IT Controls Reference
Plan and Organize:
• PO9 Assess and Manage IT Risks
Assessing Security Risks
Identify, quantify, and prioritize risks against
criteria for risk acceptance relevant to the
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME3 Ensure Compliance with External
• ME4 Provide IT Governance
Standards CIP
PIPEDA — Canada
• 002 – Critical Cyber Asset
• 4.7.2 – Safeguards will vary depending
on sensitivity of the information collected
Before treating, organization must ascertain
ability and level of risk acceptable to an
• Risk Assessment
• Objective Setting
• Event Identification
Security Standard:
a) 1. Risk Analysis (R)
PCI is an audit standard and risks are quantified and
prioritized within it
III.B. Assess Risk
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to associate risk scores to assets and discriminate threat response activities based on risk rating
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ability to group, trend and remediate asset vulnerabilities and configurations based on risk categorizations
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.1.2 - Includes an annual process that identifies
threats, and vulnerabilities, and results in a formal risk
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Monitor, block and review email before it is sent
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Identify, classify, adn monitor critical information stores across hetergenous
• Risk Response
• Event Identification
Security Standard:
a) 1. Risk Management (R)
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME1 Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance
• ME2 Monitor and Evaluate Internal Control
Protect Cardholder Data:
3.4 - Render PAN, at a minimum, unreadable anywhere
it is store (including on portable digital media,
backup media, in logs)
6 - Develop and maintain secure systems and
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 002 – Critical Cyber
Asset Identification
• 4.7.2 – Safeguards will vary depending
on sensitivity of the information collected
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Discriminate threat response activities based on risk rating
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Assess and prioritize risks against frameworks and standards
• 007 – Systems Security
• 008 – Incident Report
and Response Planning
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Gain visibility of data in motion and prevent sensitive data from being leaving an organization
Knowing and objectively accepting risk
in accordance with organizations risk
Avoiding risk by not engaging in
activities that introduce risk
Transferring risks to other parties
(insurance, partner, service provider)
Symantec Products,
Solutions & Capabilities
Symantec Consulting Services
Assess and prioritize risks against frameworks and standards
Plan and Organize:
• PO9 Assess and Manage IT Risks
Treating Security Risks
Performed Periodically
Systematic Approach estimating risks
Clearly defined scope
Payment Card Industry
Risk Assessment and Treatment
COBIT® 4.1
ISO 27002:2005
Security Policy
Information Security Policy
Information security policies should be
sponsored/approved by management,
published to all employees and relevant
external parties
Plan and Organize:
• PO1 Define a Strategic IT Plan
• PO4 Define the IT Processes, Organization
and Relationships
• PO6 Communicate Management Aims and
• PO7 Manage IT Human Resources
• Internal Environment
• Objective Setting
• Risk Assessment
Security Standard:
a) 1. Sanction Policy (R)
a) 2. Assigned Security Responsibility (R)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.4 - Ensure that the security policy and procedures
clearly define information security responsibilities for
all employees and contractors.
12.5.1 - Establish, document, and distribute security
policies and procedures
II.A. Information
Security Program
II.B. Objectives
III.A. Invoice Board
of Directors
• 003 – Security Management Controls
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
• Information and
Security Standard:
a) 1. Information System Activity
Review (R)
a) 2. Assigned Security Responsibility (R)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.4 - Ensure that the security policy and procedures
clearly define information security responsibilities for
all employees and contractors.
12.5.1 - Establish, document, and distribute security
policies and procedures
II. A. Information
Security Program
II.B. Objectives
III. A. Involve the
Board of Directors
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
III.F. Report to the
• 003 – Security
Management Control
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
III.D. Oversee
Service Provider
• 4.1.4
(a) implement procedures to protect
personal information
(d) develop information to explain the
organization’s policies and procedures
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ability to author, review, publish and gather approval on corporate policies
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Provides a critical component of Information Security management process; implementing offers one way
to establish the required control
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop security strategy, security policy and security policy documentation
Include within:
Definition of information security,
objectives, scope, and importance
Statement of management intent,
supporting goals and principles
Framework for setting control
objectives and controls
Organization of Information Security
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
Internal Organization
A management framework should be
established to initiate and control the
implementation of information security
within the organization
Plan and Organize:
• PO8 Manage Quality
External Parties
To maintain the security of information and
information processing facilities that are
accessed, processed, communicated to, or
managed by external parties
Deliver and Support:
• DS1 Define and Manage Service Levels
• DS2 Manage Third-Party Services
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
Internal Environment
Risk Assessment
Control Activities
Information and
• Monitoring
Security Standard:
b) 1. Written Contract or Other
Arrangement (R)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.8.2 - Maintain a written agreement that includes an
acknowledgement that the service providers are
responsible for the security of cardholder data the
service providers posess.
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ability to ensure complete IT policy coverage and evidence of compliance across multiple management frameworks
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Support Information security policy with audited roles based search and review of email, IM and files
Symantec Consulting Services
Help structure security organization and develop supporting policy
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that information is secure and best practices are in place
Symantec Enterprise Protection
Ability to prevent introduction of non-compliant, insecure devices onto corporate network, reducing the likelihood
of information being compromised
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Gain visibility of data in motion and ensure that sensiitive data is being shared with third
parties in accordance with security policies and any relevant security controls
Consulting Services
Develop security policy for client external parties and conduct related security assessments
Asset Management
Responsibility for Assets
Plan and Organize:
• PO4 Define the IT Processes, Organization
and Relationships
• Control Activities
Plan and Organize:
• PO2 Define the Information Architecture
• PO9 Assess and Manage IT Risks
• Risk Assessment
• Event Identification
Physical Standard:
d) 2. Device and Media Controls
– Accountability (A)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.3.4 Labeling of devices with owner, contact
information, and purpose
Security Standard:
a) 1. Risk Analysis (R)
a) 1. Risk Management (R)
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
7.1 - Limit access to system components and cardholder
data to only those individuals whose job requires
such access.
7.2 - Establish an access control system for system
components with multiple users that restricts access
based on a user’s need to know and is set to “deny
all” unless specifically allowed.
• 002 – Critical Cyber
Asset Identification
All assets should be accounted for and have
a nominated owner
Information Classification
Information should be classified to indicate
the need, priorities and expected degree of
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
Define an information classification
• 002 – Critical Cyber
Asset Identification
• 4.1 – An organization responsible
for personal information under its
control shall designate an individual or
individuals who are accountable for the
organization’s compliance
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to classify assets and reporting accordingly and allows for definition of asset owners
• 4.7.2 – Safeguards will vary depending
on sensitivity of the information collected
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to classify assets and reporting accordingly
Symantec Consulting Services
Produce asset registers including asset valuation as part of risk assessments
Symantec™ Enterprise Vault
Automated classification and retention or expiry of email, IM, and files
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Identify, classify, adn monitor critical information stores across hetergenous
Symantec Consulting Services
Produce Information Classification schemes, associated policies and detailed set of procedures as part of assessments
Human Resources Security
Plan and Organize:
• PO7 Manage IT Human Resources
Prior to Employment
To ensure that employees, contractors and
third party users understand responsibilities,
and are suitable for their roles; reduce the
risk of theft, fraud, and or misuse of facilities/
Deliver and Support:
• DS12 Manage the Physical Environment
Plan and Organize:
• PO7 Manage IT Human Resources
During Employment
To ensure that employees, contractors and
third party users are aware of information
security threats and concerns, their
responsibilities and liabilities, and are
equipped to support security policy in the
course of their normal work
Termination or Change of Employment
To ensure that employees, contractors and
third party users exit an organization or
change employment in an orderly manner
Deliver and Support:
• DS7 Educate and Train Users
Plan and Organize:
• PO4 Define the IT Processes, Organization
and Relationships
• PO7 Manage IT Human Resources
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
• Information and
Security Standard:
a) 1. Sanction Policy (R)
a) 3. Authorization and/or Supervision (A)
a) 3. Workforce Clearance Procedure (A)
a) 5. Security Reminders (A)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.7 - Screen potential employees prior to hire to
minimize the risk of attacks from internal sources.
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 004 – Personnel and Training
Symantec Consulting Services
• 4.7.4 – Organizations shall make their
Develop policies and procedures covering Human Resources related information security
employees aware of the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of personal information
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
• Information and
Security Standard:
a) 5. Security Reminders (A)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.6 - Implement a formal security awareness program
to make all employees aware of the importance of
cardholder data security.
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 004 – Personnel and Training
Security Standard:
a) 3. Termination Procedures (A)
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8.5.4 - Immediately revoke access for any terminated
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ability to disseminate policy to employees, contractors, and 3rd party and ensure sign-off; ensure, via controls
self-assessment capability, that critical procedures are understood and implemented
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies and procedures covering Human Resources related information security
• 004 – Personnel and Training
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to monitor, search and query on user activity
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ability to establish termination policies and track compliance to the requirements; help ensure, via controls
self-assessment capability, that termination procedures are understood and implemented
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Prevent the use of PST files and risk of PST files leaving the company
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies and procedures covering Human Resources related information security
Physical and Environmental Security
Secure Areas
To prevent unauthorized physical
access, damage, and interference to the
organization’s premises and information
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• DS11 Manage Data
• DS12 Manage the Physical Environment
• Control Activities
• Information and
• Monitoring
Security Standard:
a) 3. Authorization and/or Supervision (A)
a) 3. Workforce Clearance Procedure (A)
Deliver and Support:
• DS12 Manage the Physical Environment
• Control Activities
• Information and
Critical or sensitive information
processing facilities should be housed
in secure areas
Protection provided should be
commensurate with the identified risks
Equipment Security
To prevent loss, damage, theft or
compromise of assets and interruption to
the organization’s activities
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 006 – Physical Security
of Critical Cyber Assets
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(a) physical measures, for example,
locked filing cabinets and restricted
access to offices
(b) organizational measures, for example,
security clearances and limiting access
on a “need-to-know” basis
Symantec Consulting Services
Deliver physical security posture assessment; develop policies and procedures covering Physical
and Environmental Security
Physical Standard:
a) 1. Facility Access Control
b) Workstation Use (R)
c) Workstation Security
d) 1. Device and Media Controls –
Disposal (R)
d) 2. Media Re-use (R)
d) 2. Device and Media Controls
– Accountability (A)
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
9.1.3 - Restrict physical access to wireless access points,
gateways, and handheld devices
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 006 – Physical Security
of Critical Cyber Assets
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(a) physical measures, for example,
locked filing cabinets and restricted
access to offices
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies and procedures covering Equipment Security
Security Standard:
a) 1. Information System Activity
Review (R)
a) 1. Sanction Policy (R)
a) 2. Assigned Security Responsibility (R)
b) 1. Written Contract or Other
Arrangement (R)
a) 6. Response and Reporting (R)
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
6.3.3 - Separate development/test and production
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 003 – Security
Management Controls
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to search and query on user activity and that best practices are in place
Physical Standard:
a) 1. Facility Access Control
a) 2. Facility Security Plan
a) 2. Access Control and Validation
Procedures (A)
Communications and Operations Management
Responsibilities and procedures for
the management and operation of all
information processing facilities should be
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data
Plan and Organize:
• PO4 Define the IT Processes, Organization
and Relationships
Acquire and Implement:
• A16 Manage Changes
Internal Environment
Risk Response
Control Activities
Deliver and Support:
• DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
• DS13 Manage Operations
Third Party Service Delivery Management
Validate the implementation of agreements,
monitor compliance, and manage changes
to ensure that all services delivered meet
requirements set out in agreements
System Planning and Acceptance
Plan and Organize:
• PO4 Define the IT Processes, Organization
and Relationships
• PO8 Manage Quality
• PO10 Manage Projects
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
Security Standard:
b) 1. Written Contract or Other
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12.8.2 Maintain a written agreement that includes
acknowledgement that the service providers are
responsible for the security of cardholder data teh
service providers posess.
III.D. Oversee
Service Provider
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 007 – Systems Security
• 4.1.3 – The organization shall use
contractual or other means to provide a
comparable level of protection while the
information is being processed by a third
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Define and manage information security programs
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to manage response through incident notification and workflow
Deliver and Support:
• DS1 Define and Manage Service Levels
• DS2 Manage Third-Party Services
Deliver and Support:
• DS3 Manage Performance and Capacity
• DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks:
11. Regularly test security systems and processes
To minimize the risk of systems failures
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Supports audited, roles based search and review of email, IM and files
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, guidelines and standards covering Communications and Operations Management
Physical Standard:
a) 2. Contingency Operations (R)
Segregation of duties should be
Advanced planning and preparation
are required to ensure availability and
adequate capacity of resources
Operational requirements of new
systems should be established,
documented, and tested
Protection Against Malicious and Mobile
Precautions are required to prevent and
detect the introduction of malicious code
and unauthorized mobile code
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• DS8 Manage Service Desk and Incidents
• DS9 Manage the Configuration
• DS10 Manage Problems
• Control Activities
• Event Identification
• Information and
Security Standard:
a) 4. Access Establishment and
Modification (A)
a) 5. Protection from Malicious Software
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Gather permissions on control points data, provides a consolidated view of entitlements,
and enable periodic approval workflow
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 007 – Systems Security
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, guidelines and standards covering Communications
and Operations Management related to Third Party Service Delivery
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Deliver Application Design Assessments, Application Architecture Assessments, Application Development
Lifecycle Review, Code Review and Application Penetration Test
Symantec™ Endpoint Protection
Prevents, detects and remediates malicious and unauthorized code for managed endpoints
(laptops, desktops and servers owned by the organization)
Symantec™ Mobile Security
Prevents, detects and remediates malicious and unauthorized code for managed endpoints
(PDAs, handhelds, smartphones owned by the organization)
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec™ On-Demand Protection
Protects against malicious and unauthorized code for unmanaged endpoints
(laptops, desktops and servers not owned by the organization)
Symantec™ Critical System Protection
Prevents, detects and remediates malicious and unauthorized code for heterogeneous servers
that host sensitive and confidential information
Symantec Consulting Services
Deliver Application Design Assessments, Application Architecture Assessments, Application Development
Lifecycle Review, Code Review and Application Penetration Test
Deliver and Support:
• DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
• DS11 Manage Data
• Event Identification
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
To maintain the integrity and availability
of information and information processing
Network Security Management
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• Risk Assessment
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
To ensure the protection of information
in networks and the protection of the
supporting infrastructure
• Control Activities
• Information and
To prevent unauthorized disclosure,
modification, removal or destruction of
assets, and interruption to business activities
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data
Physical Standard:
a) 2. Contingency Operations (R)
a) 2. Data Backup and Storage (A)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Technical Standard:
a)2. Encryption and Decryption (A)
(e)1. Transmission Security
(e)2. Integrity Controls (A)
Physical Standard:
d) 1. Device and Media Controls –
Disposal (R)
d) 2. Media Re-use (R)
d) 2. Device and Media Controls Accountability (A)
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks:
10. Track and monitor all access to network resources
and cardholder data
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
1. Install and maintain a firewall
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
passwords and other security parameters
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Protect Cardholder Data:
3. Protect stored data
4. Encrypt transmissions of cardholder data and
sensitive information across public networks
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Facilitates faster backup and recovery of email applications and file systems
Veritas NetBackup™ Server
Symantec Backup Exec™
Ability to conduct backup and recovery on all enterprise devices
Symantec Consulting Services
Policy Development Services, Residency Services to transfer best-practices for storage management to enterprise,
Services to outsource storage management
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
• 007 – Systems Security
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Symantec Endpoint Protection
Ability to prevent introduction of non-compliant, insecure devices onto corporate network, reducing the likelihood of
information being compromised
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Gain visibility of data in motion and ensure that sensiitive data is being disseminated in
accordance with security policies and any relevant security controls
Symantec Consulting Services
Deliver security reviews, penetration tests and vulnerability assessments of network security; provide monitoring of
compliance of servers and devices through Symantec Operational Services
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 003 – Security
Management Controls
• 006 – Physical Security
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
7. Restrict access to data by business need-to-know
9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
• 4.7.5 – Care shall be used in the disposal
or destruction of personal information
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Prevent the use of PST files and risk of PST files leaving the company; enforce preservation of data with legal hold
Symantec Consulting Services
Provide policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Media Handling
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
Exchange of Information
• 009 – Recovery Plans for
Critical Cyber Assets
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks:
11. Regularly test security systems and processes
Media should be controlled and
physically protected
Appropriate operating procedures
should be established to protect,
documents, and computer media
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
Deliver and Support:
• DS11 Manage Data
Media Handling
Security Standard:
a) 7. Data Backup Plan (R)
a) 7. Disaster Recovery Plan (R)
a) 7. Emergency Mode Operation Plan (R)
a) 7. Testing And Revision Procedure (A)
To maintain the security of information and
software exchanged within an organization
and with any external entity
Risk Assessment
Risk Response
Control Activities
Information and
• Monitoring
Security Standard:
b) 1. Written Contract or Other
Arrangement (R)
Technical Standard:
a)2. Encryption and Decryption (A)
(d)Person or Entity Authentication (R)
(e)1. Transmission Security
(e)2. Integrity Controls (A)
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
1. Install and maintain a firewall
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
Protect Cardholder Data:
4. Encrypt transmissions of cardholder data and
sensitive information across public networks
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Audited export of electronically stored information for E-discovery
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Gain visibility of data in motion and ensure that sensiitive data is being shared with third
parties in accordance with security policies and any relevant security controls
Symantec Consulting Services
Provide policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Exchange of Information
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
7. Restrict access to data by business need-to-know
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Electronic Commerce Services
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• Event Identification
• Control Activities
To ensure the security of electronic
commerce services, and their secure use.
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to
protect data
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
passwords and other security parameters
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures and standards covering Electronic Commerce Services; conduct vulnerability assessments;
conduct security infrastructure review
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to consolidate logs and conduct period reviews of access
• 4.1.4
(a) implement procedures to protect
personal information
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to search, query and notify on user activity
Protect Cardholder Data:
4. Encrypt transmissions of cardholder data and
sensitive information across public networks
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
To detect unauthorized information
processing activities including review of
operator logs and fault logging
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME1 Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance
• ME2 Monitor and Evaluate Internal Control
Security Standard:
a) 5. Log-In Monitoring (A)
a) 1. Information System Activity
Review (R)
b) 8. Audit Controls (R)
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
Security Standard:
a) 4. Access Authorization (A)
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
• 007 – Systems Security
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Identify, classify, adn monitor critical information stores across hetergenous
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures and standards covering Electronic Commerce Services; conduct vulnerability assessments;
conduct security infrastructure review
Systems should be monitored and
information security events should be
Organization should comply with all
relevant legal requirements applicable
to monitoring and logging
System monitoring should be used
to check the effectiveness of controls
adopted and to verify conformity to
access policies
Access Control
Business Requirement for Access Control
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 003 – Security
Management Controls
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Access to information, information
processing facilities, and business processes
should be controlled based upon business
and security requirements.
• 006 – Physical Security
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks:
10. Track and monitor all access to network resources
and cardholder data
Access controls should take account
policies for information dissemination
and authorization
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
User Access Management
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Formal procedures to control the allocation
of access rights to information systems and
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 003 – Security
Management Controls
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
• 007 – Systems Security
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 003 – Security
Management Controls
• 004 – Personnel and
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
Network Access Control
Security Standard:
a) 5. Password Management (A)
Physical Standard:
b) Workstation Use (R)
c) Workstation Security
To prevent unauthorized user access, and
compromise or theft of information and
information processing capabilities
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
7. Restrict access to data by business need-to-know
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
Technical Standard :
a) 2. Unique User Identification (R)
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
User Responsibilities
Security Standard:
a) 4. Access Authorization (A)
a) 4. Access Establishment and
Modification (A)
a) 5. Password Management (A)
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Ensure that appropriate interfaces and
authentication mechanisms to networked
services are in place
Security Standard:
a) 5. Password Management (A)
Technical Standard:
c) 2. Mechanism to Authenticate
Electronic Protected Health
Information (A)
d) Person or Entity Authentication (R)
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(b) organizational measures, for example,
security clearances and limiting access
on a “need-to-know”
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
• 4.1.4 (a) implement procedures to protect
personal information
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(b) organizational measures, for example,
security clearances and limiting access
on a “need-to-know”
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(b) organizational measures, for example,
security clearances and limiting access
on a “need-to-know”
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
• 4.7.4 – Organizations shall make their
employees aware of the importance
of maintaining the confidentiality of
personal information
IlI.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
• 007 – Systems Security
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ability to author, review, publish, and ensure sign-off on access control policies
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Access Control; conduct audits
to ensure access control measures are in place and operational
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to search, query and notify on user activity
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Gather permissions on control points data, provides a consolidated view of entitlements,
and enable periodic approval workflow
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering User Access Management;
conduct audits to ensure access control measures are in place and operational
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ensure user awareness of control requirements via policy dissemination and acceptance tracking
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering User Responsibilities; conduct audits
to ensure User Responsibilities policies are enforced
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to search, query and notify on user activity
Symantec™ Network Access Control
Enforces that managed endpoints (laptops, desktops and servers owned by the organization) meet minimum endpoint
security requirements prior to allowing access to the corporate network; non-compliant endpoint can be automatically
Symantec™ On-Demand Protection
Ensures that unmanaged endpoints (laptops, desktops and servers not owned by the organization) meet minimum
endpoint security requirements prior to allowing access to the corporate network
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Network Access Control;
conduct audits to ensure Network Access Control measures are in place and operational
Operating System Access Control
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
To prevent unauthorized access to operating
Technical Standard:
a) 2. Unique User Identification (R)
a) 2. Automatic Logoff (A)
d) Person or Entity Authentication (R)
Some methods include: ensure quality
passwords, user authentication, and
the recording of successful and failed
system accesses, providing appropriate
authentication control means
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
To prevent unauthorized access
to information held in application
Security facilities should be used to
restrict access to an within application
Logical access to application software
and information system functions
Mobile Computing and Teleworking
Security Standard:
a) 4. Access Establishment and
Modification (A)
a) 5. Password Management (A)
Security Standard:
a) 4. Access Establishment and
Modification (A)
a) 5. Password Management (A)
Technical Standard:
a) 2. Unique User Identification (R)
d) Person or Entity Authentication (R)
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Security Standard:
a) 4. Access Establishment and
Modification (A)
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
• 007 – Systems Security
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
Monitor and Test Networks:
10. Track and monitor all access to network resources
and cardholder data
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
1. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
• 007 – Systems Security
Maintain a Vulnerability Management System:
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to
protect data
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
passwords and other security parameters
To ensure information security when using
mobile computing and teleworking facilities
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ensure system security by automating the management of deviations from technical standards/best practices
and providing the ability to remediate misconfigurations
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Operating System Access Control;
conduct audits to ensure Operational System Access Control are in place and operational
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to search, query and notify on user activity
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Application and Information Access Control;
conduct audits to ensure Application and Information Access Control policies are enforced
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Endpoint Protection
Prevents, detects and remediates malicious and unauthorized code for mananged endpoints
(laptops, desktops and servers owned by the organization)
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
Implement Strong Access Control Measures:
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to search, query and notify on user activity
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec™ Mobile Security
Prevents, detects and remediates malicious and unauthorized code for mananged endpoints
(PDAs, handhelds, smartphones owned by the organization)
Symantec™ On-Demand Protection
Protects against malicious and unauthorized code for unmanged endpoints (laptops, desktops
and servers not owned by the organization)
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Mobile Computing and Teleworking; conduct audits to
ensure Mobile Computing and Teleworking policies are enforced; conduct wireless assessments of client’s network
Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Maintenance
Ensure that security is an integral part of
information systems
Security should be built into operating
systems, infrastructure, business
applications, off the shelf products, and userdeveloped applications
Correct Processing in Applications
Acquire and Implement:
• A12 Acquire and Maintain Application
• A13 Acquire and Maintain Technology
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Acquire and Implement:
• A12 Acquire and Maintain Application
• Control Activities
Technical Standard:
e) 2. Transmission Security – Integrity
Controls (A)
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
To protect the confidentiality,
authenticity or integrity of information
by cryptographic means.
Policy should be developed on the use
of cryptographic controls
Key management should be in place to
support cryptographic techniques
Acquire and Implement:
• A16 Manage Changes
Security of System Files
To ensure security of system files through
the control of access to system files and
program source code
Security in Development and Support
• 4.6 – Personal information shall be as
accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is
necessary for the purposes for which it is
to be used
Deliver and Support
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• Control Activities
• Information and
Communication Monitoring
Technical Standard:
a) 2. Encryption and Decryption (A)
e) 2. Transmission Security – Encryption
Protect Cardholder Data:
3. Protect stored data
4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data and
sensitive information across public networks
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
Build and Maintain a Secure Network:
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
passwords and other security parameters
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 4.7.3 – Methods of protection should
(c) technological measures, for example,
the use of passwords and encryption
• 005 – Electronic Security • 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
• 007 – Systems Security disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Technical Vulnerability Management
To reduce risks resulting from exploitation
of published technical vulnerabilities
Technical vulnerability management
should be effective, systematic, and
Symantec Consulting Services
Design Assessments of applications to ensure encryption is correctly managed in applications; penetration assessments
to ensure encryption is correctly implemented within applications
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Provide a watchlist for monitoring of critical system files
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Gather permissions on control points data, provides a consolidated view of entitlements,
and enable periodic approval workflow
Acquire and Implement:
• A16 Manage Changes
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Deliver and Support
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Host and Network Device Security Assessments to validate system security posture; Host Hardening,
Network Device Hardening and Secure Build Programs to manage system security
Plan and Organize;
• PO9 Assess and Manage IT Risks
Security Standard:
a) 6. Response and Reporting (R)
Deliver and Support:
• DS2 Manage Third-Party Services
• DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• DS9 Manage the Configuration
Maintain a Vulnerability Management
5. Use and regularly update antivirus software
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 005 – Electronic
Security Perimeters
• 007 – Systems Security
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Manage response through workflow and distribute reporting automatically
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ensure system security by automates the management of deviations from technical standards/best practices
and providing the ability to remediate misconfigurations
Symantec Altiris
Inventory, treat, and manage information technology assets, ensuring the security posture throughout an assets lifecycle
Symantec Consulting Services
Threat and Vulnerability Management Programs to provide an integrated approach to vulnerability management
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME1 Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance
Information Security Incident Management
To ensure information security events and
weaknesses associated with information
systems are communicated in a manner
allowing timely corrective action to be taken
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Symantec Consulting Services
Host Security Assessments to validate system security posture; host Hardening and Secure Build Programs
to manage system security
Project and support environments should be
strictly controlled
Symantec Consulting Services
Security Architecture and Design Assessments of infrastructure and applications to ensure security is a key design
element; Application Development Lifecycle Reviews to ensure threat and security assessment is an integral part
of the development process
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
Cryptographic Controls
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Symantec Consulting Services
Security Architecture and Design Assessments of infrastructure and applications to ensure security is a key design
element; Application Development Lifecycle Reviews to ensure threat and security assessment is an integral part
of the development process
To prevent errors, loss, unauthorized
modification or misuse of information in
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• DS8 Manage Service Desk and Incidents
• DS10 Manage Problems
Security Standard:
a) 6. Response and Reporting (R)
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program:
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 008 – Incident Reporting
and Response Planning
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks:
11. Regularly test security systems and processes
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME1 Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance
• ME2 Monitor and Evaluate Internal Control
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to gather, alert, and trend on security events and weaknesses in real time
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ensure system security by automates the management of deviations from technical standards/best practices
and providing the ability to remediate misconfigurations
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Reporting Information Security Events
and Weaknesses; Provide Incident Response Programs
Formal event reporting and and
escalation procedures should be in
Management of Information Security
Incidents and Improvements
• To ensure a consistent and
effective approach is applied to the
management of information security
Deliver and Support:
• DS5 Ensure Systems Security
• DS8 Manage Service Desk and Incidents
• DS10 Manage Problems
Information Security Aspects
of Business Continuity Management
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
• 008 – Incident Reporting
and Response Planning
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ability to manage security events through incident workflow and integration to change management systems
• 4.7.1 – The security safeguards shall
protect personal information against loss
or theft, as well as unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME1 Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance
• ME2 Monitor and Evaluate Internal Control
Deliver and Support:
• DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
• DS10 Manage Problems
• DS11 Manage Data
To counteract interruptions to business
activities and to protect critical business
processes from the effects of major failures
or disasters and to ensure their timely
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop policies, procedures, standards and guidelines covering Management of Information Security Incidents;
provide Incident Response Programs
Business Continuity Management
Event Identification
Risk Response
Control Activities
Information and
• Monitoring
Security Standard:
a) 7. Disaster Recovery Plan (R)
a) 7. Testing and Revision Procedures (A)
a) 7. Applications and Data Criticality
Analysis (A)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
Security Standard:
a) 1. Sanction Policy (R)
a) 6. Response and Reporting (R)
b) 1. Written Contract or Other
Arrangement (R)
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
• 009 – Recovery Plans for
Critical Cyber Assets
Veritas™ product line
Ensure rapid data recovery from major failures
Symantec Consulting Services
Develop business continuity strategy, framework, plans, policies and procedures; conduct business impact analysis
and operational risk assessments to develop business continuity plans
Compliance with Legal Requirements
To avoid breaches of any law, statutory,
regulatory or contractual obligations, and
of any security requirements
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME3 Ensure Regulatory Compliance
• ME4 Provide IT Governance
Internal Environment
Event Identification
Risk Assessment
Control Activities
Information and
• Monitoring
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
III.F. Report to the
Each Standard CIP includes
compliance measures
• 4.10.2 – Organizations shall put
procedures in place to receive and
respond to complaints or inquiries about
their policies and practices relating to the
handling of personal information.
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Automate assessment of legal IT procedural and technical controls from across infrastructure management systems,
and consolidate evidence into a single repository
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Support email retention, monitoring and discovery requirements
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Identify, classify, and monitor movement of critical information stores across hetergenous
Symantec Consulting Services
Conduct security audits to ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements; provide onsite compliance monitoring
Compliance with Security Policies and
Standards, and Technical Compliance
To ensure compliance of systems with
organizational security policies and
Acquire and Implement:
• AI7 Install and Accredit Solutions
and Changes
Monitor and Evaluate:
• ME1 Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance
• ME2 Monitor and Evaluate Internal Control
• ME4 Provide IT Governance
• Internal Environment
• Control Activities
• Monitoring
Security Standard:
a) 8. Technical evaluation that measures
compliance with security requirements
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks:
10. Track and monitor all access to network
resources and cardholder data
11. Regularly test security systems and processes
Maintain an Information Security Policy:
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information
security for employees and contractors
III.C. Manage and
Control Risk
III.E. Adjust the
III.F. Report to the
Each Standard CIP includes
compliance measures
Symantec™ Security Information Manager
Ensure that systems are secure and best practices are in place via integration with compliance tools
like Symantec Control Compliance Suite
Symantec™ Network Access Control
Enforces that managed endpoints (laptops, desktops and servers owned by the organization) meet minimum endpoint
security requirements/policies/standards prior to allowing access to the corporate network; non-compliant endpoint can
be automatically remediated
Symantec™ On-Demand Protection
Enforces that unmanaged endpoints (laptops, desktops and servers not owned by the organization) meet minimum
endpoint security requirements/policies/standards prior to allowing access to the corporate network
Symantec™ Control Compliance Suite
Ensure policy coverage via mapping to control objectives, and collect/trend evidence of compliance
to key regulations and frameworks
Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Identify, classify, and monitor critical information stores across hetergenous
infrastructures ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements
Symantec Enterprise Vault™
Automatically enforce retention, preservation and expiry of unstructured content such as email, IM and files
Symantec Consulting Services
Conduct security audits to ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements; provide onsite compliance monitoring
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