LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Health Sciences Discipline/Program: Course Number and Name: Nursing 325 Nursing Process and Practice in the Care of Adult Client II Program Contact Person: Doris Webster/Kathy Vo Phone: 310-233-4386/4387 Reviewed by: Joachin Arias, Ph.D., SLO Assessment Coordinator Institution al Learning Outcomes 2 Program Learning Outcomes Course Intended Outcomes Integrate the nursing process using the Roy Adaptation Model to promote adaptation of individuals, groups, and the community. Utilize the nursing process and Roy Adaptation Model in caring for adult medicalsurgical patients Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Nursing Date: Fall, 2014 Summary of Data Collect Mean: Result: Weekly Clinical Evaluation Tool (WCET Rubrics) Preparation for clinic: Pathophysiology, establish data base with health history, physical assessment, review client records, consult support persons, review nursing literature: 46 (N325) assigned to N325 (Fall, 2014) Will maintain and continue to achieve course outcome per WCET as delineated by the means of assessment and criteria for success Will continue to monitor Kaplan scores to evaluate students concept of the each nursing process item based on national standards set forth by Kaplan Nursing Company Will increase Assessment questions on Unit exams by 25% than previous tests Will increase Planning questions on Unit exams by 15% than previous tests to give students opportunities to practice answering assessment type questions. Continue to analyze questions used for Assessment and Planning to determine material review for Spring, 2014 Will continue to monitor for a decrease in implementation trends 100% received a “Satisfactory rating” on the clinical evaluation tool 5/7 weeks. Results: Per Kaplan comprehensive M/S exam, N = 42 students scored: Criteria: Nursing Process Assessment 80% of nursing students will implement the nursing process effectively as evidenced by achieving an overall “Satisfactory” rating for competency rating #1 in 5/7 weeks. Students will score 68% or higher for the Kaplan M/S Comprehensive Exam Use of Results Norm 75.0 F, 2013 70.4 S, 2014 57.7 F, 2014 69.5 Diagnose 69.0 66.1 55.0 63.8 Evaluation 73.0 75.6 70.5 75.1 Implementation 62.0 61.1 45.8 59.5 Planning 74.0 67.1 66.2 69.8 Assessment score increase in Fall of 2014 cohort. Assessment questions were increased to 25% compared to other sections of the Nursing Process for this class. Results did not match the national norm, but is an improvement the previous cohort and was consistent with Fall, 2013 cohort. Diagnose data is showing more consistency with the Fall, 2014 cohort as anticipated from previous assumption. Evaluation data increased by 5%, which is consistent again with Fall, 2014 cohort. The data is pointing into the right direction. Implementation score picked up as well and comparable with the Fall of 2014 cohort. As noted previously, the last cohort (S, 2014) did not demonstrate within the average norm. Planning was below national data of 74%, but showed improvement in one year, which means that adding more planning questions helped Overall, students in Fall, 2014 cohort scored 67.8% which matched at last place with the last cohort. Please note these are first year students and the Kaplan exam is a comprehensive exam. Some items were not taught in this course to accurately measure this section effectively. The score was not achieved for Fall of 2014, but is not significantly low for the level of learning. N325 Fall, 2014 1 5 Internalize professional standards of nursing practice Display professional behaviors for nursing practice Mean: Result: WCET (Rubrics), clinical performance observation by the instructor throughout the quarter, Anecdotal notes of clinical instructors Criteria: 80% of nursing students will practice within ethical/legal boundaries when assessing, planning and implementing patient care as evidenced by receiving a “satisfactory” rating on the WCET. 2 Formulate clinical judgments in practice that promote the health of patients Interpret rationales for clinical decisions Mean: WCET (Rubrics) Preparation for clinic: Including researching pathophysiology, Pre & Post conference, Nursing care plan teaching plan, Anecdotal notes of clinical instructor, Kaplan test. Criteria: 80% of nursing students as evidence by achieving a “Satisfactory” performance on the weekly clinical evaluation tool 46 (N325) students assigned to N325 (Fall 2014); 100% (46/46) received a “Satisfactory rating” on category of competency # 5 On the Kaplan exam, Teamwork and Collaboration data was collected. A score of 19.6% was achieved; the score represent the highest thus far, which is very impressive. Part of this reason is making the QSEN (Quality safety in education for nursing) transparent. Students also share reflection of how they achieve QSEN in a reflective note weekly. The data collected is comparable to the last cohort. Will continue to trend. Due to the limited data; it’s difficult to explain the discrepancy between all the cohorts. More data will be needed to assess this section objectively (using Kaplan results). Should students be expected to meet the national average score of 44% in their first year of Nursing School in Professionalism? More discussion may be needed to determine what % should be set for first year students. Because of the inconsistencies of the result; it is best to wait for another set of scores. Another item that can be considered to trend is Management of Care – which was scored at 85.9% for this cohort (F2014). The national norm for this item is 89%. Result: Continue to maintain written clinical performance evaluation of students in nursing process of adult clients. Will continue to monitor Teamwork and Collaboration data Will discuss % of first year students in Kaplan section: Teamwork and Collaboration when more data is collected next semester. Will trend Management of Care from Kaplan results starting Fall, 2014 Will consider adding the results for Management of Care from Kaplan to the criteria to allow for an objective perspective Continue to maintain and monitor written clinical evaluation tools and anecdotal notes of clinical instructors. Will continue to monitor trends for the “Making Nursing Judgment” section and assess for improvement Will continue to monitor for “Safe & Effective Care” to establish a reliable approach to increase safety in nursing practice Will consider changing the % of “Making Nursing Judgment” section since historically (aside from the S2013 class), students tend to not score high 100% of students in Fall, 2014 (46/46) received “satisfactory” performance on the weekly clinical evaluation Per Kaplan, “Making Nursing Judgment” section, students scored 67%, which is below the national norm of 77%. Please keep in mind that the M/S comprehensive exam is designed for students completing the 4th semester. In comparison to the last group (71.6%), this group did not perform quite as well. Until we have more data, it’s difficult to determine what a good goal is for first year students in this section. Making Nursing Judgment Spring 2013 Students will score a 70% on the Kaplan exam; section “Making Nursing Judgment” Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 71.30% 67.10% 56.8% 68.3% This section should be used for the Student Learning Outcome: Formulate clinical judgments in practice that promote the health of patients” – It is more appropriate for that category – will consider changing item to meet the aforementioned objective next semester. Norms were recently updated on Kaplan website for “Safe & Effective Care.” Students scored 64.5%. The score is showing a downward trend from the previous 2 collection results in the same category. S2014 – 66.8% and F2013 – 67.1%. And the result is lower than the national normal of 71% N325 Fall, 2014 2 2 Provide safe, patientcentered care Provide safe, patientcentered care Mean: WCET (rubrics), observation by clinical instructor, electronic documentation, use of Handoff Communication Tool, SBAR Communication Tool, pre and post conference, Documentation using paper and Pencil, Weekly Nursing Care plans, Teaching Plans. Current data is more consistent with the trend of not meeting the national norm for this section; however, more data still is required to conclude accurately. Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 54.40% 66.8% 53.8% Will maintain baseline at 70% when analyzing “Making Nursing Judgment” section. More data needs to be completed before another set % is considered Continue to maintain and monitor written clinical evaluations tools and anecdotal notes of clinical instructors to ensure passage of patient centered care item on WCET Will continue to monitor and trend the patient centered care portion of Kaplan M/S comprehensive exam and record patterns for improvement Will continue to monitor section on “Meeting client needs: psychosocial & physical” per Kaplan for Spring, 2015 Continue to maintain and monitor written clinical evaluations tools Norms were recently updated on Kaplan website for “Safety and Infection Control.” Students scored 53.8%. This cohort did roughly the same as Fall 2013 cohort. Will need more data to analyze what is the underlying issue in this category. Result: 100% of students in Fall, 2014 (46/46) received “satisfactory” performance on the weekly clinical evaluation. For Fall of 2014, students scored 42.4% on Patient Centered Care category. This is the first time data from this category is collected. Will need more information before making baseline analysis of appropriate percentage. Another item to consider trending next semester is “Basic care and comfort.” The students in this group scored 63.3% with a national norm of 69%. Criteria: 80% of nursing students will demonstrate competence in using a variety of communication, including written documentation as evidenced by achieving an overall “Satisfactory” rating for Competency IV in 5 out of 7 weeks. Students will meet the national norm of 55% on the Patient Centered Care section of the Kaplan exam Other consideration which has been trend previously were “Meeting Physical and Psychosocial Client Needs.” Physical Section: 1, 4 Assimilate effectively within Practice as a member of the nursing team Mean: WCET (rubrics), observation by clinical instructor, electronic documentation, use of Handoff Communication Tool, SBAR Norm Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 71% 72.3% 71.4% 87.2% 71.4% Psychosocial Section: Norm Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 79% 56.30% 53.8% 63.3% 52.2% Students achieved 52.2% on “Meeting client needs: psychosocial” section; it is important to note that students in the semester did not have psych rotation. The national average is 79%. The results show consistency from previous collection, but one. Will continue to collect data for pattern and trend. Result: 100% achieved a rate of “Satisfactory” in the clinical setting; 46 students assigned to N325 Fall, 2014 3 nursing and interprofessional teams fostering effective communicati on to achieve quality patient care utilizing effective communicatio n strategies Communication Tool, pre and post conference, Documentation using paper and Pencil, Weekly Nursing Care plans, Teaching Plans. Clinical for Nursing 325 Communication score on M/S Comprehensive Exam Per Kaplan comprehensive exam for Fall 2014, students scored 72.3%, which was lowered than previous group. The percentage data from the last group (87.2%) was too impressive, so it cannot be used as a baseline. More data will need to be collected to set our own nursing baseline. and anecdotal notes of clinical instructors to ensure passage of communication item on WCET Will continue to monitor and trend the communication portion of Kaplan M/S comprehensive exam and record patterns for improvement Continue to maintain and monitor written clinical evaluations tools and anecdotal notes of clinical instructors to ensure passage of Evidence Based Practice item on WCET Will continue to monitor and trend the Evidence Based Practice portion of Kaplan M/S comprehensive exam and record patterns for improvement Will consider using the Final exam for N325 to analyze if students meet this learning objective for Spring of 2015 assessment. Continue to monitor. Emphasize more focus on interdisciplinary approach in pre and post nursing conferences. Criteria: 80% of nursing students will demonstrate competence in using a variety of communication, including written documentation as evidenced by achieving an overall “Satisfactory” rating for Competency V in 5 out of 7 weeks. 2 Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise for optimal health care Incorporate evidencebased practices which support clinical reasoning Students will meet the national norm of 72% on the Communication section of the Kaplan exam Mean: WCET Tool Rubric for Competency VI - rubric that pertain to teaching plan., Nursing history and assessment tool, PreEducation Kaplan score for the Evidence Based Practice section. Result: 100% of students accomplished this learning objective while in the clinical setting in 5 out 7 weeks. Per Kaplan exam, students in Fall of 2014 scored 66% on Evidence Based Practice category. While this cohort did not meet the national average norm of 70%, it is pretty good to see that the first year nursing students can incorporate evidence-based practices, which is the core of clinical reasoning and future nursing practice Criteria: 80% of nursing students will adapt teaching-learning strategies to promote health and provide therapeutic intervention for patients and their family as evidenced by receiving a rating of “satisfactory” on the WCET. 5 Describe strategies for improving outcomes of care in clinical practice Utilize a variety of sources to review outcomes of care Mean: WCET Tool Rubric for Competency VII, Hand off communication tool, Multidisciplinary care plan. Discharge rounds. Result: 100% of students accomplished this learning objective while in the clinical setting in 5 out 7 weeks. Criteria: Student weekly nursing history and assessment form. 80% of nursing students will participate in interdisciplinary team Conferences with the primary nurse and other members of health care team to promote continuity of care for patients and the facilities as evidenced by receiving a Unable to obtain consistency in student participation in discharge planning and interdisciplinary teams among the clinical sites for N325; it is difficult to measure this SLO in the clinical area due to the limited knowledge base of students in their first year. Kaplan comprehensive exam was reviewed and was deemed that “Management of Care” could be an item used to evaluate this section, objectively. N325 Fall, 2014 4 Will monitor “Management of Care” on Kaplan to trend data for further analysis. Will add “Management rating of “satisfactory: on the clinical evaluation tool. Management of Care National Norm 89% Fall 2013 92.5% Spring 2014 68.2 Fall 2014 85.9 In comparison to the last cohort, this current group’s score is more consistent to the national norm. However, due to the limited data collected; it is more appropriate to gather more information before a conclusion is made. of Care” to criteria to next semester assessment Will monitor “Reduction of Risk Potential” data. Will continue to monitor Competency VIII using the WCET Will request for faculty input as to what is an appropriate Kaplan data that is fitting for this SLO for next semester. 3 Incorporate information and technology to communicate , manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making Utilize technology to research patient information and communicate with interprofession al teams Means: WCET Tool Rubric for Competency VIII. A data item on Kaplan that may be fitting for this section is “Reduction of Risk Potential” – it is appropriate to evaluate that section to evaluate SLO # 7. The students in this cohort scored 75.8%. The national norm is 74%. The students exceeded in this section despite the first year. More data will need to be gathered for an appropriate analysis. Result: Criteria: 80% of students will demonstrate competency VIII behaviors at a satisfactory level 5out of the 7 clinical weeks 100% of students accomplished this learning objective while in the clinical setting in 5 out 7 weeks. *All affiliate hospitals are using informatics for charting, so data collected in this SLO will be consistent with real-time technology N325 Fall, 2014 5