Appendix A TM Appendix A: The CISA Exam and CobiT The CISA Exam and CobiT CobiT 4.1 is an initiative conducted by the IT Governance Institute. CobiT has been developed as a generally applicable and accepted framework for good IT security and control practices that provide a reference for management, users, and IS audit, control and security practitioners. CobiT is based on ITGI’s control objectives, enhanced with existing and emerging international technical, professional, regulatory and industry-specific standards. The resulting control objectives have been developed for application to organizationwide information systems. CobiT also supports a generic IT assurance/audit process which can be summarized as: • Obtaining an understanding of business requirements, related risks and relevant control measures • Evaluating the appropriateness of stated controls • Assessing compliance by testing whether the stated controls are working: as prescribed, consistently and continuously • Substantiating the risk of control objectives not being met by using analytical techniques and/or consulting alternative sources Although knowledge of CobiT is not specifically tested on the CISA exam, the CobiT control objectives or processes reflect the tasks identified in the CISA job practice. As such, a thorough review of CobiT is recommended for candidate preparation for the CISA exam. To focus a candidate’s attention on the specific CobiT processes that relate to CISA practice analysis tasks, the following table has been provided to aid in a candidate’s exam preparation. Note: The CobiT framework is available at no charge from ISACA/ITGI and can be downloaded at To focus a candidate’s attention on the specific CobiT processes that relate to CISA practice analysis tasks, the following table has been provided to aid in a candidate’s exam preparation. Chapter 1: The IS Audit Process CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual 1.1 evelop and implement a risk-based IS audit strategy for the D organization in compliance with IS audit standards, guidelines and best practices. PO9 M3 Plan specific audits to ensure that IT and business systems are protected and controlled. M3 1.3 onduct audits in accordance with IS audit standards, guidelines and C best practices to meet planned audit objectives. 1.4 1.2 1.5 CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 CobiT Processes Tasks Assess risk btain independent O assurance Provide for independent audit PO9 btain independent O assurance Provide for independent audit PO9 M4 P rovide for independent audit ME2 M onitor and evaluate internal control ommunicate emerging issues, potential risks and audit results to key C stakeholders. M3 btain independent O assurance Provide for independent audit PO8 PO9 A dvise on the implementation of risk management and control practices within the organization while maintaining independence. PO9 Assess risk PO11 Manage quality M3 Obtain independent assurance M4 Provide for independent audit CISA Review Manual 2010 M4 M4 M4 A ssess and manage IT risks ME2 Monitor and evaluate internal control A ssess and manage IT risks ME2 Monitor and evaluate internal control Manage quality Assess and manage IT risks 421 Appendix A TM Chapter 2: IT Governance (cont.) CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 CobiT Processes Tasks PO1 PO4 efine a strategic plan D Define the IT processes, organization and relationships PO5 Manage the IT investment PO6 Communicate management aims and directions ME4 Provide IT governance 2.1 E valuate the effectiveness of the IT governance structure to ensure adequate board control over the decisions, directions and performance of IT so that it supports the organization’s strategies and objectives. PO1 D efine a strategic plan PO4 Define the IT organization and relationship PO5 Manage the IT investment PO6 Communicate management aims and directions M2 Assess internal control adequacy M3 Obtain independent assurance M4 Provide for independent audit 2.2 E valuate IT organizational structure and human resources (personnel) management to ensure that they support the organization’s strategies and objectives. PO4 2.3 E valuate the IT strategy and the process for its development, approval, implementation and maintenance to ensure that it supports the organizations strategies and objectives. PO1 PO5 efine a strategic IT plan D Manage the IT investment PO1 PO5 efine a strategic IT plan D Manage the IT investment 2.4 Evaluate the organization’s IT policies, standards, procedures and processes for their development, approval, implementation, and maintenance to ensure that they support the IT strategy and comply with regulatory and legal PO8 E nsure compliance with external requirements Manage changes Monitor the processes AI6 ME1 Manage changes onitor and evaluate M performance Ensure regulatory compliance (4.0) Ensure compliance with external requirements (4.1) PO7 DS1 AI6 M1 efine the IT organization PO4 Define the IT processes, D and relationships organization and Manage human resources relationships Define and manage service PO7 Manage IT human levels resources DS1 Define and manage service levels ME3 ME3 2.5 E valuate management practices to ensure compliance with the organization’s IT strategy, policies, standards and procedures. PO6 C ommunicate management aims and direction PO7 Manage human resources PO10 Manage project PO11 Manage quality DS6 Identify and allocate costs PO6 C ommunicate management aims and direction PO7 Manage IT human resources PO8 Manage quality PO10 Manage projects DS6 Identify and allocate costs 2.6 E valuate IT resource investment, use and allocation practices to ensure alignment with the organization’s strategies and objectives. PO5 Manage the IT investment PO10 Manage projects PO5 Manage the IT investment PO10 Manage projects 2.7 E valuate IT contracting strategies and policies and contract management practices to ensure that they support the organization’s strategies and objectives. PO7 Manage human resources PO8 Ensure compliance with external requirements AI1 Identify automated solutions DS2 Manage third-party services DS9 Manage the configuration PO7 M anage IT human resources AI1 Identify automated solutions DS2 Manage third-party services DS9 Manage the configuration ME3 Ensure regulatory compliance (4.0) ME3 Ensure compliance with external requirements (4.1) 422 CISA Review Manual 2010 Appendix A TM Chapter 2: IT Governance (cont.) CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 CobiT Processes Tasks 2.8 E valuate risk management practices to ensure that the organization’s IT related risks are properly managed. PO1 D efine a strategic IT plan PO6 Communicate management aims and directions PO9 Assess risk PO10 Manage projects M1 Monitor the process M4 Provide for independent audit PO1 Define a strategic IT plan PO6 Communicate management aims and directions PO9 Assess and manage IT risks PO10 Manage projects ME4 Provide IT governance 2.9 E valuate monitoring and assurance practices to ensure that the board and executive management receive sufficient and timely information about IT performance. PO8 PO8 Manage quality PO10 Manage projects ME2 Monitor and evaluate internal control ME3 Ensure regulatory compliance (4.0) ME3 Ensure compliance with external requirements (4.1) CISA Review Manual 2010 E nsure compliance with external requirements PO10 Manage projects PO11 Manage quality M2 Assess internal control adequacy M3 Obtain independent assurance 423 Appendix A TM Chapter 3: Systems and Infrastructure Life Cycle Management (cont.) CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT Processes Tasks 3.1 3.2 E valuate the business case for the proposed system development/ acquisition to ensure that it meets the organization’s business goals. E valuate the project management framework and project governance practices to ensure that business objectives are achieved in a costeffective manner while managing risks to the organization. CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 etermine technological D direction PO11 Manage quality AI1 Identify automated solutions AI2 Acquire and maintain application software AI3 Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure DS9 Manage the configuration PO3 PO9 PO10 PO11 AI1 PO8 PO9 PO10 AI1 PO3 AI2 Assess risks Manage projects Manage quality Identify automated solutions Acquire and maintain application software PO8 AI1 AI2 AI3 DS9 AI2 etermine technological D direction Manage quality Identify automated solutions Acquire and maintain application software Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Manage the configuration Manage quality Assess and manage IT risk Manage projects Identify automated solutions Acquire and maintain application software PO10 Manage projects AI1 Identify automated solutions AI2 Acquire and maintain application software ME2 Monitor and evaluate internal control 3.3 P erform reviews to ensure that a project is progressing in accordance PO10 Manage project with project plans, it is adequately supported by documentation and the AI1 Identify automated status reporting is accurate. solutions AI2 Acquire and maintain application software M3 Obtain independent assurance M4 Provide for independent audit 3.4 E valuate proposed control mechanisms for systems and/or infrastructure during specification, development/acquisition, and testing to ensure that they will provide safeguards and comply with the organization’s policies and other requirements. PO10 Manage projects PO11 Manage quality AI1 Identify automated solutions AI2 Acquire and maintain application software AI5 Install and accredit systems PO8 Manage quality PO10 Manage projects AI1 Identify automated solutions AI2 Acquire and maintain application software AI7 Install and accredit solutions and changes 3.5 E valuate the processes by which systems and/or infrastructure are developed/acquired and tested to ensure that the deliverables meet the organization’s objectives. PO10 Manage projects PO11 Manage quality AI1 Identify automated solutions PO8 Manage quality PO10 Manage projects AI1 Identify automated solutions AI2 Acquire and maintain application software AI7 Install and accredit solutions and changes 3.6 E valuate the readiness of the system and/or infrastructure for implementation and migration into production. AI2 A cquire and maintain application software Install and accredit systems PO3 etermine technological D direction Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Install and accredit systems PO8 Manage quality PO10 Manage projects AI7 Install and accredit solutions and changes 3.7 P erform postimplementation review of systems and/or infrastructure to ensure that they meet the organization’s objectives and are subject to effective internal control. AI5 PO3 AI3 AI5 424 AI3 AI7 etermine technological D direction Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Install and accredit solutions and changes CISA Review Manual 2010 Appendix A TM Chapter 3: Systems and Infrastructure Life Cycle Management (cont.) CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 CobiT Processes Tasks 3.8 P erform periodic reviews of systems and/or infrastructure to ensure that they continue to meet the organization’s objectives and are subject to effective internal control. PO10 Manage projects PO11 Manage quality AI5 Install and accredit systems PO6 Communicate management aims and direction PO10 Manage projects PO11 Manage quality AI5 Install and accredit systems DS1 Define and manage service levels DS3 Manage performance and capacity M2 Assess internal control adequacy M3 Obtain independent assurance M4 Provide for independent audit PO6 3.9 E valuate the process by which systems and/or infrastructure are maintained to ensure the continued support of the organization’s objectives and are subject to effective internal control. PO3 etermine technological D direction PO11 Manage quality AI3 Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure AI6 Manage changes PO3 PO6 PO6 3.10 E valuate the process by which systems and/or infrastructure are disposed of to ensure that they comply with the organization’s policies and procedures. AI1 ommunicate C management aims and direction Identify automated solutions ommunicate C management aims and direction PO8 Manage quality PO10 Manage projects AI7 Install and accredit solutions and changes DS1 Define and manage service levels DS3 Manage performance and capacity ME2 Monitor and evaluate internal control PO8 AI3 AI6 AI1 etermine technological D direction Manage quality Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Manage changes ommunicate C management aims and direction Identify automated solutions Chapter 4: IT Service Delivery and Support (cont.) CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT Processes Tasks 4.1 E valuate service level management practices to ensure that the level of service from internal and external service providers is defined and managed. AI4 DS1 DS2 DS6 DS8 M1 4.2 E valuate operations management to ensure that IT support functions effectively meet business needs. CISA Review Manual 2010 CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 PO9 AI4 evelop and maintain D procedures Define and manage service levels Manage third-party services Identify and allocate costs Assist and advise customers Monitor the process Assess risks evelop and maintain D procedures AI5 Install and accredit systems DS13 Manage operations M2 Assess internal control adequacy AI4 DS1 Enable operation and use efine and manage D service levels DS2 Manage third-party services DS6 Identify and allocate costs DS8 Manage service desk and incidents DS10 Manage problems ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance PO9 A ssess and manage IT risks AI4 Enable operation and use AI7 Install and accredit solutions and changes DS13 Manage operations ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance 425 Appendix A TM Chapter 4: IT Service Delivery and Support (cont.) CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT Processes Tasks 4.3 E valuate data administration practices to ensure the integrity and optimization of databases. CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 PO2 PO4 AI1 AI2 AI5 DS5 M1 efine the information D architecture Define the IT organisation and relationships Identify automated solutions Acquire and maintain application software Install and accredit systems Ensure systems security Monitor the process PO2 efine the information D architecture PO4 Define the IT processes, organization and relationships AI1 Identify automated solutions AI2 Acquire and maintain application software AI7 Install and accredit solutions and changes DS5 Ensure systems security ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance 4.4 E valuate the use of capacity and performance monitoring tools and techniques to ensure that IT services meet the organization’s objectives. PO11 Manage quality AI1 Identify automated solutions AI5 Install and accredit systems DS1 Define and manage service levels DS3 Manage performance and capacity M1 Monitor the process AI1 4.5 E valuate change, configuration and release management practices to ensure that changes made to the organization’s production environment are adequately controlled and documented. AI2 PO8 AI2 AI3 AI5 AI6 DS9 A cquire and maintain application software Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Install and accredit systems Manage changes Manage the configuration Identify automated solutions AI7 Install and accredit solutions and changes DS1 Define and manage service levels DS3 Manage performance and capacity ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance AI3 AI6 AI7 DS9 4.6 E valuate problem and incident management practices to ensure that incidents, problems or errors are recorded, analyzed and resolved in a timely manner. DS8 A ssist and advise customers DS10 Manage problems and incidents DS11 Manage data DS8 4.7 E valuate the functionality of the IT infrastructure (e.g., network components, hardware, system software) to ensure that it supports the organization’s objectives. PO3 PO3 426 Manage quality A cquire and maintain application software Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Manage changes Install and accredit solutions and change Manage the configuration anage service desk and M incidents DS10 Manage problems DS11 Manage data ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance etermine technological D direction PO11 Manage quality AI3 Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure AI6 Manage changes PO8 AI3 AI6 etermine technological D direction Manage quality Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Manage changes CISA Review Manual 2010 Appendix A TM Chapter 5: Protection of Information Assets (cont.) CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT Processes Tasks 5.1 E valuate the design, implementation and monitoring of logical access controls to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and authorized use of information assets. CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 M1 Manage changes Ensure continous service Ensure systems security Manage problems and incidents Monitor the process AI6 DS4 DS5 DS10 ME1 Manage changes Ensure continous service Ensure systems security Manage problems Monitor and evaluate IT performance Ensure continous service Ensure systems security Manage data Manage operations Monitor and evaluate IT performance AI6 DS4 DS5 DS10 5.2 E valuate network infrastructure security to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability and authorized use of the network and the information transmitted. DS4 DS5 DS11 DS13 M1 Ensure continous service Ensure systems security Manage data Manage operations Monitor the process DS4 DS5 DS11 DS13 ME1 5.3 E valuate the design, implementation and monitoring of environmental controls to prevent or minimize loss. PO9 DS4 DS12 M1 Assess risks Ensure continous service Manage facilities Monitor the process PO9 Assess and manage IT risk DS4 Ensure continous service DS12 Manage the physical environment ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance ME3 Ensure regulatory compliance (4.0) ME3 Ensure compliance with external requirements (4.1) 5.4 E valuate the design, implementation and monitoring of physical access controls to ensure that information assets are adequately safeguarded. PO4 D efine the IT organization and relationships PO8 Ensure compliance with external requirements DS5 Ensure systems security DS12 Manage facilities M1 Monitor the process PO4 D efine the IT processes, organization and relationships DS5 Ensure systems security DS12 Manage the physical environment ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance ME3 Ensure regulatory compliance (4.0) ME3 Ensure compliance with external requirements (4.1) 5.5 E valuate the processes and procedures used to store, retrieve, transport and dispose of confidential information assets. AI AI3 A cquire and maintain technology infrastructure DS4 Ensure continous service DS5 Ensure systems security DS11 Manage data M1 Monitor the process DS4 DS5 DS11 ME1 ME3 ME3 CISA Review Manual 2010 A cquire and maintain technology infrastructure Ensure continous service Ensure systems security Manage data Monitor and evaluate IT performance Ensure regulatory compliance (4.0) Ensure compliance with external requirements (4.1) 427 Appendix A TM Chapter 6: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery CobiT 3rd Edition CISA Review Manual CobiT 4.0 and 4.1 CobiT Processes Tasks 6.1 E valuate the adequacy of backup and restore provisions to ensure the availability of information required to resume processing. PO2 D efine the information architecture DS4 Ensure continuous service DS11 Manage data PO2 D efine the information architecture DS4 Ensure continuous service DS11 Manage data 6.2 E valuate the organization’s disaster recovery plan to ensure that it enables the recovery of IT processing capabilities in the event of a disaster. DS4 DS11 DS12 DS13 DS4 Ensure continuous service DS11 Manage data DS12 Manage the physical environment ME3 Ensure regulatory compliance (4.0) ME3 Ensure compliance with external requirements (4.1) 6.3 E valuate the organization’s business continuity plan to ensure its ability to continue essential business operations during the period of an IT disruption. DS4 Ensure continuous service 428 Ensure continuous service Manage data Manage facilites Manage operations DS4 Ensure continuous service DS13 Manage operations CISA Review Manual 2010 Appendix A TM CobiT® 3rd Edition® The following information provides the CobiT domains and the 34 IT processes which can be identified for each CISA job practice task listed in the previous tables. Planning and Organisation High Level Control Objective Planning and Organisation PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 Define a strategic IT plan Define the information architecture Determine technological direction Define the IT organisation and relationships Manage the IT investment Communicate management aims and direction Manage human resources Ensure compliance with external requirements Assess risks Manage projects Manage quality Acquisition and Implementation AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 AI6 Identify automated solutions Acquire and maintain application software Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure Develop and maintain procedures Install and accredit systems Manage changes Delivery and Support DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 DS5 DS6 DS7 DS8 DS9 DS10 DS11 DS12 DS13 Define and manage service levels Manage third-party services Manage performance and capacity Ensure continuous service Ensure systems security Identify and allocate costs Educate and train users Assist and advise customers Manage the configuration Manage problems and incidents Manage data Manage facilities Manage operations Monitoring M1 M2 M3 M4 Monitor the process Assess internal control adequacy Obtain independent assurance Provide for independent audit CISA Review Manual 2010 429 Appendix A TM CobiT® 4.0 The following information provides the CobiT domains and the 34 IT processes which can be identified for each CISA job practice task listed in the previous tables. Domain Process Plan and Organise PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 Define a strategic IT plan. Define the information architecture. Determine technological direction. Define the IT processes, organisation and relationships. Manage the IT investment. Communicate management aims and direction. Manage IT human resources. Manage quality. Assess and manage IT risks. Manage projects. Acquire and Implement AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 AI6 AI7 Identify automated solutions. Acquire and maintain application software. Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure. Ensure operation and use. Procure IT resources. Manage changes. Install and accredit solutions and changes. Deliver and Support DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 DS5 DS6 DS7 DS8 DS9 DS10 DS11 DS12 DS13 Define and manage service levels. Manage third-party services. Manage performance and capacity. Ensure continuous service. Ensure systems security. Identify and allocate costs. Educate and train users. Manage service desk and Incidents. Manage the configuration. Manage problems. Manage data. Manage the physical environment. Manage operations. Monitor and Evaluate ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 Monitor and evaluate IT performance. Monitor and evaluate internal control. Ensure regulatory compliance. Provide IT governance. 430 CISA Review Manual 2010 Appendix A TM CobiT® 4.1 The following information provides the CobiT domains and the 34 IT processes which can be identified for each CISA job practice task listed in the previous tables. Domain Process Plan and Organise PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 Define a strategic IT plan. Define the information architecture. Determine technological direction. Define the IT processes, organisation and relationships. Manage the IT investment. Communicate management aims and direction. Manage IT human resources. Manage quality. Assess and manage IT risks. Manage projects. Acquire and Implement AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 AI6 AI7 Identify automated solutions. Acquire and maintain application software. Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure. Ensure operation and use. Procure IT resources. Manage changes. Install and accredit solutions and changes. Deliver and Support DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 DS5 DS6 DS7 DS8 DS9 DS10 DS11 DS12 DS13 Define and manage service levels. Manage third-party services. Manage performance and capacity. Ensure continuous service. Ensure systems security. Identify and allocate costs. Educate and train users. Manage service desk and Incidents. Manage the configuration. Manage problems. Manage data. Manage the physical environment. Manage operations. Monitor and Evaluate ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 Monitor and evaluate IT performance. Monitor and evaluate internal control. Ensure compliance with external requirements. Provide IT governance. CISA Review Manual 2010 431