ISLAM versus CATHOLIC TEACHING and PRACTICE ISLAM CATHOLIC One God (Allah), eternally existing, Creator of the universe One God, infinite and eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, Creator of the universe God relates to us mainly by His will, which all must obey God relates to us primarily by His love, which He wants us to imitate by loving Him and loving all other people He made One person in God; no Trinity One God (one divine nature) that is completely owned by each of three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the Blessed Trinity Obligatory conduct is: –faith in, and submission to, Allah –prayer five specified times a day –fasting sunrise to sunset during holy lunar month –almsgiving –pilgrimage to M ecca, once Obligatory conduct is: -–faith in God and Jesus Christ –-reverence and love for God –-love for neighbor, caring for needy –-keeping the Ten Commandments Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are helps to accomplish the above ISLAM CATHOLIC Jesus Christ is a prophet but M ohammed (lived 600 years later) is the greatest prophet Jesus Christ is God, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Who added human nature to His eternally existing divine nature. He is the Messiah the Jews were waiting for and the fulfillment of all Messianic prophecies. There are no later prophets. Honor M ary, virgin mother of Christ Honor Virgin Mary as earthly mother of divine Person, since she agreed to allow Him to take human nature through her No claims of redemption by atoning for original sin By His sacrificial suffering and death Christ made satisfaction for original sin by first parents of the human race and so makes possible eternal life with God Sacred Scripture is the Quoran, which M ohammed claimed was dictated by Angel Gabriel Sacred Scripture is the Bible, 72 books (45 in Old Testament, 27 in New) not dictated but whose human authors were inspired by God Tradition (hadith) is 9 th century collections of M ohammed’s words that are help to interpret Quoran Sacred Tradition is writings of Church Fathers, decrees of Councils, papal encyclicals and official statements from Vatican. These, with Sacred Scripture, constitute divine revelation ISLAM CATHOLIC No central authoritative teaching office but some interpreters have influence Central teaching office (magisterium) is bishop of Rome and all bishops united with him Later interpreters of M ohammed can contradict earlier ones, as if God changed His mind Christ’s teachings are fixed from death of last Apostle. What is implied in this teaching can be developed, not changed. Claim Christian Scriptures were corrupted but have never shown before-and-after Have hundreds of fragments from first century that show agreement, in three languages, with what we have today No witnesses or evidence for revelation to M ohammed Christ chose twelve men, Apostles, to be witnesses of all He said and did in his public life. They suffered persecution and (all but one) death for truth of what they proclaimed No miracles claimed for M ohammed Christ worked miracles, usually for healing, on almost three dozen occasions, often healing all the sick and infirm in a town. He often healed instantaneously, at times at a distance, and restored to life three people from the dead. He Himself rose from the dead on the third day after being crucified ISLAM CATHOLIC No claims that M ohammed drove out devils Christ drove unclean spirits out of people they possessed, merely by ordering the devils out M ohammed’s followers claim some events as miracles, such as winning a battle against great odds Christ’s Apostles worked healing miracles shortly after His death. Miracles continue to present day at Lourdes; miracle of the sun at Fatima (1917) was seen by 50,000 people No sacraments Seven sacraments, including baptism, reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, to provide supernatural help to gaining eternal life Heaven is a state of sensual pleasure (food, drink, sex) Heaven is a state where one has the companionship of the all-loving God Law (Sharia), based on Quoran and Hadith, specifies severe punishments (lashing, amputations, stoning), and is enforced by civil authority. Church & state are functionally separate. Natural law is a law of just conduct that God implants in human nature. God also revealed Divine law to give specifics (e.g. Ten Commandments). Church and state enact their own laws, which must not contradict natural law. Severe physical punishments are generally forbidden. ISLAM CATHOLIC In many countries women are subordinate to men, in public must cover entire body except eyes. Court testimony worth half of man’s . Men and women are essentially equal. Men can have four wives and can divorce wife merely by telling her. Girl can be contracted into marriage at any age, and marriage consummated at age 9. Homosexual acts severely punished. Matrimony is a sacrament and requires free consent by both. One man, one woman. No outside partners, lasts until death and no contraception. Minimum ages: women 14 men 16. Civil divorce does not end Church marriage, but separation or annulment in some cases. No sex outside of marriage. In many countries, no toleration of non-Moslems, who are second-class citizens, subject to high tax and cannot practice religion Respect for individual and his freedom of will allows toleration of other religions. Seeks to convert all people, and extremists claim Quoran authorizes using force, even killing Seeks to convert all people by truth of the Faith, not by force or trickery. Apostasy punished by death Relies on spiritual penalties; forgiveness possible CATHOLIC EVIDENCE GUILD NEW YORK CHAPTER OFFICE OF ADULT FAITH FORMATION ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK 1011 FIRST AVENUE, SUITE 1327 NEW YORK, NY 10022 Phone or Fax: 1-877-635-8205 Web Site: Copyright 2014 Catholic Evidence Guild New York e908V