The Miracle of Self-Discipline

Begin a lifetime of remarkable achievement...
where you confidently accomplish 10X MORE, increase your chance of
success by 1100%, enjoy an overwhelming feeling of personal power
and perpetual happiness, and 21 essential areas of your life simply
become complete.
It's called Self-Mastery.
Get there and I promise:
You'll be flat-out UNSTOPPABLE.
Read on to see how and why it will be such a powerful force in your life...
Dear Friend,
When it comes to you, my customer, I always think of you as a friend. As I do with all my
friends, I consider it my job... no, my responsibility... to get into your hands and mind
information that is specifically designed to help make your life better. I believe with all my
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information that is specifically designed to help make your life better. I believe with all my
heart that one of our most popular programs will do just that.
But more on that program in a minute.
Someone recently asked me which of our programs is the most helpful. That question made me
think through all of the programs we offer. I realized that the answer to that question was
simple: ALL OF THEM!
You see, we consider our programs to be like tools in a tool box. One tool alone doesn’t work
for every project. It takes all of them to complete the different jobs that come along.
The same is true with our programs. No one program addresses the full spectrum of challenges
we face every day, nor do just a few. It takes them all to give us the information and
knowledge we need.
While it may seem unrealistic to buy every program I write about, I honestly believe that the
person who does buy, and use, every one is the person who is in the best position to live the
most fulfilling, rewarding, healthy, and abundant life possible.
So it is in the spirit of helping you live a better life that I offer another useful and critically
important "tool."
I know you want to do more, achieve more, help more people, and have more. Right?
And that tells me you are already a pretty disciplined person, willing to sacrifice to achieve your
That quality of discipline will get you far in life.
Yet, you can get even further.
MUCH further.
You can spend years learning scores of proven success principles. Thoughts, plans, and actions
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You can spend years learning scores of proven success principles. Thoughts, plans, and actions
that enable you to achieve your goals... to finally get healthier... or make a mark in your career
that leads to a bigger paycheck... or become more of a vital role in your relationships—a better
parent, spouse, and friend.
But here's the catch: Unless you have this single powerful quality...
NONE of them will work.
But the very SECOND you add this ONE QUALITY, you'll race faster to your goals than you ever
thought possible.
It's the foundation of your character, your achievements, and your happiness. Giving you an
unshakable confidence, a rock-solid character, and a never-give-up spirit to learn, grow, and
fulfill your potential.
What is this indispensable quality that fuels your most fulfilling future?
Brian Tracy calls it Self-Mastery.
Self-Mastery is the ability to make the most out of your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
To be the best you can be... At anything. Everything.
At this elite level of self-discipline,
you master your own fate.
You've already taken the tough steps to reach a level of discipline for respectable success.
Starting today, you can quickly—and surprisingly easily—ratchet your discipline to reach a level
of achievement only attainable by the world's Elite 2%.
That's the difference between average discipline and self-mastery!
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Brian Tracy, world-acclaimed author, speaker, and multimillionaire, has reached this exclusive
level of self-discipline in his own life. And he proudly attributes ALL his success to it.
Today he's ready to show you just how he got there... and how YOU can get there too!
For the first time, Brian is giving you exclusive access to the same secrets and strategies he
used and continues to use today.
As Brian Tracy says:
"Once you reach this level, you put your life onto an upward spiral of
self-esteem, self-discipline, and persistence until you eventually become... a force of nature."
Now that's power! Because as soon as you engage this "6th gear of discipline"...
You become more competent and effective in everything you do
You are respected and esteemed by everyone around you
You experience a tremendous feeling of personal power and competence, and
You become one of the most valued people in your organization
If you stop there, that's already a pretty complete life.
But as Brian Tracy will show you, that's only the beginning. Because once you embrace selfmastery, you kick-start a perpetual cycle that automatically brings out your best in everything
you do.
Here's how the self-mastery cycle works:
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Each time you use your new heightened level of self-discipline, you increase your selfesteem and self-confidence.
As your self-esteem increases, you feel stronger, more powerful, more unstoppable.
With new strength, you become more capable of winning no matter what life throws your
You see, self-mastery drills down to your core and significantly impacts your emotions, your
behavior, and your actions, and produces surprising results.
Ready to take a peek at the 21 miraculous results you can expect?
How achieving self-mastery
affects the 21 most important areas in your life
Once Brian Tracy shares with you the 21 results you can expect through self-mastery discipline,
you'll be poised to do far more than simply achieve your goals.
You'll achieve a far better life.
Brian reveals how simple, focused changes in your life can empower you to quickly and
1. Find Success: Accomplish far more in your personal and professional life.
2. Build Character: Become the best person you can be.
3. Gain Responsibility: Gain it for yourself, your choices, your future.
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4. Set and Reach Your Goals: This one discipline does more to guarantee your success than
any other.
5. Achieve Personal Excellence: Your ability to learn, grow, and fulfill your potential is
6. Confront Your Fears: You'll take action in spite of any fear.
7. Be More Persistent: You'll make steady, upward progress.
8. Improve Your Work: Advance your career quickly and dependably.
9. Show Your Leadership: Be in complete control of yourself and the situation at all times.
10. Build a Business: Start and operate a successful business in today's economy.
11. Skyrocket Sales: Step on the accelerator of your own ambition to excel in selling.
12. Multiply Your Money: Yes, even in today's economy, you can achieve financial
13. Improve Time Management: This core discipline largely determines the quality of your
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13. Improve Time Management: This core discipline largely determines the quality of your
14. Solve Any Problems: You'll seek solutions for any setback.
15. Achieve Perpetual Happiness: Nothing is more important than your happiness.
16. Enhance Your Health: Live a longer, disease-free life.
17. Embrace Physical Fitness: Feel stronger, more energetic, throughout your day...
throughout your life.
18. Have a Courtship-type Marriage: Enter into a long-term, loving relationship benefiting
you both.
19. Nurture Your Children: Being a parent is one of the most important jobs you will ever
20. Maximize Your Friendships: Fully 85% of your happiness will come from satisfying
relationships with others.
21. Enjoy Peace of Mind: It's the truest measure of your success and the key to your
Easy and effective...
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Easy and effective...
The miraculous SECRET to change your life
You'll gain the secrets Brian has collected over several decades to achieve self-mastery in each
of the 21 important life areas above.
He shares each and every one with you in his audio program The Miracle of Self-Discipline: The
"No-Excuses" Way to Getting Things Done.
Through 21 mini audio sessions, Brian teaches you how to determine what it really is you want
in every area of your life. Then he shows you how to blast past obstacles to make it happen—
with results that can be described only as "miracles."
What's more, at the end of each session, you are asked a series of questions about your own
experiences and dreams... like having Brian himself coaching you one-on-one.
The answers you give become the stepping-stones to your ideal future!
Yes, I'm ready to experience miraculous
breakthroughs in 21 areas of my life!
I want to order now for a limited-time special price!
Brian Tracy hands you a life-changing
One of the most miraculous results about developing your self-mastery discipline is that every
time you exercise it in one area of your life, you increase it in ALL areas of your life.
In The Miracle of Self-Discipline you'll learn the secrets to skyrocket your success, accelerate
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In The Miracle of Self-Discipline you'll learn the secrets to skyrocket your success, accelerate
your income, and advance your career. Brian Tracy shows you how you can:
Increase your chance of success by 1100%! This simple yet rarely used ONE-MINUTE
trick practically GUARANTEES that your goals become reality.
Confidently accomplish 10X more using Brian Tracy's proven 7-Step Surefire GoalAchieving Method. Increase your work productivity, performance, and results in JUST
WEEKS, not months!
Increase your income by 1000% over the next 10 years! Do the quick math in your
head. That income may seem impossible now, but not once you learn what's behind this
little-known secret.
Become the effective leader you always knew was inside you! Simply incorporate 7
principles into your daily life, and emerge as a leader others faithfully follow.
Gain a 1000% "Return on Energy"! Discover the 10-minute solution to organize your
entire day—EVERY DAY—to achieve 1000% more!
Find out if in JUST 5 YEARS, you'll be a LEADER in your company... or STUCK in the
same job with similar pay! Easy 30-second math reveals your future. And it's surprisingly
Achieve MASTERY in your field by following an automatic formula! The average person
does an average job for average pay. But not YOU! Accomplish mastery in your field and
expect master-level income.
DOUBLE your sales income! Salespeople take notice—Brian shows you his proven sales
call discipline to keep your sales funnel CHOCK FULL! Plus he shares his 6-word solution to
a record-setting year.
Make yourself indispensable! To your current employer AND to hiring managers. Seven
Simple disciplines become your shortcut to REAL job security.
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Climb into the top 20% of achievers by living the "Iron Law of the Universe." Plus, a
full 80% of people RARELY engage in this one critical, yet instantaneous discipline.
Practice the 1% Formula—Engage this no-pain discipline and retire a millionaire! Plus,
Brian reveals his Wedge Principle—a surefire path to financial independence in today's
Beat procrastination once and for all and start taking immediate action. Conquering this
one discipline impacts your career, income, health, accomplishments, and self-image.
Not only will Brian Tracy help you make tremendous headway in your career and financial future,
he also shares the discipline secrets that shape your character, your relationships, and your
In The Miracle of Self-Discipline, Brian reveals how you can:
Unlock the undisputed key to happiness! You'll be on cloud nine as soon as you learn how
to connect satisfaction to self-esteem. Plus discover the 5 key ingredients to continual
Smash through obstacles, steer clear of problems, and keep setbacks from slowing
you down! Learn the 9-Step Method for solving problems quickly and confidently.
Finally lose the weight you want to lose... for LIFE! Just 5 words stand in your way! Plus
discover the 7 key habits that contribute most to your longest, healthiest life.
Defeat the negative emotions that threaten your dreams! Plus, learn how to destroy the
root cause of all unhappiness.
Improve your marriage and even gain new friendships! All of your relationships become
stronger as soon as you employ the 4 simple disciplines of effective listening.
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And MUCH MORE throughout Brian's 8 life-changing CDs!
Yes, I want to be UNSTOPPABLE in 21 areas of my
Please send me Brian Tracy’s The Miracle of SelfDiscipline: The “No-Excuses” Way to Getting Things
Done - including 7 CDs plus Bonus CD and writable
PDF Workbook - for just $59.95, which is $20 OFF the
regular program price. Take advantage of this limitedtime special discount now.
Click below to buy with confidence from Amazon!
Order Now and Get a FREE Bonus CD
Featuring 3 Critical Solutions
You'll get all 21 Mini Sessions on 7 audio CDs when you order today. PLUS, for those who order
SOON, we will also include a BONUS CD outlining Brian Tracy's step-by-step instructions for:
Learning a new skill: An absolute necessity in today's always-changing job market!
Losing weight and achieving vibrant health: You need energy to achieve your goals—and
what's the point of achieving your dreams if you're too sick to enjoy them?
Getting out of debt, once and for all: Finally, get rid of that crushing burden and put
yourself on the road to financial abundance and peace of mind!
And, just like the 7 CDs, this bonus CD comes complete with action exercises to accelerate your
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And, just like the 7 CDs, this bonus CD comes complete with action exercises to accelerate your
momentum toward achieving every one of your goals.
"For life to get better,
YOU must get better."
You need only TWO things to improve your life significantly: Discipline and Determination.
Brian Tracy will give you every tool you'll ever need to make the discipline part of the equation
like second nature. It will automatically become a part of your every day routines.
The only thing you need to provide is the determination. You have to be hungry, passionate,
and ready to change. No one becomes excellent by accident. It requires a definite commitment
and lifelong appetite for more.
So, the only question to ask you is:
Just HOW hungry are you?
TRY The Miracle of Self-Discipline
RISK-FREE today!
As always, your order is completely risk-free because your satisfaction is guaranteed. You can
return The Miracle of Self-Discipline for any reason and at any time during the next 30
days. We'll RUSH you a full refund of the program price or an even exchange—whichever you
Brian Tracy has been a long-time friend to Nightingale-Conant. He's produced multiple bestsellers. All instant classics.
But I can honestly tell you there's something special about this one. The reason: It has such
far-reaching impact across the entire spectrum of your life. By following Brian's advice, you can
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far-reaching impact across the entire spectrum of your life. By following Brian's advice, you can
expect to see visible changes in 21 separate areas of your life!
Go ahead and click on the order link below. I look forward to receiving your no-risk order,
sending you this program, and hearing about which of your 21 life areas you're improving first.
PS: At a recent dinner that I had with Brian Tracy, he said: "No matter how talented you are, no
matter how many other skills you have, you'll never get what you want without self-discipline.
It is the foundation of all action and achievement."
It's true. The life you've always wanted STARTS the second YOU DO. Get started today by
clicking on the order link below. A zero-risk proposal with miraculous potential!
Brian Tracy is one of America's leading authorities on the development of human potential and
personal effectiveness. He's a dynamic and entertaining speaker with a wonderful ability to inform
and inspire seminar audiences toward peak performance and high levels of achievement.
Brian has traveled and worked in more than 96 countries on six continents, and he speaks four
languages. He is an avid reader in management, psychology, economics, metaphysics, and history,
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and he brings a unique perspective and style to his talks. He has the remarkable ability to capture
and hold audience attention with a fast-moving combination of stories, examples, humor, and
concrete, practical ideas that get results—fast.
Brian Tracy has produced more than 500 different audio and video learning programs covering the
entire spectrum of human and corporate performance. These programs, researched and developed
for more than 25 years, are some of the most effective learning tools in the world.
"I was bankrupt several years ago. I started listening... [and] have made OVER a MILLION
- Darin K.
"I went from being a Sales Manager to becoming a Director of Sales & Marketing in four years,
and raising my income by more than 50%!"
- Ravi B.
"I had a new baby and 3 other kids. I was overweight, my husband had left me, I had no job and
I was going through postpartum depression. After listening... I lost weight, bought my first new
car, started college, and went to work at UPS. Since then, land and home are paid for."
- Nancy F.
"I went from doubling to tripling an already six-figure income to almost seven figures (this
- Martin W.
Yes, I want to be UNSTOPPABLE in 21 areas of my
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Please send me Brian Tracy’s The Miracle of SelfDiscipline: The “No-Excuses” Way to Getting Things
Done - including 7 CDs plus Bonus CD and writable
PDF Workbook - for just $59.95, which is $20 OFF the
regular program price. Take advantage of this limitedtime special discount now.
Click below to buy with confidence from Amazon!
Nightingale-Conant Corporation,
1400 South Wolf Road, Bldg 300, Suite 103, Wheeling, IL 60090 1-800-557-1660
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