Locke and the Founding Fathers

Unit 4 Assessment
“Locke and the Founding Fathers”
During the United States’ revolutionary era (1763–1787), the political philosophy of John
Locke served as a major influence in the creation of the Declaration of Independence
and the U.S. Constitution—two of the most important documents in American history.
At this time, the British colonies in North America were struggling to break free from
what they viewed as a tyrannical and unjust monarchial system of rule. After they
declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776, they were faced with the
monumental task of creating a republic that would balance respect for individual rights
with a strong central government.
The men at the forefront of this debate are most commonly known as the Founding
Fathers, political leaders and statesmen who participated in the American Revolution
and were the key architects in the creation of the United States of America. Many of
these men came of age during the “Enlightenment Era,” a cultural movement of
intellectuals in eighteenth-century Europe that sought to mobilize the power of reason in
order to reform society and advance knowledge. Included in this group of philosophes
was John Locke, whose writings had a profound impact on many of the founding
statesmen, particularly Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of
Related Resource:
4.2 The Origins of the State: Two Views
Web Media: Yale University: Professor Steven Smith’s “Constitutional
Government: Locke, Second Treatise”: (1–5), (7–12), and (13–19)
For this assessment, you will examine John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government”
to determine how his philosophy on government is reflected in the ideals put forth by the
Founding Fathers. After reviewing the above video resource, read about the history of
the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution in addition to the actual
texts, found here and here. For the U.S. Constitution, focus on the Preamble, Articles I–
VII, and the first ten amendments (also known as the “Bill of Rights”), which will assist
you in composing your answers.
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Write an essay (between 2–3 paragraphs) comparing the central themes of government
in Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government” to those found in the Declaration of
Independence and U.S. Constitution. How are the latter texts reflective of the former?
In other words, where specifically might the Founding Fathers have found inspiration
while writing these documents, either explicitly or implicitly, in Locke’s work? Be sure to
refer to direct quotes from the relevant texts in your argument. To do this, you will also
need to read chapters 1–5, 7–12, and 13–19 of “Second Treatise” that correspond with
the video lectures.
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