostered with the help of an interactive, iterative presentation style: Here’s the problem. How can we solve it? How can we improve the solution? • A conversational, easy-to-follow writing style. • Many executable code examples that clearly and efficiently illustrate key concepts. • Extensive use of UML class diagrams to specify problem organization. • Simple GUI programming early, in an optional standalone graphics track. • Well-identified alternatives for altering the book’s sequence to fit individual needs. • Well-developed projects in six different academic disciplines, with a handy summary. • Detailed customizable PowerPointTM lecture slides, with icon-keyed hidden notes. www.mhhe.com/dean2e Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction, 1e Herbert Schildt and Dale Skrien Published: 1/20/2012 ISBN: 978-0-07-802207-4 Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction is designed for an introductory programming course using Java. This text takes a logical approach to the presentation of core topics, moving step-by-step from the basics to more advanced material, with objects being introduced at the appropriate time. The book is divided into three parts: • Part One covers the elements of the Java language and the fundamentals of programming. An introduction to object-oriented design is also included. • Part Two introduces GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming using Swing. • Part Three explores key aspects of Java’s API (Application Programming Interface) library, including the Collections Framework and the concurrency API. Herb Schildt has written many successful programming books in Java, C++, C, and C#. His books have sold more than three million copies. Dale Skrien is a professor at Colby College with degrees from the University of Illinois-Champaign, the University of Washington, and St. Olaf College. He’s also authored two books and is very active in SIGCSE. www.mhhe.com/schildt1e For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com 2 Calculus and Applied Calculus An Introduction to ObjectOriented Programming with Java, 5e C Wu Published: 3/24/2009 ISBN: 978-0-07-352330-9 An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java takes a fullimmersion approach to object-oriented programming. Proper object-oriented design practices are emphasized throughout the book. Students learn how to use the standard classes first, then learn to design their own classes. Wu uses a gentler approach to teaching students how to design their own classes, separating the coverage into two chapters. GUI coverage is also located independently in the back of the book and can be covered if desired. Wu also features a robust set of instructors’ materials including PowerPoint slides, code samples, and quiz questions. www.mhhe.com/wu Java Programming: From The Ground Up, 1e Ralph Bravaco and Shai Simonson Published: 1/22/2009 ISBN: 978-0-07-352335-4 Java Programming, From The Ground Up, with its flexible organization, teaches Java in a way that is refreshing, fun, interesting and still has all the appropriate programming pieces for students to learn. The motivation behind this writing is to bring a logical, readable, entertaining approach to keep your students involved. Each chapter has a Bigger Picture section at the end of the chapter to provide a variety of interesting related topics in computer science. The writing style is conversational and not overly technical so it addresses programming concepts appropriately. Because of the flexibile organization of the text, it can be used for a one or two semester introductory Java programming class, as well as using Java as a second language. The text contains a large variety of carefully designed exercises that are more effective than the competition. www.mhhe.com/bravaco Java 5.0 Program Design, 1e James Cohoon and Jack Davidson Published: 6/23/2005 ISBN: 0-07-325030-9 Java 5.-0 Program Design is about the fundamentals of programming and software development using Java. It is targeted for a first programming course and has been designed to be appropriate for people from all disciplines. The authors assume no prior programming skills and use mathematics and science at a level appropriate to first-year college students. The breadth of coverage and the arrangement of the chapters provide flexibility for the instructor in what and when topics are introduced. Key to Java 5.0 Program Design is an introduction to problem solving. The basics of problem-solving techniques are introduced in chapter one and then reinforced during the explanations of Java programming and design. In addition, software engineering design concepts are introduced via problem studies and software projects. This updated version of Java Program Design takes advantage of the improvements to the language introduced with Java 5.0. The additions are especially important for beginning programmers because they help make program design and development a clearer and more straightforward process. Available in McGraw-Hill Create™! Communication Networks Data Communications and Networking, 5e Behrouz Forouzan Published: 2/17/2012 ISBN: 978-0-07-337622-6 Data Communications and Networking is designed to help students understand the basics of data communications and networking, and the protocols used in the Internet in particular by using the protocol layering of the Internet and TCP/ IP protocol suite. Technologies related to data communication and networking may be the fastest growing in today’s culture. The appearance of some new social networking applications is a testimony to this claim. In this Internet-oriented society, specialists need to be trained to run and manage the Internet, part of the Internet, or an organization’s network that is connected to the Internet. As both the number and types of students are increasing, it is essential to have a textbook that provides coverage of the latest advances, while presenting the material in a way that is accessible to students with little or no background in the field. Using a bottom-up approach, Data Communications and Networking presents this highly technical subject matter without relying on complex formulas by using a strong pedagogical approach supported by more than 830 figures.Now in its Fifth Edition, this textbook brings the beginning student right to the forefront of the latest advances in the field, while presenting the fundamentals in a clear, straightforward manner. Students will find better coverage, improved figures and better explanations on cutting-edge material. The “bottom-up” approach allows instructors to cover the material in one course, rather than having separate courses on data communications and networking. www.mhhe.com/forouzan For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com 3 Calculus and Applied Calculus Computer Networks: A Top Down Approach, 1e Behrouz Forouzan and Firouz Mosharraf Published: 3/07/2011 ISBN: 978-0-07-352326-2 This new networking text follows a topdown approach. The presentation begins with an explanation of the application layer, which makes it easier for students to understand how network devices work, and then, with the students fully engaged, the authors move on to discuss the other layers, ending with the physical layer. With this top-down approach, its thorough treatment of the topic, and a host of pedagogical features, this new networking book offers the market something it hasn’t had for many years- a well-crafted, modern text that places the student at the center of the learning experience. Forouzan’s Computer Networks presents a complex topic in an accessible, student-friendly way that makes learning the material not only manageable but fun as well. The appealing visual layout combines with numerous figures and examples to provide multiple routes to understanding. Students are presented with the most upto-date material currently available and are encouraged to view what they are learning in a real-world context. This approach is both motivating and practical in that students begin to see themselves as the professionals they will soon become. www.mhhe.com/forouzan Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach, 1e Ying-Dar Lin, Ren-Hung Hwang and Fred Baker Published: 1/24/2011 ISBN: 978-0-07-337624-0 Ying-Dar Lin, Ren-Hung Hwang, and Fred Baker’s Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach is the first text to implement an open source approach, discussing the network layers, their applications, and the implementation issues. The book features 56 open-source code examples to narrow the gap between domain knowledge and hands-on skills. Students learn by doing and are aided by the book’s extensive pedagogy. Lin/Hwang/Baker is designed for the first course in computer networks for computer science undergraduates or first year graduate students. www.mhhe.com/lin Communication Networks, 2e Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja Published: 7/16/2003 ISBN: 978-0-07-246352-1 This book is designed for introductory one-semester or one-year courses in communications networks in upper-level undergraduate programs. The second half of the book can be used in more advanced courses. As pre-requisites the book assumes a general knowledge of computer systems and programming, and elementary calculus. The second edition expands on the success of the first edition by updating on technological changes in networks and responding to comprehensive market feedback. www.mhhe.com/leon-garcia Computational Theory Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 4e John Martin Published: 2/02/2010 ISBN: 978-0-07-319146-1 Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation helps students make the connection between the practice of computing and an understanding of the profound ideas that defines it. The book’s organization and the author’s ability to explain complex topics clearly make this introduction to the theory of computation an excellent resource for a broad range of upper level students. The author has learned through many years of teaching that the best way to present theoretical concepts is to take advantage of the precision and clarity of mathematical language. In a way that is accessible to students still learning this language, he presents the necessary mathematical tools gently and gradually which provides discussion and examples that make the language intelligible. www.mhhe.com/martin Database Management Systems Database System Concepts, 6e Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, and S. Sudarshan Published: 1/27/2010 ISBN: 978-0-07-352332-3 Database System Concepts by Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan is now in its 6th edition and is one of the cornerstone texts of database education. It presents the fundamental concepts of database management in an intuitive manner geared toward allowing students to begin working with databases as quickly as possible. The text is designed for a first course in databases at the junior/senior undergraduate level or the first year graduate level. It also contains additional material that can be used as supplements or as introductory material for an advanced course. Because the authors present concepts as intuitive descriptions, a familiarity with basic data structures, computer organization, and a high-level programming language are the only prerequisites. Important theoretical results are covered, but formal proofs are omitted. In place of proofs, figures and examples are used to suggest why a result is true. www.mhhe.com/silberschatz For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com 4 Calculus and Applied Calculus Database Management Systems, 3e Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke Published: 8/14/2002 ISBN: 978-0-07-246563-1 Database Management Systems provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of database systems. Coherent explanations and practical examples have made this one of the leading texts in the field. The third edition continues in this tradition, enhancing it with more practical material. The new edition has been reorganized to allow more flexibility in the way the course is taught. Now, instructors can easily choose whether they would like to teach a course which emphasizes database application development or a course that emphasizes database systems issues. New overview chapters at the beginning of parts make it possible to skip other chapters in the part if you don’t want the detail. More applications and examples have been added throughout the book, including SQL and Oracle examples. The applied flavor is further enhanced by the two new database applications chapters. highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072465638 Operating Systems Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach, 1e Ramez Elmasri, A Carrick, and David Levine Published: 2/11/2009 ISBN: 978-0-07-244981-5 Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick’s “spiral approach” to teaching operating systems develops student understanding of various OS components early on and helps students approach the more difficult aspects of operating systems with confidence. While operating systems have changed dramatically over the years, most OS books use a linear approach that covers each individual OS component in depth, which is difficult for students to follow and requires instructors to constantly put materials in context. Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick do things differently by following an integrative or “spiral” approach to explaining operating systems. The spiral approach alleviates the need for an instructor to “jump ahead” when explaining processes by helping students “completely” understand a simple, working, functional system as a whole in the very beginning. This is more effective pedagogically, and it inspires students to continue exploring more advanced concepts with confidence. www.mhhe.com/elmasri Operating Systems, 1e Dhananjay Dhamdhere Published: 1/09/2008 ISBN: 978-0-07-295769-3 After authoring a best-selling text in India, Dhananjay Dhamdhere has written Operating Systems, and it includes precise definitions and clear explanations of fundamental concepts, which makes this text an excellent text for the first course in operating systems. Concepts, techniques, and case studies are well integrated so many design and implementation details look obvious to the student. Exceptionally clear explanations of concepts are offered, and coverage of both fundamentals and such cutting-edge material like encryption and security is included. The numerous case studies are tied firmly to real-world experiences with operating systems that students will likely encounter. www.mhhe.com/dhamdhere DIGITAL SOLUTIONS McGraw-­Hill Connect provides online presentation, assignment, and assessment solutions. It connects your students with the tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. Additionally, Connect/Connect Plus content (text, tools, and homework) can be fully integrated with your Blackboard course! McGraw-­Hill ConnectPlus™ includes the full textbook as an integrated, dynamic ebook. Media, animation and assessments are merged with the text’s narrative to engage students and improve learning and learning retention. See all Connect Products for Computer Science at: http://connect.customer.mcgraw-hill.com/ subjects/ LearnSmart maximizes learning productivity and efficiency by identifying the most important learning objectives for each student to master at a given point in time. It knows when students are likely to forget specific information and revisits that content to advance knowledge from their short-term to long-term memory. Data driven reports highlight the concepts individual students - or the entire class are struggling. LearnSmart is proven to improve academic performance – including higher retention rates and better grades. Learn more about all Computer Science print and digital offerings at www.mhhe.com/success/ engineering/computer.htm For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com 5 Calculus and Applied Calculus With Create™ you can easily rearrange chapters, combine material from other content sources, and quickly upload content you have written such as your course syllabus or teaching notes. Find the content you need in Create by searching through thousands of leading McGraw-Hill textbooks and arrange your book to fit your teaching style. Explore Create at http://create.mcgraw-hill.com/asia Whether you are searching for customized textbooks and supplements, a new curriculum, or online courses for an entire discipline or institution, McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions collaborates with you to deliver students-centered experiences that result in learning. To learn more, visit: learningsolutions.mhhe.com Make your lectures available to your students 24/7 without changing anything about the way you teach! You speak 120 words per minute, while your students write only 20. This forces them to decide between listening or taking notes. With Tegrity Campus they no longer have to make that decision. Your students can engage in class discussion, listen more intently and retain more-- resulting in improved course performance. A simple one-click start/stop process automatically captures audio, PowerPoint’s, all computer screens, videos and more. Students can access their instructors’ lectures anytime or anywhere. They can search the lectures using keywords; students can also use it to review a missed class, for an exam, or to complete their lecture notes. For more information, visit: tegritycampus.mhhe.com For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com 6