How To Quickly move Grader test scores to the RamCT Grade

Import Grader Exam Scores To RamCT
Spring 2013
Instructors who use CSU’s Testing Services to grade their scantron exam sheets can easily
import their exam scores from the Grader program into their RamCT course grade center.
Prerequisites: Course Name in Grader and RamCT Must Match .................................. 2
Using Grader ................................................................................................................... 3
Set Exam To Display Students’ EZip Strip........................................................... 3
Import Exam Scores Into RamCT................................................................................... 4
Import Scores into an EXISTING RamCT Grade Center column ........................ 5
Import Scores into a NEW RamCT Grade Center column ................................... 7
Adding Additional Exam Scores ........................................................................... 8
Possible Error Message ................................................................................................ 9
Course Name In Grader Does NOT Match Course ID in RamCT........................ 9
New Grade Center Column Created But Scores Not Imported .......................... 10
Another Error? Try The Exam Score Import Again .......................................... 10
Allow Students To See Their Exam Scores................................................................ 11
Add Web Link To Allow Students To See Their EZip Strips .................................... 12
EZip Strips May Not Work Well on Mobile Devices ................................................ 14
VII. Support........................................................................................................................ 14
Key Points:
Instructors can import exam scores into an existing RamCT grade center
Or they can create a new RamCT grade center column from within Grader and
import the exam scores into the new column
If students enrolled in your course did not take the test OR if they dropped the
course after they took the test OR they entered an incorrect CSU ID number
on their test, they will appear on the list of the students who did not receive
scores on this test.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
Prerequisites: Course Name in Grader and RamCT Must Match
The course name that you enter on the Testing Services Class Definition form must
match the RamCT Course ID EXACTLY.
Course ID as seen when logged in to RamCT.
Testing Services Class Definitions Form with correct RamCT course ID.
Example of an individual course ID in RamCT.
Examples of combined or cross listed course ID in RamCT.
__2012FA_ – _____JTC____ – __300_ – __Combined-00026__
Year / Semester Class Prefix Course #
___2012FA____ – ____ACT_____ – __205____ – _Crosslisted-00026__
Year / Semester
Class Prefix
Course #
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
Using Grader
Each semester instructors can set up an account with CSU’s Testing Service to use the
grading system for the courses you teach that semester. Instructors fill out a cover sheet
each semester for each course that will be using the Testing Service.
Instructors can login with their CSU eID to the Grader System to see how students scored
on the exam, adjust points, etc.
Once an instructor has graded their exam, the exam scores can now be quickly imported
into your RamCT grade center.
You can add the EZip tool to your RamCT course to allow your students to see their EZip
results – how their answers compare to the exam’s answer key.
You can also download the exam scores in .csv format for use in a spreadsheet such as
Microsoft Excel.
A. Set Exam To Display Students’ EZip Strip
1. Login with your CSU eID to
2. Select your class and click Display Class Data.
3. Select the exam you wish to grade and
click Edit Exam.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
4. Place a check next to
“Release EZip Grades”
to allow your students to
see how their answers
compared to your
exam’s grade key.
5. Click Update.
Import Exam Scores Into RamCT
Under Grade Exam you now have the option to click on a link “Import Directly
into RamCT Grade Center”.
You can import the exam scores into an existing numeric column in your grade
Or you can use Grader to create a new Grade Center numeric column and import
the exam scores into the new column.
Note: you still have the option to download your exam scores in .csv format by
clicking on the “download examscores.csv” item. You can open this file in MS
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
A. Import Scores into an EXISTING RamCT Grade Center column
You can import your scores into an existing numeric column in your RamCT Grade
1. Click the drop down menu to select the column where the scores should go.
2. Click Import to Existing Column.
You will be notified that the
import will overwrite any existing
scores in this grade center column.
3. Click OK.
You will see the “Loading Scores” message.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
Then you will see the Import Completed Successfully message.
But the numbers don’t add up…
If students enrolled in your course did not take the test OR if they dropped the
course after they took the test OR they entered an incorrect CSU ID number on
their test, they will appear on the list of the students who did not receive scores
on this test.
Camram, Gaggie
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
B. Import Scores into a NEW RamCT Grade Center column
From the RamCT Import page you can create a new numeric column in your RamCT
grade center and have your grader scores imported into that new column.
1. Type a name for your new numeric grade center column.
2. Type the Maximum score for this new column
3. Click Import to New Column
You will see a message stating that the scores are
You will then see an “Import Completed Successfully!” message.
The new column will be created and your scores will be imported into that column.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
But the numbers don’t add up…
If students enrolled in your course did not take the test OR if they dropped the
course after they took the test OR they entered an incorrect CSU ID number on
their test, they will appear on the list of the students who did not receive scores
on this test.
Camram, Gaggie
Verify that the new column in your RamCT grade center appears with
the imported exam scores.
C. Adding Additional Exam Scores
If you make an update to your grade scores or add other students’ exam submissions
in Grader, you can use the “Import To Existing Column” option to update ALL the
scores in that grade center column
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
Possible Error Message
A. Course Name In Grader Does NOT Match Course ID in RamCT
Sometimes you may forget that your course is combined or cross listed in RamCT but
enter the course information as a single section on your Testing Services information
If the names do not match between the two systems, then you will see this error:
Testing Services Name: 2013SP-HIST-100-001
RamCT Course ID: 2013-HIST-100-Combined-00237
This will generate the “Error – The course number in Grader does not match the
course number in RamCT” message.
If the error above occurs, both Testing Services and the central RamCT staff will be
notified. They will change the name in Grader to match the course ID in RamCT.
They will send an email message to the instructor to let them know they can try their
exam scores import again.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
B. New Grade Center Column Created But Scores Not Imported
Though rare, you may see this error when you try to import exam scores into a new
grade center column:
Click the Return to
(Course and Exam)
Because the new column
was already created, you
will now choose
Import Into
Existing Column
C. Another Error? Try The Exam Score Import Again
Click the Return to (Course and Exam) link and do the grade import again.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
Allow Students To See Their Exam Scores
If you would like your students to see the grade scores you imported into RamCT,
make sure the grade center column is shown to users.
This symbol
indicates that students CANNOT see the scores in a column
If you see this symbol, use the drop down menu next to the column’s name and select
Show/Hide to Users. The symbol will disappear and the students will be able to see
their scores in this column under the My Grades tool.
Students CAN see scores in column under My Grades.
Students CANNOT see scores in column.
You can login to your RamCT course with your Test Student account to verify which
items students can see under the My Grades tool.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
Add Web Link To Allow Students To See Their EZip Strips
EZip strips allow students to see how their exam answers compare to the exam’s answer
key. Instructors need to release EZip strips for each exam in the grader system.
In Grader, for EACH exam that you want your students to see
their zip strips click on Edit Exam.
Make sure the Release EZip
Grades box is checked.
Click Update.
1. On a content page in your course, under the Build Content drop
down menu, select Web Link.
2. Type a name for the Web Link.
e.g. Check your exam Zip Strips
3. In the URL box enter the web page
4. Optional: Add a description for this web link.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
5. Permit users to view
this content: Yes
6. Open in New Window:
Decide whether to
open in a new window
or not.
7. Track Number of
Views: Yes
8. Click Submit.
Your web link, which allows
students to view their EZip
strips, will appear on your
Content Area page.
When a student clicks on this link, they will be prompted
to enter their CSU eID. They can select the class they
wish to see and view their all of their exam EZip strips
for that course.
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores
EZip Strips May Not Work Well on Mobile Devices
At this time, EZip strips may not display properly on mobile devices such as iPods or
smart phones.
To accurately view an EZip strip, students should use a desktop, laptop or tablet
CSU Testing Service
RamCT Support
RamCT College Coordinators:
Help Web Site:
RamCT Training & Support
ACNS /Colorado State University
Revised April 29, 2013
RamCT - Import Grader Exam Scores